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Slytherin Pride! ^_^
dragoness129 is offline
Old 07-30-2010, 03:35 AM

Yes, The Lint Fairy is such an adorable character!

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-30-2010, 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by Demoscout View Post
Have fun on your run (lol rhyming). Running = my enemy. I prefer to walk. Anyways, cya~
I decided not to run after all. It was around 93 degrees F today and I would probably have dropped dead. lol. But I added an extra block to the walk to make up for not running.

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
Psh, my charity mule is better 'cause he doesn't wear a shirt. :talk2hand:

xD Kidding~
I do have to say, that's a mark in his favor. :rofl:

A Refined Pervert
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Old 07-30-2010, 04:33 AM

I hate running. xD I much prefer walking.
Though, I'm trying to get in better shape so I do try and jog now and again.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-30-2010, 04:47 AM

I'm not a big running fan either. I don't have the stamina levels for it, I guess. I can walk long distances, but not run very far before I get worn out. xD;

But I want to do a certain amount of cardio to try to burn off some vanity pounds if I can. xD September is when I'll be going to Florida for a week and there will be pools and swimsuits involved. And also earlier in September is when I go to a convention and it'd be nice to look even better for that too.

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Old 07-30-2010, 04:50 AM

If running didn't make my whole body hurt, I wouldn't mind it so much. XD

I wanna' go to Hawaii.
I don't know about Flordia.
Unless it's for Disney World. :drool:

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Old 07-30-2010, 05:29 AM

Sidhe- I'm glad somebody got that one. I never had Tinkertoys myself but I remember my mother talking about them and I've seen them. That means I knew all of the game pieces. Well, I suppose it can't hurt that my first job was retail at a gaming store. Not only did I run all the trading card game leagues, but I also had to know all the other games like the back of my hand.

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 07-30-2010, 07:24 AM

Originally Posted by CK View Post
I'm not a big running fan either. I don't have the stamina levels for it, I guess. I can walk long distances, but not run very far before I get worn out. xD;

But I want to do a certain amount of cardio to try to burn off some vanity pounds if I can. xD September is when I'll be going to Florida for a week and there will be pools and swimsuits involved. And also earlier in September is when I go to a convention and it'd be nice to look even better for that too.
At least you have the motivation for it. I remember when I lost 30~40 lbs for a concert because I wanted to be able to fit into what I was gonna wear. xD All I did was eat better, though. Thennn...I got with my second (now ex) boyfriend and gained all the weight back, wewt!

A couple days ago, I went out for a walk and was out for 2~3 hours. I was butt tired by the time I got back. I know that going out for walks is decent exercise, but I'm also superr out of shape. :rofl:

Slytherin Pride! ^_^
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Old 07-30-2010, 06:30 PM

Hello everyone. ^_^

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-30-2010, 07:28 PM

My "Summertime" Avatar is here!
I call this avatar: Daisy Mae, the Country Gal

Well, here is my attempt at a "Summertime" avatar.

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Old 07-30-2010, 11:26 PM

Mmmm...watermelon. :drool:

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-31-2010, 12:30 AM

I know. I could go for some watermelon right now.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 07-31-2010, 12:43 AM

It's the perfect weather for some cool, crisp watermelon.

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-31-2010, 12:56 AM

I know. Shame I don't have the money for one. Or a watermelon patch. :( *light bulb goes off* I'll plant me a watermelon patch for next year!

The Lint Fairy
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Old 07-31-2010, 01:18 AM

Such a nice summertime avatar, Liztress! And what sweet comments from Demoscout and CK. :oops:

I'm terribly sorry it's been so quiet in here. Belly's a bit under the weather and does she ever get grumpy! Mousie and I have been trying to avoid her ire and her thrown cans and tissues by keeping ourselves scarce. Hopefully it will all be back to normal soon! <3

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-31-2010, 01:19 AM

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
I wanna' go to Hawaii.
I don't know about Flordia.
Unless it's for Disney World. :drool:
I've never been to Hawaii. I'd like to go. :drool: Maybe one day. xD I'd rather go back to Japan again than go to Hawaii. (More than Japan, I'd like to visit China for the first time. But I'm leery of going to any foreign country I don't speak the language or have a friend who speaks it to go with me.)

Yep, by the way. xD My Aussie friend who is visiting has never been here before, so we're taking her to Disney World and Universal Studios. :3

Originally Posted by Demoscout View Post
At least you have the motivation for it. I remember when I lost 30~40 lbs for a concert because I wanted to be able to fit into what I was gonna wear. xD All I did was eat better, though. Thennn...I got with my second (now ex) boyfriend and gained all the weight back, wewt!

A couple days ago, I went out for a walk and was out for 2~3 hours. I was butt tired by the time I got back. I know that going out for walks is decent exercise, but I'm also superr out of shape. :rofl:
In the bolded section I thought you said all you did was eat butter and I was going to say, "That is the most insane diet I've ever heard of. D:"

I'm slowly gearing myself up. For the last two days I've done basically a two-block walk instead of a one-block. It's really too hot right now to start out any higher. So I'll either have to wake up really early and do a longer walk before it gets into the 90s or walk after dark (but then I don't get conditioned to sunlight and, heck, it's almost 8:30pm and it's still in the 80s so it's not that much cooler at night and I might get run over by teenagers. u__u; )


EDIT: Poor Lint Fairy, Mousie and Belly! I hope Belly gets better soon. :hug:

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-31-2010, 01:22 AM

Thank you, O Fairy of the Lint. I do hope that Belly feels better soon.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 07-31-2010, 01:57 AM

Liz ~ I am almost positive that watermelon would not be able to grow here. xD

CK ~ I want to go to many, many places. But China and Japan aren't on the top of that list. XD I'd feel so utterly lost not even being close to understanding the language. I could go to Spain and fair pretty okay, maybe. I could at LEAST ask where the library is. Bahaha. But I'll probably just start with the US first anyway. xD

Then I'll go to Europe.

Also, I doubly want to go if your friend has a spiffy accent.

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-31-2010, 02:04 AM

Well, chances are I'll get plenty grown so I'll just ship you some. ^_^

And CK, not sure if it's something you and your friend would be into but you guys ought to go to Gatorland in Florida. I don't think it's is far from Disney and all. I'd say that if it was still open, Mystery Fun House is a blast but it closed before I moved from Florida. *ponders ideas* Citrus Tower in Clermont offers a very great view at the top of it and Clermont isn't far from Orlando.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-31-2010, 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by Estrella View Post
CK ~ I want to go to many, many places. But China and Japan aren't on the top of that list. XD I'd feel so utterly lost not even being close to understanding the language. I could go to Spain and fair pretty okay, maybe. I could at LEAST ask where the library is. Bahaha. But I'll probably just start with the US first anyway. xD

Then I'll go to Europe.

Also, I doubly want to go if your friend has a spiffy accent.
lol. xD I dunno, I suppose she does, but it's neither one of those stereotypical Steve Irwin/Crocodile Dundee accents nor what I think of as the "Sydney accent" (which I don't know how to describe without perhaps irritating people. lol. But it's meant to be a compliment to people whom I say have one). I'd suppose she just has a 'normal' accent. ::laughs::

I actually did get terribly lost in Japan my first day. I was meeting up with two people who flew up from Australia (not the same friend who is visiting me in September, but another one and her friend). They arrived at a different time and at a different airport and we were going to meet at a train station (oops, there are two "Osaka" train stations too....) Long story very short: I speak perhaps a dozen words of Japanese and that's about as much English as anyone I spoke to that day had. But everyone did their best to help me get to the right place. They were so kind and polite. I've never experienced anything like it. And the kindness was not just in Osaka, but in Kyoto and Tokyo and the small towns we were in. Like the businessmen who gave us a lift from the onsen to another bus stop because we missed the early morning bus. So, yeah, I'd go back most definitely. :x

China I just want to go to because I'm as interested in ancient China as I am ancient Japan. I'd like to see some of the Chinese historical sites in person. :3

I know Europe well enough. xD; I lived there most of the years between 0 and 10. Beautiful country up there. Lots and lots of history. If I were to go to Europe, I'd like to go to England (never been) or Italy (again). Germany I'd also visit again even though Germany is the European country I know best.

Originally Posted by The Liztress View Post
And CK, not sure if it's something you and your friend would be into but you guys ought to go to Gatorland in Florida. I don't think it's is far from Disney and all. I'd say that if it was still open, Mystery Fun House is a blast but it closed before I moved from Florida. *ponders ideas* Citrus Tower in Clermont offers a very great view at the top of it and Clermont isn't far from Orlando.
I'll have to ask her what she's interested in and what our respective budgets will stretch. xD I think I've been to Mystery Fun House before. But yeah, as I recall, it's closed. Not sure about Citrus Tower. I don't think either of us are heights people. xD

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 07-31-2010, 02:51 AM

Yeah, the Citrus Tower is kinda high. o.o; And I'm not sure how much it costs to get into Gatorland. *checks* On their site, tickets are $20 per ticket with a list price of $23 and a package deal (ticket, train ride, Gator Chow to feed the gators, and a picture of you wrestling a gator) for $30 with a list price of $39.

A Refined Pervert
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Old 07-31-2010, 03:01 AM

Any accent is spiffy when you come from a town of about 800. xD I used to talk on the phone with people from Australia and New Zealand and I was always stuck with the biggest smile on my face because it was so awesome. I don't hear many accents besides "y'all" and stuff. I just love listening to them talk. :drool:

Oh gosh. D: At least they were polite! I went to a city nearby and my friend and I (like I said, town of 800) got really lost trying to follow directions the person at the hotel gave to use (there was no WAY I was driving in the city) and most of the people looked at us like we were totally bat-shit, others would ignore us completely and we found one or two nice people that were willing to give us directions. Haha, I felt like an idiot but I am the kind of person that will give help when I have it to offer. But, yeah, I think if I could have a similar experience I'd go back.

I've only been to three states here, never even been on a plane. I have a lot of experiencing to do and I plan to start here first and then I'll make my way across oceans. I want to go to EVERYWHERE. Well, not everywhere but most everywhere. Even if it's just to say that I've been and hated it. xD

Chickie Nuggs
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Old 07-31-2010, 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by CK View Post
In the bolded section I thought you said all you did was eat butter and I was going to say, "That is the most insane diet I've ever heard of. D:"

I'm slowly gearing myself up. For the last two days I've done basically a two-block walk instead of a one-block. It's really too hot right now to start out any higher. So I'll either have to wake up really early and do a longer walk before it gets into the 90s or walk after dark (but then I don't get conditioned to sunlight and, heck, it's almost 8:30pm and it's still in the 80s so it's not that much cooler at night and I might get run over by teenagers. u__u; )


EDIT: Poor Lint Fairy, Mousie and Belly! I hope Belly gets better soon. :hug:
Haha, CK, you have no idea how much I laughed at that! XD

Dang, those temperatures look a lot like how it gets around here. I usually have hardly any will to do anything that involves going outside in this weather. I've enjoyed swimming in my pool, but that's really the only enjoyable part of my summer. I can't wait for fall to come and for the temperatures to start dropping.

Edit: Oh yes, I can't believe I forgot!
*throws some penicillin Belleh's way and shouts* THERE YA GO!
*gives the lint fairy and mousie special protective suits*

Last edited by Chickie Nuggs; 07-31-2010 at 07:38 PM..

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 07-31-2010, 10:02 PM

Hahha. xD I'm not really sure I'm qualified to judge accents, really. I'm a military brat so my 'accent' is very generalized. People in this area ask me all the time if I'm British (first most common guess, I'm not sure why) or from California (second most common, I guess because I say, 'dude' a lot?). An accent has to be pretty thick for me to call it an 'accent'. xD;

And yes, I was expecting a sort of, "Not my problem." ignoreignore thing and got helpfulness and sincerity. :x


A butter-heavy diet would be pretty sweet though, wouldn't it? I could eat butter-fried toast all day. *_____________*

You know, my brother lives right up the road a three to five minute drive away and he has a pool and I've not bothered once so far since it got warm enough to go. Last summer I think I only went once. >_< I love swimming, too. Maybe I should be bothered soon. :P

But I'm looking forward to fall too. >__<; When it's cooler at night so I don't wake up all, "omgI'mgoingtodieofhot".

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Old 08-01-2010, 02:01 AM

I've never been assigned an accent. xD I must have a plain voice.

I'm not looking forward to fall. I love the heat. More so, I love the sunshinnnee. I know fall doesn't bring like INSTAEND to sunshine but. <.< That, and my classes for fall term make me want to spaz on the keyboard.

Crusher of Dreams
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Old 08-01-2010, 02:25 AM

I think it's good to have a generic/plain accent, though. xD That's why people in broadcast/movies all over the world (more so in the past than now as it's more acceptable in broadcast to have a stronger accent than it used to be) have developed a 'generic' accent for their work. This, I think, is true even in other countries, though I've only heard some clips from British and Australian tv. But to me they generally have more 'general' accents. :3

Noooh, early-to-mid fall is the best. xD At least in Alabama. :B

You get warmth without it being too hot. You get some rain without it being thunder-stormy all the time. The nights are nice temperatures. The pollen count is low. A+


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