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r_e_n_o_Love 04-01-2011 04:11 AM

The Fallen (Mafia Rp) Pg-13
The Fallen

The world has been turned into the hands of the rich and dangerous.All you need is connections and knowledge to survive.

The two biggest names at the root of all this power is Mikel Lombardi and Larry Giordano. At least they were. Twenty-five years ago the two were really good friends. One could even say brothers. They helped each other rise to the highest power over Peragon City. Everything they earned they split equally. That included territory.

The police captain, Richard Grace wanted them shut down, but the only way to do that was to have them permanently wiped out. They had to many connections in the courts. So he hired a man named Castro to get the job done. Only a few of Grace's men were let in on the plan.

Castro got the job done. The bodies were never found, but there was news of an explosion on the Giordano yacht. Some believed they were on it. Others believe it was just a hokes. Either way everyone figures they are to old to be considered a threat any more.

Now in present day the two men's families have taken over. Giordano's niece and both Lombardi's and Giordano's grandson. Neither hold the same loyalties and ideals of the one's before them. They have turned the city into a war zone. They feud for full control and the elimination of the other.

Setting: The setting is 1990 in an alternate version of Earth. The main happenings of the story takes place in Paragon city located somewhere in central California, and revolves around the doings, and conflicts of the Giordano, and Lombardi families. The fashion and over all look matches that of the 1920's, but the overall technology is fairly modern to the actual time period.

There are thirteen districts total. The Giordano's control the odd districts, while the Lombardi's control the evens with the exception of the Fifth district. The Fifth distinct is split into north, and south with the Lombardi's heading the northern region while slowly gaining control of the southern region. The fifth district is the largest, holds the most ports, and is the first territory that Larry, and Mikel took over. In short, whoever has the most territory in this area holds the most power.

There are small gangs, and other mafia families that own parts of the territories, but they either answer to the Giordano's, or Lombardi's, or hold an insignificant amount of territory.


1. Follow Menewsha rules
2. This rp is rated pg-13 for violence, and sexual reference. (No sex scenes. Time skip if you need to.)
3. This is also a semi-lit to literate rp, I don't expect you to be saints when it comes to grammar, and I won't hound you for misspelling, but be reasonable. Don't use chat speak unless it's appropriate. Use spell check, etc. In addition to that, absolutely no one liners. I expect a good two paragraphs at the least. 8-10 sentences each. Also no first person.
4. No god moding, mary or gary sues, power playing etc. This isn't me being rude, but go look it up on Urban Dictionary. I fail at explaining things, and it helps makes things a lot clearer.
5. Your character can die, and so can mine. Work it out amongst yourselves, and notify me if you need to. But expect stuff to happen, and be realistic about the outcome. This is a mafia rp after all.
6. I don't mind sub-plots, but let me know ahead time what's going on. If you have an idea, anything at all, even if it's killing off a Don, taking them prisoner, hell shoot me with it.
7. Be active. Post every week to every two weeks. Let me know if you're quitting, or will be absent for awhile.
8. Play as many characters as you can handle.
9. Dons have already been chosen, but if you want to be a co-don or relation work it out with me before hand.
10. Title your Profs Poppet.
11. I am the God of this rp, bow down before me! Nah. But I do hold the right to change, or to add to these rules as I see fit, etc, etc. I will do my best to be fair, and will notify you of any changes.
12. Have fun! XD

Profile Layout

You are called: [Name you go by]
Your loyalty is to: [Family]
You've lived: ... years
Your orientation: (sexuality)
Your Personality: (Give me a few good sentences at least.)

[img]real life picture[/img]

A glance behind you: [history] (About a good paragraph or two, and make it interesting)
Your choice of weaponry:
Your commander: [username]

HTML Code:

[size=2][left][b]You are called: [/b][Name you go by]
[b]Your loyalty is to[/b]: [Family]
[b]You've lived:[/b] ... years
[b]Your orientation:[/b] (sexuality)
[b]Your Personality:[/b] (Give me a few good sentences at least.)

[left][img]real life  picture[/img][/left]

[b]A glance behind you:[/b] [history] (About a good paragraph or two, and make it interesting)
[b]Your choice of weaponry: [/b]
[b]Your commander:[/b] [username] [/left][/size]

r_e_n_o_Love 04-01-2011 07:28 PM

Profiles, and OOC

Once you have been approved post your profile in the OOC.


Don: Isabella Giordano
Joel Damian Giordano [Uninvolved]
Magma "Matthew Grady"


Don: Junior "Abel Lombardi"
Laura Belle

Names you might want to keep in mind for later.

Mikel Lombardi
Larry Giordano
Police Captain Richard Grace
John Griffin (revealed in Junior's prof.)
Laura Belle
Joel Damian Giordano
Leone Giordano (revealed in Isabella's prof)
Former Don Alvise Giordano (revealed in Isabella's prof)
Vivian Lombardi (daughter of Larry Giordano, and Junior's mother.)
Former Don Abel Lombardi Sr. (revealed in Junior's prof.)

r_e_n_o_Love 04-02-2011 03:31 PM

I made a few changes to the first post. Changed up the setting a bit, and added to the rules, specifically the pg-13 rule.

r_e_n_o_Love 08-13-2011 12:21 AM

The rain fell pretty hard today, harder than it had for a while. The sky let out no sun between the dark clouds overseeing the city. Thunder roared, echoing, and sparks of lightning could be seen by those looking above. Outside the Lombardi Mansion a dozen men stood by in gray, and black suits as people entered with their heads held low.

Several days had passed since the news had been revealed that one of their own was no longer amongst them. His name: Timothy Richards or better known as Ricky. He was a close friend to many, but none closer than to the Don himself who viewed him a brother. He had always smiled, had always been the joker, yet the first to stand between anyone threatening another, no matter who they were. He was also the one deemed most likely to show up if you were in trouble. His loyalty showed no bounds. Ricky had no family of his own aside from a grandmother in her nineties who had somehow made it to the wake despite her health.

His body lay peacefully in an open casket within the living room. He was dressed in his father’s favorite brown suit with a black bow time. His brown hair even in death wavered across his forehead even though it had been repeatedly brushed back. A delighted smile caressed his lips. Not even death could take that joyful expression away. “Look at ‘em, smilin’ all smug like. Bet you anythin he’s just waitin for the moment to pop up, and scream ‘what’s with all the long faces?!” Damn I’d punch him hard, but I’d hug him tight,” Tony had said to Junior. He wiped his eyes, and smiled.

It had been described that after that Junior had caught sight of Laura, and walked off somewhere. No one had seen him for the past couple hours, and no one dared to look. Everyone knew that he was at one of his most vulnerable points right now, but they also knew better to let on. Junior had a thing about showing any signs of vulnerability, any signs that showed anything, but strength.

Joel stood by the bathroom door with his arms folded, and his head low, eyes closed. He was welcomed there because he was family, though that hadn’t gotten him passed without a few suspicious glances. Inside the door was locked, and blocked by a chair propped against it. Junior gazed into the mirror with his hands pressed against either side of the basin in front of him. His breathing was heavy, his face and hair were drenched with all of water, sweat, and tears.

Dear Abel,

I've been tracing Laura like you said and I can honestly say that
she is not to be trusted. She's been playing both sides. I caught her
passing on some of our goods to the Giordano's. I don't think she's
working for them, but she's not to much on our side either. She's
making her own personal profit from both sides. I also got evidence
that she is working with a Henry Martin a local FBI agent.

C.F. )&-@#-)%

I'm sure you'll know where to go from there. More than likely she'll be
able to figure out that I'm on to her.

It's been a pleasure working with you sir.

T. Ricky.

“Damn her!” He pulled his gun out, and with every bullet he had within its chamber he fired into the mirror. The glass shattered sending shards across the room. He let out a scream clutching his head, and slowly began curling up onto the floor. Blood oozed from his left arm where a long shard of glass had made its way in. Junior’s inner pain was so overwhelming that he was just about numb to the pain he would have been in.

“Abel?” Joel called turning towards the door. It was not the sound of the gun or the scream that triggered his response it was the silence that followed. He shook the door handle pressing his ear against the door. “Enough of this Abel! Open the door!” Your mother will kill me, if anything’s happened to you…. “Abel!”

Laura approached the casket trailing her hand down the side. She sighed wiping a tear from her eye. “You may not believe this, but I thought a great deal of you.” Her whole body shook as her hand covered her face. No one knew about the letter, and for the most part most remained to oblivious to even be suspicious of her. So for the ones who looked upon her all they saw was a disgruntled woman overborne with grief. Still there were some that had learned to distrust her.

At the sound of gunshots going off she removed herself from the viewing area.

[I'll add the Giordano's in my next post. ]

skellig 08-17-2011 02:44 AM

The steady rhythms of rain on plastic sounded as a gentle heartbeat. Jericho regarded the gloom with a peaceful demeanor. The rain suited funerals, made them seem less dim by comparaison. He shook off the black umbrella neatly as he headed in to pay his respects.

The formality of the room served to conceal the uncertainty surrounding Richards' death. Everyone had their suspicions about whether it had been a hit, but no one said a word, just paid their respects and continued. It was just business, after all.

Jericho stared at Junior while approaching the casket. The young man was volatile, angry. Such emotions should be kept in check, he thought, especially when waging a war. Lost in thought, he nearly bumped into the elegant Laura Belle. She also seemed upset, which was unusual for her. Stepping up to the body, he considered the man's life evenly. It had in fact been a hard loss for the family-Richards' was young, but reliable, and his loyalty was unquestionable. Murmuring a prayer for the man's soul, he began walking away. More pressing business had come to mind, that immediately had to be shared with the Don. Moments after, the gunshots struck.

The first man at the scene was Joel Giordano, and Jericho was behind him momentarily, adrenaline running through his veins as he reached for his weapon.

"Abel," his voice was deadly calm, and he acknowledged Joel with a nod akin to that of a cobra, "Calm yourself. If you are still alive, I need to speak with you immediately. Make acknowledgement, as I am prepared to immediately eliminate anyone who may be in the room with you or your corpse."

r_e_n_o_Love 09-03-2011 06:03 PM

[Sorry for taking so long, and the post being kind of lame-ish. D:]

Joel returned a nod as a moved out of the way. Jericho. Jericho had been his brother-in-law's advisors, the man who everyone had long ago said was one of Mikel's boys. Joel with respect for his brother had learned to admire this man though he hated the path he had chosen.

"Jericho, Joel is he alright?" Laura asked as she came running into their area. "I heard the gunshots, and-"

The sound of a chair moving echoed throughout the hallway. In a moments time the door then opened revealing Abel standing up as tall and as proud as he could with his injured arm dangling at his side. With his other hand he covered his eyes sighing, then smiling as he regained his composure. "What is it you need to speak to me about Jericho?"

Joel prepared himself to leave in case the matter intended for it. As much as he cared for his sister's son he had been forced on the other side, and it wouldn't be appropriate if he listened in on what might be business.

Laura on the other hand was willing to insert herself where ever she could. She observed in silence the blood dripping from his arm. Their eyes never met, but Junior aware of her presence, and what was going through her mind. He would never giver her the privilege of seeing the actual pain he was in. "I think he was just checking to see if you were alive Sweetie. No reason to look so eager." She smiled. "Looks like you did a number on yourself, huh?"

r_e_n_o_Love 10-09-2011 04:27 AM

I'm going to be moving this over to the WTF forum and possibly another forum in November. It doesn't seem to be moving at all , and I haven't been able to put much effort into fixing that. I think a fresh start might do it some good.

Oh and I am currently working on a comic for the story. It'll be a webcomic. So whenever it's up I'll be post the information here along with the links to the new forum.

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