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Xavirne 12-03-2013 02:00 PM

Threat Level
Threat Level
| inspiration |
the futuristic setting and theme of psycho-pass (anime)
with a supernatural twist borrowed from D.Gray-Man
mixed with pieces of my roleplay, predatory ● instincts

Imagine a world that's highly virtual. Your clothing, the layout of your house, the length of your hair -- everything is able to be enhanced by modern advances in technology. Robots and holograms assist with daily living and cars can drive themselves. The world was made a lot safer by taking some of the mystery and stress out of the lives of the people. However, such customization and regulation came with a great downfall, a new form of enforcement.

The words "Innocent until proven guilty" are no longer the way of the world. A scanner with the ability to detect threat levels now takes over for the rule of the law. The scanner is able to determine the level of threat the individual brings to the world. The higher the threat, the more infectious and troublesome they are. In other words, the higher the reason to want them dead.

As all know about this, most visit psychologists to keep their levels in check. The second a threat level is reached, that person is taken into custody and removed from the world. In this world, there's no survival chances for being bad. Unless... unless you work for the SFA - Special Force Agency.

The SFA is a group of agents and their criminal assistants that protect the world from otherworldly attacks and invasions. If it weren't for the SFA, aliens, demons, witches -- you name it, would have taken over and caused wide-spread panic. Keeping these supernatural forces under control ensures that the system stays at peace and people live a stress-free, happy life.

Now, to get into the SFA, you need to perform high on the Aptitude Tests. If you score in the tenth percentile, you can apply to be an agent. Agents are then assigned to another senior agent. Each agent pair is given four assistants to rotate between them. Assistants are criminals that the system decided were special enough to go about protecting the world. These criminals can be anywhere from pirating fools to murderous villains.

But why use criminals? How can they be trusted? Well, to the world, criminals are dead. So should a supernatural sighting occur, it's not a big deal if an assistant dies. But even in this world, people cannot freely allow someone to die without some means of protection. It's why the Assistant's Assistance Program (AAP) was formed. The AAP gifts criminals with special powers that make killing them all the harder.

AAP is a specially coded chunk of DNA that is added to a criminals' molecular buildup. Since criminals are bad men by nature, the SFA has no qualms injecting serums into the criminals or experimenting with them. The acceptance rate of AAP is so low that only 10% of all injected criminals can survive the phase. These serums, if accepted by the body, allow the criminal to fall into one of three ranks: 1) identifier, 2) enhancer, and 3) breaker. A team is usually made up of one identifier, one enhancer, and two breakers. And, of course, two agents.

Identifiers are able to locate and identify the supernatural beings that breech the barrier between our world and their world. They can also determine the weak points on a beast, which is crucial to success. The downside to being an Identifier is that the monster targets you. A fragment of Identifier code is the same as the monster's genetic make-up. This allows the monsters to actually see the Identifiers, making them the target of all attacks. Identifiers also have the ability to see glimpses of the future, which allows the SFA to prevent catastrophic events. Much like how the weather station can foresee large storms, the Identifiers can sense a large wave of monsters.

Enhancers have the ability to buff their allies with enchantments that come in quite useful, especially against higher level threats. Enhancers make the odds of winning tip the scale toward the SFA. Enhancers can also do the exact opposite, too. Aside from making allies stronger, faster, better, they can also de-enhance enemies. De-enhancements would be such things that would jam the monster's abilities, leaving them blind, poisoned, or immobilized. Blinding is the hardest to spells to cast on a monster, but it's the one that helps save the team. If blind isn't cast, the team's success rate plummets below 10%.

Breakers, the slayers of the team, are able to penetrate supernatural fields and forces, allowing for critical strikes and blows. Breakers are usually the ones to get their hands dirty and fight the monsters face-to-face. Breakers are usually the first to die, especially since they get dangerously close to the beasts. Still, Breakers have the most fun as they are often the "heroes" of the attacks. Without them, success is impossible, as they are the only members of the team that can dish out deadly blows.

Once sorted into their proper class (this is determined by a blood test), each criminal receives a special item that is infused with a powerful life-force known as Purium. Purium can only be wielded by criminals and it allows them to battle the supernatural beings. Purium items can range from weapons to body enhancements to articles of clothing. Each wielder can only have one Purium so if the item is lost, the criminal is destroyed along with the Purium. As assumed, Purium was invested to give the criminals an extra edge to defeat the supernatural beasts. Without Purium, the battle would be lost and Earth would fall under the reign of the beasts.

Unlike the criminals, the agents are completely human in nature with no natural enhancements. However, agents are given special weapons that allow them to stun or weaken supernatural creatures, such toys could include guns, mechas, pets, etc. Agent weapons also have the special ability to take down criminals (why yes, agents also serve as police as well as SFA employees). Should their teammate criminal partner decide to run or turn on them, the agent is allowed to remove said criminal from the plain of existence.

The object is not to die. The SFA agents and criminals need to work together to prevent utter chaos and havoc from reaching the mainland cities. With each passing day, the level of monster sightings continues to increase. A gut feeling tells the SFA heads that something bad is forthcoming. It's time for them to forge their own army of elites, essentially looking for the cream of the crop.

The attacks have been increasing in the last year and, during that time, the heads have finally drawn forth twelve of the best agents and assistants they have. It's up to these twelve to figure out the truth and put a stop to all the madness -- and before it destroys the system. Remember, if these monsters are seen by the public, chaos could ensue. The system that was created to prevent stress and chaos would crumble. This could lead to murder, crime, and wars, none of which are wanted. Peace and happiness are the main goals of the society and the SFA has to keep that in check, but with monsters from other worlds threatening the peace of Earth, the SFA has their hands full. Hence the need for an elite team of agents. It's up to these chosen twelve to uncover the secrets and work together for the salvation of Earth -- as well as their own souls.

Xavirne 12-03-2013 02:11 PM

Threat Level

| setting |
Setting is Massachusetts -- it seems to be where most of the supernatural beasts are appearing these days. (Salem/Boston is the central location.) The year is 2207, which explains why the advances in technology are so impressive. Cars can fly, people's eyes serve as scanners, you can customize your look whenever you want, your house can be changed in just a snap, etc. Everyone attends school and at the end of their senior year of high school, an Aptitude Test is given. This test determines which job will best suit the individual. Some people become artists, some become teachers, some become doctors, etc. The hardest job to get into is the SFA, as only the best of the best land these jobs.

| agents |
Agents might not seem cool, but agents get cool perks. Aside from guns, agents get sick gear such as vehicles. Hell, you can even have a giant mecha if you want. Robotic pets are also an option. As an agent, you can pretty much get whatever you want. Let's limit your "toys" to three or four, just because we don't want you to be too cool for skool. Also, all agents are equipped with a PB (Purium Blaster). This gun can only be used by agents. If a criminal tries to take it, they will be shocked into a coma. The PB is the only weapon that can kill a criminal. It can be set to stun, too.

| criminals |
If you're playing a criminal, you'll need to come up with your Purium item. Also, what will your item do or allow you to do. For example, you could have a pair of gloves that allow you to bend fire, or you could have a sword that can split into seven to strike down a foe. Another idea would be to have a bone within your body that allows your arm to turn into a gun or shield. You could even wear a cloak that allows you to go invisible or summon creatures. The possibilities are endless.

| the SFA |
The agency has all the coolest things. There are labs, cells, machines, etc. You name it, and it's probably there. The SFA has a large radar room that watches the streets, making sure all is calm. The radar also detects monster sightings. It's not quite as good as an Identifier, but the radar can at least give the agents an idea where they need to go. The SFA HQ is in downtown Boston.

Xavirne 12-03-2013 02:16 PM

Threat Level

| the rules |
Let's keep 'm simple, shall we? Just follow the Mene rules and listen to what I say. Post proper sentences (third person, if you please), and color your speech when your character is talking. Also underline and bold othercharacters in your post. I'll let you know when sightings occur and I'll also play all the NPCs. Oh and please PM characters to me. Thankies~!

| new rules added after 12/30/13 |
+ As the GM, I have permission to move your characters to advance the story.
+ If you are absent for an extended period of time and your character has a vital role in the story, I will also take over that character. Upon your return, the character will go back into your care. Until then, I will do my best to act in character on your behalf.

| the characters |
  • SFA Leader - Xavi (Daliah, f)
  • Senior Agent A - Xavi (Sycom, m)
  • New Agent A - Seer of the Future (Volkov, f)
  • Identifier A - Midorikawa (Mozilla, m)
  • Enhancer A - ClockworkLupine (Lolipop, f)
  • Breaker A1 - blueblackrose (Vex, f)
  • Breaker A2 - Kiyoto (Discord/Beserker, m)
  • Senior Agent B - Duke (Hime, f)
  • New Agent B - Allison (Artemis, f)
  • Identifier B - Xavi (Reino, m)
  • Enhancer B - Aoi Kazuya (Cias, m)
  • Breaker B1 - CrimsonShadow (Shadow, f)
  • Breaker B2 - Esmme (Vlad, m)

Yes, Sycom made this. Blame him for your rage.
HTML Code:

Introductory paragraph (written in first person).
[B]Threat Level:[/B]  1-50 is good.  50-100 needs counselling.  100+ means you're a criminal.
[B]Name:[/B]  xxx
[B]Code Name:[/B]  xxx
[B]Alliance:[/B]  Agent/Criminal
[B]Position:[/B]  xxx
[B]Age:[/B]  xxx
[B]Sex:[/B]  xxx
[B]Orientation:[/B]  xxx
[B]Relationship Status:[/B]  xxx
[B]Height:[/B]  xxx
[B]Weight:[/B]  xxx
[B]Body Type:[/B]  xxx
[B]Hair:[/B]  xxx
[B]Eyes:[/B]  xxx
[B]Other:[/B]  xxx[/INDENT]

Paragraph or two where your character describes their personality (again, in first person).[INDENT]ATTITUDE TEST INFORMATION ON FILE FOR AGENT
List personality information here.  Include flaws.

[B]Weapons/Purium:[/B]  xxx
[B]Abilities/Powers:[/B]  xxx
[B]Skills Lacking:[/B]  xxx[/INDENT]

A few paragraphs about your character's history (yes, in first person).

Xavirne 12-03-2013 03:56 PM

Threat Level

| SFA leader |


Hello. I'm Agent Daliah, the one in charge of this whole operation. It was I who created this agency and brought it into existence. I was sick of losing people I loved so I put my foot down and with blood, sweat, and tears this place came to be. It's not perfect, but it's damn good enough to do it's job - saving the world.
Threat Level: 1
Name: Kimberly Lee Allen
Code Name: Daliah
Alliance: Agent
Position: The one calling all the shots (head of SFA)
Age: Thirty-nine
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: In an open relationship with Sycom
Height: Five foot nine inches
Weight: 134 pounds
Body Type: Lean and strong
Hair: Black
Eyes: Pale peach
Other: A tattoo of a butterfly is on her either side of her navel. Also has a navel ring and pierced ears.
I know a lot of people have been asking why I want to know color preference and it's because I want to paint their cell their favorite color. That's the answer I'm giving. Don't ask me to explain the truth of it all.

Anyway, I love the colors peach and pastel orange. My likes are simple. Winning and proving my worth. Dislikes is also simple. I hate the ghosts that have bore a hole through the layer that once protected Earth from spiritual beats. I also dislike how Sycom constantly calls me his girlfriend. I am not his girlfriend.
A bit cold and calculating, Daliah is a hard woman to crack. Her perfect poise and keen mind make her highly revered as all aspire to have her grace, dignity, and moral conscious. Although a bit rough around the edges, she is a fine woman who sticks to her guns and will back anyone's play without any doubt. Fiercely loyal to the cause, Daliah always picks the agency over all else, even romantic relationships (which she considers trifle, annoying, and unnecessary).

Weapons: Shutter is Daliah's mech. As of right now, the mech is undergoing some testing for research. She also fights with claws.
Abilities/Powers: Leading others, barking out orders, and being extremely organized. Her common sense, brains, and all around brilliance are her strong suits, which just so happen to make her an excellent strategist.
Skills Lacking: The ability to show compassion and sympathy. Her charisma is also significantly lower than it should be, making her a poor communicator.
My history is of no importance. As far as the present goes, I'm working toward saving the future, which is what I desire - a future. Right now, with how things are going, a future doesn't seem possible.

Prior to being the creator of the agency, I was just a simple girl with a difficult dream. That dream became a reality. The agency is and will always be my only place of employment.

| team a |


Well hello there! The name's Sycom and I'll be the voice in your head. Eh?! You're still hung up on my name and not the fact that I'm trying to be creepy. Lame. Okay, so Sycom's not my real name, but it's the name I go by in the agency. You see, Simon Comeaux isn't all the fancy sounding. I just feel weird when people call me Simon, hence the name Sycom. It's badass and it goes along with what I do - communications and computers and saving your ass. I'm pretty much the voice of the agency. I give you the missions and your bearings. I'm also the guy that you can chat up whenever you'd like. Well, I was. That was until Daliah decided that I needed to move to the field. Something about being "awesome" and "sexy" had everything to do with it. Oh, Daliah's the main bosslady, by the way. And, if for some odd reason you get on Daliah's bad side, you just come to me and I'll make everything better. Growing up together, I know her ins and outs. I'm also her 'secret' boyfriend. She likes to deny it, but we've been seeing each other for a few weeks now.

So I'm supposed to share some information with you. I considered lying, but bosslady was standing over my shoulder (hottttt). Anyway, these are the thing you'll see on my IDENTIFICATION CARD.
Threat Level: 10
Name: Simon Comeaux
Code Name: Sycom
Alliance: Agent
Position: Senior Agent A
Age: Thirty-three and July 15
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Dating Daliah
Height: Five foot eleven inches
Weight: 158 pounds
Body Type: Average
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Other: 0101001101111001011000110110111101101101 tattooed around right wrist (name in binary).
Hey there, sport. Glad you made it this far. As a treat, I'll tell you a joke. A mecha and a man walk into a bar. Wait? How'd that joke go? Eh, oh well.

I was told to share my favorite color with you as well as my likes and dislikes. I don't really know where to start. I guess with color? My all-time favorite color is blue. Don't know why, but it is. As far as likes go, I'm a huge fan of computers, technology, intelligence, mechas, and Daliah. I'm not so fond of being babied, having to be reminded that I lost my mecha, and seeing Daliah upset. I think that's a good enough list, right?
Although a bit moronic at times, Sycom is an essential part of the team. His lighthearted demeanor and friendly personality make for a nice change as most agents are uptight and sully. Sycom's jokes are usually poorly executed and his lack of urgency tend to be his downfalls. However, his ability to be open-minded serves he and the agency nicely. He's an asset to the team for he's the creator of the system that monitors and tracks spiritual movement. Sycom's also the creator of the guns that the SFA uses. His computer brilliance does not go unnoticed. Now if only he would learn to keep his mouth shut (he talks too much).

Weapons: Double Voulge. Mecha TERMINATED on June 12th more than a year ago. Prior to termination, Sycom rode Fang.
Abilities/Powers: Professional hacker and computer genius. Fluid in binary and latin. Innovator and computer engineer. Very handy and able to fix just about anything.
Skills Lacking: It is not wise to let Sycom cook. It's also unwise to let him flirt with new female recruits as his romantic charm is at a minimum. Despite being well-versed in computers and technology, Sycom is not the brightest bulb when doing simple human chores.
Before being a vital part of the agency, I was a computer technician with the Department of Defense. I guess you could say that I've always worked within the government. It's true. It probably helps that my great, great grandfather was the president. Even my father worked for the government (he was a guard at the White House).

Since I brought dad up, I might as well talk about my childhood some. Unlike most, I still have both parents. I was born an only child and it stayed that way until Daliah came into our life. Though she was our neighbor, her older sister had a hard time caring for her (their parents were busy folk and never around much). My folks, being kindhearted gentle souls, decided to bring the two in. I didn't like it at first, but I grew to love both the girls, especially Daliah.

Mother works at a soup kitchen and my father is, as stated previously, a guard for the president. Recently, though, he retired and is helping mom with her soup kitchen.

Daliah, obviously, formed the agency and I followed suit when she asked me to join her. Her older sister, Mizzy, went on to be an entertainer. Unlike Daliah, she drew the short stick when it came to brains. You can use your imagination to guess what 'profession' Mizzy went into.

Anyway, I'm currently second in command with the agency. I'm also dating the boss. Don't. Stop. No. It's nothing physical. Yet. She's not really into intimacy so I've had to adjust my desires so that I don't push her away. She's had a hard past and I don't want to break her anymore than she already is. I hate to say it, but I'm the only thing she can count on these days. I'm her rock and her shoulder to lean on.

As far as much future desires go, I really just want to marry Daliah and raise a family. I want five kids. Four girls, one boy. Think it's possible? No, I thought not....


Originally Posted by Esmme
Good afternoon. I understand that many of my fellow agents have submitted their reports. I suppose it's only fitting that I give you mine.

My name is Dezso Toth. I prefer Sai. Keep your horror stories to yourself. I've been with agency long enough to know what goes on behind closed doors. I have no sympathy for the creatures that placed themselves here. They should learn to fear morality.
Threat Level: 45
Name: Dezso Toth
Code Name: Sai
Alliance: Agent
Position: Leader of SRL and replacement senior agent
Age: Twenty-five
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 135 lbs
Body Type: Slender but well-muscled, and built for an active life.
Hair: Silver (was once a light blond)
Eyes: Pale blue
Other: Sai is blind. Through SFA technology, he is able to see the "ghosts" of other people. It's like watching shadows and flickers of light move around him – he sees their essences and general impressions. He wears a blindfold while he's not on field, as he is still self-conscious and currently adjusting to the new tech he's been modified with. He has scars about his eyes that look like burns, as well as various scars scattered about him from a close encounter with death.
Many comment on my morals. They guide my every action. I am slow to anger, quick to show mercy, and eager to keep order. I am friendly. I hear that quite often.

Perhaps you should read the analysis. You’ll receive a better understanding of me there.
Sai has a moral code that is uncanny, even for an agent. He is distinctly against the criminals, though doesn't treat them like animals. Sai is does not pursue relationships with criminals, and refuses to put them on the same moral scale as the agents themselves.

He makes friends easily, though not in a happy-go-lucky sort of way. Sai is known for his caring ways, as well as his protective nature. He is self-sacrificing, and will often give his own comforts to others who need them more.

There are moments when Sai's moral code restricts his actions. He will make foolish choices to save others, even if that said person is a criminal. He is brave, and self-sacrificing. Guilt haunts his every action.

Weapons/Purium: Sai is known for using twin blades similar to long knives. He is particularly good with thrown objects, and has uncanny aim when it comes to handguns. He has a holster on his thigh for his Purium blaster (which he doesn't shy away from using, as it is a very effective disciplining tool), twin sheaths for his blades at his hips, and an assortment of hidden blades.
Abilities/Powers: Known for stealth attacks and ambushes. Sai is particularly good with catching others off guard.

He walks unheard, and is known for his grace and dexterity. His eyes, which are now enhanced by technology, can read things that others cannot see – he doesn’t receive the information as data, but as different shades of light. For instance: If someone is hurting, he can see the taint in their aura. Criminals have color, while everyone else has nothing but light. These “essences” are how he views the world now.
Skills Lacking: He lacks sight, which leads to mistakes on his part – namely depth perception for things that are too close to him. He is too trusting, which leads to poor judgment. He is good with long-range combat, but has a weakness for mental influence and anything too close to him. Anything that can get inside his head will easily take him down. Sai's guilt is a huge weakness for him, and easy to play off of.
My past? Oh. I was hoping we wouldn't discuss this, but ... if you wish.

I grew up in the city. I was happy there, though as an only child I was lonely. My only friend was the boy next door. Luke was older than me, but I enjoyed his company - we were practically brothers within the first few hours of knowing one another. I think he was the one who kept me sane during many long hours while my parents were busy with their work. But like all good things, it didn’t last.

It was difficult to watch my best friend leave. As Luke headed off to the military, I turned my attention toward a life of study. There was something about how things ticked that I enjoyed learning more about. I ended up stumbling across the corpse of what the SFA labeled as a low-class beast when I was in my younger twenties. This led to a new form of study - and a way into the agency.

I was never interested in joining the agency until they offered me a place to further my studies. I leaped at the chance, and swiftly learned that this was where I was meant to be. Through this opportunity, I came across many discoveries that furthered the SFA’s tactics and methods. I was the one who found a way to fuse monster blood with that of a criminal, hence creating the Identifier class. I was raised in ranks, and became head of the Supernatural Research Lab (SRL). We would arrive after a beast was killed and collect the pieces of it. Through study, we’d find its origin, type, and how to use it.

Things progressed well for me. I was in a high rank, I had supportive allies, and was continuing to further my education. That, of course, was when everything changed. My partner and I chose to study these monsters in their habitat – in the wild, essentially. This was a mistake. My entire team was taken down in the blink of an eye. It was a bloodbath that our protective team could not handle. I lost my sight, my companions, and nearly lost my life. If it weren’t for Sycom and Daliah, I never would have seen the light of day again (figuratively, of course. I still haven’t seen it since that day). I will never forget the event. It was my choice to observe the creatures on the field. I should have avoided them. The others might still be alive by now. Siri, Mal, Singe… it’s my fault. I have these scars to remind me of that with every waking moment, and my nightmares to haunt my sleep. I should have been more careful.

Upon returning to the SFA, I was given synthetic sight. I expect to be back in the field of work by the end of the month. The biggest issue I'll have is adjusting to my new sight....


Originally Posted by Seer Of the Future
My name is Veronika. You see all these inventions and machines, don't touch them. If you do, you will wish you had never been born. Other then that, I am quite friendly. How is your day going?
Threat Level: 50
Name: Veronika Volkov
Code Name: Volkov
Alliance: Agent
Position: Healer/Inventor
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 120
Body Type: Curved but on the slender side
Hair: Very pale purple with dark purple tips
Eyes: Ice blue
Other: She has a tattoo of fiery phoenix wings on her back.
I am actually a very strong willed person, if I wasn’t I would be dead. I have been a go-getter all my life and aim to always be that way. I haven’t really been a part of a team that is so important. But I was transferred here because my skills for healing where really needed I guess. This will be interesting.
Veronika is a very caring person, but has always had her guard up. She has an abundance of knowledge, ideas, and intellect. Many times she finds it hard to relate to other human beings because she is so devoted to her work. Sometimes she believes she is right and can come off as snooty and a know it all. She also can get quite aggressive if people go up against her because she fights for every idea and belief. That’s another reason why she got here, because she will fight to the very end.
Weapon: Mecha tiger programmed to her DNA
Abilities/Powers: This tiger acts and moves like any would expect from the actual animal, but it has a shield build into it where it transforms to protect Volkov and also has guns in it to protect her if the criminal goes bad.
Skills Lacking: Though she went through the military, Volkov isn’t really meant for fighting. She has an incurable disease that she has been fighting her entire life, and under great stress her skin breaks and causes major bleeding. She is getting used to keeping herself calm and cool under the stress but even with all the things she has invented to keep herself alive, she is still very weak.
Veronika was the youngest of 6 brothers, and the pride of her mother. Being so fair skinned and beautiful, the young girl was raised to be a flower of beauty. She was the youngest girl to win a beauty pageant at age 10 among teens. Bred for beauty, Veronika was a gentle and caring soul, who helped and nurtured the dreams of her brothers and her friends.

Then the accident happened.

A crazed criminal found out about her, from her commercials on TV for being the most beautiful girl in the world for her age. Obsessed with beauty and fusing it with chemicals and technology, Veronika was kidnapped and her family slaughtered before her eyes. The most painful thing in the world was getting spattered with their blood, and at that very moment everything changed.

She was tested upon and tortured.

The man held her in his secret lab for almost half a year. He wanted to improve upon her, and enhance her beauty. After months of painful surgeries and getting abused, she was rescued. The situation had lost control, and during the shoot out she had jumped on her captor and stabbed him to death. Ever since, she strove to stop people from ever hurting others again.

She studied ways to fix her disease and because she listened to her captor’s studies of mechanical animals and robots she created those things for good. She had always been extremely smart, but had never followed the path of knowledge until recently.

Volkov joined the army and graduated with amazing rank and standards. She had invented many new weapons, healing techniques, and enhancements that were all the rage. Offered the spot in the SFA she jumped on it, and bringing her only companion, her mecha tiger scar, she was prepared to rid the world of hideous people like the one who had killed her family.


Originally Posted by Midorikawa
You…want an introduction? All I can give you is my…name…Mozilla…which is actually my code…name…isn’t it?
Threat Level: IT’S OVER 9000 313
Name: Yuri Foxx
Code Name: Mozilla
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Identifier A
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 6’6’’
Weight: 166
Body Type: Thinner than average.
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Violet-white
Other:Scars from things like broken bottles all over the back. Wears an arm band, hidden by his sleeves, that has two dagger pendants on it.
PERSONALITYYou…want to know…my personality…from my point of view…? I hesitate in my speech…when thinking of what to say next. I don’t understand…how humans work. The men abuse the women with no repercussions. They degrade them, rape them, treat them like the trash that they themselves actually are…why? It makes no…sense………………I like reading….romance. The men in them…are actually attractive…and gentlemen…Movies are boring. They have no imagination…no originality, and they suck it from those viewing…sports are pathetic too. Men crashing into each other and getting injured and then calling it fun. The women’s sports aren’t televised like men’s. It’s just another sexist aspect of society…I may be male but I have never acted like those pigs. My support is only for women…it’s why I’ve killed so many of those bastards…Also ever touch a child; I will kill you regardless of your sex.
Mozilla acts emotionless and heartless. However it has been deemed that he can get along with anyone, depending on the subject. This is possibly due to the fact that he has been labeled as a psychopath, and thus has the ability to fake emotions perfectly, though he doesn’t seem to try to often unless it benefits him. He seems to highly dislike men who treat woman as unequal, while he himself treats them as equals. He is hard to control when he finds out about a man abusing his wife or something of the likes, being he tries to go and kill the man. He doesn’t care about the reverse, saying “it’s the karma of their idiocy.” He still identifies as a man, and is normally easy to satiate with romance novels, his favorite being a series known as Black Dagger Brotherhood. He does not like movies as previously mentioned, but seems to have no problem with videogames. He is also protective of children and has killed people in public for abusing them. He is honest of his opinions and does not harm other without knowing about them, or in self-defense, the former usually ending up with him killing them. He has a hitch in his speech, but this will disappear if he what is presumed to be engrossment, with what he is talking about.

Weapons/Purium: Two daggers with wire covering the handles. This comes from the hidden band on his arm. The band becomes the daggers, which he is adept at using, long with the wire that’s attached to the handles. The wire never cuts him, this is because of it being part of his Purium.
Abilities/Powers: Other than his ability to find monsters as an identifier, he is adept at knowing what caused injuries. Due to his years of killing for the abused and being abused, he has become quite skilled at telling what caused an injury, if it was actually falling, or a punch, or whether it was a knife or paper cut, he can almost always identify it. He is also physically fit oddly enough, despite his thin frame. He is better at attacking from afar though using his wires, and using them to stab opponents with the daggers. He is best against men, usually taking away their chances of having children first, and then killing them.
Skills Lacking:He is not the best at making plans, or anything that might have needed schooling as he was self-taught and thus not sure what to actually learn. He is bad at timing when he works with others and thus is better off under someone’s leadership.
You…want to know my history…now? I guess the only way….to know it is for…me to tell you. My father was a drunken bastard…who would abuse my mother…beat her with his fists…and me as well when I was older. I had put up with it for so…many years, he even started breaking glass bottles…on my back. I couldn’t go to the hospital…without my father becoming more pissed off. I always just let him finish and then did the best I could in front of our bathroom mirror. I was so injured that I could never go to school, so I started sneaking off to the library, and getting books to learn from them. I was seventeen when I snapped. My father beat my mother to death, and then lunged after me. I took a bottle and smashed it against a wall, breaking it, and then I shoved the broken part right into his face, especially the eyes. After I took away his eye sight I grabbed a knife and made sure that he would never have the ability to produce children again. He ended up in the hospital telling them it was me, but he didn’t even know how to describe his own son’s appearance so it was easy for me to sneak in and put some coke in the IV. I mean soda, not the drug. It replaced the medicine that was in it and he died from not having it. They couldn’t find me after that. I started to find out a lot more about this world by walking around in it. Anytime I found a woman who was injured in anyway, I charmed her into telling me who did it, the truth. Every time I found out it was a man, I tracked him down and killed him. I did the same with children, killed their abusive parents. Filth creates more filth in this world, thus its best to kill it all before it can.

I had mostly got away due to people being unable to describe me without seeming crazy or just getting it wrong. I eventually was caught and put through the tests here. When I passed them, they offered me this job.. Since we are destroying filth, I don’t mind it. It’s better than being executed, or rotting away somewhere. Anything else you want to know?


Originally Posted by ClockworkLupine
Well hello there, precious. I think it's quite brave you want to know more about me. There's more to the Lolipop than a pretty face and killer figure...Killer...Hmm. Funny how those things slip out...isn't it, sweetness?
Threat Level: 200
Name: Sariah Leith
Code Name: Lolipop
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Enhancer A
Age: Twenty-one
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: Five foot, two inches
Weight: Unknown
Body Type: Slender, Fit
Hair: Curly and Carroty Red
Eyes: Hazel
Other: Lolipop loves wearing revealing gothic lolita fashions and 40's screen vixen styles. She also has a notorious sweet tooth.
I have a lovely personality. I'm the type of girl you can confide in, but if you betray me prepare to suffer. But you won't do that will you? I thought not. What a sweetheart...Oh yes, back to my personality. Flirtation is one of my favorite games but unless you're a man who can keep up and sweep me off my feet, don't expect more than that.
Lolipop is an incredibly sensual individual with a love for glamour and the macabre. She has some symptoms of histronic personality disorder but not enough to grant an HPD diagnosis. She tends to experience bloodlust in battle, thankfully we've rerouted that into her abilities. Lolipop is brave and loyal to those who are good to her. Her sense of humor is surprisingly light or even silly. It has been noted she possesses a violent and fearful reaction towards blonde women in their late forties and early fifties. She is open to giving advice to others who ask her. To her credit she has a warm heart encased within her myriad issues.

Weapons/Purium: Clawed Gauntlets
Abilities/Powers: The energy between Lolipop's gauntlets and her bloodlust create purple lightning, which she can use like extensions of the claws. Or when the team needs an extra boost, she can blast her allies with it and give them an adrenaline rush. This second technique is highly draining and can only be done twice per battle.
Skills Lacking: She has low endurance levels, she's built for speed and ranged offense, not taking hard hits. Off the battlefield, Lolipop doesn't trust others easily. She is prone to insomnia, further wearing on her endurance levels.
She had blonde hair...

I remember my mother. She was sweet, gentle, and kind. Have you ever seen Rita Hayworth, darling? She looked like that. Classic beauty with long wavy red hair. I idolized her. She taught me everything I know about makeup and hairstyles. Momma could bake as well. I never did get that recipe for lemon cookies. My darling Momma loved my father. No, he didn't look like Rock Hudson or Cary Grant. Papa had the looks of Clint Eastwood but the wiles of Don Juan. Not a good combination. Oh those old movie references again. My parents cultured that appreciation into me. Anyhow, Papa found someone he thought to be more beautiful than my mother. He left to marry her instead then demanded joint custody of me. He would regret this mistake.

She just had the kind of face you wanted to scrape repeatedly
to see just how much makeup was caked on...

My stepmother had two faces. One towards my father was saccharine perfection, one towards me as the scum beneath her designer heels. While Papa went to work, she made my life hell. Constantly my appearance fell under fire. From my eyelashes to my toenails, I was made to feel hideous. I hated her. How gorgeous she thought she was and she had the gall to gloat about how she 'owned' Papa while he still was married to Momma. Every summer I had to endure this woman. One day, I had made a batch of brownies for Papa's birthday week. The witch said something...Ah, 'Little piglets don't deserve sweets.' Then she took the pan and began to eat one of Papa's brownies. I don't remember why but suddenly the big kitchen knife was in her gut, my hand on the handle. I laughed and introduced her to it again. And again...and again...then her face. That disgusting, plastic filled face...It was her turn to sit in the closet with no food for several hours. It was her damned turn.

To her credit, she looked splendid in red.

Ahem! Sorry. Needless to say I ran before I could be taken away from my darling Papa. He couldn't love a criminal, neither could Momma. I had to survive on my own. Conning my way out of starvation, I picked up this terrible habit of killing people who found out about my past or betrayed me. The SFA found me eventually--they always do--and instead of being put to death I was offered a chance to live. I would have been a fool not to take it.


Originally Posted by blueblackrose
Introduce myself? You must be joking. Nothing I say would change your opinion of me. After all I am a criminal.
Threat Level: 286
Name: Nikita Davis
Code Name: Vex
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Breaker A1
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 133
Body Type: Average/Athletic
Hair: Silver
Eyes: Lavender
Other: Always wears a black suit with white pinstripes, black gloves and a maid like headband.
Seriously why are you still pestering me with this useless crap? Really I would like nothing more than for you to just leave me alone. There I told you what I like so stop pestering me.
Vex can be somewhat of a flirt, but don't let that fool you. She is a cold hearted bitch and wouldn't think twice about betraying, harming or murdering someone who got in her way or she just didn't like. Trusting others isn't her thing and neither is being told what to do. Despite this if you do manage to get on her good side or she decides she likes you she can be a trustworthy and loyal ally. If you cross her then you better be prepare to face the consequences.

Weapons/Purium: Her weapon of choice is throwing knives. She carries at least six of them on her person at all times. Her Purium is the pocket watch she has.
Abilities/Powers: Her pocket watch allows her to manipulate time and space. It's limited to a max of 30 foot radius around her depending on how many people and animated objects are near her at the time. Things such as totally stopping time or moving through space are very draining. If she's not careful she could lose her life.
Skills Lacking: Defence isn't one of her things, unless she has no choice. She has a tendency to act before thinking both on and off the battlefield, especially if she thinks she has the upper hand.
Really now are we still at this? I bet you're not bothering Reino with all of this nonsense. Actually this whole thing was probably Sycom's idea right? I'll teach that guy a thing or two for putting me through all this hassle. What? You think I'd really kill him...not over something as trivial as this well maybe if he wasn't such a hottie, but that doesn't excuse stupid things like this.

I guess if you really must know I'll tell you a little bit. No one really ever would have guessed that I would become a killer. Growing up I was part of a happy little family, even if my mother and I didn't always see eye to eye. No I'm not going to tell you some sob story about coming from an abusive family. No, no my story isn't that droll. Growing up I was picked on by the other kids and when I'd fight back it was normally me who go in trouble for defending myself. So I became reclusive, a loner.

Over time things got a little better. That was until went into high school. Apparently the fact that things were easy for me and I had to put little effort into getting good grades made some of my peers angry. They thought they could bully me again. The girl who had become reclusive, who was quiet and shy or at least they thought she was. Hahaha, they were in for a rude awakening. That girl wasn’t about to take anyone’s shit not anymore. While younger she had been betrayed and bullied way to many times to let it happen again. So when they thought they could push me around or make me cry I showed them something else. I showed them my pent up angry and what I was really capable of doing.

Now that I think about it. Maybe I was a little hasty in killing those four. It would have been more fun to have let them suffer a little bit before killing them. Oh well, what’s done is done…then again I could try going back to change how I handled things. Give my younger self some tips to boot. What you really think I would really try a time jump like that? Are you stupid or something? The outcome wouldn’t be pretty if I attempted that sort of thing.


Originally Posted by Kiyoto
Hello there fellow being, an odd greeting eh? Heh, I'm not sure if you could really classify many of us as humans anymore after what has been done and is being done. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all right? People are such interesting and ressilient creatures, I wonder how they will fair within the future. Hmm, I suppose you are curious about me correct, or you would not be reading this? My name is Kanra Fuwadearu. I am from Japan origionally, and my name is also what helped to influence my code name, for you see my last name means "Son Of Discord" in english. Ironic no? I look forward to allowing you to get to know me, and do not worry, the "Berserker" case will be discussed later.
Threat Level: 100+ (Exact level is unknown due to mental state)
Name: Kanra Fuwadearu
Code Name: Discord/Berserker
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Breaker A2
Age: Eighteen
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5ft 11inches
Weight: 135lbs
Body Type: Slender, Light Muscle.
Hair: White
Eyes: VioletGray/White
Other: An X shaped scar on the palm and back of his right hand.

Perhaps I am not the best to try and explain my personality, for as I see it I am quite...plesant. Others however have had mixed feelings about me in the past however. Hmm, I suppose I am not the one for to fancy or over the top things. I prefer them more personal and simple, rather than big and flashy. I do enjoy unique and odd things however, though certain people might find them rather distasteful. As for colors if that is what you are looking for, various shades of red seem to attract my that bad? Other than that, typically blacks, whites, grays..more earthy tones serve my purposes in terms of clothing and likes. I love mysteries, finding out what makes other things tick, I can't resist a good challenge. There is another me, he is the one they gave the name "Berserker" to, see, I told you it would come up. I guess most of my personality you will have to discover yourself, or wait and see.
Kanra is complicated personality and mentaly wise. Many have questioned his sanity in the past, especially when he at times seems to talk to himself. Kanra suffers from DID, Dual Identity Dissorder. Some believe this is who he is talking to, for oddly enough, he seems to get along quite well with this other personality, which confuses doctors then as to why the two are not intergrated. Kanra himself is easy going and quite active/energetic. He is curious and quick witted. Smart and strong willed, though he is often known to say what he thinks and feels. He can be a bit dark and eerie at times, which goes along with his questionable sanity. This other personality however, is not one to cross. It is bold, blunt and straightforward. This "Other Kanra" is cold a lot of the time and often rude and rebellious, he makes his feelings known, and cares little who knows or for athourity. He pushes the limits of their body, doing whatever it takes to get what he wants when he has his mind set on something, even if it risks their wellbeing. He can be ruthless, and enjoys fighting and blood. In an odd way, this other side is an advantage for the others, since it makes him excell at his job, though handling him is another story. Many things trigger this other side, strong emotions, blood, times he just..pops up. Kanra is Clostorphobic, he can not handle small, dark places due to his past, which is a slight way for the agents to control him. Both excell at various weapons, especially blades, and combat. They are quick learners and can handle much that would make others squirm and uncomfortable, which makes handling the "dirty buisiness" easy for them.

Weapons/Purium: Inducer. When Discord, the one on the left is used, but becoming Berserker, causes his weapon to shift to match as the one on the right. His Purium is a stone that sits within the hilt of the sword during combat, or within a ring when not. It is blue in color for Discord, but will often turn red for Berserker. He also carries various smaller knives/Needles (He always seems to mysteriously have a blade with him, despite having them taken away a lot.)
Abilities/Powers: His blade's overall weight is heavier than that of a normal sword, unable to be lifted by most others, though to him it is as light as a feather in a sense. The blade itself is extremely durable and sharp for combat, the blade never dulling. Kanra is able to channel energy into tangible form using the stone and blade as a medium. This allows him to wield energy at will by use of the sword or his ring. He is able to draw energy in from other living or electrical things to add to his own energy, or he is able to do the opposite, infusing his energy into other living or electrical things. Each form of the sword and color of the stone determines the type of energy as well. When Discord is in control, the energy and sword form comes off as being light, while Berserker's energy and sword are dark. The energy is able to be used in stimulating cells for rapid or quicker healing. He is able to channel it into bolts, blasts, shields, etc with the ring, or through his sword into powered up energy attacks etc. These abilities with energy also make him more sensitive to energy and changes in the world around him, sort of like a sixth sense. His energy is also tied to his emotions. The more energy used at one time, the more it drains him and leaves him needing to rest and recharge. Kanra is bi-lingual, able to speak many languages he often serves as a translator at times. He is good with interrogation or infiltration, since his spontaneous and often all over the place mind and patterns make him hard to pin down and tend to wear down others. He excels at combat and skills needed for the field itself. His mind allows him to think outside the box a lot and in ways others would not, coupled with being a quick study, he keeps most on their toes. He also has many odd little talents that serve various purposes.
Skills Lacking: His people and communication skills are a bit iffy, because of his personality, he would drive most people mad if allowed to over time. It is also a very bad idea to give him permission to do any sort of experiments or medical things. Not from his lack of knowledge, but for...other...reasons. He has trouble with following directions and listening to authority at times, especially when Berserker. He also has a tendency to have a short attention span.

You wish to know about my history hmm? Alright, though you may not like what you find out....

I have always had a fascination with the world around me, what makes things tick, people, animals, living things really. My father was not the nicest man to me and my mother, he was strict...very strict. He liked things in order, and having them his way. He was old fashioned, he believed being the man of the house, he was entitled to respect and having his way. If we crossed him, we were delt with, harshly. I spent many hours of my child hood locked down in the basement in a little metal storage locker, that was barley bigger than a bathtub. The silence, darkness and lack of space drove me crazy, though no matter how much I begged or promised, it was either that or a very rough beating. I was a child, but he did not care, I was his son, I belonged to him in a sense. There were not many people I could turn to, many in school were already wary of me, and my mother would not dare cross my father.

I guess that is around the time that he showed up, the other me. He started out as merely someone to talk to, to keep me company and help me when things got worse. I guess over the years, he developed into a more influential being, which only served to anger my father more. He did not like how the other me made me act, it ended up getting me more and more into trouble with him. I do not remember much about the incendent, I remember my father yelling and hitting me...Next thing I remember it was night, there were police sirens and blood everywhere. I guess that is how I became labled as a criminal eh? After that I was taken in and attempted to be evaluated and fixed. MANY doctors have tried to fix me, to no advail, a few getting hurt in the process. This other me is not going anywhere and honestly, I do not want him to. That is really as much detail you need to know about my past.

When I was taken into the agency to work for them and be used as a guinea pig, I was not to worried. Though when they gave me that odd enhancment, something changed. It became easier to distinguish between me and the other me, for now, when the other me comes out, my eyes turn white. He also seems to enjoy gas masks for some reason, says it protects his face during certain things. His presence also seems to affect my weapon, it shifts to match which side is in charge. I was given the code name Discord, and he Berserker. We have been working for them ever sence, though they seem to keep a close eye on us. We also tend to be a favorite lab rat of theirs...

So that is me, I hope you enjoyed~

| Others |



Originally Posted by Esmme
Hello! My name is Helena. Oh, Siri now. I forget to use my agent name on occasion. I have always done that. I get far too friendly with my teammates, and forget that we've changed.
Threat Level: 13
Name: Helena Marx
Code Name: Siri
Alliance: Agent
Position: Purium researcher
Age: Twenty-three
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: In love with Sai
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Body Type: Slender and dainty
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Other: Siri is known for her smile and her kindness.
I am sweet, and kind. Forgiving. I suppose you could say that I enjoy making friends. I love my team, and adore some of the people around me. I look forward to working with everyone, and will do all I can to make our work pleasant.
Siri is kind and gentle, and always willing to drop what she's doing to help others. She hates seeing other suffer, and enjoys spending her time working toward bettering the life of the criminals and agents around her.

Though she is sweet, she tends to get carried away with her work. Siri is occasionally oblivious to danger, or thinks that her innocence will keep her safe.

Weapons/Purium: She doesn't use many weapons, but she does carry a handgun with her in case of emergencies. Siri is not known for her aim or combat skills.
Abilities/Powers: Siri has worked with Purium ever since she joined the SFA. After becoming a part of the Supernatural Research Lab (SRL), she learned to ease the effects of Purium through technology and anesthetics.
Skills Lacking: Any kind of combat, and doesn't work well under stress.
My history is brief, and a bit boring. If I do say so myself, I could write it out better than if we were just talking. Oh? Alright, I suppose I'll just have to keep talking.

I grew up with loving parents in a good neighborhood. I was top of my class, and got heavily involved in classes. I was intrigued by biology and various substances that effected the body.

I signed up for the SFA years ago, and have been in the Supernatural Research Lab ever since. My job is namely to help bond criminals with their Purium, which I wish was less painful for them. I make adjustments to their Purium, and work hard to keep them as comfortable as possible.

Hmm. What else. I find Sai very endearing, in his own way. He's got this cute smile that he gets when he finds a solution, and he moves like he knows the secrets of the universe. Ah, there I go. Getting carried away again. Silly me! I ... don't have anything else to say. Can we be finished?


Good afternoon. There is little to say here, for there is little you need to know about me. What do I mean by that? Simple, information about me is a need to know baisis. You will be allowed basics, but anything more, you will not be privy to. Without wasting further time, lets begin shall we...
Threat Level: 20-50, depending on the mission he is assigned to.
Name: Shirogane Okami
Code Name: Okami
Alliance: Agent
Position: Field Agent
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single
Height: Six feet, five inches.
Weight: 81.6466kg
Body Type: Mesomorph, lean, slender and refined.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Icy blue-gray
Other: He wears a pair of slender black rimmed glasses, suit and tie all of the time, as well as a pair of black gloves.

I am calm, cool and collected. I understand how to detatch myself from situations, and get the job done. You may say I am patient, but I also hate wasting my time. I am fiercely loyal and intellectual, I do not engage with fools, but I will end anything that harms those I care about. I am honest and blunt, straight to the point as per avoiding wasting time. There is little more to say here, so I will leave it to the doctors I suppose, to tell you what they think.
Shirogane is refered to as many as a prodigy. His IQ is within the top few percent of the world, which makes him very intellectual and enjoy various stimuli. It also at times makes him a bit standoffish to others. He can be cold and ruthless, in the aspect that he is often blunt and to the point. He prefers to get the job done, rather than wasting his time with trivial things. He is calm and levelheaded, though his agression at times borderlines that of a criminals. He is passionate and forward, as well as very driven. He puts all of himself into tasks, as if he cares little for his own life.

This makes him at times reckless and highly self-sacrificial. He knows the importance of following orders, and is able to detatch himself emotionally and mentally from a situation, to get the job done. He is patient but only to a point, unable to stand foolishness or pointlessness for long, this is due to his intellect and his will to be to the point. He has a soft spot for certain people, but has built high walls around himself and his mind. Getting on the inside of him is very hard, and those who betray his trust or him often find themselves with a powerful enemy. He is calculating and very stratigic, able to think on his feet and in action.

His reflexes have kept him alive in many situations, allowing him to switch gears and get the job done. Unfortunately, there are few he works well with in this aspect, so most of the time he works alone. He dislikes having to baby others, or hold their hands during a battle. He will protect those he is assigned with or to protect with his life however. He is strong willed and hearted, it takes a lot to break him, but as before said, it also takes a lot to get inside his heart or head. He typically keeps most inside and on lockdown, while outwardly being very composed. Often people say they see either the calm or dark side of him, little more. Much about him is a mystery as well, there is still much to learn of what makes him tick.

Weapons/Purium: Shirogane uses a set of custom guns he made himself, and perfected over the years. Being twin barreled, they can both fire two rounds at once, and multiple rounds in quick succession. They are able to be customized in various ways to fire whatever ammunition or object needed to. The black barrels are also able to flip up, exposing the cross like middle which has its own weaponized use. The red gun known as "Oblivion", is able to fire blasts of well, fire from the cross.

The silver one known as "Judgement" is able to fire blasts of electricity. The metal upon the guns is incredibly strong, so they can be used as shields within combat as well. He carries with him a variety of smaller weapons upon his person, such as throwing knives, needles and more. He at times will carry a serrated black chain like whip, made of the same metal as his guns. He is trained in many other weapons and able to use them, but these are his prefered method of getting the job done.

Abilities/Powers: His high IQ allows him to be very stratigic and cunning within planning and fighting altogether. He is highly skilled in various forms of hand to hand combat, making him highly dangerous with or without a weapon. His ability to detatch himself allows him to become a walking weapon for the SFA as he has been called within the past. He is skilled in espionage and non leathal assassinations, meaning he takes down targets if need be, but he does not actually kill them or he would be a criminal. He is skilled with technology, and fluent in many languages from his time travelling around the world. He is skilled with knowledge on various things, as well as his assets all over the world. Much of his skills is classified, within the SFA, so is to be discovered by those around him.

Skills Lacking: Social skills is one of his main areas lacking. Much of his past and himself in general is classified. He has trouble letting others in, and agression towards those who have betrayed him. His emotional state is lacking as well, due to his constant closing off and detating himself from situations. He finds it hard to get emotionally attatched or interested in many things. He has been trained and lived as a weapon most of his life, so being anything else is difficult on him, and slow going.

I joined the SFA at the age of sixteen. Anything before that, you do not need to know about. The information is on lockdown or has been destroyed. I joined as a "Ghost" agent, meaning when the rest of the world was concerned, I do not exist. I was young and in need to be trained and kept an eye on in the ways of the SFA. For this reason, I was partnered up with another new agent of the time by the name of Reese. For the first month I worked there and trained alongside of him, we instantly clicked and became close. I suppose in a sense, we were a lot alike. However, things did not last to long in this manner.

Reese decided to leave the SFA. I had little attatchment to the organization at the time, and little else to go to. I believe the higher ups knew of this, for I was approached in reguards to keep an eye on him during this time. It was fine with me, though I believe Reese knew of this as well on some level. I remained with Rieno for two years, he would vanish at times and I knew he could not be up to much good. I was worried about him, durring this time he and I were becoming quite close. I will not tell you the details, because they are none of your buisiness. One day, everything came crashing down however. Reese and I got into one hell of a fight, over a subject that is again none of your concern.

He stormed off, leaving the two of us at odds that would have ruined any other relationship. I know him all to well though, in his own way, he was attempting to protect me. After that, I was recalled once more by the SFA. They wanted information on Rieno, that I could not give them. I was taken in, and allowed to resume my duties as an agent as long as I told them of my time with Reese while I was with him keeping an eye on things. I told them what I felt they needed to know, there was nothing to hide. After this, I began training that would make military training seem like a breeze. I had no trouble with it, and continued to willingly push myself for the SFA. I ran into Reese a few months later, we got into another hell of a fight.

I suppose he figured I knew why he had left and that I was not giving up on him. Over the next few years as I trained and worked for the SFA, the information is classified to anyone outside of certain areas. At times, I would get mysterious phone calls or letters, or someone would come tell me something. They were from Reese yes, our friendship seemed to span even over the gap in our sides. We enjoyed challenging eachother, it seemed to only make us closer. The SFA could not be angry with me, for I was honest about the contacts and Reese was careful enough to never give me any information that would compromise my position as an agent.

The SFA worried however, that I was getting to close to a border I could not cross. Our battles were getting more intense, and so was our friendship. They worried of him compromising me, where I would end up turning criminal. I was sent on a classified mission, that took about a year. When I returned, I learned of Rieno killing. It angered me greatly, if I had been does not matter. I needed a break, the stress was getting on my nerves a bit. I confronted Reese about it and a fight was the result, but I could not end him in the end, for multiple reasons.

I was able to brush it off with the SFA as killing him would end up placing me in trouble. After that, I dropped off the grid after that to take some time off, and let my threat level lower a bit. I was gone for a few years, until I learned of Reese being taken into custody. I suppose they thought I could be of some help within the mess they had once more succeeded in making, for I was contacted yet again by the SFA. I was on probation, working hard to rebuild my establishment in the SFA. I became the German Shepard of the SFA, to Rieno's Dobramen persona. After a year of more training, I was asked to stay on. I agreed and not long after, I was approached by a man who my studies labled as Sycom. Since then, I have been working as a personal agent under his command.

Xavirne 12-04-2013 02:38 PM

Threat Level

| team b |



Originally Posted by ISOS Duke
Hmm? Wha- Who's bothering me n--- Oh, hello. I am your Hime and you may refer to me as such. You will be there to help me right? After all, we're a team now. Don't you worry yourself any, I won't just leave you there to die, I'm stronger than I look. Don't let my small stature and innocent face fool you, I'm quite the force to be reckoned with in combat; after all, one can't become a senior agent on good looks and money alone. What, you don't believe me? You really underestimate me that much? Well, how about you put your money where your mouth is?
Threat Level: 37
Name: Olivia Estelle Rue Parker
Code Name: Hime
Alliance: Agent
Position: Senior Agent B
Age: Twenty-nine
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight, though can come off as bi-sexual
Relationship Status: Single
Height: four foot, eleven inches
Weight: 97 pounds
Body Type: Petite
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Electric Blue
Other: Has ears pierced once and always has blue butterfly wings in her hair. Enjoys playing the violin.
Personality? I'm perfect, what more is there to say? I'm a princess and behave as such so you should treat me as such, do I make myself clear? What's with that look? I told you to treat me like a princess, you'll regret it if you don't...
Hime has been among those listed as showing bi-polar tendencies. Though she can treat her team and others like the most important people in the world, in the same breath she can go about ripping them to shreds with mere words. It is not uncommon for the woman to use her small stature and large blue eyes as a weapon against others as she ensures that things (including missions) and taken care of in the way she wants them to be. The woman does know how to compromise though as she is not one to be oblivious to the fact that the majority stands against her; however, in her mind, should the compormise be chosen, she has won for it was her 'idea'. Even with a venom tongue, Hime will not leave a teammate behind, nor will she leave a job unfinished.

Weapons: V.O.L.F. A vertical ordinance, long-range fighting mech. This mech can quickly process information that the SFA sends out to their teams. The mech can be controlled both by the SFA or, as it usually is, by Hime. Her butterfly wing hair pins also double as daggers, the pattern on the wing being a piece of technology also allows for them to be bombs; one wing is a high impact explosive while the other serves as a tear gas bomb.
Abilities/Powers: Analysist and battle strategist. Can quickly process current events, many times to the smallest detail, and act or plan accordingly. Can work even in pinch situations to minimize loss and/or damages. Also fluid in French and Italian due to her mother's work. Hime is also excellent in hand-to-hand combat, training herself so that she can fight successfully in any situation.
Skills Lacking: Don't entrust her with items of importance if they aren't hers, she will lose them. From time to time, she may lose something of her own as well. She's just forgetful.
I am the daughter of a Congressman and a fashion designer, both whom had never anticipated having any children. In fact, I was only conceived due to a night of intoxication after both parties had received news of their successful endeavors. The two however, were not married, nor engaged and after their romp of the night, went their two separate ways until one day, Rue's future father was greeted by a very frazzled beauty on his doorstep early one morning. Upon hearing the news, like many panicked couples, they wed and 6 months later, being premature, the tiny, wonderful me was born.

My premature birth worried the two parents and I was put on constant watch by private doctors until I was a toddler and it was more than evident that the child would live. Both parents worked constantly, my mother traveling the world to put on fashion shows and photoshoots while my father, when home, would lock himself in his office, behind a mountain of papers and old leather bound books. This didn't necessarily upset me and the constant attention from the household maids was enough to keep me happy.

As years went by and I began to grow old enough for school, my parents started fighting in the limited time that they would see each other. From time to time it was about school and how the girl was to be educated, other times it was about how I was always locked up in the house which usually led to arguments about how me being home was like a punishment to her father. I eventually caught on to their fighting and saw how it caused the maids to scurry about and do whatever they could to appease the fighting couple and to keep them from fighting in front of me. Never once did the I cry though, rather, I learned from that behavior and soon found that my anger and demands got me further than my cheerful behavior did.

Though my parents didn't divorce, they did live apart from each other, I was taken in by my mother whom quickly enrolled me into public schooling. It was in the early years of elementary school that I learned that my bossy demeanor did not work on my classmates as well as it did on the maids at home; they would ignore me, tell on me, and just did not do as I wished. After numerous complaints by parents, my mother pulled me from my first school and enrolled me into another. That was there I was able to really start the Princess act. I found that acting meek and silent, almost innocent to a fault brought about a desired reaction.

As time went on, the attention just drew on to be the same and it got borning. On top of that, my parents just seemed so disinterested in anything that I was doing, leaving the maids to fawn over me as they always did. So, was does any self respecting child do that wants the attention of her parents as well? Why join the military of course! Yup, that's what I did and I was good at it. Combat wasn't so much my thing, but of course I had to learn some of that as well. I can fight, but I don't like to. My scores soared in battle tactics, after all, in order to manipulate people, you have to be aware of a situation and details. This just allows me to boss more people around. It's safe to say that my parents were very verbal about what I was doing, but they couldn't do much with the amount of attention I was getting from it.


Originally Posted by a91nicole
I'm Artemis. Now I'm pretty new to SFA, okay very new. Part of what drew me to them and vice versa is my knowledge and interest on the mythology of ancient cultures. Let's just say I didn't get in here on my brawn necessarily. A lot of it is my cleverness and understanding of the sacred. I do also come from Europe which has something to do with it, as it's a land steeped in mythology and arcanum of the past.
Threat Level: 25
Name: Eve Rathburn
Code Name: Artemis
Alliance: Agent
Position: New Agent B
Age: Twenty-two
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 140 lbs
Body Type: Athletic, similar to a tennis player’s body.
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Dark Blue
Other: She does have a tattoo written in latin on her rib cage. The text, in English reads:
Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man.
Note: This is a quote from Homer’s Odyssey, which Artemis is very fond of.
I am largely an intellectual. I enjoy a conversation that challenges me, and a job that challenges me. I do like to joke around, though I typically play more in the lands of satire, sarcasm, and wit than in the land of simpleton humor. I love to teach and share and read, but I do have little patience for those of small mind. I am outgoing, but if a crowd seems unwilling to share or simply unpleasant, I will not be a jester for their entertainment.
Artemis is very eloquent with her words, and a good choice for delicate conversations. She knows how to remain calm throughout a controversial discussion. She is not necessarily an aggressive type. She does show signs of being willing to spar, and of enjoying it, but not needlessly. Agent Artemis seldom raises her voice, and only raises it to be heard over a crowd, not to yell. Generally, she is a pleasant enough character- she can speak with most people and is outgoing. She is very intelligent, though her area of expertise does fall on the arcanums and mythologies of ancient culture. That knowledge can be helpful when dealing with certain creatures, though she does have a habit of going into long-winded tales of myths and heroes. When it comes time to get work done, however, she is very clever. She focuses.
Now on the other side of the coin, Artemis has displayed frustration with others. It is usually shown when she feels people don’t respect intellect. Pretentious would be a fitting word in some situations. She is also very skilled at insulting someone in a way that sounds simply beautiful, but when a little thought is put into it, it is quite offensive. Though not quick to temper, her tongue is sharp. Another thing of note is that Artemis does not respect those that do not respect her. Though her intelligence scores were impressive, her teachers did include notes about how she would refuse to listen to them if she disagreed. Artemis also has, on more than one occasion, commandeered a class period and systematically proven a teacher wrong. Though generally harmless to others physically, she can be quite a frustrating person should she decide someone is of inferior intelligence.

Weapons: She carries a compound bow that has a variety of arrow options. Some explode on contact, others can poison, some carry diseases inside their tips. Some of the arrows carry an electric current with can be used to stun creatures as well. Artemis is a nearly perfect marksman with a bow, which is why she uses it rather than some of the extremely high tech weapons. For close combat, she does carry two pistols. She has also been trained in hand to hand combat, though her bow is certainly her go to weapon. And of course, she has her weapon to use on the criminals should they disobey.
Abilities/Powers: Artemis possesses Ajax, a massive white stag that she can ride. Though an animal, Ajax is able to identify the supernatural a bit before Artemis would be able too (one of the most treasured gifts of the stag throughout mythology, she’ll tell you). Though he is nowhere near as skilled as an identifier is, he does give Artemis a bit of protection if for some reason she were to be alone. She does ride Ajax during battle to aid her in staying on edges of the fight, where her intelligence and impeccable aim can be put to the best use.
Skills Lacking: She is not very strong physically. Though she knows the technique of hand-to-hand combat, her body strength is only so much. Artemis is not necessarily a fighter. She has incredible knowledge of the weaknesses of the supernatural beings, but typically she leaves fighting for the more qualified agents. Artemis is also very quick to judgement, and humility is a word that is hardly in her vocabulary. Also we do have to note that she called an agent “A fusty nut with no kernel” when he make the mistake of saying Artemis was the goddess of the moon, when in fact, according to her, Artemis only became associated with the moon during the Renaissance. So yes, one of her flaws is that she can be quite rude.
I was born to a professor and a writer. Therefore what became of me seems fitting. As the offspring of such intellectuals, I was raised to be one myself. My parents were so proud when I bit my thumb at a very dull shop worker. For those of you that have not read the original Romeo and Juliet, to bite your thumb at someone is the same as giving them the middle finger.
My first poem as a child was The Odyssey, and from that point on I found myself fascinated by the culture that once ruled the European world. Growing up in France, I was surrounded by the artwork of the ancients, and my family and I would travel to Italy often to see Rome. Naturally, I found my home in ancient cultures and literature, and throughout school I made it my business learn as much as I could with the resources given me.
I had friends like anyone else, but we never seemed to hit the ‘stupid teenager’ phase that so many do. As I progressed through my schooling, I found my interests focused the most on ancient beasts, demons, animals. This interest of mine is of course a large part of why I made it to SFA in the first place. I also worked extremely hard in my subjects because I wanted to go into the SFA; I knew my calling would be in a job where I could use my knowledge and not just tell others as a teacher. After taking the test, I was quite pleased with my score, and I found myself here. I’m still very new to the job but I cannot wait to pursue it further.

Tch, no thanks. Introductions aren't my style.
Threat Level: 311
Name: Reese Kane O'Mallie
Code Name: Reino
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Identifier B
Age: Twenty-nine
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: Six foot five inches
Weight: 187 pounds
Body Type: Mesomorph, but more on the lean side
Hair: Short and black
Eyes: Narrow and gold
Other: Reino always wears a suit and tie and his hands are always veiled by gloves.
It's best if you just stop pestering me to fill this out. I don't like completing petty tasks and I certainly don't want to "open up" and "share" with the likes of you. If I must say one thing, I absolutely loathe those "happy-go-lucky" individuals. They make me barf rainbows and butterflies. I was supposed to be on Sycom's team. I gave him a death threat. Now I'm paired with Hime. Great...
As noted by his cold and haughty behavior, Reino is probably one of the least friendly people you'll ever met. Reino has no qualms when it comes to betrayal and murder. It's why his Threat Level is so off the charts; he simply does not care. Reino is indifferent and lacking empathy. He's the kind of guy that would kick a puppy if it just so happened to block his path. Besides being a total ass, Reino does have his redeeming qualities. Although completely untrustworthy,he'll save your ass -- and, please, don't be grateful, he's only doing it to save himself the hassle of extra paperwork. Reino's IQ is off the charts too. Prior to falling into the criminal way of life, Reino was slated to be a researcher at the SFA. A final note about Reino, don't boss him around. Just let him do what he wants. Any form of authority... well, it's how his last agent leader died. The only reason he's kept around is because he's the best Identifier we've ever seen.

Weapons/Purium: His preferred weapon of choice is his gold pistol, which also serves as his Purium. When he grabs the gun with his right arm, he can activate the Purium. The gun then becomes a part of his body and serves as his new "hand." Once the gun-arm is in tact, Reino can alter the type of gun at will. He currently has the ability to use a pistol, SMG, shotgun, and sniper rifle. Again, all of which are a part of his right arm. The bullets that shoot from his arm-gun aren't real bullets; rather, they are beams of energy that is supplied from Reino's bond with his Purium. To end the arm-gun, Reino grabs the gun-hand with his left hand. This deactivates the Purium and allows him to use the gun as a normal weapon.
Abilities/Powers: Aside from the ability to have a hand-gun (literally), Reino is also very skilled in espionage and assassinations. For five solid years, Reino was on the SFA's "Most Wanted" list due to his heinous crimes. The only reason he came out of hiding was because he was offered a chance to live, rather than die.
Skills Lacking: Charisma and all social skills. Reino is a very independent man and likes to make that point well-known. He hates people and he hates working with others. He's a loner and keeps to himself. Talk to him, we dare you.
I've always been a loner, and a studious one at that. I was the "prodigal" son to two well-known geniuses. My mother works as a head surgeon and Rick is an engineer. Yes, Rick. I am an only child, which is why I can come across spoiled at times (the SFA made me say that). Living in the shadows of two famous people made me a bit bitter. I needed to prove my worth and succeed in something they couldn't do. Originally, I thought that would be art. Then I tried to paint something and I ended up throwing the easel across the room. Next career goal was an athlete. Too bad I don't play nice with others. By the time my senior year rolled around, I was working in a lab. I've always been good with understanding quantities and properties. A chemist was in my future, but I was also really good at reverse engineering things. Upon completing the Aptitude Test, I received a letter from the SFA for a research position. It was a glorious idea. I was going to take it. Then, I received a letter to become an agent.

I worked for the SFA for maybe a month as a "new recruit" and it was a very interesting job. I could see why they wanted me to be a field agent rather than a lab monkey. I was good, unbelievably good. I could deduct and detect things faster than most.

One day, we received a call. A breech occurred in a hospital. The victim...


No one would tell me anything. I was forced off the team. I was actually put on suspension due to a significant raise in my Threat Level (I was a steady 7 and jumped to a dangerous level of 49).

I honestly think they were morons. They should have let me help. Had they, I might not have turned criminal. I might have... been better off.

I knew there were files in the hospital she worked in. And I needed to know the truth. From that very moment on, I became a wanted criminal. I broke into the hospital record file and learned that my mother was murdered for not saving some guy's girlfriend. He went mental and slashed my mom's throat. I watched him eat her body. That just pissed me off. I sought vengeance.

I stole and I spied. I needed to find my mom's killer's name. And that's when my name started attracting the attention of notoriously bad men. It probably helped that I was an ex-SFA agent. I knew where the cameras where. I knew where the scanners were. I know who to avoid. I was able to avoid the eyes of the SFA. Because of this, I worked a spy for several organizations. It was a good, fun life. From 18 to 22, I did petty crimes (I consider espionage to be petty). Nothing that would really raise my Threat Level above 200. Then, one night as I was coming back to my shack, I saw the eyes of a man who ruined everything for me. In an instant, my Threat Level jumped from 180 to 311. I killed him in cold blood. And it didn't phase me one bit. For the next five years, I did what I wanted. I killed and I killed.

Two years ago, I saw a message on a wall from the SFA. It was a trap, but I was drawn to the message because I knew the writing all too well. That's when I met Agent Daliah, the head of the SFA, my former partner. She told me that if I came with her, she wouldn't kill me on the spot. She said I was too good an agent to lose to corruption. I agreed. Since that night, I've been the "loyal" doberman of the SFA. I kill because they ask me to. I spy because they need me to. I do all they ask of me. It's the perfect job for me, really. I get to be an agent, but I get to work around the morals of the law.

Greetings, fellow SFA member. I would say agent but, alas, I'm no agent. Sadly, I'm guilty as charged. For what, you ask? Arson. Burn, baby, burn! I'm so hot I'm going to make that famed Vlady boy melt. But, in all seriousness, you haven't need to worry about me. You see, unlike some of the criminals here, my arson was done with a sound reason, but I'll get into that later. For now, let me leave you with this friendly hello.
Threat Level: 129
Name: Lucas Skywalker
Code Name: Ashes
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Reino's temporary replacement (Identifier B)
Former Position: Special Ops 009
Age: Thirty-six
Sex: Male
Orientation: Likes "classy cats" (ladies)
Relationship Status: Single
Height: Five foot five inches
Weight: Above 100 and something pounds
Body Type: Slender and almost cat-like
Hair: Multi-colored. It's shades of gray with a green highlight on the fringe.
Eyes: Yellow green
Other: Has an eyebrow ring on his right and wears an eye patch over his left eye.
I'm simply purrrrfect. No really, I am. I suppose that little line won't suffice though, so allow me to go into further detail. As you can tell, I love to talk. I have no problem talking and you'll probably find me quite fun, too. I love to play and stretch my legs. Want to play outside? Well, I might wander off into a sunny patch and nap, but don't worry, I'm still alert and aware.

You might be catching onto something. Something fishy, or should I say pawesome. Why yes, I identify with a cat. Yes, I'm lazy like those migrating house ornaments, but I'm also a hunter and tracker. There's no monster that can escape my eyes. I'm fast and have excellent reflexes. Like a cat, I do always land on my feet. I also have nine lives. How many have a used thus far? Well, that's my secret.

Oh, I'm told I should probably move onto another part of this profile. How sad, I had so much more I wanted to share. Perhaps another day?
Narcissistic, playboy who is absolutely lazy. He really is like a cat in ever sense of the word. The only time he's not lazy is when he's hungry and on the prowl for food or when a lady's life is on the line. He's the first to volunteer to help a lovely miss and he's also one of the only agents at the SFA that listen. Granted, you should carry a bag of cat nip and Whisker Lickin's around if you want him to listen. Still, he does obey if a treat of sorts is involved.

Be wary of him though, he might seem "soft" and "cuddly," but he'll turn on a dime. Just watch his ears and you'll get a sense for when he's about to strike! Overall though, Ashes is not a threat. His bite might hurt, but he's really a sweetheart underneath all that haughty fur of his.

Weapons/Purium: Like some, his Purium is forever attached to him. For Ashes, that would be those lovely ears atop his head. Now some might assume he has extreme hearing, and he does, but that's not his specialty. But we'll get into that later. For now, know that Ashes' weapon is... a ball of yarn. Or so it looks as such at first glance. Upon further inspection, you'll discover it's really a whip or a lasso. He can manipulate his ball of yarn however he wants.
Abilities/Powers: Ashes' special talent lies in his ability to shift into a legit cat. He's a shapeshifter, which is unheard of. He's a slate gray cat when he's not using much of his Purium. But the stronger his Purium grows, the larger he gets, until he becomes a full-sized black panther that is large enough to ride. To sweeten the deal, he can breathe fire. Fancy that, a fire breathing panther.
Skills Lacking: He's terrified of water and cannot swim. He is actually a people person and loves to talk. One might call him a noisy kitty, which can be problematic as he never knows when to shut his yap. Ashes is also easily peeved. Step on him or put him the wrong way and he'll be sure to lash out.
All his life, Ashes had everything. The love of both his parents and a house full of riches and goods. His father was an inventor and his mother a veterinarian. Ashes was their miracle child. The one thing they were told they couldn't have. As soon as he was born, the two quit their jobs and took up home schooling him. That was his life until he turned sixteen and decided to submit to the military.

At first glance, the military wasn't interested. Then, upon further testing and training, they found themselves lucky. At the age of eighteen, Ashes joined the military and moved swiftly through the ranks, eventually moving from a soldier to a Special Ops sniper. For the next six years, he served in this role. Around the age of 25, he was about to leave his role but decided against it. He smelled something fishy in one of the units he worked alongside.

Sure enough, there was something fishy going down. The commander of that squad was a dirty man. He needed removing. But how could he remove that guy? And, to make it worse, the entire squad. All of them were crooked and trying to overthrow the government.

One night, he moved. He did the only thing he could think of. Talk to his senior officer. That news spread and Ashes was tasked with a very burdensome mission. Burn. Burn it all down.

The flames removed them. Removed everything about them. The government didn't want word to get out about these villains. Sadly, killing all of those criminals labeled Ashes one. Graciously, though, he accepted his punishment, happy to know that his arson was for the safety of others.

Upon being shipped to the SFA, his offer put in a good word for the guy. At the age of 27, he underwent a series of tests, perhaps too many. It was then when he became an Identifier who could breathe fire. But they put him through one more test and that test is what altered him permanently. Ears sprung up on his head and he lost his human ears in the process.

The army, completely backing this testing, was looking for a way to create super soldiers. Sadly, the SFA failed that job and the army decided well-trained humans and robots would have to work.

With Ashes now a "freak" of the SFA, he to be put down. He protested* and ended up creating the Special Ops Tactical Force (SOTF), which is comprised of thirteen highly trained agents and one criminal, Ashes. Being the cat of the group, he was assigned as 009, for nine lives. He has served in this role since he was 28. For eight solid years, he has been the final force of the SFA. If he and his comrades fall, all is lost. Only, the SOTF never fail. They can't. The odds are stacked in their favor. Ashes' "freakish" nature is only the beginning of what SOTF hides....

*Upon protesting, he was forced to undergo constant tests and research with a classified lab in the SFA. Only a select few outside SOTF and this lab know of him. In fact, he's so special that he has his own room away from everyone else. Granted, all have probably seen him before. Ever notice a cat in the cafeteria? Yes, that's him.


Originally Posted by Aoi Kazuya
Hey, so I was told to introduce myself? My name's Ciprian Astrauckas, but don't bother trying to remember it if you think it's too long. Just call me Cias. I don't really care how you call me, so feel free to use either name, just make sure to pronounce it correctly.

What is there for me to tell you? They should really be more specific about the things they want us to say, but to be quite honest, I probably wouldn't answer most of the things people would want to have answered anyway. Let's just get through the basic information first then. This is just the stuff you can find from my identification card.
Threat Level: Some numba over 100. XD
Name: Ciprian Astrauckas
Code Name: Cias
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Enhancer B
Age: Twenty-Three
Sex: Male
Orientation: Bi
Relationship Status: Single
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 142 lbs
Body Type: Ectomorph
Hair: Grey-Black
Eyes: Pink
Other: Has wings tattooed onto his back and piercings in both ears
Congrats on making it through some of the technical information. I don't really understand why you need to know these things about me but whatever, it's protocol or something.

My likes and dislikes...I like animals. Don't see them very often anymore, but I like them. They're different from people, more...natural. Don't give me that look, judging just because you think you're better than me. I have my reasons for liking the things I do, I don't see why I should feel obligated to inform you of everything though. As for dislikes, I don't like being pressured to do anything against what I believe in. And I dislike a lot of other things too, but I'm not supposed to speak about them. Almost got myself killed once because of those thoughts, I'd rather keep 'em to myself and live thank you very much.
Cias is pretty easy to get along with if people don't try to get him to talk about how he ended up working as an Enhancer. He has a quick mind, but more often than not, he chooses to respond sarcastically or vaguely. He doesn't mean to be rude, but he can get defensive very quickly if he's in a bad mood. Though he tends to want to think things over before speaking, he's the type to drop what he's doing and jump into action if the situation calls for it. He's just one big walking contradiction, depending on the day, he can be a jokester or about ready to tear someone's throat out at any moment. Despite his criminal status, he understands the importance of working with the team he's been assigned to, especially if he wants to continue living.

Weapons/Purium: A double blade is the weapon that Cias utilizes. The tattoo on his back serves as more than just a decoration as it is also his Purium, turning into actual wings to give him the ability to fly.
Abilities/Powers: Cias has a vast knowledge of poisons and a knack for mixing up new ones with different effects. He's figured out how to actually store the poisons in the feathers of his wings and to put them to use in fights, though he only does so if he thinks his comrades need help, pulling out feathers still hurt. Probably because of this fascination of his, he's actually a brilliant cook. When he isn't being lazy.
Skills Lacking: If he's ever left to fight a monster on his own, chances are he'll end up dead. Cias is not very physically strong. He's more of the defensive type than the offensive. He also flusters easily when subjected to a lot of physical contact. And let's not even mention how bad he is in social situations, meeting new people.
My childhood wasn't so bad. I grew up in a pretty decent household. We were actually kinda really well off. I suppose I was always the black sheep of the family though. Despite being in such a technologically advanced age, I always preferred to actually read the odd book that I could find if I looked hard enough. I might not act it but I was put through a lot of advanced classes and worked with a lot of different tutors by the time I had graduated from high school. I guess my parents thought they could either change me or keep me busy so they wouldn't have to deal with me.

They're still alive if you're wondering. My little sister too. They're all alive...and happy the last time I saw them. I wonder if she misses me, my li'l sis. My parents were probably more than happy to disown me when they heard I'd gotten into trouble with the SFA, which is a story I'd rather not speak about.

Lucky me managed to be part of that 10% of criminals that survived AAP injections. That wasn't fun. Nor was trying to get used to my new appendages any better. It's okay now that I know how to make 'em go away, but it's still a bit surreal at times.

Life with the SFA isn't so bad after you get used to it. Yea, it's really something else having to protect people who couldn't care less if you died in a fight, but if you didn't give 'em a reason to want to kill you themselves, you were taken care of. I did my job, and I guess I was good at it. I've lived this long...I can only live each day one at a time. It's the only way I've been surviving.


Originally Posted by CrimsonShadow
I have never made such a detailed profile before! This is my new favorite character!

Oh so I’m suppose to introduce myself? Well there’s not much to know about me is there? Or I could just be saying that as maybe I don’t want to speak about myself. Hmm? What do you think about that? I’m going to give you some sound advice. Never judge a book by it’s cover.
Threat Level: 260
Name: Arabella, Ara for short
Code Name: Shadow
Alliance: /Criminal
Position: Breaker B1
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Widow
Height: Five foot eight inches
Weight: 145 pounds
Body Type: Slim but curvy, in shape
Hair: Jet black, long and wavy
Eyes: Gold
Other: Has a bunch of quotes tattooed all over her body (didn’t want to post them all) Two lobe piercings, her right tragus and left conch pierced.
Also these tattoo's
leg and arm tattoo
right arm
right foot/leg
I’m a bundle of everything you could say. I use to be a really nice person, I was madly in love and was in love with life. Sure I stole for a living, I was really good at it. I guess you have to be cold blooded to do that but I could always separate that coldness from my home life. Now I’m not so nice, I sort of lost my mind there for a while. You can say I’m “detached”. Yes, I think that fits rather nicely. On occasion I can be nice still, that old me will peek through but that rarely happens.
Ara has detached herself from her emotions and that makes her do things she normally wouldn’t do. Being detached gives her a cold and ruthless approach to situations. Underneath the detachment is a warm and loving person, but it is deep deep down under that exterior. She has shown that she lets that side out under certain circumstances. Ara is quick to action and has no qualm to killing.

Weapons/Purium: A Japanese sword is Ara’s preferred weapon of choice and it is also her purium item. The sword can be split into two. The right handed sword is an ice elemental sword and the left handed is an electricity elemental. Of course they both work as regular swords, cutting into her enemy but they also have cool extras. The ice sword shoots off small ice daggers and the electric sword pulses off electric bolts. If you’re cut with the ice sword the infected area is going to start to turn to ice and it will spread until you’re completely frozen (though that takes a while). When the sword is just one it’s a normal sword but she is very adapt at it and extremely fast.
Abilities/Powers: A master at fighting and has extreme flexibility, think contortionist level. She has a very keen eye for details.
Skills Lacking: She has no trust for anyone which causes her to go off alone. During a fight she would rather take on every enemy herself then trust that someone has her back. Sticky fingers, she always has the urge to swipe something.
When I was young I had a really good life, that was until my parents were killed in a fire when I was ten. They were my only family so to the streets I went. There was no way I was going to live in foster care. I learned quickly how to survive. Sure I already had good skills, my mother was a dancer and she taught me everything. That gave me my flexibility. My father was a hunter and he passed on those skills to me. I adapted the skills I learned at a young age to better my survival. I turned those skills and became one of the best thieves around.

I made a name for myself. They call me Shadow because that’s all you see when I come, my shadow. I’m good at escaping and have never been caught except one time and I will regret that decision for the rest of my life, but I’ll explain that in a bit. First I need to tell my story, my story about finding love.

When I was the ripe age of 22 I met Andonis. He owned a local store that I often went to. For weeks he would ask me out and I always turned him down. But one day I decided why not? We started dating and soon fell in love. A year later we got married. He was my life, the better half of me. We were married for three years and then he was taken from me. See I was still stealing the whole time, Andonis knew and he loved me just the same. Though he wished I wasn’t a thief he never asked me to change my ways. One day I took a contract, a man had something stolen from him from a mob boss and wanted it back. I thought I was invincible, no one had ever seen me before. Well I was seen. After I extracted my vengeance I learned that the mob bosses little kid liked to hide in the room where the stolen item was hiding.

It was the biggest mistake of my life and I will regret it for the rest of my life. They found where I lived and when I wasn't home beat the love of my life to death. I came home to his cold dead body and a note explaining why this had happened. After that I lost it, I lost my world and my mind with it. I use to be a nice decent person and now I’m cold and ruthless. I went after them and I killed all of them in ways you would want to hear about. That was two years ago, it took me a while to gain access and kill all of them. I also killed the guy who gave me the job. Sure it wasn't his fault but I didn't care. I evaded the SFA for awhile but I had risen to the top of the list and I knew I wouldn't be able to outrun them for forever. So here I am now.


Originally Posted by Esmme
They do introductions now? Really? If you could see the look on my face, maybe you'd reconsider asking for an introduction. But, I digress.

My name is Vladimir Cortel. I don't regret a thing I've done, no matter what they use me for here. I suppose they think they contain us properly by using us to hunt for other criminals. Perhaps. Perhaps they're right. But ... what if they're wrong?
Threat Level: 198
Name: Vladimir Cortel
Code Name: Vlad
Alliance: Criminal
Position: Breaker B2
Age: Twenty-five
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Height: Six feet and two inches
Weight: 166 lbs
Body Type: Mesomorph
Hair: Long; black
Eyes: Teal
Other: Eyes glow when using Purium. Extremely pale skin. Can take far more damage than expected. Very difficult to kill.
And now you want me to tell you about my personality? Is this necessary, or do you just enjoy the sound of my voice? ... Fine, I'll continue.

I'm not fond of the people who put me here, nor the people we're after, nor the people on the team. "Team." Lovely word, that. Don't expect me to stand for anyone should danger actually hit.

Can I leave now? I would much appreciate the opportunity to feed.
Vlad is aggressive toward his teammates, and a volatile member of the team if the situation is delicate. It is advised to keep him quiet should the need for tact arise.

His good qualities (if any should exist) include his stubborn demeanor - Vlad is very difficult to deter from a task. Once his mind is set to it, it takes a physical (and very strong) force to keep him from achieving his goal. There is no way to stop him unless you find a way to knock him unconscious. Good luck.

The subject is drawn to the weakness of others, and will exploit trust without a second thought. Regret doesn't seem to be part of his genetic makeup. He is neither loyal, nor will he step in front of a bullet to protect anyone on the team.

Weapons/Purium: Vlad fights with his entire form. Hand-to-hand combat his his expertise, and the vicious element of metal claws have been added to his weaponry.

His Purium is a teal crystal that seems embedded where his heart should be. This crystal doesn't go deep into him, and can be detached from the metallic casing over Vlad's heart.
Abilities/Powers: When his Purium is activated, Vlad is enhanced physically - and nearly unstoppable. Becoming as strong as one of the mech's used by his allies, Vlad is nearly impossible to kill while his Purium is active, as he is immune to pain and has learned to take blows that would kill most men.

Vlad's additional ability when using the Purium is drawing energy from other people - beware the sting of his draw. Another power worth mentioning is his uncanny ability to influence how quickly or slowly someone is bleeding - be it himself, or an ally.

His time using the Purium, however, seems to drain him. He burns through the energy at such high rates, that when the battle is over he takes 12 full hours of sleep. If he doesn't use the Purium, Vlad doesn't need sleep for over a week. In fact, he's known for staying awake for many days on end merely because he doesn't need the rest.

Vlad has very few skills outside of fighting and tanking the hits for his team - which he doesn't do FOR them, but merely so he can finish the hunt. He particularly enjoys draining the energy from his enemies.

On a side note: Vlad likes to read, sleep, and is oddly calmed by music - though hasn't proved he can play an instrument (it was implied that he can).
Skills Lacking: Social skills, namely. He is a poor choice for team plays, and is better left on his own. Has no loyalty to any member of the team, and will often strike first even if the situation calls for tactful delivery.

Not much can be said about his other skills: he is meant for dealing and taking hits.
... and now a history. How quaint. Let me sigh in a nostalgic way and get all glassy eyed for you. No, of course I'm not joking. But again, I digress.

I grew up with my younger sister. Our parents were criminals before us. They were the sort who made sure drug deals went smoothly, and they messed up the people who didn't make their payments on time. The black market tends to draw those sort.

I grew up with a blind eye toward crime. When I was thirteen, my sister was nine. I loved her. She was the only thing worth living for. Was.

She went to school. I was walking her home when we were attacked by two boys my age - maybe a year or two older. I don't know who they were. I didn't care to ask as I tore into them.

I was so intrigued by the sound of their last breaths, and the way the light faded from their eyes. I remember watching the blood flow over my hands, just ... staring. It was ... oddly pleasing.

I killed them both.

I looked for my sister, but found her lying cold a few feet from me. I lost the only thing worth living for that day.

From there, I joined my parents in their work. We began to cause some real trouble for the authorities. I suppose they finally found us, though. Funny, how your world changes once they stick you.

They could hardly keep me down. I'm quite surprised they allowed me into this team, really. I can't decide if they're wise, or infinitely foolish.

Xavirne 12-04-2013 02:38 PM

Threat Level

| updates & announcements |
12/5 -- Just a reminder! Although all the criminals seem invincible, any agent can kill them in an instant. So it's probably wise to not piss an agent off as they determine your life expectancy. Even if deemed "valuable" and "irreplaceable," the agency won't let a criminal live long enough to make the mistake again (Reino is "special" due to a piece of his past).
12/5 -- Noticing a pattern! Anyone else notice that Team B is miserable and moody while Team A is rather vigilante-like and sweet?
12/5 -- Posting has begun! Just some comments: For the most part, our characters do not one know another. None of them have ever been on the same team before. Hime and Sycom know each other as they are agents, but most everyone else wouldn't, unless you've OKed it by me. Right now, only Shadow and Reino know one another. If you want your character to know someone, let me know and I'll try to make it happen.
12/6 -- Created SFA Floorplan! See it here. The cells for our criminals are: Reino = Cell 3, Cias = 29, Shadow = 33, Vlad = 34, Mozilla = 72, Lolipop = 96, Vex = 127, Discord = 151. Here's a map that shows some of the occupied cells.
12/6 -- Making a Playlist! Post your character's theme songs and whatnot in the OOC and I'll add them to the RP's playlist~!
12/20 -- Sorting Out the Years Es brought up some great questions. She wanted to know the overlap of some of these agents. So I've been doing some back work to figure out years and possible stories. Check them out here:
The agency started in 2190. Sycom was just sixteen at the time. Daliah was 22.
Daliah (39) was born in 2168. Stated with SFA in 2190.

Sycom (33) was born in 2174. Started with SFA as Tech Ops at age 16 in 2190.
Volkov (20) was born in 2187. Started with SFA as New Hire at 20 in 2207.
Mozilla (23) was born in 2184. First killed in 2201 at 17. Started with SFA in
Lolipop (21) was born in 2186. First killed in 2202 at 16. Started with SFA in 2203.
Vex (27) was born in 2180. First killed in 2196 at 16. Started with SFA in 2197.
Discord (18) was born in 2189. First killed in 2202 at 13. Started with SFA in 2202.

Hime (29) was born in 2178. Started with SFA at 20 as an Agent in 2200. Worked as an agent for 7 years.
Artemis (25) was born in 2182. Started with SFA at 25 as New Hire in 2207.
Reino (29) was born in 2178. Started with SFA as New Hire in 2196 at 18. First crime committed in 2196 at 18. First killed at 22 in 2198. Started with SFA as a criminal in 2205.
Cias (23) was born in 2184. First became a criminal in 2206 at 22. Started with SFA in 2206.
Shadow (27) was born in 2180. First became a criminal in 2203 at age 23. Started with SFA in 2205.
Vlad (25) was born in 2182. First killed in 2196 at 14. Started with SFA in 2196.
12/23 -- Character connections~! Originally, I wasn't down for the idea of our characters knowing one another. But I'm beginning to think that they should. Why? Well, a common string between them all would make sense. After all, it could explain why they were all picked for Division One. That being said, let's hash out how the characters overlap! Thus far we have…
+ Reino and Shadow: Employed by the same person. Reino lied about who killed Shadow's hubby but she finds closure in him. He finds guilt and fear in her.
+ Reino and Vlad: Reino apprehended Vlad and tased him. Vlad underwent the Purium surgery and was upset that Reino, who he viewed as a "villain," didn't have to undergo such an operation. Vlad has hated him since.
+ Reino and Mozilla: Met on the street. Reino witnessed Mozilla kill someone. Was a bit taken aback to his actions and questioned his motives (the cop part of him was speaking). Upon hearing that the vic murdered a cat, the two become friends. Shortly thereafter, the SFA find them, and Reino tries to save Mozilla from the hands of the SFA. Ends up failing and they are both taken in.
+ Sycom, Daliah, and Vex: They all went to the same school. Although grades apart, they all passed each other at least once in the halls.
+ Daliah and Reino: Daliah tried to date Reino but that never happened. Instead she's in an open relationship with Sycom.
+ Cias and Mozilla (and Reino): Cias lived in the same apartment complex as Mozilla, but he lived in the penthouse away from the other occupants and Mozilla looked drastically different from the way he does now, so Cias probably wouldn't recognize the other man. Cias also witnessed Mozilla murdering the woman in 2205, who had been another dweller in their apartment complex. It was also at that time when he first got a glimpse of Reino as he saw Mozilla talking to him.
+ Lolipop and Daliah: Loli does a lot of consultant work for Daliah, at least fashion-wise. The two have developed a mutual level of respect for one another and, on occasions, Daliah will take her out to go shopping.
+ Shadow and Daliah: Wanting to get closer to Reino, Daliah decided to pick-up Shadow's gym routines. The two have an all out gym battle twice a month. Although it's a heated rivalry, the two seem to enjoy the other's company from time to time as they both know they're becoming stronger.
+ Discord and Hime: Hime was at the crime scene where Discord was first discovered. She was just there to observe at first and moved with the group to the police station where Berserker came out. At that point she stepped in to bring him in.
+ Vlad and Discord: These two, both energy users, were supposed to go far. Vlad usually killed those he fed off of, but Discord? He was different. The SFA wanted to push this so they paired the two up in a testing lab. They thought it would work. Only, it exploded in their faces, literally! The two, since then, have been put on separate teams to prevent them from demolishing anything else. But, if Vlad ever needs an endless supply of energy, Discord is never too far away.
+ Vex and Vlad: Roughly six years ago Vex and Vlad were assigned to the same team. Vex was intrigued by Vlad and attempted to flirt with him. Her flirting was wasted because Vlad is an ass. The two got into a fight, but are reprimanded before it can go too far. Then the enemies showed up. During the battle Vlad purposefully didn't block an attack that hit Vex. The attack wounded Vex and she now has a three inch scar almost in the shape of a crescent moon on right side at the rib cage. Now the two of them hate each other.
12/30 -- Rules updated! New rules added to give GM the power to godmod/control other characters when necessary, especially to advance the story. New rules also give GM the power to control other characters when the user is absent for more than a week and said character is holding up the story.
1/2 -- The classes, explained! Extra stuff on the classes can be found
1/10 -- Reino (Xavi) should never be bored! I have lost my mind. Reino made a song. Enjoy:

Dashing through the snow
On a one Volf carriage ride
Over the fields we go
Bumping all the way
Hell's about to rise
Making our Purium crise
What fun it is to kill and slay
A SFA song tonight

Oh, tasers here and blasters there
Shocking all the way
Oh what fun
It is to tase Vlad-y all the way, Hey!
Tasers here and blasters there
Shocking all the way
Oh what fun it is to tase
My dear Vlad-y all the way~!
1/30 -- Introducing the Cyber and Gene Labs Read more about them here.
3/14 -- Purium Truths and Rumors Explaining the Purium in more detail here.

Xavirne 12-04-2013 02:38 PM

Threat Level

| official updates |

Posts 1-181X

Hello and thank you for tuning into Thread Level! A lot has happened in these 100+ posts so I’m here to give you a recap of all the mayhem that’s gone down. First things first, thanks for reading, watching, and playing~!

Our story starts by following one criminal, Reino and his sudden breakdown. As the scene follows him, a very important figure, Daliah, enters the scene. She’s the head of the SFA – Special Force Agency. She has a history with this Reino figure and needs to make sure he’s in a good state of mind to have a career change. You see, monsters roam Earth now. Most of America is under attack by these beasts and very few cities stand tall -- NYC, Boston, LA, Orlando, Chicago, Dallas, to name a few. Every place else? Odds are it’s a wasteland that’s been overcome by these huge beasts that have crossed over from another world. Daliah is scrambling up a team to fight these beasts and put an end to everything. Enough is enough, right?

But first, let’s go back to the SFA and what it is. The SFA is a division of the government mixed with law enforcement. They pick up criminals and kill them. If you commit a crime, you die. Only, you don’t die in the means you’d expect. Now, you die by the hand of an experience. A needle, to be exact. You see, the SFA knows that normal humans and large robots can’t defeat these beasts. They know they need to fight supernatural with supernatural so they’ve been working on creating a breed of genetically enhanced criminals, each with unique skill sets and powers.

Daliah is picking the cream of the crop to join Division One. The story zooms out to reveal these characters. You catch glimpses of them in their cells and begin to wonder why they were chosen. Clearly, there’s more to their selection than powers, right?

After assigning Lead Agents and New Hires to Division One, she splits them into two teams – A and B. A is composed of her boyfriend-of-sorts, tech expert Sycom, and new hire Volkov. B is made up of Hime, a highly trained soldier who’s not to be messed with, and new hire Artemis. The teams are assigned their criminal counterparts and begin interviewing on a personal level, their teammates. Instantly, the Leads know that there teams will be interesting. Hime’s team is full of a buck of cocky know-it-alls who clearly defy her. Sycom’s team is a much of misfits who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time and snapped under the pressure. In his mind, none of his teammates are criminals. They’re all just individuals in need of salvation. He goes about promising that, if they win, he will restore their freedom.

During these interviews, we begin to see some relationship rise. Artemis and Vlad seem to have something going on between then. Shadow and Reino, both of which who are criminals, appear to have an interest in the other. Vex and Sycom, friends from their youth, appear to have a spark that might soon become something more. Discord converses with himself, knowing all too well that something important is on the horizon, and Cias makes friends with the floor. Lolipop is discovered to have a deeper connection to Daliah, holding a special place in the boss’ heart. Mozilla, to Sycom, is a hero and a friend.

At the end of a long night, each turns in and awaits the morning. That morning, the criminals are escorted to a large room that doesn’t house any agents. They’re free to do as they wish and, sadly, some of them take advantage of the situation. By the time the agents arrive, enough damage has been done. The agents and criminals reveal their pasts and, after a fight, one of them is taken to the clinic. However, while being treated, he seizes the opportunity to escape, only he can’t. Something is wrong and he turns to find Sycom and the others. Bursting through the door, he warns the others of what’s to come. Sure enough, the system alerts them all to a new breach. Two monsters, both level four, have entered their world. They’re in Salem. It’s time for Division One to begin what they were assembled to do.

With the introductions out of the way, the teams begin rolling out to pursue the new threats that lurk in the feral forests of Salem. In no time, the team arrives and splits. Team A goes south while Team B heads north. Team B is the first to encounter the monster, which is Knife-Head. Team A is left to fight Winged Beast.

Sycom’s team appears to be in perfect order, heeding and listening to his every command. The team even devises their own strategies, of which they seek approval for. Impressed by their loyalty and desire to win, this team has little troubles, relatively speaking. Mozilla’s wires are uses to trap the beast and Lolipop’s enhancements are used to speed and help her allies. Even she partakes in the capturing of the beast, shocking it from time to time. Vex and Discord, the strikes, work hard and entangling the cursed monster and preparing to slash away at it with the hopes of making a clear shot for the rocket-ready Sycom.

Meanwhile, Team B is not so lucky. Their monsters had a shield that is boosted by lightning and ice, both of which are Shadow and Vlad’s powers. Cias works hard on helping his teammates, speeding each up several different times. The monster pursues Artemis, an unusual twist in events. This is what allows Reino to notice the shield and assist his allies with a plan of attack. However, he is soon captured and being crushed to death. Confessing his attraction for Shadow, the raven helps save him. Sadly, Reino’s out of the game due to his injuries. Hime, who’s pissed at her team’s disobedience, sets up her large mechanical wolf to unleash hell on the monster. At first, she attacks its surroundings, preventing any place to hide. Soon after, she goes into super bitch-mode and levels the area. With the shield on Knife-Head down, the team might think they’re finally making a step in the right direction. Sadly, that’s not the case, as two more monsters, Long Nose and Snapping Turtle, appear out of nowhere. Circled by three monsters, Team B is pretty much at their ropes end. The only thing left they can do is defend and seek help. Even if they take out one of the monsters, they’ll still have two more left. It’s been probably two hours so everyone’s exhausted and ready to turn in.

Thankfully, at the SFA, a member of the Special Ops Tactical Force felt something from within. He heard the call and felt the danger. Alerting the S.O.T.F. and Daliah, the team of fourteen takes the choppers and begin their move to Salem. If they arrive in time, S.O.T.F. 009 will be dropped and uses to terminate all threats in the area via the use of the “God Pill.”

What will happen… no one knows. Will Team B figure out how to get out of their pickle? And will Team A finally finish off the beast, allowing them to head north and rescue Team B? Or will the choppers with the S.O.T.F. be the heroes of the day, unleashing 009 with his godly powers to slay all the danger.

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on… Threat Level.

Xavirne 12-04-2013 02:39 PM

Threat Level

| reserved ii |

Xavirne 12-05-2013 01:12 PM

Threat Level

| open & accepting |
12/5 at 11AM Updated -- With almost all of the profile's in, I open this puppy! Agents, you're probably patrolling the cells, just making sure that the inmates are well-behaved. Criminals, it's night and you're locked away in your cells for the evening. You live alone in your cell. It's about an 18-foot by 24-foot room. You can have anything you want in it (for the most part). The look, feel, design -- that's up to your character. Note that only agents can open your cell so you can't leave whenever you want.

Xavirne 12-05-2013 04:01 PM

The cell was cold, which was just the way he liked it. The lights flickered and the shades on the window were pulled low enough so that people would need to be on their hands and knees to spy at the man sitting inside. Tapping his golden pistol against his temple, the raven found himself mildly amused at the rhythm he played. It was a song he was far too familiar with, but that’s what happens when you play the same song over and over again. It was a taunting melody that reminded him of a night from not too long again.

Lips spreading, he began to hum the song and, within moments, his cell was filled with his singing. “How cold have I become? I didn't want to lose you by what I'd done. Caught in the grey.” The words rolled off his tongue with a rather lovely sound to them. His voice was subtle with a hint of a rasp, but it was still rather smooth sounding. It was one of those voices that people would use to narrate a documentary as it was well enunciated and crisp. One might almost label it seductive, especially if spoken in whispers.

As the song played on in his head, the rapping of the gun against his head grew stronger. His nose began trembling as he fought back his upset. The longer he played the rhythm, the madder he grew. Golden eyes were soon glassy with the salty tears that tried to fall over his lids. In his solitude, he just wanted to be done with this nightmare. It played through his mind every year on this same day -- the anniversary of his mother’s death.

The images of the night played so vividly in his mind would make one suspect that he was present for the heinous act. Truthfully though, he was not. The only reason he knew the scene was due thanks to footage caught on the hospital’s security cameras. Technically, he shouldn’t have been privy to such graphic information, but it was the life he chose. He just had to know what happened to her -- detail by detail.

It finally happened. The tears rolled down his pale cheeks. Even the sternest and strongest of men weep for their mothers, and Reino wasn’t an exception to that rule. Letting the sorrow consume him, Reino slid from his chair. Knees pounding into the hard floor, his head buried itself in his arms that were sprawled out on the floor before him. His silent weeping soon because vicious sobbing and choking. Gasping for air as he re-lived the painful night, he didn’t hear the siren go off that alarmed the guards that his vitals were plummeting.

Mere seconds passed before the cell was opening to seven agents all equipped to eliminate the threat. The clicking of heels from behind the band of people caused them to part, making way for her, the head of the organization. The scent of roses, her favorite flower, filled the air. As she bent to place a hand on his trembling back, the woman looked back over her shoulder before saying, “He’ll be fine. Just get him some water. I’ll stay with him.”

As instructed, the agents left her behind with a glass of water. Rubbing his back, she tried to coax him from his dark place. “Reino, it’s Daliah. Everything is okay, you’ll be just fine.” The cell door closed, preventing the peeping eyes of the other criminals from seeing what was happening. It was just a precaution Daliah was willing to take. Reino was one of their best, mainly because he was one of them for a brief moment of time. He was damn good too and, in one moment, he was lost.

Reino looked so weak. So frail. So lonely.

Daliah’s hand ran through his hair before it pulled back. SMACK! Her hand left a mark on his face. Daliah’s pale eyes glared down at Reino, watching his every move. Breaking into a smirk, she rose. “Glad to have you back, Reino.”

Just as soon as she arrived, she left. Her work was done. Reino was brought back to his wits and the nightmare was over. Since bringing Reino into custody, Daliah was forced to perform this yearly ritual. She would let him cry for five minutes and then she would snap him out of it. It was a heart wrenching thing, too. Despite having a high Threat Level, Reino’s charming, caring, sensitive side was still locked in his body somewhere. If it could just be coaxed out, then he would be an ideal agent. Sadly, that wasn’t an achievable reality. Reino cast that friendly side away when he lost his mother. When he decided to take blood, he banished that loving side.

“Poor guy,” slipped from a redhead that approached Daliah. “I can’t imagine what it would be like to be trapped in that hell.”

Sycom,” her voice was stern, “don’t let his bad decisions mar your Threat Level.” Her eyes flicked green for a moment as she scanned his body. He was still safe and in his usual range, but the head of the SFA knew better than to assume people could remain calm in the face of tragedy. It was that mistake that cost Reino his badge and earned him his prison cell.

Walking down the aisle with her right-hand man at her side, the two patrolled the inmates. The cells were about the size of a studio room -- just large enough for a bed and living room with a small kitchen, and a small bathroom was tucked behind a door. There were thirty cells to each side and there were over 50 floors of cells. As she looked at each inmate, she found herself certain about a move she was going to make.

“I think we’re going to shift the teams up. We need to investigate the supernatural happenings. I’ll pulling Reino, Cias, Shadow, and Vlad from their current teams. I want them assigned to… ah,” her eyes glowed with delight, Hime.” Files materialized before Daliah. Handing them to Hime, the woman continued on while addressing her. “Look over your new team. I’m reassigning you and those four because we have urgent matters that need addressing. Go interview each of them, individually, and tell me what you think. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be given your first mission with the new squad.”

Sycom waved to Hime before vanishing around a corner with Daliah. “That will be one hell of a team. I hope Hime will handle them well.” Being the tech guy, Sycom knew a lot about the inmates, knowing all too well that Hime was going to have a dark, moody, and miserable team.

“We’ll be giving her a new recruit, Artemis.” Her lips drew tight. “Sycom,” her voice was stern.

“Yes, my love?”

“I’m pulling you off TechComm.” She could see his brows furrow and his jaw drop some. “I need you in the field.” More files appeared before her. “I trust you. You and Hime are the only two I can put on this mission. Sycom, you’re to interview Mozilla, Lolipop, Discord, and… I’m not sure yet. I’ll get your final person later. I’ll also give you a new agent. Go check out your team, individually. Tomorrow morning, they’ll meet each other for the first time.” Her hand reached out and graced his cheek. “And do be careful.”

“Is that a hint of sincerity I sense in your voice? Falling for me suddenly?” Sycom jumped at the opportunity as Daliah still hadn’t confirmed nor denied their relationship status.

“Hmmm,” buzzed out her lips, which curled up into a smile, “I like this game. Let’s continue playing it. If you succeed in your mission, I’ll tell you my answer.” Brushing past him, Daliah entered her chambers where she would begin the paperwork to officially form the new teams. Pulling up the inmate’s cells, she analyzed each and every one of them. “Let’s see how you all fair,” rolled off her tongue. Hands crossing before her face, she leaned into them with a devious look on her face. “Let’s put your Threat Level to the ultimate test.”

Midorikawa 12-05-2013 05:31 PM

He walked and walked and walked, not stopping his movement. Mozilla didn't feel like doing much at the current time, so he paced out of boredom. He had no books to read at the current time. He had finished any he did have in his cell. He couldn't talk to the other inmates, not that he cared to. He didn't have social issues assuming the other person wasn't a woman/child beating pig bastard. He just didn't particularly care, plus he was assuming the worst of his inmates. He killed because he cared. They most likely killed because they were annoyed with the idiots of the world. While he could understand wanting to rid the world of who you hated, like he had with his father, there was no way in his mind that they other criminals were like him. Again he killed because he cared. He cared about the future of the world, worried that if men were allowed to do what they get away with, then the world would go to hell. He had to make sure the children's futures were bright, like he never had the chance to do.

He stopped pacing, looking at the exit of the cell for a moment before turning on his heels and heading for his bed. He was bored of pacing, so he might as well re-read again. He pulled out the book Lover Awakened, his favorite one in the series Black Dagger Brotherhood. It was his favorite brother's book as he was the character that Mozilla felt he could relate to the most. Abuse, heroism, other things that happen in adult romance series. Sure Zsadist had some flaws that made Mozilla dislike him at first, but after the book, he liked him. Hookers weren't a big deal anyways. They usually would become bad druggy mothers anyways.

So yeah anyways he began reading the book, too bored to sleep, letting himself be immersed in the world that was the story of Zsadist of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Kiyoto 12-05-2013 06:47 PM

Kanra Fuwadearu

The small room was dark, the curtains had been slid closed, and the only light came from the lamp on the desk. What was with psychologists and their mood lighting? The one before Kanra Fuwadearu, looked more like an interrogation officer. Dark hair, dark eyes, black suit. Perfect for one of those detective movies. Sitting opposite of the man, Kanra kept a pleasant smile on his face. The man was doing what others before him had tried, to get inside his mind. It happened a few times a month, he would be called in to ‘talk’ to someone, kind of like an extreme form of counciling, for he could not get help for his issues…when people only knew half of what they were. The man before him folded his hands, regarding Kanra with a slightly stern look. He had asked Kanra a question, and was awaiting an answer. The question? Same as always, about the other him living within his head.

Not literally, there was no second body living inside his brain like a tumor or anything, but another personality. Kanra suffered from DID, Dual Identity Disorder. He had for years, brought on the doctors believed, by his less than desirable childhood. Kanra did not see it quite the same way, but he had little interest in sitting around playing ‘now how does that make you feel’ with doctors all day. No one could figure him out, no one got close enough for various reasons. Taking a breath, Kanra leaned back within his chair a bit, “He’s still up there” he replied simply. “That is not what I meant Kanra, and you know this…I cannot help you unless you let me in” the man spoke almost immediately after Kanra.

Help? Who had ever said he needed help? Kanra was quite alright with the other side of himself, they were in a way friends. He chuckled lightly, before looking up at him once more. “Forgive me, but there is not much to say. He is he, and I am me….is that not true for you being you?” a flicker came to one of the man’s eyebrows at this, he was getting slightly annoyed. Kanra often spoke in riddles, especially to the doctors. He had a specialty for confusing the enemy, for twisting things into a state of confusion and madness. It was slightly the reason for his Codename, along with the fact that his own last name was almost a literal translation. Ironic and funny all rolled into one. The other did not seem to think so, few of these stiff suits did. They merely saw Kanra as a puzzle with defective pieces who needed to be fixed.

“Perhaps you need some time to think? I can have a room arranged for you if needed” a small smirk formed on the other’s lips. Kanra’s smile turned to the faintest frown. He had been here before to…threatened to be locked a tiny room. It was no secret that Kanra was claustrophobic. It was because of his childhood as well, and one of the reasons why he was as he was. Though threatening him unless you were one of true power…was not the best way to go. Kanra’s eyes slid closed, the room fading to black. The man sat there for a moment waiting for a response. When he did not get one, he raised an eyebrow “Kanra?” Kanra’s smile returned, though it was darker now, his eyes opening. All of the color had drained from them, the usual friendly and lively violet grey now a pale yellowish white.

The man made a move to press a button under his desk just in case, though it was too little avail. In a moment, Kanra had moved over the desk, grabbing a letter opener on said desk, and drove it hard into the chair the man sat on between his legs, just shy of a rather…sensitive…area. The man stopped, causing Kanra to smile a bit more. “Berserker…” the man slowly looked up into his eyes. “If you have something to ask…then do it to my face….though if you would rather play a little game of trying to tame me, it is not my responsibility if you get hurt” the other side of Kanra stated, looking directly at the other. “Next time you try to cage me…they will have to wheel the mangled mess of what is left of you out of here” he stepped back, moving to the door. “I look forward to our next...meeting” was the last thing he said, before he closed the door behind him.

Aoi Kazuya 12-05-2013 06:54 PM

Long fingers swayed through the air, tracing patterns and images that only the man making them could see. Memorized loops from days past. Pink glistened in the dim lighting of this particular cell, the contacts he had on behind his glasses flashing images before his retinas, bits and pieces of information he'd collected. Nothing too important, just little tidbits of stories and quotes he had liked. And maybe a file or so on poisons he had yet to try out. It wasn't much to get him into trouble though. His contacts were connected to the SFA system so they could monitor what he read and searched for with them. They could restrict the things he looked for or send information to him through them.

Cias blinked and sat up, twisting his upper body until he heard a crack coming from his back. Two fingers plucked his glasses from his face and delicately removed the clear contacts from his eyes, his vision immediately blurring without anything to assist in correcting his vision.

Even with his vision impaired like so, Cias easily got up from his bed and maneuvered around the sparse furniture that dotted his "cozy" cell. The contacts case had been left in the kitchen last he remembered and he made his way there, putting the little electronics into their cleaning solution before once more donning his glasses.

The world always looked different without lines of text running across his vision and it always took Cias a few moments to blink away the dizzying feeling of not having his contacts in. His eyes teared up and he blinked the liquid away as he left the kitchen, contact case in hand. He deposited the case in its designated charging area before dropping back onto his bed, pulling a comforter up and over his head, squirming a bit before his hand reappeared with glasses folded neatly in his grasp. These were set down and then his hand was pulled back under the blanket.

The darkness and warmth that came with being curled up under a thick comforter was calming. He wouldn't sleep, he wasn't tired enough for that, and he wasn't going to risk falling asleep before he was right at the edge of passing out. Nightmares were a normal thing for him, and he found that if he exhausted himself before sleeping, he wouldn't dream.

To be quite honest, Cias hated darkness. He liked keeping his cell dimly lit and curling up under a comforter, yes. But that wasn't true darkness. True darkness hid many things. Things he didn't want to see. That was why he always wore those contacts. Besides giving him easy access to things he couldn't be bothered to remember, they kept him from ever being in true darkness. In a way they were like his safety net, though he was loath to admit to that.

So he blinked in that un-true darkness, his thoughts straying from one topic to another at a sluggish pace. There wasn't much he applied too much attention to anymore, and that was fine with him. There was no push for him to excel at something or to fulfill somebody's impossible vision of his future. He just had to keep from screwing up on a day to day basis, and letting his thoughts pass by without grasping too firmly onto something was an easy way for him to keep his Threat Levels from jumping any higher than they had already gotten.

Shifting positions again, Cias pulled the comforter away from his head and peered up at the ceiling of his cell. Sleep didn't seem to be an option for that night. With a faint sound of disapproval, Cias sat up once more and rolled off the edge of the bed. He didn't really react when his body hit the ground nor did he move to change positions, instead, he chose to remain lying face down on the carpet that partially covered the ground. He wasn't very fond of it, but it was useful when he felt like doing things like lying with his face pressed to the floor.

CrimsonShadow 12-05-2013 08:04 PM

In her warmly lit cell, Shadow was doing her daily yoga exercises. She was towards the end of her routine and was in the Forearm-Stand Scorpion position, one of the hardest to do, when she saw agents running to the cell across from hers.

It was Reino's cell.

Getting out of the yoga pose Shadow hopped up to her feet and ran to her door, peering out and trying to see what caused so many of them to come to his cell. Then she saw Daliah and remembered what day it was. Last year to the day Reino had some sort of a melt down. She didn't know what the cause of it was but she did know it really upset him. Shadow had tried to ask him, but like usual he ignored her.

Pressing her hand to her window she tried to see what was going on and only caught a glimpse of Reino on the ground before the door was shut.

Letting out a heavy sigh she stepped away from the glass and went to take a quick shower to wash off the sweat she had worked up. A few minutes later, she was always quick in the shower, Shadow stepped out and wrapped a towel around herself.

Walking into the main room she unwrapped her towel and transferred it to her head, wrapping her long wet hair in it. Grabbing a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra from her dresser she put them on, then after swiping her brush from the top of the dresser, sat down in the middle of her room.

Taking the towel off she dried her hair and then started to brush it. As she brushed she lost herself in her thoughts.

When she had been moved into the cell across from Renio she had been shocked to learn that he was the one who had her moved there. The shock came from learning that he had pull with the SFA, not so much that he wanted her across from him. They knew each other, had some history. He had given her precious information and she owed him a debt.

Shadow had tried to communicate with him many times, with very little success. Why had Reino wanted her in the cell across from him if he wasn't going to talk to her? He was a mystery and one she wanted to figure out.

Occasionally Shadow would look up and out at Reino's door to see if he had raised his shades. The moment he did she was going to try and get his attention. She wanted to see if he was alright and finally ready to talk to her.

ISOS Duke 12-05-2013 10:07 PM

Hime followed the briskly walking group of agent's toward one cell in particular. The woman was easily the smallest member of SFA, and probably the smallest person in the company, criminals included. That didn't stop her from being one that Daliah called upon quite often. Given the situation, the petite blond, nor none of the other agents around the woman moved or said a word as the cell door was opened and their fearless leader disappeared inside. Once the request for water had been made and one of their group had vanished to retrieve it, the door was closed and the remaining agents were left to wait for further orders, should they have needed to be given.

The situation at hand was not something that Hime could control, so it was not something she tried to. Rather, she was getting ready to tell a few of the other agents to calm down as they seemed to be rather fidgety and wanted nothing more than to mumble amongst one another. And this is why you'll never be put into teams, the woman thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. Your fear and unease is far to easy to read and the criminals would easily eat you alive before you could take them down. It seemed only moments later that Daliah had once again joined them.

As she made her way down the hall, Hime and Sycom were two of the agents that had continued on with the woman. She wasn't sure what the red haired male had been told, but the blonde had some business with the woman. The first words out of the male's mouth instantly put Daliah on high alert as she checked his threat levels, which from what she had heard, were usually low. Hime on the other hand, her threat levels were a little on the high side in terms of most of the other agents which was something that had forced SFA to keep an eye on her. It was not uncommon for the woman's threat level to spike during combat, much like everyone else, but her levels were usually quick to drop back down to a safe number which made the company feel a little bit better about keeping her on board.

The woman listened in silently and their leader went over wanting to switch up teams as she began listing off a series of members. Hime had heard of these people, their teams were usually pretty good though being placed together would make them much more formidable. Upon hearing that this group was being assigned to her, Hime had to fight the urge of showing her pleasure and excitement for having this troupe. Upon receiving their files, the woman curtsied slight, bowing at her torso as she said softly, "I shall begin interviewing them at once ma'am." As she parted from the group, she caught Scyom's wave and answered that with another slight bow before turning to return back the way she came, her eyes on the charts.

She continued walking, eying the names she held before her, her new team before deciding she would conduct her interviews in alphabetical order. With that in mind, she flipped open Cias's chart, only skimming over some brief details before eying his cell number. Making her way through the large building that housed all the criminals, and even the agents, Hime counted the cells as she neared the male in question. Stopping before a door, the woman eyed it for a moment before lifting her hand over a pad; the objected scanned her palm and a dull click could be heard as the door unlocked, the lights in the room turning as the woman pulled the door open.

Even for housing such dangerous individuals, the doors swung open easily, though weight could be added to them if needed. Hime didn't open the door more than needed, as she was not aware of the exact location of the male she was to encounter first, though of the group, his records showed that he would have been one to be the least hostile towards her. Stepping inside, the woman tucked the charts under her arm for a moment to allow her to close the door. Pulling the charts out once again, the blonde looked at Cias's chart, his image paper clipped to the inside. Taking a few steps deeper into the room, her eyes gazing over the image and the rest of the information once again.

After her few steps, Hime could hear the sound of breathing, which meant that the male was nearby. Taking one last look at the image, the woman lowered the chart a little bit as she was greeted by a blanket clad backside, the owner's face hidden within the carpet. Hime tilted her head to the side, lips pursed slightly as her blue orbs looked back to the picture of the male that was within the chart. Looking back to the still figure, she cleared her throat as she said softly, though loud enough to be heard in the dead silent cell, "Mr. Cias I presume? I would much prefer to speak with you face to face rather than to your backside if you would be so kind."

Aoi Kazuya 12-06-2013 12:36 AM

The dark haired male's ears perked at the sound of his cell door being opened and he could faintly see that whoever had entered had brightened his lights through the fibers of the carpet his face was still buried in. A flash of annoyance went through him at that, he rather liked the dim lighting, it made his eyes hurt less when he was staring at the ceiling or just in general. The bright lights just ended up being more uncomfortable than the dim ones.

The steps that had sounded when the person had entered stopped and he heard papers being flipped. A file. His perhaps. Even with the knowledge that somebody had entered and was probably going to speak with him did not prompt Cias to untangle himself from his blankets and to make himself more presentable to the other person. Rather, he continued to lie unmoving, wondering if maybe this was a bit unsanitary. How often did they clean his carpet anyway? Maybe they did it when he wasn't "home"...or maybe they didn't clean it at all. Oh. Ew. That wasn't a good thought to have when he still had his face nestled into the fibers of the carpet.

Amidst contemplating the sanitary conditions of his floor, Cias almost missed the woman's words. He entertained the thought of ignoring her for a moment, but hadn't he just a few moments before commented on how he wanted to survive until tomorrow at least? Annoying an agent at this time would really defeat that point wouldn't it? With a mental sigh, Cias lifted his head a bit, enough to rest his chin against the carpet so that he could speak without getting a mouthful of the polyester or whatever the carpet was made of. Maybe some other material. It felt softer than polyester. Perhaps a mix. Oh right. Agent standing right behind him. Shouldn't piss her off.

"Mr. Cias?" A soft laugh. "Been a while since someone's addressed me like that."

He took a moment to free his arms from his comforter and them squirmed around like a worm for a bit more before working his legs free and crawling up onto his knees, running a hand through his hair, pulling on a few loose strands. He made his way to his feet while rubbing under his eyes to get the extra blurriness out of them. He didn't need the added impediment when his vision was already bad enough as it were. Moving at a leisurely pace, not feeling at all rushed, he picked his comforter back up and set it on his bed, patting around for his glasses before finding them halfway under one of his many pillows. He wiped the lenses with the end of his shirt before putting them on and squinting in the harsh lighting. With a click of his tongue he moved to the panel that controlled the lights and heating/cooling in his cell and lowered the brightness a tad bit, just until the lights weren't glaringly bright anymore.

Then he finally returned his attention to the agent that had entered. He couldn't say that he knew her. They hadn't met before. But he was sure he'd at least heard her name, in passing if not anywhere else.

"And to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit this evening ma'am?" he asked, not meaning for his words to come out sarcastically, though the inflection was still obviously there. He'd have to work on that...if he was ever bothered to. It would probably get him into more trouble one day if he didn't. He'd make a note of he wouldn't. Oh well.

ISOS Duke 12-06-2013 01:45 AM

Hime watched the male in silence after she spoke to get his attention. She was used to the anger that these criminals had and knew that exercising patience was usually the best way to approach them, even if she would rather have their undivided attention right away. Rather, her bright blue eyes simply followed his sluggish movements as he untangled himself from the blanket, found his glasses and moved to turn the lights down. Sleeping throughout the day wasn't uncommon, nor was light preference; she once had a member on her team refuse to have lights on in his cell at all. He was a weird one, that was for sure, wasn't one to follow orders either so Hime enjoyed teaching him who was the boss between the two of them. It didn't take long for him to be pulled from her team.

When the male finally finished moving about and addressed her, the petite woman only smiled at him as she lifted her head to meet the taller male's gaze. The senors that sat in various corners of the room quickly turned at the rising threat level that wasn't coming from the criminal, but rather the agent that stood before him. Hime wasn't one to take such behavior too well, not so much on a first visit with her new team; after breaking in the old groups, it was often difficult for her to recall the resistance that the criminals have at first. The rumbling of the air conditioning kicking on for a cell further down the hall filled the quiet room as the woman counted down from ten in her head until the sensors had reverted back to their idle position.

"Mr. Cias,"
the petite blond said as she lowered her arms, files included, to rest below her waist in a comfortable position. "I am Agent Hime and I would like to say that the pleasure is mine in welcoming you to my team. Shall we sit down and get to know one another a little bit? After all, we could be working together for an indefinite amount of time." The woman smiled, closing her eyes and tilting her head to the side slightly. The innocence that the woman seemed to just exude was something that the more aggresive criminals jumped on and it was a behavior the woman portrayed infront of all her new teammates as almost as test of sorts. New agents made the mistake of not being prepared should the appear too innocent or naive, this was not only a way to prove that Hime was the bigger person, regardless to size, but also to show criminals that weren't aware of her that she truly wasn't one to mess with.

Depending on how this visit went, it would set Hime's tone and mood for the rest of her trip to the other cells. She would contemplate looking deeper into the charts of the others just to make sure they didn't have any nasty surprises hiding up their sleeves. Then again, it could be more fun just to jump into the lions den to show superiority. That was definitely the blond's style, if that hadn't been evident enough with the current situation though. She wouldn't do that in a fight though; no, she knew her strengths and limitations and combat against what they were up against was not her strong point, not without Volf anyway.

Esmme 12-06-2013 03:49 AM

((#FeelsRudeInterrupting, #PostsAnyway))

Vladimir Cortel [x]

The soft sound of music filtered from a cell beside Shadow's. The room was hardly lit - the dimmest of lights mimicked a candle on a bedside table. There was commotion outside the cell, drawing Vlad's teal eyes away from his book. With a slight frown, the male stood.

He could see nothing from the long window beside his door. That was Reino's cell, wasn't it? No wonder. That one was worse than Vlad himself.

With the faint expression of distaste, the tall male headed back to the chair he'd left behind. Vlad ignored the rest of what was going on outside his room. It didn't matter. If it involved him, they would pull him into it. The SFA were good at that. They pulled him into this place; they could certainly catch his attention at any given moment without an effort.

The slightest wavering of his vitals called to his Purium. The activation was merely so Vlad could continue reading in the dim lighting, but his irritation lingered. The SFA. While the criminal had no intention of dying so easily, he still hated being at the end of their leash.

As the male returned to his book, he briefly entertained thoughts of breaking the hold the SFA had on him. They were chased away quickly. It wasn't wise to dwell on subjects such as defying the authorities. They weren't merciful, and neither were they sympathetic to the criminals they conscripted.

Vlad's glowing teal eyes darted to the door as someone walked past. With another spike of annoyance, he allowed his black hair to shift between himself and the uncovered window that was beside the door. He hadn't drawn the curtains yet - he was known for leaving them open. While people in the hallway could see in clearly, Vlad had made sure the windows were tinted so they wouldn't allow any light in from outside his room. He enjoyed the orange glow of candles, and wasn't one for the white lights of the SFA's buildings. They didn't bother him, but Vlad certainly didn't want them in his room.

With a quiet sigh, Vlad set his book down. He wasn't going to be getting any reading done. He was getting restless. Honestly, he was eager to return to the field. His threat levels had risen at a slow, steady crawl for days - it meant that he needed to kill. Vlad enjoyed killing - in fact, he insisted on it. It had almost gotten him in trouble quite a few times, this strange impulse to watch the life fade from someone's eyes.

Clasping his hands behind his back, the broad-shouldered criminal moved to the wall opposite of the door. The pattern on the smooth surface shifted with a quiet chirrup, becoming a perfect picture of the city streets. It was an illusion, but it was one Vlad enjoyed watching. A false breeze teased Vladimir's long hair and coat, bringing with it the scents of humanity. He missed this. Oh, how many hours he'd spent just watching the people pass.

Leaning against the railing before him, Vlad closed his eyes. Ever so slowly, his irritation and restlessness melted away. Once again, his threat level was held steady. He would spend the rest of the night here, thinking and breathing in the scents of the city. He often did.

What would it be like to be free again?

Aoi Kazuya 12-06-2013 06:42 AM

Oops. Seems he had hit a nerve. His eyes took in her stance and the way she carried herself as he waited for her to calm down enough that the sensors would go back to idling. The sensors in his room didn't receive much activity, since he wasn't prone to large changes in emotion. He mostly just flitted from electronic device to electronic device. As much as he had disliked using them in his youth, they were an essential part of life now, it would be foolish of him not to make use of them while he had the chance to.

When the agent spoke once more, Cias had to bite his tongue to keep from commenting on the inclusion of mister to his codename once more. You'd think mentioning it once would be enough. And it wasn't like it actually bothered hi like the lights had. It would just be extremely petty of him to point out the honorific once more. She was obviously trying to remain civil and polite despite Cias' own rudeness.

Oh yes, he knew he was being rude. It was a terrible habit of his. One that he just didn't feel any drive to correct.

"Pleasure huh. Sure. Whatever."

Cias turned away from Hime, not particularly caring for the innocent look she was pushing. He wasn't a complete fool to think that it was anything but an act. She was going to be his team leader after all and they wouldn't...wait. Her team? He blinked slowly as he moved to the couch situated just a couple feet away from his bed, the front of it facing the opposite direction of the bed. He settled himself down onto an armrest and pulled a leg up, hugging his knee to his chest and he contemplated her words.

He was getting reassigned then. But for what reason? He couldn't have done anything wrong. And if she was coming to greet him herself, then it was possibly a higher level team than the one he had already been apart of. He absently motioned for her to take a seat on the couch as he thought before he leaned his head back, resting it against the cushioned backrest.

"I'm being reassigned. Why?"

He couldn't think of any of his own actions that would have required the SFA to need to take him off his current team. He did his assignments, was subjected to their stupid experimentations, didn't really lash out at others much (he talked back on occasion, but that couldn't have been such a big offense), and monitored his own thoughts and emotions so that his Threat Levels didn't drastically change. He should have been able to remain on their radars, but not as one of the blipping points that required any attention.

Well, it was probably better to ask then, since he couldn't reason it out himself.

Xavirne 12-06-2013 02:17 PM

Folders in his hand, the redhead paged threw them just to find the exact cell location of his new team. He didn't want to get the extra exercise so he was going to arrange them in a way that would exert less energy. Alphabetical order was thrown right out the window with him! Besides, did it matter who he spoke to first? No, so long as he spoke to all of them. Finding the cell numbers, he committed them to memory.

Mozilla, 72. Lolipop, 96. Vex, 127. Discord, 151.

The odds were certainly in his favor, as they were semi-clustered. With a smile, he was glad he could avoid Hall 001. It was probably his least favorite hall because it tended to house the most problematic criminals. In his book, Reino and Vlad, the two slated for Hime's team, were probably the worst of all the inmates. Vlad sought freedom. Reino was a loose canon; you never knew which side he would fight for -- himself or the law. Although, as he read over Discord's profile, he began to wonder if perhaps he would be more of a threat than those two. "Talk about split personality," he mused to himself. He didn't really know much about Discord, aside from his visitations with the psych-ward. Now, Vex? Sycom remembered Vex; she killed those four boys. The scary part was that he went to the same school as her. He vaguely remembered her, but he did recall her being the butt end of the bully's jokes and torture. Sycom, like Vex, was picked on in school and, despite his desire to help her, he just couldn't for he was often bullied himself. It wasn't until Daliah decided to stand up for him that the bullies backed off. Still, Sycom kicked himself for not having the balls to help a fellow victim out. He couldn't help but wonder that, if he had, if she would have walked another path. His other teammate, Mozilla, was a rather honorable vigilante, at least in Sycom's mind. He fought for equality and slaughtered those who hurt women and children. Although killing was frowned upon, his firm belief in fairness was admirable. Sycom was actually thrilled to have the guy on his team. Hell, maybe he could get a few romance novel suggestions from him!

The last teammate, Lolipop, was the one he decided to visit first as her cell was before Mozilla's. Folding the files into a pocket-size pack, he placed them in his shirt pocket for later use. Keeping only Lolipop's file out, he glanced over the notes. She would be fun. As the twenty-one year old lolita, she was sure to be a doll to interact with. Her figure was slender but fit, which suited the era she was dressing in. Reading her Attitude Test information, he saw that the records indicated that she had a light sense of humor, almost childish in a sense. This instantly made Sycom breathe a sigh of relief. He, too, had a lighthearted sense of humor so they had at least one thing in common, besides the fact that he loves candy.

Standing before her cell, he took a nice inhale before releasing the exhale slowly. Some of the agents opened the cells via the doors, but Sycom new better than to allow an inmate to escape. Before phasing through the wall, he knocked, which alerted Lolipop of his presence. As his feet pushed through the barrier first, he soon appeared in her room. His attire had changed to the Kevlar suit that was required to phase through walls, but it wasn't just for the walls. No, it was a precaution for the Purium enhanced criminals. The Purium Blaster (a gun) at his hip was another precaution. All agents were equipped with the PB as it was written in the rules to carry it. Thankfully, only agents could activate the PB so if any criminal tried to grab it, they would be stocked into a coma. The perks of being an agent!

"Hello, Lolipop. I see you're looking cute as ever." Pulling out some new ribbons for her to play with, he draped them over a chair that was tucked away beside him. "Oh, Daliah sends her thanks. The mascara you suggested is exactly what she was looking for. Keep this up and you might land a job as Daliah's personal make-up artist. Wouldn't that be fun?"

Sycom's approach to talking to criminals differed drastically from that of his comrades. Most jumped right to the case at hand. But Sycom? Well, he eased his way into the situation. The inmates knew he was there for a reason, but he didn't want to bother them with the mission right off the bat. From previous experience, he found that the inmates liked his informal sense of commanding. It almost, just almost, made the criminals feel like they were an equal to Sycom. He neither stood above nor below them. It was one of the reasons why was in control of 36 criminals, all of which worked with him in the TechComm Lab.

Smiling, he sat down criss-cross-applesauce in front of Lolipop. He placed her file behind him, as he wouldn't need to really read that. He could learn everything he wanted just by interacting and watching her. "Oh no," he said with a look of sadness in his eyes. Standing instantly, he walked over to Lolipop. Without hesitation, he tied up one of her ribbons back into a bow. And yes, it actually looked like a bow. Sycom was known for his superb hair care and styling. "There we go, much better!" he sang in his usual chipper tone.

Kiyoto 12-06-2013 02:49 PM

Sleep, that thought did not seem to inviting to the other side within Kanra’s head. They had given him the name of Berserker, since well…he was a little less than stable. A smirk formed on his lips a bit. He was ment to head straight back to his room, and he doubted anyone would be to pleased if he did not. Pausing in the hall, he glanced up at one of the many security cameras. A smile growing on his lips. It was like a prison in here, all of them rats in this trap. He was not the one to want to sit still, especially when he was like this. The itch to do something was tugging at him a bit.

He took a breath, he should most likely let the good Kanra out to play, he was even remotely better than Berserker himself with people if they ran into a guard or something…they were already almost always walking on thin ice as it was already. The color slowly began to return to his eyes, as the original side slipped back into place. He glanced at his reflection within the picture on the wall, the frame allowing this for a moment. Don’t worry, we’ll have some fun soon enough…I get the feeling things are about to pick up around here. Berserker’s voice lingered within his head and he smiled a bit. Slowly, the two as one headed back to their room, plopping down on the bed.

He folded his arms behind his head, and looked up at the ceiling before them. It was an interesting night already, the events with the doctor, now Berserker’s feelings. He wondered if their little act had gotten to the higher ups yet. They would not be to pleased with Berserker’s little outburst, but that was the way he was. He would not risk it, unless absolutely necessary, he would not risk Kanra’s life so easily….but then again, he was known for pushing their body to it’s limits and beyond, so it was not certain what he was capable of. He smiled, closing his eyes, humming a lively tune a bit, he waited to see where the night would take him.

ISOS Duke 12-06-2013 02:56 PM

She could hear movement, but given that is sounded as there was being distance put between them and then there was a slight scuffling sound of pressure being applied to some sort of material that didn't seem to want it, Hime opened her eyes and straightened her posture once again. To say that she was slightly disappointed that the male didn't act was a partial lie; as much as she enjoyed toying with her new teammates when she got them, if they didn't make a move upon her defenseless form in that situation, it meant a little more than her seeing as she wouldn't have to break them in like a green stallion and could move on to more important matters.

Cias didn't seem to care for the woman's words, or at least over the fact that she was pleased to have him on her team. It was the truth though; the files she held in her hands were all new members for the lass, though she knew one from frequent rounds and his once employment with the company, but the other individuals all had their records and they were well known to the upper staff in SFA. They were strong and SFA wouldn't form a group that wouldn't have harmonizable powers which means that with the group she had, they were going to be out there making a bigger bang, or getting themselves into more trouble than was usual.

The dark haired male invited the woman to take a seat, something that Hime took as a little victory. She had found years ago that it was best to approach criminals like animals, not so much treat them like such, but to allow them to welcome you in at their own pace. In her earlier years she would just force them to cooperate with her which ended with the woman using her purium blaster more than she needed to, but oh how the novice had learned since then. With the ease she was working through this situation, she almost wondered if she she have looked at their on file personalities and started with the most complicated one first; knowing her luck at this point, that one was going to be Vlad.

Moving across the floor, Hime took a seat on a couch cushion, not on the far end away from Cias, but a little towards the middle as to not try to put too much distance between them. The woman probably calculated and planned out her visits to the criminals much more than needed, but she had seen where some visits had gone bad and over the last few years, she has come out unscathed from most of her visits so she must have been doing something right.

"SFA leader Daliah has begun the reassignment of teams to investigate recent supernatural happenings that have been going on. Yourself and three other formidable individuals have been reassigned to my team. Upon completing my interviews with the four of you we shall be having a group meet where I intend to go in more detail with you what is expected of us." The files for each person on her team were fanned out on the woman's lap, the names partly revealed on the sides before the next chart intersected it, save for Cias's chart that sat at the top of the pile for the time being.

Folding her hands over the thick cardstock-like material on her lap, Hime lifted her bright blue orbs from their covers to look upon the male's face and remained silent for a few moments to allow what she had said sink in. "I am here to ascertain that you will agree to work with me and allow me use of your wondrous skills in completing the task at hand." Pledging loyalty by creating an even ground, another thing that the tiny agent had found to work best for her. It was easier to get cooperation from those that did not feel used, even if later on while on the field the woman would make demands from her team, but she was more than aware of her lack of skill to do the jobs that they could. That wasn't to say that she enjoyed putting such images in their eyes and putting herself at par with them, far from it, but the woman was looking to get members that would listen to her and come to respect her so from time to time the woman had to make unpleasant sacrifices.

Xavirne 12-06-2013 04:06 PM

Reino had probably been sitting there on the floor like that for about an hour. It wasn't that he couldn't get up, no, he just didn't want to get up. What was the point of getting up? He was at the lowest point in his life, literally. He had once been offered so much and he crumbled that dream as if it were a coffee cake. Flopping over onto his side, he stared at the blinds that kept his neighbor from seeing him in this desolate state. Shadow didn't deserve to see such sorrow. She had experienced that pain once in her life. It was that pain that caused her to murder, forever tainting her Threat Level to a murderous color. Still, a part of him wanted her to see it. After all, it was the most remorse he could fell and, if she could see his agony, she might understand the pain he had for her from another event. His mother's death was the pinnacle of his pain, but other events also scarred him dearly. Events that would even have Shadow draw back in fear, angst, and hate. She needed to see his face to fully grasp the truth about a night he wished he had declined. Truth be told though, he would never tell her what really transpired that night. It would kill him.

With the blink of an eye, the shades vanished. The room was still dimly lit, but it was bright enough so Shadow could make out everything. He laid there motionless on the floor. His golden eyes looked over into her cell to catch her haphazardly brushing her lovely, silk-like hair. Mesmerized by the motion, Reino didn't even notice that he was legitimately staring at her at this point. Had he been caught in this much longer, he would have started drooling. Frankly, he didn't mind. In that trans-like state, he found himself playing over that other incident. She was, without a doubt, the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. She was so graceful, so mysterious, and so elegant. Passion was in her every step and her skills were exquisite. She stole his heart, figuratively. If only she had known. Had she, she might have run off with him instead of that other man. Oh how he wished things could have played out differently! As his mind came to the jarring end, it made him wince, which brought him back to his wits. And just in time, too! Snapping into a standing position, he shoved his hands in his pockets before sauntering over to his board. She caught him staring, he knew that. But what she missed was the faint pink hue that came to his cheekbones, as he turned away quickly. The cool room also helped.

Reino assumed she wanted to talk. Since they became neighbors, she would occasionally try to communicate with him. Perhaps he would engage her tonight. It might ease his troubled mind and make him think of something other than his deceased mother. With that in mind, he grabbed the nearest Expo marker and wrote out a message for her.

"Sorry about the late-evening fiasco" the board read. Erasing it, he wrote her a new line to read. "Memories have a funny way of making even the strongest of men weep." Again, his elbow cleaned off the board. "Guess, mom was right. I am just a big cry baby." The way her wrote mom was very elegantly, much neater and cleaner than the rest of his script. Still, his handwriting was rather crisp and legible for a man. It was in all uppercase, but it had a calligraphy-inspired flow to it. It wasn't the traditional engineering writing one would expect from a man. Hell, compared to some of the women, his writing probably looked cleaner than their own!

Moving toward the front of his cell, he went to place his hand on the golden glass. Reino asked for gold glass as it was his favorite color. Everyone else had their own unique colors, too. When his hand was planted firmly on the glass pane, the color changed from gold to nearly white. The heat from his hands interacted with the glass, but it would never let them escape. These walls flexed, and on purpose too. The previous glass left too many inmates with bloodied hands. Opting for a flexible glass-like barrier, the criminals could now throw punches without destroying their hands.

With his hand on the pane, he looked tauntingly out at Shadow. There was something in his eyes that said he wanted to feel the warm touch of another. An embrace. He wanted it to wisp away all his sorrow. Oh how he longed for someone to love him like his mother did. Someone to be kind and sweet. Someone who would ask him daily, "Deary, how did your day go?" Someone who wouldn't leave him in the cruel world... like she did.

Fighting to ask the right question to her, he finally landed on one. It was the question he had wanted to ask her th most. Mouthing to her, he asked, "What is it like to be in love?"

CrimsonShadow 12-06-2013 06:09 PM

Shadow had kept sitting on the floor, legs in the lotus position and continued to slowly brush her hair. The act was soothing to her and she often did it before going to bed at night. She didn't know how long she sat there, continuously looking over at Reino's cell while she brushed.

Then it finally happened, the shades vanished but she didn't see it. Not yet at least. Her mind had drifted off to another place. It had drifted to her darkest time, the place she hated to go to. Tearing up Shadow shook her head and dropped the hairbrush. Raising her hands to her face she wiped away her tears and looked up.

Reino was laying on the floor and staring at her. She caught him seconds before he snapped up to his feet and turned away. Frowning Shadow watched him grab a board and write something. When he flipped it towards her she couldn't help but gasp. He was finally going to talk to her. After reading the first thing he wrote she gracefully got to her feet and grabbed her own board and marker. When he was done writing Shadow walked closer to her glass door and shook her head.

She didn't reply yet, she was entranced in the look he was giving her. Reaching out her own hand she placed it on her glass, in the exact spot that Reino's hand was on. Shadow could see in his eyes how much he wanted to just be simply touched. Whatever caused him to be upset every year on this day had to be horrible to cause so much emotion. She was just about to start writing back when he mouthed something to her.

"What is it like to be in love?"

Biting her lip and looking away Shadow squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to let her tears fall. Taking a step back from the glass she quickly wrote something and flipped the board so Reino could see. She wrote in an elegant calligraphy, one you would see in the old n days where they wrote with ink and quills. "That's ok and memories can either be good or bad." She wiped the board off and wrote again. "You are not a crybaby Reino." Again it was wiped off. Shadow stood there biting her lip again. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say to him. Shaking her head she began to write. "It's like you have the whole world in your hands." That was wiped off and replaced with. "You feel like you're floating and that nothing could ever break you." Again she wiped it off and finished with, "Reino it's the best feeling in the world. One day you'll know it." Shadow smiled softly to him.

blueblackrose 12-06-2013 07:05 PM

The quiet room was dimly lit. On the walls several paintings hung, mostly surreal and fantasy scenes. Some of them were painted by the woman who occupied the cell. In the one corner sat an easel, paints, brushes and various other art supplies. A half-finished painting was on the easel. Not far from the easel was a desk covered with sketches, sketch pads, note books, books and a laptop. Beside the desk was a large book shelf filled with books. At first glance one would expect they might actually find a normal person living within this room, not a criminal. A closer inspection of the artworks, writing, books and other décor in the room would tell them otherwise.

The woman lounged lazily across a chair, a smirk on her lips and a gold pocket watch in her hand. She stared at the watch, flipping it open and shut. With it she could escape and she knew it. The thought of freedom excited here, but for now she was content where she was at. Just let someone try to double cross her though. A light chuckle came from Vex as she shut the watch one last time. If anyone was watching her they would swear she was insane and demented. She glanced over at her unfinished work. It was times when she felt like this that her therapist told her she should help release her pent up emotions through other forms. Of course this consisted of painting, drawing, writing, training and killing…well at least killing when they let her.

She frowned this outlet thing wasn’t working well right now. In a single fluid motion she swung her legs around and stood up. Taking out a knife she walked over the painting, stabbing it and dragging the knife crossways. Vex repeated this action a few times before just dropping the knife. She started to laugh, only to help keep herself sane and from crying. At least that is what she told herself. The woman ran a hand through her hair before moving to sit at the desk. She turned on her heel and pulled out more knives, throwing them with amazing accuracy at the target on the opposite wall.
“Being cooped up in this bloody hell hole is no fun at all.”

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