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Mikio is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 10:45 PM

'I-I'm fine, it's nothing really' he stuttered, getting a bit flustered. It was no big deal. Getting his hand busted wasn't unusual, he'd always get into fights and end up bruised and bloody, he really didn't know what all the fuss was about. He reluctantly unwrapped the bloody tissues from around his hand and displayed it to the nurse, feeling embarrassed. The nurse shook her head in disapproval and asked him what happened, Julius lied and said he'd got into a fight with the other boys. She didn't ask any further questions and started disinfecting his wound, making him hiss in agony as she rubbed a cotton pad over it before wrapping it up with proper bandages. 'I'm okay, really' he assured her, glancing at Jakob. 'You should deal with him' he nodded towards Jakob before getting up and walking to the door. He looked behind him at Jakob and his emotions began going crazy again, he closed his eyes and left before he got any more ideas.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 10:51 PM

Once Julius was treated, Jakob let the nurse fuss over him. She got him an ice pack, and wrapped his ankle, making sure he kept it raised for a while. "You'll stay here for a bit... I'll email your next teacher and let them know you're going to be late."

Jakob, startled, began to protest. "It's not that bad- just give me a set of crutches, and I'll be good... This isn't exactly uncommon..." He said, frowning, not wanting to miss any work.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 11:06 PM

Julius walked back to the gym hall, all the students had left. It was the end of their first class and they were most likely in the changing rooms. He pushed open the door to the changing room and quickly changed out of his sports kit. He didn't notice some of the students looking at him and exchanging glances. Once he was done, he grabbed his bags, glancing towards Jakob's and decided to take them to him. He wasn't usually this kind but he felt a pang of guilt hit him whenever Jakob crossed his mind. He didn't understand any of this but he felt overwhelmed. A few students whispered to eachother as he grabbed Jakob's bags and left the changing room. He ignored them, he'd deal with them later.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 11:11 PM

It had taken quite a bit of persuation, but eventually the nurse caved- likely just to make Jakob shut up. She was just adjusting the crutches to the brunette's height when the door opened again. "Oh, Julius... What is it this time?" she asked, curious.

Jakob turned to look as well, surprised to see the redhead was holding his bag. "Thanks..." He said, offering him a small smile.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-23-2016, 11:32 PM

'I brought his bag' he told the nurse and dropped it in front of Jakob, who smiled at him. He gave a small nod, avoiding any eye contact, turning around and leaving the office. He had Math next with his least favourite teacher, a strict, plump lady who always had a bit of a temper. He flung his backpack over his shoulder as he walked towards the main hall to get to his locker, placing his sports bag inside it.

Math went by surprisingly fast and he even managed to answer a few questions right, which came as quite a shock to him. He was very bad at academic subjects and usually scored the lowest in his class. It never bothered him much anyway. When the bell went for break time, he rushed outside to the school fields, walking behind a green wooden shed and reached into his pocket, taking out his cigarettes. He picked one out and held it between two fingers as he fumbled with his lighter. He took a long puff and slid down to the grass. There, he sat cross legged, cigarette in hand, and watched the trees gently rustle in the breeze.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-24-2016, 01:22 AM

Jakob took his backpack, getting it up over both shoulders before grabbing the crutches. Thanking the nurse, he left, hobbling off to the washroom to get changed back into his jeans and button-up top, thankful he'd decided to wear loose jeans today and not his usual skinnies.

Dressed again, minus one boot, he headed for his second class of the day, giving his science teacher a note that the nurse had written up for him. When that class finally ended, he went out to his truck to eat his lunch- he could put his leg up on the seat while he ate, without worrying about taking an extra seat from anyone else. Thank god it was his left ankle that he'd rolled, and not his right. At least he could still drive himself home afterwards.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-24-2016, 05:36 PM

That night, Julius couldn't stop thinking about Jakob. He couldn't stop thinking about the kiss and those soft lips against his own. He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep. His mind was filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions. Hate, revenge, control, and love. Or was it even love? All he wanted was to have some kind of control over the boy, no matter how many times he hit him or kicked him, he wouldn't submit to him. Most of all he hated his non-stop jabbering, he thought he was so clever but he was nothing. A nobody. He will submit to him, eventually. He yanked his blanket over his head and tried to sleep.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 02:41 PM

After Jakob got home, his father fussed over him for a bit, helping him to his room.

Apparently, some painkillers, an icepack, and a good nights rest were what he needed, because Jakob woke up feeling better. The swelling was gone, though his ankle was still sore. He took a quick shower before getting dressed in loose black pants and a black tank top under his school shirt. He pulled on a pair of boots, lacing them up tight. No way he'd roll his ankle again in them. They also gave enough supposrt that he didn't need the crutches. He grabbed his bag and jacket, heading downstairs and out to the truck. Thankfully his father seemed to have left for work already, so he didn't get shit for not using the crutches.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-26-2016, 11:28 PM

The following morning, Julius woke up before his alarm went off. He had a terrible migraine, he rubbed his temples, writhing in agony. After a while, he got out of bed and wobbled over to the ensuite bathroom, splashing his face with ice cold water before taking off his bandage and getting into the shower. He decided to take a cold shower to help ease his migraine. His mother had told him that. He gasped as the icy water splashed over his head and rolled off his body. He washed himself and got out, grabbing his grey towel and wrapping it around him. Water dripped from his hair onto the bathroom tiles, he sat on his bed and began drying himself. His migraine hadn't gone but it was a little better. To make matters worse, his hand was burning from the cut. The contact with water had irritated it, he groaned through gritted teeth. He'd need some painkillers, both for his migraine and his hand.

He clumsily rummaged through his bedside drawer, through piles of test papers, old notes, and sweet wrappers until he found a pack of pills. He downed two with a glass of water, not bothering to read the label. Then he changed into his uniform, tie hanging loose around his neck, he grabbed his bag and darted off. Halfway down the stairs, he remembered he had History homework due today, which of course, he hadn't done. He cursed under his breath, he'll just copy off someone.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-27-2016, 05:44 PM

He'd made it to school, and to class on time, with time to visit his locker first. The crutches were a pain in the ass, so he brought them back to the nurse's office, leaving them just inside the door and deciding to limp around instead. It still hurt to put pressure on his left foot, but he grit his teeth and suffered through it. He'd had worse.

Gettign to his first period class, he took a seat near the back, and pulled his books from his bag, waiting for clas to begin.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-27-2016, 11:06 PM

Julius was early so he sat at his desk, Ross' homework book splayed open as he copied the answers hurriedly in his own book. By the time the teacher arrived, he was all done and he sat back smugly in his chair. His teacher acknowledged his presence and raised an eyebrow, 'nice to see you in class, Julius' he said, smiling. 'You've done the homework too, I see' he added as his eyes scanned his open book.

The lesson went by quite fast, Julius darted off as soon as the bell rang, followed by Ross and his gang of thugs, who were laughing and shoving student's out of their way. They entered the main hallway and Julius bumped into someone with short, brown spiky hair. Julius pushed him away, before realising who it even was. When he finally understood, he smirked. 'Oh look who's here boys, it's the freak' he spluttered, bursting into laughter. The other boys exchanged glances and also erupted into a fit of laughter. 'Care to join us for break?' Julius asked, innocently, but his evil-glinting eyes said otherwise. He didn't even give a chance for the other boy to answer as he violently grabbed his arm and dragged him along with him, the other boys following him.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-27-2016, 11:57 PM

Jakob winced as he was shoved, having to put his full weight on his bad ankle to keep from falling over. He tried to keep up with the redhead and his buddies, not quite sure where they were going. "Where're we going?" He asked, wincing slightly. "N' could we slow down a bit? This pace is hell for my ankle..."

Last edited by Rhys Luna Emweise; 12-28-2016 at 12:25 AM..

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 12:53 AM

'Oh, just out, the weather is great for a group picnic, right guys?' He sniggered, tightening his hold on Jakob and ignoring his request to slow down, intentionally speeding up. They made their way down the hall and into the school fields. Julius released him once they reached the same wooden shed behind the fields. It was quiet here, the only students who hung out there were there to smoke. But right now it was empty. Julius stepped aside and took a long look at Jakob, 'You don't have your crutches anymore, healing fast I see. Perhaps we should give you a reason to use them again.' He grinned, displaying his pearl white teeth. One of his boys approached Jakob and kicked him in the shin, followed by another who punched him in the nose, and another who lifted him by his shirt, throwing him on the ground, kicking him repeatedly in his legs and stomach. Julius was the only one who didn't take part, he merely stood there, silently watching, smile never leaving his face. He relished in his pain. He deserved it for constantly disobeying him. He needed to learn his place and this was the only way he would. After a few more kicks and punches, he raised a hand and the boys stopped at once. They backed away and waited for further instructions. Julius approached the now severely injured Jakob and sat beside him, taking his face in his hands, 'I think it's enough now' he cooed, looking into his eyes and smiling.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 01:02 AM

Jakob curse at the first kick, and curled in on himself when he was thrown to the ground. He endured the beating silently, not giving them the satisfaction of hearing his pain. When they stopped, Jakob glanced up, glaring at Julius, barely flinching when his face was grabbed.

"Am I really the freak here, Julius?" He asked, putting up a brave front while refferring to the other day when Julius had kissed him. He pulled his head from the ginger's hold, rolling into a sitting position, wincing and coughing slightly, covering his mouth. When he pulled his hand away, he wasn't surprised to see blood.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 01:21 AM

After Jakob pulled away from Julius, the boys instantly glanced at Julius, ready to beat him up again. Julius rolled his eyes and shook his head. He didn't need them anymore, 'you may go' he simply said, his eyes still fixed on Jakob who sat there, coughing and spluttering, his face a bloody mess. The boys turned their back and walked off, leaving the two boys alone.

Julius didn't know what to say, he wasn't sure what Jakob meant, he wondered if he was referring to the other day and the kiss. He edged closer towards him, grabbing his head again and wiped away some of the blood from his face with his thumb, 'I do like you, you know.' He said softly. 'But not when you spout shit from your mouth, you're crazy for even trying to fight me' he muttered. 'You still don't get it, you don't know who you're dealing with' he said, his mouth opening slightly as he stared at the other boy's bruised, bleeding lips. He dragged a finger along them before kissing him again.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 01:30 AM

Jakob returned the kiss, smirking as he pulled away. "And you know, you're not so bad yourself, when you're not being a sadistic bastard." He responded, licking his lips slightly. "Wonder what your friends would say if they knew you were making a habit of kissing the freak after beating him up..." He added, curious. What would Jules' friends do if they knew? Would they care? Would they turn against him?

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 01:51 AM

He was slightly shocked when Jakob returned the kiss, his eyes widening slightly, he could taste the blood from his mouth, it was still hot and sticky. 'They wouldn't dare turn against me, they're not as stupid as you. I'd make their lives hell.' He threatened, smirking back. He pushed him onto the grass, pinning him down as he climbed on top of him, kissing his neck 'you seem to really like it rough, though' he whispered in his ear, 'it would certainly explain a lot' he sniggered.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 01:56 AM

Jakob froze up as he was pushed back, and had Julius climb on top of him. "W-what would it explain?" He asked, watching the older teen warily. He wasn't sure about this, how far he should let it go, or even how far he wanted it to go.
He'd been in situations like this before. He'd fought back then, and it hadn't ended well for him. Now he was afraid of what he should do.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:05 AM

Julius ignored him, kissing him passionately, he knew they couldn't do much, they were out in the sports fields. He felt strong feelings of lust and he wanted more than anything to give in to it, but he knew he had to be careful. He sensed Jakob tensing up under him and he pulled away, panting slightly.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:11 AM

He whimpered softly, but returned the kiss, albeit hesitantly. "Julius..." He started, then stopped himself, looking unsure, biting his lip slightly. He relaxed slightly as Julius pulled away, though remained cautious, ready to fight back should he try anything more than kissing.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:18 AM

Julius rolled off him onto the grass and got up, stretching a hand towards him, to help him up. 'I guess we should go' he mumbled, a hint of sadness in his voice. He wasn't sure what time it was or how long they were out, he frowned. His face looked flustered and his heart was still beating fast, he nearly got carried away there. He needed to have a better sense of self control. If anyone had seen him, he would've been in big trouble.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:31 AM

Jakob took Julius' hand, letting him help him up, wincing as several forming bruises made themselves known. "Quick question... Why'd you have to make them beat the shit out of me?" He asked, wrapping an arm around himself. Fuck he was sore. He was just lucky the punch to his face hadn't damaged his nose or glasses.

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:44 AM

'I'll try and make them go easy on you next time' he smirked and walked off, leaving Jakob in the fields. He went back into the school and glanced at the clock, were they seriously out there for that long? He shrugged and retrieved his school bag from his locker and headed towards the cafeteria.

Rhys Luna Emweise
Rhys Luna Emweise is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 02:52 AM

Jakob watched Julius walk off, frowning slightly. He started to make his way back towards the school, every step causing him pain. He briefly contemplated going to the nurse again, though knew he'd just be forced back onto the crutches. He made a detour towards his truck, climbing in with a groan, digging through the glove box. He grinned, pulling out a little bottle of Novoprofen, quickly downing two of the large orange pills with water from the bottle in the cupholder. He stuffed the bottle into the bottom of his backpack, and headed back towards the school, hoping the pills would kick in soon.

((Novoprofen is essentially prescription-grade ibuprofen... It's 600mg, rather than the regular 200 or 400 varieties readily available on the shelves in a pharmacy))

Mikio is offline
Old 12-28-2016, 07:29 PM

Julius grabbed a can of soda, paid for it and sat behind a table to drink it, while browsing his phone. There was no use in going to class now, he was half an hour late so decided to wait it out. He replied to a few text messages he had received earlier and then he stuffed the phone back in his pocket and downed the last few drops of his soda. Just then, he was tapped on his shoulder - Ross. They spoke and he told him that he and the other boys were skipping their next class to hang out with some of the girls. He asked Julius if he'd join them and Julius scowled, unsure of whether to miss two classes in a row. Surely they'd begin to notice? He decided against joining them and Ross shortly left. He sat in his seat contemplating whether he had done the right thing. It would be fun to hang out but he couldn't afford another lecture from his parents about his lack of attendance. He sighed, pushing his hair out of his eyes and getting up to leave to class. He checked the time, if he left now, he'd be just on time for the start of his English class.

He started walking out of the cafeteria, discarding his empty soda can in the trash bin when a tall, blonde girl grabbed his arm. Julius stepped back, startled until he recognised her. It was Rina, one of the popular girls and the most prettiest girl in all of East Mount Academy. Julius had always had a crush on her, ever since he was young but he stopped hanging out with her once he discovered she was dating one of his friends. Now she stood with her perfectly manicured fingers wrapped around his arm, she stared at him through her big blue eyes and he felt himself blush a little.

'I heard you're not coming to hang out with us' she pouted. He felt a little ashamed and made up a silly excuse for him not being able to go but she pleaded him that he eventually gave in. 'Alright' he said, sighing a little, smiling up at her. They walked out of the cafeteria together and she continued clinging on to his arm as they walked past the main hallway and past several classrooms, including Jakob's classroom. Julius scanned the classroom and spotted the spiky haired boy sitting at the back of the class. He quickly walked out of view but he was almost certain that he had seen them. He frowned, biting his lip. They took a turn and Rina whisked him off to join the others.


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