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Kierys 08-18-2009 07:06 AM

DreamWorld OOC [We are back in business!]
The story:

Step Into My World...

There are two worlds. You probably wouldn't believe it if someone told you, but that's how it is here. You'll see. One world, as normal as can be, sitting side by side with another. A world of magic. A world of wonder. A world of dreams. And every time you go to sleep, you open a door. The only question is, how long?

How long until you step through?

The setting is modern-day San Fransisco, California. A city of noise, business, pollution. A city of wide, busy streets and sidewalks of bustling people. Ordinary people. Unaware people. You are one of these such people. You have a job, a home, a family, perhaps? Maybe you go to the local college? Maybe you work at the famous Coffeehouse of Doom? Do you play? Do you go out at night? Do you dance at the Cave of Evil? Whatever you do, whatever you are, you are ordinary. As ordinary as anyone else, at least. But once you step through that door, once you open your eyes to this new will never, never be the same.

You wake up in a bed, not unlike your own. But you're not in your room. It's dark where you are, but you can make out the shapes of beds. Lots of them. The room is full of them, in fact. And across the room, a door. And beyond, well, you'll have to see.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:07 AM


Kyoko, Lady of the Mirrors
Abilities: Unknown

Esper, The Dancing Flame
Abilities: Unknown

Active Characters

Played by: Kierys
Sanaii Ballari
Abilities: Unknown

Jessica Thompson
Abilities: Unknown

Played by: Bippy
Audra Martin
Abilities: Unknown

Played by: jeregretriens
Morgan Foyatte
Abilities: Unknown

Inactive Characters

Played by: Firemare
Christiana Bleur
Abilities: Unknown

Played by: Yuutousei
Ramunas Øyvind
Abilities: Unknown

Played by: Tykonaughtica
Creed Devou
Abilities: Unknown

Played By: Cows Go Moo
Jericho Rayner
Abilities: Unknown

More will be added as people join.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:08 AM

Profile Skeletons


[size=" 3"][U ]The Facts[/U][/size]
[B ]Name:[/B]
[B ]Counterpart:[/B](This will be explained later. For now, leave it blank)
[B ]Username:[/B]
[B ]Class:[/B] (Everyone will put "Dreamer" in here, unless I pm you with otherwise)
[B ]Gender:[/B]
[B ]Race:[/B] (Everyone will put "Human" in here, unless I pm you with otherwise)
[B ]Age:[/B]

[size=" 3"][U ]Attributes[/U][/size]
(In the following nine slots, choose 1-5. You must have at least a 1 in everything. You may have no more than a five in anything. You are allowed 25 points to spend throughout. So, your numbers added should equal no more than 25. You will see why when we begin.)
[B ]Strength:[/B] How strong your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "You're weak. Nobody asks for your help moving furniture", 5 being "You could lift someone over your head and throw them. You're buff!".
[B ]Dexterity:[/B] How agile/graceful your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "Klutz. You'd trip over lint if this was any lower", 5 being "You have the grace of a cat. You can dodge bullets. Well, no, not really, but if it was possible, you could".
[B ]Stamina:[/B] How long your character lasts before getting tired on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "You get out of breath just jogging a mile", 5 being "You're the energizer bunny man, you just keep going and going and going...".
[B ]Charisma:[/B] How charismatic/suave your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "You couldn't sweet-talk a bowl of pudding", 5 being "You could probably talk your way out of murder. I wouldn't try it though".
[B ]Manipulation:[/B] How deceitful/good at getting others to do stuff your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "It's like living with your Mom again, everyone knows when you're lying", 5 being "You can get anyone to do almost anything, with the right incentive".
[B ]Appearance:[/B] How attractive your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "You're nothing special", 5 being "You make celebrities envious of your good looks".
[B ]Perception:[/B] How easily your character notices things on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "A car crash could happen right next to you, and you'd be clueless", 5 being "Nothing escapes your attention".
[B ]Intelligence:[/B] How smart your character is on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "Basic math escapes you", 5 being "You're like a genius or something!".
[B ]Wits:[/B] Your character's ability to think on their feet on a scale of 1-5, 1 being "You fall to pieces and are pretty much good for nothing", 5 being "A werewolf could jump you and you'd keep a perfectly cool head".

[size=" 3"][U ]About You[/U][/size]
[B ]Past/Bio:[/B]
[B ]Personality:[/B]
[B ]Description:[/B] Give me a picture or describe in a paragraph or more what your character looks like. Remember, your description is based on how high your appearance is, so if you have a 1 in Appearance, then you're no hottie, whereas a 5 is drool-worthy. Please put pictures in links, to save space on the page.

[size=" 3"][U ]The Keys[/U][/size]
(In the following two slots, choose 1-10. You must have at least one in both. You may have no more than ten. You may have them both as full as you wish, but you must play your character accordingly. If you cannot, I will decrease the appropriate key until it matches how you are playing your character.
[B ]Desire:[/B] Your character has a goal in life. Not just a little one, but a life goal. Something they wish to achieve before death. Gauge how powerful your desire to achieve that goal is on a scale of 1-10, 1 being "You don't really care if you achieve this dream, it's just kind of there", 10 being "Your entire existence is based on making this dream come true. Every fiber of your being is put into achieving this. Anything else is a waste of your time". Please explain what this desire is.
[B ]Reality:[/B] Your character believes in the rules of reality. Gravity makes you fall, and if you jump off a building high enough, you will die, laws of physics, ect. Gauge how strongly your character believes in these truths on a scale of 1-10, 1 being "Not at all", 10 being "You flat-out refuse to believe anything contradicting it". Remember, whatever you choose, you must play your character accordingly.

For questions on how the Reality scales works, refer to this post. Look for the bolded red text.

I am aware that this is probably confusing for you, but trust me, it will work.
And I know it's a bit daunting, but trust me, it's what makes this work.
Remove spaces and explanations before submitting.
Answers outside of the bolded section, please.
Please post your profiles here, in the OOC thread.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:08 AM

  • The GM is the Game Master. That means she controls the game. Listen to her. (Me)
  • No Godmodding, Mary/Gary Sues, or controlling other people's characters without permission. This includes using "Player Knowledge". PK is explained here: Explanation about Player Knowledge and how not to use it.
  • Post often (Preferably once a day, but at least once every 1-3 days. I hate waiting for posts, and so will the other players, most likely) and let me and the other players know, in this thread, when you will be gone for extended periods of time. We may make allowances for you, but if it becomes a problem, your character will be taken out of the game. Depending on where you sit with me, they may be placed back in game when you return, or they may just be killed off. So don't just up and leave with no explanation, or you might not like what I do to your character. <--- This is the MOST IMPORTANT RULE.
  • Along with posting every 1-3 days, be sure to check the thread for announcements or changes to the rules. I expect everyone to be relatively up to date about important matters regarding the game. Ignorance is no excuse, especially since I will be making announcements when things are changing or being added to.
  • No abandoning the rest of the party. Time moves at one speed here: Mine. I will decide when major jumps in time occur. Until such a time as I deem fit, find a way to occupy your character without rushing on ahead without the others. It's rude. However, due to confusion on the matter, let me elaborate. Post at your own pace, but keep in mind that time is moving at a slow pace until I say so. You don't have to wait for people to post who you aren't interacting with. This will not be an excuse for missing a deadline. The only reason you should miss a deadline for any reasons such as this is if your post directly relies on the other player replying first. Anything you do in a single post should not amount to more than a few minutes of activity anyways, so if you post a couple more times than someone else, there will not be a time difference between you and the others significant enough to matter. If this should develop into a problem, I will say so. Until such a time, carry on as normal and in accordance to the posting requirements.
  • I shouldn't have to say this, but I will. Keep it PG-13.
  • Likewise in the game thread, do not post OOC comments. That's what we have this thread for, and I want to keep the game thread as clean and orderly as possible. Any conflicts about the game should be brought here or resolved in private messages. Personal problems should always be resolved in private messages. I will not tolerate petty arguments here.
  • This also should go without saying, but this is a Literate to Advanced thread. So I'm expecting people to know their spelling, grammar, and ect. And absolutely no one-liners. If you're feeling short on material, wait for someone else to post or give yourself some time to get creative. And I'm sorry, but if English is not your strong point (or even your language at all), then you will probably find yourself not making the cut. If I can't understand you, then I can't game with you. Also, be sure to double-space your paragraphs. Be sure to use paragraphs. If you aren't, then you are not complying to the "Literate to Advanced" requirement of this thread, and you may be removed. Be sure to check and, if necessary, double-check your post for errors. I will occasionally remind you if you make a small mistake, but too many incidents and you will be warned. If the problem persists, you will be removed from the game for not meeting standards.
  • Follow the rules of the site, obviously.
  • As a rule of thumb, if you're not sure about something, ask.
  • Common sense is everyone's friend.
  • I hope to never have to actively enforce this rule, but I will make it regardless. Be mature. Anyone applying to a literate to advanced rp should not only be able to write well, but also maturely. Picking fights, calling names, and other such nonsense is not my idea of mature behavior. If you have to ask what is mature, then do so. I rather answer those questions that deal with immaturity in my game or my thread.

As GM, I reserve the right to edit and add to these rules as I see fit. I will always post an announcement/update when this happens, however, so fret not. Also, amendments and additions will be typed in a different color to distinguish from the old rules. They will remain in this color for about one week, at which point I will change them back to the normal color. Announcements of rule changes will be made in the thread and also in the title of the thread, at the top of the page. Please check periodically to see if there have been any announcements or changes that you may have missed.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:12 AM

Accepted Profiles

The Facts
Name: Sanaii Ballari
Username: Kierys
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 25

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 4
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 4
Perception: 5
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4

About You
Past/Bio: She's the lead singer of a band called "Between the Pages", which has gathered some fame. She was born in South Carolina and moved a lot as a child. She often plays at the Cave of Evil nightclub, and some local parties. Nothing more is known about her.
Personality: She tends to keep to herself and has an air of mystery around her. Whether that mystery is something she works at or something that comes naturally cannot be known for certain. More will be discovered in-game.
Description: Sirens in the Moonlight
Her eyes are the same color as her eyeshadow. (And yes, I know I've used this picture before.)

The Keys
Desire: 5
Reality: None


The Facts
Name: Jessica Thompson
Username: Kierys
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 22

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 4
Appearance: 3
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 2
Wits: 2

About You
Past/Bio: Her parents died when she was eighteen, but she didn't move from Oklahoma to California until just recently. She attends the local university. Since she just moved here, nothing more is known about her.
Personality: Jessica is always a girl up for fun. She has a free-spirited, upbeat attitude that rubs off on most she meets. She's flirtatious and even a little risque sometimes, but she typically behaves herself when asked. She doesn't typically like the break the rules, however, and prefers to ask someone for help rather than risk her own well being on a task. She has a good sense of humor and makes friends fairly easily.
Description: The Fading Light

The Keys
Desire: 10
Reality: 3


Originally Posted by Bippy (Post 1765082542)
The Facts
Name: Audra Martin
Class: Dreamer
Race: Human
Age: 25

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Charisma: 2
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 3
Perception: 4
Wits: 3

About You
Past/Bio:Audra grew up in a small rural community in Washington state raised by her grandmother. She moved to San Francisco to attend college and got her degree in Folklore studies. However, times are tough for folklorists who cannot afford graduate school, so for now she works at a local bookstore. She enjoys reading, baked goods, and photography.
Personality:Audra is a kind, upbeat girl who (to her bosses’ and grandmother’s dismay) spends most of her time day dreaming. She often prefers the worlds in the books she sells to her everyday boring life, and believes heavily in the folktales she grew up listening to. She has a fondness for handicrafts, and a weakness for baked goods (specifically scones)
Description: The Daydreamer
Audra is a rather short 5’3, her dark hair cut short in an attempt to keep it out of her face (it failed). Her eyes are dark brown, almost black and while she doesn’t need them for every day, she does wear reading glasses. She is pale, but self conscious about it in sunny California so she compensates by wearing bright colors.

The Keys
Desire: 6 Audra wants more than anything to land a job at a respected university so she can have the resources to adequately research tales of the mysterious and weird.
Reality: 6


Originally Posted by jeregretriens (Post 1765216619)
The Facts
Name: Morgan Foyatte
Username: JeRegretRiens
Player's Name: Katie
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 26

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 2
Stamina: 2
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 3
Appearance: 3
Perception: 4
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 3

About You
Past/Bio: Once upon a time, Morgan had a lot of dreams. Once upon a time, she dreamed she was a fairy princess, a pirate, an indian, a hero, a superstar... She grew up a bit and dreamed she would become a writer. Now, at twenty six, her house is full of half-written books and unfinished stories. Each time she got an inspiration for the story, she would get to the middle of the story, and the dream would dry up. So instead, she is locked into a dead end job as a telemarketer for one of the mobile phone companies in the city, constantly wishing for more and never really believing she'll get it.
Personality: Morgan's personality is a double-sided thing because of her subconcious choice to abandon her dreams. Although she believes that her dreams for some reason abandoned her, the truth of the matter is that she gave up on -them-. Not only does she doubt herself and her abilities, she does not have the nessicary drive to follow them through. She is bitter, cynical, and most importantly jealous of people who -do- have dreams and desires that they are bold enough to act on.
Description: Standing at an unimpressive but thoroughly normal five foot four, Morgan is the perfect specimen of "average American female". Her brown hair is shoulder length and just wavy enough to be frizzy without being curly and thereby particularly attractive. Her face makes up for the usually tousled mess that frames it, her hazel eyes set over a small nose. Her lips are perhaps her best facial feature, elegant and plump without being over-large and appearing pouty. Her usual favoured clothing is based in comfort rather than fashion--jeans and casual shirts, usually with a brown or forest green colour scheme.

The Keys
Desire: 1 - See personality and past for further details on why it is so low, but in a few short words, her dream is "to become a writer on par with JRR Tolkein".
Reality: 9 - Morgan gave up her dreams, and in so doing gave up a large chunk of her imagination save short bursts. Sometimes she may feign belief in strange things and mystical occurrences, and sometimes will force herself to act on things as though she does believe, but her fundamental nonbelief will always be a nagging thought in the back of her mind.

My characters will not always follow the same format, and you will see why in-game.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:12 AM

Inactive Accepted Profiles


Originally Posted by Firemare (Post 1764938712)
The Facts
Name: Christiana Bleur
Username: Firemare
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 21

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 1
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 1
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 5
Wits: 5

About You
Past/Bio: What's to tell? An over achiever from day one, she made up for in brains and wits what she lacked in looks. She just graduated college with a degree in history and is considering going back for a Masters.
Personality: She is nice enough if a bit brusque at times, she makes friends quickly, but sometimes keeping them is a problem. She is kind, but can be a bit condescending because of her intelligence. She tends to assume that if she knows it, everyone must and will sometimes be rather unhelpful when it comes to filling in others.
Description: Flat brown hair she can't do a thing with, she keeps it out of her way with a low ponytail with a scrunchie. Her skin isn't pallid, but it is rather pale, and her blue eyes are nothing to coo over either. Too big for her own body, she has the lanky slightly unbalanced look of a still growing teen that she never grew out of. She stands at 5'9 and weighs 140 pounds.

The Keys
Desire: 7
Reality: 8


Originally Posted by Yuutousei (Post 1765211455)
The Facts
Name: Ramunas Øyvind (Goes by "Ram", "Ray," and, most commonly, "Rujiel")
Counterpart:(This will be explained later. For now, leave it blank)
Username: Yuutousei
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 19

Strength: 4
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 2
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4

About You
Past/Bio: Ramunas hails from Eastern Europe where he worked with his parents as transient farmers. Not the most glamourous life, fer sure, but he enjoyed working and learning anything he could from the people he met on the road. He very recently got his English up to snuff and applied to go to college in the states. His "home-schooling" and his yearn for learning seemed to be good enough to land him a nice scholarship to a college in the Bay area where he currently resides in pursuit of a degree in Literature or Creative Writing.
Personality: A bit of an optimist, Ramunas is constantly looking at the bright side of things, with his favorite phrase being "It could be worse" (oh, how he annoys people with that). He's good with people and, although he has no aspirations to do so, many of those who have met him want him to run for government. It's not a part of Ramunas's plans, so he merely shrugs off their suggestions with a smile. Speaking of smiles, Ramunas is the type of person to make jokes and smile, doing his best to make others happy to hide his own discomfort. He's not one to say no, especially if the person asking him for help seems earnest. Because of his nature, he gets pulled along in a lot of things, but very rarely does anything too bad come of it.
Just... try and keep Ramunas out of a funk - if he seems depressed, then it might be a good idea to get away from him. He's small, but powerful and often times lashes out when people try and hep him.
Description: Oh, how Ramunas wished he could say he had perfect, creamy white skin, hair golden as the sun, soulful blue eyes... Well, sorry to say, Ramunas is none of that, and short to boot. His skin has pretty much aquired a permeant tan due to working out in the fields for a good portion to his life, complete with calluses. His hair is a sort of mousy, dusty brown that he wears in a short "wavy" style (it's too frizzy and unmanageable for anything else, really, and he'd look ridiculous with a crew cut). His eyes are blue, though, a steely blue that would probably make one think that Ramunas was piercing his soul, if they weren't obscured by a pair of prescription shades. If he wasn't wearing them, Ramunas would be running into all sorts of things. At about 5'3", Ramunas weighs a measly 120 lbs and he often pokes his ribs and scowls when he can see it. Despite his meager stature, Ramunas is much stronger than he looks and stays in shape through farming (or gardening) and parkour.
Normally, the young man wears a pair of shorts with suspenders (ugh, why are American pants so weird? He knows his size, but buying the right ones fall right off his slim hips!), rugged, black all weather boots, and some sort of tee-shirt in an earthy tone. A cross charm on a necklace is always around his neck.

The Keys
Desire: 8 - Ramunas wants to write a book (well, a novel) that will be beloved and insightful, and he wants to see it be written in his own mother tongue(s) before he dies.
Reality: 4 - There are certain things Ramunas feels are true; the world turns, leaves change with the season, the moon affects the tides. He believes in the certainty of the natural world and that he and no other human will ever know all of nature's secrets.


Originally Posted by Tykonaughtica (Post 1764939336)
The Facts
Name: Creed Devou
Counterpart: (NOT Whalin)
Username: Tykonaughtica
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 26


Strength: 3
Dexterity: 1
Stamina: 5
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 1
Appearance: 4
Perception: 2
Intelligence: 4
Wits: 2

About You
Past/Bio: Creed is originally from England and his accent is a strange mix that he picked up from traveling across the country. He enjoys tea, a good book and some occasional (Am I allowed to have this personality quirk on here? Let me know cause it's a rather big part of who he is and I'm not sure how that works).
Personality: He is kind and very polite, the perfect gentlemen. Except that he likes control over situations. He cannot stand being in a situation where he does not understand what is going on. He likes his tea with honey and cream, hold the sugar thank you very much.
Description: The Not-So-Typical Librarian
Stands at a tall (Snort) 5'8, his hair is black and soft, staying a natural looking messy from running his hands through it while thinking. He wears a pair of silver rimmed, small rectangular glasses over his twinkling blue eyes and his pale skin is accented crudely with the dark clothing he is usually wearing. He is attractive and intelligent, quite the charmer. Covered by his clothes are a wide variety of scars, the only ones showing are criss-cross lines on his left hand, continuing into the long sleeves he consistently wears.

The Keys
Desire: 8 - Creed desires to find his long (seven years) lost father. And in doing so he wishes to prove that the supernatural things are real. He has spent most of his life (seven years :P ) studying these things in hopes of proving them reality and thus finding his father. This has lead to a high Desire but a failing Reality as he attempts to find the "real"
Reality: 6


Originally Posted by Cows Go Moo (Post 1764940873)
The Facts
Name: Jericho Rayner
Username: Cows Go Moo
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 25

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 1
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4

About You
Past/Bio: Jericho was born and raised in San Jose, California. His childhood wasn't very exciting, at least not in the traditional sense. He was no charmer, though what he lacked in being suave he made up for in being well...a smart-aleck. Often this would get him detention or in almost getting his butt kicked, but somehow he was able to survive with his friends, some of which were also in the same niche of school. After graduating high school, he moved up to San Francisco where he ended up with a desk job (though most of the time he's escaping this with his online wanderlust).
Personality: Jericho is not a nice man. He is actually quite rude and the only time that he keeps his mouth shut is when he's either thinking deeply or if he's shut up by someone of higher authority or strength. He is however, one who can easily improvise given a bad situation. While not a genius, he is able to think on his feet and think of a solution, no matter how unlikely or convoluted it is. He sometimes lies to people, for one reason or another, but when he does, he feels no remorse over it.
Description: [Jericho]

The Keys
Desire: 3
Reality: 7

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:13 AM

  • Thread opened! - 4:10 AM, 08/18/09
  • "No Chatting" rule revoked! - 1:11 AM, 09/09/09

If you have not posted for three days, please be sure to make a reply in the game thread.

Warnings and Suspensions

Firemare(Inactive) - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion
Tykonaughtica(Inactive) - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion
Cows Go Moo - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion
Bippy - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion
Yuutousei(Inactive) - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion
jeregretriens(1 Get Out of Jail Free Card Remaining) - None First Warning Second Warning Third Warning Suspension Expulsion

The bolded word is your current status.

Warnings can be downgraded if enough time has passed in which the players have followed all the rules, including the posting requirement, without fail. After such a period of time has passed, I will take the status down one notch. If you are at your Third Warning, it will be bumped down to a Second Warning. If you are at your First Warning, it will be removed.

However, if you are on Suspension, then you will only be allowed to post in the game again when I feel you have had enough time to fully realize the importance of following all the rules as they are written.

The only reasons a character will be Expelled are:

If you are on Suspension and you continue to piss me off


If you have disappeared from the thread without any explanation.

Players who can present an acceptable (by my standards) reason for disappearing may be downgraded from Expulsion to Suspension, but you had better hope I am in a very favorable mood. Otherwise, Expelled players may not rejoin the game.

Kierys 08-18-2009 07:26 AM

Recommended Games

Eternal Rain
Genesis: Growth of a New People/OOC
Lost & Found/OOC

These are games I:

Recommend joining/reading
Am a part of
Just plain enjoy

Please follow their posting rules.
Please don't pm/ask me to put your game on this list.

Kierys 08-18-2009 09:20 AM

This thread is now OPEN!
*Throws confetti*

Firemare 08-19-2009 05:50 AM

The Facts
Name: Christiana Bleur
Username: Firemare
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 21

Strength: 2
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 1
Charisma: 3
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 1
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 5
Wits: 5

About You
Past/Bio: What's to tell? An over achiever from day one, she made up for in brains and wits what she lacked in looks. She just graduated college with a degree in history and is considering going back for a Masters.
Personality: She is nice enough if a bit brusque at times, she makes friends quickly, but sometimes keeping them is a problem. She is kind, but can be a bit condecending because of her intelligence. She tends to assume that if she knows it, everyone must and will sometimes be rather unhelpful when it comes to filling in others.
Description: Flat brown hair she can't do a thing with, she keeps it out of her way with a low ponytail with a scrunchie. Her skin isn't pallid, but it is rather pale, and her blue eyes are nothing to coo over either. Too big for her own body, she has the lanky slightly unbalanced look of a still growing teen that she never grew out of. She stands at 5'9 and weighs 140 pounds.

The Keys
Desire: 7
Reality: 8

Kierys 08-19-2009 07:28 AM

Firemare, your attributes add up to 26. You need to take a point out of something. Once you decide that, consider yourself accepted. Usually I would ask for a sample of your writing style to decide if you would measure up to the level of literacy, but, well, I already know that. ;) Go ahead and make your first post. The setting is San Fransisco, and the time is sometime in the afternoon. You are in the "Real World". Go. ^-^

Edit: Oh, also, you can take the instructions that I wrote out of the profile, hon. I just need to know your answers. ^-^

Tykonaughtica 08-19-2009 08:41 AM

The Facts
Name: Creed Devou
Counterpart: (NOT Whalin)
Username: Umm . . . well my username is Tykonaughtica, but considering the fact that Tykonaughtica is posting this . . . what's the point hun?
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Male
Race: Human



About You
Creed is originally from England and his accent is a strange mix that he picked up from traveling across the country. He enjoys tea, a good book and some occasional (Am I allowed to have this personality quirk on here? Let me know cause it's a rather big part of who he is and I'm not sure how that works). He is kind and very polite, the perfect gentlemen. Except that he likes control over situations. He cannot stand being in a situation where he does not understand what is going on. He likes his tea with honey and cream, hold the sugar thank you very much.:
Stands at a tall (Snort) 5'8, his hair is black and soft, staying a natural looking messy from running his hands through it while thinking. He wears a pair of silver rimmed, small rectangular glasses over his twinkling blue eyes and his pale skin is accented crudely with the dark clothing he is usually wearing. He is attractive and intelligent, quite the charmer. Covered by his clothes are a wide variety of scars, the only ones showing are criss-cross lines on his left hand, continuing into the long sleeves he consistently wears.:
The Keys

Desire: 8 - Creed desires to find his long (seven years) lost father. And in doing so he wishes to prove that the supernatural things are real. He has spent most of his life (seven years :P ) studying these things in hopes of proving them reality and thus finding his father. This has lead to a high Desire but a failing Reality as he attempts to find the "real"
Reality: 6

Kierys 08-19-2009 08:56 AM

In reply to you question, I will be posting the profiles on the front page under the "Profiles" section. So it's always good to have the Username attached to the corresponding character. Hence the slot for "Username". Lol, and yes, in this version of the game, you will not be "Whalin". We'll have to see who you meet this time around and how they respond to your...accent. *Smirks* As I said with Firemare, usually I would ask for an example of your writing, but just like with her, I already know what I would find, and so you are accepted. You know how it starts, hon, go ahead.

Cows Go Moo 08-19-2009 07:02 PM

The Facts
Name: Jericho Rayner
Username: Cows Go Moo
Class: Dreamer
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Age: 25

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Stamina: 3
Charisma: 1
Manipulation: 2
Appearance: 2
Perception: 3
Intelligence: 3
Wits: 4

About You
Past/Bio: Jericho was born and raised in San Jose, California. His childhood wasn't very exciting, at least not in the traditional sense. He was no charmer, though what he lacked in being suave he made up for in being well...a smart-aleck. Often this would get him detention or in almost getting his butt kicked, but somehow he was able to survive with his friends, some of which were also in the same niche of school. After graduating high school, he moved up to San Francisco where he ended up with a desk job (though most of the time he's escaping this with his online wanderlust).
Personality: Jericho is not a nice man. He is actually quite rude and the only time that he keeps his mouth shut is when he's either thinking deeply or if he's shut up by someone of higher authority or strength. He is however, one who can easily improvise given a bad situation. While not a genius, he is able to think on his feet and think of a solution, no matter how unlikely or convoluted it is. He sometimes lies to people, for one reason or another, but when he does, he feels no remorse over it.
Description: [Jericho]

The Keys
Desire: 3
Reality: 7

((Tell me if I did the math wrong or not. I moved some of my stats around and I'm not sure if it still adds up to 25 Dx ))

Kierys 08-20-2009 04:00 AM

Calculators are your friend, but yes, the math is fine. Okay, I'm going to need a sample of your writing. Post in this thread what you would for your first post, and I will tell you if you are accepted or not.

Cows Go Moo 08-20-2009 04:54 AM

Yay, mental math FTW!


Tap. Tap. Tap. A redhead had his pencil between his index and his middle finger as he drummed the eraser end of the writing utensil on his desk. Jericho Rayner's eyes, colored dark brown, were half-lidded. In an attempt to keep awake, the man used his other hand to prop up his chin as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. At the moment he had nothing to do. Well actually, he did have something to do. He had to make copies of a flier for a meeting and also on the side for a friend of his. See, he and his friend were having a quasi-garage sale (though he had actually lived in a loft and didn't really have his own garage) and they would need more than one huge sign in order to get people's attention.

"Might as well get to it now," he muttered. Yawning, the male dropped his pencil on the desk and stretched his arms out before getting up. He took a manila folder from one of the drawers in his desk before exiting his cubicle and heading for the copy room. He walked past some of his co-workers, all seemingly about as bored as he was. One was even asleep, not even bothering to cover himself up (however possible). Arriving at the room, he opened the door and went into the copy room before taking out the first of the two papers: the one for the meeting. He dialed in the numbers before waiting for the copier to do its thing as he glanced at the room.

A few minutes later and all the papers were printed. Now for his own personal ones. Repeating the process, he made about twenty copies of the garage sale flier, crossing that pile with the copies from earlier. Exiting the room, he held the stack in his hands, walking back to his desk with ease. What else did he need to do today? Actually, nothing. His supervisor was nowhere to be seen and the meeting wouldn't be until tomorrow (he was pretty sure that it was just about productivity or something like that). Sitting down, he opened the MMO on his computer and waited for the game to load. Once it did, he got to playing, distracted from the outside world.

He sighed as he played. What was he doing here? He was stuck playing a game that was dominated mostly by twelve year olds and people with no lives. Well he supposed that he went under the latter category, but he didn't like to admit it. He continued, biting his lower lip as he slashed through a monster. Running across the field, he acquired another quest, adding to his list of grinding quests. In this one he needed to acquire twelve eyes from these bat-like creatures. He really needed to make some friends at the office.

Kierys 08-21-2009 05:09 AM

Very good Cows, consider yourself accepted. I will put your profile up and you may begin posting at your convenience. Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Cows Go Moo 08-21-2009 05:19 AM

It's alright (: I've been out all day so no sweat.

Kierys 08-21-2009 05:20 AM

Okay, well I put it up so you're all set. ^-^

Okay, also, everyone already in game, whenever you try to do something difficult (As in, anything a normal, average person might have trouble doing. Such as backflips or dodging something, like a couch), let me know (in this thread or in a pm) and I will explain what you need to do to find out if you succeed. We will be using rolls to determine certain things, especially battles. I will be checking on this thread every day, hopefully multiple times a day. However, I do have a job and therefore cannot always be on at all hours, so please be patient and wait for me to respond.

Ferra 08-21-2009 05:28 AM

I have to say, I'm very intrigued by this RP! I worry I might not have the time for it though. I start school again in a month, which would put a bit of a damper on my free-time.

However, I might give it a shot and submit a profile anyways. If it turns out that I become too busy, I suppose you could just kill me off? :lol:

Cows Go Moo 08-21-2009 05:30 AM

Hey, is it alright if I use my sample post for my opening post or would you prefer that I write a new one?

Kierys 08-21-2009 05:39 AM

Cows: Go ahead and use that post, just be sure to read the other player's posts so that you are fully aware of the surroundings, if you are in that area, and adjust your post accordingly.

Ferra: If worse comes to worse, I can occupy your character until such a time that you can rejoin us. Until then, we'll be glad for your company. Please feel free to make a profile and submit it in this thread.

Also: Everyone, be sure to keep your out of character posts in this thread. Also, please check over your posts for spelling or grammar errors. There is an "edit" button if anything in your post needs amending. Please try not to write up big blocks of words. Paragraphs need to be separated appropriately (Double-spaced, please). Plus, it is very hard on the eyes. Punctuation is important. This a literate to advanced game.

One last thing: Please allow people to react. Taking multiple actions without allowing reaction time from the other players is a form of god-modding, and will not be tolerated. Think realistically. For instance, if Paul meets Joe in an alley, and he pulls out a sword and swings it at him, then he must then allow Joe an opportunity to react, rather than moving on to tripping him, then stabbing him in the gut. Assuming the outcome of any interaction with other people, or assuming there is no reaction, is godmodding. Be considerate and remember that while we can type our actions in seconds, the execution of those actions in real life are rarely instantaneous. Keep time in mind.

Okay. Now, with all that said, let me address the issue in the library.

There was no information given regarding exactly what he typed up in the computer about the girl. It also had no information about what information he had pulled up about her, or whether or not he closed any of the windows. In this situation, any character wishing to learn something about it would have to contact the player who had posted. For instance, Firemare, if you are going to say your character looked at his screen, and then say what she found, you would have to pm Tykonaughtica to find out what he had up, since the computer is in his "control" at the moment. If someone else were to use the computer, anything they do with it would be information under their control. For instance, if you had pulled up a paint program on the computer while you were looking, and drawn a picture, someone would have to contact you to find out what you drew before they could use that information. Never assume facts about other characters or their actions. Unless they say it is so, then it is not so.

Also, be sure to read each other's posts, carefully. Twice, if you must. I don't want to be addressing problems with misreading every three posts, please.

And there is absolutely NO player knowledge to be used in this game. I will not give any second warnings if I see this happening. One warning, that is it.

For all those who are unclear on what "PK" is, allow me to explain.

You, as a player, know everything that is happening in the game, because you can read it. However, you, as a character, know only the things your character sees, smells, hears, tastes, touches. If there is a fight in the other room, your character would only know that if they hear sounds of a scuffle, or see it through an open door. Even though you as a player know this guy to be a complete liar, if he has done nothing to appear untrustworthy, then your character has no reason to think he's lying, unless he has some kind of telltale sign that he's lying. For instance, his left eye twitched, or he fidgets. Doing so is abuse of Player Knowledge. Do NOT abuse player knowledge, or I will take you out of this game. These people are not omnipotent gods. They do not know all. They are human, as listed in the "Race" section of each and every approved profile. I did not approve any gods. That goes for everyone.


I had really hoped I would not have to reprimand anyone this early in the game.

Now, Firemare, I am not angry with you, but I want you to be completely aware of what I am trying to get across here. I want to know that you understand it all. If you have questions, then please, let me know. I am more than happy to clear up any concerns or confusions on matters regarding this game. Otherwise, please resume, keeping all that I have addressed here in mind.

Tykonaughtica, I know you to be a fantastic roleplayer in person, and from what I have seen, also on the internet. You are very good about details and explaining surroundings, being a GM yourself. So I am sure you will have no trouble with me requesting something. To avoid future confusion, please try to detail things a bit more. For instance, it was not known if you closed the search windows about the woman or not. Since you did not say, it could be assumed that they were left open. Of course, people should try not to assume, but it is hard to avoid in some situations. A good way to prevent assumptions is by saying exactly what was done. So try to write whether or not things were closed, if lights were turned off, if you fell asleep in your work clothes, ect. This goes for everyone, of course. And if you have no qualms about this, then please resume, keeping all that I have addressed here in mind.

I hope this goes without saying, but I expect everyone in this game to behave responsibly and maturely. It has been a problem in other games I have been a part of, and I do not want my threads cluttered up with arguments. I am glad the situation did not progress that far, and I do not know if it would have or not. So let me request now that any qualms anyone has with any of the players please be taken to private messages. If you require me to help resolve a matter, I will be more than happy to. But if it is a personal problem between two people, then you should not involve the entire thread. Keep personal matters personal.

One last thing. Be sure to periodically check this thread, as all things pertaining to the game will be posted here. Announcements and amendments are important information that you must be aware of. Also, I may want to address something that involves the players, and I would like for everyone to be aware when I do. I will be making amendments to the rules in a moment, so, everyone please go check on any changes that may have been made since last you read. Any time I change or add something, I will say so in the title thread, which is located at the very top of the page. I will also say what day and time the rules were changed, so you will know if you have already seen the new rules or not. If you have any confrontation with any amendments in the rules, please private message me about it. Do not post about it in this thread.

Sorry for the length of this. Many things needed to be addressed and I did not want to double post.

Cows Go Moo 08-21-2009 05:41 AM

Alright :D I'll get to posting now, though I have to go in a few minutes.

Ferra 08-21-2009 05:53 AM

@Kierys: Hmm, sounds reasonable. Although I would appreciate my character being removed from the RP entirely, if possible, should it ever reach the point where I'm unable to participate for an exceptionally long duration of time. XD

With regards to your comment about reaction time, I agree completely. That's often why my responses are rather short (a few paragraphs or so) because I like to keep things at a nice pace rather than concern myself with extreme detail. I'll do my best to keep with proper writing conventions and add descriptions where it seems prudent, but is it an issue if I don't type super-advanced literate posts?

Right now I'm deciding whether or not I want to reuse an old character or make a new one, lol.

Kierys 08-21-2009 06:47 AM

Cows: That's alright, I look forward to gaming with you as soon as possible.

Ferra: If you would prefer for your character to be removed entirely, I will be sure to do so.
In regards to posting: As long as you are descriptive in your posts and comply with the Literate standard, then I am fine with your posts being somewhat shorter. Just remember, not all posts are long because of having many actions going on. A good post will have quality writing, using as many or as few words as necessary to convey the idea well. So as long as you write well enough, then the length of your post should not be an issue. I will let you know if it is.
Also, regarding your character, both ways are acceptable. Whatever is to your convenience will be just fine.

I'm sure that as a Moderator you are aware of the standard for Literate roleplays.

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