Clair Voyant's Profile

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 3895
  1. Angel Spirit Girl
    04-09-2019 12:17 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    I hope all is well with you. <3

    At least Inso used to fix bugs and keep things going.

    I remember reading a short, funny thread where a scammer told him "I R Admin. I will ban u." stuff. He was all "ORLY?" in reply and soon banned the scammer. XD
  2. Angel Spirit Girl
    03-02-2019 03:48 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    My how our little home has fallen. I think Inso might have abandoned mene since it did not make money.
  3. Antagonist
    03-01-2019 01:02 PM
    Thank you!!
  4. Angel Spirit Girl
    03-01-2019 12:37 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    I don't mind the questions at all. You're a friend.
    It's nice to talk with you again, too.
    I'm afraid Mene went to pot with the transfer. There are a bunch of glitches around. One of them is in dressing as I understand. That is why I have not changed my outfit in so very long.
    Your outfit is so cute and angelic. <3 *Pinches cheeks*
  5. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-28-2019 03:22 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    Yes I do. Not real often, though. We got together for Christmas, which was very nice.
  6. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-26-2019 02:47 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    I have two brothers. One lives in a town about an hour away from me, and the other lives near Atlanta - about a day away from the city I live near. They and their kids are my closest family.
  7. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-26-2019 12:48 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    It's good to have people you can count on when you need a hand. <3 Half the time you just need pointed in the right direction or a piece of advice.
  8. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-21-2019 09:45 PM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    I have some neighbors who live two doors down that are helping me.
  9. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-21-2019 01:45 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    The estimate I got tonight was even better sounding. For about half the cost again -- or a bit under a third of the first cost -- I can get the roots removed and the part from the house to the curb fitted with a plastic liner. Yay!
  10. Angel Spirit Girl
    02-20-2019 05:44 AM
    Angel Spirit Girl
    Luckily things were not all that bad. The estimate that was so expensive was for replacing the sewer. However, I did not need to do that to pass the test. A good root clean out of the sewer would be recommended, though. Doing that costs about half of replacing the pipes.

About Me

  • About Clair Voyant
    Clair is a young woman who loves to write and read and draw. Art fascinates Clair. She loves children and hopes to be a parent some day... (not anytime soon, though). Clair is demisexual.
    Reading, writing, drawing, painting, making blankets
    Teacher's Assistant at a Preschool
  • Signature
    .Tingle Tingle, ASMR Mingle- A hangout. /// Clair Voyant's Shoppe- Selling Birthday Cake Hat /// Youtube Hangout

    Five Time Admin's Pick Avatar Winner:
    September 2009
    March 2010
    January 2013
    November 2014
    January 2016


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  • Last Activity: 12-01-2022 04:15 PM
  • Join Date: 10-27-2007


Showing Friends 21 to 30 of 58


Latest Blog Entry

Posted 12-03-2010 at 11:18 PM by Clair Voyant Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Fright Night
Cloak and Dagger

Red and White Collar
Red and White Cuffs
Ice Bustle Bow
Gothic Layer Skirt
White Fishnet Hose
Treat's Headband
Broken Heart Shoes
Blue Flower Hairpins
Red Flower Hairpins
Yumeh 2008 Anniversary hoodie (F)
Red Flannel Jacket
Blue Uniform Vest
Basic Strawberry Shorts
Basic White Chocolate Stockings (F)
Basic Strawberry Headband
Basic Strawberry Leg Warmers
Basic Denim Shorts
Leon the Lion Plushie
Whalecow on my head!
Spring Breeze Shoes yellow

Now, obviously, I will not be getting, nor will I expect, to get all or even most of these items from my Secret Santa. But these are just to give my secret santa some ideas of items I would like/don't actually own yet. ^^

Posted 10-03-2009 at 09:24 PM by Clair Voyant Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[QUOTE]To Have

Another irregular verb, one used almost as much as to be.
Of course there are many different tenses, but for now, let’s focus on the simple tenses. Simple Present and Simple Past.

The Present Simple of the English verb to have is pretty boring.
I have, you have, he has, we have, you have, they have.
The singular third person – he, she, it – is the odd one out. All other forms are simply ‘have’.
Unfortunately, the Dutch equivalent of 'to have', namely '(te) hebben' is a little harder.

Te hebben
Ik heb
Jij hebt
Hij/zij/het heeft

Wij hebben
Jullie hebben
Zij hebben

Note that all three plural forms are identical, although different from the singular forms.

Now that we have had the present simple, let us move on to the past simple.
The English Past Simple of ‘to have’ is had. Simple as that.
I had, you had, he had. We had, you had, they had. No odd ones out, no sudden differences. Just a plain, easy ‘had’.
Once again, the Dutch form is slightly harder.
The Dutch Past Simple of '(te) hebben' is remarkably similar to English. The singular forms are exactly the same, the plural are not.

Ik had
Jij had
Hij had

That’s easy. Just translate I, you or he, and you have the answer.
However, it would not be Dutch, if there wasn’t something to complicate it, now would it be?

Wij hadden
Jullie hadden
Zij hadden

As you can see, the basic part is still the same, but something has changed. ‘-den’ has been added in all plural forms. Note that once again, all three plural forms are identical.

Now that we have had the two most common irregular verbs, we can soon move on to the basic rules of the verbs, so that you can learn how regular verbs are formed. [/QUOTE]


Posted 07-26-2009 at 05:10 PM by Clair Voyant Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[QUOTE]About Persons

English - Dutch

girl – meid, meisje (last form is used more often, but both are correct)
girls – meiden, meisjes
boy – jongen (or jongeman, which is more formal)
boys - jongens
man – man
men – mannen
woman – vrouw
women – vrouwen
child – kind
children - kinderen
teenager – tiener
teenagers – tieners
teenage – tiener- (adjective, …- means something follows)
adult – volwassene, volwassen (first is noun, second is adjective/adverb)
adults - volwassenen
human – mens, menselijk (first is noun, second adjective/adverb)
humans - mensen
male – man, mannelijk (first is noun, second adjective/adverb)
female – vrouw, vrouwelijk (same as above)
gender - geslacht


A young female is a girl – Een jonge vrouw is een meisje
A young male is a boy – Een jonge man is een jongen
That teenage girl isn’t a child! – Dat tienermeisje is geen kind!
That teenage boy isn’t an adult! – Die tienerjongen is geen volwassene
These boys are teenagers – Deze jongens zijn tieners
Both girls and women are of the female gender – Zowel meisjes als vrouwen zijn van het vrouwelijke geslacht
Both boys and men are of the male gender – Zowel jongens als mannen zijn van het mannelijke geslacht
Both men and women are human – Zowel mannen als vrouwen zijn menselijk
Both men and women are humans – Zowel mannen als vrouwen zijn mensen [/QUOTE]

[SIZE="3"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]Awesome! I'm getting some words! :)[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Posted 07-22-2009 at 12:21 AM by Clair Voyant Comments 1
Posted in Uncategorized
[QUOTE=Silenia]There's Kindergarten, even though it has another name. At 2 or 3, you're not obligated to be there. Same at 4, but almost all children are at Kindergarten then. From 5 onwards, you're obligated to be at kindergarten.
Kindergarten for 2 or 3 is named 'peuterspeelzaal' (literal translation: 'toddler play room'), for 4 and 5 'kleuterschool' ('toddler school' - we have a difference between toddlers of 2/3 and 4/5). Kleuterschool is divided between groep 1 and 2. Groep 1 (Literal translation of 'groep': group or class or grade) is the 4-years-old, groep 2 is 5-years-old. These two groups are together, they're not divided between different classrooms. When you're 6, you go to 'groep 3', which is (I believe) similar to first grade. There is no dividing between different levels of 'intelligence' until after groep 8 - the kids are then 12 years old.
Then there are three main 'directions', of which the lowest is VMBO, then there is HAVO and VWO. VMBO is divided in four minor directions. There is some difference between them, but this is not really important - better said, there is VMBO-t and the three other VMBO-directions. VMBO-t is theoretic, the other three directions are practical or mixed. This takes four years - after this you can either choose to go to HAVO, if you did VMBO-t - the fourth year of it - or to the MBO, no matter which form of VMBO you did. HAVO is theoretic and of a higher level than VMBO. It is five years. After it you can choose to go to VWO, fifth year, or to HBO. VWO is higher than HAVO and split up in two directions - Atheneum and Gymnasium. Gymnasium is similar to Atheneum, but also teaches Ancient Greece and Latin. There are a few more, minor differences, but nothing important. VWO takes six years. If you finish VWO, you usually chose to do either HBO or you go to University.
MBO often teaches the more practical crafts, sometimes theoretic as well. You learn an actual craft there. For example florist or repairing cars, but sometimes also the more theoretic crafts like receptionist.
HBO is higher. You most often learn the more theoretic crafts there, like journalism or social worker. Of course these crafts are also practical, but they have a big theoretic component in their studies.
University is similar or the same to what you know. It's named 'universiteit' here, but further there are few differences.

At the end of group 8, your teacher gives an advice and you make a couple of tests. Based on this, there are schooltypes you can or cannot go to - this to avoid people that are of VMBO-level accidentally ending up in VWO, etc.
Usually there are many schools in a relatively close radius. Near where I live there's a city. I believe we have 9 or 10 schools for VO - voortgezet onderwijs - which is what VMBO, HAVO and VWO all are.
You can choose which school you want to go to, and somewhat which level. If you get a mixed advice, like HAVO/VWO, and you do well on your CITO - that's the tests - you can often choose whether you want HAVO or VWO.
If you choose for VWO, you can decide whether you want Gymnasium or Atheneum.
If you go to VMBO, you can usually choose between one or two of the four directions, based upon the tests and advice.
After you finish VMBO, HAVO or VWO, you can choose for University, HBO or MBO. If you finished VWO, you can easily get to both University and HBO, and to certain MBO-studies (but not those based upon the practical crafts you learn in certain directions of VMBO). If you go to HAVO and finish it, you can go to HBO, but not University, usually, and to certain MBO-studies, similar to those available when you've finished VWO. If you've finished VMBO, you can do certain MBO-studies, based upon which direction of VMBO you did.
MBO, HBO and University all come after VMBO, HAVO and VWO, which all come after you finished the 'basisschool' (basic school).

[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Sienna"]
So amazing. Their learning system is so much more intense than the American system, but some much better, by the sounds of it. I wish that that's how the American System worked! :O[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

Posted 07-22-2009 at 12:01 AM by Clair Voyant Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
[SIZE="3"][COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Century Gothic"]Okay, I've starting taking Dutch lessons from my dear friend, Selly, a.ka. Silenia, owner/runner of the popular charity "At the end of the Rainbow Charity" which can be found [url=][HERE][/url]. I'm not the greatest student, but I'm fair. I'm really enjoying what I've learned so far. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]

[QUOTE=Silenia]First lesson
Verb Conjugation
In English ‘to be’ is irregular.

(to) be
Present Simple

I am
You are
He/She/It is

We are
You are
They are

Past Simple

I was
You were
He/She/It was

We were
You were
They were

In Dutch ‘to be’ is ‘te zijn’.
This is also irregular.

(te) zijn
Present Simple:

Ik ben
Jij bent
Hij/Zij/Het is
(Men is)

Wij zijn
Jullie zijn
Zij zijn

Past Simple:

Ik was
Jij was
Hij/Zij/Het was
(Men was)

Wij waren
Jullie waren
Zij waren.

Recent Comments
[COLOR=#0F8A7D][SIZE="1"]I wish the American school system was more like that. No wonder everyone laughs at our schooling D:[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Posted 07-22-2009 at 06:45 AM by Fabby Fabby is offline
[SIZE="3"][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Magenta"]It's hard to explain. I've had a lot of trouble with bullies this year. I also lost a really inportant friendship over the summer, and have the constant reminder of it every day... It's all bring me really down.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
Posted 03-31-2009 at 06:46 PM by Clair Voyant Clair Voyant is offline
Why so unhappy?
Posted 03-24-2009 at 02:54 PM by Alyssia Alyssia is offline
that sounds awsome. i hope you keep up your studies so you can do the exchange program thing.


Good luck
Posted 08-26-2008 at 11:39 PM by Bertie Bertie is offline
Ooo! What country are you going to???
Posted 06-18-2008 at 11:53 PM by Angel Spirit Girl Angel Spirit Girl is offline