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p o p p e t ♥ 06-14-2014 02:28 AM

Castel Nosferatu {Open - Just jump in!}
Castel Nosferatu

Either you live in the small village, or have heard of this place, the place where fairy tale creatures live. The village, some say, is a legend. But you know better. Here you've found yourself on a stone path, staring up at that castle. Castel Nosferatu.

Inside, live nosferatu. That's right. Vampires. The village always seems in a gloomy fog. Those who live here know not of sunny days, only of gloom, and terror. Those who survive, don't stay long. Those who live here, have secrets....

How did you come to be here? (Think up something awesome and diverse!) Are you a supernatural hunter? Perhaps you are a creature of the night; vampire, werewolf, or other supernatural legend. Perhaps you're just passing through, or have mistakenly moved here thinking this was quite the quaint little town.

We do have some rules here though:
1. No Godmodding
2. No killing other characters without permission
3. Make a diverse character. I will ask you to edit your profile if your character is too similar to another,
or if there are already too many of that gender/race, etc.
4. Add your character photo and information (description and short history) at the top of your entry post
5. Have fun!

p o p p e t ♥ 06-14-2014 03:17 AM
Katerina Belova

Katerina stands at 5'6". She is of feminine athletic build, with long dark brown, almost black hair. Her skin is a fair olive and her eyes are a dark olive green. She came to this village because of her love of legends and folklore. She truly believes the supernatural are out there, and she's prepared to defend herself, and overly eager and excited to be here. She has hand to hand combat skills and street smarts, though no training that she didn't train herself. She has a light Romanian accent.


The old black town car rolled over the stone road. Katerina was already in awe, and already out of place. There seemed to be no other cars here. In fact, the place seemed almost deserted. Perhaps it was this gloomy weather. The sky had dark clouds scattered about, and everything had an ominous tint of color. There was a light lingering fog, though not too think to see through.

She wasted no time driving up the hill and through the gates of Castel Nosferatu. This place, too, seemed deserted. What little grass was growing on the large hill, was more weeds and overgrown. The trees had no leaves, despite it barely being out of summer.

Katerina parked her car randomly at the front of the castle, and got out. A crow cawed and flapped overhead, too close, and she ducked. Olive green eyes scanned the area. She'd seen no sign of life here at all, aside from the crow. She wondered if she'd be going home disappointed.

She pulled a belt out of the backseat of the car, pulled it around herself, and fastened it. It had various spaces for things; a silver dagger, an antique looking revolver with silver bullets, a vial of holy water, garlic, and other various things "known" to deter the supernatural, not just the vampires.

Most people would laugh at her for being here, and being prepared for non existent fairy tale creatures. But they were here. She knew it. She could feel it. Katerina made her way up the stone stairs to the large front wooden door. Would she knock? She was almost giddy at the idea of something answering.

Katerina did knock. This could be someone's home after all. What would she say if a little old man answered? 'Sorry sir, I was looking for vampires and werewolves and ogres.' She laughed at herself, but her laugh cut short, when one side of the large wooden doors creaked open.

She peeked her head inside. No one was there. Katerina stepped inside the castle, leaving the door open behind her. It looked kept up with. Clean, enough, despite the cobwebs. There were even lights lit along the stairs and hallway. "Hello?" she called, in an accent that one might believe to be Russian or perhaps Romanian.

Kry 06-14-2014 04:07 AM

Bell is a vampire, he stands at a height of 5'9 and is around 412ish years old. His every movement cause the sound of silver bells to chime, though this is a thing that only other supernatural creatures can hear. There is no explanation for why or how this happened to him, only that it happened when he was first turned. Bell has been in this place for a few years, it's nice and his type of place. Somewhere along the way, Bell acquired a werewolf


Red is a vargulf, a werewolf that is mostly mad. A werewolf that kills for the sake of killing and not to eat it's prey. He stands at a height of 6'0 in human form, and his wolf form is monstrous and huge. A hulking 6'8 size of muscle, claws, teeth and fur. Red had lived his days in a forest, plagued by nightmares and missing memories. It's unknown as to how exactly Bell acquired the unquestioning loyalty of Red, as neither will speak of what transpired in that forest when they met. The two were together a few years before they came to this place. This place that seemed like such a lovely place for people such as them to dwell.


Bell was currently in the kitchen of the castle. Why was he in the kitchen, well, he was feeding his pet. Or rather, watching his pet feed itself, a grimace on Bell's face. The red haired man he was watching had just brought in this deer, and started munching on it. "Red." That tone was very stern, afterall, Bell was the beast's alpha, the master. "I've told you a billion times. Eat your messy meals outside. OUTSIDE!" He had only barely raised his voice, there was a pout on his face as he watched the man. Something about a grown man just eating raw deer flesh didn't sit well in Bell's stomach, but he found absolutely nothing wrong with the act of biting and draining blood from people and animals.

It was a bit different than just devouring their raw flesh, he supposed. Not too much of a difference but it was there. Bell tilted his head, and the sound of tiny silver bells chimed around him. It made him grimace again, sometimes he could ignore that noise, sometimes it irritated him to no end. His pet seemed to like the noise though. Bell was watching the red haired male intently, his eyes narrowing a bit when the vargulf suddenly stiffened, and then Bell heard it to. Someone entered the castle, and it smelled human.

Red was sitting indian style, without clothing, save for a black leather collar around his neck, the carcass of a large deer half in his lap and he was tearing at the meat rather voraciously with his teeth. Eating and munching rather contently on his meal. He didn't look up at all until Bell spoke, and then he gave his master a slightly apologetic look. He took Bell's scolding in stride. Though Bell was his master, their relationship bordered on friendship, just barely though. Red needed an alpha to follow, without that, he was very lost. He had been very lost. Not far from him on the floor lay a large black cloak, it was made of bear fur. Soft and supple, and so warm. Another had given him that. Long before he had met Bell.

The vargulf stiffened suddenly, his head up and turning to look in a direction. Someone had entered the castle. Their castle that they shared with other supernatural things. This thing that had entered was not a supernatural thing, it was human. He glanced at Bell, as if looking for instruction for a moment and was only met with a shrug. Red's master seemed inclined to remain where he was, and see if maybe the intruder found their way to them or perhaps something else would step forward and scare the intruder away. Scare them away or eat them.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-14-2014 04:47 AM

No one seemed to be there. That was really disappointing. Katerina had put her hand on her revolver, just in case. But now she relaxed. She adjusted the belt over her dark blue skinny jeans, and made sure her black tank top was all tucked in. Mostly, she was killing time, in case the owners of this place did show up.

After a few more moments of tugging at this and that, Katerina sighed. Alone. It was official. "But who lit the lights then?" she wondered aloud. Black boots sneaked quietly, farther into the castle. Which way would she go? Was this breaking and entering? What was that stair railing made of? If she found a vampire, would it be inside of a coffin? Maybe it would be a bat.

Katerina looked up to the ceiling. It was too far off to see if any bats were hiding up there. She picked the hall to the left and headed down it. After a few moments, Katerina heard a second set of footsteps. She turned quickly, to see no one around. The footsteps had stopped. Then off to her left, a shadow! She turned quickly again, to see nothing.

She was too excited. Her mind was going wild and now her mind was playing tricks. That must be it. The hall took a right and dead ended into doors. There was a light on behind them, and a shadow. There was someone in there!

Katerina decided to sneak up to the door. If it was a supernatural, she probably didn't want to just barge right in without a plan. And if it was the owner of this place, a normal human, well then, she'd just sneak right back out like this whole thing never happened. But her women's intuition was tingling.

She sneaked down the hall and to the door that was slightly ajar. Something in there smelled awful. Dark olive green eyes peered through the crack, but in what little space she could see of what appeared to be the kitchen, Katerina saw nothing. "Figures," she grumbled in her native accent.

It was probably time to go. She was pretty sure she could get arrested for this. Maybe she'd head back into the village and find an Inn. Maybe there she could find out more about this place from people with first hand experience.

Kry 06-14-2014 05:06 AM

They both just stood there, or in Red's case, sat there. As if they were waiting for something, waiting for the intruder to find them perhaps. It wasn't long, before they could hear the person moving through the large castle. Their heightened senses allowing them to know what was going on. Though Red's senses seemed slightly more acute than the vampire's. Bell raised a finger to his lips in a "shh" motion before he stepped away from Red. The vampire had turned, and left the vargulf sitting there with his mess.

There was another door that opened into the kitchen and Bell moved to that door, glancing over his shoulder and with a sigh. "At least put pants on." He sounded very annoyed when he spoke those words, then the vampire opened the door and exited into a store room. There was another door at the end of the store room and he exited that door as well. A few more rooms, a turn here or there and Bell had made his way to the hallway that led to the kitchen. He peered down it and saw a woman.

A look of annoyance passed his across his face, and then he slipped across the hall to hide in the nearby shadows. He moved silently, though if the woman had been a supernatural creature she would have heard the tell-tale of tinkling bells with every one of his movements. For now he watched her from behind. To see if perhaps she would open the door and find his pet.

Red looked slightly annoyed when Bell suggested he put his pants on. They were somewhere close at hand, but the vargulf didn't really like them. With a sigh, the red haired man stood as Bell made his exit. Though for a few moments he just stood there with his eyes closed, listening to the sound of bells that Bell's every movement called forth. It was a sound that was oddly soothing to the vargulf, it was a sound that he enjoyed greatly.

He moved across the floor, in the opposite direction Bell had gone, moving to yet another door. This one opened up to the back of the castle though. To a garden of sorts, where servants would have grown fresh vegetables and fruits for meals. It was the door Red used when he was going in and out for hunting. It was the door he left his actual clothing by before running out naked into the gloom to hunt. Red grabbed the black boxers there and pulled them on, leaving his pants and shirt.

The vargulf moved to where the deer carcass was and frowned at it. He was still hungry. He had hardly eaten any of it. A frown on his lips he passed it and picked up the large black bear skin cloak from the floor. He pulled it over his shoulders and tied a leather string at his throat, so the cloak wouldn't fall off of him. Then he moved to the large wash basin and poured some water over his hands. The person on the other side of the door would undoubtedly open it once she heard that water. When she did, Red would turn to face her and Bell would most likely step out of the shadows close behind her. Far closer than he had been when he first stepped into the shadows.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-14-2014 05:54 AM

Katerina turned to leave. It was too bad she was crazy. Believing in the supernatural and old legends. She really didn't have any hard evidence to prove anything actually existed. But she knew. She'd seen signs. Or maybe she'd dreamed those. Anyway, they were real and she knew it. If she didn't find one, her brother would never join her.

He believed in the supernatural, too. But he was a closet believer. He'd never admit it to anyone but Katerina. But they talked about it all the time. It was he who had heard of this remote village in Romania. She'd promised not to let him down, and as soon as she found something, he'd be here.

Well, she wouldn't give up that easily. This village just screamed, supernatural. Or get out. It didn't matter. Katerina had made it only a few steps away when she heard the water turn on. She stopped instantly and swiveled on her heel. So many emotions flooded her, from excitement, to anxiety, to relief, to fear and back to excitement.

At first, a hint of a smile turned up the corners of her mouth. It was a childish smile. One a child might have as he's walking into a candy store, knowing what it held and what his prize would be. Then, she reminded herself that it could just be a regular person, who might be incredibly angry with her for trespassing. How could she play that off?

She walked back to the door, took a deep, nervously excited breath, and pushed. There at the sink was a man, wearing some furry cape. He was washing, blood from his hands. Was it true? Was it possible? Had she really found a supernatural creature? Perhaps she'd just stumbled upon a crazy human.

No way. There was totally blood on his mouth. It was awesome. She reached for her gun. She wasn't going to shoot at him. No, her intentions weren't to hurt anyone, or thing, unless she had to protect herself. That's all she was preparing for. For now, she kept her hand on her revolver, staring in awe and wonder at the creature across the floor.

So many books had said how good they were at appearing human. All those years of research hadn't let her down. All those years of thinking everyone else might be right... and here she was. But what now? Part of her felt like she'd just stepped into a territory she should have stayed far away from. But the other part, was too excited to leave or shoot or even form words.

Dark olive green eyes averted to the deer. At least it ate animals and not people, right? Her feet wanted to move forward, and backwards. She couldn't form a complete thought, but she couldn't just keep standing there, staring, even though that's what she did. Her fingers twitched over the revolver, reminding her she could protect herself, though she hoped she wouldn't have to and completely unaware that anyone was behind her.

Kry 06-14-2014 09:46 AM

When the door opened, Red glanced towards it, at the girl that now stood in the door way. Just mild curiosity in his half feral red eyes as he looked at her for a moment, then he turned back to washing his hands. Once they were clean he lowered his head and began to wash his face. Clearly not very concerned or intimidated by the woman in the door way. Red was pretty confident that Bell would protect him, he was also fairly sure that even if the woman tried to attack him, he could fend her off easily himself. Red didn't turn again until he had washed all the blood away, then he turned his whole body to face her. By that time, Bell had made his move.

Bell waited and he watched, silently. Lingering there behind her, he let her pull the weapon out before he moved. A single step brought his body so very close to her own, and at the same time he laid his hand over her hand. The one on her revolver. He lifted her arm, as if he were just harmlessly helping her to aim at some shooting range. Though Bell was far from a shooting instructor and this was no shooting range.

He let his chin rest gently on her shoulder, his lips close to her ear as he lifted her arm, helping her hold her gun. He aimed it at the red haired man at the sink, aiming the gun higher and higher at Red until it was pointed at his skull. Bell's skin was cold to the touch, but his hand was gentle even in it's firmness around her own. If she moved to free herself, Bell would let go of her. It was more amusing when they resisted. "Are you going to shoot my...friend?" Bell spoke the words with curiosity. "He's mostly harmless on nights like this." Those words were spoken with a matter-of-fact tone, and he merely meant nights that didn't have full moons. Though in this place sometimes it was hard to tell when it was night or day due to how gloomy it seemed to stay.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-14-2014 07:40 PM

Katerina's eyebrow twitched when the person turned around. Walking around in his underwear... Well, she was invading his privacy after all, she supposed. Her feet still wouldn't move though. No matter how curious and interested she was, everything in her kept her from moving any closer. She refused to run away though either. Besides, running always meant prey, and that was the last thing she wanted to be.

Suddenly, she felt a presence behind her. Had the other man been looking passed her, to someone else? She was too nervous to turn around and look. She was somewhat frozen, and had been for some time now. Frozen in excitement, fear, shock, anxiety. Basically, she was an overloaded computer unable to make the next move, still trying to process too much activity.

A hand rested on top of hers. It felt cool. Like a hand might in a room too cold. But it didn't feel cold in here. Red flags had been popping up since the moment she entered this village, and now she may as well have been seeing red. She'd gone too far, coming here, and opening the door.

The person rested their head on her shoulder, and Katerina frowned. What was this person doing? They raised her hand until she was aiming at the red-haired man. That had never been her intention! What in the world was going on?

Then he spoke, and Katerina knew instantly she wasn't in the best of spots. His friend that he was having her aim her gun at. She was being toyed with. Neither of these were humans, and this one seemed somewhat crazy. Instantly and quickly, Katerina jerked away with her gun still in hand.

She'd stepped into the kitchen, turning so that she could see both beings now. The red haired one in his underpants, and one now with mostly purple hair. She held the weapon up with both hands now. "I'll shoot," she said, looking between them both. "But that wasn't my intention," she said to the purple haired man, answering his question finally.

Kry 06-15-2014 06:59 AM

Bell pouted when the girl jerked away from him and then shrugged. She was looking between him and Red, holding her gun with both hands now. Threatening that she would shoot but that hadn't been her intention. "Oh, really?" Bell didn't believe she would actually shoot him, but he also didn't believe her intentions had been so innocent.

"You've broken into our home. Seems pretty clear to me that you're a robber. You want to steal our priceless antiques and now you'll murder us, because leaving witnesses alive is extremely stupid." Bell didn't seem to concerned though. Red had growled slightly when he had accused the woman of wanting to steal, and Bell looked at him. Shaking his head the slightest bit. A smile spreading across Bell's lips and he moved towards the girl. "We won't call the police, we have our own ways of dealing with intruders." He licked his lips, almost hungrily.

Red was silent, just watching, he wasn't sure why this woman had come into their home. His den, really was the way he saw it. But Bell said this woman had come to steal from them. She was here to take their things. His pack's things, his alpha's things and his things. Red's eyes narrowed and he growled, it was a deep, menacing wolven growl. It stopped immediately when Bell shook his head, but Red's body was tense. Still it was mostly the tinkling of bells when his master moved that kept Red mostly calm.

He stepped towards the girl at the same time as Bell. Watching that woman rather closely, he sniffed at the air tentatively in her direction. His eyes still narrowed as he watched her, his body tense. As if he were waiting. Waiting for something. "Is not good to come inside another's den." His voice was low, a bit growly, a bit scratchy, but oddly soft. "Don't like robbers. Robbers bad." He had snarled a bit as he spoke those words.

Hidden Cupcake 06-16-2014 02:26 AM

((I don't have a picture you'll just have to deal with it. Unless you don't like that then I'll try and find one...
Oh and it's Nate because I was suddenly hit with the desire to play an older, angrier him. Because I do what I want. *sassy head wiggle*))

Nathaniel Fletcher
Age: 31
Appearance: Nate is unkempt. His hair, a dark color reminiscent of dark chocolate, is made up of a set of heavy curls, heavier due to his seeming lack of general hygiene. It has grown longer, falling around his years. His brown eyes have a single blue spot in the right iris. He stands at about 5'6"
Info: Nathaniel (who prefers to be called Nate) is a very angry, but quiet, man. Most of the time he keeps to himself, mumbling under his breath as he performs the odd jobs he takes around town or even just loitering on the grounds of the nearby castle, sometimes even breaking in. Almost trying to tempt fate and encourage an assault. It's easy to set him off. The source of his anger is strange, a switch seemingly flicked after a bloody chain of events in a small town in New England. He doesn't talk about it and would prefer if others do not ask. He has 'attacks' resulting in seemingly random bursts of anger and violence. Strange noises follow him wherever he goes, strange things that hide in shadows.

Nate sniffed idly from where he sat, staring blankly into the darkness of some cold stone room or another. He didn't know. He had passed out in here for who knows how long. And he was still alive. He didn't know whether to feel disappointment or laugh at the monsters in here.

He eventually got to his feet, making his way out of what room he was in and standing in the hall. A slight glow from a window told him the sun was up. Or as up as it got here. This was worse that....he didn't want to think about that place anymore. That one small memory caused a surge of fire in his chest.

He began to move down the hall, stopping only at the heavy air that seemed to be permeating.

He could hear the slight jingle of bells.

He sighed as he turned, eyeing down the hall with a look of exasperation on his face. The one way out was past the bell guy. He had run into him only once but Nate just...well he couldn't really name the feeling. It was far from pleasant though.

Oh well. Best to be done and get through it.

He moved, feet tamping lightly on the old floors, making his way in the direction of what could bpossibly turn into a very ugly scrape.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-16-2014 08:18 PM

Katerina was no thief, though intrigued by the mention of priceless antiques. She appreciated things like those, and wondered just how many really could be in an old castle with a bunch of creatures living in it that could be hundreds of years old. Did creatures of the night like priceless artifacts?

None of those thoughts lingered though. Not with that menacing tone the purple-haired man was using. She was frowning, and shook her head. He had it all wrong. But he probably knew that. Dark olive green eyes glanced at the other, each time she heard that hideous, bone-chilling growl.

Finally, she started to worry a little. Her heart rate was picking up steadily, and she squeezed the trigger of the gun ever so slightly, only a hairs squeeze from actually shooting. The red-haired one spoke, and Katerina shook her head again. "I was just looking for," she paused...

If she truly was crazy, and the supernatural things of fairy tales and old legends didn't exist, she was about to sound like a complete loon. And if this pair wasn't crazier than she, and she believed they were, she'd be hauled off to the looney bin within the hour.

But she didn't believe she was the crazed one here. So, if she shot, she'd be injuring a supernatural, or, protecting herself from a crazy person. Either way, she didn't think not shooting was an option today, but maybe she could explain herself. She continued, "supernatural beings," she finally said. "I don't want to hurt anyone, or steal anything," she added.

She was nervous though, and if either of them made a sudden move, she was liable to point and shoot. If either of them moved any closer, she'd certainly take aim and pull that trigger.

Kry 06-16-2014 09:02 PM

Bell watched her closely, the way her hand was tense around that gun, the way her finger had tightened on that trigger. He was beginning to rethink his original assumption that the girl wouldn't shoot him, or Red. He shrugged at her, that motion causing the odd sound of bells to drift on the air for a moment, his eyes dancing from watching the gun in her hand to watching her face. Her eyes, trying to read the emotions in them. "Doesn't really matter what you were looking for. You've unlawfully entered a home that does not belong to you. You are pointing a gun at us. We are well within our rights to defend ourselves from you." Bell was smiling.

It was a smile that clearly showed his vampire fangs to the girl, but his tone had gotten very low and very menacing."Besides, everyone knows supernatural beings aren't real." His attention though quickly shifted to Red, the vargulf's head had jerked slightly, and now Bell heard it to. More footsteps behind him somewhere. Another scent, one he had smelled before, one that seemed to be around quite a bit, and an expression of annoyance passed across the vampire's features.

Red's body was tense, he rolled his shoulders and his red eyes were narrowed dangerously at the woman. Guns hurt. He knew, he'd been stung by them before, and didn't much want to feel their sting again. Bell, the master, the alpha, would protect him, he was sure. Red was eager to pounce or to chase. A chase would be far more fun. A test of speed and endurance, a thrilling game, he wasn't sure this would turn into a chase, a hunt though. He watched Bell and the woman, watching the woman for signs of attack of flight, and Bell for instruction.

He was concentrating on the woman before him, when his head jerked slightly, he looked at Bell. Or rather, seemed as if he were trying to look past the vampire. Red sniffed the air, and then dismissed the scent. It was a scent he had smelled often, this man, loitered around their castle a lot. It was a scent that even Red was reluctant to approach on his own. Something not quite right about the man that owned such a scent, though Red couldn't be sure what it was. Bell never seemed too concerned with the comings and goings of that man, but Bell probably had his own reasons. Red's attention returned to the woman and he growled at her once again, he was getting impatient. He only wanted to kill this bad woman, in his eyes she was easily the bad guy here. His growl turned to a snarl and he moved towards her rather suddenly.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-16-2014 10:21 PM

Aha! She saw those fangs. So he was a vampire! She'd totally assumed, and not thinking she was crazy, that this pair was definitely supernatural. But it wasn't like she was really an expert. She'd never seen one up close. And of course, how could she tell for sure just by looking at one, what it was?

Only now did she know this one was vampire. And the other one? Well, the growling didn't really help. Lots of things growled and grunted. Years of watching her dad hang Christmas lights told her that much.

Fear mixed with excitement and adrenaline at the vampire's words. He was threatening her, and that super sucked because she really really didn't want to shoot him. She wanted to put him in a box and take him home. Wait, what?

Katerina needed to focus. She wasn't doing a very good job of keeping her thoughts on the right track, or keeping her ass out of trouble. And she was definitely in trouble. I mean, what kind of person just goes wandering into someone else's home? Supernatural and angry someones home for that matter.

Perhaps someone who'd come up at so many dead ends, so many times, that she was starting to believe that everyone else was right about her. No. She'd traveled to Fairfield all those years ago, she'd interviewed residents there herself. That was no mass conspiracy...

Somewhere in the time that her thoughts started jumbling, and while her eyes glued to fangs, the red haired one lunged at her. Instantly, Katerina spun to aim, closed her eyes, and shot. Now, Katerina was a damn fine shot. But that was only ever at the shooting range, with her eyes open.

Nevertheless, she squeezed the trigger, once, twice, and three times. No telling what she'd actually hit. Definitely no telling anyone that she'd closed her eyes when she shot.... And hoping that she survived long enough to be able to tell anyone anything.

Katerina didn't waste any time looking for bullet holes. She spun around and headed for the door in a dead run. She still clutched the revolver tight as her feet pounded down the hall. Breathing hard, she ran faster than she ever had before, knowing that if a vampire or werewolf were after her, she could never actually outrun them. Here was to hoping. And to hoping that she wouldn't go plowing into another one as she tried to remember which way was out.

Kry 06-16-2014 11:58 PM

Red had lunged, the thrill of the kill shinning in his eyes. Wild eyes. The eyes of a crazed beast that only enjoyed killing. Then that sound, the sound he hated rang in the air, and instantly searing pain. That sound again and more pain, then again and yet more pain. The vargulf had staggered to a stop, eyes wide, still wild. The pain, it was worse than any pain he had ever felt from a gun before. One bullet had been high, hitting him in the chest, but missing his heart. The second one had been a bit to the side, only inches from the first, and the third had somehow missed completely.

The vargulf whimpered, whined even, sounding more canine than human. The woman turned and fled, Red wanted to chase her, but that pain. He dropped to his knees, hands moving to prod at the bullets in his body, and those eyes, questioning turned to Bell. The vampire uttered a single word and bolted after the woman.

Bell's lips had parted, to tell Red to 'heel'. It would have worked too, the vargulf would have listened to Bell, but the gun was faster than his word, and the sound died in his throat. Eyes widening in momentary fear, as two of the three shots hit his pet in the chest. Still it only took him a moment to see that they had missed the heart, Red would most likely survive this. The woman was fleeing and Red was on his knees and there was a very angry expression on Bell's face.

"Stay." That single word was uttered to the vargulf, Bell didn't want him to get hurt again, or to do something reckless again. Lunging at that woman without a command from Bell had been very reckless, very stupid. The vampire bolted, ignoring the other man in the castle, his attention only on the woman that was fleeing from his rather. The sound of silver bells, only heard by the supernatural creatures filled the air as Bell moved. He was glad the woman was human, humans couldn't hear that sound. She wouldn't know if he was right behind her until it was too late.

Bell caught up to her rather easily, and he tackled her to the floor. Pinning her down with his body and his hands catching her wrists. He was nothing but pure fury now. "You bitch!" Bell was beyond furious, his grip on her wrists was tight enough to leave bruises. "You're lucky you didn't kill him, or I swear I would make you live in agony for the rest of your short, miserable, human life." Bell's fangs were clearly exposed, and the look in his eyes was extremely murderous.

He was going to kill her. He was going to suck her life right out of her veins. Slowly he lowered his mouth towards her neck.

Hidden Cupcake 06-17-2014 03:12 AM

Nate jerked to a stop as he heard gunshots, staring hard and long down the hallway. Then there was a woman out the door and running right for him. He moved, sidestepping and pivoting to press himself against the wall, let her pass.

And she did. Only to be followed by the angry bell-guy. He won that foot race, Nate watching as he tackled her to the ground and yelled in her face. Nate watched, licking his lips before looking back down the hallway.

"Hey," he croaked, inwardly kicking himself as he began to make his way toward them. "Get off her man. That's no way to treat a lady..."

He was closer than he would like when he stopped walking, eyeing the man's shoulders tensed in absolute rage. Nate was already regretting even opening his mouth.

"Besides...shouldn't you be worrying about your friend? Blood loss and shock is still something that can kill, ya know..." Shot in the dark. He had no way of knowing if those shots had killed anyone.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-17-2014 03:37 AM

Katerina looked over her shoulder, and saw no one following her. Only moments later though, something hit her from behind. She may as well have been tackled by a professional football player. She screamed, and flailed and fought until the purple haired one pinned her arms.

Her heart raced as he yelled at her. He was angry. No, angry didn't quite capture it properly. "He was going to attack me!" she said frantically, as if it would actually stop him. It was his fault anyway. He was the one who was toying with her, and threatening her. She hadn't come here to be a harm to anyone. It was his fault. He'd gotten his friend shot!

She struggled, but the more she did, the more she hurt. "You're hurting me," she half whimpered, though she knew he didn't care. He wanted to hurt her, and he probably loved the sound of her pained struggling. Were all supernatural creatures this psycho? She probably wouldn't ever know now.

Someone else spoke, ordering the vampire off of her. The red haired one? No, it was someone else. She wanted to look, but was trying hard to imagine her neck away from the fangs that were only inches from it. And how did the vampire fangs truly work? So many legends and books said different things.

Would she turn into a vampire? Would she just, die? She struggled more. This was all his fault and yet she was the one losing. He'd said his friend wasn't going to die. No harm done then right!? She wanted to push his face away, but her wrists were still caught in those vices. "Help me," she pleaded to whoever had spoken before.

Kry 06-17-2014 04:24 AM

His fangs were so close, he could feel the pulsing of her veins has her heart beat frantically. Pushing and pulling that blood fast through her body, oh how sweet it would taste, warm and red and delicious. His head jerked up at the voice, those purple eyes narrowed dangerously at the man. "You! Get out!" His grip around the woman's wrists didn't change. "This has nothing to do with you. You're always around, go on. Get out!" Bell was snarling the words, pure fury dripped from his very being, rolled off of him in waves. Red would be alright, the vargulf might be a simple creature but he wasn't stupid, he could tend his own wounds. Bell was certain of that.

Bell's eyes jumped from that strange man back down to the woman beneath him. "You deserve to be hurt for what you've just done. You waltz in our home like you own the damn place, then shoot a dog for protecting his den and master. He was well within his rights to attack you, like any good guard dog. He did nothing wrong, and I could've stopped him with a single word." She hadn't given him the chance to stop Red though, her finger had been faster than his voice. It seemed she had been more prepared for an attack from either of them than Bell had been, or Red never would have been able to make that first move.

His attention though was on that odd man in his hall again. "I should kill you next. Always skulking about, worse than a damn vampire. Go on, get out. Find your own castle." Why was that man even in here? Bell honestly didn't care, he did get off of the woman, but his grip remained and as he stood he pulled her to her feet with him. "I think I'll make you suffer anyway. A quick death is too good for you." Bell turned, facing that odd man now, and eyeing him. Almost daring him to interfere some more.

Red was whimpering softly, as he sat on his knees in the kitchen. The bullet wounds burned, they ached like nothing he had ever felt before. Silver bullets. He felt so weak, as if the things in his chest were sucking the strength from him. Red did not like it at all. Not one bit. He was a creature of simplistic needs and instincts, but he was rather intelligent. Besides, it wasn't the first time he had been shot, he knew the bullets needed to come out. Though with the way these were making him feel so weak and the way they burned he concluded that they needed to come out immediately.

They were strange bullets. Different than ones he'd been bitten by before. He lifted a hand to his chest, and plunged sharp clawed nails into the bullet wound. The vargulf grimaced, let out a slightly loud half snarl half whimper and yanked the bullet from the wound. It burned his fingers and he growled at it before dropping it on the floor next to him. He removed the second bullet in much the same way, and once he dropped it to the floor he felt better almost immediately. As if his strength was no longer being pulled from his body, his wounds a dull ache unaccompanied by a burning sensation.

He inhaled deeply, and pressed his hands over the bullet wounds, as if to stop the flow of blood, and stood slowly. Red moved towards the sink, and picked up a cloth rag. The bullet wounds were close to each other and the rag, folded over, was just big enough to cover both. He pressed that to his chest tightly with both hands. Though if he could have reached, he would have much preferred to lick the wounds. He would heal fast, not as fast as the vampire, but still much faster than a human. He moved to stand in the door way, to look down the hall and see if Bell was coming back to him yet.

Hidden Cupcake 06-17-2014 04:48 AM

That tone was harsh, even coming from bell-boy. Nate blinked, taking a slight step back before returning to his original position. "Wow..." he muttered, lifting a hand to rub at the back of his head. "You really set him off..."

A buzzing started in his ear. Something like flies. Lots of flies

"You know, to be honest, I honestly think she was in the right," he chuckled, dropping his man and giving him a grin. "I'd shoot too if I was being charged by a rabid animal. And rabid animals need to be put down anyway, don't they?"

He should shut up. He really should. But the buzzing...well it was annoying and infuriating. And bell-boy's voice wasn't making it any better. Grating. And very loud. His head was starting to pound.

He tilted his head when the other spat something about killing him too, an eyebrow raising, the loud one standing. Nate winced. Those bells had gotten louder. " wouldn't that be a dream...." A whisper, barely above a slight rumble.

More buzzing. Louder buzzing. A tickle on his face. A fly, crawling, before flying away at the twitch of his muscle.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-17-2014 05:01 AM

What!? She had walked in like she'd owned the place! She'd sneaked in. She hadn't kicked off her shoes and made a sandwich. And how was she supposed to know the red haired one was some kind of dog, and that purple hair here was going to call him off!? From what he'd said back in the kitchen, she'd assume he'd send his dog to attack, not back down.

Katerina was getting angry back. This purple haired guy had totally messed up all her excitement in finding a supernatural, then he was trying to hurt her, accusing her of all this stuff, and it was all his fault anyway. Now he was yelling at someone else. She was shaking. With fear, and with anger.

As he moved away, she thought he was going to release her, but she should have known better. He only pulled her up, too. She tried yanking herself away from him again, but there was no point in that, and it only made it hurt worse then.

Dark olive green eyes widened at the other. He thought she was in the right? Well of course she was. But what, did he want to die!? His next words seemed to confirm, that he might. Finally, she wondered where he'd even come from, and why he was here. The purple haired one had said he was always about.

Was he a supernatural of some kind, too? She was watching him, when a fly landed on his face. He didn't seem to move, or notice. It was somehow, creepy. She glanced down the hall when someone appeared in a doorway. The dog, or werewolf, she assumed.

Katerina pushed at the vampire again. She was in a really bad spot here. Where was her gun now? Her eyes scanned the floor. There, not far. Too far for this vice grip though. She was angry again. "Let me go," she demanded. "I didn't come here to hurt you. And it was your fault your friend got hurt."

She glanced back at the other man, as if to tell him to run away. There was no sense in both of them dying here, though she hoped she could get herself out of this mess. But how?

Kry 06-17-2014 05:21 AM

She had really set Bell off, and this odd man was only making things worse. Especially when he referred to Red as a rabid animal. His eyes had narrowed dangerously at that man. Watching him closely for a few moments. "He isn't. He doesn't have rabies and he's not some beast for you assholes to shoot at." His gaze jumped from the man to the woman held tightly in his grip and then back to the man. Bell could barely think straight through his anger and then that woman was talking again.

"Are you stupid?" His attention was on her again and he shook her some. "You broke into our home. You pulled the trigger. This is all your fault, I didn't do a damn thing but confront an intruder. An intruder, who keeps trying to say she's done nothing wrong! What the hell, you have mental problems or something girl? You BROKE into our home, and you act like we have no right to defend ourselves from your unlawful intrusion!" Humans. They were so stupid. Bell looked towards the man, then past him down the hall. Red. That poor pup. Bell was sure he'd be fine.

He moved a few steps in that direction, his eyes on the man to see if was going to try something. Bell tugged that woman with him and then suddenly shoved her very hard towards Red. Once that woman was out of his hands, Bell turned his fury on the odd man. Stalking right up into his face. "What the hell is your problem, buddy?" He raised a hand, to poke the man's chest hard. Every one of his own movements cause that sound of bells to tingle in the air, and that sound was even annoying him, and only adding to his agitation and anger.

Red stood there, patiently, quietly as he watched and listened to what was transpiring at the end of the hall. Bell was angry, so furious and Red could guess it had something to do with him getting injured. He realized how foolish and reckless such an action had been, after he'd done it and gotten shot. Though that probably wouldn't stop him from making other reckless decisions. Red enjoyed killing for the sake of killing, he had long since lost himself to that part of the beast. It hadn't always been like that.

There had been a few full moons when he had almost killed Bell, just for the sake of murdering. Bell moved towards him, and Red moved as well. Going towards his master, his alpha. Suddenly the vampire had shoved the woman, and Red bounded forward a few steps. Reaching out to catch her arm with a snarl, as one hand still pressed the now blood stained soaked rag to his wounds.

He moved to catch her, not to keep her from stumbling and falling, but to keep her from escaping. From running away. She didn't seem to have her weapon anymore, but Red would be growling at her anyway. His movements were a bit sluggish though, dulled by the ache in his chest. There was a slim possibility that Red might miss as he bounded forward and reached out to catch her by the arm.

Hidden Cupcake 06-17-2014 06:08 AM

Nate just watched, keeping his eyes close on the man and turning to face him when he moved past. He didn't move to stop bell-boy, watching as he dragged her away and threw her at the other. "In my experience," he said, turning to face him now, "healthy dogs don't just go after people."

Then the jingly bastard threw the girl down and turned to him. Then that hand was raising, finger pointing at his chest, threatening to stick into him. Like a crusty old nurse.

Nate's hand slammed upward, latching to the other's wrist tightly. Very tight. Almost iron like, twisting it back and away from his chest. Too tight.

"I guess I don't really have a problem..." he muttered, more to himself than anyone. "Guess just bored...wired up. Gotta let loose somehow, right?" None was directed at the man in front of him, all lazily directed at himself.

Then he changed, taking a sudden left turn in his train of thought. His head cracked forward, bowed so that his forehead smacked what he wanted it to.

First strike. Lost in the buzz. Heat of the anger. Those bell were annoying.

Kry 06-17-2014 07:09 AM

"Idiot. Good dogs defend their homes and masters from strangers that break in." He growled at the man, Bell was defending his pet, but he knew better. He knew what Red was and though part of the vargulf had acted in protection of his home and master, the other half had acted for the sole sake of killing, but he had been confident, Red would've stopped at his command. Though even now Bell wasn't sure what Red might do, how violent he might get. His thoughts were interrupted when his hand was grabbed. That grip around his wrist was like iron. How could this man be so strong?

Bell was clearly surprised when the man twisted his wrist and forced his hand away. How could he be so strong. Now the man was talking, saying he was just bored and had to let loose somehow. Though to Bell it seemed more like the man was speaking to himself than to the vampire in front of him. Bell's lips parted, as if to respond, when the man suddenly moved. His head came forward, that forehead smacking into Bell's face rather hard. An undignified noise of surprise left the vampire and his eyes widened slightly for a moment. It was clear he hadn't expected something like that. He had staggered for half a moment, bells chimed around him as he staggered.

Blood trickled from Bell's nose, not a lot, it more oozed than trickled. Black blood, dead and disgusting. That in itself was a sign that Bell hadn't fed yet, or else the blood would have been warm and red for a while. It was just black, maybe very dark brown, and it oozed sluggishly. That had hurt. "Keh. Bastard." He spat the word with more annoyance than anger, and his fist. Not the hand that the man had gripped in that iron like grip, but his other came towards the odd man's stomach at a very fast pace, Bell put a lot of 'oomph' behind that fist. A lot of 'oomph' and a lot of jingle it would seem.

They were so close to one another and he had the speed and strength that came from being a vampire. Still this man was odd, not normal in the least, there was a chance he could evade the vampire's attack.

Hidden Cupcake 06-18-2014 03:28 AM

Nate's vision had almost whited out when his head slammed into the bell-guy's, the sudden whiplash causing a ringing in his ears that drowned out the buzz and the bells. It was almost a pleasant reprieve. If it wasn't for the throb that caused it.

The man said something. He couldn't hear the ringing was far too loud. He understood though when the bell-guy's fist collided into the flesh of his belly, effectively causing Nate to gasp and release the other's hand, stumbling back.

He was doubled over for a small amount of time, clasping at his stomach with both hands before straightening and taking a breath. A breath that soon devolved into a chuckle.

He moved his eyes to the other's face, barely noting the blood. The ringing was fading, the buzzing coming back. A small wave at the edge of his vision. Distortion. Static.

He charged, shoulder down, legs kicking him off. He had no idea if he would hit. He could barely care. He needed this. The buzzing was becoming too much. Hard to think right. His face felt hot.

p o p p e t ♥ 06-18-2014 03:39 AM

((Sorry for the wait - incredibly long and stressful day!))

Katerina hated that this purple haired vampire was shaking her around and yelling at her. He hadn't 'confronted an intruder', he'd been toying with her, and scaring her, on purpose. He seemed to suddenly have forgotten that. He was the one with mental problems!

"I didn't break in either!" she added aloud, "The door opened when I knocked!" For all she knew, he probably opened it, too. He was crazy, and seemed to have plenty of voluntary memory loss. She tried to tug away again. She'd have bruises in every place he'd grabbed her. His strength was amazing. Something she'd write about, if she ever got the chance...

Suddenly he was moving back towards the kitchen, dragging her along. She tried to stop him, but she was something like a fly to a tiger. There was no stopping him now, and all her attempts would be nothing more than a minor bother. Still, she'd never stop trying to get away. She couldn't just give up.

While she was trying to think of her options, remember any useful information in all of that research she'd done, he stopped. He let her inertia bring her in front of him, before shoving her hard, straight to the red haired being.

There was nothing she could do to stop herself. She reached out to keep herself from falling, but he caught her. Not to be nice, no, that snarl was nothing nice. And who could blame him? But who could have blamed her?

She glanced at the wounds on his chest. He held something over them to soak up blood. People didn't just get up and walk around after being shot in the chest. But then, he wasn't exactly a people. Then did the silver bullets work the way they should have? She'd thought they'd kill a werewolf or vampire. So she guessed not. Or he wasn't either of those kinds of creatures.

There were too many things she didn't know. She'd hoped to learn. But not this way. She barely glanced over her shoulder once to see the vampire confronting the other man. But then her attention was back on the fur-caped man in his boxers. She frowned, too stubborn to apologize, though the thought crossed her mind.

Katerina was the one under attack. She was only defending herself. She tried to jerk her arm free. She didn't think this one was a vampire. Perhaps he wasn't as strong. "Let go," she demanded, already trying to figure out what she would do if he did, or more importantly, if he didn't.

Kry 06-19-2014 01:11 AM

When his hit connected, and his other hand was released, Bell smirked at the odd man. Pleased when the man had doubled over, though that didn't last very long, then the man was chuckling at him and then charging at him. "Tch." Was the only thing Bell said as he dug his heels in, so to speak, and readied himself to take the charge. He could have side stepped, and jabbed back with his elbow, to strike the man in the back of the neck. Bell didn't do that.

He let their bodies collide, and wrapped his arms around the odd man, even as the force and moment sent him staggering back a bit. His arms squeezed around the man's torso and his mouth was open. It was almost clear to see why he had taken the hit, he was trying to bite into whatever fleshy bits of this odd man he could reach with his fangs. He had staggered back though from the momentum the odd man carried with him, and Bell had slipped. Falling backwards but keeping his arms around that man.

His mouth snapping and biting at the other. They were on the floor now, and even though his arms were around that man, keeping him pinned to Bell's chest, the vampire was trying to roll them over so that he would be on top and more in control of the situation at hand.

Red had caught the woman's arm, his grip was tight, stronger than a humans, but maybe not as strong as Bell's had been. Some of his strength had returned with the removal of the silver bullets, but not as much as he had expected. The wounds didn't seem like they wanted to close up either. When she told him to let go, he growled at her and tugged her a bit closer to him. "Door opened?" Bell wasn't paying any attention to them at all, and Red was only watching the fight enough to see if he should help his master or not.

Her words confused him a bit. Sure the lock on the door had been broken for a while, but it still never just opened if someone knocked on it. Did it? What if another that dwelled in their den had let her in? His nose wrinkled in disdain for a moment, weren't the others sleeping? There were others, oh yes, but lately they seemed to like to keep to themselves. He shook his head. "Door doesn't open by itself. Is bad to lie, robber lady." He growled a bit at her, to show how he felt about being lied to.

Red seemed a little pale, and blood was seeping through the cloth, running down his abdomen. He grunted softly and pushed the cloth harder against his chest with the hand that held it. His grip on her arm had weakened a bit, as if he had been considering letting go of her to hold that cloth with both hands. The blood flow should have stopped by now at least, clotted or something, but it wasn't. His half wild eyes looked to Bell almost for help, but the vampire was still rather busy. The only person available at the moment to offer any kind of help was his prisoner. He looked at her and growled to show what he thought of the idea of her helping him.

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