Menewsha Avatar Community

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Sizzla 02-10-2011 03:25 PM

Dressed for Desire or Destruction? OVER! Watch Community Discussion forum for results!

Artwork by Hamlet Spamlet/Banner by Sizzla

An avatar contest hosted by Sizzla & Daria

Welcome to the Valentine's Day 2011 avatar contest!

There will be two categories this time around: Valentine's Colors avatars and Lovers/Villains avatars.

Your Hosts:
Hey guys! I'm Sizzla, and most of you have probably seen me around the forums at some point or another. I've hosted most of the avatar contests during our events now, and it seems that this time I'm at it again. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful outfits!

Helpful hints from Sizzla:
Please, PLEASE follow the instructions! If your avatar is entered into my contest and you don't have the right colors in your outfit, you won't be entered, so make sure you're dressed appropriately.
Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bringing sarcasm and humor to all its good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be very creative! Originality and humor goes a long way with me. I almost never am looking for avatars with 101 layers, but am looking for something fun and different...Above all else, have fun!

Sizzla 02-10-2011 03:27 PM

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all we ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...

  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the Dream Avatar Creator (DAC) to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket, tinypic, imgur or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Sizzla OR Daria (but not both!) if you want to change anything.
  • You may NOT submit the same avatar for both contests. We really want you guys to treat our contests as different entities. If you do submit the same avatar to both contests, your entries will be disqualified.
  • Entries must be submitted by February 20 at NOON CST. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
For participating: You'll receive a King of Hearts Crown
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Sizzla 02-10-2011 03:33 PM

Valentine's Colors Contest
This is your traditional "look pretty, festive and matchy" contest. :D I do like creativity though, so feel free to go above and beyond just color matching on these.

Entries in this category should have have these colors:
* Red and/or pink should be the dominant colors. Any other colors must be MINIMAL, with the exception of the following:
* You may use black, white, gold or silver as accent colors.

This means no green, no cream, no purple, no orange, no yellow, no blue, no brown... NONE but the above.

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=hotpink][b]Valentine's Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
JapaneseCherryBlossom Diamond
Aganab Dragon
Clair Voyant
Ace Strife
Lilith W Mirai
Enzeru Whitewolf Shaman
Mad Hatters Revenge Silverfire
Leerah Aamelia
.Simplicity. i n u x e Boo
Esmme Spirit Girl
Whisper Invictus Knerd
woohoohelloppl Hilzin-Ec Stewart
BlackCart29 de Vampyre
Iroase Delschatten

DariaMorgendorfer 02-12-2011 04:29 AM

Lovers or Villian's Contest
So, I decided to try something a bit different for this Vday. This is a group or single entry contest, but I will be pretty strict on the entries following the rules based on the theme. PLEASE READ ALL THE FOLLOWING RULES.

To enter the "Lovers" contest: This is a Group only entry. The minimum number of entries in this contest is 2. You can have the "Villian" who thwarts your "lovers" enter this contest with you, but if you are entering the lovers contest, I want to at least see one of each lover.

An example of an entry to the "Lovers" contest would be "Pongo" and "Perdita" from Disney's 101 Dalmations, and an example of the additional villian for this pair would be an avatar of Cruella De Vil.

To enter the "Villian" contest: This is the possible "single entry" contest, but again, if you want to do a group entry, please feel free to do so. An example of a single entry Villian would be an avatar of "The Joker" from the movie Batman, however this could be a group entry if The Joker teams up with Harley Quinn or the Penguin to incite mischief.

Because of the nature of this contest being a COSPLAY contest, I really need to see reference pictures. No reference picture, no qualifying entry.

Also: You may only enter my contest once...I figured that was kinda obvious, but just in case...There it is:)

Lovers or Villian's Entry Form
Reference image
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=red][b]Lovers or Villian's Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Reference image[/b]
[b]Which contest are you entering? Lovers or Villian?[/b]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]
LizzyCollinsDeArc JapaneseCherryBlossom
Iroase Delschatten/Pa-pancake/Seito
Beautiful Disaster
Darkbryd Voyant/Lilith W
Rikali Diamond Silverfire
NoeleneRose2 Boo/Fauxreal
LaVida Whitewolf Shaman
BlackCart29 Xyelle
Iltu Robin
Kah Hilzin-Ec
zeapear de Vampyre

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 01:20 AM

Woohooo! We're open for entries!

Stefan Krieger 02-15-2011 01:23 AM

*raises hand* Uh, Daria! Can I enter your Lover's entry with just my mule and myself dressed as lovers? Or do I have to find another user?

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 01:23 AM

You'll need to find another user to enter the lovers contest:) A main and a mule are not allowed. However you can enter a villian on your own.

Stefan Krieger 02-15-2011 01:25 AM

AH! Okay. :) Thanks for clearing that up for me. :heart:

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 01:25 AM

Not a problem, I tried to make it clear in the rules, but I guess I didn't...

JapaneseCherryBlossom 02-15-2011 01:30 AM

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: JapaneseCherryBlossom
Image of My Entry:

Pa-pancake 02-15-2011 01:48 AM

Yay! Avatar contest for the win! :)

Just wondering, can the matchy Valentine colours themed avatar be anti-Valentine?

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 01:51 AM

Looking at Sizzla's rules, it doesn't say the avatars have to be Valentines day themed, just either mostly red or mostly pink...So that's how I'd take that:)

Pa-pancake 02-15-2011 01:52 AM

That's awesome! :) I'm definitely into creating more anti Valentine avatars lately...

Thanks for clearing that up Daria.

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 01:59 AM

Pa-pancake: It does say in her rules they need to be "festive"....Maybe shoot her a PM just to be on the safe side...

Dottie Mae Evans 02-15-2011 02:06 AM

Lovers or Villian's Entry Form
Reference image Body and Face
Username: LizzyCollinsDeArc
Which contest are you entering? Lovers or Villian? Villian
Image of My Entry:

This is Pegasus J. Clawford from Yu-Gi-Oh!, and unfortunately there wasn't a Millennium eye item so I made do with an eye patch. I added a drawing room background to suit his personality. For all the Yu-Gi-Oh! fans out there, enjoy! :D!

Liquid Diamond 02-15-2011 02:08 AM

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: Liquid Diamond
Image of My Entry:

-redbows 02-15-2011 02:11 AM

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: -redbows
Image of My Entry:

Pa-pancake 02-15-2011 02:12 AM

DariaMorgendorfer: Okies. I'll send her a pm later on to ask.

In my mind, 'festive' now could mean... lots of blood! ^^"

Chickie Nuggs 02-15-2011 02:21 AM

I just love avatar contests! :D
Now this means I gotta think up a new outfit. :gonk:

bloodstainedwings 02-15-2011 02:22 AM

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:

i used cream and green as accent colours... if this is not ok, let me know... i will fix it. i just liked the way the cream looked with the pink and red. i found it really helped to soften them up so they were more embracing as opposed to abrasive. i think love is soft and kind, not overwhelming and thats what i tried to achieve with my avatar. It is still overwhelmingly pink and red in my opinion. so i think it should count. But i understand if it doesnt since i didnt use the appropriate accent colours... again... lol... so i am willing to change it. i just really like the way this one turned out.

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2011 02:46 AM

Yeah you do Demo! I want as many entries as possible!

JapaneseCherryBlossom 02-15-2011 02:50 AM

Lovers or Villian's Entry Form
Reference image Link1Link2
Username: JapaneseCherryBlossom
Image of My Entry:
This is the Dark Phoenix. Here is the explanation of this character

Panda-nee 02-15-2011 03:01 AM


Entries in this category should have have these colors:
* Red and pink should be the dominant colors. Any other colors must be MINIMAL, with the exception of the following:
* You may use black, white, gold or silver as accent colors.
For clarification: It can be Red OR Pink right? Cause pink is going to mess up the look I'm going for >.>

Liztress 02-15-2011 03:03 AM

Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: Liztress
Image of My Entry:

So happy for the event. ^_^

Sizzla 02-15-2011 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1769102460)
Valentine's Colors Entry Form
Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:

i used cream and green as accent colours... if this is not ok, let me know... i will fix it. i just liked the way the cream looked with the pink and red. i found it really helped to soften them up so they were more embracing as opposed to abrasive. i think love is soft and kind, not overwhelming and thats what i tried to achieve with my avatar. It is still overwhelmingly pink and red in my opinion. so i think it should count. But i understand if it doesnt since i didnt use the appropriate accent colours... again... lol... so i am willing to change it. i just really like the way this one turned out.

Sorry, but there's too much green and cream. If there were smaller accents, I'd take it, but the skirt and bag are too much. :yes:


Originally Posted by Pa-pancake (Post 1769102184)
Yay! Avatar contest for the win! :)

Just wondering, can the matchy Valentine colours themed avatar be anti-Valentine?

Yes, that's fine, as long as it's predominantly red and/or pink.


Originally Posted by Panda-nee (Post 1769102828)
For clarification: It can be Red OR Pink right? Cause pink is going to mess up the look I'm going for >.>

Yes, that's correct. Red OR pink, or BOTH. :yes:

All times are GMT. The time now is 04:45 AM.