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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-04-2016, 09:37 PM

Long ago, magic prospered in the world. All kinds of beings walked in the light--fae, monsters, spirits and shifters. The humans revered and persecuted them alike. But their numbers grew, pushing the magical beings back into the shadows until they became nothing more than legend. Those with magic stayed away, but as the humans forgot they existed, so did they cover all the corners of the world, leaving nowhere left to hide.

Now, forced to live together once again, those with magic struggle to keep their secrets hidden while remembering who they are. In the year XXX, a school arises just for this purpose. On the outside, St. Cyprian University is a normal school within a normal world. In reality though, the two principles of the school--one human and one magical--devised a plan. If magic is to live in a human world, it must learn to hide. The school is devoted to teaching the humans and magical to live together as one being. Where better to learn about humans and how to imitate them than in their greatest institution? The only rule is, never show you're not human.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 11-16-2017 at 05:12 PM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-04-2016, 09:53 PM

St. Cyprian

The school is set at the base of some mountains, slightly secluded, but still on the outskirts of a small and flourishing city. The buildings are made in Gothic architecture for the most part and houses area for sports, leisure, class, and dormitories.

You can sit in the manicured grass or watch the fish ponds, peruse the library, or take a stroll through the trees up toward the mountain. It's a school with a little bit of everything.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 02-04-2016 at 09:55 PM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-04-2016, 10:02 PM


recruitment thread/profile skeleton

•Open and Accepting (short on humans and males, but accepting all)

•Be here to stay!
•Post at least one solid paragraph. This is a Lit rp
•No Mary Sues or Hood Ornaments (useless characters)
•PM me new profiles
•Have fun!!

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 04-14-2016 at 07:21 PM..

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 02-05-2016, 02:24 PM

At the foot of a mountain sat a building that sprawled out across hundreds of acres. The building--St. Cyprian University--boasted large rolling lawns of green and forests of true tranquility with various paths and turns within. Inspired by Gothic architecture, the school did all it could to make its students feel at home. To ease the stress, a large zen garden and koi fish pond were added with the hopes that students would stretch out on the large rocks to forget about their studies and find internal peace. Sparring no expense, the founders dumped their resources into providing its students with a plethora of books--both academic and leisure--as well as the finest of technologies and at-home comforts such as plush couches and cushioned chairs.

Although it's no Harvard or Princeton, St. Cyprian has its charms. Unbeknownst to many, sans those of that kin, St. Cyprian has a secret. The university exists to create balance between humanity and those of the occult, those gifted with magical powers. As magic is feared by those who do not possess it, those magical folk have to keep their powers and features at bay. This is no easy feat for it is hard to hide one's true identity. Still, the notion of death makes for powerful persuasion so those with magical abilities did their best to keep things under wraps. To help prevent little hiccups, those students were required to take specific classes; ones that humans couldn't take. Likewise, the humans were put into lore and legend classes to attempt to ease their fear of the unknown. Who knew if it would work though.

As the morning bells chimed ten times, a wave of students flocked to the nearby buildings. It was time for the 10AM classes to start. Some students had already had 8AM classes whereas others wouldn't start their classes until later in the afternoon. Some might not even have class at all today, for today was a Tuesday.

So far, this Tuesday was shaping up nicely. It was a pleasant fall day. Although the colder months were forthcoming, this October had started off pretty tame. The temperatures still ran in the 60s. Sure, it was cooler than the 80s and 90s they had months before, but 60s still allowed for cute dresses and shorts.

Perched on a rock in the zen garden sat a blonde with captivating jade orbs. He was busy meditating, which proved difficult to do when the bells chimed. Thankfully, he had bright green earbuds in his ears to attempt to drown out the sounds. He had finished his 8AM class already and had a few hours to just loof around. He couldn't think of anything more relaxing than some medication on the warmed, gray and white rocks. Of course, this would be a fleeting thing for he was expecting someone for one of his photoshoots. He loved taking pictures in the garden for he loved the contract in colors--the blacks vs the whites.

Holed up in the gym was another student. Pressing the up arrow on the treadmill, he picked up the pace. His body was already dotted with hundreds of beads of sweat, but that wouldn't stop him. He had to be faster, better, sharper. A kid to his side gawked at the numbers that danced across the screen.

"Jeez, Ryuu, way to put the rest of us to shame."

Panting, Ryuu looked over at his follow athlete. "If... you... would... stop talking... you... could... run... faster too." Flicking his eyes forward, he glued them to the TV screen not too far from him. He liked to spend this next hour running while catching up on the latest news.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-05-2016, 05:32 PM

Amanda cheerily packed up her books and new laptop. She had just finished her 8AM class, Lectures on Alchemy, and would normally walk briskly to her 10AM Spell Writing class right afterward. But something had come up, and her Spell-Writing professor had to make last-minute travel plans to meet a dragonoid wizard in some faraway land or other. And so, she had four hours before her afternoon class would begin at 2PM! She overheard that some of her Spell Writing classmates would be heading to the gym, back to the dorms, and other areas on campus. But because she so loved learning new things, Amanda instead wondered what other classes took place at 10AM. It would be fun to sit in on other classes!, she thought to herself.

And so, after stepping out of the lecture hall, she began to wander the Great Hallway at St. Cyprian University, which featured so many ceiling-high windows and doors to so many beautiful and well-equipped rooms. Many of these were lecture halls or laboratories where professors taught their students -- both magical and human -- or did research. One elegant corridor led to the library where books and tomes of all kinds were available for perusing. But some rooms were enshrouded with mystery -- usually locked and only accessible by certain faculty and their apprentices.

Amanda peeked into each room as she passed and basked in the sunlight peeking through the large windows. Out in the zen garden, she could see a blonde human meditating on the rocks. She recognized him -- Levent Gotham -- he was one of the foreign language tutors. Amanda loved learning new languages, both to communicate with others and also because some magical spells were exclusively in languages she had not learned yet. Maybe I'll ask him to tutor me sometime, she thought to herself as she continued on her way down the hall.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-06-2016, 07:54 PM

Paige sat in her dorm room, chewing on the end of a fountain pen. Even though her family lived among humans for generations, being human themselves, she still felt the need to close herself off from them. Or was it the strange 'gift' as her older sister called it that appeared on her eighteenth birthday? Paige hadn't found anything the least bit useful about feeling the emotions of all those milling about outside though. Even with the wall she built up over the last few years, strong emotions filtered in. If she just let go of her concentration for one second, it could consume her.

After pulling on the black choker around her neck, jangling the pentagram charm, she went back to her homework. The chemistry lab she had tomorrow always rose her spirits some. Among the class, she excelled in getting the reactions she wanted. But then, potions were in her blood. And really, who didn't like showing off. A grin crossed her face. Despite everything, she enjoyed this year even more than the last, the classes exciting her more the higher up she got. Being human didn't turn out so bad as long as she honed her craft at the same time. It really was a brilliant concept and she thanked the whispers of it she heard even if she never quite got close to anyone here.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-06-2016, 10:00 PM

Amanda smiled and stretched as she stood up. The 10 AM class she ended up sitting in on was called Floral Design. It was an art class not in her major, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. One of her friends, the human and half goddess Flora Gardenia, was in that class. Unfortunately, most of the seats were taken by the time she entered, so Amanda wasn't able to sit with her friend.

Instead, Amanda had taken a seat amongst a group of peers who were seemingly human. They created their floral artwork by arranging leaves and petals with glue and papier-mache. Meanwhile, in the corner in her eye, Amanda saw Flora Gardenia controlling the plants with her mind, making them blossom as needed or growing a few extra leaves here and there in her project.

Amanda knew a spell or two that could enhance her own floral artwork, but since she was surrounded by humans, she also got to work getting her fingers sticky with glue and arranging some dried petals into a heart shape. Valentine's Day was coming up, after all, and she loved hearts! She also chatted with her new human friends while thinking to herself that it was good she had remembered to wear her blue contact lenses -- otherwise they might have suspected something was off, since her natural eye color was a ruby red.

Now that it was noon, Amanda had two hours until the next class started. A perfect time to eat lunch, study a bit, and do a little exploring!

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 02-08-2016, 03:57 AM

The morning seemed to pass by quickly for the lavender haired female. Her first class of the day was Creative Writing at 8am. Normally her class lasted until 10am, but Professor McCaffrey released them early so they could do research for their newest assignment. Instead of taking this extra time to research Kokuro decided to hit the gym early. Often the young woman would work out for at least an hour between her morning and afternoon classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having the extra hour was nice considered it took a fair amount of time to put up her extremely long hair to keep it from getting in her way while she worked out.

For the first half an hour Kokuro spent on a cardio workout. She took an empty treadmill near two students who she recognized as athletes. She didn’t waste any time as she quickly picked up the pace on her treadmill. Soon she was going at a pace close to that of Ryuu. 'Sweat' beaded across her body as she kept up the pace. In actuality she rarely sweated due to having a such a low core body temperature. At times like this she had to use her powers to make herself appear human. What appeared to be sweat was actually melted ice crystals the woman had formed on her body.

The boy closest to her made a comment to the one with the eye patch, Ryuu Baenath. He stating the obvious of if you don’t talk you can run faster in reply. The young woman chuckled quietly. After a few more minutes the woman slowed her pace until she came to a stop.

Grabbing her towel she wiped away the beads of sweat. There was a satisfied smile on her pale pink lips as she walked away from the cardio area to head to one of several mirrored rooms used for aerobics, yoga, dance classes, etc. Kokuro flipped on the lights before making her way to the stereo that was set up. Connecting her mp3 player to it she selected one of her favorite playlist. Selecting shuffle play she moved to the center of the room waiting for the music to start.

The music started off soft and slow. The young woman’s body moved fluidly with the music as she started to dance. When the lyrics started she couldn’t stop herself from singing along. This was one of her favorite songs, Shatter Me, off of this playlist. “…Somebody shine a light. I’m frozen by the fear in me. Somebody make me feel alive and shatter me…” Kokuro would spend the next half an hour to hour dancing and singing within the room. From time to time other students stopping to peek in through the glass of the room door.

This morning Nanami found herself wandering about the campus. Her first class wasn’t until the afternoon and she had already completed her assignments. Her exploration lead her through the Zen garden where she seen a male student, Levent Gotham, perched on a rock meditating. Continuing on she finally found herself within one of the gardens. This particular garden held varies types of flowers and a koi pond.

While taking in her surrounds the skirt of her burgundy dress rustled in the breeze. Teal orbs scanned the area. It seemed that she had found a place where she could be alone for a bit to relax. Taking a breath the young woman moved to sit on a bench by the pond.

The pond had a waterfall which enhanced the already serene feeling that the garden gave off. The gentle sound of the running water was soothing. Leaning back a bit Nanami stared up at the October sky. Yes, this was nice. She would have to remember how to get here so she could come back later.

A few moments paced before the golden blonde pulled out one of her mythology books. Flipping through the pages she began reading where she left off. While she read she sat there soaking in the warm rays of the sun.

Last edited by blueblackrose; 02-12-2016 at 05:04 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-09-2016, 03:19 AM

The clock tower chimed 12 times to signal that it was noon. Amanda decided that, since she had a two hour break before the start of her afternoon classes -- plenty of time to accomplish so many things! -- she would head to the gym for half an hour. She handed her ID card to the front desk, changed into her gym outfit, and headed towards the weight room. On the way, she heard a familiar tune playing from one of the mirrored rooms. She peeked inside the glass window of the door to see Kokuro dancing to the music. She's such an amazing dancer!, Amanda thought to herself. Although she didn't know Kokuro that well, she had always admired both her dancing and her acting skills. Amanda also loved to dance, although she wasn't the best at it as she had never learned to do so professionally.

Amanda then continued her walk and eventually ended up at the entrance to the weight room, which also had all sorts of cardio machines. She liked using the ellipticals, but they were all taken at the moment. She looked around the room, and her heart skipped a beat when she spied Ryuu on one of the treadmills. She secretly had a crush on him...although they had never even met. But she knew he was on the soccer team, and he was handsome! Amanda blushed and fought the urge to run out of the gym out of embarrassment.

Someone had finally finished and wiped down one of the elliptical machines, so she stepped on and started moving her legs in a walking motion to activate the machine. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched Ryuu to see if he would notice her. But his eyes remained glued to the television screen where the news was on.

Last edited by salvete; 02-09-2016 at 04:23 AM..

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-09-2016, 05:40 PM

Shayla always woke early, like a plant that opened its leaves to the morning sun and closed them up at night. A surprising lot tracked the sun across the sky, but it took a rare plant to bloom just for the sunlight. She walked down a path that traveled along the mountain foothills sitting just behind the school. It almost appeared as if the college were built right into the mountainside, but only the backside of it pressed against those rocky bluffs. She was already on her way back considering the later morning hour. October left the leaves up toward the mountains in colorful shades--orange and gold and a most fiery red. But still, some of them clung to their summer green.

She could see the change immediately when she reached campus proper. The grass looked more trimmed and the gardens planned. But this also had its charm. Since she didn't have class until 10:30, she let herself delve into the gardens next. Rather than hide away in her room with books or tv, she preferred this sort of exploration. And maybe, she might observe the humans as well. They, after all, were far more puzzling than the plants.

Coming to the koi pond, Shayla paused behind a tree. Oh, so there was someone here after all. The girl looked calm, lost in some sort of book. After a second more of observation, Shayla stepped into view. "Good morning. Do you mind sharing this little hideaway with me?"

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-10-2016, 08:46 PM

After half an hour had passed, Amanda slowed to a halt and proceeded to wipe down the elliptical machine she had been using. Once she had begun her exercise, she had quickly given up on Ryuu noticing her, as his eyes seemed glued to the television screen the entire time he ran on the treadmill. Instead, she focused on moving her muscles, occasionally glancing up to watch a few seconds of the news or to survey the premises. Even above the hum of exercise equipment, she could still hear the faraway music Kokuro was dancing to.

Now done with her workout, Amanda took a quick shower, changed back into her outfit of the day, and headed off towards the dormitories. She now had about an hour and a half before her afternoon class, Biochemistry, which would start at 2PM. She had a yummy lunch idea -- sliced baguette, olive oil, fig jam, and brie cheese. Delicious! And she would bake it in the oven. Super quick and easy, which would allow her plenty of time to do other things before her class started.

The dormitories were on the other side of the koi pond and zen garden, and as she approached, she spotted Levent still perched on his rock meditating. Amanda wanted to say hi, but didn't because she didn't want to disturb his meditation. Instead, she walked past and spotted two people she did not recognize (Nanami and Shayla) at the Koi pond. They were both blonde, like Amanda. One of them had a book in her hands, and the other, who was tall and slender, was standing near a tree right beside her. She heard the tall woman, who was standing, tell the other "good morning."

They look like nice people, Amanda thought to herself as she got closer.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 02-12-2016, 05:03 AM

Nanami was deep into the mythology book, reading about the myths and legends behind faerie rings. She hadn’t even heard the other two, Shayla and Amanda, that entered the garden area. When Shayla spoke up barely heard her. It took a few moments for the young woman to register that she was no longer alone. Looking up from her book there was a shy smile on her lips. “Good morning. Not at all.”

The petite woman closed her book, sitting it in her lap. “Isn’t it nice that there are such peaceful and beautiful hideaways like this one? A place like this makes it easy for one to forget about the world outside.” Her teal eyes moved from the tall slender woman to the koi pond and bounty of flowers that sat across from the bench.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-12-2016, 05:33 AM

Shayla stalked along the garden ground with a straight back and head lifted high with an innate confidence. Her eyes glanced over to see the other girl to the side who had yet to join them. To her, she said nothing. After looking at the koi for a few seconds, she glanced back at the sitting girl. "I'm glad. I would not like a school without nature." Indeed, she wouldn't even consider applying if not for the presence of these gardens.

Although she didn't often engage in much conversation, she reminded herself that she needed to. So, after another second she sat down on a bench opposite of the considerably shorter blonde girl. "There's room here if you want to join me," she added, finally turning to the other girl, gesturing in a rather odd and formal way toward the bench. She tilted her head, turning her attention back to the one girl's book. "What are you reading?"

Plagg, claws out!
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Old 02-12-2016, 02:26 PM

The turnover in the gym was unbelievable. Then again, most people didn't spend half their day running, lifting, or building up their core muscles. Ryuu didn't get his reputation by being a slacker; no he got it by being a gym junkie. Finding time to study was hard but Ryuu was a fairly smart guy so he didn't need to study as much as one would expect. He was exceptionally good at Chemistry, hence selecting that as his major.

Finally letting out an exhale, he glanced to his running partner. "Let's call it quits," he chided. The male nodded and immediately hopped off the machine. "Same time tomorrow?" His friend, still panting, wearily raised his thumb to the air. "Ha, kiddo, you have a lot of catching up to do if you hope to replace me." Giving the lad a good thwack on the back, Ryuu meandered to the locker rooms. He showered before changing into his attire for the day--a pale gray oxford with a navy coat and slacks to match it.

A quick glance at the time brought his attention to a meeting he had previously forgotten about. Rushing from the gym, he went about his day.

Lev's brows furrowed. There were a lot of distracting voices coming from down the way. The more they talked, the harder it was for him to concentrate. Finally, he caved his shoulders in while jerking his peridot orbs open.

"Hey," a voice called his attention. Lev glanced up to see the man he was supposed to meet with. "Sorry I'm late. Lost track of time." The man with the eyepatch didn't bother to frown or grin. He was a fairly straight-laced figure and wasn't one to really show remorse or guilt for his actions.

"It's fine,"
Lev purred. "I was enjoying the sun."

Pulling from his rock, Lev put his earbuds away and pulled out his camera. "Going to be on the front cover of the school reporter," he stated plainly. "How does that make you feel?"

"Annoyed," Ryuu returned the flat, lackluster tone. "I hate seeing my face everywhere." Dropping his back, the raven looked to Lev for direction. "So where should I stand?"

the blonde cooed. "It's a black and white shot, right?"

"Yeah. Someone's going to pull the gold back in and use gold for the text." Ryuu shrugged. "I don't quite follow it but then again, I'm a scientist not an artist."

"I'll do a couple head and body shots. I then need to do some of you with people." Lev looked over his shoulder at the gossiping girls (Shayla, Amanda, and Nanami). "Maybe we can get them to volunteer?"

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-13-2016, 07:58 PM

[Xavirne, I lol'd at the "turnover in the gym was unbelievable" line XD]

From a distance, Amanda couldn't tell if the two strangers (Shayla and Nanami) were human or magical. And as she got closer, it was still difficult to tell -- they both could pass for human, although Amanda was well aware that most of the magical beings at St. Cyprian were pretty experienced with concealing their magical identities.

Amanda had eventually walked around the koi pond to join the two strangers near the tree. She grinned her dimpled smile at them both, then turned to the tall slender blonde (Shayla) who had invited her to sit with her on the bench. "Thank you!," she said cheerily as she sat down and slid off her backpack. She did love meeting new people!

She extended her hand for a handshake. "My name is Amanda! What are your names?" she asked the two strangers. She learned that their names were Shayla and Nanami, what pretty names!

Suddenly, she heard male voices nearby. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Levent had stopped his meditation and was speaking to...ahhh it was Ryuu, of all people! Wasn't he still at the gym a second ago?! She wondered how the two knew each other, and what they were doing here at the koi pond, as she started to converse with Shayla and Nanami beside her.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 02-15-2016, 08:13 PM

((sorry for being late everyone. been busy over the weekend with my new puppy. ))

Flora was in art class painting with oil paints. there assignment is to paint a something they had seen before. right now she is painting a garden. it is a large one so she has a big canvass to paint on. so far there is background with a pretty blue sky. white clouds,the sun in the left coroner. she is paint some trees in slowly with her tongue. sticking out of her mouth to the right side. painting tress bark in with some brown paint on her paint brush. she all ways had a love of plant life as well animals.

She plans to paint in some animals in as well. maybe some birds flying around in the sky are in the tree's. couple of squirrels, in some of the trees. Flora was thinking of what to add to this painting to make it. look more like the garden she had seen with her mother as a young lady. she was also with her older brother Lanits. he was all ways trying to keep her safe since. there child hood him being about 100 years older then her. by now he is a fully grown man with a wife. waiting for there first child to be born. she was going to become a aunt in seven months form now.

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-15-2016, 08:52 PM

Amanda continued to converse with Shayla and Nanami. Nanami seemed to be shy at first, but slowly and gradually started to open up a little more. Shayla, the taller woman, seemed wise beyond her years, although it was difficult to tell how old either of them really were. When Amanda asked, Shayla said she was 19 and Nanami said she was 19 as well. They of course asked Amanda how old she was, and she replied, "guess!"

Meanwhile, in the corner of her eye, Amanda could see Levent and Ryuu walking towards them. Her face flushed a bit at seeing Ryuu, but she just pretended nothing was up and tried to speak in her usual cheery and enthusiastic tone. But secretly, her heart rate was increasing and her breathing accelerated. How come they are coming over to us? she wondered to herself. She reassured herself that Ryuu definitely did not notice that she had been checking him out at the gym, so that could not be it. Or perhaps Levent heard that she was interested in learning Spanish or Japanese and was going to offer to tutor her? Or perhaps they were friends with one or both of the two new friends she had made?

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-15-2016, 09:39 PM

Shayla eyed the girl who offered her a hand. After a second, she returned the shake, her grip firm, but not painful--the sort of shake the belonged to a confident adult rather than a nineteen year old girl. But then, she already lived for so many years. "It's Shayla. Nice to meet you, Amanda.”

After that, they continued to talk, the gentle aura of the area making it easy. Shayla warmed up some though she still kept her responses short and to the point. She rarely showed excessive excitement on her face. By this point it was much later in the day and she found herself looking up at the very blue sky, wondering how best to extricate herself from the group without ruffling feathers. She liked these two after all and might want to continue observing them. At Amanda's question, she dropped her gaze once again, looking a little taken aback.

"Guess? Well, I suppose something like sixteen or seventeen," she sighed. Next to herself, the girl seemed excitable and therefore young. Still a child even. She glanced toward the boys. Best get going before they joined the conversation too.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 02-16-2016 at 02:05 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-16-2016, 01:07 AM

Aww I wonder what Shayla is feeling right now, Amanda thought to herself. She wasn't used to people sighing at her, and she sensed that there was more to Shayla's story than she was letting on. She didn't feel that Shayla was being shy -- Nanami definitely was on the shy side -- but the sigh did make Amanda feel, again, that Shayla seemed a bit wiser beyond her years.

"Wow, good guess!" Amanda replied to Shayla with a smile. "I am sixteen." Amanda hoped that if she continued to be herself, that is, respectful, gentle, and a good listener, then maybe she could have Nanami and Shayla be comfortable enough to open up a little more.

Suddenly the clocktower bells chimed once. It was one o'clock! Amanda only had one hour to prepare and eat lunch, and then she had a class at two o'clock!

Thinking quickly, Amanda invited Shayla and Nanami to join her in her dormitory and offered to cook them some lunch as well. "Just let me know what kinds of food you like to eat!" Amanda said.

Amanda noticed that both Nanami and Shayla seemed to hesitate upon her invitation, so she added, "but you don't have to if you're busy! I just need to hurry and eat before my two o'clock class starts. I hope you don't mind!"

Amanda waited for Shayla and Nanami's response while secretly hoping they could extricate themselves from the koi pond before Ryuu and Levent got to their area.

Take my darkest fears and play t...

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Old 02-16-2016, 02:27 AM

“A school without some nature would be rather dull.” The blonde watched as Amanda joined them. Her attention was quickly turned away when Shayla asked about the book she was reading. “It’s a book on Celtic myths and legends. Some of them are quite fascinating.”

The new comer, Amanda, seemed to be rather excitable. This made Nanami feel more shy than usual. She shifted a bit uncomfortably, sitting the mythology book on the bench beside her. “I am Nanami. Nice to meet you Shayla and Amanda.” The other two chatted a bit as the woman mostly listened.

After a bit Nanami heard two male voices in the distance. Glancing over she noticed that Levent had stopped meditating and he was joined by a student she didn’t recognize, Ryuu. The young woman had to admit to herself that they both were rather good looking. No, no now isn’t the time to be thinking about such things. I am here to learn, not try finding myself a man or anything of that sort. Nanami chided herself.

“Guess? I would guess sixteen.” The young woman was still being rather slow about warming up. Being in nature and animals was much more comfortable than being around strangers. Being social like this was going to take some getting used to. At least her guessing had been correct, though she hadn’t had much doubt that she would be far off. With how excitable and ‘childish’, at least childish in her eyes, Amanda seem she figured the girl was younger than her.

The chiming of the clock tower reminding her of how late it was getting to be. Amanda surprised her with her invitation to her dormitory. Nanami shook her head. “Sorry, but I’ll have to decline. I’m going to be meeting a friend soon. Thank you for the invite though.” She offered the younger girl her hand. “Maybe some other time.”

The thought of the boys coming over and joining them hadn’t entered her mind since she was busy trying to be more social. Seeing as the other two appeared to be leaving her she was a tad relieved. People who were as animated and excitable as Amanda was had a tendency to stress her more when first meeting them. Sometimes Nanami cursed her shyness. It would have been nice to idly chat with Shayla a while longer. She was more relaxed and had a calming feel about her.

Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 02-16-2016, 02:33 AM

Shayla shook her head at the invitation. Honestly, even if she wanted to interact more, eating her lunch with a girl like Amanda would be far too much. She was getting the feeling that despite the excitement and youth, that girl might be a little perceptive. Or maybe Shayla just failed that much at hiding her own difference. Was Amanda human or was she not? Either way, Shayla might need to be a little careful.

"Sorry, but I've got a class soon. Farewell." As an afterthought, she paused to meet Nanami's eye. She said a farewell to her as well, glad the girl shared her sentiment of not wanting lunch with the other girl. They seemed more similar that Shayla hoped she'd say no as well for no good reason. Ah but really, it had gotten far too late. "Maybe we'll talk again?" Though she said it for both girls to hear, she meant it for Nanami most. But, before she received an answer, she ducked away, taking the path opposite the boys.


Mornings did not agree with Aza'zel. Right up until noon, he lay in a rumpled mess on his bed. Pale legs twisted with ivory sheets not much different in color than he. A couple articles of dirty clothes lay at the foot of the bed and his right foot stuck out, resting on top of a textbook. Math, but he didn't remember signing up for an algebra class in the first place.

He'd set no alarm, so only when the sun filtered through a window his roommate left open did he wake. The sunlight made him shrink away, whining and moaning all the way to the floor. Of course, the painting class he took started at noon, but Aza'zel didn't hurry to dress in his usual random attire. Not for the first time, he arrived thirty minutes late. For the first week, the teacher thought he wasn't even in the class; he'd not showed up once. Now, about two of the three times the class met a week, he wandered in.

The room was already as full as usual, students in their corners with stools and easels, working on some assignment he missed. Aza'zel took out his oils and sat next to Flora who appeared already lost in her painting. He leaned closer, uncomfortably close. "What's all this green stuff you're painting? Isn't it weird?" he asked with a pout.

Last edited by Kat Dakuu; 02-16-2016 at 02:37 AM..

(づ ̄ ³ ̄) ...
salvete is offline
Old 02-16-2016, 02:56 AM

Both Nanami and Shayla declined her invitation to lunch, to Amanda's dismay. She had a feeling that her enthusiasm and friendly charisma were too overwhelming for Nanami and Shayla, both of whom turned out to be much shyer than she had initially expected. When Nanami and Shayla exchanged their good-byes, they both said "Maybe we'll talk again" and "Maybe some other time," but it seemed as if they were more talking to each other while either ignoring Amanda or pushing her away. Amanda was a little hurt by this, but silently reminded herself not to take it too personally. She had also been pretty shy when she was younger and knew that some people warmed up more quickly or slowly than others.

"Alright, no problem," she said cheerfully, but in a quieter and more level tone of voice. "Hope to see you around!" she called out as Shayla ducked into the bushes. Wow did she disappear quickly! Amanda certainly did hope to learn more about these two. She still was not sure if they were human or magical beings, although she had a slight suspicion that at least one of them was magical.

Suddenly, Levent and Ryuu had arrived at their spot next to the koi pond. Yikes, Amanda thought to herself as her heart skipped another beat. But outwardly, she said to her friend, "Hi, Levent! I am just about to go to my dorm to fix up some lunch, since I have class in about an hour. Want to join me?"

And then she added with a blush, "and hi, I don't think we've met. I'm Amanda. What's your name?" referring to Ryuu.

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-21-2016, 11:05 PM

Intertwining his fingers behind his head, the man seemed to give little thought to the world around him at the moment as he walked. There was nothing currently that demanded his immediate attention, so there was no reason to really be letting his eyes wander. The phone in his pocket vibrated, causing him to slip it out. It was his father again, you would think a man would have more respect for a son over the age of eighteen. However, there were plenty of times in which the other still tried to run his life.

Like now, with talk about his schooling. He rolled his eyes, before putting the device away. It was to nice of a day to spend inside, sure others might not think so, but he was an optimist. He turned out, heading out into the gardens, where there seemed to be plenty of activity. Female and male students doing their own things. He recognized a few of them. The cat boy, and the golden eyed wonder. He chuckled a bit to himself, they were as popular as ever. He was not trying to spy or anything, but he heard one of the females mention food. He hadn't eaten yet today, which he automatically cursed himself for.

He had been trying to get out of his apartment before his father had shown up this morning. It had the expense of his breakfast. He didn't want to simple head to the cafe. Much of the food in those places were made way to and expensive. The boasted about healthy alternatives, but that was not always the case. It got under his skin, a person's body should be taken care of. Perhaps it was the doctor within him talking. He chuckled once more, looking up at the sky a bit. Currently he was in casual wear, jeans and a white sweater. He knew once he headed to his classes and the lab, he was going to have to switch over to his scrubs.

Might as well enjoy his time now, before he had to put all the fun behind him and get serious. It was not a bad thing, he did not hate it. It was the opposite actually, he loved it. He loved his work, it was one of his passions. It was why he was working towards becoming a doctor. He would be able to put all this knowledge to use, in order to save lives and help others. He did not want to rely only on his....special talents. If anything, he knew he should avoid using them if he could. The drawbacks were a bit of a doosie if he was not careful. Being out here now, his other special talent began to buzz about him.

It happened whenever he was around others, he was getting used to it. He could feel the emotions coming off of people in a sense. It wasn't as simple as empathy, but it was not as simple as energy. He could not explain it in words, it was just a part of him. At the moment, he could tell some were feeling very nervous, others calm and focused. He glanced over at the group beginning to gather for a moment, before he made the move to attempt passing.

Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 02-22-2016, 01:08 PM

"Well how about that," Lev said while shaking his head. "We just look in their direction and they scatter like the wind." He smirked before turning his attention to the man with the eyepatch. "Either you're too cool for them to handle or they find you intimidating."

Ryuu cocked a brow at the blonde. "The same could be said about you." A small smirk played on his lips, though the raven knew it was unlikely that Lev would scare them away. Lev was a sweetheart and although not as well-known as he, was constantly beside those so-called celebs on campus. The blonde with the peridot orbs was often sought out to take portraits because unlike the other photography majors, Lev didn't pry into their business. Lev was professional and Ryuu approved of that.

Continuing down the path, they were happy to know at least someone was willing to linger behind to see what the boys were up to. Much to his surprise, Lev got a lunch invitation. Just as he opened his mouth, he closed it to smirk. She was blushing and introducing herself to Ryuu.

Raising a brow at the cheeky woman, Ryuu mimicked Lev's smirking. "Ryuu Baenath," he said matter of factly while extending a hand to shake Amanda's. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Lev took the next step and moved closer to Amanda. "I would love to join you for lunch, but Ryuu and I are in need of a tiny favor. I don't want to cut into your lunch but... if you have a second, would you mind posing with him? Had your friends not left, I would have asked them to join but it looks like it's just us." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't usually like being in the pics, but I'm not sure I have a choice. The paper said Ryuu head-shots and Ryuu with students."

Ryuu didn't seem phased by anything that transpired. Turning his gaze to Amanda, he forced a lithe smile to curl up on his face. "Maybe we can do the photo in her dorm?" His eye shifted to Lev. "It'll be a little more natural and maybe some of her floor-mates would consider joining in on the photo."

Levent loved the idea and practically tackled the man. "Brilliant! Er, if you're okay with that. I can have you two washing dishes or making sandwiches. The rest will be just fillers for the sake of making him look popular."

"Look popular?" Ryuu scoffed.

"Well apparently you're not as popular as you think since you single handedly scared off several women." His tongue poked out from his mouth. "But hey, you can blame me if you prefer."

Kiyoto is offline
Old 02-23-2016, 02:43 AM

Alecross kept his eyes on his book. Sitting against a tree, he noted the confrontation of the group nearby. It wasn't really surprising to him in the least. The girls here were always after those they saw as cute. Some were more forward than others, some preferring to play the damsel in distress. Needing to be saved or sought after. He let his eyes flicker up to the group. The two guys he recognized as Ryuu and Levent. The girl was Amanda, simple enough. He noted another guy, one of the doctor students. Cassius was his name. They were getting a bit on his nerves, it was clear that there were attempts at flirting going on.

He turned his eyes back to his book, letting them quarrel. He himself was more of a soloist. It was not uncommon for him to be out here, enjoying a book or his art. Nor was it uncommon to see him on his own. Most people chose to avoid him, for various reasons. He wasn't really a people person, especially if those people were the happy go lucky type. Many chose to label him a bad boy, a pain in the ass, or other choice names. It was fine, he didn't need, nor want their approval. His eyes scanned over the words, taking in each line. An apple in his other hand, he lifted it to his lips. He took a bite out of the fruit, enjoying the taste and the fresh crunch behind it.

He was an art major. It wasn't anything fancy, but art was in his blood...literally. He was a scry. In many languages, a Scry referred to a psychic ability, one to tell the future through the use of a ball or something. His people were a bit more complicated than that, but few ever took the chance to get beyond the walls that were clearly put up. He stretched out one leg, keeping the other bent. The arm that held his book resting casually upon it. It was chilled out today, but it felt better to him. The air was crisp and clean, better than being cooped up inside of the building all day. He could head to class in awhile, but for now he had some time off. Time to relax and to himself.

His bag was placed next to him. On top of it, was a sketch pad. At the moment it was closed, a bag that had pencils, coal and more. He had been sketching earlier, though once more and more people had come, he had decided to put it up. He had two kinds of work. Those that were public, for class and for others to see. Then, there were those that were more private. Those that he enjoyed to do only for his own eyes. The thought of having prying eyes upon that kind of work, had caused him to put it up. He put more of himself into the work for his own personal desire. It had more heart and feeling. Not that any of his work was bad. Quite the opposite actually, it was incredible. He had gotten plenty of compliments from many people. He had even gotten a few inquiries about showing. He was not interested in such things right now, though at times he wondered why he was here.

Last edited by Kiyoto; 02-23-2016 at 02:50 AM..


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