Menewsha Avatar Community

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Linnea 10-27-2017 06:06 AM

Everyday I'm Bustlin' :: [Avatar contest]
Banner made by the niftiest Nephila!

Linnea 10-27-2017 06:20 AM


Please be sure to read and follow ALL the rules!

  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine if it's asked for, but please don't be rude to other users.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account or through a charity account.
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • DAC entrants will be accepted, but try to use your own items.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like imageshack or imgur. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change or the link breaks.
  • Once your entry is on the front page you can not change it, so make sure you like your entry before you submit.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Winners will be announced in the The Meneverse forum after the event ends.
  • As the people running this contest, we can add and change rules as needed.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 8,000 gold!
Second place: 6,000 gold!
Third place: 4,000 gold
Any honorable mentions will receive 1,000g
*BSW's undies contest will have some additional prizes. See below for more info*

Linnea 10-27-2017 06:21 AM

Hide and Seek!
Oh no, Cessy has gone missing and there are so many places where she could be!
Your challenge is to make an entry that is just a background with some great hiding places for Cessy!
This means that you can not have an actual avatar present.
Seems easy enough right? Make it clever, make it fun, and make it good!

Entry Form:

[color="orange"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B]Hide and Seek![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[color="orange"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]







Linnea 10-27-2017 06:21 AM

Magic of 3!
Halloween is my favorite holiday!
And something I always think of is how magical things come in threes; the three Fates in Roman/Greek mythology, the three witches in Macbeth, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, the Sanderson Sisters... the Three Stooges!
You get my point. Lots of symbolism and importance in three.

So here's what I want you to do. You need to make three avatars for this contest. (a 1 user entry form, with 3 avis, savvy?)
They have to be connected in some way and they should be a little spooky, 'tis the season after all.
You can cosplay something or make up something original, but please make sure there are no duplicates AND you credit what you're cosplaying with a picture or something, so I can get the reference!!

Entry Form:

[color="purple"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B]Magic of 3![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[color="purple"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]
[color="purple"][b]Extra Info: (As needed)[/b][/COLOR]

star2000shadow - [Witch, Potion Mistress, and Fortune teller.]

ghostPastry - [Three teenage friends go to the graveyard after a night of trick-or-treating and run into three ghastly specters]

Bearzy - [A photo of a strongman, ringmaster, and bearded lady at an old sideshow... I like to think this photo is one of the death options from Cabin in the Woods]

Shadami - [Poison Ivy,Harley Quinn and Catwoman are going to team up and destroy Gothom City for good. or rather, for evil!]

XoGIZMOoX - [Theme Classic Horror Flicks - Wolfman, Night of the Living Dead, and The Creature from the Black Lagoon]

SuperZombiePotatoe - [Triple God. The Youth celebrates life, but can lead you astray by offerings of strange fruit; The Father protects, but is stern and ruthless in judgement; The Striglos give wise guidance, but always demands a price of blood.]

GummyBearKisses - [Who messed up the house? the dog, the cat, and in his tiny hole -the mouse]

TaiyoTsuki - [The Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Doctors. Because why not?]

Woodlandnymph - [Henry VIII's wives: Anne Boleyn was beheaded (and here she holds the Tudor rose), Jane Seymour died after childbirth, and Catherine Howard was also beheaded by ax.]

Naisou - [I always watch The Crow on Halloween so here is Eric Draven, Sarah, and Top Dollar]

Kiari - [These power girls definitely aren't made of sugar, spice and everything nice.]

Nephila - [Triple goddess, Maiden Mother Crone]

Suona - [The Sanderson Sister witches from Hocus Pocus. Sarah, Mary, and Winifred.]

dragoness129 - Reference image

Velvet - [The Goddesses decided to grace us with their presence this year at the Halloween event! The Goddess of Song, The Goddess of Feast, and the Goddess of Dance.]

bloodstainedwings 10-27-2017 09:29 AM

BSW's Panties contest?!
I regularly run an avatar contest getting everyone to run around in their panties, well this year i brought it to the top! We are going all risque for halloween, so raid that pantie drawer and lets mix it up! There are very specific rules to this contest, please do not try to push it or break them.


- be nice and follow the rules
- i must be able to clearly see your panties/bra
- bloomers are ok as long as they are not with corsets
- corsets are ok as long as the panties are visible
- no dresses/pants/tops/chemise
- surcoats/coats allowed as long as you can still clearly see both panties and bra
- DAC allowed
- one entry per user
- male and female avatars allowed

Special prize!
100gold for every entry!

Entry form:


[SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="Orange"]Check out my panties![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]

ghostPastry Bearzy
star2000shadow Shadami
GummyBearKisses HIM_ROCK

bloodstainedwings 10-27-2017 06:01 PM

Victorian Inspiration:

For this contest, we want you to find some Victorian art and try to make an avatar that either represents it/is inspired by that art. Art can be a painting or architecture or poetry, but it must be posted along with your avatar. Be as creative and inspired as you would like, this is about art.

Edwardian is also going to be accepted as most people wont know the difference

Entry form:


[SIZE="5"][B][COLOR="DarkRed"]I am inspired![/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
art reference:


star2000shadow reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Shadami reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

ghostPastry reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

XoGIZMOoX reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

GummyBearKisses The farie is his brains embryo. art reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

dragoness129 reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Nephila reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Kiari reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

HIM_ROCK art reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Woodlandnymph reference: This is Spring-Heeled Jack. A figure that struck terror in the hearts of Victorian Londoners. Attacks started happening on women at night by a figure who was said to be wearing all white with a cloak or cape. His eyes were red and he cut his victims with razor sharp claws.He also breathed a blue fire. He would spring away over walls and buildings afterwards and disappear. Sightings of him raised panic on the streets, and soon he showed up in Penny Dreadfuls and newspapers. Here are a few images (they vary so I did an amalgamation)
Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view Click on thumbnail for full view

Suona reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Bearzy art reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Velvet art reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

SuperZombiePotatoe art reference: Click on thumbnail for full view

Linnea 10-27-2017 10:25 PM

and here's a reserved!

Bearzy 10-27-2017 11:15 PM

BSW? In the official competition thread??? I guess I really need to start making avatars, huh?

Shadami 10-27-2017 11:20 PM

Yes, the panties contest has gone official :D

Linnea 10-27-2017 11:24 PM

yes! get those avatars in! [boogie]

star2000shadow 10-27-2017 11:30 PM

I'll have to work on these 'blinks'

Shadami 10-27-2017 11:57 PM

Which one to start on first though... hmmmmm...

Suona 10-28-2017 12:04 AM

Oh, very fun. Interesting themes.

I shall start thinking things up.

Shadami 10-28-2017 12:10 AM

i honestly thought you were already working one one. xD

dragoness129 10-28-2017 12:24 AM

Whoo! I always love the panties contest! So great that it is official now! ^_^

Bearzy 10-28-2017 12:24 AM

For the triptych, can one of the avatars be avatarless?

Suona 10-28-2017 12:41 AM

I was still dressed as Kikyo when I posted that, but I am working on it now. [yes] As soon as I saw three I wanted to try the Sanderson Sisters. They have such patterend clothes though, so it'll be difficult.

Velvet 10-28-2017 01:24 AM

I really like those categories. <3

Linnea 10-28-2017 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Bearzy (Post 1773984152)
For the triptych, can one of the avatars be avatarless?

hmm. well, i hadn't thought about this. the goal is to show a trio so i guess if the trio still works... sure? [lol]

---------- Post added 10-27-2017 at 06:38 PM ----------


Originally Posted by Velvet (Post 1773984237)
I really like those categories. <3

yea?! i'm glad!

Xo~GREMLIN~oX 10-28-2017 02:34 AM

No group theme this round (team) :0 ??? Good themes though Gizzie will enter soon

Linnea 10-28-2017 02:43 AM

nah, no group ones. wanted to change it up!

Suona 10-28-2017 02:48 AM

I like that there is a "group" one that we can do ourselves. That's fun!

Linnea 10-28-2017 03:06 AM


GummyBearKisses 10-28-2017 03:13 AM

Wow, the Panties got stickie! Congratulations!

Just realized that my statement sounds perverted. I am too lazy to rewrite it so clean them minds up.

Suona 10-28-2017 03:29 AM

I really look forward to what everyone creates. :)

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