KatMagenta's Profile

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 81 to 90 of 305
  1. PWEEP
    05-15-2013 12:34 AM
    I've actually never played Morrowind or Oblivion, because I just got my xbox, haha. I'm so late to the fun party. Yeah, I'm enjoying it a lot. It's definitely different than Skyrim, though, and it took some time to get used to it all. It's more focused on the choices you make, rather than the action part, and there are a tons of different paths you can take because of that. Although none of the choices are 'wrong' it'll effect gameplay later on.
  2. PWEEP
    05-15-2013 12:24 AM
    I married Lydia the first time, and the second time I chose Aela. I prefer archery, anyway, which is why I'm a wood elf mage/archer. Although at this point, I've completed all quests (well, the ones that didn't glitch on me! ;c ) so I'm just leveling up at this point, and clearing areas I didn't do before. Since it's more or less complete at this point, I've moved onto Dragon Age: Origins.
  3. PWEEP
    05-15-2013 12:18 AM
    Isn't that Vilkos? Or Farkas, one of the two, I can't tell the difference, haha. Although Aela was the one I went after, and ended up marrying. ^^ I've been playing for a few months, went through two rounds of the game so far. Actually, today, I got all available achievements! So proud of myself xD Excluding DLC achievements.
  4. PWEEP
    05-15-2013 12:13 AM
    Skyrim? <3
  5. Cherry Who?
    05-13-2013 03:15 PM
    Cherry Who?
    Your dress layering (and your whole outfit, for that matter) is so cute!
  6. Ace Strife
    04-29-2013 06:24 PM
    Ace Strife
    awesome avii missy
  7. Maria-Minamino
    04-26-2013 11:26 PM
    Aw thank you! Leaf greeen palette is so pretty
  8. Maria-Minamino
    04-26-2013 11:24 PM
    wow I love your avatar!
  9. nemo.love_22
    04-25-2013 09:45 PM
    Oh, thanks!! Yeah, it seems like something you need to be in the known to figure out. =] Thanks again! ^_^
  10. nemo.love_22
    04-25-2013 08:59 PM
    I was curious how you got the links in your siggy to be different colours? I tried to figure out how to do that on my own, and I just can't seem to figure it out. :(

About Me

  • About KatMagenta
    Chemistry graduate, Northerner, sugar-free energy drink drinker.
    NE England
    Interesting things, bothering Pie, making excuses for not earning gold
  • Signature

    - Matt Kat the Radar Technician.

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  • Join Date: 02-14-2008


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