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Estrella 08-26-2008 01:16 AM

Champagne Supernova - Hiatus & such.
_____Where were you while we were getting high?


Welcome to Champagne Supernova. There are many contests to choose from so just keep on reading if any of them sound good to you! And if not, you could always apply for a donation! Everyone gets a donation! Just follow the rules! So, come in, write a story, dress up an avatar or whatever!

_____General Rules
  1. Before you can post ANY application for ANY service from this thread, I am requesting that you post at least THREE times in general conversation.
  2. You may apply for a donation and participate in the contests.
  3. Follow Mene's ToS.
  4. One donation per person. Which also means don't keep coming back and resubmitting donation applications.
  5. You may enter more than one contest at a time.
  6. If I don’t like ANY of the entries for the contests, I reserve the right to not award any prizes.
  7. Read the instructions for each contest carefully.

_____Charity Mule

Everyone meet Broseph! The Champagne Supernova Charity Mule!

He's our own little down-to-earth surfer with a special pull with the ladies (or so he thinks). His real name is Chad Joseph but he will only answer to Broseph.

Any and all donations to the charity should be sent to Broseph.

_____Table of Contents
Introduction/Rules/Broseph - Donations/Page Prizes - CI Raffle -Writing Contests - Avatar Contests - I Missed the Event - Games - Donators - Links Out - Misc Stuff

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:19 AM


Here's how to get a donation!

1. Read the rule.
2. Post the application in the thread.

That's all there is to it! Simple, right?


[b]Quest Link[/b] (Not required)

Page Contests

_____Page Prize
Every 20 pages I will give the first poster on that page 500g. No application necessary but those of you who do not read the general rules in the first post, won't be awarded a page prize.

Next page prize: page 850

_____1337 Gold
Periodically through he pages I will donate to anyone who posts on that page enough gold to make their count read 1337. As long as...

1. Winners must give me to time to get screen shots done.
2. Your gold count must be UNDER 1337 well before the page.
----> For example: If I see someone with 2000 gold a page back suddenly have 0 on the winning page, I will not donate to them.

Next 1337 gold contest: page 1,000

_____Past Winners

Page PrizesX


Page 5: Cerenity (Celes Paradi Hairpin)
Page 10: puppylove#1 (Chilled Beauty)
Page 15: Tainted Innocence (Frozen Warmth)
Page 25: Cerenity (50g)
Page 35: Cerenity (70g)
Page 45: SeaMyth (90g)
Page 55: Kultura (110g)
Page 65: Chubbs (130g)
Page 75: FauxReal (150g)
Page 85: .Jazzed (170g)
Page 95: Chocolahim (190g)
Page 100: Mari Monn (Sunlit Laurels)
Page 105: EternalRaine323 (210g)
Page 115: BlackRose (230g)
Page 125: sadrain (250g)
Page 135: Lynn StarDragon (270g)
Page 145: Fauxreal (290g)
Page 155: Saravi Boo (310g)
Page 165: violetkitty (330g)
Page 175: ChaosSeeker (350g)
Page 185: None
Page 195: Saravi Boo (390g)
Page 200: Fauxreal (Three pairs stockings)
Page 205: Aaeza (410g)
Page 225: ChaosSeeker (500g)
Page 245: Aaeza (500g)
Page 265: dragonness129 (500g)
Page 285: No prize awarded. The winner never came back to see which rule they'd missed so I decided not to award a prize.
Page 305: [fox girl] (500g)
Page 325: Miiyako (500g)
Page 345: bethanynel (500g)
Page 385: [Pokered Face] (500g)
Page 425: Linnea (500g)
Page 465: Captain Howdy (500g)
Page 505: Saravi Boo (500g)
Page 545: shadow_universe (500g)
Page 585: Saravi Boo (500g)
Page 625: Saravi Boo (500g)
Page 665: No winner.
Page 666: xelao, scholar, BellyButton (100g each)
Page:705: Saravi Boo
Page 745: Saravi Boo
Page 785: No winner.
Page 825: jo18
Page 865: Linnea
Page 905: No winner.
Page 625.2: LizzyCollinsDeArc (500g)
Page 645.2: Seridano
Page 685.2: zigbigadorlube
Page 715: zigbigadorlube
Page 735: Beloved
Page 755: No winner.
Page 850:

1337 GoldX
Sayomi - 267.84
Leerah - 580.67
Aaeza - 1309.64
dragonness129 - 1298.95
The Liztress - 1148.4
Leerah = 1146.82
blueblackrose = 1249.54 + 44.52 ( I think I typod on this one somehow XD)
Saravi Boo = 1293.1

Introduction/Rules/Broseph - Donations/Page Prizes - CI Raffle -Writing Contests - Avatar Contests - I Missed the Event - Games - Donators - Links Out - Misc Stuff

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:23 AM

CI Raffle

This is going to be a bit different from most raffles where you would normally pay gold for the tickets. For this raffle POSTS pay for the ticket. Here's how it will work.
  1. Post the application and ping Broseph, the charity mule. (Type @ Broseph ; without the spaces).
  2. Ping Broseph (in this thread) once a day.
  3. I will keep track of your tickets.
  4. The drawing will be held at the end of the month.
  5. NEW You must stop by this thread at least three times for any of your tickets to count. If I notice that you've only pinged Broseph once or twice while I'm updating at the end, I will remove you from the contest.

Please note: If you've participated in the raffle before, you don't have to worry about the application.

Start Date: December 02, 2011
End Date: December 16, 2011


[size=4][b]CI Raffle[/b][/size]
[b]Do you have a quest thread?:[/b]
[b]When did you join Menewsha?:[/b]


Raven Anklewings

Previous WinnersX

Kultura - Raven Anklewings
The Liztress & SesshysMiko - Raven Wings
Seridano - Dove Wings
Linnea - Spirit of the Phoenix
neller - Spirit of Atlantis
LizzyCollinsDeArc - Peacock Scythe
neller - Eyes of the Wild
zigbigadorlube - Something, I apparently didn't put down.
zigbigadorlube & Dmitri Blair - Dove Anklewings
Rozalyne - Glacial Circlet
zigbigadorlube - dove wings
scholar - fox hat

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:35 AM

Writing Contest: InactiveX

Writing Contests

These contests will be all about the written word.



_____Past Writing Contests

Haiku for Sugar CookieX


Saravi Boo ---
Drool runs down my chin.
Sweet aromas fill the air.
Gimme dem COOKIES!

The Liztress---
What I would do for
A Strawberry Sugar Cookie?
I'd kiss Estrella!

Crazy pink haired girl
Yum, Cookies for the masses
Give me mine now, please.

Damaru the Fallen---
Cookies do crumble
In My stomach they tumble
Smile on my face

Buttery morsel
Elude me no more! Must you
Mock me, sweet demon!

Hooch ContestX


Originally Posted by First Place - Seito
Skull Pub

Summary: It’s hard being the only sane person in the room.


Seika wasn’t quite sure what to make of the situations really. She couldn’t explain why she at Skull Pub at this hour of the night either. It was all very strange. Speaking of strange…

“Why are we dressed as pirates?”

“Because it’s fun?” was the response from her best friend Hotaru. Seika stared at her. Hotaru smiled. “That and the rules of the pub say you can’t come in unless you’re dressed as a pirate!”

Seika looked around. It was true. The patrons of the pub were dressed in the oddest fashion, with eye patches, gold chains and bright colored rags. Did that fellow have a parrot sitting on his head?

“Alright fine. I’ll accept why we’re dressed pirates, but why are we at a pub?” Seika demanded. Her voice dropped into a low hiss. “What do you think people will think if it was discovered their Queen, the most powerful magic user in all of Chess.” Seika pause her sentence look behind her spotting Kai in the corner. “And the King was at a pub, getting drunk?”

Hotaru picked up her drink from the counter and swished it before taking a sip. “Oh relax. No one is going to notice us. If they do and have a problem with it, they should try doing my job for a day,” she said with a snort. “On the brink of war, politics and a bunch of elders who haven’t approved of me since I took the throne nearly ten years ago at the age of 16,” she muttered to herself. “I should fire the lot.”

Seika resisted the urge to slam her head into the counter. “And if someone tries to attack you or the castle?”

“Shinki is watching the castle along with everyone else who is too young to drink or simply didn’t want to come. The castle is fine. As for someone attacking me, well that’s why you’re here my dear knight.”

Seika opened her mouth to reply before a guy wearing a blue bandana came up to them and swung his arms around their shoulders. “Hello lassies. Why don’t we –“

He was cut off when he found a tiny dagger pressed against his throat by Seika. “I wouldn’t do that,” Hotaru said in a sing-song voice. “She doesn’t like guys hitting on her.”

Wisely and quickly the guy disappeared back into the masses of people of the pub.

“Relax Seika,” Hotaru ordered. “It’s just one night.”

Seika snorted. “Please, the last time you said that, I woke up with pink hair. The time before that, the entire castle was covered in soap, the time before that every single piece of food disappeared from the kitchen, the time before that the entire water supply was turned into orange juice, the time before that—“

“That wasn’t my fault!” Hotaru interrupted. “You know darn well Raikiri was the one who filled the castle with soap, turn the water into juice and made the food disappear, I never did figure that out, and Ita, your fiancée is the one who dyed your hair pink.” She gestured to two men at the end of the counter standing near Kai. The black hair man who was juggling balls of fire and clearly drunk was Ita while the silver hair one was Raikiri, encouraging him on and just as drunk. “Ita is lucky fire magic is fairly common otherwise our so called cover would have been blow ages ago.”

Seika twitched and made a mental note to sentence her fiancée to sleep on the couch for the next two months.

“That’s not the point,” Seika hissed. “The only reason why Ita did that was because Raikiri got him drunk. Do you remember why Raikiri got Ita drunk in the first place? Why the hell the soap appeared, the food disappeared and the water turned to juice in the first place?”

“Raikiri found some hooch,” Hotaru replied instantly. Then she stopped and slowly the pieces of the puzzles clicked into place.


“Exactly,” Seika hissed. “So what do you think is going to happen when Raikiri get drunk enough?”

Hotaru’s eyes widen. Then she picked up her glass, drowned down the rest of the clear liquid and then asked, “Is it too late to run?”


Seika snarled. “I AM NOT PAYING FOR THAT!”


Originally Posted by Second Place - Saravi Boo
"The Legend of the Golden Hooch"

Long ago, a girl named Amy eked out a mundane existence as a barmaid, at a pub called the Salty Wench. The retired sailor who owned the bar had taken her in as a child and she'd worked for him ever since.

Amy was eighteen when the old man showed up. He chose a table in a darkened corner and faced the door. He had a scar from his hairline to his chin, his eyes watched the room nervously, and he walked with a pronounced limp. Months passed and he became a frequent customer.

He kept to himself, and Amy had long ceased to wonder about him when everything changed. It was a typical night; the old man had just settled into his corner, customers were pouring in as she took his order. Suddenly, his black eyes went wide and he lurched to his feet with surprising speed. Before Amy could react, he caught her arm and pulled her in close.

"Help me, girl." He whispered harshly, glancing towards the door. "They've found me. Damn their hides. I'm so me get clear of them."

Amy glanced towards the door and spotted several burly men bearing well-used weapons and grim expressions. They hadn't yet been spotted, so Amy ducked under the old man's arm and started towards the kitchen door.

Just as they slipped out, she heard someone yell. All pretense of stealth abandoned, she and the old man took off as fast as he could run. With Amy for a crutch, he managed a respectable pace. He directed her through the city to a cave by the sea shore. Sounds of pursuit had faded, the men not being as familiar with the city as their quarry.

The old man limped over and pulled a satchel of supplies out from behind a boulder. "Come on, girl." He lit a torch and set off into the cave.

Amy took one last look out at the darkening sky before following the older man into the pitch black caves. It soon became obvious that this was where he'd spent most of his time since his arrival in the small city. He walked purposefully through the maze of caverns. Amy noticed the remains of a number of sprung traps and once they had to cross a plank set over a gaping pit.

"Where are we going?" She finally asked, grimacing as her voice echoed through the passageways.

"I've found it. They say it's a myth, but it's not."

"Found what?" Amy asked, beginning to wonder if she was following a madman.

"The Golden Hooch, girl." The old man grinned back over his shoulder. "The Hooch can make you young and healthy forever with a single sip, but if you ever drink another the spell will be broken."

Amy nodded, she'd heard the story but she'd always assumed it was just a legend. "You think it's here?" She asked incredulously.

"I know it is. It's there..." He stopped walking as they reached a sheer stone wall and pointed upwards. High in the wall was a small depression and the torchlight flashed off something gold, securely nestled on the rock shelf. "I just can't get to it." He admitted. "Can you?"

Amy peered at the faintly glittering jug. The ground below the niche was littered with debris from the old man's attempts to carve better footholds into the rock face, but there were some crevices she could use. She tied her skirt up to knee length. Blushing at the immodesty of showing her bloomers, she started up the rock wall.

It was a grueling climb, but at last her fingers touched the gold handle. "Catch." She shouted, pulling the jug from it's position.

She felt a stinging pain in her hand and the jug tumbled from suddenly nerveless fingers. She dimly heard the man yell that he had it, just as the numbness reached her other hand and she followed the treasure to the ground. Merciful blackness claimed her before she hit the stone floor.

Amy came to feeling wonderful. "How?" She asked in bewilderment. "There was a trap...and I fell..."

The old man grinned, "The Hooch works." He explained, lifting the jug and preparing to drink.

Suddenly, a shot pierced the thin gold jug and caught the old man in the chest. Amy screamed and lunged for him, as the precious Hooch spilled out onto the floor unheeded. A second shot hit her in the stomach but the wound healed in seconds.

Amy grabbed the broken jug and peered inside. There was barely a swallow left, but it might be enough to save him...or enough to give her back her normal life. She blinked at the thought, hesitating for just a moment.

Decision made, she poured the golden liquid into the dying man's mouth. Nothing happened. She could hear the men from the pub approaching and she turned to face them. "Leave me alone!" She yelled, fighting back tears. The Hooch was gone and it hadn't saved the old man. Now she would be alone forever.

"You'd best listen to the lady, lads." A voice said over her shoulder.

Amy spun and gaped. Where the old man had lain, a grinning young one stood, wielding a pair of flintlock pistols. Gone was the scar and his gait was smooth as he stepped around her, but the eyes were the same sharp black.

Within moments the shooting ended. The three pirates lay dead, and the two immortals stood in awkward silence.

The man spoke first. "My name's Jason." He said gruffly, extending his hand. "Thought you'd wanna know."

Amy blinked and took the proffered hand. "I'm Amy." She mumbled. "What should we do now?"

"Well, I suppose we'd best stick together, right?"

Relieved, Amy nodded.

The two of them made their way out of the cave. 'I won't be alone anymore,' she thought, giving Jason's warm, calloused hand a squeeze. She found herself smiling brightly as he returned the gesture. Maybe eternity wouldn't be so bad.

The End


Originally Posted by Third Place - Dystopia
Author has asked me not to show the story.

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:38 AM

Avatar Contests: InactiveX

Avatar Contests
These contests are all about creating avatars.

Here's how to play:

1. Post the application in the thread.
2. PM me the submission.
3. Add "slowly walking down the hall" to your post.
4. I will be judging the avatars on five categories, each worth 20pts for a total of 100pts possible.
5. You may use DAC/MAC or your own items.

_____Estrella Themed Avatars

Judging CategoriesX

1. Shades of chosen colors used.
2. Balance of the use of color.
3. Business of the avatar [i.e. how many items are used]
4. Layering.
5. Scaling of how much I like the avatar as a whole.


[size=4][b]I WANT TO DAC WITH YOU![/b][/size]
[b]Do you have a quest?[/b]
[b]What are YOUR favorite colors?[/b]

Cosplay Contests - INACTIVEX

_____Cosplay Themed Avatars

Judging CategoriesX

1. Representation of character
2. Representation of the movie.
3. Use of items (i.e. clever layering)
4. Flow of outfit (i.e. was an item used that fit the character but stood out like a sore thumb?)
5. How I like the avatar overall

Start date:
End date:


[size=4][b]I WANT TO DAC WITH YOU![/b][/size]
[b]Character Name:[/b]



_____Past Winners

Past DACsX


Originally Posted by Blue/black/purple:
1st Place: Arisu [Avatar (The first one)]
2nd Place: Cherry Flavored Antacid [Avatar]
3rd Place: Cerenity [Avatar]


Originally Posted by Black/White:
1st Place: Kultura [Avatar]
2nd Place: Cerenity [Avatar]
3rd Place: Izumi [Avatar]


Originally Posted by Black/Orange:
1st Place: lunanuova [Avatar]
2nd Place: Keyori [Avatar]
3rd Place: Faggotry Fun [Avatar]


Originally Posted by Pink/Blue:
1st Place: Bonnie [Avatar]
2nd Place: Keyori [Avatar]


Originally Posted by Red/Gold


1st - dragoness129Avatar
2nd - Kultura Avatar
3rd - Linnea Avatar[/quote]

1st - Saravi Boo Avatar
2nd - Tie; Kulture Avatar and blueblackrose Avatar
3rd - Linnea Avatar



Originally Posted by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
1st - Saravi Boo Avi
2nd - Linnea Avi
3rd - blueblackrose Avi

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:40 AM

Event Items Contest: INACTIVEX

I Missed the Event!

If you enter and WIN; you may not reenter the contest immediately following! Here's what you have to do:
  1. Fill out the form and post it in the thread.
  2. Roll a 50-sided dice [type: [di ce]50[/di ce] without the spaces] once a day.
  3. Each item in an EI set will be assigned a number between 1-50.
  4. The person who "collects" the most items from a set wins the set.

Start date: Whenever I get the first entry
End date: Whenever all items have been rolled.


To Apply:

[size=4]I ROLL UP[/size]


Red and Green Present (Candy Canes) #22

Purple Spotted Present (Winter Cloaks) #28

Little Teal Present (Snowflake Plushie Pillows) #48

Big Present (Snow Cat) #41

Green Present (Winter Nights Background) #37

Future PrizesX

Halloween '08 (holding onto it 'til later)
Festival Winter Nights '08
Valentine's Day '09
Easter '09
Celes Paradi '09
Halloween '09
Festival Winter Nights '09 (x2)
Valentine's Day '10
Easter '10 (x5)
St. Patrick's Day '10
Phoenix Jubilee '10 (x2)
Halloween '10 Rare Set
Halloween '10 NPC Candy Set


Past WinnersX

Celes Pardi Round 1: Dyl@nD!shaw
Halloween 2007: Saravi Boo
Valentine's Day 2008: Linnea
Easter '08 - Barba the Lamb: Izumi
April Fool's '08: The_Crow
Phoenix Jubilee '08: neller
Celes Paradi '08 - LizzyCollinsDeArc

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:43 AM





_____Past Games

I SpyX


_____I Spy
This game is going to be a forum version of the books I Spy! Here’s how to play!

1. I will post a game board every other day. (There are 8 game boards total).
2. There will be six underneath the game board.
3. Each clue will have clues assigned to it depending on the difficulty.
4. First come, first serve! One clue, per person, per game board, please!
5. When you find the object, just use the game board to tell me where it is.
6. Just post the application, with your object, and I will award points.

Leerah - 52
Kultura - 44
Saravi Boo - 36
Fulkth - 27
xelao - 24
dragoness129 - 16
The Liztress - 14
Linnea - 5

Birthday Bash for yr 2X


We will be celebrating our birthday from AUGUST 26TH 2010 - SEPTEMBER 2 2010.

Champagne Supernova is two years old! :shock:
I can't believe how fast the time flies!

To celebrate this special occasion we'll be giving out some Menewsha commemorative items.
There are TWO WAYS that you can participate.

But first, I'd like to set some rules.

1. Your account must be at THREE months old to play.
2. What you do with the items/prizes is up to you.
3. You may not participate in Level 11 if you have the item already.
4. You may have your name in each level TWICE.
5. I reserve the right to changes these as I see fit.

See how each level of prizes is assigned a NUMBER IN RED?
Well, that's how many posts you need IN THIS THREAD to get your name into the drawing for those prizes.

Just post this application at any time:

That's it!

We're gonna' play a game!

See the NUMBER IN BLUE next to each level?
Those are the number of correct answers you will need to have your name in that drawing.
  • The game will be a simple music/lyrics game.
  • I will post some incorrect lyrics like:
  • Quote:

    What you've got boy is hard to mime
  • And the first person to post the CORRECT lyrics is given the "point."
  • There will be two rounds per day.
  • Each round will be 20 questions long.
  • Your points will carry on into furture rounds.
  • I will announce that a round is starting TEN minutes before it does.

Just post this application when you see my announcement

*There will need to be at least two people MINIMUM for a round to go.

Thanks for coming to celebrate the 2 year anniversary of my charity!

This is a game for those people who do not like fast paced lyrics game. Or you just may not be able to make it when I'm hosting a round.

This game is a long list of rebus puzzles. Which is normally done with pictures to represent words or phrases. The rebus puzzles for this game use a clever arrangement or formatting of text to represent different words or phrases.



would be "THE BIG APPLE"

The green number next to each level represents how many you need to get right to reach that level.


Please do not use Google. Just answers as many as you can figure out and send them to me in a PM.

Here's the puzzles:

The World












:heart: :heart::heart:

C Yourself Yourself Yourself Yourself













O o



Level 1 Winners - 100g in commons:
1. Woodlandnymph
2. Kultura
3. Dystopia
4. Leerah
5. The Liztress

Level 2 Winners - 200g in commons:
1. blueblackrose
2. Dystopia
3. Saravi Boo
4. LizzyCollinsDeArc
5. Car'a'Carn

Level 3 Winner - Yumeh Scarf
1. dragoness129

Level 4 Winners - 500g in Commons:
1. Dystopia
2. Seito
3. The_Crow
4. Car'a'Carn

Level 5 Winner - Yumeh Cat Hair Pin
1. Apricot

Level 6 Winners - 1,000g in Commons
1. xelao
2. dragoness129

Level 7 Winners - Birthday Cake Hat (Blue)
1. blueblackrose
2. The_Crow

Level 8 Winners - Iridescent Jelly Squid
1. Seito
2. dragoness129

Level 9 Winner - Ltd. Edition Bday Cake
1. Saravi Boo

Level 10 Winners - Les Voiles d'Or
1. xelao
2. Linnea

Level 11 Winner - Welcome T
1. Saravi Boo

Word LadderX

_____Letter Ladder
  1. Read the rules for the thread!
  2. Post your answers
  3. Please submit only one guess per board per day. However, you may submit again if after 6 hours there has been no other guesses.
  4. Each CORRECT guess is worth 1 point, if you are the person to solve a board you get 2 points.
  5. You can only change one answer at a time. Example:


    Originally Posted by Example
    Start: Bars
    Letter Change 1: Baas
    Letter Change 2: Boas
    Letter Change 3: Boar
    Letter Change 4: Soar
    Finish: Soap

  6. Each board will have four letter changes.

Board 2:
Start: Folk
Letter Change 1: Fork (Seridano)
Letter Change 2: Fore (neller)
Letter Change 3: Ford (The_Crow)
Letter Change 4: Lord (The_Crow)
Finish: Lore

Board 3:
Start: Junk
Letter Change 1: Gunk (neller)
Letter Change 2: Funk (Saravi Boo)
Letter Change 3: Fund (Saravi Boo)
Letter Change 4: Fond (neller)
Finish: Food

Board 4:
Start: Nail
Letter Change 1: Bail (neller)
Letter Change 2: Bait (neller)
Letter Change 3: Brit (neller)
Letter Change 4: Brat (neller)
Finish: Brad

Board 5:
Start: Eyes
Letter Change 1: Dyes (neller)
Letter Change 2: Wyes (neller)
Letter Change 3: Waes (Saravi Boo)
Letter Change 4: Wars (neller)
Finish: Ears


[b]I have a guess for...[/b]
Board #:
Letter Change #:

Seridano - 1
neller - 12
The_Crow - 3
Saravi Boo - 5

Birthday Bash for yr. 3X

We will be celebrating our birthday from AUGUST 21st 2011 - AUGUST 27th 2011
Champagne Supernova is three years old! :shock:
I can't believe how fast the time flies!

To celebrate this special occasion we'll be giving out a LOT of fun prizes!
There are TWO WAYS that you can participate.

But first, I'd like to set some rules.

1. You must...something, I'm sure.
2. What you do with the items/prizes is up to you.
3. You may not participate in Level 11 if you have the item already.
4. You may have your name in each level TWICE.
5. I reserve the right to changes these as I see fit.

_____1. Posting in this thread!

See how each level of prizes is assigned a NUMBER IN RED?
Well, that's how many posts you need IN THIS THREAD to get your name into the drawing for those prizes.

Just post this application at any time:

[b][size=6][color=red]I WANNA POST MY WAY TO THE TOP:[/b][/size][/color]
Join Date:

That's it!

_____2. Playing a game!

We're gonna' play a game, as well!

See the NUMBER IN BLUE next to each level?
Those are the number of points you'll need to get your name in the level.
  • The game will be a dice game.
  • Each player will roll one 6-sided dice and be awarded [or subtracted points] based on that roll.
  • The player with the most points at the end of the game will win an additional prize!
  • The list of how each roll ranks is listed below.
  • There will be two rounds per day. One in the AM and one in the PM [hopefully!]
  • Each round will last around 30 minutes.
  • Your points will be added together at the end of each round to determine your tier.
  • I will announce that a round is starting TEN minutes before it does.

Just post this when you see my announcement:
[color=red]Luck be a lady tonight![/color]

Rolling a 1, 5, or 4 = +1 point
Rolling a 2 = +5
Rolling a 3 = -2
Rolling a 6 = +3

*I reserve the right to change the point scale.
*There will need to be at least two people MINIMUM for a round to go.

This is a game for those people who do not like the dice game. Or you just may not be able to make it when I'm hosting a round.

It's simply a word scramble. PLEASE PM YOUR ANSWERS TO ME! Do not post them in the thread! Each answer is worth 1 point.

1. enunstd
2. onzaicittimalac
3. sehssrngai
4. ennaoodrtcisnoni
5. ihtegfr
6. eahlw
7. niclygc
8. roocl
9. crathalde
10. mniuem
11. salceceo
12. blael
13. speru
14. oykhoc
15. thocu
16. rheobt
17. shhu
18. ixn
19. hlaao
20. uhaenc

Round 1 - Zigbigadorlube
Round 2 - Saravi Boo & Carn
Round 3 - zigbigadorlube
Round 4 - Rozalyne
Round 5 - Linnea
Round 6 - zigbigadorlube
Round 7 - zigbigadorlube
Round 8 - LizzyCollinsDeArc

500g each

Zigbigadorlube - 1,000g - most posts

Tier 1 - Sprocket Hammer Set:
1. Car'a'Carn
2. LizzyCollinsDeArc
3. Saravi Boo
4. Car'a'Carn
5. Rozalyne
6. zigbigadorlube
7. zigbigadorlube
8. zigbigadorlube
9. Rozalyne
10. Saravi Boo

Tier 2 - 100g:
1. LizzyCollinsDeArc
2. zigbigadorlube
3. Car'a'Carn
4. Rozalyne
5. Rozzalyne
6. LizzyCollinsDeArc
7. zigbigadorlube
8. Linnea
9. LizzyCollinsDeArc
10. Rozalyne

Tier 3 - candy stick of random color:
4.Saravi Boo
6. Car'a'Carn
7. Linnea
8. Car'a'Carn

Tier 4 - Dark heart halo:

Tier 5 - squid hats:
1.Saravi Boo

Tier 6 - bday cake hats:

Tier 7 - Chilly & warm fuzzies:
1. Linnea
2. Rozalyne

Tier 8 - 5,000g:
1. Car'a'Carn
2.Saravi Boo
3. Linnea

Tier 9 - Carnival Hairpin:
1. Car'a'Carn

Tier 10 - Yumeh Grab Bags

Tier 11 - Bertie bear
1. Linnea

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:52 AM


DariaMorgendorfer (several times!)
Vicktoria Valentine
Mr Mayor
Nalin Sun (several times!)
Izumi x2
Alexis Durem
The Menewsha Event Coordinating Team
Dmitri Blair

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:53 AM

Links Out


Dragoness129's Eternal Quest

Northern Downpour - The Liztress's Quest

Fauxreal's Quest

Butt pirates, searchin' fer some booty - Leerah's Quest

Saravi Boo's Endless Quest of Doom

: | zigbigadorlube's Quest | :


The Lint Pile -- The best prize is a SURprise! Each week it's a surprise from the Lint Pile!

The Game Emporium -- Lots of sweet games to play.

The Newbie's First Stop -- Another charity for that newbie looking for clothes.


Asthe Menewshan World Turns - The Liztress's Exchange

Estrella 08-26-2008 01:54 AM

Miscellaneous Stuff


_____Memorable Moments

I got the charity mules of the Game Emporium and HBFL into skirts.

Cherry Who? 08-27-2008 12:10 AM

Good luck with your new charity. ^^

Estrella 08-27-2008 01:05 AM

Thank you! :3

Dystopia 08-27-2008 02:02 AM

^^; Hello. I'll probably enter the MAC contest and apply once I get to know you a little better.

[Sexual Pancake] 08-27-2008 02:06 AM

Username: [Sexual Pancake]
Do you have a quest? Yeah, questing 850g for having sexy lingerie...If i'm gonna be in my undies I want them to be pretty XD (Questing Bustier of Betrayed Love + Basic Black Panties)
What are YOUR favorite colors? Mines? Violet, Red, Pink and black, but not all of them combined xD (Black with each one of those looks so good..)

My entries,'s one but I couldn't decide if it looks better with out without wings..

[edit] I PMed ya, sorry for posting this here...silly Pancake -___-'

Estrella 08-27-2008 02:13 AM

Dystopia: Okay. ;3

Sexual Pancakes: I was going to say you forgot something in your post buuuttt I wondered from the start whether the "Oasis" rule needed to be added to the contest rules as well. *will update the participants post*

Cerenity 08-27-2008 02:37 AM

What a nice charity! I'm definitely going to try my hand at some of the contests. (:

Estrella 08-27-2008 02:40 AM

You should. And feel free to apply for a donation, too. xD

Cerenity 08-27-2008 02:49 AM

I will, thank you!
Do you want me to turn in the Banner Contest form before I give you the banner or along with the banner?

[Sexual Pancake] 08-27-2008 02:55 AM


Originally Posted by Estrella (Post 3915471)
Dystopia: Okay. ;3

Sexual Pancakes: I was going to say you forgot something in your post buuuttt I wondered from the start whether the "Oasis" rule needed to be added to the contest rules as well. *will update the participants post*

I forgot it, I'm being pretty idiot today...

(I'm feeling really down at the moment, sorry if I'm not very talkative)

Estrella 08-27-2008 03:00 AM

Cerenity: You can fill out the form and PM the banners later. ;3

Pancake: It's okay. I LOVE the icon in your profile. xD

[Sexual Pancake] 08-27-2008 03:02 AM

Well..Thank you x3
I found it somewhere and thought it was perfect for me xD

Pancakes + Naughtyness = Win :roll:

Cerenity 08-27-2008 03:03 AM

Would you like me to post or PM the form?

Edit:Aaa, I need to leave, so I'll give it to you tomorrow!

Estrella 08-27-2008 03:03 AM

It made me lol. XD Well, I guess that's not saying much since I laugh at everything. But it does suit your username well.

Flink 08-27-2008 03:27 AM

-rolls around the charity, getting her scent all over it-

Estrella 08-27-2008 03:34 AM

I hope your scent attracts people to my charity ike flies to rotten meat, Flink. xD

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