Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   End of Spring Fling - Maytime is the best time! (
-   -   *Hodge Podge* an avatar contest of many varieties (

DariaMorgendorfer 04-05-2012 04:11 AM

*Hodge Podge* an avatar contest of many varieties

An avatar contest hosted by Daria & Linnea

Welcome to the The Spring Fling's avatar contest!

The categories for this event's contest are as follows:
  • Spring Colors
  • MApril Fools
  • Art Couples/Group Costumes

Your Hosts:
Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. This will be my first ever avatar contest as a staff, so I'm super psyched and I can't wait to see some of my favorite spring colors in action! So strap on your avatar making gloves and let's get it on! :mrgreen:

Helpful hints from Linnea:
Please remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and things that are eye catching. Doing what everyone else is won't benefit you at all. Now, let's get colorful!
Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bringing sarcasm and humor to all its good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be very creative! Originality, CREATIVITY and humor goes a long way with me. I almost never am looking for avatars with 101 layers, but am looking for something fun and different ...If you make me Laugh out loud in real life, you probably have a winner... Above all else, have fun! NO whining!

DariaMorgendorfer 04-05-2012 04:11 AM

General Rules for All Contests
Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all we ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each contest, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory or the Dream Avatar Creator (DAC) to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket, tinypic, imgur or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission post up until your avatar is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea OR Daria (but not both!) if you want to change anything. You will NOT be able to edit an avatar once the contest has ended.
  • You may NOT submit the same avatar for any of the other contests. We really want you guys to treat these contests as different entities. If you do submit the same avatar to multiple contests, all entries following the first will be disqualified.
  • Entries must be submitted by the final hours before end of the event. YES, we reserve the right to announce the close of this contest when the event is on it's final hours, so NO WHINING!!!!.
  • Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Linnea 04-05-2012 04:16 AM

Spring Colors Contest
Bring on the Spring! For this color matching contest, I expect all entries in this category to contain ALL three of the following colors: orange, green, and yellow. And to make this a little bit easier, you have the option to also use only two of the following as an accent color: white, silver/gray or gold.

I am all for you using different shades of these colors
the darker shade of PEACH is acceptable as it's a lighter shade of orange, but the lighter shade is more off-white and thus not acceptable.
Teals/more blue greens and ivory/cream/orchid/and off-whites are unacceptable.
Any of the original skin tones are ok, but please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise :yes:

Spring Colors Contest
Avatar Image:


[size=3][color=orange][b]Spring Colors Contest[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Avatar Image:[/b]

fireprincess maidenroseheart GwenaHikari Kamikaze Kendra Seito EirianHikari Ascadellia Hatake Ayumi lunanuova shinigamikarasu neller Death_to_the_reaper Terrible D silverbeam Vickyll3 BellyButton KatMagenta Wrenji-chan Antagonist katyasha Delschatten`

DariaMorgendorfer 04-05-2012 04:20 AM

MApril Fools Contest

MApril Fools!

What you say, April Fools day is over? Yeah, I don't care. Here on Menewsha, MApril fools day jokes are being done in May? Why? Because we likes it that way, Muahahaha!

SOoooo, here's the low down on my contest this go round. I like a good joke, especially a trick. Sooo, for your avatar, you can be the jokester or the victim. In needs to be CREATIVE. What? CREATIVE? What's that mean? If I get 101 pies in the face...I'll be a sad Daria.

I also want a description of what your avatar is portraying. For example, here's a description for my avatar.

Daria was all dolled up for a night on the town, which for her meant getting a slice with her best friend Jane. Then out of no where, Peeblo showed up. Before Daria could run or take cover, BAM! Daria has a pie in the face. Peeblo stared at his masterful work and giggled. "That's what you get for helping that stupid cat Yumeh to shred my favorite joke box" cackled Peeblo, and he ran off before Daria could retaliate.

YES, I read these entries. And YES, you are judged both on your avatar AND on your entry description.

Sooo, No description, no entry.

You have a 5 sentence minimum. Don't make me define a sentence, I know you guys are smarter than that.

You can enter only once

MApril Fools Contest
Avatar Image:
Trickster, or Victim


[size=3][color=lime][b]MApril Fools Contest[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Avatar Image:[/b]
[b]Trickster or Victim[/b]
well... sometimes we get a little drunk in the country and we think its a good idea to light a bag of poop on fire and put it on someones doorstep. and sometimes... just sometimes... the prankster gets things a little wrong.... this was one of those times... i accidentally lite my hair on fire and lost the bag o poop somewhere. and now i need to stop drop and roll... hopefully i dont roll through the poop! XD
Entries Trickster:
She waited until all the lights went out in the house. The only thing she had was a few rolls of toilet paper and smiles as she tosses the first few rolls of toilet paper at the house and trees in the yard. Her teacher that lived there deserved it for giving her Saturday school the weekend she was supposed to go to a concert. When the upstairs light came on she threw one last roll at the house and ran down the street to her boyfriend's car. They sped off into the night in triumph.
They were vain, thought they were better than everyone else. One night, she put on her costume used to protect her identity, and went to their favorite hangout, the local outdoor mall. Waiting in the shadows, she grinned with an evil desire as she rubbed her balloon, Luney. Finally, they came by, klucking like chickens and playing with their lipgloss. She crept farther into the shadows until they'd past her. Suddenly she jumped out and touched each of them, giving the uppies the static shock of their lives. Jumping back into the shadows, she glowed with vengeful pride as they screamed and cried. "We did it, Luney," she cued to her balloon. She couldn't wait til the next night.....
Eiri was so bored, she could hardly stand it, but she got an idea! Knowing it was Mapril Fools........and remembering zthat Lance didn't like Santa Clause, Eiri when to work. She pulled all the Christmas stuff she could and dressed herself up. When Eiri saw Lance leave, she jumped out suddenly from behind a bush, In a very........Christmasy leap. Lance jumped back startled, then Eiri reveled herself, light heartedly apologizing for her little prank.
Vicky's friend thought it would be sooo! funny to trick her and get her a box with a live chicken instead of actual chicken! She checked her calender and noticed it was MApril fools day... She shock her head and laughed out loud....
Vicky's friends doesnt know that she is a secret serial chicken killer; and that they have made her day! Guess the real fools are clucked.
Look at this sweet, old woman. Everyone is in love with her amazing baked goods. Especially her pie! But, like everyone who grows old, this poor woman lost control of some of her body functions and tends to leave a toot with each step she makes. This subjects this poor old woman to teasing and jokes from those who enjoy her pies, all in good fun, of course. But one day, she decided she'd get those who tease her back. As she baked one of her delicious pies, the woman slipped an extra, secret ingredient into her pie, an ingredient she knew would give her a good laugh. When she finished this special pie, the old woman went into town and gave pie to her usual taste testers and shared an exceptionally delicious pie with them. After eating the pie, everyone chatted for a while. An hour later, the group turned into a chorus of tooting and pooting which was followed by a wave of laughter.
When the Mayor's away, the Kitsune will play!
It's MApril Fools, and Kin has gathered her tools!
Shovels and wrenches and buggies, oh my!
Watch out dear Menes for your cars and trucks, cuz when they *ehem* "break down" that really sucks!
Who knew this little girl knew a spark plug from a pearl?
Recipe to summon your very own trickster demon
You will need:
A natural stony clearing in the dark LULZ wood
Silly String
Glow in the dark paint
Blood of a rubber chicken
Food Items (favorites provided in method)
Coins or other shiny items
First, find your self a natural stony clearing in the dark LULZ wood. zIt must be a LULZ wood to work, The ROFL or ROFLMAO will not work. zWhen you've found your clearing "bless" the area with silly string saying "TEH POWER OF DERP COMPLES U!" thirteen times, or until the silly string is gone. zWhen your done the Trickers blessing you'll have it's attention. z
Second, you'll need to bring it to it's full corporeal state. To do this you'll need to paint ancient dirty jokes in it's demonic language. zOn the outer ring paint the name (or names) of the people you want to see pranked by the demon. zIn the middle write what prank you'd like to pull. zWhen you've done this you must sacrifice a rubber chicken while reciting "kcuFsekiLkcuPkcuBehT" Backwards. (or other dirty lyric) z z
Lastly, once you've successfully summoned your demon, be sure to tip it generously. zFeed it before you talk to it, if you forget this step it will disappear uninterested. zThey favor candy, pickles, booze, and butterflies (more brightly coloured the better). zAlso gold coins can help to distract it long enough to keep from playing it's tricks on you if it didn't like the meal you provided. zThis is not because it values currency. zBut because it loves shiny things.z
WARNING! An unpassified or angered trickster demon can be volatile to say the least. zRanging from minor stalking and thieving behaviors (I thought I put my keys in my purse...what was that?) to more malevolent kind (leaving dead things around your yard, tripping people, pushing off tall heights)
Also, don't wear anything shiny while summoning. zIt will become enamored with you and play mean tricks on any future suitors or beloveds. zIf your eyes are green cover them with a blindfold. zThey're highly attracted to that colour.

Entries Victim:
So My first sleepover was going great! Me and some of the guys from school, chilling, playing video games, eating junk food.... that was until I fell asleep. I awoke to a wet hand and an even wetter pair of boxers. "You guys are so dead!" I screamed a battle cry launching into an epic pillow fight. We will see who gets the last laugh.
Spicy food is the greatest! The hotter the better. After years of subjecting my friends to my special extra hot Vindaloo or my 'nuclear' chicken wings they decided to get their own back. Knowing I wouldn't be able to resist, they challenged me to eat a whole chilli pepper. Ha, I eat chilli for breakfast- well, cereal doesn't have the same kick without some chilli flakes. However, they didn't tell me this particular pepper was a Naga chilli. Up to 100 times hotter than a jalapeño! Anyone got any milk?
Kamikaze Kendra
Kendra was getting all dolled up for a fancy ball when she noticed that something awful was happening... she was breaking out on the lower half of her face! All panicked and ready to cancel her outing, her roommate Jen had a helpful solution and ran to retrieve an unlabeled bottle from the medicine cabinet. Claiming that it was some kind of miracle cure for zits that she'd seen on an infomercial, she helped Kendra slather her problem area with the liquid in the bottle. Five minutes of itchy annoyance later, Kendra sauntered over to the mirror to see if the solution had done anything yet... and it most certainly had. Her acne might have been gone, but it was hard to tell thanks to the massive brown beard that was currently covering it! Needless to say, her plans were cancelled.
Gwena stood in her kitchen doing one of her most favorite things, baking. She just about finished mixing the filling for her last pie, when Yumeh runs into the kitchen. Yumeh smiling mischievously tears through Gwena's kitchen, climbing on top of her counter and sending her pies flying! Gwena tries to catch them but fails, herself and her kitchen now covered in pie, Yumeh triumphantly scurries off with one of the cakes she made earlier. Gwena's sister Eirian laughs from the living room, having been the one who let Yumeh in, "that's what you get for not letting me have a taste".
Knerd was so excited to be invited to prom! She wasn't very popular in school, so this was a dream come true. She even won Prom Queen! But just as she walked on stage and received her crown, those darn mean girls from gym class turned a bucket over her head and Knerd was drenched. She started to panic, but just happened to lick her lips and realized - Hey, it's only jam! Thank goodness, who could be angry over something so sweet? Knerd smiled to herself and left prom with both a crown and a snack.
"What a nice relaxing day for once." Tsinogatna thought as he rinsed himself in a cool lake in a remote mountain area. Things had been hectic when a community website of dancing cats with toast on their heads he had made out of boredom had raised an expected amount of attention. The journalists and fans simply wouldn't leave him alone! Just because the website was suddenly worth millions in stock (for some reason, he still didn't understand how), he had been stalked up and down whenever and wherever he went out. Then a friend, who had gotten wind of things, had invited him over to stay at a private luxury resort that his parents owned. And now, he could finally enjoy a few days of peace and quiet.

Half an hour of soaking later, he decided it was about time to get up and out of the water. Reaching over to his side, he grabbed his towel and stood up, intending to find his clothes that he had left somewhere near a tree. Suddenly, flashes of light exploded in front of his eyes, temporarily blinding him with their brightness. "What the...?!" He yelled.

"Kyaaaa!! Tsinogi-samaaaaa!!!!" "Mr. Tsinogatna, what is your opinion on the recent rising of animal-awareness....?" "Mister Tsinogatna..." "Kyaaaa!!" "Mr..."

"Oh for the love of...Can't a man get a little privacy here?!!! (ノ‵ 口′)ノ~┴─┴ "
Zip Van Pinkle was taking a walk through his favorite woods one lovely May evening, walking stick in hand and a spring in his step. Suddenly, to his surprise, he saw dancing lights in the distance. 'Huh.... what could those be?!' He thought, as he climbed through the bracken and briars. In and in he went following the lights, but they never appeared any closer. He found himself entangled in a particularly large pricker bush. By the time he fought his way through, pulling leaves from his glossy hair, he stumbled into a clearing...
...And stepped straight into a faery toadstool circle. He heard a distinct giggle before everything went black.
When Zip came too, he felt distinctly more....creaky. He pushed himself off the ground, and slowly stood up. His knees knocked, he felt a tooth or two missing, and he felt quite the breeze on his head. And while he raised his hands to investigate his newly bald pate, he got tangled up in a luxurious beard. "Awwww nuts," he weezed, and used his former walking stick as a cane too hobble out.

A few hours later, Zip re-entered the woods, grumbling and looking once again for the mushroom circle. The last words a passer-by claimed he heard Zip say was something about 'not even having music videos any more on MTV'.
“The mangy cat!” shrieked Seito.
Today had been so perfect. She, a proud Peeblo fangirl, had found the ultimate treasure a Peeblo box! They were insanely rare and any Peeblo fan worth their salt had at least one. It had been just sitting there alongside the road. Greedily she had snatched it up and ran off. There were stories how each box contained a different Peeblo item including the ever rare Peeblo plushie to the more common Mischief Maker outfit.
Only when she opened the box a Yumeh doll jumped out of it and started to scratch her! On her face! Seito gashed her teeth and threw the doll against the wall by its tail. She knew exactly who was behind this. Oh this meant war! Those Yumeh fans won’t even know what hit them!
Asca was enjoying a nice day out by the tree, watching the clouds go by with her loyal companion when all of a sudden, she was bombarded with waterballoons!! Soaked, she jumped up to try and shake some water off of herself. She was surprised at another one hitting her. It wasn't over yet?? Apparently, her other friends thought it was the perfect day to 'cool off'. Her companion was Not pleased and tried to defend her, but, what she didn't expect was for the balloon to go Over her friend. While this little prank was a nice way to cool off, she'd wished she wasn't pummeled while almost taking a nap!!

Linnea 04-05-2012 04:22 AM

Art Couples/Group Contest

So for this contest we are changing it up a little bit and we are going all artsy on you. DUN DUN DUUUUN!
As you can see from above, this is a group or couples contest but the catch it that you have to draw inspiration from famous works of art... which also have couples or groups in them.
To be specific on what qualifies as famous works of art, think old school painters and things you'd find hanging on an art museum wall.
Here are a few examples:





If there is any question about what might qualify as art for this contest or anything else, don't hesitate to ask!

You can only enter in one group/couple

Please no mules

Art Couples/Group Contest
Entry Images:
Reference picture:


[size=4][color=gold][b]Art Couples/Group Contest[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Entry Images:[/b]
[b]Reference picture:[/b]


Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: Cardinal Biggles & Woodlandnymph
Entry Images:
Reference picture:


The story of Echo, the nymph who fell in love with a Narcissus is a sad one. She fell in love with him upon first sight, and he, well, just loved himself. So she faded away, until just her voice could be heard. He just withered away and stared at himself in a puddle. **Painting done by the ever so talented John William Waterhouse**


Originally Posted by BellyButton (Post 1770771591)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: Ferra & BellyButton
Entry Images:

Reference picture: Nymphs Finding the Head of Orpheus, by John William Waterhouse



Originally Posted by Seito (Post 1770771989)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: Seito and Ikuto Akihiko Hasegawa
Entry Images:
Reference picture:
Prometheus Bound
by Christian Griepenkerl
Oil on canvas ceiling painting



Originally Posted by blueblackrose (Post 1770772427)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: Kamikaze Kendra and blueblackrose
Entry Images:
Reference picture: Woman with a Head of Roses by Salvador Dali
Oil on wood



Originally Posted by Ascadellia (Post 1770777889)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames:Ascadellia and Kilia
Entry Images:
Reference picture:The Singing Butler, By Jack Vettriano



Originally Posted by GwenaHikari (Post 1770781997)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames:EirianHikari and GwenaHikari
Entry Images:
Reference picture: Les Fleurs d'Automne by Marie Francois Firmin-Girard.



Originally Posted by Vickyll3 (Post 1770782167)
Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: Rozalyne & Vickyll3
Entry Images:
Farmer and Wife
Reference picture:



Art Couples/Group Contest
Usernames: ObviouslyAya: (as Adam) , fireprincess (as Eve), Maria-Minamino: (as the snake)
Entry Images:
Reference picture:



Adam And Eveis A Work Of The Famous Artist, Cranach D. Ä. Lucas. Drawn around 1526 Using Oil On Wood Technique and is located now at Courtauld Institute Galleries .

DariaMorgendorfer 04-05-2012 04:32 AM


Linnea 04-05-2012 04:34 AM


hummy 05-19-2012 06:35 PM

i just love the avatar contests!

good luck, everyone!!!!!

DariaMorgendorfer 05-19-2012 06:46 PM

Woot! This should be fun!

Cora 05-19-2012 06:59 PM

oooooh oooooohh Must find avi partner! *scurries off*

Liztress 05-19-2012 08:04 PM

Oh, I have a good idea for the MApril Fool's contest. *rubs hands together*

DariaMorgendorfer 05-19-2012 08:08 PM

Hurray! *Does the happy dance*

fireprincess 05-19-2012 08:14 PM

I can't wait to enter these!!!! :D

---------- Post added 05-19-2012 at 05:27 PM ----------

So, I guess I'll be the first to enter :)

Spring Colors Contest
Username: fireprincess
Avatar Image:

I have this picture saved to a couple devices just in case tinypic deletes it :yes:

Kamikaze Kendra 05-19-2012 09:59 PM

I love you guys' avi contests so freaking much.

Spring Colors Contest
Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Avatar Image:

I'll be working on the others later. :D

Death_to_the_reaper 05-19-2012 10:42 PM

MApril Fools Contest
Username: Death_to_the_reaper
Avatar Image:
Trickster or Victim: Trickster
Description: She waited until all the lights went out in the house. The only thing she had was a few rolls of toilet paper and smiles as she tosses the first few rolls of toilet paper at the house and trees in the yard. Her teacher that lived there deserved it for giving her Saturday school the weekend she was supposed to go to a concert. When the upstairs light came on she threw one last roll at the house and ran down the street to her boyfriend's car. They sped off into the night in triumph.

Spring Colors Contest
Username: Death_the_reaper
Avatar Image:

Linnea: My second avatar has been fixed.

Superstition 05-20-2012 03:02 AM

Hope I'm doing this right.....

MApril Fools Contest
Username: superstition
Avatar Image:
Trickster or Victim Trickster
Description They were vain, thought they were better than everyone else. One night, she put on her costume used to protect her identity, and went to their favorite hangout, the local outdoor mall. Waiting in the shadows, she grinned with an evil desire as she rubbed her balloon, Luney. Finally, they came by, klucking like chickens and playing with their lipgloss. She crept farther into the shadows until they'd past her. Suddenly she jumped out and touched each of them, giving the uppies the static shock of their lives. Jumping back into the shadows, she glowed with vengeful pride as they screamed and cried. "We did it, Luney," she cued to her balloon. She couldn't wait til the next night.....

Linnea 05-20-2012 03:40 AM

i feel like a total avatar nazi, but here goes D:

so first off, the brave first entry! ;) fireprincess: your entry, although lovely, has some blue and teal colors in the hair so i cannot accept it right now, sorry :( please fix it and re-enter though!

Originally Posted by fireprincess (Post 1770726539)
I can't wait to enter these!!!! :D

---------- Post added 05-19-2012 at 05:27 PM ----------

So, I guess I'll be the first to enter :)

Spring Colors Contest
Username: fireprincess
Avatar Image:

I have this picture saved to a couple devices just in case tinypic deletes it :yes:

Kamikaze Kendra: i appreciate your enthusiasm and your avatar style :yes:, so i hope you reenter your avatar because i cannot accept it as it is now because black is not a color accepted *points at the sunglasses* :/

Originally Posted by Kamikaze Kendra (Post 1770727356)
I love you guys' avi contests so freaking much.

Spring Colors Contest
Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Avatar Image:

I'll be working on the others later. :D

Death_to_the_reaper: another lovely avi i cannot accept because there is blue/tealish (water/sky) in the background and at your feet D: your avatar is acceptable but for the background/floor

Originally Posted by Death_to_the_reaper (Post 1770727711)

Spring Colors Contest
Username: Death_the_reaper
Avatar Image:

fireprincess 05-20-2012 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1770730172)
i feel like a total avatar nazi, but here goes D:

so first off, the brave first entry! ;) fireprincess: your entry, although lovely, has some blue and teal colors in the hair so i cannot accept it right now, sorry :( please fix it and re-enter though!

Kamikaze Kendra: i appreciate your enthusiasm and your avatar style :yes:, so i hope you reenter your avatar because i cannot accept it as it is now because black is not a color accepted *points at the sunglasses* :/

Death_to_the_reaper: another lovely avi i cannot accept because there is blue/tealish (water/sky) in the background and at your feet D: your avatar is acceptable but for the background/floor

Aw your not a nazi :hug:
I was afraid it might be considered teal. I was hoping it was maybe an emerald or jade color :lol:

I'm going to fix it now, but before I do, is there anything else you see that needs changing?

jellysundae 05-20-2012 03:46 AM

I'm tempted by the colour challenge for the spring avatar, but...lazy :ninja:

fireprincess 05-20-2012 03:47 AM

Jelly: DO EEEET!!!!! :eager:
Its fun! :boogie:

Linnea 05-20-2012 03:48 AM

@fireprincess: nope, everything else looks a-ok!

@jelly: do eeet!

fireprincess 05-20-2012 03:49 AM

Awesome! *goes to fix* :eager:

Linnea 05-20-2012 03:53 AM

awesome indeed!

fireprincess 05-20-2012 04:08 AM

Ok, so before I re-submit it, what do you think of the hair? Yay? Ney? would another style look better?

Linnea 05-20-2012 04:09 AM

it's a pass! :D go for it!

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