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You've got to be kidding me.

You've got to be kidding me.

Posted 08-22-2008 at 02:41 PM by Tilly
So, I wake up, mom yells at me.

Nothing new.

Blahblah you're lazy, you never help us out, why didn't you do the vacumming.

I didn't know the carpet needed to be vacumed.

Well, you should have figured it out.

Sorry. I'll do it now.

I've already done it.


We don't like how unresponsible you are.

Look, I'm 16, I can barely manage a job and a poor social life, that's all the responsibilty I can handle right now.

We've decided to retract our support in your russia fund.


Yeah. So now, instead of struggling to get 3000$ by myself for APRIL I have to get 6000$. And she's not letting me take any of the recyclables.

This SUCKS. There is no POSSIBLE way I could get that much working 15 HOURS a week.

God, this sucks. My parents have a massive stick up their collective arse.
Comments 2
Total Comments 2
Old Comment Posted 08-22-2008 at 05:28 PM
Aww sweety. All parents are like this. Just remember they don't have control over you forever :) One day you'll be out on your own and wont have to listen to nobody :P
  lemonPencil is offline
Old Comment Posted 08-23-2008 at 03:05 AM
That's probably just their excuse to get out of having to help fund it -- because they don't want to or don't have the money.
  Jennifer is offline