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Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 03:01 AM

❥{[//Ouran's masked ball//]}--{[Open~! Come princesses and princes!]}♚

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time, here, at the elite private school, Ouran academy. The Ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies and men, who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful. Here we shall cater to your every desire and make you feel like a princess or prince. May your day at the host club be filled with joy and excitement."

"Welcome to our masked ball~. "

This thread is based on and influence by this roleplaying hangout. All characters (cannon and original) can be seen here. You do not have to have a character to chat here. Just keep in mind that some of us are playing roles of other characters, and not ourselves.

We do have spots still open in the roleplay hangout, if you wish to join. Just follow the link and sign up. Cannon characters that are still needed can also be seen at the link. Please do enjoy us in our fun in Ouran high school's host club~.



Walking into a pink building, you began to wander aimlessly. It was dark, making it hard to see. Walking more into the poorly lit halls, you fell a pull towards a room. Walking to a door, a sign above it reading 'Third Music Room', you pause. Lightly putting your hand on the cool metal of the door handle, you feel an odd, curious emotion.

Confused and curious, you pull the door open. On the other side you are greeted with a group of men. All dressed up with masks. They smile kindly to you, all speaking at once, in perfect harmony;

Blinking, you watch as rose petals fall from the roof. Did they have a leak, of roses? Even more confused, you are then asked some questions from one of the black haired men, he had glasses on.
"Prince(ss), what type of host would you like today, for our lovely ball? We have many so we can assure you we will make you happy.", he spoke, while the others smiled beckoning you more into the room.
Walking more into the room, you took this chance to look around. As you do so, you feel your mouth wanting to drop. How big was this room?! It looked of the size of a ball room! Everything was decorated with Victorian and Halloween decorations. Making the room feel like a scene for a dark romance. Even the music lightly playing matched the mood.
Turning, you are handed a mask by one of the men. He also had black hair, but was much taller and did not speak. While the short blond next to him did;
"Please where this mask. Our theme for this ball is a masquerade.", he hummed sweetly, making you want to 'awe'.

"Watching him skip off with the tall one, you are spoken to once again. This time by a tall blond, behind him being two twins, a brown haired male and a long red haired male. Each smiling widely;
"Prince(ss), have you chosen who you would like to acompany you?".



"Now before you go and enjoy our ball, please bear these guidelines in mind;

I. Obey and follow all rules and Terms of Service of Menewsha.
II. If a host is busy and, or not online, do not worry and just move onto the next host.
III. You do not have to post in a third person fashion, you can if you want, but it is not a given here. We do highly recommended it, however.
IV. If it is needed, more guidelines may be added. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask.



Some events we have planed for the ball. There may be contests, games, prizes and other fun things to enjoy. So please take a look;

Page prizes:
Sixth poster on page five will get anything at the event shop under ten candies. ☜ Won by; Moon Rose
Third poster on page fifth-teen will get one-hundred gold given by the lovely Afanassii. ☜ Won by; momochan
Tenth poster on page twenty-five will get anything at the event shop under twenty candies.



hummy 11-03-2011 04:54 AM

your threads are always so beautiful.

Sora 11-03-2011 04:55 AM

Oooh ~ ! An Ouran thread! :eager: Hello!

ShadowDemon101 11-03-2011 04:57 AM

Oh my an Ouran Thread? NO ONE PINCH ME! :heart:

I can't wait to meet the hosts! Perhaps I could get to meet with Mori~ <////3

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 05:14 AM

Smiling at the guests, Tamaki waltz his way to them. Sparkles seeming to float around him.

"Hello beautiful princesses! I am so glad to have you all here. Sadly, it seems I am the only one here at the moment, but I will do my best to please you all~. ♡", making gestures with his arms, Tamaki continued, "We have plenty of drinks and snacks. So why don't you lovely princess sit down and I will serve you?".


{( "Thank you, I take great pride to your complement, miss.", Hatter smiled, tipping his hat in thanks. )}

Shadow Demon;

{( "I am most sorry, we do not have a Mori at the moment. All we have is Tamaki (which is me) and a original character host, who is Afanassii. Hopefully we might get one before the event ends.", Hatter smiled. )}


{("Oh, it seems one of our hosts is online. Or so says the brick under his avatar. If it is true or not, please look forward to him popping up.", Hatter spoke up, a small smile on his lips. Not that any could tell with his mask.)}

Afanassii 11-03-2011 05:37 AM

"Bosss...." A tall, slender and beautiful man leaned up against the Host Club's Prince, dragging out the 's' of his word and making his Russian accent quite obvious. "I hope you do not plan on keeping all these lovely ladies to yourself?" He grinned at his elder and then looked to the girls, winking at hummy playfully.

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 05:42 AM

"I would of like to do so, yes, but with you here I sense it would be very hard to do so...", Tamaki spoke, eying the long haired male. Looking back to the miss's, Tamaki smiled charmingly.

"It seems one of our host have came back. Please be sure to avoid him, he is a lustful fiend that feeds on beautiful women like you.", the king spoke, soon eying Afanassii again. He admire the male's host skills, but he was still wary of him. Epically with his lovely daughter, Haruhi!!

Suddenly on his knees, the blond gave a sob;

"Haruhi!!! Where are you?! Daddy needs you!", he cried, melodramatically. All matters from before away from his mind, only Haruhi on the few-celled organ.

Afanassii 11-03-2011 07:34 AM

Nassii raised an eyebrow at Tamaki's display and clicked his tongue in distaste. In actuality, the Russian boy was one of the few members of the Host Club who had no interests in Haruhi other than frienship. No matter, really, as he hadn't the slightest clue why his elder was acting so distrustful, he chalked it up to the Princely type coming to defend the virtue of the ladies from the presence of a Rake.

He motioned for a waiter to bring him a tray and grabbed a fine flute of some bubbling liquid. Regardless of the fact that they were old enough to drink in Japan, it was after all a school event and he had to be on his best behavior. That wasn't about to stop him from pretending he was giving in to a fit of hedonism, though.
"Come, come, Boss.... Lighten up and have a drink." He passed an extra crystal wine glass his sempai's way...

GangsterGlam 11-03-2011 07:37 AM

...I hate to just butt myself in here, but I had to compliment you on the lovely set up for this thread. It's very aesthetically pleasing, and I'm a sucker for a nice layout. <3

Afanassii 11-03-2011 08:00 AM

The Russian turned to regard the newcomer with a smile. "Why, thank you, Miss. I'm afraid I cannot take any credit for it though..." He raised his hands helplessly in the air before another Host stepped up; this one with short dark hair and glasses. "It's true... all of the planning for this year's Halloween festivities were a product of our President's plans. He really is quite talented."

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 01:16 PM

Nodding his head, Tamaki gathered himself up. Taking the glass as he sipped at the nonalcoholic drink. Until he spotted the new miss. Grinning, Tamaki placed his drink down and walked his way to the new guest.

"Hello! And thank you very much! With Halloween here and gone, but very much floating around, I could not let the chance to go to let us have an event.Though Afanassi and Kyoya helped with coming up with idea (Afanssii actually being the one to suggest a event overall.).", Tamaki spoke.

"..Epically since it means I can spend this dark, romantic holiday with you, princess.", he smiled, working his charm. Sparkles all around him as he showed his pearly whites.

Afanassii 11-03-2011 05:44 PM

Afanassii rolled his eyes at Tamaki's antics. "Mush..." He said, turning away. Although in reality he was being a bit of a hypocrite, as he would be just as prone to launch into romantic illiterations if a 'princess' looked his way.

Kasumi Ocada 11-03-2011 07:28 PM

A slew of giggling fangirls surrounded Ouran's newest female transfer student as they made their ways to to masked ball. But Chaznia stood out like a sore thumb. She was tall and heavy, dwarfing the Japanese teenagers she walked with by at least 10 inches.

Her appearance didn't make her all that self-conscious, though, not today, at least. She was wearing a long green gown in the style popular in the 18th century. Her red hair piled high, with ringlet curls spilling down her back. It didn't matter that she was a big Russian-American girl in the middle of a gathering of, mostly, tiny and lovely Asians. She felt more beautiful and graceful than Marie Antionette herself as she raised a rod holding a delicately embroidered mask to her face and scanned the crowd for her favorite host: its Prince, Tamaki.

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 08:20 PM

Hearing Afanassii's comment, Tamaki huffed. He was just jealous! Yes, that had to be it! The male thought to himself, not going to let his pride to be hit by the red haired male. He was just mad Tamaki called him out on what he truly is...

Hearing some giggles, Tamaki grinned. Turning on his heal, he worked his charm;

"Ah princesses! How lovely! I was getting quite lonely, but now that you are here, I fear no more~.", he cooed, before locking blue orbs onto a certain princess. She had a green gown on; one that would make any girl just as green with jealousy. Red locks that could go against Afanassii's shined in the dim lighting.

Smiling, Tamaki walked up to the miss, holding a hand out for her as he bowed in a gentlemanly way. Looking up at the masked beauty as he did so.

"Princess, you look beautiful today. What do we, the host club, owe such an honor?", he complemented, admiring the princess's appearance. Unlike the many around them, this princess was curvy and fit her dress well. Her height made it where she towered over the other girls and Honey. But this did not seem to bother her at all, if anything, she took it with great pride. Something that made Tamaki attractive to the woman.

"What host would you like to have company you, princess?", the blond male asked, making sure he did his job as king.

Kasumi Ocada 11-03-2011 08:40 PM

Chaznia's eyes twinkled gaily as Tamaki approached. In truth, she could be all but squeeing with the fan girls around her, but she attempted to hold her infatuation aside.

"Why, you, of course. Dear Tamaki, is there anyone else?"

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 10:17 PM

Tamaki felt his ego grow as the princess said she wanted him as a host, for there is no one else. Stepping his game up to a whole new level, Tamaki smiled widely, lightly kissing the princess's hand. A wink coming from the blond as he stood straight again.

"An honored for me, to have such a princess chose me.", he said the 'me' part rather loudly, swiftly glancing to Afanssii before lightly placing an arm around the miss's waist.

"Now, tell me, what would you like to do? Dance, sit and chat? Anything you want to do will be fine, for as long as I am with you, princess, I do not need nothing else.", Tamaki whispered lightly into the red haired miss's ear.

"Speaking of which, what is you name, princess? Your prince would like to know~.", he spoke as he leaned away from her ear, curious.

Kasumi Ocada 11-03-2011 10:35 PM

The transfer student sighed, hopelessly falling victim to Tamaki's Princely charm. She caught his secondary motives and giggled for a moment, stealing a glance Afanassii's way...

Afanassii 11-03-2011 10:40 PM

The Russian boy laughed heartily, coming over to slap his sempai on the back. The Prince had tipped his hand too fully and those that were in the know joined Afanassii in his laughter. "Well, boss... " He leaned in to whisper dangerously close to Tamaki's ear, wondering if invading his personal bubble would throw the man off guard. "I see you've met my cousin, Chaznia, eh?"

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 10:46 PM

"EHHH?!", Tamaki gasped, looking from the princess and Afanassii. They did look a like, and that hair....

Falling into his corner of woe, the blond prince bit his handkerchief. Mushrooms growing in his gloom, as he sobbed.

Afanassii 11-03-2011 11:03 PM

The laughter continued as Nassii pulled Chaznia's handheld mask aside to show her white bangs that mirrored his own, though were cut straight across above her browline.

He stood next to her, pressing his face next to hers side by side in order to make their similarities blatantly apparent. As cousins, the two were eerily identical, with the acception of body shape Chaz also held a bit more oval of a face. Otherwise they could be twins. It was rather uncanny...

Kasumi Ocada 11-03-2011 11:06 PM

Chazz's face fell into a scowl and she pushed her cheeky cousin away, giving him a well-deserved cuff upside his head afterward. "Don't listen to him Tamaki..." She said, crossing her arms and pouting indignantly. "I only came here to see you, anyway..."

Monsieur Hatter 11-03-2011 11:41 PM

Looking up at the princess, eyes wide, he watched as the miss smacked her cousin upside the head. Feeling better after watching that, Tamaki was back to his old self.

Smiling, the prince held his hand out for the princess again. A kind emotion in his eyes, along with the emotion of relief.

"Your a good princess, making her prince feel better.", he chuckled, feeling moved for the miss standing up for him. Holding a hand out for her, Tamaki grinned.

"Would you do me the honored of dancing with me?", he asked.

Kasumi Ocada 11-04-2011 12:14 AM

The tall girl blushed and looked up and to the side, feeling a bit guilty. When she had chastised her cousin, it was just as much for herself as it would be for Tamaki himself. "Well, I don't know about that..." She said, smiling sheepishly. "You shouldn't need any help from me. Just about any girl here would die to be by your side. "

She lit up at his proposal and nodded enthusiastically. "Yes! I would love to dance with you..." Then her face fell as she went on. "But I'm afraid I only know the basic waltz.... I wasn't really brought up in courtly Russian society like Afanassii was, you know..."

moon children 11-04-2011 12:37 AM

Luna walked alone to the host club she had dyed her hair brown and was wearing a beautiful dress that made her look like a adult instead of a pop icon. She looked in and saw people already talking which made her unhappy because she wanted to be one of the first but her daily life has gotten quite strange “well hello boys.”

Afanassii 11-04-2011 12:45 AM

Afanassii's attentions were dragged away from tormenting his sempai at the arrival of Luna. "Welcome, Miss..." He was about to grab for her hand to kiss it but Kyoya walked deftly in the way. "Yes, Welcome to our masquerade ball. What can we do for you? Did you, perhaps, have a certain host in mind?" Nassii rolled his eyes at the interruption and crossed his arms, almost mimicking his cousin's earlier behavior.

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