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Knerd 01-01-2015 12:47 PM

Memory Jars - How to Use This Forum

What's a Memory Jar?

A Memory Jar is a small container that you fill with everything and anything that makes you feel good. Did you find a penny on the sidewalk today? Toss it in the jar! Did your friend tell a really funny joke? Write it on a notecard and put it in there! Did you have a really lovely evening at the beach? Take a photo and place it in!

At the end of the year, you can then empty out the jar and relive all these wonderful memories. This jar is your way to preserve and save all the happy feelings that you've experienced in 2015.

So, how do I create a Memory Jar in this forum?

You can't exactly store physical trinkets online, but you can certainly keep track of your memories and favorite photos!

Start by creating your own 2015 Memory Jar Thread. Every day (or as often as you want to), write up a post about something good that happened to you. Write out stories, post photos, talk about your friends, share links to news stories that touched you - Anything that you want to remember about this year. Your thread will then act like an online "jar" to store your best memories.

What can I post? What can't I post?

- Each person is allowed to create only one thread. Sorry folks, but your mules can't participate in this.

- All content should follow Mene's PG-13 Rules and Posting Policies. We know that sometimes you may want to remember adult-happy-funtime memories, but Menewsha is not the place to record these thoughts. Please keep your threads within our PG-13 guidelines.

- All Menewsha's rules regarding spam still apply to this forum. You are allowed to double post within your own thread, but you may not repeatedly override the post merge function in order to gain more gold. Please post reasonably and on topic.

- Can't come up with any good ideas of what you'd like to post? Check out our Monthly Challenge for different prompts that you can write about every day!

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