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Xavirne 05-11-2015 06:55 PM

S E V E N -- accepting
When it comes to the tales of olde,
it was told that when the sky turned its darkest
and hearts were at their blackest,
that seven would rise from the ashes
and bring about the era of change.

That time has come and that change is now.
Each awakens from their earthy grave,
knowing their purpose and duty.
They know all too well that,
should they fail,
all life will cease to exist.

Worn and torn after years of salvation and saving,
those seven ancient souls seek out a new fate.
Rather than suffering the eternal curse,
they cast their powers into the blood of someone new.
Never again shall the Ancients be forced to rectify that actions of man,
for they have new saviors to take their holy place among the land.

Upon whispers in the night and visions in the morn,
seven rise at the breaking of dawn.
Each engraved with a symbol
so that their blood may bind the oath,
they begin their rather unexpected twisted fate.

Xavirne 05-11-2015 06:59 PM

Falzur, a world unlike anything you've ever seen, has oceans that are bluer than blue and skies as clear as crystal. Life is luscious and all is truly beautiful. Or at least it was....

Despite this picturesque place, not all is as well as it seems. A dictator, Sir Valsahm, has risen, oppressing the fair people of Falzur. Heeding to the mighty lord's every waking wish, poverty has struck, a disease has come to seize the lives of the young, and many simply wish to run and hide. Life is bleak despite the beautiful all around. The land seems unmarred by Valsahm's oppression, at least outside the city.

Nonetheless, hope seems but a foreign word to the people of Falzur. No longer free to explore the world outside the walls that Valsahm crafted, they are trapped within the desolate city of despair and darkness.

However, there is a legend that some sing in the dark of the night that brings peace to those who need it most. Although just a story, the people of Falzur cling to the words, praying and hoping that someday a savior will come and break the dictator's reign. They seek the peace that they once had many years before. They seek the freedom to roam as they please and live as they like. A savior, and only a savior, can bring them the redemption they so desperately pray for.

And this miracle, it comes in a form new to the land. Long ago Ancients would rise from their dusty tombs to sweep away whatever ill-fate befalled life. Now, they have passed their genes and legacy onto those they deem worthy of such holy feats of man.

Seven unsuspecting souls now bear the brand of the Ancients they represent. A new power lays within, waiting to be awoken. Before that power can truly be used to vanquish Valsahm's army, they must learn to conquer their fears, each other, and the tasks the Ancients put before them. The journey will not be easy. The reward will not be enough. But the fate of Falzur rests in the hands of these seven. They, and they alone, will seal the fate of the world....

Xavirne 05-11-2015 07:09 PM

Rules and Applications
To become a part of the adventure, please visit the Recruiting Page. Here you will find the forms and rules for this roleplay. Here's the OOC for our out of character shenanigans!
Falzur, a very beautiful planet. It's much like Earth only... more. Everything there is truly beautiful. And what is ugly is even uglier. Flora can kill you. Fauna will eat you whole. It's a world where danger can lurk around any corner, but there still can be peace and beauty within the more hellish of creatures.
Species of Man
You are not limited to mere humans. You can be human, if you want. Or you're free to create or be a humanoid race. The more creative, the better.
Weapon for Life
Note that you can only pick one weapon. Why? Well, this is your weapon for life. Should anything happen to it, you will no longer hold the powers of the Ancient. This weapon is not necessarily how you draw your power, but it is what contains the power within you.

Xavirne 05-11-2015 07:13 PM

Accepted characters!

▬▬▬▬▬ SARENEN "SAREN" RIE-AEI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

Ain't got time for that!
731 (also known as 31)
5-feet 11-inches
Left = Pale silver; Right = Charcoal gray
Familiar spirit in the shape of a jackal-like creature
Numa'at (the wise leader), master of all the elements

"Less is more," is perhaps the motto that Saren enjoys most. Never being one for long-winded speeches, pep talks, or detail, he prefers to action to works and strategy. Don't fall victim to thinking that he's idiotic or irrational, for Saren is hardly that. Perhaps the most intelligent man ever (for such years grant many lessons), Saren is ever-cunning and brilliant. However, even Ancients have their downfalls. Sworn to laws and regulations, he gets very nervous when lines are crossed. To him, law comes before all else, even his own life! The ancient is also prone to bouts of indifference when it comes to emotional things and attachments. He sees no use in petty possessions. Lastly, Saren can come across as up-tight, stern, and arrogant. Perhaps running around topless has given the man his confident flair?

Saren is a familiar user. Having no need to get his own hands dirty, he conjures up his jackal-like spirit companion, Wepawet. Wepawet is a master of all the elements as well as illusions. A master of warfare and battle plans, Wepawet is often left to fight as he so chooses. As Wepawet is a familiar of an Ancient, he has almost no weakness, save for one -- religious paraphernalia. If holy water, crosses, or churches are involved, Wepawet's holy powers are rendered useless. So long as religion isn't involved, Wepawet will defeat all who dare to challenge the Ancient Saren.

Saren is an Ancient. That is, he is one of legend and prophecy. Granted, such was not always the way for Saren. Many moons before his time as a holy deity, he was but a simple man. A scribe to be exact. He was well-versed in the world of written language, history, and tales. He knew much and enjoyed to gather up such knowledge for his own satisfaction. He always thought of himself as a rather holy man, bound by laws and the gods. He never wanted to harm another nor did he want to mar his name with such frivolous things such a pride, greed, or vanity.

However, fate had another story in tale for him. As he meandered home one evening, a storm blew into his village and coated everything with a layer of thick sand. This was nothing out of the ordinary, save for the fact that it came with crippling winds. Nearly at his home, he heard a scream within the hazy tan that whirled around him.

Should he risk it? It wasn't a question he needed to think about. Letting go of the books he was bringing him to read, Saren bolted into the coarse wind and frantically sought out the pleading child who had lost his way.

He never found the child for their was no youth to save. This was a test for young Saren and he passed with flying colors. Swallowed hole by the holy lights of the heavens, he moved onto into his new life, a life of peerless valor and honor. To this day, Saren still lives by these holy virtues and seeks to save those who can be saved. It is why he was sent back to Falzur to help guide the newly branded prophesies. After all, who better to train new gods than a god himself?


▬▬▬▬▬ Anke Devan Naime • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Euphonium Panda

Greenish Hazel
Bamboo Sword
Ibuna; darkness

Anke is a rather reserved individual, tending to stay closer to the shadows rather than meet new people. She has a tendency to get flustered, and shift out of panic. This doesn't stop her from being a good friend if you can get to know her. When it comes to her friends, she will never allow an unjust act to go unanswered.

Anke is able to take over the minds of others, simply by shifting into them and entering their bodies with sword in hand. This doesn't come without consequence however, as she's easily overpowered by anyone who can recognize what is happening, so it's best used as a sneak attack. Her sword grants this ability for her, so she must have it in order to perform the task. She can also shift, as her species name suggests, into any living entity that she can picture at the time. Her ability to shift can backfire when she gets flustered, losing control of her shifting and randomly turning into the first form she sees at the moment until she has gathered her thoughts.

Anke fled her home at a young age when she was abused by her human father after her killed her mother. She didn't mind being alone, because she soon made friends with plants and animals who would take care of her. Her best friend was a panda, who was stolen from his mother not long after he was weened from milk. The panda became some what of a familiar, an instant form she could take when she didn't want to be human anymore. When she was older, about fifteen, she was discovered and taken back into the city she had left, and made to become civilized.

This didn't bother her as much as the absence of her familiar. In the village she was not allowed to keep him by her side, and this weighed heavily on her heart. She soon devised a way to keep him without breaking the rules by sneaking out after classes were over and spending the rest of the day and night with him until she had to head back to classes. She had no official home, so it was easy to pass off as a human to the village while being able to stay herself outside of it.

She has since made a name for herself through maintaining a clean record, and helping the locals with any problems they may have. She stays to herself, and helps when asked for in any and every way she can manage. She has never left a promise hanging, and makes her living through her good deeds.


▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Do Pixies even love?
351 or about 25 in human years
4' 8" in human form, 7" in pixie form
Bright, clear blue
Blonde with pink tips
Crystal Star Pendant

When it comes to first impression, Inara would certainly lead you astray. Despite her rough and mean appearance, she’s a sweetheart who is always willing to lend a helping hand. She’s optimistic, happy and hardworking. She will willingly start up a conversation with just about anyone that would sit still long enough to let her. She’s the type to wear her heart on her sleeve, believes in true love and love at first site. Though, even with that, she does hold a bit of a trickster personality that can be used for fun when playing with friends, or for defending those she cares for.

A star shape pendant hangs from one ear and is essentially the source of her power as it contains the pixie dust she is able to create. She is more of a support person when it comes to fighting as her powers lean more towards confusing and disorienting her foes. She is able to blind foes or light the darkest of corridors on the other end, Inara can also able to remove light, making areas pitch black. The pixie can also create holograms of herself as well as others, they are just that though. These holograms, though they can move, cannot inflict pain, though they look like the person they were created after. Of course, being a pixie, she is able to fly. Her wings can be used in pixie or human form. No, she can't make others fly.

Born and raised in the land of the pixies, or to Inara, born and kept in captivity. You see, Inara is the only child of the King and Queen of the pixies and they sought to protect their daughter until she was of age to wed. Of course, like any other pixie, she held magical powers and like her parents, her power was much greater than the average pixie and those of the royal family were often sought as valuable pets among the lesser races.

Wanting to see the real world instead of the walls she was kept within, Inara snuck out and disguised herself as a human. Other than being quite short, though on the taller side for human-sized pixies, none caught onto who, or what, she was. She spent many years among the humans, learning their ways, as well as the ways of other races that would mingle among them. The difference was, the other races knew who she was, though no one ever dared to take her back.

The King and Queen had kept careful watch over their daughter, knowing it was useless to try and forcibly bring her back. They knew her adventurous stage would pass as it had for them. Only, things would become worse before they got better.

Inara was awoken in the dead of night by a bright shining jewel, her parent’s guards around her. “The King and Queen have vanished”, they told her. There was no trace of them to be found. The jewel was in the shape of a star, a sign for royalty being granted their full power, only this power, was far more than just that of royalty. Within that gem was the power of Haph, the Keeper of Light.

▬▬▬▬▬ CALVIN ROY WINTERS • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

6-foot, 3-inches
Golden-orange orbs
Charcoal/black hair
Boomerang (with retractable blades)
Temkes; fire

Like two halves of the same whole, Roy is everything Caden is not. Where Caden calm and collect, Roy is aggressive, impulsive, and flamboyant. Roy's extremely hot-headed, highly competitive, and very opinionated. Although he does try to appear cool and mysterious, it often comes undone by little details that most overlook. If you say you're going to be there at 5 o'clock, you better not be a second late! If you RSVPed to the party, you better attend! On the flip side of the coin, Roy is anything but stupid. Ever since he could remember, he'd been tinkering with things and getting into trouble with electrical currents and fire. As soon as he could get a job, he was slaving away making money. He's driven but power and fancy titles but when it really counts, he'll be there through thick and thin as he's fiercely loyal and stubborn as hell.

Unlike his twin who shifts into a wolf, Roy had nothing. Most would assume controlling a new-found power to be challenging but such was not the case. Upon gaining the ability to manifest and control fire, he instantly knew how to shape, mold, and use it to his ability for weaponry or shielding. And with fire being a such a powerful force, he can use it to fly for short distances. His powers solely come from his hands but can be cast into other things, namely his boomerang. As expected, water is perhaps his biggest weakness (he is absolutely terrified of it). He is also very prone to overheating, which can cause him to black out from extended use. Lastly, he is always dehydrated and thus making him very susceptible to ailments and constitutional harm. As an added "bonus," his fire will burn anyone who touches him -- friend or foe!

When the Winters discovered they were having twins, they immediately knew their hands would be full. Between Roy being a trouble-maker and Caden being too quiet for his own good, Allen and Caitlyn knew they had unleashed a truly deviously duo on the world. Both always had excellent grades, often competing with one another to see who was "better." They always had their ups and downs, but no matter what, the two remained as best friends above all else.

When Caden's wolf-shifting powers finally appeared, Roy knew he drew the short end of the gene-pool stick. Like his father, Allen, he was just a plain old, boring human. It was around that time when Roy decided he wasn't going to talk to Caden. And it probably stayed that way for about year. That was until the accident happened.

The winter holiday (a Winters favorite!) brought both boys home from their studies. Mother had run out to hunt some food, but when she didn't return 48-hours later, the boys new something was wrong. After much searching, they found her cold, lifeless body in the drainage vaults just outside the city. Someone alerted animal control that a wild wolf was running a muck in the city.

Now motherless, the twins knew that their bond needed to be rekindled. Roy swore to always protect Caden from harm, for he knew the wolf-shifting brother had little control over his wolf urges. In doing so, he dropped out of college and took up a job that gave him flexible hours so he could always keep an eye on his brother. Caden likely feels guilt for Roy's actions but, ultimately, Roy couldn't be happier. His brother means the world to him and he'd gladly throw his life away for his 11-seconds younger half!


▬▬▬▬▬ Jack Caden Winters • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

Ederulven (wolf anthro)
6' 3"
Silver Pendant (see profile picture)
Sythpen; Water

Caden tends to be a pretty laid back guy unlike his twin brother Roy. For the most part he is a quiet, calm and patient person. Kind towards most people. He will admit that there are times when he is unable to control his emotions or becomes very moody. Acting in ways that Roy would. Some would just call it him being a passionate person or being a hot head depending on the situation. Even so one thing is for sure no matter how unreasonable or moody Caden becomes once he has calmed down he will return back to his normal cool and laid back self. Don’t let Caden’s appearance fool you. He may look like a nerd, but he is a fighter at heart.

The silver pendant on Caden’s necklace grants him power over water. He is able to create and manipulate water, mostly in the form of ice. It can become whatever he imagines whether it is a shield, weapon or a blizzard. The drawback of creating blizzards and rainstorms is that they drain him, leaving him weak. If he pushes his power too much he can pass out from the strain. Caden can also teleport through water. Unfortunately this is limited to himself and one other person. Unlike his brother the Ederulven blood that runs through his veins allows him to shift into what most would consider a werewolf and into a wolf. He does not have full control over this so it can happen at random when he doesn't have control of his emotions. Another one of his major weaknesses is that he is blind without his glasses, unless he's in one of his anthro forms.

From the beginning Caden and Roy were like sides of the same coin. They had always been best friends and looked out for one another even if they were competitive at times. Caden never thought that would ever change. It didn’t, at least not until he showed signs of the Ederulven blood that ran through his veins. Like their mother he was more than just human.

After this Roy had taken to not talking to him. Little did his brother know how much more lost that made him feel as he dealt with the new changes. Thankfully their parents were there for him as he grew accustom to the being able to shift his form into that of an Edreulven’s beast form and wolf form. Caitlyn taught her son everything he needed to know. Unfortunately since he wasn’t fully an Edreulven so he didn’t have full control of his transformations.

Nearly a year passed where the twins didn’t speak with each other. Then the accident happened. The boys had come home for the holiday. Things appeared to be normal. Mother went to hunt, but never returned. They searched for what seemed like days before they found her lifeless body in the drainage vaults just outside the city. At the sight Caden nearly lost it. If Roy hadn’t been there he probably would have shifted and went on a rampage.

After the accident they knew that had to rekindle their bond. Caden hadn’t wanted his brother to drop out of college and felt guilt for it even if he never said as much. He denied that he needed Roy to protect him, but that was far from the truth. The shifter knew it was his brother’s choice. Still weren’t they supposed to work together, protect each other? His 11-second older brother means the world to him and would do anything for him even if it meant throwing away everything.


▬▬▬▬▬ Kit Reynder • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Euphonium Panda

An anklet on her right foot.
Htes; lightning

Kit is an extreme kind, and understanding person. She almost never takes things personally, and makes an effort not to make a negative comment towards another. She's very accepting of everyone, and can often be trusted for anything. She is very friendly, and quite talkative, but will actively avoid topics about herself. She knows her face is well known, and doesn't find it offensive when people stare, and she'll even walk over and talk to someone who may be particularly in awe. She finds it easy to laugh, and tends to avoid the negative in life.

Kit has the ability to maneuver all electricity to her will. This includes the electricity in the air or on surfaces. She can even perform a particularly shocking kick with her right foot through the anklet she wears. She's pretty new to these abilities, and tends to shock others by accident now, with a large need to learn how they work. As a human she's much more fragile than most other species, and can only do so much outside of her new powers. This doesn't keep her from being pretty bold in her actions, often taking on more than she can chew. She has a tendency to put herself if needless danger when she doesn't think things through, or have someone there to keep her from doing whatever it is she intends to do.

Kit was born into a particularly free thinking family. They refused to give her a name that embodied a certain gender, and even made her wear decidedly androgynous clothes for most of her life. This tended to rub her the wrong way, making her embrace her femininity far more. She was quick to dye her hair once she felt she was ready for it, going for the most outlandish color she could think of in a bright pink. She has never once considered going natural or changing the current color either. She also explored the arts, becoming an actress and a singer in a band.

She became pretty famous through both of these efforts, letting her talents be seen by everyone. Despite the fame, and the pressure to change to what the media asked, she never did. This caused a few problems for her, because she never quite fit in with what was popular. When she was twenty-two she decided she was going to leave the spot light, and live her life the way she wanted to. This came as a surprise to many people, as she was still young and had many more opportunities to sing and act.

Not much later she started to act and sing again, disappearing between roles and gigs for days, weeks, and months at a time. She never revealed where she lived, nor gave people her contact information. When someone specifically wants her to act or sing for them, they simply post it until she finds it. She almost never turns down a good roll or gig, but chooses wisely either way.


▬▬▬▬▬ Stormy Alexis Reinhart • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by blueblackrose

24 (looks like she is about 16)
5' 2"
Right Eye - Peridot, Left Eye - Turquiose
Silver (black fur on ears and tail)
Bow and arrows
Begg; Earth

Lexi is a practical person, considering the outcomes of her actions before making a decision. She is reliable & honest, a woman of her word. If one takes the chance to get to know her they are easily about to see how strong she is & that she values those she cares about more than anything. Her empathetic nature gives her a motherly quality. Despite looking so much younger than she truly is Lexi is wise beyond her years. If you need someone to listen or a shoulder to cry on she’s the person you want to go to. She will listen & help in whatever way she can. Lexi can also be very energetic & hyper at times. She can be somewhat of a flirt & she has a good sense of humor. This Neko will stand her ground whether it be in a fight or in standing for what she believes is right.

Lexi is able to communicate with nature, calling it to her aid. With a single touch she can make flowers bloom and plants grow. With a single whisper she can call forth vines and other plant life to attack or trap her enemies. As long as there is a little dirt nearby she has no problem with growing plants where none existed. It isn’t just the plants that she can control, using different calls or her telepathic powers she can summon animals as well. The Neko also has the ability to communicate telepathically with animals and other living beings. Her telepathic abilities are limited to a 5 mile range. One of the draw backs of being able to communicate telepathically is that she can be overwhelmed by other people’s thoughts while connected to them. Also Lexi hates really loud noises they hurt her sensitive ears and terrify her.

Lexi wasn’t always alone in this world. She was the youngest daughter of Melanie & Alec Reinhart. The girl took after both her parents, but is the spitting image of her mother. While she was still just a kit her family was discovered by a slaver. During the raid on their home Melanie & Alec were both killed as they fought to protect their children, leaving her two older brothers & herself at the human’s mercy. The slaver took the siblings back to his slave house. Lexi’s older brothers Zane & Benjamin fought to protect her from the horrors that were to come as they were forced into slavery.

Lexi has a fighting spirit much like that of her mother. She never felt the need for her brothers to protect her. She knew that they wouldn’t always be there. The Neko had been right in her assumption. Once their basic ‘training’ was complete they were sold to the highest bidders. She was bought by a man whose reputation was somewhat questionable while her brothers ended up going with the same human.

Not long after she had been bought the man branded her with a tattoo on her forearm. Growing up as a slave wasn’t easy especially for a girl who refused to be broken. One night shortly after Lexi turned 14 she ran away. After making her escape she made sure to keep the tattoo on her arm covered by wearing long black fingerless gloves. Knowing that Darius would search for her no matter how long it took find her she stuck to shifting through the slums, the outskirts of the city & places that seemed to mostly be safe for those not human.

Her life has had many twists and turns. Over the years she learned to defend herself and fight. Life on the run is no way to live. So she vowed to come out of the shadows, to protect those who were too weak to protect themselves.

▬▬▬▬▬ SAGE GHYMN KETH • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by ISOS Duke

Suroh; Wind

Sage is very much a free spirit. She works best alone and is constantly on the move. She can be deceitful if it proves to be beneficial for herself. Her loyalties are few and far between, but may not always appear as such as she forms shallow bonds with those around her. Generally keeping to herself, Sage

Sage is typically a hand-to-hand fighter, or at least preferring to use physical objects and often finds the use of magic to be weakness and cheating. However, her powers of wind do not quite fit within her normal fighting style. She is able to create, generate and manipulate air; this allows her to create things such as tornadoes and even create air where there is none. She's also able to create shields and barriers as well as purify, poison or remove oxygen from air.

Sage has always grown up as self sufficient, doing what was needed to survive. Her family never lived in the 'comfort' that many others take for granted and found themselves spending most nights cold or hungry. Though known for the hunting and sleuth skills, people would seek out the elven family for assistance and time and time again, they would be created from their payment. Perhaps they were dealing with too closed minded of races, but it caused the family to grow wise and wary of others. They soon quit offering their services and just did what they needed to provide for themselves, keeping away from the hustle and bustle of the cities.

Sage is the one often nominated to go to some of the cities in an attempt to sell wares or trade for other goods. She's the youngest and her family felt that it gave her an advantage when dealing with races that didn't hold the same lifespan as they. Though she knows how to deal with people, she would always try to finish her work as soon as possible so she could return to their secluded lives.

Xavirne 05-11-2015 07:15 PM

Other Information
Saved for later use.

Xavirne 05-11-2015 07:15 PM

Open and Accepting~

Xavirne 05-28-2015 01:32 PM

There was a faint breeze that morning that brought the scent of rain and... was that the smell of lilacs? Mornings never seemed to start out this peaceful so as the folk of Falzur awoke, they felt something warm their core. Little did they know that the Ancients had granted the fine people of Falzur their one wish -- salvation.

Perched on the very edge of town on one of those looming walls the dictator constructed sat a man with hair as pale as snow by the name of Saren. His two-toned orbs blinked slowly as he overlooked the city below. Drawing in a long breath, he turned his attention to the shimmering, dancing cloud of smoke at his side.

"Soon, Wepawet." He brushed his tanned hand over the smoke and it soon took the shape of a jackal-like creature. "The Ancients said come the morning of the pink sky," his eyes adverted up toward the warm, pinkish glow above him, "they will receive their holy gifts."

Not wanting to squander the view, he kicked back on the wall and rolled his arms under his neck. "Might as well bask in her glory while we wait for the recruits to arrive."

That night, seven unsuspecting souls were gifted the powers of the Seven Ancients, Guardians of the Land of Falzur. While they slept, their bodies were engraved with the marks of their Ancient-counterpart and their veins soon pulsed with a power unlike any other. An item or weapon, whatever it may be, would also appear around their necks or in their hands so when they awoke, they would known something was afoot.

As they eventually open their eyes and gasp at what's before them, their item would glow and soon fill the room with the color of their Ancient. Words would sing to them the lullaby of the legends, letting them know that they were granted with a gift previously known to be too holy for mankind to hold.

With each word spoken, they would draw a step closer to their destiny and soon realize they were the hero their city needed. Upon accepting (there is no rejecting), they would be told to weave their way past the guards and seek out the outer wall. There, they would find a man clan in gold and white who would teach them to fight.

Only, when the young heroes finally drew close to his location, the Ancient by the name of Saren would hide away into the shadows. Now was not the time for him to reveal himself for the first test of being a hero was knowing to follow one's heart. When the seven do arrive before his wall, they will meet his familiar, Wepawet, who will silently guide them to the next phase of their training -- courage.

Euphonium Panda 05-29-2015 02:55 AM

Anke yawned as she began to wake up, quickly opening her eyes as a bright dark grey light flashed all around her. She curled up into the panda she had been resting her head on. Her hand tightened around a bamboo hilt, causing her to scream and turn into the eagle that had passed overhead at the moment. As she stood up to catch her breath and register what was happening a song began to sing. It spoke of power and courage for protection, along with caring and loving hands for comfortinn. As she listened, she began to see what was happening, and calmed down enough to shift back to her natural form before the song had finished.

She continued to listen to the lullaby of comfort and protection as she stared in awe at the markings that took over her left arm, they were fading now, swirling slightly as they became a faint skin toned scar. As the song finished, she heard the words that spoke directions. They told her to find the man Seran, and to follow his guidance and training as he prepared her to become the guardian of darkness. She took a moment once the voices had retreated, thinking about what was happening, and what was going to happen. With a quiet nod, she picked up the sword, and with the panda, moved from the nook of the tree she slept in.

They moved quietly, avoiding anyone who may question her motives. Anke shifted as they moved through the shadows, keeping her shape and size to match them. As they neared her destination, she instructed the panda to stay and wait for her where it could stay safe. She continued until she found where she was supposed to be, but she was at a loss when she didn't see the silver haired man who was supposed to instruct her. She looked for any sign of his presence, but was only met the stare of a jackal. After contemplating her options, she shifted to look like the animal and walked up to it, waiting to see what it would do.

blueblackrose 05-30-2015 02:36 AM

As had become the norm lately Caden allowed his twin, Roy, to crash on the futon in the living area of his townhouse. He figured it was the least he could to since his brother was stubborn and had taken to keeping an eye on him. Not that the male minded at times, their bond had become stronger, like it had once been before his change happened.

A half groan half growl came from the male as he turned over in his bed. It was bad enough that he had trouble getting to sleep, but now it seemed that Roy had decided to play a joke in the middle of the night. “Cut it out Vinny.” Caden grumbled as he slowly opened his azure eyes, only to be met with a glowing light the color of the ocean. His twin nowhere in sight.

He blinked a few times in confusion before finally noticing the burning sensation that spread across his chest. Reaching up he felt a metallic object hanging from a cord around his neck. What the heck? Had he been wearing a necklace when he went to bed? No, he had taken off the one he normally wore. It had been one of the last presents their mother had given to him before the accident.

If that wasn’t confusing enough there were strange markings on his body that were slowly fading. At least he thought they were markings, really without his glasses on they were nothing more than a blur. Just as the symbols faded unseen voices began to sing a lullaby. Slowly the singing grew louder until it filled the entire room. The lullaby spoke of the legends he had heard as a child. Legends long forgotten by most. As the song continued the light began to dim and direction of where he was to meet a man by the name of Seran were spoken to him.

Now fully awake Caden sat up, thinking. An adventure to save the world, it was like the daydreams he use to share with his twin. They would pretend to be heroes and save the day. He knew he was going to have to tell Roy because there was no way he could sneak out without his twin knowing. Several moments passed as the male came up with a plan. Quietly he got up pulling on a shirt and a pair of jeans before putting on his glasses. Slipping on his shoes he silently opened the door of his room, exiting to the living area. To his surprise Roy was also awake. “Nice joke Vinny. I’m awake now, so what do you want?” For now he would play it off as a stupid joke his dear brother was playing.

Xavirne 05-30-2015 03:17 PM

Somehow, between the twisting a turning, all the blankets seemed to fall off him. And, no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't get cool. Panting and drenched in sweat, the man with raven hair abruptly woke up.

Fire, it was everywhere. Trying to scream, he found his throat dry and scream-less. Panic setting in, he fumbled back over the couch he crashed upon. In doing so, he landed square in the roaring flames behind him. Only, instead of swallowing whole and burning him alive, they were soft, flickering, and cool. Brows furrowing, he glanced down at his hands to spy something that looked like a boomerang.

"The hell?" he said quizzically as he traced his thumb over the flame pattern. Then, as if a snake had bitten him, he winced in pain. Something was craving itself into his side. Lifting his shirt up, he saw some ancient text spell out the word "flame" from his right rib down to his thigh. It burned, oh did it burn, but he still was unable to scream or yelp in pain.

When the writing finally stopped branding him, a voice much like a raspy, spitting fire, spoke. It told him of how he was chosen to save the world and that he would be the barer of the flame. It also instructed him that he should learn to drink about 200 liters of water a day or else his body would burn up and he'd die.

"Oh lovely," he said sarcastically.

Realizing that this was obviously a strange and weird thing, he started to wave his hands over the fire. Sure enough, the flames vanished and the room returned to normal. Running into the kitchen, he forced his head under the sink and just lapped up the water as if it were the first time he'd ever had water.

Hearing the stairs creek, Roy dashed back to the couch, tossed on a shirt to hid the scars on his body, and then proceeded back to the sink. When his twin, J. Caden Winters, walked in, he was just finishing his glass of water. "Sorry?" the slightly older twin, Calvin Roy Winters, asked. Hand gliding over his shiny forehead, he gave his brother a defeated look. "Okay, okay. You win. I was wondering where you kept the Tylenol. Think I have a fever."

ISOS Duke 06-02-2015 04:39 PM

No restful dream would come to the pixie that night. Inara tossed and turned over the recent news she had been told; while she was away, her parents had vanished. No one is sure who did it or why, they do not know if magic was involved, a kidnapping; no one knew anything. The thought was unsettling and the Princess couldn't help but feel if she had been home, not off adventuring among humans, that this would not have happened.

Brows furrowed, the woman was covered in sweat as nightmare's plagued her mind. She felt herself getting warmer and warmer before she sat up suddenly in her bed, gasping. Inara fought to regain her surroundings, looking around slowly as her mind was still half asleep. She could see a light though, looking down at her clentched hand, she found where the source was. Just as she was about to open her hand, the light source heated up even more, the sudden burning feeling bringing out another gasp from the woman as she tossed the item to the ground. The glowing dimmed, only slightly. It was the royal earring she had been presented only days before.

Leaning down, the pixie reached for it and as her fingers brushed its crystal surface, the room exploded in light, only it didn't. Light flooded Inara's mind, blocking her from being able to see anything. She sat frozen in her dark room, though to her, it was brighter than the suns of their land.

"Hush child, do not be frightened," a soft voice told her, becoming louder as it drew closer. As the figure neared her, it seemed to block out the light and Inara's eyes widened at the site.

A woman in golden robes was walking towards her, she had tan skin that perfectly matched those robes and golden hair. "Hush child," the woman cooed, only this wasn't just a woman, Inara had learned much about Haph as her people held her in high regards. Afterall, they were pixies of light. Inara did not move as the woman lifted a hand, placing it on her forehead. "Hush and listen to my song."

If already being within her mind wasn't enough, Inara felt herself draw into the message deeper. Her mind was swept away in warmth, music and story. A flood of information and images rushed her as the music played. Then, in an instant, the light and music were gone, leaving Inara disoriented in her own bed, the earring once again in the palm of her hand.

She stared at the gem, trying to recall everything that she had just seen. Saren, she had to locate Saren. Jumping to her feet, Inara shoved the earring back through the lobe that it should have been dangling from in the first place. "Sneak out without the guards noticing?" She asked herself quietly, a smile on her face. "Easy peasy." She stuck her tongue out to herself as her size went from that a small human woman, to only seven inches tall. With a shrug, a pair of pearlescent wings appeared from her back and without a second thought, the tiny pixie flew out her bedroom window.

Inara had faith in a few things that were happening that night. The first was that the Goddess of her people had visited her and was entrusting her with saving them, plus many more. She had hoped that doing this would also open a clue to finding out what happened to her parents. The other thing was how oblivious humans were. Then again, many probably weren't looking for something as small as a pixie, almost as though they didn't pose as much of a threat.

Zipping around buildings and through the night sky, the tiny woman flew as fast as her wings could take her. She had been on the far side of town and didn't want to waste any time. As she neared the wall, she spotted two figures. Only, neither figure fit the description that they were told to seek out. Instead, there were two jackal looking creatures. Now hesitant at what this mean, Inara did not approach them, rather, she took refuge in the shadows of one of the oil lanterns that lit the streets at night.

blueblackrose 06-03-2015 07:01 PM

As soon as his brother gave him his excuse he gave him that all too familiar look. The one that said “Really?”. His brow knitted slightly while he watched his brother wipe his forehead. “So you thought it would be fine to flood my room with a bright blue light. Got it.” Caden shook his head while he walked over to the kitchen cabinet where he kept the Tylenol.

“With how often you’re here I would think that you would remember that I keep it in here for when you need it.” After setting the Tylenol on the counter he frowned. “You look awful man.” His twin didn’t look well.

The slightly younger twin moved from the kitchen back into the living area to take a seat in a chair. “I know that right now might not be the best time to bring this up since you’re not feeling well, but I’ve been doing some thinking. Roy, I need to get away from here. I don’t know if it’s the Ederuvlen blood within me or something else, but I feel like I need to take a journey.” His azure orbs fell to the floor as he thought of how to explain further what he meant.

“Something strange happened earlier and I thought it was you pranking me, but maybe I was wrong.” After his brother joined him he went into further details, explaining what happened in his room before coming down stairs. “So what do you think? I might be better off if I’m not here in the city anyway…”

Caden looked to Roy for his thoughts on all of this. “If I’m not here then you’ll be free to do what you want. You won’t have to watch over me anymore. Not that you should be to begin with.” The smile he offered his twin was weak.

Xavirne 06-04-2015 02:13 PM

Tilting its head, the jackal on the wall twitched its tail before stiffly moving forward. At first, it was taken aback by the woman's change, but then it soon realized just what it was dealing with. Upon knowing that she was indeed one to acquire the power of the Ancients, Wepawet stepped forward to nuzzle her face.

Although it could not speak, its nonverbal actions, namely nuzzling, seemed to convey the message of friendship. Wepawet meant no harm and played lightly with the female jackal's form. Poking Anke a few times, Wepawet went back to nuzzling before its smokey ears flickered forward.

Someone else had arrived.

Tail poofing, as if spooked, Wepawet leap from the wall and zigzagged toward the other girl's location. Now before Irana, the tiny creature, barely 3-feet tall, nipped at her ankle. With a playful tug, Wepawet tried to coax her toward the wall while the other chosen one sat. Jumping up and down a few times and then spinning in circles only to point at the wall, the jackal hoped Irana would catch his drift.

Vaporizing into a cloud of smoke, Wepawet reappeared beside Anke. Head now looking at the ball of light in the sky, the smoke-jackal pawed the wall. The others needed to make haste before the dictator caught wind of what was transpiring at the outer wall. Although not as heavily guarded, the location of the sun signaled that a shift-change would be imminent in the ever-nearing future.

---------- Post added 06-04-2015 at 10:26 AM ----------

Blue light? Roy tried not to let his confusion play on his face, but it was truly useless for he really had no idea what 'bright blue light' he spoke of. Rather than inquiring, he followed behind Caden and took the bottle in his hands.

"It recommends two... but," he toyed with three. Ultimately, he put the third back and dry-swallowed the two, blue and red, fast-acting pills. "And dude, your layout is strange. I would have Tylenol in the bathroom, not the kitchen. Just like you keep toilet paper in the pantry! Who does that? It goes in the bathroom under the sink!" Laughing, Roy rested a hand on the counter to listen to his brother ramble on about something. Something about journey and needing to get out of town.

Brow cocked, he leaned forward. "So you're running away? How old are you again?" With a lackluster sigh, the raven grabbed an apple and sunk his teeth into it. It was far juicer than expected so Roy couldn't anticipate that he, the human, would be drooling like a dog.

"Meh mog, miff mis muicy." Hobbling to the sink, he rinsed his hand and apple. It was a typical Roy tactic, avoiding things that seemed crazy. Still, the idea that his brother wanted to leave--and head out of the city--made Roy question what happened. Did he too see the orange lights?

Orange lights! Duh, he saw orange lights and his bro saw blue lights. Clearly they were on the same mission.

No, that wasn't logical. Fate NEVER picked family to work the same mission. And, honestly, Roy wasn't even sure what he saw was real or a dream, something he wished had happened.

Either way, he polished off the apple and now sat on the sink's edge with his arms crossed over his chest. "Think you can escape me that easily, Aden? Psh, I've been watching your ass since forever. Really think I'm going to let you wander off without me? I promised mom, on her deathbed, that I would look after you. You're more than just a brother to me, you're my best friend, my pet, and my blinder half." He tossed the pet thing in just to tease the wolf-shifter.

"So yeah, if you want to journey, you're going to have to do it with me. I don't care if you're twenty-seven, you still need me, your babysitter."

The two brothers both went their separate ways to pack. Roy, not having much at his brother's house, seemed to be packing light. It wasn't a bad idea, though, for he was still unbelievable warm. There was literally no need to pack layers when you're constantly feeling like you're on fire.

Bag over his shoulder, he smirked over at Caden. "Okay, bro, where is that wolf-nose of yours taking us? And no funny business," he said while shaking his finger. "You know I don't like water so this blue-light nonsense better not involve a pool or something."

Euphonium Panda 06-05-2015 02:16 AM

When the jackal began to poke fun at her, Anke joined in for a little while until she heard the approach of another person. She sat back down and looked in the direction that it came from, watching the other jackal move towards the sound. After a little while, she figured the jackal was having some trouble, and shifted back into her human form. Her ears fell into long, light blonde hair over her slim shoulders. "It's saying that you're safe to come out, we won't hurt you." She called to the shadows, feeling like a small being was taking up the space. She didn't entirely understand what the feeling was, as she had never felt it before, but she figured it might have something to do with how she woke up. She subconsciously let her hand fall to the sword that was now fashioned around her waist, the one that had appeared from nowhere in the middle of the night.

She started to back into far end of the clearing as she waited for the reply of the newcomer. She was worried that she may have called attention to herself, and didn't want to disappoint the voices that had spoken to her earlier. A hint of distrust rolled over her thoughts at the idea, and she started to shift into the jackal again without control. Before she could recognize the shift, and calm herself down, she was sitting again with the shape she had just left. Great, now I've exposed myself to danger, and if it is an enemy it knows I have a weakness... She thought to herself, no longer able to speak in the form she had taken. The sword around her waist didn't shift with her clothes, but she hadn't noticed before when she was much more level headed. It lay half on the ground, with no way of not dragging should she decide to run.

ISOS Duke 06-09-2015 06:32 PM

Inara kept her hands on the light as she moved around it to watch the two beasts play. She tilted her head, a smile coming to her lips. One of the creatures was suddenly bounding up the wall, seemingly towards her. Nay, it was heading towards her. In just a few moments, the large creature was in front of her. Granted, if she were full size, the beast would have been much smaller, but to the 7 inch tall woman, the thing was HUGE.

The pixie quickly ducked behind the light again as it started jumping and spinning. It had also tugged at her, its jaws on the fabric of her clothing, that of course easily pulled the woman from her hiding spot. She tried to pull away from the creature, her wings fluttering though she went nowhere until it let her go.

Once the creature had let her go, she managed to fluttery away a few feet before turning around slowly. She looked back to where the creature was originally, where it had returned to. She had to do something there, she couldn't go off running away before she had even started. She stared at the two dark beasts, not so sure how safe they really were at this point, no matter how cute they had been when they were playing together.

The other jackal also seemed interested in the small woman, though it didn't bound after her like the first. Instead, the creature turned into a woman. She was tall and slender with beautiful, long blond hair that contrasted the color of the form she had just been in. Inara watched the girl in awe, a smile coming to her lips as the woman told her the other creature had meant no harm.

Inara glanced at the other jackal that still seemed just as happy and excited as before. Looking back to the girl, she was no longer in that form but that of a jackal again. The pixie quickly fluttered down, her small hands resting against either side of the woman's muzzle. "That was fantastic!" She said excited, her blue eyes looking directly into the woman's. "How did you do that?"

The excitement and kindness coming from the woman definitely contrasted her looks. She looked more like one of those goth or punk-rock kids, but her mannerisms weren't quite as dark as many were pegged for.

Euphonium Panda 06-09-2015 09:04 PM

Staring back at the little lady who now held her muzzle Anke had no chance to explain herself. She tried to calm her thoughts enough to shift back into her human form, but found it to be harder with a new person right in front of her. She hadn't realized she'd have to talk and meet new people when she had her vision, and was now second guessing her decision to follow it's instructions. She took a few short breaths through her nose before letting them deepen, her bristled fur smoothing out around her tail as she talked herself down internally. At this time her panda entered the clearing, sensing her distress and coming to calm her down. Just the sight of her most familiar form did wondered for her current state of panic and she was able to shift back into her human form. The fairy-like creature was now grabbing her cheeks, staring into the same eyes as before, the only things that stayed constant through her shifts. She looked down, trying to find the words that would explain why she was here, and how she could shift, without getting the jeers and hate that her father had given to her.

The words came out shaky as she started to speak. "I... um... I can change... my form. Into anything really... My mom was a shifter... I kinda inherited it..." She felt the threat of another shift happening, and had to calm herself down before she could continue. This time the rest of her sentences were calmer, and more steady than before. "I wasn't expecting there to be another person around. Are you a fairy? I've always heard of them, but I've never seen them." She said, hoping the small lady wouldn't take offense if it was a nymph or other such creature.

blueblackrose 06-10-2015 04:13 AM

“Yeah, yeah…” He gave his brother an annoyed look when he commenting on where the Tylenol was located. His eyes narrowed a bit when Roy asked about him running away and how old he was. Caden knew how it sounded, but still things really hadn’t been the same since their mother’s death. “I’m not running away. What’s wrong with wanting to see what else is out there? Not having to worry so much…”

Laughing the auburn haired male grinned at how ridiculous his twin looked after biting into an apple. And he claims I’m the animal around here. “Do you know how silly you look right now?”

For a moment the male wondered why he had even bothered asking or trying to explain things to Roy. It was all silly. Maybe it all had been nothing more than a silly dream. Caden flashed his twin a wolfie grin. “Oh I expect it to be a fun challenge actually. Haha, same goes for you Vinny. You might be eleven seconds older than me, but it doesn’t mean that you didn’t need me to watch your ass too.”

“I know you promised, but I don’t really need a baby sitter.” The banter continued after a short pause in which the auburn haired male rose from the chair he had been sitting in. It seemed the pet comment had somewhat struck a nerve with Caden. “I’m not your pet…and fine. It doesn’t matter what I say or do you’ll tag along anyway right?”

They both went about packing things. Like his brother Caden was also somewhat packing light. Though he did grab a few extra things that his brother was likely not to think about such as first aid supplies. Once finished he joined his twin. This was going to be…interesting.

“I won’t know until we get there.” He gave Roy a grin. Oh how tempted he was to lead his brother to a pool or something just because he mentioned it.

The pair set out into the night, both with their packs over their shoulder. Caden lead the way weaving about through the streets and alleys, avoiding the guards. At one point he stopped at a fountain and threw water at Roy, chuckling a bit.

Before long they were in sight of the wall. Near it were two jackals and another person. The one jackal shifted into a woman. Caden slowed his pace and watched. “Looks like we aren’t the only ones.” Giving a glance to Roy he continued to move forward until they were about 10 feet away. Quietly he listened. Yes, this was indeed going to be interesting.

ISOS Duke 06-10-2015 06:40 PM

Inara let the woman's cheeks go and flew in an excited circle upon hearing of her gift. "Oh, that's just amazing!" She said happily, before floating before the woman, allowing the two to maintain eye contact. When the woman asked if she was a fairy, she smiled, laughing softly as she shook her head. "Nope," she said as what looked like glitter seemed to fall from her tiny form in a dense shower.

Once the golden substance faded, leaving no trace of its existence, the blonde stood before the woman, no longer less than a foot in height, but now a few inches short of 5 feet tall. "A pixie, but fairies are still our close cousin," she said, a warm look in her eye. She then winked, placing a finger against her lips. "You best hope none of the others heard, not all of us are keen to our magical kin. I'm Inara, by the way," the pixie exclaimed, extending her hand out to the woman, her train of thought clearly as excitable as her fluttering personality.

Before the woman had a chance to reply, Inara was ducking around her. At her back, she picked up some of the long woman's locks, dropping them on her head. "Your hair is so wonderful," she said, running her fingers through the soft strands.

Not being one to creep herself out or at the very least embarrass herself over such things, slowly pulled away from the woman, letting her hair fall back to its original owner. As she did so, two more had approached. "Ooh, looks like we have company," she attempted to whisper in a hushed tone, though it wasn't all that quiet.

Xavirne 06-10-2015 07:53 PM

For the most part, Roy was silent. There was no need to talk, especially as they approached the outskirts. If they uttered a word before slipping past the cams, they might get caught and turned around. The security out in these parts was heavy but there were cracks and alleyways just outside the all seeing eye's scope, making it possible to get to wherever Caden was taking them.

Only a few times did Roy have to yank Caden back to keep the wolf-boy from getting caught. It was odd, too, for Roy wasn't the one with wolf senses, but he supposed his brother was just eager to get away. Not to mention, Roy had learned to be the cautious one, not for his sake, but for the sake of his brother, who's species was hunted.

As they neared the outer wall, Roy made note of the land's condition. It was overgrown with roots, decaying and dying, as if a dry-spell had forced them to shrink into nothing. The walls here were an off-white, likely from dust and the lack of life. There was also little shade, save for that which was cast by looming, crumbling buildings that were marked with hazard tape to keep people from entering.

Paying no attention, he walked right into Caden's back. As the air in his lungs escaped him, the raven laughed before stepping back. "Sorry, I was admiring the grunge. It's very... grungy."

Assuming they were at their destination--why else would he stop?--, the golden eyed human ducked around his brother to spy two women and one translucent jackal.

"Aden," he said in a semi-annoyed tone, "if you were planning to meet up with friends, you could have told me."

Completely ignoring anything the twin likely said, he marched forward and cockily introduced himself to Inara and Anke. "Aden here didn't tell me we were meeting friends. But anyway, as you probably know, I'm Roy." He would have stuck his hand out but he knew proper etiquette dictated waiting for the woman to make the invitation to shake. "So how did you three met?"

Hand on hip, he whirled his head around to look at Caden. "Uh, bro, why are you still standing over there. These are your friends, don't act so timid. You don't have to play it cool for me."

Meanwhile, the little jackal just signed, knowing full-well what Roy was getting himself into.

Euphonium Panda 06-11-2015 12:39 AM

Watching the pixie change her size Anke smiled, taking heed of her advice. "I know, I don't usually allow others to know, to be honest, I thought you were an animal at first. I wouldn't have said anything if I had known you held human characteristics." She admitted, glad that she was accepted by this new person. She hoped it was safe to be herself, but she couldn't be sure still. She was always cautious with new people, but this one had been so open she felt safe talking to her.

She screamed at the voice of the new arrival, looking in his direction as tears formed in her eyes. She was about to cry with all these new personalities around, having no idea what to do. Almost instantly she was an identical image of the man who stood before her. The tears were no streaming down her face, making the scene almost like that of the typical drama masks. "Why would you come up behind us like that! You terrified me!" She screamed, her voice cracking as it adjusted to the new vocal cords she was now dealing with. She had only shifted into another human a few times before, and she had never yet gotten used to the new voices. Before she could think much more she realized her clothes hadn't shifted, and she now bore the resemblance of the man, only in a dress and black shawl.

She started to laugh a little, thinking about what it must look like the to the others who saw this somewhat well shaped man wearing a dress of such delicate looks. She knew nothing would show, she could only shift into what she saw, but she still felt exposed that it landed so high up on her thighs. She clutched the new sword at her waist as her laughter subsided, somehow finding comfort in it as her terrified eyes expressed every feeling that went through her mind. She looked to the pixie, whom she felt was more trust worthy than this new arrival. "Do you know him? What does he mean by 'when did you three meet?'" She asked, her voice continuing to crack, becoming more solid as she adjusted.

blueblackrose 06-12-2015 04:23 AM

A light grunt came from Caden when Roy ran into his back. “Funny.” He rolled his eyes and sighed lightly.

The auburn haired male reached to grab his twin’s arm, but it was too late. “Vinny stop. I don’t know them.” Unable to stop his brother he took a few more steps forward. This wasn’t good. “Get back here.”

The Edreulven gave a low growl. Mostly out of frustration due to Roy. “Sometimes you’re an idiot.” He mumbled under his breath. Just as he was about to answer his brother’s question he found himself tilting his head in confusion. Was he having double vision now or did the woman without wings just turn into Roy?

After a moment he hung his head, pinching the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb before shaking his head. This was going to give him a head ache. It was bad enough having one Roy around without there being a second one. “Like I was trying to tell you Vinny, I don’t know these people.”

Taking a calming breath his azure gaze rose to look at the two Roys. Finally he noticed that the one was wearing the dress the woman had been wearing. Caden tried as hard as he could not to, but he couldn’t help it. The man started laughing. “Where is my camera when I need it? Vinny in a dress…priceless!”

Once his fit of laughter was over, a more serious expression formed on the male’s face. Why were these two women here as well? Had they seen the strange light and glowing symbols as well? He continued to stay where he stood, separate from the group.

Xavirne 06-12-2015 02:09 PM

Getting in over his head was something Roy really needed to work on avoiding. Not only did he have a girl screaming, half-scared to death, but his brother was annoyed and being extremely standoffish. Caden had always appeared to be the lone-wolf sorts, so that didn't bother the raven too much. What did chip away at his soul was the fact that he scared this poor, sweet, innocent girl.

Smile falling into a frown, his brows knit together as a sorrowful look washed into his flame-colored orbs.

"Miss," he began, "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just," he wanted to blame Caden but this was all his doing. It was time he own up to his mistake. "When we got here, I just assumed we were meeting a group. My bro," he gestured back to Caden, "wanted to... get some air. We happened to walk this way and... yeah."

Letting out a sigh, those sad eyes of his tried to rectify the damage done. Of course, his sorrow was fleeting for Roy was always quick on the rebound!

Upon seeing himself, a nearly spitting image of himself in a dress, he cocked back a grin. "Aden," his thumb went over his shoulder toward the copy-cat. "Will you get a load of this. I'm smoking hot. Bro, why haven't you told me I'm this hot?" His grin widened, going from ear to ear. "No wonder all the girls in school wanted to date me over you." He snorted. "I hate to admit it, but this was a landslid win in my favor."

Roy leaned closer into his clone and smirked, all of which was done in a very nonthreatening or personal-space-invading way. "Yup, I'm sexy as f--k." Hands now on his hips, he rolled his body back to take on one of those cliche superhero poses. "Someone needs to turn these good looks of mine into a statue. Wouldn't a statue of me look awesome?"

Even noticing the dress, he could still smile. "Please, you're just jealous I look this good in a dress. Can you imagine what I'd look like if I were in normal clothes." His hand balled into a fist before slamming down into an open palm. "Wait a minute," he exclaimed! "You already know. Just look at me. Perfection at its finest!" Gesturing to all of himself, it was safe to assume Roy was anything but humble.

"So anyway," he jumped off the self-esteem bandwagon he made for himself, and smiled at the crew. "Since you three don't know each other, introductions are in order, I suppose." He added that last comment in for he wasn't sure if these women where involved with the glowing light scenario for that morning or were totally unrelated. "I'm Roy Winters and this is my 11-seconds slower twin, Ade-, er Caden Winters."

Skipping backwards, he jabbed his fist loosely into the wolf-man's stomach before flashing the girls a smile. "Who might you lovely ladies be?" he questioned with a wink while muttering to Caden, "Don't be so shy, say hi."

ISOS Duke 06-12-2015 04:12 PM

Inara nodded slowly at what the woman was saying. The blonde had clearly been fortunate thus far, as far as she knew, no one in the town, save for this woman, knew that she wasn't human. Granted, most people didn't fear pixies, rather, they were sold as expensive pets due to their magic. She smiled at the woman and was about to say someone when a deep voice spoke up as a male approached them.

She quickly concealed her wings as the woman she was just talking to let out a scream before transforming again, though this time not into the jackal. Inara's blue eyes narrowed slightly as she watched the male, her caution level balancing on how the other woman reacted. The scream soon stopped though and the woman started talking again, this calmed the shorter woman and her gaze quickly softening, her eyes landing over at the other boy the first had made mention to.

Lifting a brow, Inara shrugged at the other's question. She had no idea what this guy was talking about either. The other male, Aden, as Inara assumed, started laughing at how there was a second Vinny? Well, there were two names down then. The two seemed light hearted and the other woman didn't seem so fearful of them so they were cleared in Inara's books.

The smaller woman cracked a smile as the one may, Vinny, started going on about how handsome he was. When he started to compare himself to the other male, whom was now being referred to as 'bro', the pixie decided to get involved. She began stroking her chin as she looked the male up and down before looking over at the shifted woman, doing the same thing before shaking her head.

"No, no," she said as she lifted a hand to gesture towards 'Vinny'. "Far too cocky," she stated matter-of-factly. "Too arrogant to be attractive enough to need a statue." She then wrapped her arms around the shifted woman. "Very cute," she said, a cheerful smile on her face as she spoke about the shapeshifter. She then looked at the other male, 'Aden', skipping over to him, she circled the male a few times, looking him up and down before stopping in front of the much taller male.

Inara then nodded before wrapping her arms around the male as well. "Very handsome," she said as she gave the male (Caden) a squeeze. Pulling away she gestured toward the red head like she had his brother saying, "Nice, not cocky." She then playfully stuck her tongue out at the male whom officially introduce himself as Roy Winters, then introducing his brother.

The short woman took a few steps back from the men to more evenly put her between them and the shifter woman. Taking the tattered looking hem of her black, white and grey layered skirt, she bent her knees, bowing her head in a formal matter to the individuals before her. "I am Inara ValHasteen," she replied in a more calm and formal manner.

blueblackrose 06-13-2015 04:53 AM

As expected Roy was soon going on one of his ego trips. Caden sank a bit when his brother called out to him. Placing his head into his hand he just shook it, wishing for this all to be over quickly. “Bro, enough already, we get it you think you’re hot.” The auburn haired male kept his head hung, not wanting to watch as his twin continued on, boosting his own self esteem.

“No, no a statue would not be awesome. You really need to get over yourself Vinny.” He let out an exasperated sigh. Cautiously he peeked up at Roy who was still going on about how sexy he was. “Dude, I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous?” The male cocked and eyebrow.

“Pft, you really are humble aren’t you Vinny?” At this point Caden was slowly inching his way backwards, really wishing he wasn’t here. Better yet wishing he could pretend he didn’t even know his brother. His backwards movement was soon halted by the actions of the other woman, the one who had appeared to have wings before.

She was comparing Roy and the woman who had shifted into the splitting image of Roy. The frown that the man had been wearing started to fade as Inara spoke. When she said that his twin was too arrogant he smirked slightly. He was starting to like this one. The smirk he had faded when she skipped over to him and circled him.

While the auburn haired male was being looked over he stiffened a bit. Looking down his azure eyes met with the shorter woman’s. Caden jumped slightly when she wrapped her arms around him. Shifting uncomfortably he knew there was no way she wouldn't notice the musty scent, one that would remind someone of the forest, that came from him. Even in human form he couldn't totally conceal the smell of wolf that clung to him. He wasn’t sure what to make of the pixie’s actions at first, but her words caused him to grin. Looking at his brother his grin widened. “See bro not all woman care about looks. They don’t like arrogance and cockiness.”

About this time Roy had also made his way over to him. The jab he took to the stomach was light, but wasn’t welcome. He gave his twin a short growl, showing him his fangs. “If someone wasn’t busy obsessing over themselves then I might be able to say hi.”

Straightening himself up the man looked back over at the two women. “Like my annoying 11-second older brother said, I am Caden Winters.” It seemed that the Ederulven had calmed himself further and was starting to warm up a bit. Still there was just that part of him that caused him to remain a bit standoffish. At least until they knew more about these two strangers and the jackal.

Euphonium Panda 06-15-2015 05:22 PM

Anke looked at the two men, trying to figure out whether they were all here for the same reason. The one who had initially scared her was obviously full of himself, but didn't seem to be mean or hostile, and the other seemed more apologetic than anything else at the moment. "Why are you here? All of you?" She asked, her voice getting drowned out by the pixie who was just as curious to their arrival as she was, only much more energetic.

Once things had calmed down a little more, Anke was finally able to change back into her natural form. She really hoped nothing more would happen to make her change again. She straightened out her dress, and continued to look at the boys and pixie, as her panda began to sniff at the one named Roy. When he jumped back to jab his brother, so did the panda before continuing his sniffing, switching between the three at random intervals.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, it's just that you came up out of no where really loudly and it startled me." She explained, happy to have her own voice back again without the cracking of Roy's voice. She let out a small laugh as she watched the three interacting with each other, and simply stayed in her own space to see what they would do. There was an almost animal feeling to the boys, but she couldn't figure it out without changing into an animal herself, and she refused to change now that she was herself again.

"I'm Anke by the way." She said, rubbing the new, almost invisible markings on her left arm. She figured she wasn't going to get away from these new people anytime soon, and it would be best not to seem like a danger to them. Why were they all here? Where was this Seran person? Why did she new have a sword that didn't even seem sharp enough to cut through butter?

She looked to the jackal, which had been sitting quietly observing them as they met. She didn't want to startle it, but she picked it up without warning and looked it straight in the eyes. "When I came here, this was the only thing in sight. Then Inara showed up, and then the two boys. So why is he here, and where is 'Seran' or whoever?" She kept the jackal held at eye level, not once blinking as she stared down the creature for answers that she knew it couldn't speak.

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