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Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:12 AM

(~ ̄∀ ̄)~口 Antagonist's Jar of Memories - Comments Welcome!

A place to store all those good memories of the year 2014.
Posts may be sporadic depending on whether I remember to post or not and/or have a memory I deem happy enough to be worth mentioned in here.

Comments are welcome. :)

Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:31 AM

Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:33 AM

Archive of all memories.

02 - Basketball
03 - I, Frankenstein & Frozen
07 - Khan into Hogwarts

Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:33 AM

Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:39 AM

Antagonist 01-03-2014 12:50 AM

Entry 1.02

Many thanks to WherededIGo, who linked me to the first episode of season 3 BBC Sherlock! I haven't been so happy and excited like that in a while. Despite it already being 11:40pm and nearing my bed time, how could I possibly resist? So off we went, watching it together (with Whereded being a few minutes ahead of me), and had a ton of fun. By the time I finished it was half past 1am and I have work the next morning, but who needs sleep? It's SHERLOCK DAMMIT. I am obsessed.

What a great way to start the New Year!

And thank the Gods that John Watson got rid of that mustache. Dear lords that look does not suit Martin Freeman at all IMHO. XD

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 01:51 AM

And what a great episode that was [ninja]
We should do it for the next episode too

Antagonist 01-03-2014 01:54 AM

Yessss, most definitely. It would definitely make it into the Jar again. [ninja]
I can't wait!! [eager]
And to think that the first episode won't be officially aired here until the 14th. [gonk]
At least I suppose there's something for me to look forward to in another couple of weeks, if only to be able to read the subtitles and figure out everything that was said...[lol]

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 01:55 AM

I don't think where I am even has a proper date set [gonk]
At least the trailer only said 2014

Antagonist 01-03-2014 01:56 AM

Where do you live again? [:O];;

According to the channel that will be airing it here, 14th's for all areas in Asia.

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 01:58 AM

It's probably got a date, the TV commercials like to screw around with you.

Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:01 AM

lol Yeah. The first time I saw that trailer I practically exploded. Good thing my dad was out at the time or he'd probably think I was crazy, jumping up and down and making odd noises and twitching and shouting 'YES YES YESSSSSS' all over the living room...[lol]

...And then I saw the date and was like, "Whaaaat?! Nooooooo [gonk]"


WherededIGo 01-03-2014 02:03 AM


Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:06 AM

...Makes me kind of glad that I didn't get into the fandom until it was nearly the end of the year with only a month to go before the new season started. [sweat]

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 02:09 AM

I've been in the fandom for about a year, maybe just a little before they got confirmation of a 3rd series, so I think I was in a bit of luck there.
I usually join fandoms at the end of serieees. Which is good because I don't have to wait for anything, but it also means I missed out on a lot of fandom stuff [gonk]

Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:14 AM

Me too! I'm always late in joining in a fandom. [gonk]

I didn't get into Thor/Avengers until they've been out for a while too so I missed most of the fangasm orgies while they were happening. [cry]

Well at least with Sherlock it's still on-going so I'm not too late...

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 02:19 AM

I joined it properly after the first Avenger's movie. I always liked Thor (Tom as Loki more like), but Avengers got me more invested [rofl]
There's an Avenger's 2 coming out so its all fine [boogie]
I really want to read the comics now [gonk]

I joined Supernatural while its mostly ungoing, but I kinda ignore it lately, because Ace Attorney 8'D

Omg, did I tell you how I have a giant Loki in my room?

Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:23 AM

Yeah, Loki's my favorite too. [XD]
...I STILL haven't watched Thor 2. And I've got a few spoilers from it that I desperately want to delete from my mind because I don't want to be spoiled, dammit! [cry]

Well I just hope that in Avengers 2 there'll be Loki scenes. But then again I don't want him to appear TOO much that it becomes a cliche or something...

What's Ace Attorney about? [:O]

...Did you buy one of those life-sized Loki cardboard figures? [XD] I saw people post pictures of their own Loki cardboard figure on Facebook, wearing Santa hats and Christmas lights and everything. [rofl]

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 02:31 AM

Aw D:
That's a shame.
I watched it pretty much as soon as it came out [sweat]
Maybe if you don't think about it you'll forget [ninja]

Yeah, while I don't mind watching Tom, I don't want the storyline to sufer [XD];;

Its a lawyer game 8'D
You're a really derpy attorney, and you're always up against a hot prosecutor. And you gotta defend the people!
It's surprisingly more fun than it sounds.

Well, mum came home with the cardboard display the Cinema had up [XD];;
I had to cut him out because the goddamn thing was so big. He takes up half of a wall in my room, right to the ceiling.

Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:39 AM

I hope I'll be able to see it soon. I wanted to go watch it as soon as it was in theatres, but didn't have the time to. [cry] My friends also aren't that interested in that genre so we didn't watch it when we went to see a movie...[cry]
Yeah, that's how I deal with it; not thinking about it. Nooope, I don't know anything, lalalala...[XD];;;

Yep. If he's in another movie or something I would go watch that. I missed War Horse the few times it was on TV, and it had Benedict in it too. [gonk] *facedesk*

Hmm, I don't think it's aired here? I don't think I've ever seen that show on TV before. [:O]

...I'm jealous. [rofl]
I wonder if I can find a poster of Tom or Benedict somewhere that won't cost me money...*tight on money atm [sweat]*

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 02:46 AM


Warhorse was alright. I found it a bit boring, so stopped after most of the Benedict and Tom scenes ouo;;
I'm thinking of watching Tom's King Henry thing.

Its on season 9 right now so [sweat]
It's pretty popular here and in the US

We don't really get decent posters where I live 8'D
I did nab a Hobbit poster and a Star Trek into Darkness poster so that's fine.

Everything is mostly Doctor Who ouo;;

Antagonist 01-03-2014 02:53 AM

Yeah, I read War Horse's summary on Wiki before I even knew Tom or Benedict was in it, and it wasn't something I'd watch which was why I skipped the channel whenever I saw it on TV. [gonk] I want to see their scenes in it though...

Like, in this scene:


I'm kind of curious with the King Henry show. But so many seasons. [gonk]
Also not aired here. Might ask my dad to download it later...maybe...

All my posters are several years out of date. [XD] I nabbed them from bookstores where they had extras of old manga volumes. I stuck them up on the walls even though I don't even like the series because I just wanted something on the walls and not be so plain. [sweat]

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 03:05 AM

Tom's scenes were heartbreaking though 8'D
Two of my favourite actors in the same movie together made me cry.

I want to watch it cause Tom looks amazing in it omg.

I get most of my posters from when I travel everywhere else 8'D
I actually have a surprising amount.
And one of my posters is signed by Misha Collins *dying*

Antagonist 01-03-2014 03:12 AM

I recall the part where Tom and a bunch of others charged through the camp...and there was an ambush in the woods I think? All I know is that he died according to the Wiki. I don't know if Benedict died too or not...probably did if they were in the same army. [sweat]

Oh yeah. From the few pictures I've seen of him in the series while Googling he looks amazing. [heart]

OMG You are so lucky. [shock]
You've met him in person?

WherededIGo 01-03-2014 03:48 AM

Benedict didn't die. He only got captured.
Tom did.
The few seconds before he dies, he has this look on his face. And that face is what continues to inspire me to become an actor, because such emotion [gonk]
I want to be able to convey stories in some form or other, and I'm the best at acting out of everything I can do so fingers crossed I get somewhere.

I started watching the first ep, but I got distracted. Its heavenly.

I met Misha Collins at the Supernatural Convention.

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