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Blah days

Posted 06-09-2008 at 04:07 PM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

So it's been a month since I last updated my blog(and last logged in and actually had a look around). Out of the 6 months of preparation that I've been making for my licensure exam, the month of May has been the most tiresome, troublesome month of all.

Middle of the month we had our prelicensure examination, failure will disallow the examinee from proceeding to the actual examination. But then after the exam, we learn that these pre-exams were NOT required. So we were able to relax a bit because we were surely going to be able to take the real thing on June. It's annoying though that we had to review during May when at that month, examinees usually prepared requirements for filing exam applications.

Less two weeks before the deadline, we submitted out log of diversified experience for signing to our mentor. We called him everyday checking if he's already signed the book, but it took as long as the day before the deadline for him to sign 6 pages (that could have took anyone less 15 minutes to complete :-x )

Last day of filing for applications - we were in the venue at around 7am, when we found out that our mentor's license was expired. We ended up wasting half the day filing for license renewal, and 2 hours before cut off we managed to submit our application :cry: this day was annoying as hell D:

Anyway, enough of the depressing stuff~ I bought a desktop computer today, I haven't really tested it out with my 3D applications and graphics software yet, but the 19" LCD makes me feel all good inside *cough*betterpronview*cough*

Next thing on my list will be to buy me a new tablet - my old tablet's pen is dying~still usable but it's just making things difficult for me~ I'm looking at that 6x10 tablet at the shop where I bought my desktop. But what I really want is that Cintiq thingy Navidian showed me *drool*

That's it for today in Wasting your time with Yan XD
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in Journal
Views 2063 Comments 2 yanyan13 is offline

PLEET countdown! 5 days!

Posted 05-04-2008 at 05:12 PM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

[justify]My friends came over last night for a group study in preparation for our PLEET (Pre-licensure exam thingy) that's scheduled 5 days from now.

We managed to cover a decent range of topics - but this still isn't enough to make us reach the passing mark. We had all been too busy with work the past few months, it's unfortunate that we didn't do this group study thing earlier.

The other day (Friday afternoon), we attended the PLEET orientation. The instructor explained to us how the whole thing works, and that we are given two chances to pass this assessment test - but on the second try, we only need to take up subjects that we failed on first try.

The PLEET exam date was scheduled just about 2 weeks ago - which was very unexpected on our part. All the examinees were protesting on how the ruling was unfair - that if you don't pass this test, the Dean will not sign your admission requirement for applying for the Licensure exam this June. I, on the other hand, think that this kind of assessment is a good thing, except for the fact that it was short notice, plus the scheduled date is too early. Some of the examinees had just started reviewing (because of work), while others who attend review centers have barely finished their courses.

Of course, no matter how much the examinees protest the sanction for not passing the PLEET, the college stands firm with its decision.

Why DO they need to have these assessment tests conducted anyway? Our college is, at the moment, number 1 in ranking, national level (that's the whole country) for the Architecture licensure examination. It's been hosting these assessment tests for almost three years now, and the system is yielding great results. So what they want to do is make sure that the mortality rate goes down, while passing rate goes up, ranking gets better and better. This is a good thing for both parties, as this means that our school will gain recognition, and we will remain to be top choices for employers/clients. The system is flawed, though - in that, having the exam date scheduled more than a month before the actual test, we still have a lot of time to make up for whatever subject/s we are weak in, thus, making the sanction of not allowing failed PLEET examinees acquisition of their admission requirements for the real thing, unfair on our part. This added to the fact that PLEET exams are NOT required by the Professional Regulatory Commission, just makes the whole thing even worse.

More updates to come on my preparation for EPIC success XD[/justify]
im holding somethin long & hairy
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Today's WTF - Vol I no. 2

Posted 05-01-2008 at 11:50 AM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

Went through some videos on youtube today looking for some videos that might amuse me - and I found this :lol:

Set your speakers on high volume and watch this video - [B]Batman on drugs[/B] :lol:

Clickeh :lol:
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in LOL Things
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New bbcodes for the new forum

Posted 05-01-2008 at 09:54 AM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

[justify]New bbcodes that did not exist from the old forum software have now been added on our vBulleting forum :D
[I]There's a short guide/description about this on [URL="http://www.menewsha.com/forum/showthread.php?p=3011666#post3011666"]this thread[/URL]

Note: Just remove the * when using the code formats stated.[/I][/COLOR] [B]

Alignment : Justify
[/B]Aside from the built in left, center, and right alignment codes, you can also use justify to align your text.

[I] Format[/I]: [*justify]Insert text here[*/justify]

[B]Floating Images
[/B][imgright]http://www.menewsha.com/images/forum/custom/logo1.png[/imgright]You can now insert images that has the float property, allowing you to position it either on the leftmost or rightmost side of your post, along your text. An example is the image on the right which uses the [B]imgright[/B] bbcode.

[I] Format[/I]:
[*imgright]Insert URL of image here[*/imgright]

[*imgleft]Insert URL of image here[*/imgleft]

[/B]I don't think I'll need to explain what this is - it's one of the bbcodes not present on the old forum that everyone's been looking for.

[I] Format[/I]: [*strike]Insert text here[*/strike]

You want to post an image, but it stretches the page for a few pixels? Or do you just want to create a thumbnail for your image? Use this bbcode to create a thumbnail for your image and link it to the original image.

[I] Format[/I]: [*thumb]Insert URL of image here[*/thumb]

That's all of the additional bbcodes that we have for this update. Those codes currently do not have any buttons on the text editor, we'll try to add them at a later time. :D
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in Mene Tutorials
Views 1196 Comments 2 yanyan13 is offline

ALMOST sleepless nights

Posted 04-30-2008 at 02:07 AM by yanyan13 (The Yanyan Times)

[justify]This week, my fiancee and I are staying up for extra hours to study for our upcoming pre-licensure exams (coming May 9th) and I experienced, for the first time in 2 years, sleeping [I]very[/I] late XD

I know that to others it isn't such a big deal, but for me, sleeping late is a sin - I got through college without lacking sleep (well, just a FEW times, but it was for my thesis anyway, so its okay XD)

Stuff I don't like that happens when I sleep late, in order of how much I hate them:
[LIST=1][*][B]Nose drools[/B][*]PIMPLES!!![*]Eyebags grow x1934[*]I tend to be unaware of what I'm doing XD[*]Headache[*]Falls asleep in the middle of work XD[/LIST]That's probably just some of the many things I experience when I sleep late, as at this moment I'm experiencing numbers 1, 4 and 5 :lol:

And what makes it all even worse is that I have to go apply for the pre-exam TODAY plus attend review classes TONIGHT.[/justify]
im holding somethin long & hairy
Posted in Journal
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