Menewsha Avatar Community

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Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:46 AM

Summer Camp Avatar Contest

Welcome, Campers!
I'm Siti Hajar, and I'll be your host for this avatar contest.
I hope you're all interested in helping our campers here with a little
wardrobe makeover.
You are? That's great!
Well then, we better get this started.

Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:51 AM


Before we proceed, here are a few rules you will have to follow ::

Make sure you follow the Site's Rules
Please respect everybody. And no swearing or mean cristism.
Only one entry category, and no mules allowed.
You may not send in the same avatar for both theme.
Absolutely NO copying . I want to see your own original idea.
You may use DAC (Dream Avatar Creator) or your own items.
Make sure to use the right form and entries are to be posted in the thread.
If you decide to change your entry, PM ME with the update. Entries cannot be changed anymore after the event ends.

Rules might be altered if found necessary.

Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:52 AM


New Summer Camp Uniform

The campers need a new uniform. We need something that’s fun and exciting, yet simple.
Remember, they’ve got a lot of activities to do,
we wouldn’t want them taking so much time just to get ready, would we?

Must be in the Summer Camp colors ::
Blue , Green & Brown
Optional accent colors :: white/silver/gold/yellow/orange

Dress Up for the Campfire Stories

I need you to dress your avatar as a character in your story.
Please provide the story you used and some explanation when submitting this entry .

You may use stories ::
written by yourself
or those often told around the campfire.

Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:54 AM


Entry form ::

[COLOR="YellowGreen"][B][SIZE="4"]New Summer Camp Uniform[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="Sienna"]Username:[/COLOR][/B] {Name here}
[B][COLOR="Sienna"]Avatar:[/COLOR][/B] {Avatar Here}

New Summer Camp Uniform Entries
hhhhmaidenrosehearthhhhCora LoringtonhhhhhhhhhhKenthhhhhhhhhArinia Dreamdancer
KatMagentahhhhhhhhhhlunanuovahhhhhhhhhhM i n u x ehhhhhhhhhhMacsen191

Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:54 AM


Entry form ::

[COLOR="Sienna"][B][SIZE="4"]I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
[B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Username:[/COLOR][/B] {Name here}
[B][COLOR="yellowgreen"]Avatar:[/COLOR][/B] {Avatar Here}

Dress Up for the Campfire Story Entries


Originally Posted by Liztress (Post 1770858605)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story
Username: Liztress



It was her first year as junior counselor at the very camp she visited every year as a child. Those years, the teenage counselors had spent more time in crafting horrific tales to frighten the young children into never wanting to visit the one pier that was furthest away from the cabins.

Tales that were passed down from the generations that called Camp Hidden Lake all revolved around the same misfortune that befall one young female camper. The young girl was a regular there from the time she was five and each year, the other campers would tease her due to the hand-me-downs she would wear and the news of her mother being sent to a mental hospital. Year after year, the girl would put up with it. This all changed the year the girl turned fifteen. What started out as a casual fling of an insult turned into a small pocket knife through the chest. Before nightfall, the teased girl had slaughtered the entire camp. When the police had finally arrived, they were horrified by all the blood. Among the blood and bodies, they never found the killer. As the years went by, the police and community all assumed the girl had either killed herself or disappeared for good.

Fast forwarding to the present, the young blonde was happy to be a part of the junior counselor group with her friends. As tradition expected, that first night they shared the story of the crazed killer and told the campers to be careful when visiting that last pier. It was where the girl took her first victim. The campers were frightened by the tale and the blonde teenager felt the need to play a harmless prank on them. She had the other counselors lead the group of campers towards the pier as she headed back to her cabin to grab some fake blood.

With blood and plastic knife in hand, she made her way to the pier when the sound of screams filled the air. A sense of panic had sunk in and she sprinted towards the pier. Once she reached it, the ghostly sight of a girl slicing the scared campers greeted her. Blood drenched the wooden planks of the pier as bodies crumpled down. The blonde counselor turned to run when she slipped and fell on the slick surface. It was a good thing that she landed face down as the ghastly murderer took her pocket knife and began shredding the frightened female's back into ribbons of flesh.

When the sun rose the next morning, the camp owner's were startled to find the grisly sight that awaited them. They both knew it had to be the same girl who slaughtered all those campers from generations before.


Originally Posted by HIM_ROCK (Post 1770858639)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story


One fine day as I walked along the beach minding my own buisness eating fried calamari as I went, on what turned out to be rather bad judgement I decided to have a paddle in the sea while eating. Little did I know it was high tide next thing I know what I though to be the kraken has launced itself out the sea knocking the calamari out of my hands and attaching itself to my face. " I didn't know I was eating your father" I yelled grabbing a stick and attempted to beat the creature off my face.
Only thing is it never actually worked so now I can never go to a sea food place again because the squid who decided to take up residency on my head gets very upset and tries to sufforcate me.


Originally Posted by M i n u x e (Post 1770859438)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story
Username: M i n u x e
Link to the campfire story: The Girl Who Stood on a Grave - The Ultimate Camp Resource
Description: This is a young girl who has just come from a party at night with her friends. She is very daring so she has accepted someone's dare to stand on top of a grave at night. That person gave her a knife to protect herself, but her long skirt and her fear of the graveyard will be the end of her.


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1770860805)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story
Username: bloodstainedwings
story: its the headless horseman with his latest kill!


Originally Posted by WherededIGo (Post 1770861179)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story
Username: WherededIGo
The character is one of the characters of my story which I entered into the writing contest.
Pretty much he's a guy who get's bullied a lot, and finds a book with lot's of spooky stories which the bullies see, and then at the end he kills them all, as he's slowly being driven crazy by the book :D


Originally Posted by Arinia Dreamdancer (Post 1770864709)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story
Username: Arinia Dreamdancer
The Story: Link to story
The general gist of the story is a girl disobeys her mother and goes to a school dance that is supposedly being held for the devil. During the dance she meets a hansom black haired man who turns out to be the devil himself. When she dances with him he spirits her away to hell.


Originally Posted by Ivvy (Post 1770889034)
I'm Dressed Up for the Campfire Story

Along the stretch of highway going towards the school on the outskirts of town, there is often a woman seen walking aimlessly beside the road. She is always all in white and there is a deep sadness in her eyes. Should you give her a ride, beware for she is not as sweet and helpless as she looks. She will seduce committed men and should they take the bait she drags their soul to the depths of hell. She is the woman in white, her lover in life cheated on her and she was so grief stricken when she found out that she drowned her children and then took her own life in grief. So now for eternity she is trapped in a loop, trapping unfaithful men and giving them her fate as punishment for their crimes against the women they love.

Siti_Hajar 06-08-2012 01:55 AM


Here come the part I'm sure most of you are curious about, the prizes!
Here are the prizes that you can win ::

New Summer Camp Uniform

First Place ::
Fox Spirit and Glacial Circlet

Second Place ::
George the Alpaca and Perfect Pastries

Third Place ::
Spirit of the Phoenix and Bee Headphones

Dress Up for the Campfire Stories

First Place ::
Pirate's Booty

Second Place ::
George the Alpaca and Perfect Pastries

Third Place ::
Spirit of Atlantis and Time's Titan

Siti_Hajar 06-15-2012 10:54 PM


Siti_Hajar 06-15-2012 11:08 PM

Unleash those creative idea!

Nephila 06-16-2012 01:06 AM

Oo this looks like fun :D

hummy 06-16-2012 01:42 AM

i love seeing what everyone comes up with.

Kent 06-16-2012 02:33 AM

I don't know if I should do more with my avi or not. o xo It's too simple. > o>

hummy 06-16-2012 03:08 AM

i like it.
simple is good.

maidenroseheart 06-16-2012 05:11 AM

New Summer Camp Uniform
Username: maidenroseheart

hummy 06-16-2012 05:56 AM

aw,very cute, madienroseheart.

WherededIGo 06-16-2012 12:54 PM

This looks interesting :D

Cora 06-16-2012 02:04 PM

New Summer Camp Uniform
Username: Cora Lorington

WherededIGo 06-16-2012 02:21 PM

Ooh, very stylish!

hummy 06-16-2012 02:41 PM

verry nice, Cora Lorington!

Cora 06-16-2012 06:11 PM

lols, that seems strange hummy, you calling me by my full name o.0

Kent 06-16-2012 06:33 PM

New Summer Camp Uniform
Username: Kent

I guess I'll enter already. X3

hummy 06-16-2012 07:10 PM

the one you have on now is a keeper, too.
everyone has that one.

M i n u x e 06-16-2012 07:21 PM

So many entries for the uniform section already. Makes me want to enter the camp stories section, I just need to find a good story on the internet. I'm definitely not making one up myself because it would take too long and be bad. xD

hummy 06-16-2012 07:39 PM

good luck, sweetie.

Cora 06-16-2012 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by hummy (Post 1770857760)

the one you have on now is a keeper, too.
everyone has that one.

whats a keeper?

Arinia Dreamdancer 06-16-2012 09:38 PM

New Summer Camp Uniform
Username: Arinia Dreamdancer

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