Menewsha Avatar Community

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DariaMorgendorfer 10-29-2012 01:07 AM

Murder & Mystery! An Avatar Contest!

An avatar contest hosted by Daria Morgendorfer & Linnea

Welcome to the official avatar contest of Halloween 2012! There will be three categories; Halloween colors, Who done it! and a cosplay group contest.

Your Hosts:
Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and things that are eye catching. Doing what everyone else is won't benefit you at all. Now, let's get colorful!
Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Linnea 10-29-2012 01:11 AM

Halloween Colors Contest

Here is my favorite part of any avatar contest [yes] Let's get matchy matchy in some fun, somewhat non traditional, colors for halloween and the fall season. Please make me an avatar with red, orange, black, and brown.
Gray or silver are optional colors that can be used.

I know there are varying shades of brown and I'll accept any except for the lighter/off white colors. That being said, I also know orange has other shades too sooo, peachy colors will be acceptable, but anything off white or orchid will not be and you'll be asked to fix your entry.

You must have all four colors for this to be accepted.
Any of the original skin tones are ok, but if you use an equippable skin keep it in the color scheme.
Also please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise [yes]

Halloween Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=darkorange][b]Halloween Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]

Kamikaze Kendra


Falconwing Boo

Precarious Fool








Kent Dreamdancer Arechi

Cora Lorington

DariaMorgendorfer 10-29-2012 01:24 AM

I have a CLUE!
Ever played the game Clue? Well, this year, you will get to make the killer! I want you to create an avatar, then tell me what their crime was (at least 3 sentences here please), where it occurred, what they used to conduct their "crime". No the crime does not need to be a Murder. Yes, the more creative, and humorous you are, the higher the likelihood you will have a winning avatar! YES, I read each entry and you are judged on BOTH the originality and quality of your avatar AND your written submission.

I have a CLUE!

Image of My Entry:
What the crime was:
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime:
Where the crime occurred:


[size=4][color=Red][b]I Have A Clue! Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:
[B]What the crime was:[/B]
[B]Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime[/B]
[B]Where the crime occurred:[/B]

Username: Ling
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Dressing up in a Santa costume on Halloween, breeding chickens for eggs to be used to make cookies. She would then insert a knife into one of the cookies. She then is also guilty of luring a chicken with cookie crumbs as bait to tie it up in a leash and forcing the chicken to go places it would rather not go with an evil look in her face.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime a knife within a cookie
Where the crime occurred: Santa's workshop, where the poor chickens barely survived on the cookie crumbs made with their own eggs.

Username: star2000shadow
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Murder of those who Summoned Her.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime She used a Sickle to massacre those who thought they could control a demoness. She's the queen of darkness no mere mortal can control her. she also has horns >_> so I'd watch out for gut shots. after all just because you can summon a demon.. doesn't mean it'll do what you want.. its more then likely to kill you..
Where the crime occurred: An Old Castle on the edge of town. it is said, that to this day you can, on Dark Stormy nights, still hear the screams of those she killed in revenge for their arrogance of summoning her from Hades. as you can see from the blood stains.. she's.. rather messy when she's in a killing mood. then again.. one has to wonder what happened to the bodies >_> she probably turned them into stew..

Username: HIM_ROCK
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Well before that little bitch Jack the Ripper stole the limelight I was there...With sceams and whoops I jumped over fences and hedges in search of lone females to become my next victim. They'll be sorry they went out alone for I am the first Jack to find fame in these streets.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: Breathing fire into my victim's faces.
Where the crime occurred: The streets of Victorian London.

Username: shadami
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: In most cases, detectives obey the law to a T, but this Shirley Homes never abides by the rules. Many a door has she smashed in while tracking the clues left behind by whatever culprit she is on the heels of. And many times has she been tossed in a holding cell after brawling in streets and back alleys. Will she ever learn restraint?
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime her intuition, body, and pure lack of restraint .
Where the crime occurred: Wherever crimes are committed, she is one step behind.

Username: Precarious Fool
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: The only thing this Madonna loving, neon hot pant wearing, flashdance watching girl is guilty of is crimes against fashion. A victim of the plague that created a series of mutant, so called "Material Girls", she has run amock, buying up all the fishnet tops and scrunchies, and cranking up Blondie while driving along the beach in a hot pink Jeep. This, my friend, is the stuff of nightmares.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Legwarmers and a Side Ponytail.
Where the crime occurred: the 80s.

Username: Death_to_the_reaper
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: On a bright sunny day, a pair of young lovers decided to have a picnic. They were enjoying it until a figure appeared. It was his crazy ex-girlfriend who had shaved her head as a sign of her love. But he rejected her again and brought rain down upon their picnic spot. The same spot where he said he loved her and first kissed her. She smiled evilly as the pair ran off to hide from the rain. The scorned lover smiled and started to eat their deserted food.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Rain cloud and appearance.
Where the crime occurred: In a field on a bright summer day.

Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: It was the last straw. She was already tired of her husband, but found he had been cheating on her. She decided it was time to get rid of him and get his insurance money. She got the club out of the garage and hid it under their bed. That night she waited for him to slowly drift off to sleep. Once he was finally sleeping it was time for revenge! She got the club out and beat him to death! He never saw it coming. She plans to buy herself a new husband and get his money too. Watch out, you may be the next victim!
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Club
Where the crime occurred: In the bedroom

Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Tell her one more time how laughter will not cure your terminal case of hemorrhagic tumors. Try to tell her why her balloons won't bring down your 105 fever. Ask her to not honk her nose at your gangrenous rash and see what happens. Just try it.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: Laughter and lumbar punctures.
Where the crime occurred: Hospitals and sick beds everywhere.

Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: After her years of culinary school, she'd finally perfected her cran-orange chiffon cupcake recipe and Kendra was thrilled! So were most of the customers at her new bake shop... until the food critic came in. "Too tart," he said. "Too rich," he said. She was going to show him! So the next time he arrived, she served him up a special "new" cupcake. "It's just red velvet," he said... before choking on her "secret ingredient"... cyanide.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Cupcakes and cyanide!
Where the crime occurred: Bake shop

Username: Gemini
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: The death...of DEATH!!
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: Black magic,several Horcruxes,five penguins and two spears.
Where the crime occurred: Black magic,several Horcruxes,five penguins and two spears.
Where the crime occurred: In the depths of hell,Lady Death stands triumphant over her husband,Lord Death,the grim reaper,after killing him for control of hell.Her trusted snake Horcrux,along with several invisible penguins,helped her achieve the task.Now she laughs as the penguins collect her dead husband's soul.

Username: Seridano
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: They call to her, the Shepherdess, goddess of the Ala'tan peoples, and sometimes she answers, yet only some may hear her reply. She'wari heard the shepherdess's words, and partook in her gift, a chance to visit revenge upon her mother's killer...or so she thought. The shepherdess granted her the power to hear the spirits of the dead and question as she saw fit. She became awari - spirit caller - yet the shepherdess did not tell her lost lamb that all great gifts come at a price. She should have known.

The price for power is always high.

The spirits came as they were bid, but the shepherdess is, first and foremost, a servant of chaos, and the words the spirits spoke wove a fine tale of half-truths, and from those half truths an obsession was born, one that ended in the shedding of much innocent blood. The spirits chattered in her ear as the knife rose. They laughed as it fell, laughed until they drowned out the screams, until they drowned out all reason...and when the deed was done, when her revenge was complete and her bloodlust ought to have been satiated, the laughter continued and the knife rose once more.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: Sacrificial Blade / Knife
Where the crime occurred: In a small village to the east of Tenga'ka

Username: Arechi
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Known as the Slenderman the crimes include abduction, mutilation, stalking, murder and in one rather strange instance flashing a chicken. If you ever feel someone's stalking you then my advice is not to turn around. Children are typically the target, or animals. When found, if they're found, are usually mutilated almost beyond recognition. As for the chicken incident well...they always say that strange things are done with high amounts of sugar. That's what happens when you eat sugar happy children. Since he's gotten so popular as of late he has drawn eyebrows and eyelashes to try and disguise himself, though kind of hard without eyes...or a mouth.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime The extra black 'arms'. His 'disguise'
Where the crime occurred: Right behind you, in your closet.

Username: GwenaHikari
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: She was an out of work nurse, laid off because she was too kind to the patients, the hospital was worried she would do something crazy, like give a patient pain meds. So. Angry because she was laid off and sad for her patients, she got rid of those that took her job away. And while she was there she brought "mercy" to the patients, by bringing them pain meds the hospital refused to give them and some pretty balloons. Unfortunately, she forgot her glasses so she made a mess of the place. On top of that one of the patients, scared after what she did to the staff, got her eye. So though she escaped she now wheres an eye patch. Police are still looking for a supposedly deranged one-eyed nurse, carry hospital balloons.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Syringes, a knife, and some hospital balloons.
Where the crime occurred: A local hospital, no one heard from again.

[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: When adopting little Susy they were so thrilled to finally have a sweet and innocent girl. Or that's what she'd have them believe. Turns out she's actually an expert assassin and a candy snatcher to boot.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Greedy little fingers
Where the crime occurred: In her step brothers bed room

Username: blueblackrose
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Dr. Aroturi used the mysterious hourglass that he created to travel through the time-space continuum to October 29, 2012 with Nano and Ziggy. With this knowledge he proceeded to have his mechanical companions to set up explosive devices under Voorhiven. Once this take was complete all he had to do was lay low and wait with his mechanical creations. His plan was all set and at the stroke of midnight on October 31st he pressed the button hidden within the knob of his cane to detonate the devices and destroys the city. Leaving it a burning pile of rubble. Now Dr. Aroturi is wanted for the destruction of Voorhiven, disruption of the time-space continuum, and other crimes against humanity.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Mechanical buggies (Ziggy and Nano), a mysterious hourglass, silver knobbed cane, and several explosive devices hidden under the city.
Where the crime occurred: The city of Voorhiven

Username: Keondre Lorano
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: "Crime? I am guilty of no crime. I assure you the master is sleeping soundly as he always does at nine P.M. No, you may not disturb him." ... "As I expected, the crimson bedsheets are the perfect touch to your bedroom." A butler, serving under his master for many years, was asked by his master to assist in suicide.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime "This? This is the master's ceremonial town sword. He received it after his retirement. It's a fine piece, isn't it? The master always insists that I keep it polished and sharp." ... "It cuts beautifully. Almost too beautifully. Not to worry, I made sure to clean every last iota of blood from it." Other than the sword, which was used to pierce the master's heart, the master also purposefully overdosed on sleep medication.
Where the crime occurred: "For the last time, there was no crime. Why must you insist there was? The master hasn't been feeling well of late. What with the late missus, God rest her soul." ... "May your bones sleep peacefully here. I'll guard you for as long as I breathe... It's alright. I've already forgiven you. The master's word is absolute. My only regret is that I cannot join you." The butler was instructed to wait until his master had fallen asleep before striking with the sword. He was also ordered to remain alive and keep everything of his master's as his own; he was now the unwilling master and butler of the estate.

Username: maidenrosheart
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: She enjoyed trick-or-treating as a child, and often her cuteness gained her more candy than the other childre. Adorable and considered a princess among adults, no one suspected her of the horror of slaughtering innocent children when she became an adult. Too old to go trick-or-treating, but still wanting to have the most trick-or-treat candy, she would stalk or lure the kids who had candy and take it from their lifeless hands.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Cuteness and battle axe.
Where the crime occurred: In the dark shadows of Halloween night.

Username: girlbot9
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: As a young girl she was always caught with her hand in the cookie jar and was punished for stealing cookies. Now even as an adult cannot bake a single good cookie. So she sends out her pet mice every night to steal as many cookies as they can so she can have as many as she likes.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: a crazy cookie lover and her group of well trained menacing mice.
Where the crime occurred: The households of unexpecting elderly women.

Username: Vickyll3
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Stealing the gold of a local leprechaun. This wasnt an easy crime, but a crime is not crime without a challenge. I made friends with our new local in town, and found out he was a little person. I seen him buy himself so much fancy items, and found out he was special! he was a leprechaun. I had to find a way to steal some of hims pretty gold, so I remembered seeing rainbows on a skittles pack, and thought I should try eating some, and I did....
A rainbow appeared, and I made sure I was in the other end by the time it went away.
There he was swimming in his pot of gold, he catch my eyes which were in disbelief;
he got right in my face, when I found myself slapping him silly, then drowning him in his own gold.... What have I done?
After I told myself if was for the greater good, like seriously... how dare this leprechaun think hes better then everyone else!?
The truth is that I'm clearly the better one. And now I have the golds

Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Skittles candy.
Where the crime occurred: Over the rainbow.

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Whenever a sweet treat is left unguarded beware the midnight cake thief! When everyone else is tucked up in bed then it's her time to strike. Light on her feet (and adorable novelty slippers) she doesn't make a sound. Her faithful security blanket is in fact a disguise to hide her favourite cake cutting tool. The rest of the household remain baffled by the mysterious dessert disappearance.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Sharp knife, ninja-like sneaking skills
Where the crime occurred: In the kitchen

Username: dragoness129
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Allura the mermaid was tired of being confined to the sea. So one afternoon she clambered onto the shore with a fish in her hand and started fish-slapping everyone in sight. But she went a little too fish-slappy-happy. The pull of murder was as strong as the pool of the sea.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime A slap-happy position and a fish.
Where the crime occurred: On the Beach

Username: Liztress
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Matilda always wanted to be the pilot of a commercial airline. One would have thought that being a dragon hybrid would have made this dream easy as pie. But you see, Matilda's eyes are very bad. So bad, that she's prone to hit things right in front of her when she takes to the skies. Not to mention that no self-respecting airline would hire her nor could she pass the test to get her license. It was a shame that she didn't give up. Lots of lives could have been saved on that fateful night.

Matilda was lucky one week to find an airline who didn't check the credentials of new hires. One who mistook those wings on her back to be a sign of a safe flier. As she eagerly awaited the plane to fill up with passengers, she brought out the blankie she had since she was young. The co-pilot had mentioned that naps were a no-no while the plane was in flight but Matilda figured that a quick nap couldn't hurt s she took her glasses off and rested her head. As she began to doze off, she was awaken by the sound of the co-pilot calling for take-off. Not remembering to put her glasses back on, Matilda pushed a few buttons that cause the plane to roll forward. It wasn't long before the plane was in the air and Matilda was gleefully pushing the occasional button and moving the yoke. She was alone in the cockpit at the time when she accidently pushed the "Leak fuel in case of terrorist attack" button instead of the "Auto-Pilot" one.

The plane began to descend rapidly to the ground below, causing everyone to panic. Matilda didn't want to die so she snatched her blankie and busted out of the window. Flying to safety, she wanted as the plane crashed into the hard ground below and went up in flames.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Bad eyesight, a super comfy blanket, and no pilot's license
Where the crime occurred: Roughly 32,000 feet in the air. Though the bodies are scattered on the ground below...

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Hmph. I've been thrown into this wretched jail and accused of 'kidnapping unsuspecting Menewshans and running a "Slave Ring"." THEY WERE ALL THERE OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL! I have also received complaints from Minions Union Board that I've been overworking minions which has caused the death of many of them due to stress and unrealistic expectations. Hmph. The minions promised me a 2k page thread and have failed to delivered for the last two years! THEY SHOULD BE PUNISHED FOR BREAKING THEIR PROMISES TO ME! What is this unlawful prisonment?! Just because I have dungeon where I lock the minions in there for timeout because they didn't listen and ping me does not count as unlawful prisonment! It's a nice dungeon! Ask Mr. Skeleton! What! Another accusation from Vicky about abuse of cake and cookies? I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW THAT THE MINIONS LIKE BEING PAID IN COOKIES! What is this nonsense! Another accusation?! IMPERSONATING A MENE USER? WHO IS THIS HUMMY YOU SPEAK OF?! I DEMAND A LAWYER!
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Cakes, Cookies, Promises, Bribes, and Threats
Where the crime occurred:All over Menewsha, but the central location seems to the overlord's headquarters: World Domination! One Minion At a Time.
[INDENT] Supreme Overlord Mistress Seito has finally been caught! Menewsha officials have been after this cruel lady for many years! She's responsible for tempting many Menewshans with food such as cake and cookies, bribes, promises and when that fails, threats into joining her cause of World Domination. Instead she forces them to become her unsuspecting minions, brainwashing them into being loyal to her. Methods of various cruelty, ranging from setting impossible goals, throwing minions into a dungeon for pinging her to teasing them with her insider knowledge has cause the death (due to stress) of many minions. It's good to have her finally behind bars! Menewshans can rest easy at night.

Until she escapes again.

Username: LaVida
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Killing all the crewmen along with her lover. "Well...he was cheating on me..."...and that's one reason guys say women are bad luck on ships.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime wooden bat with nails on top
Where the crime occurred: on a ship during a storm

Username: neller

Image of My Entry:

What the crime was:
"Oh, silly wolf! You were so adorable, but you had to be so greedy! Tsk, tsk. It's so sad that we couldn't have been friends. We could have had tea parties and baked cookies and have done so many other fun things together! But you had to frighten my poor grandmother. Tsk, Tsk. Well, I hope you'd learned your lesson! You can't scare anyone else no more!"

Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime
The enticing aroma of cake and sausages and an old wooden club

Where the crime occurred:
In the forest on the way to Grandmother's house, of course!

[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was:When she found her lover with another woman she gave them time to finish. She watched as the sand slowly wasted away. It wasn't till ever last grain of sand was gone that she walk into the dark bedroom and killed both her lover and the woman. All she can remember was the blood going everwhere, and how hurt she was.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime: the knife
Where the crime occurred: Lovers bed

Username: Saravi Boo
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Have you ever been swimming and encountered a spot in the water that was suspiciously much warmer then the rest of the pool? Did you ever consider that some dastardly, incontinent fiend may have caused said warm spot? That someone swimming with you may have done something so utterly disgusting and unspeakable that I don't dare even speak of it? Well, here's your culprit!! Don't let the innocent eyes fool you, she drank a forty-two ounce icee this morning and her bladder is ready to burst...but that bathroom is awfully far away. She'll just slip into the water instead. Ahhhh.... ^_^
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime A high fluid intake and weak bladder.
Where the crime occurred: Your Local Public Pool or Swimming Hole.

Username: Arinia Dreamdancer
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Unusually social for a witch doctor, Vadima loves to party at the slightest excuse. Unfortunately living in a creepy forest at the edge of an ancient graveyard tends to drive party guests away. So when every invitation to her birthday party was refused, Vadima decided to make her own guests by reanimating the corpses from the cemetery.
This worked great, the dead it seems knew how to throw a killer party. As with all good parties though, things got out of hand. There were noise complaints, the guests were leaving bits of themselves all over the neighbor's yards, it was just a mess.
The police were called. Vadima was slapped with a fine for disturbing the peace and the party goers were rounded up and banished back to there respective graves... well mostly anyway, there were a few who were still wandering about looking for a good time.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime Some bad juju baby!
Where the crime occurred:In an old graveyard, in the middle of the night.

Username: Cora Lorington
[B]Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: One day, a few years back, while searching through an old haunted house. Imean the thing was still black and white (on second thought though, that may have been because of my brush). I found this paint brush which steals the colors from the world instead of adding them. It does have the power to put these colors elsewhere.....but I wanted all the colors to myself. MY COLORS MY COLORS, YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM! *calms self* Colors are my lifeline, I desquise myself in black and white but I really keep all the colors. ALL THE COLORS ARE MINE MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAhaaaaa!
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime My Magical Paintbrush is all I need.
Where the crime occurred: Awesometown, I hate that place.

Linnea 10-29-2012 01:25 AM

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Contest

As the title suggests, Daria and I want you to dress up as characters from your favorite, or not so favorite, horror/Halloween movie. We will both be judging this contest and if you're smart you'll know what we are looking for. [;)]

To qualify for this contest, your entries must contain at least TWO avatars (if not more) from different users. And NO, one person cannot enter using a main and mule account!

Please add a reference picture and/or explanation, including the movie title to help us out.

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Entry Movie Title:
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Avatar Images:


[size=4][color=gray][b]Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Entry Movie Title:[/b]
[b]Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:[/b]
[b]Avatar Images:[/b]

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Usernames: Drakina, PapillonCameo, ~LONGCAT~, Kilia, Kageshio, dragoness129
Entry Movie Title: Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Shaggy and Scooby are hired as new gym teachers for Miss Grimwood's Finishing School for Girls, a private school for monster girls. Sibella, the daughter of Count Dracula; Elsa Frankenteen, the daughter of Frankenteen; Winnie, the daughter of The Wolfman; Phantasma, the daughter of The phantom; and Tanis, daughter of The Mummy. Matches, the baby dragon, is the school's mascot
Avatar Images:

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Usernames: Draciolus, Ascadellia, Antagonist, Seito, Carzeebear, WheredIGo
Entry Movie Title: Nightmare Before Christmas
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Avatar Images:

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Usernames: Saravi Boo, Amorphous Metal, and Emasaurus
Entry Movie Title: Young Frankenstein
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation: Movie Poster, Igor Full Body, Igor Face,Doctor's Face,Doctor's Clothing,Frau Blucher *horses whinny*
Avatar Images:

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Usernames: monstahh`, Dystopia, star2000shadow
Entry Movie Title: Seed of Chucky
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Avatar Images:

Usernames: Kamikaze Kendra, neller, Seridano, Fiona_Watergate, Death_to_the_Reaper, Nephila, llonka, Shadami, blueblackrose
Entry Movie Title: The Addams Family
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Other References:
Morticia|Morticia 2
Gomez|Gomez 2|Gomez & Morticia
Uncle Fester
Cousin Itt
Avatar Images:

Horror/Halloween Movie Group Entry Form
Usernames: Captain Howdy & BellyButton
Entry Movie Title: Halloween
Entry Reference Picture/Explanation:
Avatar Images:

DariaMorgendorfer 10-29-2012 01:29 AM

Hey everyone, I have some friends in from out of town. I won't be able to update much today. Sorry!

Linnea 10-29-2012 01:30 AM

and one more reserved!

DariaMorgendorfer 11-01-2012 05:12 AM

ANNNDD, Open for entries!

Kiari 11-02-2012 08:08 PM

Woohoo avi contest!!! I shall have to make a fantastical outfit. <3

Vickyll3 11-02-2012 08:16 PM

I can wait to join this
My favorite!

Kamikaze Kendra 11-02-2012 08:30 PM

Eee! I can't wait to start thinking up some ideas for these!
The Clue-themed one has me especially excited!

Falconwing 11-02-2012 08:30 PM

I want to do this one! *is excited* Oh! Does white count as a Halloween color? Oh and what about some shades of yellow?

Nevermind. I misread it. >//< Sorry.

Velvet 11-02-2012 09:04 PM

This is exciting. I shall be brainstorming. <3

Ling 11-02-2012 09:05 PM

Halloween Colors Entry Form
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bloodstainedwings 11-02-2012 09:45 PM

ok im going to try to make at least one entry this time... hopefully... tomorrow... maybe... i still have to finish my project mene entry.... but i will make time for this. i love avatar challenges!

Ling 11-02-2012 09:51 PM

Please let me know if my avatar does not fit the criteria, I did read the instructions and did my best to incorporate said instructions in my avatar's outfit.

Falconwing 11-02-2012 10:10 PM

Halloween Colors Entry Form
Username: Falconwing
Image of My Entry:

Ling 11-02-2012 10:45 PM

I Have A Clue! Entry Form
Username: Ling
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Dressing up in a Santa costume on Halloween, breeding chickens for eggs to be used to make cookies. She would then insert a knife into one of the cookies. She then is also guilty of luring a chicken with cookie crumbs as bait to tie it up in a leash and forcing the chicken to go places it would rather not go with an evil look in her face.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime a knife within a cookie
Where the crime occurred: Santa's workshop, where the poor chickens barely survived on the cookie crumbs made with their own eggs.

star2000shadow 11-02-2012 11:16 PM

Halloween Colors Entry Form
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---------- Post added 11-02-2012 at 04:29 PM ----------
(Requested Edit)

I Have A Clue! Entry Form
Username: star2000shadow
Image of My Entry:
What the crime was: Murder of those who Summoned Her.
Tools of mischief used to conduct your crime She used a Sickle to massacre those who thought they could control a demoness. She's the queen of darkness no mere mortal can control her. she also has horns >_> so I'd watch out for gut shots. after all just because you can summon a demon.. doesn't mean it'll do what you want.. its more then likely to kill you..
Where the crime occurred: An Old Castle on the edge of town. it is said, that to this day you can, on Dark Stormy nights, still hear the screams of those she killed in revenge for their arrogance of summoning her from Hades. as you can see from the blood stains.. she's.. rather messy when she's in a killing mood. then again.. one has to wonder what happened to the bodies >_> she probably turned them into stew..

Nephila 11-02-2012 11:32 PM

Oooh dis goona be good. :D

Kamikaze Kendra 11-02-2012 11:34 PM

Halloween Colors Entry Form
Username: Kamikaze Kendra
Image of My Entry:

One entry down, at least one more to go!
Two more if I can find another person/some more people and do a group thing...

blueblackrose 11-02-2012 11:37 PM

Time to start playing around and making avatars for this.

star2000shadow 11-02-2012 11:55 PM

star's hapy she managed to do a couple.. thei rnothign special but hey i tried 'nods'

WherededIGo 11-02-2012 11:57 PM

Yessss. An avater contesttt! I might enter [yes]

Shadami 11-03-2012 01:08 AM

Uh oh... I love the avatar contests and always enter for absolutely sures! But... the horror one is gonna be so hard for me :[

I don't watch scary movies.. at all... i've seen very few because of being forced too.. oh no. . .

Roxxxy 11-03-2012 02:11 AM

Hope I met the criteria :D

Halloween Colors Entry Form
Username: Roxxxy
Image of My Entry:

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