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Duchess 07-21-2008 09:57 AM

~... At The Bottom Of The Garden ...~ with Duchess & Sakura.

Welcome mortal.
Thou art now in the presence of the beautiful salty sea dog, Sakura and the always confuzzled Duchess.
Betwixt the pair 'o us, thou shalt have access and entry to the Fairy Visuals contest of photography.
Continue thy vision downwards and the details shall be revealed!
If Queen Titania is well pleased with thy work, you shalt be rewarded handsomely.

At the bottom of garden stands a tall, majestic oak tree, it is as old as the world itself. The winds stirs and its leaves rustle in the golden afternoon sun. The tree is a reminder of when you were young, of the days when you would play underneath the cool shade of the tree. Of the days when you would go looking for toadstool rings, looking for fairies. But you know now, fairies aren't real, simply make-believe.
Suddenly, a small glint of movement catches your eye, but when you blink and look closer, it is gone. A thought occurs to you, but it couldn't possibly be... could it? All those days searching for one as a child, and now it has come without any expense from your part. Perhaps it was just a dazzling ray of sunlight, reflecting off raindrops... but, no, you are sure now, it was not a trick of the light, it was definitely...
A Fairy.

Sakura 07-21-2008 10:12 AM

Fairy Visuals
Fairies are often recognizable as small creatures with wings that acquire magical powers. In this photography competition participants will have to capture a fairy on film, with a catch! The fairy will have to be homemade, created only by the participant, no-one else!

post 1; introduction
post 2; navigation -- you're here
post 3; law of the fairy kingdom -- rules
post 4; spell of reward -- prizes
post 5; ye olde snazzy entry forme -- entry form
post 6; captured by mortals -- entries
post 7; titania's chosen ones -- winners

Duchess 07-21-2008 10:17 AM

Law of the Fairy Kingdom
Oh ye who dare venture in here, have fear, for here doth lie the Law of the Fairy Kingdom.
If thou does not abide by them, thou shalt be hanged, cut down whilst still alive, disembowelled, so that thou canst looketh upon thy innards as they art combusted beforeth thy eyes. Then, thoust "goods" shalt be cut off and finally, thou shalt be decapitated and quartered... simply for the pleasure that Duchess gets from watching it all. 8D
But you probably won't have to worry about that, since no rules will be broken, right??

+ Follow Menewsha's Rules and TOS
+ Respect everyone's entries
+ Only one entry per person

+ Use the entry form, you will not be considered if it is not used
+ The fairy must be completely made by ONESELF i.e.. you only
+ Absolutely NO page stretching whatsoever D<
+ Entries must be submitted by the 27th at 11:59pm CST.
All entries after this time will not be accepted

Like I said earlier.. if thou doth decide to not abide by the Law, thou shalt be dealt with severely.

Sakura 07-21-2008 10:20 AM

Spell of Reward
The competiton will have three prizes, first, second and third place.

1st prize; Orchid Faerie Wings
2nd prize; Halloween Set
3rd prize; Easter Lmt. Items (Ducky & Lamb)

Duchess 07-21-2008 10:32 AM

Ye Olde Snazzy Entry Forme

[SIZE="1"][color="#6495ED"][b]W[/b][/color][color="#696969"]ith this scroll, I pledge that I will take part in the Order in which The Queen Of Fairies, Titania has laid upon us all.[/color]

[color="#6495ED"]Username: [/color][color="#696969"]((post here))[/color]
[color="#6495ED"]Name of Fairy: [/color][color="#696969"]((post here - optional))[/color]
[color="#6495ED"]Link to Photo: [/color][color="#696969"]((post here))[/color]
[color="#6495ED"]Materials Used: [/color][color="#696969"]((post here))[/color]
[color="#6495ED"]Comments:[/color] [color="#696969"]((post here - optional))[/color][/SIZE]

With this scroll, I pledge that I will take part in the Order in which The Queen Of Fairies, Titania has laid upon us all.

Username: Duchess
Name of Fairy: Nightdew
Link to Photo: Here
Materials Used: Pipe cleaners, cellophane, wool, string, dried grass, cotton
Comments: Nightdew took ages to design and make, I hope you like her. She's sitting on a rose in my garden. :3
She normally comes out at night time but came out especially for this photo. She adores Queen Titania.

Sakura 07-21-2008 10:35 AM

Captured By Mortals
Entrants into the competition shall be listed here, and the images of fairies they have created will be displayed.

1. Sanctuary Tabitha
entry post

2. Sun Amylase
entry post

3. OnyxSaphire Ella
entry post

4. nvs Oria 2
entry post

5. Whitegale Delphinium
entry post

Duchess 07-21-2008 10:43 AM

Titania's Chosen Ones
Thou who hath been deemed worthy of rewards from Titania shalt reside upon this ground.

kitkat 07-24-2008 07:58 PM

Hmm interesting contest! x3

I might be able to enter if i have any art supplies! (which is unlikely D:)

Sakura 07-24-2008 08:22 PM

Aww! I hope you do kitkat, it's a fun thing to do~

IndiGlo 07-24-2008 08:26 PM

It does sound like fun....hmm, I doo have some sculpy left over.
^ ^

kitkat 07-24-2008 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sakura (Post 3621189)
Aww! I hope you do kitkat, it's a fun thing to do~

Maybe if you guarantee me that easter set *winkwinknudgenudge* xD kidding.

Kongouseki 07-24-2008 08:30 PM

i would try to make a little plushie, but no promises.
good luck to those who do enter thought ^^

Sakura 07-24-2008 08:39 PM

@IndiGlo; *0*! Sculpey! It's so wonderful~

@kitkat; You cheeky little *punches you lightly* If you enter, you have a chance to win it!

@kongouseki; That's cute~ I envy people who can make things, i'm so bad at it myself XD;;

Kongouseki 07-24-2008 09:33 PM

they're not grand looking, but little things like shapes and such and small little hand sized puppets

IndiGlo 07-24-2008 09:47 PM

Isn't it though. I just recently got into the stuff but am completely enamored.
Hmm, I hope it's ok if the fairy is kinda creepy looking. Because so far mine has a sort of emaciated look going on xD

clock 07-24-2008 11:21 PM

This is awesome, I wanna try. ;0 I will have to go digging around and see what I can find.

Lilith W 07-25-2008 02:50 AM

Hopefully I get around to making a fairy. This looks like a lot of fun.

Sanctuary 07-25-2008 04:05 AM

With this scroll, I pledge that I will take part in the Order in which The Queen Of Fairies, Titania has laid upon us all.

Username: Sanctuary
Name of Fairy: Tabitha
Link to Photo:
Materials Used: Modeling clay @.@
Comments: This was a lot of work. The clay itself has to be softened before it is usable or it cracks . . . and then working on the small details was even harder than I expected. Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy with it overall.

I know she isn't a traditional fairy, but I wanted her to be maternal and warm. I've always loved the idea of earth-toned fairies ^^

I hope everyone else enjoys her and her baby too ~<3

Duchess 07-25-2008 06:45 AM

Hello everyone, sorry I couldn't get here earlier.
Silly time zones >o<;

@ Sanctuary
Thank-you for entering n.n
The baby idea is really cute :3

@ Kongouseki
A plushie? How adorable!~ * u*

@ IndiGlo
Creepy is good too : D

Sanctuary 07-25-2008 06:58 AM

Thank you ^^

Sakura 07-25-2008 08:22 AM

Haha, agreed, time zones are awful. But thank you for entering, Sanctuary, I'll go put you up in just a second *toddles off*

Duchess 07-25-2008 08:38 AM

Hello salty sea dog.

Doesn't the intro story suck xDD
AHAHA.. sorry!

Sakura 07-25-2008 08:56 AM

I liked it, you're just paranoid, Duchuuuuu~

`Kitami 07-25-2008 10:39 AM

I liked the intro. :ninja:

I liked the description of what you will do to people who don't follow the rules, too. @w@;;

-still wants to enter, but is still not sure if she will have time Dx-

I've noticed that everyone is using art supplies. What if you don't use art supplies and just use things out of nature (grass, flowers, twigs. etc.) will it still be accepted? o:

Duchess 07-25-2008 10:52 AM

Thank-you Kitami n.n
And of course it will be accepted. 8D
I didn't even think of using craft materials while making the thread xDD.
I was like.. sticks.. and leaves.. and string..
Silly me x_X
I can't wait to see your "made from nature" fairy. (if you decide to make one) x]

@ Sakura
Yes, I do admit, I am paranoid D;

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