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  1. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 06:38 AM
    like when are they ever going to admit they like each other lmfao XD
  2. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 06:35 AM
    well on the possible end to the war Alanas been ordered to talk to Talon XD
  3. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 06:05 AM
    lmfao Its funny that vampires are owned by humans I like that twist.
  4. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 05:35 AM
    yeah thanks I appreciate it. Omg I love that vampire fangs role play lol I bought that one male vampire that was for sale lmfao just cuz I could
  5. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 05:25 AM
    haha that would be nice. He makes good money and has his own house. LMfao hes a realtor
  6. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 05:15 AM
    well my aunt told me about it so I got curious. I like paul hes a great guy and his daughter cassie loves me.
  7. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 04:34 AM
    except me right / jkin jkin

    I met paul on lol its an interesting site.
  8. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 04:26 AM
    yeah I know im so looking forward to it. Hehe

    So how bout you got a boyfriend yet?
  9. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 04:11 AM
    grrrrr I wanna go to pauls house =( I was supposed to go tonight but he got busy with work so I gotta wait till tommarrow but yay I get to stay there till sunday or monday. hes not my boyfriend but we are seeing each other atm and Im absolutly enjoying the time we spend together. Hes got me a present and its killing me to know what it is.
  10. Talitha001
    01-09-2010 03:48 AM
    yeah stinkin thing has such issues on me. Its so freakin annoying. I absolutly get mad. but my exboyfriend gave me this computer so ha its mine now and Ill do whatever it takes to make it survive.

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  • About Arechi
    You can call me Arechi, or Are for short if you really need/want to. I'm 22 (I hear it all goes downhill from here...) and I live in Ohio. I enjoy many different things. Feel free to send me a PM if you want to do a bit of chatting. ^.^

    You'll also probably see me the most on the rp forums. If your interested in doing some sort of rp together do let me know, I'm always open to rps. ^.^

    Be prepared to be the victim of randomization....
    Knitting, martial arts, roleplaying, anime, manga, playing guitar, playing video games, reading, sculpting, and many other things
    Gourmet Chef (Yay promotion though still just a peon regardless) at Giant Eagle's Kitchen area, Undead Mage Jester
  • Signature
    "If loving someone means watching them die..."

    "...then who's going to watch you die?"
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  • Join Date: 10-26-2009


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Posted 07-25-2012 at 02:28 PM by Arechi Comments 0
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You would think after a year of living with someone you would get use to their moody habits, however I'm finding it to be somewhat the opposite. In fact many of my roommate's habits are really starting to irk me.

For example every door does not need to be slammed shut every time you use it. Now I'm not sure if it's simply how she had been brought up or a habit developed from her last roommates, as this habit appears to have been there before I became her roommate. Since day one I've heard every door in this house, excluding my own, being slammed shut on a daily basis. After awhile I find I grow relatively tired of constantly hearing the 'BANG' when there is absolutely no reason for it. From what I had always learned when growing is that one would typically slam a door if they were upset at something, but somehow I doubt that's the case here.

It has gotten so bad as of late though that the things she had even decorated her door with have fallen and been left forgotten on the floor. Talking to her about it doesn't seem to work very well as there have been many of times I've asked her if something was wrong and usually gain the 'No why?' answer. Usually my explanation for the question is simply followed by the 'I've always slammed doors that's what they're there for.' answer, unless she truly is upset in which I get the 'Whatever' answer or no answer at all.

That's always been another thing that bugged me. I never liked the 'whatever' answer to most questions, unless it was truly appropriate, and the disrespect she gives with it. I don't think it's really the word itself, but the complete disrespect in her tone when she gives it, and it's one she gives even her parents. Quite honestly it simply irks me and I would rather her to simply say nothing at all then get such disrespect as that.

So as not to simply go rambling on in a list of complaints with my roommate I'll only mention one other thing that has always annoyed me with her. Every time she walks she stomps her feet. Now I would probably feel differently about this if we were on the first floor of our triplex, however we are not. I've no doubt that our downstairs neighbors probably hold some grudge towards us for her constant stomping. I think this only comes from the fact that I once had an upstairs neighbor who did the same. I wouldn't typically mind it however it was during any hours of the day and night, much similar to her. There is no need to put your entire weight on one foot when you walk, especially when you've neighbors below you to consider.

Even when walking up the steps she stomps. I can always tell when she comes home, not from the sound of her car in the driveway, but actually from the constant rocking and trembling of the outside steps and the sound of her heavy feet slamming onto the poor wooden steps. It's not that she's a heavy set person either, on the contrary she's relatively skinny, so it's not as if she can't help it either.

You know too that it's bad when she walks in the kitchen and the couch in the living room begins to shake. All of these little grievances I've had have been here since day one. I've found no point any longer in attempting to communicate with her about them as I've found she doesn't quite understand the issues I have with them. Oh well, we're still here for another year, and if I can handle them for one I'm sure I can handle them for two.

Posted 01-19-2012 at 08:56 PM by Arechi Comments 0
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It's funny really when I think about it. Every day at work I sit here on break staring out the window to the parking lot and the lone stop sign next to our building, watching things that would make a cop fill their quota immediately. The most prominent thing I've seen that seems to reoccur rather often is the hitting or ramming into of our poor stop sign.

I believe I've seen at least a handful of people back into it and a couple hit it head on. Just last year there was a drunken woman who completely totaled her truck for ramming into it front first, giving our stop sign its famous tilt.

In fact just now I watched as a silver car with a handicap sign back into it, letting the passengers and driver know that it's still there. There's a small dent on the bumper and a slight scratching of paint that is probably now embedded on the stop sign pole. Of course they were parking illegally anyways so in a sense I guess it serves them some form of right.

We've recently had to renew the stop on the stop sign, a sign that's not even three years old yet. It's not as if it hasn't been there for long, oh no. I believe it's been there since even before I started my job here almost two years ago.

I've even heard co-workers confess to backing into the sign and the only thing I can wonder to that is how? There aren't even any parking spaces near it, although people have frequently been parking in our fire lane or behind the NO PARKING ANYTIME signs, which I also find rather ridiculous. Are both customers and some of my fellow co-workers so naive to not know that when a stop sign says stop it really means stop? Not that they have to worry as the stop sign will always stop them in their illegal tracks.

Posted 09-07-2011 at 02:13 AM by Arechi Comments 0
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[SIZE=3][FONT=garamond][LEFT][SIZE=3][FONT=garamond]This is merely a test character to see if I can get this format to work. Even though it's a test charrie please don't steal. :cry:

[COLOR=purple][FONT=Garamond][SIZE=5]Ziggorot 003[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]

I am: [COLOR=purple]An artificially created affected human or 'zombie' hunter.[/COLOR]

[/FONT][CENTER][B][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#DD0000]‡[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][FONT=garamond][SIZE=2]People call me Ziggy or 003.[/SIZE]
[/FONT][B][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#DD0000]‡[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][FONT=garamond][SIZE=2]I am 22 years old. (though I've only been functioning for a year or two)[/SIZE]
[/FONT][B][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#DD0000]‡[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][FONT=garamond][SIZE=2]I am male.[/SIZE]
[/FONT][B][COLOR=#000000][COLOR=#DD0000]‡[/COLOR][/COLOR][/B][FONT=garamond][SIZE=2]I can survive in conditions that normal humans cannot, however even I have my limits and my body is not perfect. I have rather good mechanic skills and can usually fix about any sort of machine so long as I have something to work with.[/SIZE]

[B][SIZE=4]My Story:[/SIZE][/B][INDENT][SIZE=2]
According to my memory I first started as a human 'volunteer' to undergo an experimental procedure that would infuse and replace some of my bodily parts with machines. The purpose of my creation was to be a sort of fail safe in case an experimental virus that my creators were working with ever got out of control. At first things seemed to go rather well and it was soon believed that I would not be needed as my creators had the virus contained. Due to my rather 'delicate' composition I was soon placed in a holding chamber that would keep me in a sort of 'sleep' mode, only to be awakened if something unforeseen were to go wrong.

A few years passed and eventually my existence was all but forgotten. According to data that I've received from some of the last few functioning security cameras and computers, a group of humans unleashed the virus which was soon being spread to my creators. In a last 'ditch' effort to try and contain the virus I was once more unearthed and awakened, however by the time it was too late for me to fulfill that function.

The virus had spread, affecting humans as it went until most of the populace had succumbed. Although I failed to complete the original objective of containing the virus before the world was affected, I feel it is now at least some of my responsibility to rid this world of the virus my creators had created. Unfortunately it seems that parts of me that had remained human ended up contracting the virus as well, and it is merely my mission objective and my programming, that keeps me from joining the other undead masses. Once the last affected person is terminated and the virus all but eliminated, aside from the part within me, I am certain that I shall cease to exist as well.


Posted 09-06-2011 at 08:16 PM by Arechi Comments 0
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So once more I've decided to jot down the things on my mind, and the mundane activities of the day.

Today I had my first fitting for the dress I'm to wear at my sister's wedding. Not much really needed to be done, but it was still rather pricey. It's definitely at times like this I wish we could go back to a barter system. After all I find it ridiculous that something as simple as trimming a dress could cost $45.00 alone, plus whatever else needs to be done. Hell if trimming a dress rolls in that kind of money I might as well go to school to learn how to do things like that and open up shop myself. I'm sure it would be bringing in more money then my current grocery job.

Speaking of my current job, I'm rather frustrated by it. I'm still waiting on a transfer that doesn't appear to be occurring any time soon. It probably wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact the store I wish to transfer to is only about nine minutes away from my house, as opposed to forty five minutes away. Someday I'm sure it'll occur.

Speaking also of my house, I've now lived in my current residence for a month and a few days now. Things seem to be going rather well with my roommate, although I will say there are still some rough edges. Neither one of us has yet used our deemed 'bitch' signs, as we've taken to calling them, though I'm sure there's a few times that my roomie should have probably put hers up. I'm starting to be able to tell though when she's in a bad mood, although slamming doors are usually a good sign to anyone.

She works at least one more day then I do, at the store I wish to transfer to, and so I typically find myself to be by myself when I'm home. I've lately taken to watching old horror movies that I bought as a collection. I've just recently gotten to the movies with color as opposed to black and white. I find that I can't help but laugh at them, as the things they feared in the past seem almost silly now a days. Though I will say they're surprisingly gorier and definitely lack the censoring that our movies nowadays have. I can only imagine how some of the females felt with their roles.

I almost wonder if it was sorrier to act in one of these movies or in the rather terrible current day horror movies. I suppose the answer would be the current ones for me. At least the old ones were breakthroughs of their time. Now it's nothing but, how bloody can we make the actors and actresses now, or how revealing can we make them?

Skimpy clothing and gallons of blood seem to be all that seems important nowadays. I haven't really seen many truly [I]good[/I] horror movies in a long time. Perhaps the more recent one that was at least decent was [U]Insidious[/U]. It's one of those though that once you've seen the ending, there's really no point in watching it again.

Well I'm certain that my brother in-law will soon be at my house to pick me up so that I can stay at his and my sister's house for work, so I'll end my little rantings here for today.

Posted 04-30-2011 at 10:48 PM by Arechi Comments 0
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His wishes: He wishes to lift the curse of immortality from him so he can see and be with his family again, for the war to end, to believe in something again and to find the true happiness he seeks.
History of the Phoenix Blade: Long before the different races were born there were only ancient creatures that roamed the earth freely. One of these creatures was the phoenix. The phoenix had created the blade when the first race of species were created that could walk upon two legs. A single feather had dropped during one of the phoenix's reborn periods. The phoenix seeing a feather fallen took it to a sacred volcanoes and threw the feather in hoping that it would be destroyed so the two legged creatures would not use its powers for evil. Though the volcano refused to destroy the feather of the phoenix instead it had suggested to the mystical bird to make a weapon out of it and watch over it since a feather was light and could blow away and during the time of the phoenix's death and reborn period the weapon could be thrown into the volcano for safe keeping. The phoenix agreed after thinking carefully of this. The phoenix flew from the volcano and constructed the Phoenix Blade using the power of fire stored inside of its body. Because of the fire that was now inside the blade it became hot to the touch and only those with the power of fire who were worthy could touch it without turning to ashes. Though the blade was made from a feather the phoenix had figured out how to turn the feather into fire resistant metal. As fire elements began to appear on the earth the phoenix feared the blade would go into the wrong hands. The phoenix returned to the volcano where it was decided the blade would choose its master based on their power with the element of fire. Many approached the phoenix for this sword and for many years none were able to prove themselves worthy or capable. For years the phoenix guarded the blade with no worries. (It's my attempt at mythology so sue me...i tried and it's not suppose to be logical.)
How typhoon got the blade: After the death of his siblings and the curse of immortality typhoon went away from Paradime City and off traveling to find himself. Along his travels he had become a fire master. It was by chance that he had stumbled upon the phoenix's lair. Typhoon had come upon the lair though when the phoenix was old and ready to die to be reborn again. Even though the phoenix was old it was still beautiful. It lay there as it prepared for its ritual. Typhoon approached the bird cautiously not wanting to scare the poor thing. He knew it was close to death and felt sorrow for the bird for he had not realized the bird was a phoenix. The phoenix soon caught on to Typhoon's presence and turned to look at the stranger who would dare trespass on his land. Anger first filled the bird and it gazed at Typhoon. It tried to get up to destroy him but its body was currently weak. Typhoon's continued to slowly and cautiously approach the bird trying to calm it down. The phoenix soon saw Typhoon had no clue what it he was and saw the kindness that had appeared in Typhoon's eyes. The phoenix began to feel a strange power emit from Typhoon and he peered into the demon's soul, and mind seeing the tragedies typhoon had encountered. The phoenix began to feel pity for him and then sadness for the demon. The phoenix soon felt ashamed of his actions and permitted Typhoon to come nearer and even touch him. He then discovered he was able to communicate with the demon and told typhoon to stand back. As typhoon obeyed the phoenix burst into flames and then to ashes. Typhoon wasn't sure what to think but then saw the beautiful bird be reborn and realized he had found a phoenix. The phoenix soon understood the power he felt and told Typhoon to stay there for the kindness he had shown the phoenix was to be rewarded and he soon flew off. Typhoon decided to stay and wait for the phoenix. As the phoenix returned carrying the Phoenix Blade in his claws Typhoon felt a sudden surge of power he had never felt before that was being emitted from the blade. Landing the phoenix told him to approach and he set the blade in front of him. Typhoon knew what the blade was for his father had told stories of it when he was younger. Typhoon approached and the blade began to glow. Before Typhoon knew what was happening the blade lifted into the air and went into Typhoon's hand. Both the phoenix and Typhoon were shocked at first but the phoenix soon felt happiness. He told Typhoon the blade was now his and that he was to use it hopefully for good and not evil. The phoenix also told Typhoon that the blade couldn't be taken from him or stolen from him. He then told typhoon to go and try and help the world. Typhoon was still shocked but nodded his head leaving the phoenix's lair. The blade had chosen Typhoon not only because of Typhoon's power like it was originally designed to do but because the blade was created for him without him or the phoenix realizing it. (Another sad attempt by me for a legend type thingy)

Yes it's finally the end of the pinnacle of my past roleplay characters. Back then it was quite the achievement for me as I had never accomplished such a feat in character creating before, and was actually quite proud of it. In truth I think there is still a bit of me that's in a bit of awe at it even if my grammar and details are better tweaked now then they were back then. I do doubt that I will ever create a bio like that ever again, but then again you never really know. I suppose I should word it this way: I hope to never have to create a bio like this again despite how proud I was/still am of it.
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Woot and I made it without killing anyone or damaging anything! :D
Posted 12-02-2009 at 03:03 AM by Arechi Arechi is offline