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My Cup Of Chai
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Posted 05-13-2008 at 01:30 PM by My Cup Of Chai

[color=#4d4135]Hello and welcome to my blog. Hopefully I'll actually get some use out of this though I have been known to start up journal-things and then forget about them. So let's just say you have been warned.

On to an actual "blog post"....

Right now I'm kind of in limbo as far as my life goes. I'm currently looking for a job and also deciding where I want to live. While I'm figuring these two things out I'm staying with my parents in Edmond (that's in Oklahoma in case you were wondering).

Basically it's down to that I have to get a job up in Edmond, at least for now, but then I can either choose to stay here or move down to Norman where all of my friends are living. I've lived in Norman before so it wouldn't be a major change for me.

The big decision comes to whether I want to save up enough money to make payments on a small house or not. If I do that it means staying in one place for at least three years, and with my nomadic personality that might be a bit hard. And if I do that it most likely means me staying in Edmond because I like the overall city better and all of my family is up here. But then I wouldn't get to see my friends as much and I might become lonely....but will all of my friends still be in Norman over the next few years? Decisions, decisions.

Moving on to non-real life occurances.....

I think I'm going to keep a running tab of my mene quest here. I have a thread but I hardly ever use it.

Originally I was questing for all the CIs and EIs that I didn't have, but I've put that off until I can purchase monthly CIs to barter with. So now I am working on high-end commons, basically going from most expensive downwards. I've already created a list of each store's items. However I still need to add the "female only" items. : X As of now the list takes up about twenty pages on Word. I'm gonna have lots of fun. xP ♥♥♥[/color][/B][/SIZE]
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