Ferin J. Raten's Profile

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  1. Marguerite Blakeney
    09-29-2010 11:44 PM
    Marguerite Blakeney
    Um, I think Darkest knows more about it than I do, but right now I'll do my best to give a summary. We're always all over the place so a couple of characters are lost to me.

    Maeve (the other vampire princess), Kaname, and Zero are all dead, murdered by Jezebeth (because the person playing Maeve dropped out of the RP). Lucian is the sole leader of the vampire kingdom and wants revenge for losing everyone - her father, sister, and their bodyguards. Her first hit will be Emma St. Xavier (my character), who is a childish succubus and younger sister of Emilian St. Xavier. She accidentally landed in the vampire kingdom, had a talk with Lucian and eventually got sent to the demonic castle where she's supposed to be. Currently is knocked out.

    Kiyoko and Kiyomi, both played by Seer of the Future, are the demonic princesses, and daughters (adopted) of King Nathaniel, who is usually in the background of the scheme of things. Kiyomi has a thing for Emma and Luka (an assassin), while Kiyoko has a thing for Emilian, though he doesn't want to pursue the princess. He's currently in trouble and in bad standing with the king. Luka kinda has a think for Kiyomi and Lore (Emilian's rival and an officer in the king's army) but it's hard for her to pick just one person.

    Anthony, Tabitha, and Damon are the characters I don't know well enough about. Tabitha likes Damon, but Nathanial betrothed Damon to Kiyomi (he did the same with Emilian but Emilian refused which is why he's in trouble). She's currently playing poker with Nathaniel and is hitting on him. I'm not sure where Damon is right now. Or Anthony for that matter.

    Iri/Iritana Hinapouri is a shapeshifting demon who was banished by Nathaniel. She ended up as the vampire princesses' bodyguard for a short stint (though actually I don't know how long it is) till Emma showed up and Iri started flying over to the demonic castle, crashing into it.

    Katerina is an old vampire matriarch who's into younger guys (the cougar of the RP, so to speak). She is currently comforting Lucian on the tragedy of loss.

    Blade is probably the oldest freaking vampire in the RP but he also looks rather young. I think he has a thing for Iri even though Katerina seems to be pursuing him. He's one of the other bodyguards for the vampire princesses, and thankfully he's not the dead one.

    Nikolai is another new character like yourself, so I'm not sure what he's doing yet.

    We had other people but they left :\ which kinda sucks coz I was hoping to interact with others more.
  2. Chickie Nuggs
    07-13-2010 08:38 AM
    Chickie Nuggs
    Hey Ferin, I've made a new OOC thread for Nocturnal Enlightening. Be sure to check it out and subscribe to it since we will be doing all of our discussions and brainstorming in there from now on. :D

    Click Here
  3. zovilove
    06-24-2010 02:43 PM
    Yea, its hard for me to put it on myself every morning. To much effort XD
  4. zovilove
    06-23-2010 10:59 PM
    Yea, but I dont wear a lot of makeup myself, I just like to put them on other people. I dont know why really, I think its just because its more fun.
  5. zovilove
    06-23-2010 02:16 PM
    Haha, yea I am not the best at remembering names. WAIT SO YOU LIKE TO DRESS UP TOO! Isnt it so much fun, I just love clothes, I dunno. Dress up games are fun, unless the art stinks, it's all about the art to me. Because if the art isnt good, it isnt fun at all.
  6. zovilove
    06-23-2010 06:03 AM
    Yea my picture is a Candydoll Maker doll! I love them, I am addicted to dress up games, I know, very childish, BUT I LOVE IT!! Oh, I really like artistic characters also, but I loved Su also, she was so cute! XD
  7. zovilove
    06-22-2010 10:38 PM
    Hello!!! I love your profile!! YOU HAVE MIKI!!! I love that anime!! Its really awesome! I also like your outfit a lot, black and yellow look really good together! :D
  8. Little Miss
    06-14-2010 04:54 AM
    Little Miss
    Both, actually, I read manga and watch anime. I'm really picky though, and I'll only watch the anime if it's in japanese with subtitles. One day I hope I'll pick up enough japanese to actually say a complete sentence.

    Sakura+Syaoran is so cute >w< I loved it dearly. The only problem with Tsubasa for me was that I never could fully understand what was going on. I mean, the art was so complicated and everything blended together that I couldn't fully comprehend until POOF someone dies without me knowing till a few chapter later >.> I like mangas where the characters all have really different and deep personalities, rather then... well... 'Twilight'-ish characters (hope you get the reference)

    It's really funny, but I go all out otaku among my friends, who are very normal people in America, and they worry for my health...
    Ah well, that's what I get for not being Asian and a manga fan in the CA =.= Weird looks from normal people. I have to do everything online though, because I can't work my tele (American and can't work a television? People like me do actually exist as it turns out...) and I can't afford/ won't be let to buy manga >.>
  9. Little Miss
    06-13-2010 03:13 PM
    Little Miss
    w00t, long list! Crona's adorable. It's funny, I've never read Cardcaptors but I'm a big fan of Tsubasa XD

    Full Metal Alchemist (the last chapter was cute), I do like Bleach but it's not like I wait around for it, Ouran High Host Club, Bakuman, Defense Devil, Fairy Tail, Beelzebub, Black Butler, Nabari no Ou, Soul eater (wow, obvious one there), K-ON, Shugo Chara, and other ones that I keep forgetting till their updated >.>

    I don't have as long of a list, but my likes in manga vary a bit. It all depends on if I like the art, then if I like the plot, then if it's updated quickly
  10. Little Miss
    06-13-2010 04:04 AM
    Little Miss
    I was talking about the one on your profile, silly XD

    Well, I'm used to long lists. I'm kinda guessing Soul Eater already because of the 'blue ball of flame' soul depiction.

About Me

  • About Ferin J. Raten
    Hello everyone, I'm here as Ferin J. Raten, which is a jumble of my real name in reality. Points to you if you can figure it out. ^__^ I'll respond to Ferin or Raten since it is clearly long.

    Uh, I'm an otaku since I pretty much love anime and manga or anything related to it (Except hentai those are just plain scary for me O>O" ) To apply it to real life, I'm pretty much the typical Asian nerd that will be hanging around bookstores, japanese specialty stores, game shops and etc awe-ing and squealing at some merchandise like figurines, plushies and etc.

    I'm a yaoi/shounen-ai/BL addict. I love yaoi since the guys are always so romantic, the plots are often interesting and/or the art is pretty which I'm a sucker for. My favourite yaoi manga so far is Amai Jouken by Hyuuga Seiryuu and my OTP is CloudxVincent. (Vincent is the seme)

    To sum my personality up, I'm a weirdo. I do strange things that people will not normally do on a daily bases such as having staring competitions with any thing like the air, my Kuma-Kuma turtle plush or an animal. I love spiders as they are AWESOME and for some odd reason have an irrational fear of cows. Don't ask, because I don't know either. ^_^"

    I tend to make random emotions on the key board such as this 8^o^8 which is me giving two thumbs up which you cannot see or the 8s being a fist depending on the face like this one 8 >___< 8 (this = I'm banging my table).

    Also I like art in general. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to it and an aestheticist (sp?), I like to make everything look pretty as well as meaningfully symbolic. So if you see me dump various artworks here, it is me wanting some constructive critics or me expressing myself. So watch out for my Art Shop which I'll make soon after I get use to this website.

    And that's pretty much it. I can add more but that'll take to long since I can become long-winding and ranty.
    I live in Sydney of Australia. And no I'm not a racist! 8 >___< 8
    I draw, paint, photoshop, take photos, write stories, sleep, read books, comics and manga, watch cartoons, anime and crime shows and heaps more things. I also have an interest of wanting to collect ABJDs, but will not yet as I have no money and am currently saving.
    I don't have one yet since I'm still in school ;_____;


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Posted 10-01-2010 at 04:04 PM by Ferin J. Raten Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized

[B][U][SIZE="4"]Basic Info[/SIZE][/U][/B]

[B][U]Full name:[/U][/B] Cadenza Mordent
[B][U]Nickname(s):[/U][/B] Den, Denny, Kay
[B][U]Gender:[/U][/B] Female (Although she doesn't look it)
[B][U]Sexuality:[/U][/B] Asexual Heteroromantic
[B][U]Age:[/U][/B] 22
[B][U]Birthday:[/U][/B] 28/02
[B][U]Star Sign:[/U][/B] Pisces
[B][U]Race:[/U][/B] Human
[B][U]Occupation:[/U][/B] Mortician/Amateur Sleuth

[B][U][SIZE="4"]Physical/Material Facts[/SIZE][/U][/B]

[B][U]Hair:[/U][/B] Short, messy and black. Also has two small side plaits.
[B][U]Eyes:[/U][/B] Black
[B][U]Height:[/U][/B] 180 cm [5' 11"]
[B][U]Weight:[/U][/B] 68 kg [147 lbs.]
[U][B]Build:[/B][/U][LIST][*]Tall[*]Lean[*]Androgynous[/LIST][B][U]Notable Features:[/U][/B] The hair beads
[B][U]Accessories:[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Red hair beads[*]Blood red & white bead bracelet with feather attachment[/LIST][B][U]Other/Etc:[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Has a scar on right hand from holding the knife at the wrong end.[/LIST]

[B][U]Likes:[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Cemetaries[*]Autopsies[*]Stone sculptures[*]History[*]Classical Music[*]Jazz Music[/LIST][B][U]Dislikes:[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Unsolved deaths[*]Dogs[*]Children[*]Clubs[*]Alcohol[*]Smokers[/LIST][B][U]Favourite Food:[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Red Velvet Cakes[/LIST][B][U]Hated Food:[/U][/B][LIST][*]Curries especially spicy ones[/LIST][B][U]Most Prized Possession(s):[/U][/B] [LIST][*]Family photo album[*]Colection fo scalpel knives[/LIST][B][U]Hobbies:[/U][/B][LIST][*]Flower arranging[*]Listening to msuic[*]Solving cold cases[/LIST]

Posted 06-10-2010 at 10:39 AM by Ferin J. Raten Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Okay before I begin my first blog entry and rant, for anyone who's going to read this, if you really like Twilight, Vampire Academy, Vampire Knight or any typical vampire romance literature DERIVED from Twilight please find another blog to read because this may contain things that might be offensive.

No seriously, go find another blog if you get offended that easily or are easy to flame other for voicing their opinion about something that you like and not liking their opinion.

Anyways, you know what get's me raging? Okay, you're having an intelligent conversation about the good and bad points about a book that you read for the sake of reading and that you're geuninely interested in the book. In this case, let's assume that it's a vampire horror and romance novel. Don't you just hate it when the other person, whom you thought had a brain to have a coherent conversation with suddenly goes of saying "[I]Oh I wish my boy/grilfriend was like Edward or Alice[/I]" or such and such?

Let's say that you said something along the lines of, "[B]I think the plot of this vampire novel is interesting, but the characters and the universe needs a bit more development.[/B]" Then the other person, whom has read or is in the process of reading Twilight, when hearing the keyword says, "[I]Oh Edward is sooo cool~[/I]"; "[I]Man, Jacob is one big piece of man-candy~[/I]"; "[I]-sighs- Yuki is sooo cute[/I]!" or "[I]Man I'd like a piece of Blood Rayne's -censored-![/I]" Then they go off in another conversation altogether talking about how so and so is so attractive annd etcetera?

These people need to grow up and shut up, please! I am sick, tired, frustrated and annoyed of the people warping good conversations and topics into a something perverted, wrong and beyond all means just plain stupid! I swear girls and guys who do this need to get a life! There's a fine line between admiring and obsessing, people! There are a few reasons why I retain this opinion and here are my reasons:

1. They are fictional characters! They do not exist and the writers did not write them for the sake of pleasing your sick fantasies of bedding a character! Even if it was as badly written as Twilight, I probably bet you that Ms Meyers didn't create Edward for the sake of satisfying your pleasures nor did Terminal Reality when they created Blood Rayne.

2. Even if they were real, and heaven forbid if they were real, they are for heaven's sake VAMPIRES! They are animated dead bodies that, by the laws of Natural Selection and Evolution, born and raised to feast upon the life force of human beings, no matter what they say! Now, some may say, "[I]No they'll never feed upon me. I'm their significant other! Besides he/she/it is vegetarian. He/She/It only feeds on animal blood.[/I]" And what your point may I ask? Seriously, there is no difference between animal and human blood. Believe or not we come from animals and are part of the animal kingdom as homo sapiens, a relative to the primeapes and chimpanzees. To vampires and creatures alike we are all a food source for them. Besides what stops them from feeding on their own love? Their love for you? Okay to an extent I'd like to believe it but let's face it, vampires, like humans are complex creatures who run on a number of emotional as well as instinctive behaviour as well as the baser needs and wants. Even if they did love, if they were forced to they will eat you, not now but eventually when food runs low. It's a dog eat dog world and only the fit can run in this world. If vampires were real then they would be on top of the food chain and eventually bring upon their own downfall.

3. Continuing my point in two about them being animated dead bodies, they are dead. Unless there is an established reason why in the universe vampires can sexually reproduce then fine this point is refuted and doesn't apply. But otherwise, this is nercophilia. I think and hope I do not need to elaborate on that since I think most can tell where this point is going. Anyways, I believe the only reason why vampires are portayed the way they are is because of the archaic idea of the dangers of infidelity as well as the temptation of promiscuity and etcetera. They are there as physical emobidments of the baser needs and wants of humanity.

And I shall stop there as the list can go on but those are mainly my main reasons why vampires as romantic and sexual interests are just a load of bulldust. Write about it all you want that's fine you're free to express this but please don't voice it out for others to hear. It just shows that you're brain is your sexual organs and hormones and you think with that rather then with your brain.

And another thing, stereotypical vampires! I swear, ever since the rise of Twilight there has been a influx of derivitive version of said novels and a rise of stereotypical vampires have appeared especially with the female vampires which has brought on alot of abuse. (To me it is abuse, I may be exaggerating here) Now, I am a feminist, I believe that girls and females in general shouldn't use their sexual appeal in order to get something they want. Sure it is valued in soceity but we are living beings with emotions, thoughts and intelligence. This applies to the female vampires. Why must they always be blonde or brunette (the good ones anyway) whilst the evil ones are black haired? Okay I know black is the colour of evil but that is seriously getting overused. Black doesn't always allude to evil, it could allude to professionalism, maturity, mourning, goth and etcetera. Why can't some of them be Asian or African American without turning into another culture's version of it? Also why are they always baring their fangs for no reason other then show? Last time I checked, it was to show who was powerful between to alpha males or females or otherwise a defensive mechanism to tell their predator to back off. Things like [URL="http://i1025.photobucket.com/albums/y319/Ferin-J-Raten/stupidity.png"]this[/URL] are just stupid, shows that these so called 'vampiresses' are just try-hards and should die in the most pathetic way possible that vampires do die in.

Another, the victims! For heaven's sake why are they always once again predominantly females? Is it because we get more emotional right? Is that it? Or is society's opinion so low about females that they portay them a desperate women needing attention from a being of darkness? Is that it? We just sex objects that get climaxes every two seconds? For once I would like to see a victim who is headstrong and practically rejects the vampire's attention, affections and goes pining for a human male. Or at least a psychotic female personality who is a mad scientist and is a vampire hater and is trying to develop a serum to turn the turned vampire humans back to their originals selves and kill vampires.

Well that's my rant for today. Seriously, I'm sick and tired of having to hear explicit, blatant or implied sick fantasies about fictional vampiric characters. Or reading cliche vampire novels where the human female lead is always pining for the male vampire who probably an emo socially-constipated angst ridden gary-stus. As well as the portayal of females (both vampire and human) in said vampire novels. For once I would like to have a conversation with a female about novels without them going goo-goo on me about a particular hot vampire or with a male who goes boing at the mention of vampire. Or read a book, written by a female author, that has a awesome plot with awesome characters. So far majority is mainly male, with Ann Rice being in my good books.

Now that rant's over, for those who have survive my servere and bitter criticism of the vampire romance genre, if you have any female novelists who has am awesome plot on vampires (up to the calibre of Ann Rice please) please give me the name of the author and book in my comment box.

Thanks again for your time in reading my rant.