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  1. Deranged Insanity
    08-07-2008 06:13 AM
    Deranged Insanity
    oWo! ! !
    *cough rp cough
  2. Scotch
    07-19-2008 06:35 PM
    Hey Hey! :D Just so you know, I got the reply, but can't respond at the moment, as I am moving. ^^ So I'll get to it tonight, kay? Most likely earlier though.
  3. Insane Cricket
    07-14-2008 08:23 PM
    Insane Cricket
    -Steals your first message- Your profile isn't full of nothingness now. XD

    Love your name. <3

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Posted 08-07-2008 at 11:22 PM by Nothingness Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
I'm actually *gasp* in a good mood for once. Why? I have no idea whatsoever. Hmm.

Oh, Eternal Darkness is now one of my favorite games. Sure, the cut screens make me want to cry and claw my eyes out sometimes, but other than that it's fun. I like the targeting system, but fighting gets a little repetitive after a while. I'm at least halfway done with my first game, it's not too hard or too easy, just fun.

Oh, and the sanity effects= PURE WIN. Oh, they're so cool. Sometimes when your character goes insane, the screen looks like the game's been shut off, or statues turn to face you, or you hear something pounding on the door. . It's scary, and I love it.

Speaking of scary things, you know what's decidedly un-scary? The Shining, by Stephen King. I can't even bring myself to finish the thing, and I've only gotten past the part about the wasp nest. Maybe it's because the characters are just pieces of cardboard, the exact same characters from Firestarter. You have the father who has anger issues and is violent, maybe even angsty. He sounds like he might be interesting, but he isn't. You have the kid, who is bland, a generic kid, completely innocent and unwise to the ways of the world, completely unlike a real kid. Then there's the mother, who's just happy and pretty and a good little housewife. You don't really know much about her, she's just boring. Ugh. Then, the other characters are just cliches, really. Hippies, mean business and military people, good-natured cooks and the like. *sigh* But then, what do [I]I[/I] know about writing? I can't even write a chapter without hating what I've written. .

Posted 07-31-2008 at 10:39 PM by Nothingness Comments 1
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So, um. . . I really want to start a forum, which would be a terrible idea given the fact that I have a disgusting attention span for things like that, and the fact that the forums I've made before have failed completely. But it was a few years ago, and maybe I've changed-- no, I haven't. Probably. I'll just stick to reading and---

Ooooh, right. There's the new *shudder* Stephanie Meyer book coming out. *shudders again* I can't stand those books. Sure, the first time I read them, they were great. But then I learned a load about writing for a few months, and then I read them again. . Ughhh. I dun like those books any more. I'd rant about them, but I'm probably going to have people PMing me hate mail already. That, and I'm lazy. And it's not as if anyone actually reads this, and just in case anyone does, no, I won't read any of the comments on this thing, just because I'm weird that way.

Uh, yeah. So this forum I'm thinking about starting. It's sort of- I don't quite know the name for this specific thing- a Pokemon forum-based RPG. I was a member of one or two of 'em before, they're hard to explain to people who've never heard of them. They're sort of like-- ah, I'm horrible about explaining things, just forget I ever mentioned this. I'll go back to complaining about the Twilight series.

Wait, no, I'll talk about that next time. . Meh, I told you my attention span is horrible. .

Posted 07-30-2008 at 03:23 AM by Nothingness Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
'Cos all I can think to write about is basically all the mindless rambling thoughts that are always going through my head. So, um. Today, I will blog about. . .

. . . Uhh. .

. . . . The soda I'm currently addicted to. Why not? Nothing is going on in my life. . I'm lame.

Okay, so this soda, it's sort of like carbonated lemonade. At first, I thought it was going to be horrible, I'm picky about carbonated beverages. So then I tried it.

Okay, first off, I didn't know this at first, but it's made of 16% lemon juice or something. And it has more lemon juice than sugar. It's sort of like the sour part of the Lemonheads candy, but a lot stronger. .

At first, I was disgusted. I forced myself to drink some more of it. Now, about. . three, four days later, I just love the stuff. It's seriously awesome.

The thing is, even if the sourness doesn't bother you at all (like me), it's still really difficult to drink it with a straight face. Every time I take a sip, I make this stupid sort of grimace, even though I think it's the best soda ever. Then, I tried the orange soda they had, and it was disgusting. Not at all like good orange soda. It was like orange juice, but with a lot of ice melted in it, and disgustingly fizzy. Eeeeeew. Nasty, nasty, nasty. It's probably a good thing I've never tried those 'Jones Soda' Holiday flavors. They have, like, fruitcake and turkey and stuff. I'd probably die. . .

I really need something to blog about. . .

Posted 07-27-2008 at 01:56 AM by Nothingness Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
. . . Make a landscape in SketchUp. It was . . awkward. He didn't really get it, to say the least. He wanted it to be completely finished in 10 minutes. >_> He didn't understand why 'things don't work that way.' I wish he'd at least pay me for helping. . Ah well.

OHWAIT! I just remembered, I might actually be getting a cell phone soon. A Voyager, to be exact. I'd rather have an iPhone, of course, but they're way to expensive. Still, it's awesome. ^_^

Oh, and I'm afraid to use my new mouse's scroll wheel, 'cos my last mouses' scroll wheel. . just stopped working. I dunno what happened. And it's the same model of mouse, too. A mighty mouse, to be exact. And contrary to popular belief, YES YOU CAN RIGHT-CLICK WITH A MIGHTY MOUSE. *twitch* Oh, that just bugs me sooo much. . . Okay, that probably didn't make sense to anyone else, but um, no one's actually reading this, so it's all right then. Mmmkay.

Let's see. What else to say? Ur. . . Why is it that every time I download any kind of MMO, there's something horribly horribly wrong with it? Planeshift is in developement, and that excuses it, I guess, but it still shouldn't crash every time I try to see my stats or train my character. And then Wurm Online, I log in and nothing happens. 10 minutes later, still nothing. The icon's on the dock, but there's nothing. This happened after I updated Java. Before that, it crashed and I got a message about that, unless I chose to have the graphics rendered a different way, which made it lag so much I almost cried, it was like it was torturing my iMac. . Oooh, another thing I hate; when people call computers machines. . I always feel like they're more than that, it's like they're my good friends or worst enemies. Like, my iMac's my favorite, bestest computer ever, and my mother's dinosaur of a PC is someone who I used to hang out with, but I've outgrown. . . I'm sad. XD Very, pathetically sad. But it's also geeky. Which makes everything a lot better.

I better stop typing now.

Posted 07-24-2008 at 05:57 PM by Nothingness Comments 0
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It does! At least, it looks like it does to me. . .

Anyways, um, I forgot about Comic Con. . It started today or yesterday, right? I was going to go, since I have relatives in the area, but I forgot about it 'cos I was too busy being lazy. Maybe next year. I'll save up money for buying all the random souvenirs I can. And if I can come up with a good idea, maybe I'll make a costume . . I can't believe I forgot. I feel a lot less geeky now. T_T I need to go memorize the lyrics to some Weird Al songs or something so I can feel geeky again.

Maybe I shouldn't go. I'd flip out if I saw anyone who I think is awesome. . Or any of the people who I have grown to hate with a passion that I used to idolize (okay, I only know three that fit into that category, and I doubt they'll be there, and no, I will not be clarifying who those three are, I don't want people mobbing me with pitchforks). I don't like squealing like an idiot in front of a bunch of people. . . But I always make myself look stupid, so I might as well do it in front of a bunch of people and gain fame on YouTube. . .

Wait, why am I blogging about this in the first place? Am I really that dull of a person that I don't have anything to blog about other than a convention I forgot about and really want to go to? Oh, wait, I know the answer to that, and it's yes.

. . . I better stop blogging now. My blog posts are getting progressively more stupid. Thank goodness nobody reads them. . . Right?
Recent Comments
lol... well, stopped by randomly, I don't think I know you, but I have heard of some pokemon rpg forums, if you do get one, you'll have to work hard on coming up with something very original for it ^^ good luck.. People have been complaining about the twilight series a lot. I haven't read it.. it must really be bad for most of the journal entries on menewsha to be about it.
Posted 08-01-2008 at 12:30 AM by fuyumi_saito fuyumi_saito is offline
I need a hobby too! My hobby right now is the internet, and it's no good. It's gotten to the point where I'm on wayyyy too much. Art is a good hobby and doesn't have to be terribly expensive...
Posted 07-20-2008 at 03:12 AM by Sizzla Sizzla is offline