View Poll Results: what is your of these video games
Grnd thef auto 2 6.90%
halo 4 13.79%
sims 5 17.24%
call of duty 4 13.79%
other 16 55.17%
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Iltu is offline
Old 09-21-2008, 05:20 AM

I don't play many video games, but I have a few. Pretty much, the only ones I play are my favorites, because if I don't like a game after like, two minutes, bah, I will no waste my time with it. It's kind of like, with a book, there are some people who won't read it if the first few pages don't draw them in right away.

Rock Band is awesome because I like playing the guitar on it. The songs are made of epic win. And the fact you can make your OWN character? Absolutely ace! I'm thrilled that a Rock Band 2 is coming out. I'm going to make my best friend (I don't own Rock Band, so I play it at her house) buy it so i can come over and play it as well.

Guitar Hero 3 is also awesome, because Judy Nails, Kasey Lynch, and Midori (but mostly Judy Nails) are great characters and I love the songs. Again, I think it's fun to play guitars, so long as they are not real.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic holds a special place in my heart. It was the first video game I ever really played, and I ADORE it. I love my scout/Jedi Guardian on there. <3 The characters are really awesome, too. Twi'leks, I have learned, are freaking sweet. Case and point: Mission Vao and Yuthura. Also, Juhani, Bastila, and Carth Onasi rock. Let's not forget the awesome-ness that is T3-M4, Zaalbar, and HK-47! Jolee and Canderous were give-or-take, but I liked them pretty well.

Kingdom Hearts II is actually a fairly boring game, in my opinion. I just really like Organization XIII. I didn't even bother with the first game.

Super Smash Bros Melee is like, THE BEST. <3 Because it is fun beyond beleif.

Linally is offline
Old 09-23-2008, 03:11 AM

Originally Posted by Iltu View Post
Kingdom Hearts II is actually a fairly boring game, in my opinion. I just really like Organization XIII. I didn't even bother with the first game.

You made me die a little on the inside, Ma-chan. DDD=

Because Kingdom Hearts I and II is AWESOME because Sora and Riku are awesome and Kairi should just fall off the face of the planet. ='D

I agree Rock Band is pretty awesome though, I love playing drums. xDDD

Harvest Moon however... OWNS ALL. Harevest Moon is the best set of games to ever be created, spanning from one of the oldest games systems and now on it's way to be an online game! It is by FAR my favorite and if I had to pick one game out of everything else in the world to play forever, it would be, Harvest Moon. *nod nod nod*

burden of love
burden of love is offline
Old 09-26-2008, 03:43 PM

Eh....I don't really play too many games. I tend to stick to the ones that keep me busy and I don't really care too much about story lines.

My favorite so far would probably be any from the Halo series. Just because of the online play.

Another favorite is Monster Hunter: Freedom 2 for the PSP. Pretty much doesn't have a story line, but the gameplay is challenging and fun. It is a little more representative of real life than other games that you can just zip through.

I have other favorites, but I don't currently remember them! lol, except for Zoids for Gamecube which I liked alot, because it reminded me of the past, when I used to watch the show every morning before school.

Willow_Moon is offline
Old 09-28-2008, 10:45 PM

I have a couple of favourites...

I love Fable and I am eagerly awaiting Fable II! I also love EVE Online.. not playing at the moment however. I also love Assassins Creed.


Another Century's Episode
Another Century's Episode is offline
Old 10-04-2008, 01:53 AM

Grandia II, Yggdra Union and Final Fantasy Tactics.

As linear as Grandia II is, I never get sick of replaying it for the nth time. It's just a solid game all around and it has one of my favorite battle systems in any RPG. There's nostalgia in it, too - it was my first console RPG.

Yggdra Union is incredibly fun but difficult, and it's just one of those games I just have to keep coming back to even after I've lost on a map for the fifth time. Maybe it's just the presentation - it's cluttered in an organized kind of way, and the way the skirmishes are handled is just a joy to see, even after the seven hundredth time. Maybe I just have a severe addiction to seeing my little dudes killing the other guy's little dudes.

Final Fantasy Tactics is still the de facto strategy game for me, though, just because of the sheer amount of options and customization you have. The storyline is marvelous as well; it has just the right amount of political intrigue and interaction to keep on playing through multiple times.

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Old 10-06-2008, 09:56 AM

Now here is a tough question. I have played so many games I can't really rank them. Sure, some games were absolutly terrible and I'd never throw that game back into my console, however most games are too fun and enjoyable to not want to beat it twice.. or maybe three times.. or four.. >_>

Of course no one can ever forget the Finaly Fantasy series. From start to end it's just a great game, each of their titles is excellent. Then you have the classics, Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Metroid Prime, Halo.. you get the picture. I loved all these games. Then you can go back to Chrono Trigger.. this game I swear I have run through the entire game at the very least 8 times. That's right, eight times. I LOVE Chrono Trigger. Then I got into FPS' Doom, Quake, Rainbow Six. All great FPS'. Of course now they've created even better ones such as Call of Duty or Halo 3 and who can forget Counter Strike? And finally, MMOs. I've played A LOT of MMOs. From basic free online MMOs to full worlds of subscription MMOs. I used to play Runescape and Flyff both free MMORPGs both enjoyable. Then I moved into Guildwars, Dungeons and Dragons Online and now World of Warcraft. All very good games.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.. I LOVE VIDEO GAMES! If they didn't exsist, sure I'd probably have found something else to fill the void, but for now.. I can't live without them :D

Edible Speedo
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Old 10-21-2008, 02:14 AM

Threads of Fate for the Playstation X. I really wish they had an official sequel to it. :( The characters were awesome, it had its funny and serious moments, the gameplay was smooth and easy, you could choose between two characters, the colors were fantastic, and the music was beautiful in my opinion. My only complaint was that it was too easy (I could beat it with both characters in a day), which is why it needed a sequel.

ElectricEclipse is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 03:07 AM

my favorite is always gonna be the zelda for 64 lol ocarina of time
i dunno i wish they'd remade it for another game system and if they have made it i wish somewhere near me sold it
it was my all time fave game for like ever

Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman is offline
Old 10-30-2008, 11:13 PM

i like the half life series, it has a good story line and game play. I also like psychonauts but i never finished that game(I had to reformat my hard drive because i got a virus. ahh!).

Lovers Network
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Old 11-01-2008, 07:36 AM

mm i agree with you, i liked the final fantasy series including 7, 8, 10, 10-2 ^__^
but then the ones after 10-2 werent getting my attention D:

i especially love anime games, anything that has anime characters and is RPG, i will most likely love it ^__^

lainey kaulitz.
lainey kaulitz. is offline
Old 11-02-2008, 08:43 PM

probably something Pokemon.
Or Kingdom Hearts.
Both very good games.
I love RPGs.

pink blossom
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Old 11-02-2008, 10:31 PM

I love playing Monster Hunter!!!

ArrogantSoul is offline
Old 11-13-2008, 09:42 AM

Yeah the ff series is definitely for me I still have ff7 xD tis awesome. But my tv burned out so im stuck on my lappy playing Warcraft 3 TFT which isnt too bad

emoXRAWR is offline
Old 11-15-2008, 08:48 PM

I have a long list. I would probably say it's between Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Zelda, and Silent Hill. But I would say as of right now Resident Evil is my favorite game with Final Fantasy, Pokemon, and Silent Hill tied for a close second.

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Old 12-09-2008, 12:14 AM

Anything from the .hack series.

Oh, and Rock Band.

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Old 12-10-2008, 07:41 AM

Oblivion and the Shivering Isles expansion and Left 4 Dead.

Simple. Easy. Case closed! >.<

londonweather0708 is offline
Old 12-11-2008, 05:31 AM

I loved the complexity of Oblivion, and the storyline, but the child wants to say, "Hooray for Kingdom hearts!!!" I thoroughly enjoyed the second, just a little bit more then the first because its game play was easier to follow. I am currently playing Folklore, which is more strategy then they let on, but the storyline is amazing!

keaton7 is offline
Old 12-16-2008, 08:12 PM

The first game I had was Super Mario World (SNES), so it has a special place for me, but I'm also a big fan of Zelda. I just can't choose which one I like better ^^'

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Old 12-18-2008, 01:41 AM

would have to be dungons and dragons online as well as any of the dungons and dragons computer games. i owen temple of elemental evil and icewind dales 1&2 with exspantion packs. I love the world of D&D.

Limonite is offline
Old 12-26-2008, 06:45 AM

I love the first Grandia, there's only two words to describe it: awesomely perfect.
The story is simple, easy to follow and the whole adventure is plain fun. All the characters are so loveable. Not to mention the music, every tune is perfectly fitted to each scenario and the voice acting isn't too bad.

Oh how I love Grandia!

Sindyr is offline
Old 12-30-2008, 08:07 AM

Vagrant Story for PS One
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time for N64
Final Fantasy XII and Okami for PS2

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 01-03-2009, 03:34 AM

My favorite video game series is Castlevania. <3

xSzayel Granz
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Old 01-10-2009, 11:32 PM



By A large amount. No other game even compares. Slightly.
By game profile: [url=] xSzayel Granz

* Total Games
* 5325

* Matchmade Games
* 1350

* Custom Games
* 3798

In the last 2 years i've played 5K games. At average of 15 minutes each.

I suppose that's enough proof of my love for it, right?
Or do I have to post perverted videos and images of myself and Halo?

Chachungee is offline
Old 01-11-2009, 11:22 PM

My favorite game ever is either Jump! Ultimate Stars for the DS or Okami for the PS2. Jump's so ultimately fun with 4 people. Anime Smash Bros, with a better combat system. There's so many strategies and levels of depth with each character. Okami's great because of the beautiful art style, the great story line, and the highly inovative brush techniques. Brilliant games, both of them.

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Old 01-13-2009, 12:27 AM

I still have my Sega and still love my first game for it. Which was Sonic 2. More recent games would be Morrowind and Fable: The Lost Chaper.


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