Menewsha Avatar Community

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Linnea 04-28-2017 01:05 AM

[Avatar Contest] A REXcellent Avatar Contest! :: STILL ACCEPTING LAST MINUTE ENTRIES! DIG DEEP!
Banner by the Neolithic Nerd Nephila!

Gosh, that pun is pteroble... see what I did there? [mrgreen]

Saury I'm not saury. BAHAHA! I couldn't help myself!

Linnea 04-28-2017 01:06 AM

⚜ Rules ⚜
Please be sure to read and follow the rules! Read them all too, because there could be multiple parts and requirements!

  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine if it's asked for, but please don't be rude to other users.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account or through a charity account.
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • DAC entrants will be accepted, but try to use your own items.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like imageshack or imgur. What I see is what I'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change or the link gets broke.
  • Once your entry is on the front page you can not change it, so make sure you like your entry before you submit.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Winners will be announced in the The Meneverse forum after the event ends.

⚜ Prizes ⚜

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 6,000g + choice of 1 cash item from the Menewshan spring months (March, April, May)
Second place: 4,000g
Third place: 2,000g
Any honorable mentions will receive 1,000g

These are the prizes for all contests.
Additional prizes may also be awarded.

Linnea 04-28-2017 01:06 AM

⚜ Beam Me Up! ⚜

Traveling through space and time is no joke. There are certain precautions that have to be taken in order to arrive... well, wherever it is you end up [roll] That brings me to the first contest. How are you traveling through all this spacey-wacey timey-rhymey?

Requirements: You are required to have some sort of breathing apparatus; bubbles, a mask, a bag of air, whatever, be creative. You also need to write a sentence or two about what it is and how it works (please no crazy long spiels!)
You can place your avatar already in space, getting ready to be launched, or even another planet, whatever, it's up to you.

Entry Form:


[color="#49d8ee"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B]Beam Me Up![/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[color="#49d8ee"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]
[color="#49d8ee"][b]Breathing Apparatus:[/b][/COLOR]



Username: star2000shadow
Breathing Apparatus: Air Purifier that is fitteda round the mouth and face. it allows for clean air, that isn't thinned down from the force of moving through time and space at high speeds.

Username: LizzyCollinsDeArc
Breathing Apparatus: The Golden Air Mask (GAM for short) keeps me from choking on the space and time dust as I travel through realities. The strap on my shoulder has the filters needed for my GAM, and the filters are used to make sure I breath fresh air during my travels.

Username: Bearzy
Breathing Apparatus: A facemask inspired by the one, the only, Star Lord

Username: Shadami
Breathing Apparatus: In this amazonian peacock space warrior's helmet is an oxygen mask. The oxygen filters through the helmet cleaning it to be rebreathable so that no tank is required.

Username: bloodstainedwings
Breathing Apparatus: the mask is connected via a small gold tube to the book. it allows the time traveler to breath in older time to be able to remain stable while travelling through time.

Username: SuperZombiePotatoe
Breathing Apparatus: The helmet is attached to a tank strapped to the traveler's back. Inside the tank is housed a genetically modified super-plant which provides oxygen by recycling the carbon dioxide that the traveler exhales. Some of the plant seems to have escaped though... Yay Green Power!!

Username: XoGIZMOoX
Breathing Apparatus: BUBBLES
When traveling through space in my hot TUB time machine, I don't need to worry much about air. I installed a bubble breathing machine. It makes plenty of bubbles of air and it never runs out. ^.^

Username: Nephila
Breathing Apparatus: Gone are the days of bluky space suits with this skin. The breathing apparatus is the first (and only) piece of gear that's equipped when using the Atmospheric Safe Skin. Once the black re-breather has hooked into your mouth via it's organic components it releases a thin sheet of "skin" that glides across the body even underclothing layers. Inserting a tether directly into the "Safe Skin" will anchor you to the ship.


Username: Kiari
Breathing Apparatus:All your space pirating problems are solved with the Pirate Insta-Breather. The super elaborate fabric instantly filters nasty space air, allowing for quick get-aways with treasure while others struggle with sub-par breathers.

Username: dragoness129
Breathing Apparatus: I have this comfy mask that circulates my breath and keeps it contained. But in case that is not enough, I did bottle some air for the trip.

Username: GummyBearKisses
Breathing Apparatus: Flowers/plants Plants produce oxygen and the air goes through tubes into my containers. My ship is a traveling greenhouse of fresh air.

Username: Kent
Breathing Apparatus: Longcat helps hold my breath long enough for traveling through space~ It usually works out well. > o>

Username: Naisou
Breathing Apparatus: Star-Lords technologically advanced helmet features an Oxygen Purification System as well as a Back-up air supply to allow for easy Space Travel, both in and out of a Spaceship when the need arises.

Username: Velvet
Breathing Apparatus: A strange gadget that forms an oxygen bubble around the wearers head. Can be used underwater as well. Unpoppable (usually..) and flexible.

Linnea 04-28-2017 01:07 AM

⚜ Going Native ⚜

Well look at this, we are in dino-times now, baby, and we need to blend in if we are going to survive while we're here. Let's make friends with the natives, but first you need to decide what kind of clique you want to associate yourself with. Are you a Primordial Preppy, Jurassic Jock, Historic Hippy, Neolithic Nerd, or a Grey Goth? (grey means old here, just to specify)
Linny Pro Tip#1: Any references to clique-type movies from the 80's and 90's are always a good thing!

Requirements: You must pick one of the five (oh so cliche) cliques listed above and make an avatar worthy enough of the group's acceptance! This is for survival, people! Blend! BLEND!
(Remember, we are in prehistoric times too so this is a bit of a mash up of the time period and the clique type)

Entry Form:


[color="orange"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B]Going Native[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR="orange"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]


Primordial Preppies:


Jurassic Jocks:

Historic Hippies:

Neolithic Nerds:

Grey Goths:

Linnea 04-28-2017 01:07 AM

⚜ Barf-a-Palooza ⚜

OH NO! It seems that all this space travel is catching up to you, you feel terrible! Space sickness affects everyone differently, so what are your symptoms!? Fiery poops? Bad breath? Sparkly skin?... Wait, isn't that vampirism? Never mind. Again, be creative!

Requirements: Your avatar needs to be in the throes of at least 2 symptoms of space sickness. Please list them!

Entry Form:


[color="#d86b93"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B] Barf-a-Palooza [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[color="#d86b93"][b]Username:[/b] [/COLOR]



Username: star2000shadow
Symptoms:Dizzyness, Confusion, and Neausea. as if space travel wasn't hectic enough, what with having to avoid meatiorites and stuff my poor avi's concused as heck and dizzy and she looks set to throw up 'takes step back from said avi just in case'

Username: bloodstainedwings
Symptoms: nausea is to be expected, but every time your time travel you have a 1 in 50 chance of turning into a cat. that is why people dont tend to time travel very frequently.

Username: Naisou
Symptoms: Space travel Sickness has hit!!... My skin is now a transparent glowing greenish blue color, I am emitting flatulence of the noxious acid gas variety, along with acid gas emittance from the ears, then add being dead tired and dizzy, on a strange planet. So much for having fun exploring...Think I'll just go lie down, in this puddle... i'ss all gud... [ow]

Username: Nephila
Symptoms: Bulging eyes, Changing colors

Username: SuperZombiePotatoe
Symptoms: Oh how wrong this traveler was when she thought it couldn't get worse than the itchy, painful rash. Now her eyes have been reduced to the size of pinheads and on top of that, every 10 minutes or so, she coughs up a spirit! Wtf?!

Username: shadami
Symptoms: My head is stuffy like i have a head cold or sinus infection or something, except that I started glowing green and anything I say or think appears in a bubble above my head. It's really hard to keep my mind clear so people can't see how perverted my thoughts can get. They don't need to know my secret thoughts. STOP IT BUBBLES. stop revealing everything I think and say! *crys*

Username: XoGIZMOoX Symptoms: Spontaneous combustion, craving fast food especially FRIED STUFF, and a new ?imaginary? friend When travel through space you have to keep a good eye on your temperature control especially the closer you get to the sun. One skrew up and BOOM spontaneous combustion. You burst into flames. Once you become FRIED then you start craving fried food greesy fried food. If that isn't bad enough then you start hearing voices, huh? Did you all hear that? Omg, what the heck is that? Please tell me you all see a Peeblo and I don't have a new imaginary friend. I just got rid of my last imaginary friend Afro Donkey. O.o Entry:

Username: Bearzy
Symptoms: There are two stages to being non-fatally poisoned by the giant spyderworm of planet AL2944. The first of these is a state of Delirium which lasts up to three hours and which often manifests in the victim becoming too hot and removing their clothes but can also cause delusions of grandeur and/or a return to childlike wonder at the world. The second stage is power vomiting. It's gonna be flourescent and it's going to be everywhere. The upside to the vomiting is that it purges the victim's system and will snap them out of their delirium. The downside (if you are the victim) is that unlike alcohol, spyderworm poison almost never causes anybody to forget what they did while in their delirious state. Good luck!

Username: GummyBearKisses
Symptoms: Invisibility and lose of color
Two very common sickness of space travel are invisibility and lose of color. As the space air mixes with your skin cells you start to get pale. You get lighter and lighter in skin tone until the skin seems to vanish. After this happens it wipes out the brain cells that allow you to see color. Everything appears black and white monotoned. The next symptoms you really do not want to experience and they are too graphic to mention. Never stay in space long enough to get to number three.

Username: Razor
Symptoms: Head-exploding migraine X_X

Username: Kiari
Symptoms:Travel through space can take quite a toll on ones body in some very unusual ways. Observe our current traveler who has a bad case of "Skeletonitis", and also seems to be plagued by the rare "Third Eye Syndrome". I do hope it is curable.

Username: dragoness129
Symptoms: I seem to have lost my body when the machine caught fire. I also have this uncontrollable desire to slay anyone and everyone. I am sure that is normal, right? [twisted]

Username: Velvet
Symptoms:Strange colored blotchy skin that itches and has become hard and scaly like in places.. Tooth loss and enlarged reptilian eyes.. What am I becoming??

Username: Kent
Symptoms: It was bad enough when his uniform and protective face gear disintegrated into smoke, but somehow his hair caught on fire too! D:

Linnea 04-28-2017 01:07 AM

⚜ GROUP CONTEST! Sidekicks! #nokicking ⚜

What is one thing that every space and time traveler needs? Why a companion of course! Whether it's a scaly dino friend or a spectacularly smooth alien comrade, it's good to have some like minded company you can trust. I mean, cliques are only for survival purposes, but these sidekicks are forever!

Requirements: You need to make ONE time traveler and ONE to THREE sidekicks! That means that entries are no more than four users. It is my hope that we can garner more creative sidekicks this way. Maybe make a posse. Who knows. Anyhoo. Pick one person from the group to post your entry. For this contest you can place your avatars in space, prehistoric times, on a strange planet, on a ship, wherever, just keep the theme the same throughout so it's cohesive.
Linny Pro Tip#2: This is a perfect time to pull off a sweet cosplay if you think you can!

Entry Form:


[color="#85CD85"][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=6][B]Sidekicks! #nokicking [/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/FONT]
[color="#85CD85"][b]Usernames (in order):[/b][/COLOR]
[color="#85CD85"][b]Name of Characters (optional):[/b][/COLOR]
[color="#85CD85"][b]Who is the Time Traveler?:[/b][/COLOR]



Usernames (in order): Sporcle, Bearzy, dragoness129, and GummyBearKisses
Name of Characters (optional): Missy, Bill, the Twelfth Doctor, and the Weeping Angel, all from the Doctor Who Universe!
Who is the Time Traveler?: dragoness129 as the Doctor!


Usernames (in order): Velvet:, *Hime*:, Shadami:, salvete:
Name of Characters (optional): Turanga Leela, Amy Kroker, Philip J. Fry, Bender Bending Rodriguez
Who is the Time Traveler?: Fry

Usernames (in order):Nephila, Bloodstainedwings, XoGIZMOoX, Kaderin Triste
Name of Characters (optional):Oflaw, Wenda, Woof, Waldo
Who is the Time Traveler?:Odlaw - Odlaw blamed himself for us always getting lost in the story book pages so he is time traveling back to when we started getting lost in hopes of fixing our ordeal. Waldo and the crew time travel to many places in the stories mid evil times, prehistoric, futuristic, you name it the crew has been there. Our avis have oddball tidbits of items that are bits and pieces of things you would find scattered around in the pages of the book background. ^.^


Linnea 04-28-2017 03:08 AM


Shadami 04-29-2017 03:59 AM

and to making the first thing. timey wimey breather here we go!!!

Nephila 04-29-2017 09:07 AM

This is gonna be a gooder. :D

Bearzy 04-29-2017 09:32 AM

ooooooooh I am So In!!

Sporcle 04-29-2017 12:38 PM

I'm so looking forward to seeing these entries!

Kiari 04-29-2017 02:45 PM

this shall be a challenge, but its gonna be fun!!

star2000shadow 04-29-2017 07:12 PM

this is gonna be Fun

hummy 04-29-2017 07:25 PM

T-REXellent as always, linnie-poo!

star2000shadow 04-29-2017 09:02 PM

Going Native
Username: star2000shadow
Clique: Primordial Preppy

---------- Post added 04-29-2017 at 02:59 PM ----------

[/COLOR]Beam Me Up!
Username: star2000shadow
Breathing Apparatus: Air Purifier that is fitteda round the mouth and face. it allows for clean air, that isn't thinned down from the force of moving through time and space at high speeds.

Linnea 04-29-2017 10:02 PM

oooh some entries, super!


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1773888763)

T-REXellent as always, linnie-poo!

t hanks, hummykinds [yes]

Dottie Mae Evans 04-29-2017 10:03 PM

Linnea, can I use the avatar I just made for the Beam Me Up entry?

Linnea 04-29-2017 10:05 PM

do you have a breathing apparatus? if you do, which is basically the only requirement, than yes. just add a sentence or two

Dottie Mae Evans 04-29-2017 10:19 PM

Beam Me Up!
Username: LizzyCollinsDeArc
Breathing Apparatus: The Golden Air Mask (GAM for short) keeps me from choking on the space and time dust as I travel through realities. The strap on my shoulder has the filters needed for my GAM, and the filters are used to make sure I breath fresh air during my travels.

hummy 04-29-2017 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1773889044)
oooh some entries, super!

t hanks, hummykinds [yes]

*giggles* doistishimaste

star2000shadow 04-29-2017 10:22 PM

Username: star2000shadow
Symptoms:Dizzyness, Confusion, and Neausea

as if space travel wasn't hectic enough, what with having to avoid meatiorites and stuff my poor avi's concused as heck and dizzy and she looks set to throw up 'takes step back from said avi just in case'

Velvet 04-29-2017 10:28 PM

Interesting categories!

star2000shadow 04-29-2017 10:38 PM

I know right and fun

Linnea 04-29-2017 10:49 PM

i hope to see some really interesting and creative takes on these categories!

star2000shadow 04-30-2017 05:46 AM

hmm.. and of coruse now that I'm done with them i have tons of ideas for them 'facedesk'

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