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McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 03:57 AM

Banner Art by ghostPastry

Last edited by Magnus; 02-10-2023 at 08:59 PM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 03:59 AM

*The first thing you notice as you step inside are Valentine's decorations dangling from the ceiling on gossamer threads. Next, the walls, decorated with red and gold drapes held back with braided gold sashes. Large sconces between the red and gold drapes are on full power, cute little hearts casting their shadows against the frosted glass as the brilliant light inside shines. Across the floor of the event center are rows of cushions and short tables with coasters and stationery.*
Hoho… It’s so nice to see everyone again! I had so much fun with all of you at the 2022 Festival of Winter Nights reunion! So many familiar faces and so many fun memories that were made. Not to mention all the nice things that were found for everyone by the hard working cleanup crew. *chuckles*

Oh but, I am getting ahead of myself...

*Magnus stops in front of you, one hand behind his back, the other resting comfortably as he grips his lapel. Although he towers above you, you still feel an aura of invitation and delight.*
Welcome, hoho! Welcome to the Venerable Retrospection: A Valentine's Day Celebration! Please take a seat. The evening's preparations are nearly done! We will soon begin the inspection of the Time Capsule we found at the town hall over the Festival of Winter Nights. *chuckles* Some of you got much too excited and ended up breaking open a wall. But wouldn't you know it? There was something hidden inside! Hohoho!
*Magnus walks away, head back as his shoulders shake in mirth. You turn your attention to the rows of seating and find a comfortable spot to settle down. On the table next to your cushion is a program of the nights events. Reading through, you see quite a few things on the list. The first "Act" of the night is a... Memoria? Followed by the opening of the Time Capsule Magnus mentioned followed by a series of remembrance programs. On the back of the program you are surprised to find a list of participation events! Hmm... It seems to list prizes as well!

As the lights begin to dim, you settle into your seat, adjusting your legs to a more comfortable position. Refreshments are brought around to all the tables. You can't help but feel a buzz of excitement begin to wind up in your chest. An energy you haven't felt in a long time electrifies your limbs with restless desire. You wonder about the Time Capsule... Just exactly what might be inside?*

Last edited by Magnus; 02-10-2023 at 09:14 AM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 04:09 AM

How to Participate

Welcome to the Venerable Retrospection: A Valentine's Day Celebration!

This thread will serve thricely, first as a Hangout, second as a Story Time, and third as a special event activity aimed to offer you the ability to gain access to some very old Menewsha Event Items from years long past.

In the function of a Hangout, Please converse to your heart's content here and enjoy each other's company perhaps even make some new memories! Stay tuned for the second function of this thread! Over the course of the event, we will be releasing the contents of the Time Capsule as they become available in a story time format. *chuckles* I do hope you enjoy what we have in store for you!

The last function of this thread is reminiscent of when Baby Xan came into the world! *chuckles* In that same style, I have prepared for you a list of Past, Present, and Future themed tasks for you all to complete. If you should complete enough of these, you will earn the ability to pick a single EI from any of the Menewsha Eras. Pick wisely though for this chance is a rare one! Hmhmhmm!

In order to earn the right to choose an EI item, you must earn 24 points.

In the spirit of pulling the past into the future, you must include at least one activity from each of the three areas: Rare Remembrances, Making New Memories, Dreams of the Future.

Should you choose to go above and beyond and earn 30 points or more, you will be offered a second EI choice from the 2010 era and beyond.

You have until the end of the event. Good luck!


Rules are as follows.
  • In all things, please follow and respect Menewsha's Terms of Service and Rules
  • Only one account per person. (Staff-approved Charity Mules may participate for their charities, however)
  • All work must be your own and created specifically for this thread (Reusing old content will not carry you through to the end)
  • Any photos or videos you take must include your username in the photo or video itself,
  • An easy way to do this is to write your username on a slip of paper and stick it in the scene before you shoot. Please don't edit it in digitally afterward, as it will make the entry look suspicious and we'll have to reject it.

I would be remiss if I did not thank Bellybutton and Captain Howdy for inspiration, layout, and even some of this text! Hoho!

Last edited by Magnus; 02-10-2023 at 09:14 AM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 04:11 AM

It gets harder to remember things as you get older. But when you have a road map of experiences you can look back on, it’s much easier to rekindle those old moments.

(10 Points) Family Videos?... Most of us have those old grainy videos with the shaky camera work. It is nearly a household tradition is it not? If you do not, that is ok. Especially because that is what this is all about. With the filters available to us today, this should be no problem. Make a 1980s styled film, comic strip, or slideshow, no longer than 3 minutes, that adequately depicts your childhood and your favorite moments growing up(There is a lot of creative license to this one! Have fun!)

(8 Points) – Wordy Recitals… Retelling a story is part of creating a living memory that you can pass down from generation to generation. It is funny how those retold stories can sometimes become bigger fish than what was actually caught! Retell a memory from your Menewsha history for our benefit, making sure to embellish a bit! How is up to you but I do hope it is entertaining! (500 words minimum. Include in it a reference link for the original un-embellished story. And, if it involves other users, please be kind )

(6 Points) – Artist’s Rendition... Do you have a memory here on Menewsha that you just love to go back and revisit from time to time? Why not immortalize it… Using whatever artistic medium you would like, recreate a moment in time from Menewsha involving yourself. (This memory must be from before 2023)[color=red]Please remember to include your username somewhere in the pic!

(4 Points) – Sharing is caring… I am sure you have plenty of memories of Menewsha! Share here at least 5 memories that happened in a quotable post featuring yourself and quote them all in a single post in this thread. (+1 Bonus point if one of those memories is a memory that influenced a positive outcome in your life) Please remember to quote any old text copy and pasted to a new post!

(2 points) – Remember that time… I have a few memories here on Menewsha that I often retell. They aren’t all mine though. Link to or retell an old memory that just tickles your fancy every time you think of it from here on Menewsha. (One story per submission please

Enter your RARE REMEMBRANCES tasks by pasting this form into the thread:

HTML Code:
[B][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"]I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[B]Description:[/B] ( describe your entry if needed. )
[B]Link or image/text:[/B]

Last edited by Magnus; 02-11-2023 at 08:28 AM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 04:12 AM

I think Time Capsules are important. They are memories with strong feelings that transport us through time (hopefully to a happy place!) But without new memories we would have nothing to look back on when we step into the future.

So… Let’s make some new memories!

(10 Points) Effigy Adventures... It's hard these days to not experience loneliness. But there are ways to combat it! Take for instance the wonderful NPCs here in Menewsha! Take your favorite Menewsha NPC and create a real life representation of that NPC. It could be a doll, or a mechanical construct, perhaps even made of twigs and leaves! *chuckles* As long as it is a recognizable Menewsha NPC, it counts. Take that Effigy and show us what a day looks like between you and your best effigy friend! (Much like a date, you must create your Effigy and organize/document with picture or video the best day ever of two besties hanging out)

(8 Points) – Together Forever… Memories are often best shared with others. Where are you headed this week? Who with? Doing something fun? Hoho! I don’t need to know these things. But if you are making some memories with someone, record it through some medium or another, something that you could and would want to share here on Menewsha. Get creative! Montage… Time lapse… Cute paper cutouts of your avatar and all the places you visit!

(6 Points) - Don't Force It... Making new memories can be difficult. The important thing is to not force it. If it can be helped... Do your best to make an unforced memory with at least 2 other Menewshans. It probably will end up being forced... But that is alright. It is after all, the point of this challenge. It is supposed to blow up in your face! (This challenge can be shared with at least 3 people. Imagination required and encouraged!)

(4 Points) – Fancy Fortifications… Some memories can be a little bit scary to remember… Show us how you protect yourself from them by building a fort! Pillows and blankets or wood and leaves, it’s up to you how you want to build it. You must be able to fit at least half your body inside. Finally, take a picture of you with your legs sticking out of said fort to share on Menewsha. Please remember to include your username somewhere in the picture!

(2 Points) – Loving Life… Hoho, life is quite an adventure no? Often in our everyday lives we can be stuck in the past or lost in the future when all around us is a moment that can still bring a contented happiness if one but looks hard enough. Create an avatar that illustrates the following statement: “I have everything I
need to live a full, happy life.”

Enter your MAKING NEW MEMORIES tasks by pasting this form into the thread:

HTML Code:
[B][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="4"]I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task![/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
[B]Description:[/B] ( describe your entry if needed. )
[B]Link or image/text:[/B]

Last edited by Magnus; 02-11-2023 at 08:31 AM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 04:12 AM

What will you be up to a few months from now? Years? Decades? Who knows! But there are some ways you can dream of what you will be up to and some ways you can prepare to say hello to yourself from the past.

(10 Points) – Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey… Time is such an interesting concept. To think it can be bent by gravity boggles the mind! Hoho… I find when time stands still to be the most interesting though, like memories frozen in time, waiting to be discovered. I think you know where I’m going with this… Make a Time Capsule for your future self to discover! You must include:
  • A postive not for yourself to read in the future
  • At least one memory from this event
  • A printout or drawn picture of your avatar with your username
  • Something for your future self to play with
  • Something to pay for the Time Capsule’s passage through time
  • Anything else you would like to be inside
Be conscious of items you put inside so it will last! I highly recommend moisture packets if you have any saved.
(It is up to you how long you would like to wait to open your Time Capsule but I recommend 10 or more years)

(8 points) – Future Plans Scrapped… I have found that having a place now where you can put your memories yet to be revealed makes it more trivial to document those important moments in your life. Start a scrapbook (or journal) but make it flashy. Add in any appropiate memories of your year so far then pre-decorate pages and get them ready for that last snow of the season or the first ray of sunshine that truly feels like summer. Share your result with us! Please make sure to include your username somewhere on your memory keeping device

(6 Points) – 2005 Is Calling… Maybe you know what is about to happen next? Hohoho… I have provided you with a list of 250 questions. To earn these 6 points, you must answer at least 100 questions that you must share here on Menewsha But you must be sure to save this list for your future self! (You can pick and choose which questions. Please put your questions in the code provided below when you post)
HTML Code:
[hidetitle=My Valentine’s Day 2023 Questionnaire]


  • 1.) What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
  • 2.) What is the sexiest name you can imagine?
  • 3.) What is the least sexy name you have ever heard?
  • 4.) What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
  • 5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?
  • 6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose?
  • 7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?
  • 8.) What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?
  • 9.) If you could choose one musical artist to marry but could never listen to their music again, who would it be?
  • 10.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
  • 11.) What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
  • 12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person?
  • 13.) What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh?
  • 14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking?
  • 15.) What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?
  • 16.) What is your most embarrassing moment from high school?
  • 17.) What is something you refuse to share?
  • 18.) What would be the hat to end all hats? What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement?
  • 19.) What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club?
  • 20.) What would your favorite dance move be if you were at a wedding?
  • 21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
  • 22.) Which animal do you think would be the most polite?
  • 23.) In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for?
  • 24.) What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
  • 25.) What are some things that are okay to occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day?
  • 26.) What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
  • 27.) Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
  • 28.) What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
  • 29.) What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
  • 30.) If you could kill off any character from a current TV show who would it be and why?
  • 31.) What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
  • 32.) What kid’s movie did you think was too scary when you were a child?
  • 33.) What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
  • 34.) If you had the power to shrink any one object and carry it with yo in your pocket, which item would it be?
  • 35.) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
  • 36.) What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
  • 37.) What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
  • 38.) What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
  • 39.) What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
  • 40.) What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
  • 41.) What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of?
  • 42.) If you die and find out that everyone gets to choose a twelve-foot by twelve-foot square to stay in alone for eternity without being able to influence or contact the living world, what twelve-foot by twelve-foot square would you choose?
  • 43.) What’s the best type of cheese?
  • 44.) If you were kind/queen for a day, what would be your first rule that you would change?
  • 45.) What kind of cult would you like to start?
  • 46.) In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  • 47.) First think of a product. Now, what would be the absolute worst brand name for one of those products?
  • 48.) If the all the States in the USA were represented by food, what food would each state be represented by?
  • 49.) What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers?
  • 50.) What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
  • 51.) What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?
  • 52.) What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
  • 53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
  • 54.) If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?
  • 55.) If you had to give up one thing that you do every day, what would it be?
  • 56.) If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be?
  • 57.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
  • 58.) What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time?
  • 59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich?
  • 60.) What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
  • 61.) What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal?
  • 62.) Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
  • 63.) What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
  • 64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose?
  • 65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
  • 66.) What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in its title? What’s the new movie about?
  • 67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be?
  • 68.) If your survival depended on your ability to impress someone with your dance moves, what dance moves would you bust out?
  • 69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do?
  • 70.) If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks, or claws, what would you choose and why?
  • 71.) Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
  • 72.) In the event of the apocalypse, what three places are you going to first to gather supplies?
  • 73.) During the apocalypse, what supplies are the most important (besides weapons and food)?If you manage to survive the apocalypse, what will your new job title be?
  • 74.) In the apocalypse, would you rather tough it alone or try to find a community to live in?
  • 75.) What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
  • 76.) What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
  • 77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure?
  • 78.) What is the silliest/most embarrassing thing you have done while drinking?
  • 79.) What is your favorite drinking game to play and why?
  • 80.) If you could have an unlimited storage space full of one thing, what would it be?
  • 81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
  • 82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
  • 83.) If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would it be?
  • 84.) If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • 85.) You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
  • 86.) What two totally normal things become really weird if you do them back to back?
  • 87.) If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
  • 88.) If a hacker hacked into your computer and was threatening to release your browser history to your friends and family, how much would you pay them to avoid it?
  • 89.) What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
  • 90.) What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly plausible, theories can you come up with for the cause of common ailments like headaches or cavities?
  • 91.) What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?
  • 92.) If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?
  • 93.) What would be the best-worst name for different types of businesses? (dry cleaners, amusement parks, etc.)
  • 94.) If you were a street fighter, what would your theme song be and why?
  • 95.) If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
  • 96.) Toilet paper, over or under?
  • 97.) What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?
  • 98.) What are some fun ways to answer everyday questions like “how’s it going” or “what do you do”?
  • 99.) What would some fairytales be like if they took place in the present and included modern technology and culture?
  • 100.) Is cereal soup?
  • 101.) If over time you replace parts on a car, at what point does it stop being the same car you bought? How many parts do you need to replace to make it a new car?
  • 102.) If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them?
  • 103.) What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
  • 104.) What are the three best things about you that you wouldn’t put in your bio on a dating profile?
  • 105.) On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents?
  • 106.) Were your parents more or less strict on you than they were your siblings?
  • 107.) Who was your worst teacher? Why?
  • 108.) Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
  • 109.) Which would you pick: being world-class attractive, a genius or famous for doing something great?
  • 110.) Who are the 3 greatest living musicians?
  • 111.) What was your favorite toy growing up?
  • 112.) Who is a celebrity you admire and why?
  • 113.) What is one animal that you are really afraid of?
  • 114.) What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in the movie title?
  • 115.) Who is a celebrity that you think shouldn’t be famous?
  • 116.) What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  • 117.) Would you rather sweat melted cheese or have snakes for hair?
  • 118.) Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?
  • 119.) What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
  • 120.) What mythical creature would improve the world if it existed?
  • 121.) What are your 3 favorite movies?
  • 122.) Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of cricket or a bowl full of worms?
  • 123.) How would you describe me to your friends?
  • 124.) Which historical figure would you like to be?
  • 125.) What’s the right age to get married?
  • 126.) Would you rather have a rare disease that makes you always say everything that is on your mind or lose the ability to ever speak again?
  • 127.) Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.
  • 128.) What paper that you’ve written are you most proud of?
  • 129.) What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
  • 130.) Who would you like to live like for a day?
  • 131.) If you could time travel, where would you go?
  • 132.) If you could live in any TV home, what would it be?
  • 133.) What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • 134.) Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?
  • 135.) Would you rather live for a week in the past or the future?
  • 136.) What’s your best childhood memory?
  • 137.) What’s your favorite holiday?
  • 138.) If you could eat only 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be?
  • 139.) If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be?
  • 140.) Would you rather have x-ray vision or the ability to always know when someone is lying to you?
  • 141.) If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?
  • 142.) What’s one choice you really regret?
  • 143.) What’s your favorite childhood book?
  • 144.) What’s a great book you’ve read recently?
  • 145.) Do you feel like a leader or a follower?
  • 146.) If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be?
  • 147.) What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?
  • 148.) Who would play you in a movie of your life?
  • 149.) If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?
  • 150.) If you had to live in a different state, what would it be?
  • 151.) What living person, other than family members, do you most admire?
  • 152.) What has been your favorite family vacation?
  • 153.) If you could choose your own nickname, what would it be?
  • 154.) Who is the funniest person you know?
  • 155.) What’s your favorite thing about one of your grandparents?
  • 156.) Tell the person to your right your favorite thing about them.
  • 157.) Do you ever talk to yourself? When and what do you say?
  • 158.) When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better?
  • 159.) Which TV family is most like your own?
  • 160.) What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
  • 161.) What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
  • 162.) Using one word, how would you describe your family?
  • 163.) Would you rather win an Olympic medal, an Academy Award or the Nobel Peace prize?
  • 164.) What’s your favorite time of day?
  • 165.) What’s your favorite season?
  • 166.) What’s the one food you could never bring yourself to eat?
  • 167.) If you could read minds, how would you use the gift?
  • 168.) What is the sound you love the most?
  • 169.) What 3 famous people, living or dead, would you want at your fantasy dinner party?
  • 170.) If you could ask the President one question, what would it be?
  • 171.) Have you ever accidentally been caught in your birthday suit?
  • 172.) If you could pick a new first name, what would it be?
  • 173.) If you had to leave earth on a spaceship and take 4 friends with you, who would they be?
  • 174.) Have you ever noticed that easy open packages are actually pretty hard to open?
  • 175.) What is your favorite movie quote?
  • 176.) If you won a trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take me?
  • 177.) What’s your pet peeve(s)?
  • 178.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
  • 179.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
  • 180.) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich?
  • 181.) What’s your dream job?
  • 182.) Cake or pie?
  • 183.) Who is the kindest person you know?
  • 184.) Would you rather have noisy neighbors or nosy neighbors?
  • 185.) What’s the best part about having siblings?
  • 186.) What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
  • 187.) Would you rather live somewhere where it is always winter or where it is always summer?
  • 188.) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
  • 189.) What is your favorite family tradition?
  • 190.) Would you rather eat a stick of butter or snort a tablespoon of salt?
  • 191.) Who’s your celebrity crush?
  • 192.) What trait do you like the most about yourself?
  • 193.) What are you good at?
  • 194.) What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
  • 195.) If you could be great at one sport which would you choose?
  • 196.) What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?
  • 197.) Would you rather spend five days exploring Disney or New York City?
  • 198.) Would you rather have a third eye or a third arm?
  • 199.) Could you go a week without your smart phone?
  • 200.) Whose parents do/did you wish you had?
  • 201.) If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose?
  • 202.) How did you get out of being in trouble when you were a child?
  • 203.) Have you ever been banned from a public place? If so, why?
  • 204.) Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to yell everything?
  • 205.) Did you ever skip school as a child?
  • 206.) What personal trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
  • 207.) Which celebrity chef would you most like to fix you a meal?
  • 208.) Who is your favorite athlete?
  • 209.) What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
  • 210.) If you had to pick a new name for yourself, what name would you pick?
  • 211.) Would you rather be the most popular kid in school or the smartest kid in school?
  • 212.) If it had to be something in this room, what would your zombie apocalypse weapon be?
  • 213.) What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  • 214.) What is the stupidest way you have ever hurt yourself?
  • 215.) Would you rather be the best player on a horrible team or the worst player on a great team?
  • 216.) What is your favorite animal sound?
  • 217.) If you could choose any animal to be your permanent sidekick, what animal would it be?
  • 218.) What is your favorite thing about the beach?
  • 219.) If you had to suddenly flee the country, where would you live and why?
  • 220.) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would it be?
  • 221.) What is your favorite Disney movie?
  • 222.) What is the worst date you’ve ever been on and how long did it last?
  • 223.) Which of the Seven Dwarfs is most like you?
  • 224.) If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
  • 225.) How would you take down Kanye West’s ego?
  • 226.) Name a product or service you love so much that you’d happily be that company’s spokesperson.
  • 227.) If you could choose between using a time machine to go back in time or to go into the future, which would you choose?
  • 228.) If you could use a time machine to go back into your past and fix one thing, what would it be and how would it change your future?
  • 229.) What is the sickest you have ever been?
  • 230.) If you were guaranteed to be successful in a different profession, what would you want to do?
  • 231.) Do you believe in ghosts and would you ever go ghost hunting?
  • 232.) If you could be a professional at any sport, what sport would it be?
  • 233.) What crazy name would you give your child if you were a celebrity?
  • 234.) What would you say to the President if you had the chance?
  • 235.) How do you handle people you don’t like?
  • 236.) If you could have a conversation with any one of our world leaders, who would it be and why?
  • 237.) As a child, what did you wish to become when you grew up?
  • 238.) What’s the worst thing you did as a kid?
  • 239.) What movie title best explains your life right now and why?
  • 240.) What is the best part of being a part of your family?
  • 241.) What is your favorite day of the week?
  • 242.) If you had to either shave your head or dye all of your hair pink, which would you choose?
  • 243.) If you could have plastic surgery to enlarge one part of you body, what would it be?
  • 244.) If you had to marry one Star Wars character, which one would you choose?
  • 245.) If you had to wear one halloween costume every day for the rest of your life, what would you be?
  • 246.) If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you land?
  • 247.) If you had to choose one cartoon character to be your best friend, what character would you choose?
  • 248.) Imagine you owned a five star restaurant. What would you serve and what would the name of the restaurant be?
  • 249.) If you had the ability to do magic like the characters from Harry Potter, how would you use it?
  • 250.) If you had one million dollars to build anything you wanted, what would you build and why?

(4 Points) – Not Yet an Item… Items one of the core mechanisms that keep our Menewsha economy going. Coming up with new clothes to sell involves quite a bit of effort! Using your avatar as a template, create and color a pixel item you wish Menewsha had in it’s inventory of items. NOTE: Your item must be something that the site has never seen in any shop (That is to say, copying a poncho from the import shop and changing the colors would NOT be considered a new item. Using incomplete images you have previously created is allowed as long as they are finished for this task.)

(2 Points) - Keeper of Memories… As we get older it gets harder to hold together so many memories. [b]Create an avatar that illustrates the following statement: “I am the Keeper of Memories. Look at me and fear my awesome memory!”

Enter your DREAMS OF THE FUTURE tasks by pasting this form into the thread:

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Last edited by Magnus; 02-12-2023 at 01:30 AM..

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 01-27-2023, 04:12 AM

Memory Capsules

Tracking those of you who are embarking on a journey of memories, past present, and future.



Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
phew!! i feel like i entered a time warp, i've been fiddling with this for a couple hours, but i think i'm happy enough with it to submit it now! thanks to Cora: and Kent: for their advice with the initial version of this bag.

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Not Yet an Item: an over-the-shoulder heart bag that's compatible with both bases. i tried to stick to the dark red color palette commonly used in Vday EIs.
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Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
and he did such a wonderful job!!

---------- Post added 02-12-2023 at 02:24 AM ----------

ok here i go with another entry! i did them all in order because i was going to try to do all 250....... but i worked really hard on the 100 so i think i'm just gonna call it good

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: 2005 Called
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1.) What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
David Buttolph, composer of the 1953 House of Wax starring Vincent Price.

2.) What is the sexiest name you can imagine?
David Buttolph, composer of th– no, i’m just kidding Chris and Ryan are always hot boy names, i don’t really think they’re particularly intriguing names, but the faces that go with them are always very pretty.

3.) What is the least sexy name you have ever heard?
Bryant just sounds kinda gross. Like a grunting noise.
4.) What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to?
Football, could you imagine the pileups??
5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?
Moss and fungi
6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose?
A tiger or some other big cat. Cats are just hella smart, and big cats are intimidatingly muscular D:
7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?
Narwhal and Walrus– ALL THE TUSKS.
8.) What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical?
A Beautiful Mind, i think it could really have some good Spring Awakening vibes.
9.) If you could choose one musical artist to marry but could never listen to their music again, who would it be?
Lady Gaga, i feel like we’d have a lot of wild adventures, but i’m ok with never Roma-romama-ing again.
10.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
Eat a bunch of ice cream and pass out
11.) What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
Trying to open a door while carrying packages.
12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person?
Maybe once or twice? I’m honestly so terrified of it happening, i usually double/triple check.
13.) What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh?
Cucumber, condoms, a vibrating toothbrush
14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking?
Luckily no fires, but i have burned oil and messed up a couple pans
15.) What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?
16.) What is your most embarrassing moment from high school?
Just scroll through the old forums, i’m sure you’ll see 100 of my most embarrassing moments
17.) What is something you refuse to share?
Most things. I’m not greedy, but i just have a poverty mindset, so i always feel like i’m about to run out of everything even when i’m not.
18.) What would be the hat to end all hats? What could you wear on your head that would make people stop what they are doing and stare in awe and amazement?
A tophat with LED lights swirling around inside that make it look like a jar of fireflies
19.) What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club?
So i was very fortunate to be in the gay clubs in 2014.
20.) What would your favorite dance move be if you were at a wedding?
That thing where you stand in front of each other and each lean to opposite sides and do the hand jive with your thumbs.
21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
Do bugs count? Because bugs are rude motherfuckers. If not, then birds. Birds can be real jerks.
22.) Which animal do you think would be the most polite?
Squirrels and other rodents. “Please, sir, may i have a morsel of cheese?”
23.) In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for?
Bucket hats, because i really hope to god people will have stopped wearing them by then.
24.) What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
Can i say bucket hats again? no i’m just kidding. I wish we could get rid of all those old, nasty, broken water fountains like at parks and stuff. They just give me false hope
25.) What are some things that are okay to occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day?
Walk 15 miles, binge an entire TV show, take multiple buses across the city.
26.) What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
A signed portrait of Adam Scott from Parks and Rec. (and even though it was weird, i was really jealous of it… )
27.) Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie?
I don’t really know a lot of people IRL, so can i use an NPC? Lise really reminds me of Wednesday Addams.
28.) What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
29.) What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
In middle school, I used to wear this brown shirt with a teddy bear on it that said “Hugs Not Drugs.” which is a very good stance to take, but maybe not one to proclaim to an entire class of immature 13 year olds who just learned what drugs are and will mock you until the day you die.
30.) If you could kill off any character from a current TV show who would it be and why?
I struggle with this because i’m not really watching any new TV shows that aren’t reality. If I can pick an old show, Wesley from Star Trek, ugh.
31.) What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?”]The wheelers from Return to Oz[/url]
32.) What kid’s movie did you think was too scary when you were a child?
I used to be so scared of the Nightmare Before Christmas as a kid, i think it made me cry. Now I love it, but… I can kinda see where I was coming from, it’s aesthetically very spooky for a 5 year old. But my little sisters loved it when they were that age, so maybe i was just a little soft
33.) What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy?
Really short dresses! I mean, it has to be a designer brand, but now most cocktail dresses I see are cut above the thigh.
34.) If you had the power to shrink any one object and carry it with you in your pocket, which item would it be?
My partner -w- and my cat, I have to have both.
35.) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
Peed in public I have a very small bladder.
36.) What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
Now, I don’t know how accurate this is because people will say a lot of things about Norma Jean, but Marilyn Monroe was reported to have a bit of a strange appetite! For breakfast, she would break two raw eggs, and mix it up with warm milk. For other meals, she would boil lamb chops or steak with a side dish of raw carrots.
37.) What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
A book on how to support your daughter through puberty, a box of extra-absorbent tampons, and a greeting card that says “CONGRATULATIONS! YOU DID IT!!!”
38.) What is the funniest joke you know by heart?
A man was just convicted for a crime, and he’s being taken into jail. As he’s entering, he hears a man saying a number:
All the prisoners BURST into laughter, even some of the guards crack a smile.
The new prisoner looks around, confused about what could be so funny about a number. Then he hears another one:
Everyone loses it again! Raucous laughter echoes off of the brick walls of the prison cells.
The new prisoner is led into his cell, where his new bunkmate is still being rocked by peals of laughter.
“Hey, man,” the new prisoner begins to ask his new bunkmate, “what’s with the numbers? I’ve never been to jail before, is it some kind of prison thing?”
The bunkmate wipes a tear from his eye, sighing away the last of his laughter.
“Well, you know. We’ve been here so long, we’ve all memorized all the jokes we know by now. So, we decided to save time and just give them all numbers.”
The new prisoner hears another prisoner from down the hall yell:
And everyone busts out laughing again.
Swelling with confidence, the new prisoner says:
“Ok, I want to try!”
The bunkmate shrugs,
“Go ahead.”
The new inmate takes a deep breath, then bellows out
He tries again, less confident this time,
“Th… thirty three?”
No one laughs.
“I don’t get it, man, what did I do wrong?” The new prisoner asks his bunkmate.
“Eh, I guess it’s all how you tell it.”
39.) What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
I don’t work, so there are no rules! Unless you count my SSI, in which case the rule is “don’t make too much money and don’t get married”
40.) What is something that you just recently realized that you are embarrassed you didn’t realize earlier?
The 40 Year Old Virgin is about an autistic Demisexual man and it’s actually a really uplifting movie and a criticism of the dudebro comedy it pretends to be. For years, the autism-coding was just totally lost on me and I can’t believe now that I didn’t see it for so long.
41.) What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of?
I just really like it when places have their lights go out in humorous ways. Like a Home Depot that just says “ME POT”.
42.) If you die and find out that everyone gets to choose a twelve-foot by twelve-foot square to stay in alone for eternity without being able to influence or contact the living world, what twelve-foot by twelve-foot square would you choose?
Really really deep in the ocean. I feel like all the fish down there are basically unable to influence or contact the living world either and they’re all doing fine so, why not?
43.) What’s the best type of cheese?
How dare you make me choose. Right now I’m craving shredded Fiesta blend cheese, so i guess i’ll say that. But I also really like goat cheese, brie cheese, and Iberico.
44.) If you were ruler for a day, what would be your first rule that you would change?
Everyone gets all the basic necessities they need to live for free. Money can still exist and whatever, but everyone needs to have access to food, water, a place to stay, etc.
45.) What kind of cult would you like to start?
No, I’m not interested in cults.
46.) In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
A little bit of everything, all of the time, apathy’s a tragedy and boredom is a crime, anything and everything all of the time.
47.) First think of a product. Now, what would be the absolute worst brand name for one of those products?
Hot Dogs: Limp Weiners
48.) If the all the States in the USA were represented by food, what food would each state be represented by?
Alabama- Ribs
Alaska- Shaved Ice
Arizona- Sun-dried Tomatoes
Arkansas- Cornbread
California- Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Colorado- Bombe Alaska
Connecticut- Oatmeal
Delaware- Salad
Florida- Orange Juice
Georgia- Peach Cobbler
Hawaii- Hibiscus Iced Tea
Idaho- Mashed Potatoes
Illinois- Deep-Dish Pizza
Indiana- Beef Jerky
Iowa- Just Corn
Kansas- Also just Corn
Kentucky- Chicken Wings
Louisiana- Gumbo
Maine- Lobster Roll
Maryland- Crab Cakes
Massachusetts- Lobster Mac N Cheese
Michigan- Elk Steak
Minnesota- Ambrosia Salad
Mississippi- Collard Greens
Missouri- Fried Green Tomatoes
Montana- Buffalo Jerky
Nebraska- Rocky Mountain Oysters
Nevada- Chicken Soup
New Hampshire- Apple Cider Donuts
New Jersey- Hoagies
New Mexico- Chili Verde
New York- Bagels
North Carolina- Shrimp ‘n’ Grits
North Dakota- Tater Tots
Ohio- Sauerkraut
Oklahoma- Fried Okra
Oregon- Voodoo Donuts
Pennsylvania- Soft Pretzel
Rhode Island- Frozen Lemonade
South Carolina- Biscuits and Gravy
South Dakota- Chislic
Tennessee- Moon Pies
Texas- Rice and Beans
Utah- Frybread
Vermont- Pancakes with Maple Syrup
Virginia- Brunswick stew
Washington- Salmon and Asparagus
West Virginia- Pepperoni Rolls
Wisconsin- Grilled Cheese
Wyoming- Huevos Rancheros
49.) What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers?
I never really had nicknames for my coworkers or customers, I liked to keep it professional. Now I don’t have any.
50.) What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child?
Well, it would have to be Sue if he was a boy. I tell you, life ain’t easy for a boy named Sue.
51.) What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?
Dance-battles, sing-offs, paintball championships, Halo/CoD tournaments
52.) What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
Very binary
53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
“Silence of the LAN”
54.) If you would create a holiday, what would it be called and how would we celebrate it? When would this holiday be?
St. Narwhal’s day, a day when everyone eats donuts off of a giant sculpture of a Narwhal’s horn. It would be every third saturday of November.
55.) If you had to give up one thing that you do every day, what would it be?
56.) If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be?
Oh you’d have to have the Konami code, I think that would at least unlock some additional outfits. And then if you hold down the restart button for five seconds, you could start your whole day over.
57.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
Just one, for the elephant to try to eat and then choke on a chicken bone.
58.) What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time?
Buy one used diaper, get one free. :D
59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich?
Yes. So is a poptart.
60.) What secret conspiracy would you like to start?
It’s already been started but I just NEED people to acknowledge that the real Avril Lavigne is gone and whoever this girl is now who’s pretending to be her is actually a clone named Melissa.
61.) What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal?
Humans owning cats.
62.) Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
It would be kinda nice to take off my head, I could put it on a different body or I could just be bodyless and just chill.
63.) What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?
I really don’t have guests much, so I think the weirdest thing was letting my cat sniff their shoes? Which really isn’t weird, but I’m grasping at straws here.
64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose?
Brushing my hair, I barely have any
65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
I wish we could see air more, but it would probably gross us all out.
66.) What movie completely changes its plot when you change one letter in its title? What’s the new movie about?
Ender’s Name, it’s all about a kid named Ender who joins an elite society where everyone is named Ender, and they’re fighting a make believe war against anyone not named Ender, except the war turns out to be true!! The book ends with everyone in the world being named Ender.
67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be?
Technicolor boots with big chunky heels.
68.) If your survival depended on your ability to impress someone with your dance moves, what dance moves would you bust out?
I always try to do the robot, but all I can do is that thing where you make your arm swing… I don’t know why I even try… -_-
69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do?
Elf, definitely! I’d just run around barefoot in the forest all day frolicking with pretty blonde boys.
70.) If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks, or claws, what would you choose and why?
Cat faces. It would be really inconvenient but so, so cute. And I could eat with my hands!!
71.) Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated?
I tried really hard one time to pee on the side of a church, but I just couldn’t do it T_T
72.) In the event of the apocalypse, what three places are you going to first to gather supplies?
Disney World, Costco, and the Pharmacy.
73.) During the apocalypse, what supplies are the most important (besides weapons and food)?If you manage to survive the apocalypse, what will your new job title be?
Thermal layers for warmth, temporary shelter, some sort of vehicle, baby wipes. My job title would be Chief Executive of Crying Under the Table
74.) In the apocalypse, would you rather tough it alone or try to find a community to live in?
A community, definitely. There wouldn’t really be a reason for me to do it alone.
75.) What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled?
Some of the smells I smelled at Disney, I couldn’t even name!
76.) What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed?
Phoenixes, I think they could bring great change and wisdom.
77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure?
No, that’s not very much money
78.) What is the silliest/most embarrassing thing you have done while drinking?
Is it bad that I probably don’t remember? Let’s just say everything I did while drunk was silly and embarrassing, and that’s why I don’t do it anymore
79.) What is your favorite drinking game to play and why?
I liked the ones where you’re watching a show and you drink for specific things the actors do. I still play those with weed sometimes.
80.) If you could have an unlimited storage space full of one thing, what would it be?
Enamel Pins
81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
It’s ok! Not my favorite, but I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it.
82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
If it’s a bigass NY slice!! Deepdish isn’t foldable imho, and if it’s a skinny li’l pizza it’s not really worth it.
83.) If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would it be?
A vinyl record. You spin me right round baby right round~
84.) If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Right now, I’m gonna say Rice Pudding. It’s just the easiest on my stomach, and it tastes good.
85.) You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
I’d see if I could bring my drawings to life
86.) What two totally normal things become really weird if you do them back to back?
Flossing your teeth and going bungee jumping. Like… why did you need your teeth to be clean to do that?
87.) If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?
Smooth nuts
88.) If a hacker hacked into your computer and was threatening to release your browser history to your friends and family, how much would you pay them to avoid it?
I clear my browser history regularly, so I’m hoping that would be impossible??
89.) What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
Your armpits smell nice
90.) What ridiculous and untrue, yet slightly plausible, theories can you come up with for the cause of common ailments like headaches or cavities?
Tiny bees fly into your ears while you’re sleeping and make nests, and the pokey sticks and leaves they use for the nests irritate your head/teeth/etc. The bees can fly around and move their nests, so that’s why your aches and pains seem to shift throughout the day.
91.) What’s the most imaginative insult you can come up with?

You have a butt not even an AfroDonkey could love.
92.) If you were wrongfully put into an insane asylum, how would you convince them that you’re actually sane and not just pretending to be sane?
Wrongfully…. Yes… they would be wrong to do that
93.) What would be the best-worst name for different types of businesses? (dry cleaners, amusement parks, etc.)
Stinky’s Dry Cleaners - we make your clothes smell more interesting!
Wally’s Brisney World - It’s not copyrighted!
Shelves Empty Grocers - Come for the food, leave because there’s no food
94.) If you were a street fighter, what would your theme song be and why?
I like Balrog’s theme a lot! It’s very energetic and bold, and it feels like if you don’t appreciate it, it would get annoying after a while, but for some people it’s very comforting and they’d listen to it over and over.
95.) If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
I would beat Descartes to being the first to say “I think, therefore I am.”
96.) Toilet paper, over or under?
OVER, UGH!! CRETINS!!! It’s just so much more difficult to pull off the roll when it’s under, but then at the same time it’s too easy to pull off too much once you’ve started, and it just randomly unrolls itself!! Big dislike.
97.) What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?
Anyone David Tennant plays, i swear to god i love that weasel but i could not stand his little voice yapping on for any length of time in real life.
98.) What are some fun ways to answer everyday questions like “how’s it going” or “what do you do”?
Oh terrible, thank you so much!
Can’t complain… I’ve tried, but no one’s listened.
If I was any better, vitamins would be taking me!
I do what I do, what do you do, do you do the do?
99.) What would some fairytales be like if they took place in the present and included modern technology and culture?
Cinderella would have a GPS tracking device in her shoe and would find the prince before he finds her. Ariel would just use a text-to-speech device, or communicate through sign language. Sleeping Beauty would never take a bite of an apple from a stranger after the whole razor blade debacle of the early 2000s.
100.) Is cereal soup?
Yes, and so is oatmeal if you make it wrong.

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Family Videos - 80s slideshow
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Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
aaaahahaha not the toilet paper that was such a weird time.

your entry is so good!!! i'm getting big Head Librarian vibes :D

---------- Post added 02-14-2023 at 12:50 PM ----------

I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Loving Life - I have everything I need to live a full, happy life. I have the universe inside of me, and all around me, and everything I wish for on a shooting star could really come true. ☄︎☆ I am the ruler of my destiny.
Link or image/text:

---------- Post added 02-14-2023 at 03:16 PM ----------

I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Don't Force It -- ok, i think this counts because i didn't force the moment, but i did turn it into a visual moment through a GIF, which was a little bit of a forceful nudge towards the memories bank. i know i'm going to remember this moment for a while
Link or image/text:
The moment just before Channah strikes
Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
ghost that, that's not how... Nevermind...
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
it may not be how... but now how can how it can do.

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
Omg ghost that's perfect xD
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
i try i really am such a menace to society
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post

One of the many reasons I love you
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post

they'd better watch out for us
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post

partners in crime friendship
Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
The two of you... I feel as though I should start keeping a closer eye on the both of you Though... If you get too far out of hand, Channah will probably take care of it for me
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post

We'll keep our eyes right back on you! Gotta watch out for the law
Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post

I actually am tho don't ban me plz!
Originally Posted by Kent View Post
Be careful, Rubes! lol
Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I live life on the edge of my bed far away from danger
Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
what's going to happen if Ru and i keep this up....

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Fancy Fortifications - this was perfect for me, because my cat LOVES pillow forts, i'm making them for her all the time. i only managed to get my username in one of them i was in a rush because she was looking at me like this:
Click on thumbnail for full view

waiting for me to get out of her fort:
Click on thumbnail for full view
(into which i barely fit)

here's her very comfy after a little convincing to stay... she got kinda weirded out when i set up the tripod and stuffed myself in there, so she wasn't too sure about it, but she can never resist the allure of a good cave for very long

Click on thumbnail for full view

and finally, here is my entry! i hope it's ok that it's with Sparks and not my big butt it looks more like a fortress with her in it.
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Click on thumbnail for full view



Originally Posted by Cora View Post
I finally read through this list lol, ooooie some of these be TOUGH

---------- Post added 02-14-2023 at 02:33 PM ----------

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Ok But like, hear me out here ok! Being the Pixelist on menewsha I did not want to create something I may viably create for real in the future. So instead, I thought this little gag item might give you all some laughs. In the honor of the years we missed together, I bring you the most VALUABLE item there is......TOILET PAPER!
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---------- Post added 02-14-2023 at 03:06 PM ----------

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: I am the keeper of memories!
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Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Oh good hahahaha, I ended up with the torso instead. I'm going to submit my Vicki day in just a few minutes here ^_^

---------- Post added 02-15-2023 at 03:17 AM ----------

I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: A day with my new heart loving bestie - Vicktoria Valentine!
Link or image/text:

Here is an image with my Username for reference, as I forgot it in the other images and didn't want to redo them - Please excuse if her outfit isn't exactly right, I couldn't for the life of me find a good reference.

The first thing we did was Bake some cookies!

Then Vicki hung out with my boys while I cleaned up the Kitchen:

And finally, we rewarded ourselves with a Spa Day:

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: I have it all. I am like totally better then you because I have money. Love me. I mean it....LOVE ME!
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That should be 18 now! Woot woot! I did not actually think I was gonna finish this, but it is looking very promising

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: This took me a few hours, nearly as long as my day with Vicki hahahaha.
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My Valentine’s Day 2023 QuestionnaireX

• 2.) What is the sexiest name you can imagine? Dominique, very French very rolls off the tongue. Makes me think of someone dark and sexy. Gerard too, for similar reasons. (1)
• 3.) What is the least sexy name you have ever heard? Gertrude. Hands down. That poor poor child. (2)
• 5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be? All the Grass. Hmmmm Cotton balls. I mean like I love the feel of grass on my feet, so it better be something soft if its gonna replace it. (3)
• 6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose? Oh that’s kind of a tough call. I think I would narrow it down to one of two, Either the Peregrine Falcon or the lion. (4)
• 7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why? The Cat and the Raven. Why? Because seriously who doesn’t want a flying cat. (5)
• 10.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first? This is the most boring answer ever, but they would probably spend all the money I have and buy all the books. I never could get my hands on enough books as a child (6)
• 12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person? Yes, quite frequently, but never anything totally embarrassing like you read online. Mostly boring everyday things. (7)
• 14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking? Yes, I was cooking chicken and I fell asleep. All the water had boiled out and the chicken caught on fire. Thankfully the smoke alarm woke me up in time to save the house (8)
• 16.) What is your most embarrassing moment from high school? So…right I was wearing a long skirt, and heels. I do not know why I thought this was a good combination in the halls of high school……well my heel got caught in my skirt ….as I was heading down the stairs. I tumbled down a flight of stairs for everyone to see, totally not graceful at all. Everyone saw my underwear, everyone saw me be ungraceful. It was mortifying. (9)
• 17.) What is something you refuse to share? My cheesecake. Its mine, get your own! (10)
• 19.) What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club? Dance move? Do I know any of those? No I tend to just go on the dance floor and wiggle around and pretend I know what I’m doing (11)
• 21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Cats. I love cats, but lets face it they would be sarcastic asshats. (12)
• 22.) Which animal do you think would be the most polite? Rabbits? I dunno, this was a hard question to answer. (13)
• 27.) Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie? I used to work with a guy who was the spitting image of Chuck Norris. (14)
• 29.) What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn? I used to own this pair of leopard Print leggings that had these giant purple butterflies all over them. I used to think they were the coolest thing that ever was. Now I cringe for my younger self. (15)
• 33.) What used to be considered trashy but now is very classy? A one piece swimsuit (16)
• 35.) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done? Crashed my car (17)
• 37.) What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable? Rope, Ice, and an Axe. (18)
• 39.) What are the unwritten rules of where you work? Show up and try, seriously lately that’s the only requirement and they cant even do that. (19)
• 41.) What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of? Having once worked for Walmart, in the stockroom, the video that was going around for awhile of the guy that crashed the whole back room with the forklift always makes me cringe and laugh at the same time (20)
• 42.) If you die and find out that everyone gets to choose a twelve-foot by twelve-foot square to stay in alone for eternity without being able to influence or contact the living world, what twelve-foot by twelve-foot square would you choose? Somewhere in NYC, That place would always have something fascinating to watch (21)
• 43.) What’s the best type of cheese? Aged Cheddar (22)
• 45.) What kind of cult would you like to start? The lets all read books and eat cheesecake cult! (23)
• 46.) In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet? The internet is a dark whole of mystery where you can find anything and everything. (24)
• 49.) What are some of the nicknames you have for customers or coworkers? Baldy, The purse woman, The creepy shoe guy, Pillow girl…..Mustache man. Polka dots. I feel like this was mean in retrospect (25)
• 50.) What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child? Gertrude or Bertha(26)
• 51.) What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with? Food Fights, mandatory must hold hands for 24 hours. (27)
• 52.) What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you? …….Scary. That is a scary scary thought. Nobody wants a world full of anxiety ridden scatterbrains. (28)
• 53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? Tacos. My neighbor named his Tacos. (29)
• 56.) If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be? Unlimited Money, skip the driving, FF through work hours (30)
• 57.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant? 42, because I said so. (31)
• 58.) What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time? Toenails, gross man. (32)
• 59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich? The ultimate question. I say no, the same way cereal is not soup. (33)
• 61.) What would be the worst thing for the government to make illegal? Caffeine. Could you imagine a world without caffeine? I would physically die. (34)
• 62.) Which body part do you wish you could detach and why? My nose, I have said such more then once. Its annoying when it runs, when its stuffed, when I can’t breath, etc. (35)
• 64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose? Well considering I am bald, I think this is an easy choice (36)
• 65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see? Intentions, not all thoughts, that would be a bad thing, but I wish people could see the intentions behind people's actions because I think it would clear up a lot of misunderstanding (37)
• 67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be? Slippers, because they are comfortable and for lazing about (38)
• 69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do? My favorite race are the elves, but if I were to be one I would want to be a hobbit. Hobbits are homebodies who live very comfortable lives in very comfortable hobbit holes. The first think I would do, is eat second breakfast. (39)
• 71.) Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated? The middle of the woods. We were on a hike and I knew I was never going to make it back to the rest room, so I squatted behind a tree. I ended up with the worst cramp in my leg. My sister loves to say the tree was upset at me (40)
• 74.) In the apocalypse, would you rather tough it alone or try to find a community to live in? Definitely a Community (41)
• 76.) What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed? I feel like the purity of Unicorns would help the world, sadly I feel like humans would destroy that as well though. (42)
• 77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure? Not for a Thousand no……a million maybe (42)
• 79.) What is your favorite drinking game to play and why? A-hole, because I love card games and this one is particularly fun (43)
• 80.) If you could have an unlimited storage space full of one thing, what would it be? If you haven’t guessed from earlier answers, Books. All the books. (44)
• 81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza? I love it! (45)
• 82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it? No, I find this sort of weird behavior. But to each their own you know! (46)
• 83.) If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would it be? A decorative lamp, maybe even a tiffany’s lamp. Something beautiful that also causes light for people to see by. (47)
• 84.) If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cheese. As much as I love Cheesecake I would never be able to give up cheese. (48)
• 85.) You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue? I don’t think it would be unethical maybe….but something dealing with the human brain. I find the way people think is fascinating. (49)
• 87.) If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called? No idea….Creamed Peanuts? (50)
• 88.) If a hacker hacked into your computer and was threatening to release your browser history to your friends and family, how much would you pay them to avoid it? Not much….my computer history is surprisingly boring (51)
• 94.) If you were a street fighter, what would your theme song be and why? Eye of the Tiger, obviously. Like seriously who wouldn’t pick that (52)
• 96.) Toilet paper, over or under? Over. There is no other answer you savages! (53)
• 100.) Is cereal soup? Omg I think I answered this earlier, no. No it is not. (54)
• 101.) If over time you replace parts on a car, at what point does it stop being the same car you bought? How many parts do you need to replace to make it a new car? This is an interesting question, I think it still the same car until more parts of the car are new then old. (55)
• 102.) If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them? Mathematics, Psychology, and music. (56)
• 105.) On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents? Like 5? They kept us safe, and they were stern when they needed to be but they placed importance in letting us thrive on our own too. (57)
• 106.) Were your parents more or less strict on you than they were your siblings? Moreso, my sister was a brat because they spoiled her a bit. (58)
• 107.) Who was your worst teacher? Why? Mrs.Andres, because she hated me for absolutely no reason. She would do things like drag my desk into the middle of the room and dump it on the floor and tell me to pick it up. (59)
• 108.) Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Mrs. Grady and Mrs. Wendt. Because they recognized that I was smarter then my grade and worked to always make sure I had an environment to learn and thrive in. (60)
• 109.) Which would you pick: being world-class attractive, a genius or famous for doing something great? A genius, the others could honestly come from genius if you tried. (61)
• 110.) Who are the 3 greatest living musicians? Reba McEntire, Paul McCartney, Mariah Carey (62)
• 111.) What was your favorite toy growing up? My Stuffed Animals (63)
• 112.) Who is a celebrity you admire and why? Tom Hanks, not only can the man do anything when it comes to acting. He never changes, there have been reports that he is the same person he was before becoming famous as he was after. Kind, considerate, loves to help on set. Loves his wife and stood by her when she got sick. And in between his films you never really hear about him causing drama. I also admire Keanu Reeves for similar reasons. (64)
• 113.) What is one animal that you are really afraid of? Not too many, I love animals. But I will have to say Snakes and Spiders. (65)
• 116.) What accomplishment are you most proud of? I learned how to build a wireless network with google and old networking books in order to help my old job because all the network people were fired. (66)
• 117.) Would you rather sweat melted cheese or have snakes for hair? Sweating Melted Cheese could have some fun moments (67)
• 119.) What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been? The top of the Empire State Building at nighttime. It’s a sea of lights. (68)
• 121.) What are your 3 favorite movies? The Shawshank Redemption, The Sound of Music, Beauty and the Beast (69)
• 122.) Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of cricket or a bowl full of worms? Crickets I guess, but you’d probably hear me screech. (70)
• 124.) Which historical figure would you like to be? Queen Elizabeth (71)
• 125.) What’s the right age to get married? I don’t feel like there is a right age. Whenever you meet the right person. (72)
• 126.) Would you rather have a rare disease that makes you always say everything that is on your mind or lose the ability to ever speak again? Loose the ability to speak. Honestly, I don’t talk much anyways. (73)
• 127.) Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten. Naptime, My teacher was really nice, we used to always fight over the Clifford dog animal at reading time (74)
• 128.) What paper that you’ve written are you most proud of? I did a very extensive paper on the portrayal of Ugly people being evil and beautiful people being good in media and the effects this has on people in the real world. (75)
• 129.) What would you do if you were invisible for a day? Observe people without being creepy (76)
• 131.) If you could time travel, where would you go? Victorian England, absolutely. (77)
• 133.) What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint Chocolate Chip (78)
• 134.) Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs? Ummmm spaghetti I guess, both seem highly impractical (79)
• 135.) Would you rather live for a week in the past or the future? The Past, I’m thinking the future is headed in a scary direction (80)
• 137.) What’s your favorite holiday? Valentine’s Day – How can you not love the holiday of hearts and love! (81)
• 138.) If you could eat only 3 foods for the rest of your life, what would they be? Cheese, Cheesecake, and bread (82)
• 139.) If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be? Does Anime count? I think I gotta go Studio Ghibli on this one. Either Chihiro or Sophie! (83)
• 140.) Would you rather have x-ray vision or the ability to always know when someone is lying to you? The ability to tell when someone is lying. (84)
• 142.) What’s one choice you really regret? I am not going to go into details here because the truth behind it is depressing and dark. But we’ll just say….the choice to walk away. (85)
• 143.) What’s your favorite childhood book? Early childhood – Minnikin, Midget, and Moppet, Middle Childhood - Little House on the Prairie and Nancy Drew, Late Childhood – Harry Potter (86)
• 144.) What’s a great book you’ve read recently? Game of Thrones (87)
• 145.) Do you feel like a leader or a follower? Either or, depending on the situation and what it needs. I am perfect comfortable stepping up to the plate, but also being a follower if that’s what is needed (88)
• 149.) If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete? Swimming, little known fact I am an excellent swimmer. (89)
• 150.) If you had to live in a different state, what would it be? Hmmm California? (90)
• 151.) What living person, other than family members, do you most admire? My best friend (91)
• 154.) Who is the funniest person you know? My co-worker Andrew, also coincidentally the most frustrating. (92)
• 155.) What’s your favorite thing about one of your grandparents? My grandfather was one of the most loved people I ever knew. At his wake thousands of people showed up to show respects. I love the fact that his kindness touched so many people (93)
• 157.) Do you ever talk to yourself? When and what do you say? I hold conversations with myself all the time, about anything and everything. (94)
• 158.) When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? I watch this channel on Youtube that is about two pet otters. I love otters so so much, they just make me happy. (95)
• 160.) What’s your favorite smell in the whole world? I have a few, Libraries – I love the smell of old books. Bleach, and fresh apples. (96)
• 162.) Using one word, how would you describe your family? Crazy (97)
• 163.) Would you rather win an Olympic medal, an Academy Award or the Nobel Peace prize? Nobel Peace Prize (98)
• 165.) What’s your favorite season? Springtime, I love new life and flowers. (99)
• 168.) What is the sound you love the most? Thunderstorms (100)
• 169.) What 3 famous people, living or dead, would you want at your fantasy dinner party? Reba McEntire, Tom Hanks, David Bowie (101)
• 171.) Have you ever accidentally been caught in your birthday suit? These questions man, yes. Yes I have (102)
• 172.) If you could pick a new first name, what would it be? Moiraine (103)
• 174.) Have you ever noticed that easy open packages are actually pretty hard to open? Yes? Is this really a question it reads rhetorical (104)
• 175.) What is your favorite movie quote? Frankly Scarlet, I don’t give a damn. (105)
• 176.) If you won a trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take me? Take you? , I would go to Japan! (106)
• 180.) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich? Ham Sandwich with provolone, Mayo and Mustard, Lettuce and tomato. (107)
• 181.) What’s your dream job? Music Teacher or Broadway Actress (108)
• 182.) Cake or pie? Pie, I don’t like cake (109)
• 187.) Would you rather live somewhere where it is always winter or where it is always summer? Tough question…..Winter I think. I don’t love either though (110)

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Alrighty, here's my last entry. I think this makes 34 points!

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: I made a Time Capsule!
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Time CapsuleX



Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Effigy Adventures - I took Yumeh on a date!
Link or image/text: Check out the scrapbook of our adventures HERE.

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Together Forever - My sister and I made some memories with my avatar self and recorded it in a scrapbook!
Link or image/text: Check out the scrapbook of our adventures HERE.

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Fancy Fortifications - I built a pillow fort!
Link or image/text: You can view a scrapbook page for our pillow fort adventure HERE.

Originally Posted by zigbigadorlube View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Loving Life - I created an avatar! All I need is cats, books, and nature!
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---------- Post added 02-15-2023 at 09:48 PM ----------

I think that should make my 24 points! I also plan on doing the questionnaire for extra credit though.

---------- Post added 02-15-2023 at 10:53 PM ----------

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: 2005 Is Calling - I completed the questionnaire!
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My Valentine’s Day 2023 QuestionnaireX

  • 5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?
    Dandelion fluff
  • 6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose?
    A cat. Because cats.
  • 7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?
    A cat and a cat. Because more cats is always better.
  • 11.) What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
  • 12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person?
    I accidentally replied to a group message not realizing it was a group message. Does that count?
  • 13.) What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh?
    Tampons, Gas-X, and Condoms - I dunno, these are literally the first 3 things that came to mind!
  • 14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking?
    Only while grilling…
  • 15.) What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by?
    Middle hair part
  • 19.) What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club?
    Standing in the corner watching everyone else dance
  • 21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
  • 24.) What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?
  • 26.) What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
    A GIANT wooden penis statue
  • 28.) What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse?
    A cat.
  • 29.) What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
    Birkenstock type sandals (before they existed) to my high school graduation
  • 31.) What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you?
    When Mufasa gets trampled by the wildebeests
  • 34.) If you had the power to shrink any one object and carry it with yo in your pocket, which item would it be?
    A cat.
  • 35.) If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done?
    They’d assume it was a mistake.
  • 37.) What set of items could you buy that would make the cashier the most uncomfortable?
    Laxatives, depends underwear, and lots of chocolate ice cream
  • 43.) What’s the best type of cheese?
  • 45.) What kind of cult would you like to start?
    A cat-worshiping cult
  • 46.) In one sentence, how would you sum up the internet?
  • 47.) First think of a product. Now, what would be the absolute worst brand name for one of those products?
    Laxitives - shitstorm
  • 51.) What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with?
    Pillow fights, jello-wrestling, and burp wars
  • 52.) What would the world be like if it was filled with male and female copies of you?
    I cringe to think of it. We would all be very kind but also anxious AF.
  • 53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
    Gondor Calls for Aid
  • 55.) If you had to give up one thing that you do every day, what would it be?
    Brush my teeth. I hate doing it anyway.
  • 57.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant?
    One Zelda chicken
  • 59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich?
    Nope, it’s a hotdog.
  • 64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose?
    Definitely brushing my teeth. I hate doing it anyway.
  • 65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
    I wish we could tell people’s emotions via an aura around their bodies.
  • 67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be?
    I’d be a pair of strappy sandals. Cute but not exactly practical.
  • 68.) If your survival depended on your ability to impress someone with your dance moves, what dance moves would you bust out?
    I’m pretty sure I’d just automatically die trying to bust some disco moves.
  • 69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do?
    Elf for sure! I’d climb all the trees, walk on snow, and see extra far with my keen elven eyes.
  • 70.) If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks, or claws, what would you choose and why?
    Paws! Because toe beans are the cutest.
  • 77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure?
    Nah, totally not worth it.
  • 81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
    It’s not a sin but I don’t do it.
  • 82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
    Absolutely not. I eat it with a fork and knife like a civilized person.
  • 84.) If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
    Buttered baguette
  • 88.) If a hacker hacked into your computer and was threatening to release your browser history to your friends and family, how much would you pay them to avoid it?
    Zilch, I’ve got nothing to hide!
  • 96.) Toilet paper, over or under?
    Over for sure.
  • 97.) What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?
    Hermione Granger. I’d get annoyed with her bossy, know-it-all attitude.
  • 100.) Is cereal soup?
    Nope, it’s just cereal.
  • 106.) Were your parents more or less strict on you than they were your siblings?
    My dad was more strict on my half-sister than me.
  • 107.) Who was your worst teacher? Why?
    The tech shop teacher. He was a sexist a-hole.
  • 108.) Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
    The art teacher Mr. Wang was the best. He was a good balance of cool but not letting things fall into chaos.
  • 110.) Who are the 3 greatest living musicians?
    Hans Zimmer, Mary Lambert, Joe Hisaishi
  • 112.) Who is a celebrity you admire and why?
    Mary Lambert, for standing up for radical acceptance and acting as a leader in the body positivity space.
  • 113.) What is one animal that you are really afraid of?
  • 119.) What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been?
    Etretat, France
  • 122.) Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of cricket or a bowl full of worms?
    I’d rather go for the worms.
  • 126.) Would you rather have a rare disease that makes you always say everything that is on your mind or lose the ability to ever speak again?
    I already mostly speak my mind so let’s go with that one.
  • 127.) Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.
    I remember this girl puking at the end of the slide during recess. I remember another girl peeing herself in gym class. And I remember having to take extra cutting tests because I sucked at manipulating scissors.
  • 128.) What paper that you’ve written are you most proud of?
    My 25 page dissertation in French.
  • 129.) What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
    Walk around naked.
  • 133.) What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
  • 134.) Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?
    I wanna shoot spaghetti out my fingers spider man style.
  • 142.) What’s one choice you really regret?
    That one time I ate Taco Bell.
  • 143.) What’s your favorite childhood book?
    Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
  • 144.) What’s a great book you’ve read recently?
    The Lost Apothecary
  • 148.) Who would play you in a movie of your life?
    That girl who plays Jess in New Girl.
  • 149.) If you could be an Olympic athlete, in what sport would you compete?
  • 161.) What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
    Toilet paper
  • 162.) Using one word, how would you describe your family?
  • 163.) Would you rather win an Olympic medal, an Academy Award or the Nobel Peace prize?
    Nobel Peace Prize
  • 164.) What’s your favorite time of day?
  • 165.) What’s your favorite season?
  • 168.) What is the sound you love the most?
    The wind in the trees
  • 173.) If you had to leave earth on a spaceship and take 4 friends with you, who would they be?
    Shelby, Meaghan, Mary, Esther
  • 174.) Have you ever noticed that easy open packages are actually pretty hard to open?
    Yes, yes they are.
  • 175.) What is your favorite movie quote?
    “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.”
  • 176.) If you won a trip to anywhere in the world, where would you take me?
  • 178.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
    I only tuck the sheets in at the foot of the bed.
  • 179.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
  • 180.) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich?
    Roast beef with Munster cheese, lettuce, crispy onions, and chipotle mayo
  • 182.) Cake or pie?
  • 184.) Would you rather have noisy neighbors or nosy neighbors?
    Nosy, I can’t stand noisy neighbors.
  • 187.) Would you rather live somewhere where it is always winter or where it is always summer?
    Summer, my feet don’t do well in winter. (Yay Reynauds!)
  • 188.) If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
    Japan for sure
  • 189.) What is your favorite family tradition?
    Making Christmas cookies
  • 190.) Would you rather eat a stick of butter or snort a tablespoon of salt?
    I’ll take the stick of butter.
  • 196.) What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?
    Wash my hands.
  • 197.) Would you rather spend five days exploring Disney or New York City?
    Since I’ve lived in New York City I’d rather take the five days in Disney.
  • 203.) Have you ever been banned from a public place? If so, why?
  • 204.) Would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to yell everything?
    I’d rather whisper. I’m a quiet person in general.
  • 205.) Did you ever skip school as a child?
    Nope, never.
  • 206.) What personal trait has gotten you in the most trouble?
    Probably my honesty.
  • 212.) If it had to be something in this room, what would your zombie apocalypse weapon be?
    Large kitchen knife
  • 213.) What do you like to do on a rainy day?
  • 216.) What is your favorite animal sound?
    The cat “activation” sound.
  • 217.) If you could choose any animal to be your permanent sidekick, what animal would it be?
    A cat.
  • 218.) What is your favorite thing about the beach?
    How peaceful it is.
  • 219.) If you had to suddenly flee the country, where would you live and why?
    France. I speak the language and they have good food.
  • 221.) What is your favorite Disney movie?
  • 226.) Name a product or service you love so much that you’d happily be that company’s spokesperson.
    Capser. I own pretty much all of their stuff, lol!
  • 231.) Do you believe in ghosts and would you ever go ghost hunting?
    I’m a bit skeptical but I guess I do believe in ghosts. I wouldn’t go ghost hunting though.
  • 232.) If you could be a professional at any sport, what sport would it be?
  • 235.) How do you handle people you don’t like?
    I stay away from them.
  • 241.) What is your favorite day of the week?
  • 242.) If you had to either shave your head or dye all of your hair pink, which would you choose?
    I’d dye my hair pink. I’ve always wanted to try it actually.
  • 245.) If you had to wear one halloween costume every day for the rest of your life, what would you be?
  • 249.) If you had the ability to do magic like the characters from Harry Potter, how would you use it?
    Doing chores so I wouldn’t have to cook or clean myself.

---------- Post added 02-15-2023 at 10:55 PM ----------

Alright, I think that should be my 30 points! *crosses fingers*



Originally Posted by Nephila View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: I am the Keeper of Memories. Look at me and fear my awesome memory
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Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: 2005 Is Calling
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My Valentine’s Day 2023 QuestionnaireX

#1 - 6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose?
-Kangaroo since it runs quickly, can jump super high, and can be super muscular and powerful.

#2 - 10.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first?
-Be very confused and wonder what happened to my body.

#3 - 11.) What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?
-Smoking or vaping.

#4 - 12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person?
-Yes, I once accidentally sent a photo to my male friend that was intended for my boyfriend! Facepalm.

#5 - 13.) What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh?
-The biggest watermelon, the longest baguette from the bakery section, and then a single grape.

#6 - 14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking?
-My hair :( just a little bit though

#7 - 19.) What is your favorite dance move to do when you are at the club?
-I used to play this game with friends where we would discreetly choose people on the dance floor to copy their dance moves! That was my favorite.

#8 - 21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?
-Definitely crows. They are such intelligent troublemakers!

#9 - 59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich?
-Yes, I think so since the hotdog is nestled between bread on either side.

#10 - 53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen?
-Hide yo kids, hide yo wifi

#11 - 72.) In the event of the apocalypse, what three places are you going to first to gather supplies?
-A hospital, Home Depot, Costco

#12 - 122.) Would you rather have to eat a bowl full of cricket or a bowl full of worms?
-Definitely cricket — I’ve had crickets before! They’re just crunchy. Worms are much less appealing.

#13 - 67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be?
-A comfortable pair of sneakers where the shoelaces never unravel and trip people :)

#14 - 64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose?
-Definitely brushing my hair every day — I don’t even brush my hair that often, but I do brush my teeth 1-2x every day!

#15 - 100.) Is cereal soup?
-Maybe if the cereal has sat in the milk long enough to be soft, then sure it can be soup :)

#16 - 118.) Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why?
-One of my dear friends from college who is now a director of a non-profit, travels the world, and sits at the United Nations sometimes. She grew up poor in a dangerous neighborhood and also makes a difference locally by giving back to her community.

#17 - 69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do?
-An elf for sure. I am already on the smaller side so I imagine being a hobbit won’t be too different haha. The first thing I would do is try sending a telepathic message to someone nearby to see if they react.

#18 - 94.) If you were a street fighter, what would your theme song be and why?
-Unstoppable by Sia!

#19 - 162.) Using one word, how would you describe your family?

#20 - 242.) If you had to either shave your head or dye all of your hair pink, which would you choose?
-I would definitely dye my hair pink <3 I don't think I have a good-enough shaped head to pull off baldness unfortunately!

#21 - 246.) If you could be a fly on the wall, where would you land?
-I would land somewhere in the middle of the ceiling! I think that’s the safest place to avoid getting noticed or swatted. I would avoid being near the corners or edges, because if someone does try to swat me, I don’t want to accidentally corner myself!

#22 - 178.) Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
-Always tucked out. I prefer the freedom of movement.

#23 - 65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see?
-Carbon monoxide, so there would be fewer deaths from it. Toilet water after you flush, so more people would close the lid before flushing.

#24 - 200.) Whose parents do/did you wish you had?
-I have always thought my parents were the best!
201.) If you could shop for free at one store, which one would you choose?
-Macy’s because they have everything from clothing to electronics to kitchen items to furniture to jewelry…missing food but they do have chocolate sometimes?

#25 - 183.) Who is the kindest person you know?
-My parents because they have sacrificed so much in their lives and yet are still such good people!

#26 - 190.) Would you rather eat a stick of butter or snort a tablespoon of salt?
-I would rather eat the butter. I don’t want to accidentally snort salt into my lungs.

#27 - 180.) What’s your favorite kind of sandwich?
-So many kinds, but a recent one was a vegan BLT — instead of bacon, chickpea tempeh infused with liquid smoke and paprika! Then lettuce, tomatoes, and vegan mayonnaise on healthy bread (the kind with lots of seeds and grains in it)

#28 - 203.) Have you ever been banned from a public place? If so, why?
-I don’t think so.

#29 - 174.) Have you ever noticed that easy open packages are actually pretty hard to open?
-Yes. My gallon of milk immediately comes to mind — the pull tab simply does not do the job. I have to use something sharp to poke a hole, then manually peel it open.

#30 - 196.) What’s the first thing you do when you get home from a trip?
-Drop all my stuff, peel off my clothing, and take a shower!

#31 - 197.) Would you rather spend five days exploring Disney or New York City?
-I’ve spent more time in NYC than in Disney, so I’ll go with Disney!

#32 - 17.) What is something you refuse to share?
-My toothbrush lol

#33 - 43.) What’s the best type of cheese?
-I love so many lol. Maybe cheddar or mozzarella.

#34 - 105.) On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents?
-I would say 5 for “just right”

#35 - 113.) What is one animal that you are really afraid of?
-Cockroaches are awful!

#36 - 185.) What’s the best part about having siblings?
-Having a built-in best friend!

#37 - 199.) Could you go a week without your smart phone?
-I think I personally can, but my work requires me to use one.

#38 - 81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza?
-It’s perfectly fine!

#39 - 82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it?
-Not most of the time, but I have occasionally folded it if the bread part was too floppy to eat without making a mess!

#40 - 107.) Who was your worst teacher? Why?
-Without naming names…she was the worst because she left extremely negative and false feedback at the end of the class for each student that worked with her, mostly copy pasted from student to student. Fortunately, we were able to eventually remove the feedback, but it required escalating the issue to leadership.

#41 - 108.) Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
-My third grade teacher! Even now, I still remember how she was kind to everyone in the class, no matter what they were struggling with, so we always felt safe to learn from her. She was always fair.

#42 - 45.) What kind of cult would you like to start?
-One where everyone is kind to animals and does their best for the environment through waste reduction and recycling!

#43 - 85.) You’re a mad scientist, what scientific experiment would you run if money and ethics weren’t an issue?
-I would try to create a brand new species of animal by combining DNA from different samples! The DNA would be a mix of living creatures and extinct ones for which we were able to salvage DNA from fossils.

#44 - 109.) Which would you pick: being world-class attractive, a genius or famous for doing something great?
-I would love to be a genius! I think I would prefer a more private and quiet life, so I don’t need to be that famous even if I am a genius lol. Also, I think looks can only get you so far.

#45 - 111.) What was your favorite toy growing up?
-I had a plush doggy and a plush kitty that were among my favorites growing up! I would usually carry them both around with me at the same time.

#46 - 117.) Would you rather sweat melted cheese or have snakes for hair?
-I would go with the snakes for hair for practical reasons! I feel like it would be easier to hide a head full of snakes under a hat or headscarf. On the other hand, if I sweated melted cheese, I can’t imagine a day when my clothes would not be oily and ruined!

#47 - 140.) Would you rather have x-ray vision or the ability to always know when someone is lying to you?
-X-ray vision for sure. I think it would come in handy if someone needs medical help. I understand that sometimes people “lie” but it’s not always a bad thing.

#48 - 155.) What’s your favorite thing about one of your grandparents?
-I think my grandmother is super cool because she can speak multiple languages and is an expert on rocks lol

#49 - 7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why?
-Maybe a cat and a fish? Like a cat mermaid situation lol so that the cat is not scared of water!

#50 - 70.) If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks, or claws, what would you choose and why?
-This is a hard one! Maybe wings like a bat?

#51 - 125.) What’s the right age to get married?
-I think this is different for everyone depending on individual situations. But I do believe all parties need to be a certain age to be able to give mature and informed consent.

#52 - 62.) Which body part do you wish you could detach and why?
-Uterus and ovaries to avoid menstruation every month, since that is sometimes a physically challenging time for me. Also, noses! So that when your nose is all sniffly, you can just take it off and empty it out lol.

#53 - 182.) Cake or pie?
I really love both lol. I guess if I had to choose, I would go with cake over pie.

#54 - 127.) Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten.
-We read the book “The Rainbow Fish.” We had nap time every day. Some kids got to play games on the computer, and I wished I could too!

#55 - 132.) If you could live in any TV home, what would it be?
-London’s suite in The Suite Life of Zack and Cody! So spacious!

#56 - 112.) Who is a celebrity you admire and why?
-Emma Watson. I think she’s an amazing actress, and I love how she is also super smart and dedicates her time to advocacy and helping others!

#57 - 106.) Were your parents more or less strict on you than they were your siblings?
-I think similar but maybe slightly more strict since I was the oldest sibling.

#58 - 151.) What living person, other than family members, do you most admire?
-I greatly admire one of my friends who suffers a rare genetic disorder that causes him physical weakness. Despite that, he trains as much as he can to keep his muscles strong, has a successful career helping others, and dedicates his free time to volunteering for animals.

#59 - 145.) Do you feel like a leader or a follower?
-Both. I think being a leader requires being a good follower first.

#60 - 165.) What’s your favorite season?

#61 - 161.) What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
-The wheel!

#62 - 164.) What’s your favorite time of day?

#63 - 23.) In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for?
-Masks hopefully!

#64 - 133.) What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
-Cookies and cream

#65 - 77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure?

#66 - 87.) If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called?

#67 - 55.) If you had to give up one thing that you do every day, what would it be?
-Procrastinate on going to sleep

#68 - 134.) Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs?
-Shoot spaghetti!

#69 - 230.) If you were guaranteed to be successful in a different profession, what would you want to do?

#70 - 235.) How do you handle people you don’t like?
-Avoid them if I don’t need to interact with them.

#71 - 96.) Toilet paper, over or under?

#72 - 163.) Would you rather win an Olympic medal, an Academy Award or the Nobel Peace prize?
-Academy Award

#73 - 97.) What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations?
-Artemis Fowl

#74 - 152.) What has been your favorite family vacation?
-A family cruise

#75 - 187.) Would you rather live somewhere where it is always winter or where it is always summer?

#76 - 179.) Do you ever count your steps when you walk?

#77 - 241.) What is your favorite day of the week?
-Friday :)

#78 - 20.) What would your favorite dance move be if you were at a wedding?
-The hora

#79 - 143.) What’s your favorite childhood book?
-The Foot Book

#80 - 42.) If you die and find out that everyone gets to choose a twelve-foot by twelve-foot square to stay in alone for eternity without being able to influence or contact the living world, what twelve-foot by twelve-foot square would you choose?
-On the staircase so that I can see the first and second floors and also walk up and down for exercise

#81 - 5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be?
-Those plants with the small colorful flowers

#82 - 39.) What are the unwritten rules of where you work?
-Wash your hands

#83 - 29.) What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever worn?
-A faux leather dress that started ripping in multiple places

#84 - 32.) What kid’s movie did you think was too scary when you were a child?
-Goosebumps (was on tv but I think it was a movie?)

#85 - 95.) If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future?
-Talk about inventions from the future that are relevant and would be create-able 400 years in the past.

#86 - 147.) What’s the most courageous thing you’ve ever done?
-Help evacuate people during an electrical fire in a building

#87 - 186.) What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?
-The Grudge

#88 - 229.) What is the sickest you have ever been?
-When I was a young child, not sure if it was a throat or ear infection

#89 - 168.) What is the sound you love the most?

#90 - 192.) What trait do you like the most about yourself?

#91 - 86.) What two totally normal things become really weird if you do them back to back?
-Putting on shoes, then putting on socks.

#92 - 243.) If you could have plastic surgery to enlarge one part of you body, what would it be?
-Maybe parts of my face or ears so that they line up properly and my glasses stop falling off lol

#93 - 209.) What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
-The perfect is the enemy of the good.

#94 - 1.) What is the funniest name you have actually heard used in the real world?
-Sue Mi

#95 - 24.) What inanimate object do you wish you could eliminate from existence?

#96 - 22.) Which animal do you think would be the most polite?

#97 - 26.) What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home?
-My friend’s house has this place where there is a random 1-foot gap between two of the walls.

#98 - 103.) What’s the best inside joke you’ve been a part of?
-My friends and I once made seating arrangements for an event that made absolutely no sense, just as a joke to see how our friends would react before we showed them the real seating arrangements.

#99 - 129.) What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
-Watch some movies or shows for free maybe?

#100 - 89.) What would be the creepiest thing you could say while passing a stranger on the street?
-“Run before they find you.”

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: I have everything I need to live a full, happy life! Nature, fresh air, kids, favorite colors, dream job, tea, a cow, butterflies, my favorite blanket
Link or image/text:

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Remember that time… Ruby discovered the Team Seacow Headquarters and let out the first “leedle leedle leedle lee” <3
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Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Keeper of Memories - She is an ancient and magical entity who remembers all, both written history (represented by the book) and oral history (represented through the music from her harp)
Link or image/text:

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Time Capsule! Includes positive note to my future self, a memory from this event (drawing of all the event thread sticky hosts), drawing of my avatar, little fishtank for my future self to play with, and a "pearl" necklace and coins to pay for the journey!
Link or image/text:

Originally Posted by salvete View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Effigy Adventures - A Day with Pet Rock Yumeh!
Link or image/text:
Making Yumeh from a pet rock, tape and blue, indigo, and yellow construction paper

Behold, the creation of Pet Rock Yumeh!

Yumeh has fun playing with a ball of yarn and getting tangled

Yumeh has a blast making a mess out of toilet tissue!

Yumeh loves making biscuits on this soft blanket!

Yumeh plays with stickers

Yumeh looks at pictures of animal friends

Yumeh makes a new friend who is also a black cat!

---------- Post added 02-16-2023 at 09:58 PM ----------

Thank you Cora! <3

Hopefully that was enough for 30 points <3



Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings View Post
wow great job everyone!

I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: i have everything i need to live a happy life, cats, tea and fashion!
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Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Fancy Fortifications
Link or image/text: Does this work?

---------- Post added 02-17-2023 at 07:15 PM ----------

I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Remember that time... when I found a mysterious pm from 1969? XD
Link or image/text: This thread makes me chuckle. Sure is an interesting screenshot to look at too...

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey... Time Capsule!
Link or image/text: My Time Capsule!

Good night! I hope I can make a comic strip and write/draw some love letters tomorrow. orz

And thanks again, salvete.

Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Family Videos?
Link or image/text: Here's my very messy sketchy comic strip!!

R u b y


Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Together Forever… Memories are often best shared with others. Where are you headed this week? Who with? Doing something fun? Hoho! I don’t need to know these things. But if you are making some memories with someone, record it through some medium or another, something that you could and would want to share here on Menewsha. Get creative! Montage… Time lapse… Cute paper cutouts of your avatar and all the places you visit!

ghostPastry and I went on an adventure!

Link or image/text:

Lots of pics with descriptionsX

We found fabric that I love!

Had to get some embroidery floss for my craft project! Ghost was kind enough to help me!


-heavy breathing-
-ghost is confused-

"Giant" chairs!

We both have S names and look what we found!

Woodland creatures!

Some more forest friends!

We even met some dragons!

The almighty Rudactyl got to meet a real Pterodactyl.

Sports cars and Disco bby

Watch out for Godzilla!

We went to read this book our dragon friends reccommended and look who else we met! (below)

We fit right in don't ya think?!

We're so lucky to have each other

Rested in this forest of sorts!

So true amirite?

"No cage can hold us!"
"it's only half a cag..."

Another "S"!

We traveled the world!

Here's all our loot

Okay maybe this one can hold us....

These kind friends let us out! They even said we were....

Love you ghostPastry! I think you're...

Then we saw the sunset!

And got some dinner!

It was a lovely day with you Ghost! Let's do it again sometime!

And remember everyone...

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Family Videos - 80s slideshow
Link or image/text:

I hope this works

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I have completed a MAKING NEW MEMORIES task!
Description: Effigy Adventures
Yumeh and I had a friend date!

Link or image/text:

First we played Cat-opoly where Yumeh kicked my butt! Look at all those hotels!

Had to visit the kitty of the house!

Then we watched a movie! (it was Zootopia if anyone was wondering)

Lastly we had some Costco ice cream! (put it in the freezer first so it was more frozen o3o

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey… Time is such an interesting concept. To think it can be bent by gravity boggles the mind! Hoho… I find when time stands still to be the most interesting though, like memories frozen in time, waiting to be discovered. I think you know where I’m going with this… Make a Time Capsule for your future self to discover! You must include:
  • A positive note for yourself to read in the future
  • At least one memory from this event
  • A printout or drawn picture of your avatar with your username
  • Something for your future self to play with
  • Something to pay for the Time Capsule’s passage through time
  • Anything else you would like to be inside
  • "You are worthy of love"
  • Yumeh Cross Stitch
  • My and Ghost's avis from our adventure
  • Fidget toy
  • 1 a dolla (in cat-opoly money)
  • I added a mountain house meal, those last 30 years! (and they're delicious), and I added some mini m&ms because who doesn't like candy in a tube

Link or image/text:



Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
I have completed a RARE REMEMBRANCES task!
Description: Wordy Recitals This little story is about that time that Carn got frozen to death by the Mafia (1,690 words, not including code/quotes)
Emerald House Mysteries
Link or image/text:

Carn-Sicle - An Origin StoryX

It started out like any old event. The threads, the users, the prizes. Everyone was flush with tokens, and spendin em too. Fortunes were won and lost every 15 minutes. But that’s not what this story is about see?

No… The item in question was in fact the 2015 Mafia Games wherein 3 mobsters smuggled themselves into a party to enjoy some similarly smuggled chocolates from the Isle de Cacao! Amongst a bunch of us simple townies. It was mostly us vanilla types (myself included) but there was a doctor and a detective too! The 11th guest, our host actually, Mrs. Evelynna Emerald was cut down in the prime of her life! So our group of 10 did what any self respectin’ group of individuals would do. We locked ourselves inside until we found out just who dunnit…

Now I was just a simple vanilla type but the rest of the group didn’t know that for sure. I didn’t know these people and they didn’t know me see? So’s I come out of the gate strong! You know, let em know justice is on my mind and that I ain’t gonna put up with no funny business!

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Alright... *glares at everyone* WHICH ONE OF YOU DID IT?!

---------- Post added 02-13-2015 at 01:04 PM ----------

Ah dang, I forgot to change...
I said, not realizing I was still in my streets. I had only just arrived after work and had forgotten to put on my party duds!
Originally Posted by xoxoAngiexoxo View Post
*glares back at carn*
xoxoAngiexoxo gave me a glare right back that could have curdled milk. I knew right then I had to keep an eye on her… I suddenly felt something that normally didn’t bother me. But with the dead body of Mrs. Emerald holed up in the freezer, I suddenly felt mortality knocking at the door of my soul. Fear flooded my body.

“It wasn’t me! I pleaded!” Thankfully musasgal quickly took the attention away from my sweaty brow.
Originally Posted by musasgal View Post
Well, one of the things what has to be figured out is WHY the person smuggled in the chocolates anyway.
For some reason this gal seemed far to concerned with why these chocolates were smuggled in here in the first place.

Now… I’m not one of those criminal sorts understand? But uh… I have been known to enjoy the spices of life that lie on the grayer side of the law, capiche? Soon as those words were outta that gal’s mouth I was stricken with the fact that this person may be law enforcement… NOT GOOD...

That’s when Silenia walked in the room…
Originally Posted by Silenia View Post
Killing a lady like that? How terrible a deed! I assure you it wasn't me either.
Yes how terrible! Pahh! I don’t know if it was the look of utter apathy on her face or the singsong quality of her voice… But I was eyeing her for the deed straight up.

The conversation ran in circles, nothing of much substance being said. Accusations flew as other guests entered the room.
Originally Posted by sjacklene View Post
Oh! So it is similar to clue. haha.

It wasn't me guys... I cannot harm a fly, much less a person.
This mook! Did they think this was some game? A stiff in the freezer and they’re comparing it to a party game… I crossed them off the list right then. Couldn’t have been someone like that. Didn’t have the stomach for it.

It didn’t take long for the party to turn against me. I was talkin fast an too much! But Mnemosyne came to my rescue!
Originally Posted by Mnemosyne View Post
You all are picking on the poor Car'a'Carn like you've already made a decision! Slinging accusations and insults abound isn't going to get us anywhere!

We need to decide what we DO know about the situation and how to properly determine who could have done this heinous crime!
Cold calculating logic… I could get behind this and I did. Despite my nerves making me seem far more guilty than I actually was, Mnemosyne had given me a reprieve.

I took a moment to look around the room… So far there were only 6 of us… Strange… So I pointed it out, thinking to turn the gaze of suspicion on them! And it worked! Till Ascadelllia waltzed in the room...
Originally Posted by Ascadellia View Post
Hm... First, we need an alibi for everyone.
Most suspicious one would be nervous by now. >.>

---------- Post added 02-13-2015 at 03:21 PM ----------

Also, totally not me. I was picking flowers~
There it was again! Trying to turn the screws on me just because my skin was a bit clammy! No one seemed to pick up on it though… Her little fib… Picking flowers! Inside the house! Mrs. Emerald didn’t have no conservatory… I let the lie slide and started pacing.

There really was no good way of knowing who was who in this deck of cards… It was all 6s and 7s. No one had seen a thing and inspection of the crime scene yielded nothing. Our bag of evidence was empty and the stress was starting to get to me… I grabbed for my coffee, my hand disappearing inside my coat with my back turned to dump the contents of my special bottle of… Syrup… into the dark and bitter liquid.

I took a sip and boy did that sooth my jittery nerves! That’s when I noticed Mnemosyne stuffing her face with chocolate. I guess we all had to clam our nerves some way or another. Angie on the other hand, helped herself, stuffing her pockets full to bursting. If someone could steal like that… I made a note of it.

Glancing around the room again, I took a count. Still only seven of us… EirianHikari, Kent, and CycloneKira were the other guests but I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of them. Absence at a time like this… Alarm bells were ringing in my head like someone was poundin my skull with a billy club.

Night was falling and a decision had to be made. One of us was gonna die tonight and it sure wasn’t gonna be me! That’s when it happened. Mnemosyne laid out her choice. CycloneKira… My stomach did a little flip inside me. We hadn’t even rolled to see who we should lynch of those that weren’t here! She pulled out a shooter and tossed it. “EirianJHikari!” Clearly just guessing… Her previous logic was going out the window!

Kent burst into the room…
Originally Posted by Kent View Post
I'm finally here~ Wasn't on earlier because I was driving from Tennessee to Indiana for five straight hours. O:
Now who could've murdered our generous hostess? D:
Asking questions like we had just started this conundrum...

With time running short I took the reins and tried to drive the lynching towards CycloneKira. I had a suspicion EirianHikari was already out of the picture… sjacklene finally jumped aboard. And slowly but surely… The rest of the guests all voted.

In the end Hikari was dead… In the end… We killed an innocent...

CycloneKira finally showed up the next morning.
Originally Posted by CycloneKira View Post
I didn't take part in the previous lynching, unfortunately... missed that.
Maybe not the best thing to say first thing in the morning… More suspicion!

More suspicion was thrown my way dispite my new tact of LOOK guilty therefore I couldn’t BE guilty… It didn’t work and I was starting to regret my party outfit of choice. They were all right, I did look like a mob boss… *sigh* The rest of day two devolved into chocolate throwing, mostly at Angie which soothed my soul. She was clearly gunning to put me down and the only reason I could think of was because she was in fact a Mafiosi type…

As the day drew to a close, suspicion was once again cast on those that were the most silent. With that in mind, the rest of us stalked each other mercilessly. No one went anywhere alone and our actions were closely scrutinized! I put forth a vote. CycloneKira! But none of the other guests were having any of that…

“Ascadellia!” Voted Angie...

“sjacklene!” Voted Kent...

I laid out my logic. I was ninty percent sure Angie and Kira were the mobsters. I tried to get the rest to see reason…

Despite my sound reasoning… sjacklene cast their doubt upon me… “Car’a’Carn!” They voted with no preamble. I slugged back some gin as a fresh wave of jitters took me. I returned the accusation in kind.

The board was full, with nearly every other guest having at least one deathmark. Time was running out as everyone rushed to persuade the rest that it wasn’t them… in the end, I was even convinced to change my vote a third time that day… Ascadellia…

As it would turn out… That same night would be my last…

The gruesome job was done. Ascadellia lay in a growing pool of red on the dirty concrete floor of the basement. I looked around at the rest of my fellow lynchers and grimaced, the blood still warm on my hands. I don’t know who had dealt the final blow but it had taken all of us. Shocked to my core and in serious need of libations… I made my way to the kitchen and cleaned myself up.

Stomach grumbling, I looked around. Bottles empty, cupboards bare of anything remotely tasty, I finally spotted the freezer. It wasn’t like a normal freezer either! No, this was a top of the line model, the kind you can walk in. I knew Mrs. Emerald was in there, covered by a tartan patterned blanket with a sheen of frost but… That was also the last place left to check for Mrs. Emeralds secret stash of chocolate treats and ice cream goodies...

I’d already seen 3 dead bodies in the last 2 days… besides… she was covered with a blanket. I couldn’t see her! So I popped open the door and took a look as I stood in the open doorway. A sudden shove found me tumbling into it’s depths as I fell up on the cold, stiff body of Mrs. E…

“You got to close and you’re far to convincing for your own good…” The voice behind me sent a chill down my spine as I whirled to see Angie framed in the dark by the glow of the kitchen light behind her. I could still make out the grin on her face though… The haunting, maniacal grin that was the last thing I ever saw.

The door slammed shut and the light winked off. I scrambled to the door but no dice… It was locked from the outside. This was it. This was the end for me… I felt around for Mrs. E’s body and stole her blanket as my last criminal act in this world, wrapping myself to keep warm. Little did I know that would only prolong the inevitable…

The others found me the next morning… A very dead... very frozen... Car’a’Carn-sicle…

If I’d been alive to witness it, I would have seen the Mafiosis convince the rest to once again remove their suspicions from Kira and vote for sjacklene… There were still a few left alive when the voting stopped. But only for a moment. With the three mobsters in the majority, they made quick work of the mususgal and Silenia

CycloneKira, xoxoAngiexoxo, and Kent walked outta Mrs. Emerald’s scotfree and with all the chocolate loot they could carry.

---------- Post added 02-18-2023 at 01:45 PM ----------

Oooh a countdown timer... I'll go check to see when we are ending the event!

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description 2005 Is Calling: This took me back to the days when I actually liked doing these XD I have no illusions though. Most of the time I doubt anyone really cared what I had to put in my survey
Link or image/text:

My Valentine’s Day 2023 QuestionnaireX

• 4.) What sport would be the funniest to add a mandatory amount of alcohol to? Soccer. Probably any really, but watching people try to run under the influence would be amusing XD
• 5.) If you could replace all of the grass in the world with something else, what would it be? MOSS. Definitely moss. So much more comfy and less itchy.
• 6.) If you had to choose one animal to help you win a fight, which animal would you choose? Honey Badger
• 7.) If you could morph two animals to make one super animal, what two animals would you choose? Why? Obviously a Liger.
It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic.
• 8.) What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical? Serenity
• 9.) If you could choose one musical artist to marry but could never listen to their music again, who would it be? There’s plenty of pretty artists out there that I wouldn’t mind marrying and who’s music I hate. I’ll pick uh… Selena Gomez! She still makes music right?
• 10.) If your five-year-old self suddenly found themselves inhabiting your current body, what would your five-year-old self do first? Find a way back to my five-year-old self as quickly as possible. Maybe take the car out for a spin first XD
• 11.) What is something that everyone looks stupid doing? The chicken dance.
• 12.) Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person? Many times, thankfully never with bad results!
• 13.) What are three items you could buy together at the grocery store to make the cashier laugh? Milk, antacids, and ghost peppers
• 14.) Have you ever caught something on fire while you were cooking? Jeeez! Not on accident XD Oh wait… No, there was that one time grilling… Dang it >.< Yes...
• 15.) What is something that is really popular now, but in 5 years everyone will look back on and be embarrassed by? Tik Tok
• 16.) What is your most embarrassing moment from high school? I never went to highschool
• 17.) What is something you refuse to share? I share everything. Sometimes in the back of my mind I’ll not want to but I will anyways. Unless I do it to be funny but then I’ll still end up sharing.
• 21.) If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? Squirrels.
• 22.) Which animal do you think would be the most polite? Dogs
• 23.) In 40 years what will people be nostalgic for? A quiet life free from an overabundance of meaningless technology.
• 25.) What are some things that are okay to occasionally but definitely not okay to do every day? Get drunk
• 26.) What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home? A koi pond in the corner of the living room
• 27.) Who do you know that really reminds you of a character in a TV show or movie? My nephew reminds me of George from Lockwood in all but appearance.
• 28.) What would be the coolest animal to scale up to the size of a horse? A Capybara
• 31.) What part of a kid’s movie completely scarred you? Muppet Christmas Carole… Marley and Marley… Shit man...
• 32.) What kid’s movie did you think was too scary when you were a child? The Wizard of Oz. Or Alice in Wonderland. Pick one.
• 36.) What’s the most ridiculous fact you know? Goldfish have a memory span of about 5 minutes
• 38.) What is the funniest joke you know by heart? So this Scottish guy walks up to a man with an elephant.
The man says, “My elephant can tell the age of anyone!”
The Scotsman doesn’t believe it.
A little girl steps up and the elephant looks her up and down before stamping his foot 6 times. She says “That’s right! I’m 6 years old!”
A little boy than comes up and the elephant does the same before stamping his foot 4 times. He says “I’m 4! That’s so cool!”
“Alrigheet alrigheet!” Says the Scotsman, “I’ll play your lil’ game!” And steps forwards.
The elephant takes a long look at the Scotsman. So long that the Scotsman is just about to leave.
Suddenly the elephant whips around and, tail up, lets loose, passing gas so loud it could be heard down the street. The elephant turns back around… And stamps his foot twice.
The Scotsman staggers back clutching his chest.
“I’ll be buggered! He’s right! Farty Two!”
• 41.) What is the funniest corporate / business screw up you have heard of? The design and marketing of the Pontiac Aztek
• 43.) What’s the best type of cheese? Havarti
• 45.) What kind of cult would you like to start? I’ve started one. In DnD. It’s not a cult though, it’s my Bard’s house! Casa del Fuego! … Ok it’s kinda a cult… They all worship my Bard and he gives them tokens of his attention in the form of hairballs...
• 51.) What are some fun and interesting alternatives to war that countries could settle their differences with? Bog Snorkeling
• 53.) What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve seen? “FBI Chip Activation Center”
• 55.) If you had to give up one thing that you do every day, what would it be? nailbiting
• 56.) If life were a video game, what would some of the cheat codes be? “autobahnnoclip” – Driving without hitting anything “growsontrees” – money trees in the backyard “ripvanwinkle” – Sleeping takes up no time
• 57.) How many chickens would it take to kill an elephant? At least 50.
• 58.) What would be the worst “buy one get one free” sale of all time? Root canal
• 59.) Is a hotdog a sandwich? Oh god...
• 62.) Which body part do you wish you could detach and why? I’m not answering this...
• 63.) What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house? Scolded the hostess
• 64.) If you had to give up either brushing your teeth or brushing your hair every day, which one would you choose? hair
• 65.) What’s invisible but you wish people could see? Air (gases, all of them)
• 67.) If you were a pair of shoes, what kind of shoes would you be? Running shoes
• 68.) If your survival depended on your ability to impress someone with your dance moves, what dance moves would you bust out? Interpretive with a mix of Melbourn shuffle
• 69.) Would you rather be a hobbit or an elf for a day? What is the first thing you would do? Elf. Talk to trees.
• 70.) If you had to replace your hands with something other than hands, hooks, or claws, what would you choose and why? Dexterous tentacles. NOT FOR THAT REASON! Sheesh…
• 71.) Where is the strangest place you’ve urinated or defecated? The side of the highway?
• 72.) In the event of the apocalypse, what three places are you going to first to gather supplies? My back yard, abandoned homes, any forestry seed repository
• 74.) In the apocalypse, would you rather tough it alone or try to find a community to live in? I’d probably be off by myself
• 75.) What’s the weirdest smell you have ever smelled? Microwaved feather.
• 76.) What mythical creature would improve the world most if it existed? Dryads?
• 77.) Would you go streaking across the field at a sporting event for a thousand dollars, even if there was a 50/50 chance you could get arrested for indecent exposure? Nah. 1000 would be nice but I wouldn’t have to deal with the arrested part.
• 78.) What is the silliest/most embarrassing thing you have done while drinking? Sadly I don’t have a lot of good stories. Oh oh! I fell over on my tv and almost broke it.
• 79.) What is your favorite drinking game to play and why? Mustache on the screen. Mustaches are the best.
• 80.) If you could have an unlimited storage space full of one thing, what would it be? Vodka XD
• 81.) How do you feel about putting pineapple on pizza? I CANNOT… who put this question on this list?? NO!
• 82.) Do you fold your pizza when you eat it? Nerk style!
• 83.) If you had to become an inanimate object for a year, what object would it be? A jet fighter. Talk about speed.
• 84.) If you could only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be? Eggs Benedict!
• 87.) If peanut butter wasn’t called peanut butter, what would it be called? Mashed nuts
• 95.) If you were transported 400 years into the past with no clothes or anything else, how would you prove that you were from the future? Math, chemistry, and depending on where I was, historical predictions.
• 96.) Toilet paper, over or under? OVER YOU HEATHANS
• 97.) What fictional character is amazing in their book / show / movie, but would be insufferable if you had to deal with them in mundane everyday situations? Sherlock
• 98.) What are some fun ways to answer everyday questions like “how’s it going” or “what do you do”? I’m still alive! I raise plants before beheading and preserving them to feed to animals.
• 100.) Is cereal soup? I suppose it is! Yes!
• 101.) If over time you replace parts on a car, at what point does it stop being the same car you bought? How many parts do you need to replace to make it a new car? Ship of Theseus anyone?
• 102.) If someone asked to be your apprentice and learn all that you know, what would you teach them? A whole lot of half useful information that would allow them to master absolutely nothing.
• 105.) On a scale of 1-10, how strict are/were your parents? 7
• 106.) Were your parents more or less strict on you than they were your siblings? More >.<
• 107.) Who was your worst teacher? Why? Ms. Hildger… That woman was a witch and taught me sight reading >.<
• 108.) Who was your favorite teacher? Why? Professor Rule. Made me understand and love math
• 109.) Which would you pick: being world-class attractive, a genius or famous for doing something great? genius
• 110.) Who are the 3 greatest living musicians? Dave Matthews, Tori Amos, Armin Van Buren
• 111.) What was your favorite toy growing up? My Stuffed dog Ty
• 115.) Who is a celebrity that you think shouldn’t be famous? Starts with a K ends with a t
• 116.) What accomplishment are you most proud of? Starting a hay growing business from scratch
• 117.) Would you rather sweat melted cheese or have snakes for hair? If the snakes are my friends and I can talk to them, snakes.
• 118.) Which of your friends are you proudest of? Why? Probably my Beastie. She’s really smart and continues to try her best no matter what. She’s also really chill with other people and an example for how to get along well with others.
• 119.) What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever been? Multnomah Falls
• 121.) What are your 3 favorite movies? Lost in Space, Mulan, Galaxy Quest
• 125.) What’s the right age to get married? Provided it’s legal… Any age you want! Or, don’t get married if you don’t want! You do you!
• 126.) Would you rather have a rare disease that makes you always say everything that is on your mind or lose the ability to ever speak again? I’ll take the ability to never speak again thanks...
• 127.) Tell me 3 things you remember about kindergarten. The woodshope I spent most of my time in. I don’t know how I didn’t lose and eye because we did not have any protection! The awesome loft we got to go up into so that we could read or listen to audio books. The sitting circle with our names written down on a piece of masking tape where we would sit during story time!
• 129.) What would you do if you were invisible for a day? HAH! Probably would a bunch of other people would as well XD
• 131.) If you could time travel, where would you go? Future!
• 132.) If you could live in any TV home, what would it be? The Crystal Gems!
• 133.) What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla is the most versatile!
• 134.) Would you rather shoot spaghetti out of your fingers or sneeze meatballs? Spaghetti Fingers plox!
• 135.) Would you rather live for a week in the past or the future? Again Future. I wanna see stuff I’ve never seen before
• 137.) What’s your favorite holiday? Gonna have to go with Christmas. Halloween is a close second.
• 139.) If you could be a cartoon character for a week, who would you be? Steven Universe!
• 140.) Would you rather have x-ray vision or the ability to always know when someone is lying to you? Oh lying for sure.
• 141.) If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be? Einstein. I’d love to talk physics and math and everything
• 143.) What’s your favorite childhood book? Castle Roogna
• 144.) What’s a great book you’ve read recently? Oh… The Hacienda
• 145.) Do you feel like a leader or a follower? I feel like a leader but it’s exhausting...
• 146.) If you could ask your pet 3 questions, what would they be? Can you always understand me? If so, from now on, whenever I ask you a question, can you respond with 1 blink for yes, 2 for no? What is it like being able to smell so much?
• 148.) Who would play you in a movie of your life? Brendan Frasier
• 152.) What has been your favorite family vacation? Anytime we went to California to visit my Granddad
• 153.) If you could choose your own nickname, what would it be? Drag
• 155.) What’s your favorite thing about one of your grandparents? My Granddad was always so generous. It definitely taught me to give to others when I can.
• 157.) Do you ever talk to yourself? When and what do you say? ALL THE TIME. Sometimes it’s just narrating what I’m doing, others it’s just general thoughts I give voice to.
• 158.) When you’re having a bad day, what do you do to make yourself feel better? Drink. I mean… XD Usually I kind hole up for the day, play a game I love, read a book that’s interesting, have a glass of wine at the end of the day and maybe a hot shower too.

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Nice Time Capsule Kent! I love the Channah meme XD

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description Wibbly Wobbly, Timey Wimey: My Time Capsule (the beginning)
Link or image/text:


I actually have had a few time capsules over the years. The longest running one took me around 15 years to open. It was an old box of keepsakes from when I was a younger dude XD I ended up getting rid of a lot of those things but still hung on to several pieces. Since this game came up, I thought I'd start a new one for Menewsha!

It's not a lot but here's a note to my future self...
Click on thumbnail for full view

And a memory from this event! I swear my dice rolls the past couple of weeks have been atrocious. If it wasn't for my expertise in Cha based skills I would have been sunk last session...
Click on thumbnail for full view

Something to play with later when I open it again (a Half Orc Bloodhunter. Not ideal but I wasn't min maxing either. I just thought it was neat!)
Click on thumbnail for full view

And finally a payment to the god of time... I have no idea what currency it accepts so I thought I'd throw in some keepsake coinage of a silver dollar, a pound and 11 pence, and a 100 franc bill my granddad gave me from the 1980s
Click on thumbnail for full view

Altogether... (I don't know why this came out so yellow...)
Click on thumbnail for full view

And nestled in a box!
Click on thumbnail for full view

I admit though... I will probably keep adding to this before I close it for good. So it's the beginning of a time capsule! Here's to the future!

Last edited by Magnus; 03-10-2023 at 08:00 AM..

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2023, 12:33 AM

TIME TO REDEEM MYSELF FOR ABANDONING BABY YAN i am so excited about this, all these challenges look really fun and they're so creative

---------- Post added 02-11-2023 at 07:36 PM ----------

oh also, question! for the Not Yet an Item challenge, can i submit a recolor/slightly altered item i began pixeling before this event? i deleted most of my progress, so really all i have right now is a sketch (it's the yellow bag i posted WIPs of in my pixel thread, but i would be changing it to a pink heart bag for this).

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 01:28 AM

Hoho! I wish you better luck here in this thread

Hmm... I think that would be okay. Even in all the thinking ahead I did, this was not a situation I had considered. The idea is to have you create something. If you have already created it before the event, it does not negate the fact that you, at one time or another, did in fact create it!

Yes. I think I will allow that. As long as it is something that the site has never seen in any shop (That is to say, copying a poncho from the import shop and changing the colors would NOT be considered a new item).

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2023, 01:33 AM

rad, sounds good! it's definitely a unique case since it's an item i was pixeling for Mene anyway and only started it a few days (weeks?? what is time) ago, and will be changing so many of the details but i always want to make sure i'm following the rules.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 02:41 AM

Isn't it so nice to have an event again. It has been too long indeed *stretches her old lady bones and settles in the thread*

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2023, 02:46 AM

*fetches Cora her slippers and her mug*

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 03:23 AM

I'm not sure I could do anything for the points. I might just hang out lol


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 03:40 AM

Thank you for those Ghostie, just what this old lady need

Hanging out with us is perfect too Papillon!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 03:44 AM

I haven’t read thru all of this yet but IM SO EXCITED TO SEE CHANCE AGAIN!


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 03:49 AM

I had actually totally forgotten about chance, but I have my handy dandy timer reminding me to play every 30 mins

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 03:50 AM

Thank you the person(s) who made that happen chance was one of my favorite things and I honestly never thought we’d see it again

McQuade Boutique
Magnus is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by ghostPastry View Post
rad, sounds good! it's definitely a unique case since it's an item i was pixeling for Mene anyway and only started it a few days (weeks?? what is time) ago, and will be changing so many of the details but i always want to make sure i'm following the rules.
Hoho! Time can be a bit tricky can it not? I can say I do appreciate that you want to follow the rules! This item you are talking about sounds very interesting too! I am looking forwards to seeing it

Originally Posted by Cora View Post
Isn't it so nice to have an event again. It has been too long indeed *stretches her old lady bones and settles in the thread*
*chuckles* Bodies get a bit creaky as we age don't they? It is wonderful to be experiencing another event! I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds for us!

Originally Posted by PapillonCameo View Post
I'm not sure I could do anything for the points. I might just hang out lol
You will never know if you do not try! It is of course up to you, but I would like to encourage you to try anything on any of the lists if it sparks for you in even the smallest of ways.

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I haven’t read thru all of this yet but IM SO EXCITED TO SEE CHANCE AGAIN!
I was never much of a poker player. I keep losing my bet! Hmhmhmm!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 04:17 AM

Baby Xan flashbacks :O Oh my god... That had to be nearly the most fun I've had in an event thread almost ever! Except for that one time Angiexoxo murdered me in that Mafia game... *sigh...* Oh but then also the assassin games! Those were always a blast! Man... Ok I will have to see what I can do with challenge in here XD


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by Magnus View Post

*chuckles* Bodies get a bit creaky as we age don't they? It is wonderful to be experiencing another event! I cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds for us!
They do don't they! Nobody warned me of this *they probably all warned her but she was in denial*

Me too! I'm so excited to have my old home back ^_^

---------- Post added 02-12-2023 at 05:47 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Car'a'Carn View Post
Baby Xan flashbacks :O Oh my god... That had to be nearly the most fun I've had in an event thread almost ever! Except for that one time Angiexoxo murdered me in that Mafia game... *sigh...* Oh but then also the assassin games! Those were always a blast! Man... Ok I will have to see what I can do with challenge in here XD
I loved the Xan challenges, I remember my mother thought I'd lost my marbles taking little Xan everywhere. I mean, she always thinks I'm missing a marble or two, but here she thought she had proof

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2023, 05:02 AM

phew!! i feel like i entered a time warp, i've been fiddling with this for a couple hours, but i think i'm happy enough with it to submit it now! thanks to Cora: and Kent: for their advice with the initial version of this bag.

I have completed a DREAMS OF THE FUTURE task!
Description: Not Yet an Item: an over-the-shoulder heart bag that's compatible with both bases. i tried to stick to the dark red color palette commonly used in Vday EIs.
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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 05:04 AM

oh its a heart version! How cute!

ghostPastry is online now
Old 02-12-2023, 05:06 AM

thanks, Cora!

Berries & Cream!

Assistant Administrator
Car'a'Carn is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 05:18 AM

That's super cute! Man I wanna be able to pixel like that XD I need to practice more...

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 02-12-2023, 05:19 AM

Super cute ghost!!!

I really need to read this thread xD


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