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[CENTER][URL="http://www.ernya.com/fantastic-romance-3-a-request-thread-t11119.html"][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Fantastic Romance[/FONT][/URL]
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Background Info: Kaito

Background Info: Kaito

Posted 09-20-2012 at 11:27 PM by Hadsvich
Updated 09-20-2012 at 11:32 PM by Hadsvich
[FONT="Century Gothic"][B]Kaito was born on the mainland by two human parents but soon became an orphan. His parents were quite the gamblers and didn't care for him much. Soon enough they were in so much debt that the loan sharks had no choice but to get rid of them. They took Kaito as well and sold him on the black market to unlicensed physicians who experimented on him. He was eventually sent to a remote lab on the Island of Lost Hopes to be further experimented on, as he proved promising.

Eventually, they ran out of funds for the project and abandoned Kaito at an orphanage on the island. Kaito was a bit naive and believed at one point that those who experimented on him had actually cared for him. But when they abandoned him he realized they only cared for him when they had a need for him, no more than that.

Because of the experiments done to him, Kaito's skin made him indestructible. No blade nor bullet could hurt him. No fall could break his bones. The other children in the orphanage thought him strange. When he fell, and he fell a lot (he's quite clumsy), he never got scrapes or burns.

Not long after his stay at the orphanage, a woman wishing to adopt took him in. He spent many years with her and came to think of her as his true mother. She cared for him and thought of him as her own.

One day, she become ill and her immune system not as it used to be, she passed away during the night. She left everything she owned to him. A quaint stone house along with a large sum of savings.

He missed her dearly and feeling a need for a change of scenery, he left the cottage, promising to return from time to time. He wandered the land nearby and discovered, to his surprise, a large mansion in the middle of the woods. A mansion which belonged to a phantom. A mansion which would soon become a part of an enigmatic village.[/B][/FONT]
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