Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Valentine's Day - 2013 (
-   -   A Couple of LOVEly Avatar Contests, now with PIRATES! TWO additional contests have been added! Check out posts 5 & 6! (

Linnea 02-06-2013 05:35 AM

A Couple of LOVEly Avatar Contests, now with PIRATES! TWO additional contests have been added! Check out posts 5 & 6!

DariaMorgendorfer 02-06-2013 05:37 AM

An avatar contest hosted by
DariaMorgendorfer & Linnea

Welcome to the official avatar contest for Valentine's 2013!
There will be two categories; Valentine's Colors and Jilted Lover's!

Your Hosts:
Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!
Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Linnea 02-06-2013 05:37 AM

Valentine's Day Colors Contest

Hello there, all my lovey-dovey peeps! It's time again for some matchy matchy avatar contest fun, so let's get it on!
Your avatar MUST have white, purple, pink, red, and any shade of brown including tan and off-white or cream. You must have all FIVE colors on your avatar entry and I will refuse entries as I see fit.

For this contest varying shades of the colors are acceptable, including any shade of pink or red and yes, even pirate, as it's a purpley pink. The more lemony or light yellows will not be accepted as an off-white shade. NO GOLD OR SILVER FOR THIS CONTEST!
I will be adding more colors that are unacceptable as I see fit. Deal with it [:P]

Also, I should mention that if you become a cranky-pants because you can't take the time to read the directions and follow them, then proceed to get mad when I ask you to change your entry because it doesn't meet the criteria, you will be flung into the MONKEY CAGE See post 7!

Again, you must have all FIVE colors for this to be accepted.
Any of the original skin tones are ok, but if you use an equippable skin please keep it in the color scheme.
Oh, and please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme.

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise [yes]

Valentine's Day Colors Entry Form
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=purple][b]Valentine's Day Colors Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]

Mythos Maha-Aamir

Seridano Voyant

Saravi Boo


Damia Flagg



zigbigadorlube Kent


Rochiel Silverfire


Q U E E N fireprincess



DariaMorgendorfer 02-06-2013 05:54 AM

The JILTED LOVER Avatar Contest!
I admit, I am not the biggest fan of Valentine's day. So, I decided we needed a "JILTED LOVERS" contest this go round. For those who don't know what a jilted lover is, well, it's unrequited love. For example, Suzie loves Dean, but Dean does NOT love Suzie, because she has a skary yellow teeth filled smile. So your avatar can be of Susie and her icky yellow teeth smile. OR your avatar can be of how Suzie got her REVENGE on Dean! You may enter one or the other contest, but not both!

1. Your avatar must be of either the jilted lover or of the revenge the jilted lover is plotting on the jilter.
2. Your avatar must not be icky (no cutting off his hand or something...)
3. You need to give me a description of at least 3 sentences telling me what happened to your lovers and why (HINT YOU WANT THIS TO BE FUNNY NOT ICKY)

The more creative and funny you are, the better.

How I was JILTED!
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted:


[size=4][color=Red][b]How I was JILTED![/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]How I was Jilted:[/B]

Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted: I had a crush on Jeremy since school had started. I planned to give him some chocolates on Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day came, and I came down with cold. The cold was not going to stop me from giving Jeremy his box of chocolates! When I tried to give him his chocolates, he was disgusted with my snotty nose and threw the box in my face!

Username: HIM_ROCK
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted:Tis I Miss Havisham with a tale of how I was jilted, it all started....Too long ago for me to rember exactly, Alister and I were madly in love he had a wondering eye but he said it was just lazy and it was always looking the other way, he only had eyes for me.
Lying git ! On the day we eloped and were to wed he and his wondering eye jilted me. FOR A BEAREDED LADY he met when he went to see a freak show !

Username: Clair Voyant
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted: Fiona Armstrong. Her only daughter's romance was forever immortalized in the romance novel known as "The Thorn Birds", but Fiona's story is just as beautiful and tragic. As a teenager, Fiona fell in love with a politician, much older than her. By him, she gave birth to a baby boy, but the politician could not be bothered to take responsibility. Fiona was forced into a marriage to a much poorer man and lost almost everything she owned. Her husband was a good man and treated her well, but she did not love him. She never complained about the state of her life, never got angry... but she never smiled, or laughed...

Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted:
[COLOR="Purple"]I met him while dancing the carnival stage,
and though he was probably triple my age
my "Dance of the Veils" had captured his heart
(in truth, I had mastered the thing to an art -
best dance of a bearded girl yet)

He came to my room with the sweetest bouquet,
the look in his eyes said he wanted to stay,
and no way in heaven I'd turn him away,
as lonely a bearded girl gets.

He pulled me in close for a lusty embrace,
and whispered 'I simply must look at your face'
Assuming he knew, what else would I do --
I loosened the string on the back of the thing
and then it slipped gently from place.

As my veil hit the floor,
he ran straight for the door!
"Oh fer chrissakes!" I squeaked,
"That's the third time this week!"

I sobbed for an hour when the kleenex was gone,
I'd been honking my nose like a trumpeter swan,
then a voice said, "Get up girl, the show must go on!"
So it must. And so it was going to.

Mr. Havisham, I'll miss you!
Next time, won't you please bring tissue?

Username: Nephila
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted:
You were so hypnotizing. I'm wide awake! Words up your sleeve such a tease. I see you for who you are. Hot but cold, I wish I knew then what I know now. Cause baby I'm a firework! I'll show you what I'm worth.

When Russel left her, Katy was very confused. She has a lot of songs dealing with their relationships ups and downs and always said,"If I can be an example showing people that they don't have to lay down and die because they've been thrown a curve-ball, then that's great." Basically succeeding without them is a good enough revenge. Pretty classy. However in this case I think I picture her shooting of fireworks in his general direction.

Username: Wyrmskyld
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted: Everything was perfect for our dinner date. I'd tidied up the laboratory, and decorated it. I lit candles and chilled the wine, and I spent all day programming my robots to serve the meal... And then she ran away screaming as soon as the appetizer was served! Apparently she has a phobia of bees... Maybe next year I should build myself a girlfriend for Valentine's Day...

Username: neller
Image of My Entry:

How I was Jilted:
We were so in love, he and I, I and he. He sported his thick, burly beard, and I fashioned my thick-framed bogus spectacles. Ah yes, we were hipsters, but so hipster we were. Together, we loved everything before it was cool: the books we read, the music we listened to, the coffees we drank. It was such a wonderful time to be before the time, until that fateful day before Valentine's Day (because celebrating Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day is too main stream). "My darling," he took my hands within his and looked into my eyes, "Being a hipster has become too popular...I can't bare it anymore! I must change my ways to something more underground, but that change won't be easy...especially with a hipster as a girlfriend. Please, darling, understand, this is for our [my] better good." I should've known...he thought he was better than me!

Username: Popcorn Gun
Image of My Entry:
How I was Jilted: Classic story of two people, best friends, since they were kids. Radically different but appreciative of one another. Kadia was always a bit eccentric, and didn't too much bother with staying on trend, or putting on airs for anyone who's eye she might be in. Her bestie however, was a little different. It was 7th grade, and she hadn't changed, but her best friend had. Though they no longer ran in the same circles, Kadia still cared deeply for her friend, and decided to make them a really fun valentine card...but when she went to give them her ridiculously punny -You're the BOMB' valentine- the person she once called best friend, that she'd been so close to over the years, showed just what societal pressure can do, and in the face of their new crowds pelted her with snow, and spurned the pun, Kadia's look, and everything about her. Kadia's lost the love of a friend to something sadly controlling.

I was JILTED, so I got REVENGE!
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!:


[size=4][color=Orange][b]I was JILTED, so I got REVENGE![/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]How I got REVENGE!:[/B]

Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: I rushed around all day getting things together for me and my husband's..*ahem*"special" night. I was so excited I couldn't help but show up at his work to give him a "pre-event"present! I walked into his office and found him with his pants down..literally. The woman I found him with was my boss. How she got there I have no idea. So, they wanted to be together? There they are. In the coffin. Hey, I never said they were alive together.

Username: Kiyoto
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: You want a story, I got a story for ya! I used to be the king of hearts, love and fluff, and all that good stuff. Cupid had nothing on me hehehe, but poor old Kiyoto could never find a break. I once found the woman of my dreams, and thought we were ment to be....till she ran away with a magician. She wants magic? I can do magic! You have a heart right? Well now you see you don't, but I got a pretty new pet for my cage~ It dosn't sing, but it sure can keep a beat! Hehehehe, now we can be together for all eternity cause hey, even bad guys need love to!~

Username: Risque
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: I don't think he ever really loved me, but one thing I know that he actually liked about me was my cooking skills. It was when I found out that he planned on running off with another woman without breaking up with me first that I knew I had to stop him for good. That last night we were together I made one of his favorite stews, imagine his surprise when he found that he was going to be the main ingredient! Really, a chicken is a fitting form for a man like him.

Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!:
OH, the joy of sweet, sweet revenge. My pure terror and tears turned to joy and laughter after I set my revenge in play. So what happened, you may wonder? Well, after coming home early from work one night I found that there was a strange car parked in the driveway. You see, I work a different shift than my fiance. So, he gets off work earlier than I do. Anyway, back to the story. So, instead of bursting through the door and finding the source of the new car, I decided to sneak around the back and looked through the bedroom window. That's when I saw them. My fiance all over that little ( #@*$#&^ - this content is bleeped out for the sake of decency. xD). What do I do? I decided to play it cool. Since they did not hear me, I quickly ran back to my car and drove off. Of course I was upset, who wouldn't be to know their lover is in fact involved with someone else? How dare he not love me enough to not cheat! After calming down I decided to call him from my cell a few blocks away from the house. I told him I got off work early and asked if he wanted me to pick up anything before I returned home. I knew she would leave before I got back. I was right. I followed her car back to her house, smacked her across the head with a mallet. Don't worry though, I didn't fatally harm her, just knocked her out.. Anyway, I retrieved her phone and found my fiance's name, and sent him a text asking to for him to meet her at the hotel down the street. He replied, "Okay." SERIOUSLY? HE SERIOUSLY ACTUALLY WAS ALL RIGHT WITH THIS?! Ahem, I also went on to tell him he better be sure to be blind folded when I (pretending to be that #&&^&#) knocked on the door. I then deleted the texts, placed the phone back in her bag and left. I headed straight for that hotel, receiving a call from my fiance first though. He actually told me he had an errand to run for work. HAH!! I parked at the hotel, saw his truck, and went to the room I had instructed him to get. I knocked on the door and entered. He was blind folded as instructed as well. PERFECT! After speaking some things to me that I barely remember over my rage, I quickly grabbed his wrists and tied him to the bed, face down. I also tied both his feet down. Now, here comes the really good part! I pulled the blind fold off his face and the terror in his eyes said it all. After swinging a large, prickly pickle in face, he understood immediately what my intentions were. Face down, tied up, butt exposed.... OH THE JOY! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! He won't ever walk right again! REVENGE IS SWEET.

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: Ben was totally the coolest boy at my lame school. While everyone else listened to Justin Bieber and One Direction we listened to cool music like All Time Low and Fall Out Boy. He asked me out and we were inseparable. Until one day he came to my house and saw the dolls in my bedroom. "Oh em gee, Kat, I thought you were cool! Playing with dolls like a little baby? I bet you don't even like Blink or Panic really." He ran out of my house with a last shout of "Poser!" and I crumbled to my bed. Then it hit me. The dolls Ben had so cruelly mocked weren't Barbies or Cabbage Patch Kids but my very own Voodoo dolls. It felt like he had stuck pins into my heart but I had far more delicate areas of his in mind!

Username: Death_to_the_reaper
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: I had a long day trying to make sure everything ready for my date with my boyfriend. I made his favorite dessert and everything. But he came home three hours late with alcohol on his breath and lipstick on his face and chest. He said he had dinner with someone else but would accept dessert. I smiled and said sure before brandishing a knife then cutting two pieces. It was a bit messy considering I cut my boyfriend's head from his neck.

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: When he found out I liked anthros he called me a...a furry! Said I was a freak...and a whole lot of other things not fit to be uttered in polite company =TT^TT= Then he left me. But what he didn't know was that there was a very very good reason I liked anthros better than humans. A reason he would soon find out...just as soon as the next full moon comes 'round. Maybe after a couple "love bites" he'll gain a new appreciation for us "freaks"! Hehehehowwwwwwwwwwl!

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: Go out with other pretty little things while we are dating will he? That son of a @$#*% will regret cheating on me.

That is what the woman thought as she made plans to get revenge on her soon to be ex-boyfriend. She waited for him to go out one night to his favorite bar. She knew that he would pick up another pretty little thing and get her drunk, thinking that he’d get lucky. Oh he might get the girl drunk as a skunk, but they wouldn’t be leaving this parking lot together. At least not in his new car. Not if she had her way about it. Once her ex-boyfriend had disappeared she took out a key and ran it along both sides of the man’s car a couple of times. Then she took out her dagger and proceeded to slash all four of his nice new car. Oh, that wasn’t all, she was no where near done yet. Next she picked up the bat she had with her. With it she broke the headlights and all of the windows. Then put a few dents on the hood and doors. Once she was done with that she got out her dagger one last time. This time she used it to carve the words ‘You’re Dead To Me. @%#$*&#@” into the leather seats. An evil smile was on the woman’s ruby lips as she stepped back to look at the work she had done.

Oh yes, he would regret ever cheating on her. Satisfied with what she had done she picked up the bat and left the parking lot. Next time he cheated it wasn’t going to be on her.

Username: Saravi Boo
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: He left me!! O_o He left me and took the million dollar home we had spent years designing and building together. If he thinks he can have his new trophy wife and my house as well, he has another thing coming. I loved him and I loved our home. Now I'll destroy it, the way he destroyed my heart. I started with the linens, slashing them in a furious swirl of feathers and shredded fabric. Unsatisfied, I dumped all his food on the floor and ground it into the carpet with my boots. It still wasn't enough, so I took my sledgehammer to the walls and floor. I felt a little better but as I looked around I realized I had to do one more thing to ensure he and his new bride would have to find other accommodations...anybody got a light? [twisted] He really should have changed the locks.

Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!:
oh it was so sweet, I mean it was really sweet and oh so beautiful, and it should have been all mine. I stood there watching them laughing with their guest. Not a care in the world, at least none for the pain that they had caused me. They didn't know I was there of course. I looked so totally different. it's amazing what a little makeup and hair dye can do for a girl.

It was just so easy, the party was outside, with all the people, no one noticed one more. everyone dressed so brightly and happy. all smiles and cheers, that soon would change. he told me he loved me. They both said that they loved. my lover and my best friend. two people I trusted most in the world, two people I now hated with a passion

I nearly giggled with anticipation as I watched them cut into the pretty little lemon heart shaped cake before them. It was a special cake, made special for the bride and groom. I should know I made it with my own two hands. it would be so very delicious, that first bite, that first delectable poisonous bite. The pure happiness on their faces as they took a bite and then kissed nearly made my stomach turn.

slipping the little bottle back into the warmth of my bosom I turned and picked up a sweet little cupcake covered in roses before grabbing a nice bottle of champagne chilling on the table.

as I left the party and walked down the road, my steps seems to lighten as the ocean waves blew cool wind around me. I could feel the laughter bubbling up inside of me before it all came out. I am sure that if anyone saw me, I must have looked like a crazy woman, walking down the street laughing to herself.

It was as I turned the corner the laughter still ringing in my ear, that I finally heard the screams. Looking over my shoulder I smiled. climbed into my car and drove away.

Username: Popcorn Gun
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: Long Story short, greed exploited. Seduction & Spiked drink, with a side of fire. >:' )

Long story: Mr. Satson you were always a pig. You were born a pig that somehow snaked it’s way to fortune and prestige, but you and I both know you didn’t keep your hands clean. When I fell on hard times and you found yourself in need of a housecleaner I saw you as a Godsend…little did I know what you really had in store for me. It started off simply enough…a uniform, then some casual conversation on the job. I looked up to you, you were brilliant…told me I could be too. From there it’s the classic textbook tale of the cheating husband. I fell for you, an attached man, you made me believe it was mutual…but as time drew on, and you didn’t leave your wife…and you’d come around when you knew she wouldn’t be home with more, innocent requests…fishnets instead of my normal opaque tights, a shorter hemline…white cat ears & a bell? … Fool that I was I, I couldn’t deny it any longer. You had no intention of making me your wife, I was simply a service to you…I came to see you for what you were and something inside me went hard… You had it all, but you were nothing…and I saw that it would only be fit for the same to happen to you. How many women had you done this too and how many more would be left after I left? No. For you, death would be best…but I wanted your final moment be the summation of your character, lecherous and greedy. So I donned my maid outfit one last time, and the bell, and a pair of cat ears, but this time, they were black, because I vowed to make you wish you’d never crossed me. You made it too easy. A balloon mansion, far away from everyone else. Wife away at the spa for the weekend. No relatives to speak of. And a maid with keys to the house. A cigar connoisseur, with a paper-littered office and a penchant in his old age for falling asleep…seems like a fire hazard does it not? A game of cat and mouse. Gives rise to old wood, but when the hunter is really the hunted. That’s when things get fun. Do you like wine? I know you do you old fool. And I know that you’re greedy…so you drink that wine…got it special for you. Sleep… I love how it just makes a room glow, makes me all tingly inside. And by the time anyone notices the blaze, you’ll not only have been asphyxiated, but your body should be beyond the point of recognition, and I’ll be at home, as Mrs. Satson gave me the weekend off. Women...always craftier than you'd have given them credit for. Enjoy your fate you old lecher.

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!:
My boyfriend and I had been together for almost 3 years. Our anniversary was approaching, so I thought I'd take him out for a nice fancy dinner and movie for our special day. I was sitting at home making reservations when the phone rang. I didn't recognize the number so I let it go to voice mail. A female's voice rang over the answering machine telling MY boyfriend how much she enjoyed sneaking off on their lunch breaks to the supply closet for....well, I think you get where this was going. She went on to say that she can't wait to see him Friday night so they would have longer than 30 minutes to spend together. When she finally finished explaining everything she had planned for him she finished with "I'm so glad you're ditching that boring girlfriend of yours to spend the night with me." and then click. The message ended. I was dumbfounded! A million thoughts were racing through my head. My boyfriend was cheating on me!? How could he? Who was this harlot he was messing around with? Was she really so stupid to leave a message on an answering machine for my boyfriend at the home we BOTH shared?? Tears were filling my eyes as I ran to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the tub just trying to sort through everything. Everywhere I looked I saw his stuff. His razor, his comb, his $40 bottle of shampoo and alll of his hair products. Oh his hair. How he loved his hair. He spent hours and hours combing it, and styling it, and teasing it, and primping it. He just loved his perfect hair. Just then a thought popped in my head. He DID love his hair.... Just like I had loved him... Well, he screwed with my feelings...I'll screw with his hair. I grabbed my bottle of Nair and poured the ENTIRE thing into his shampoo bottle. Now, for those of you who don't know, Nair is a hair removal treatment that women usually use on their legs. It lathers up and then you just wipe it off, but it stings like nobody's business. So next time he goes to wash his perfect beautiful hair, he won't know what hit him! I wonder if his bimbo likes bald guys.... As I was disposing of my empty Nair bottle and putting the lid back on his shampoo, I looked at the mirror. I remembered all the times we'd leave each other messages on the mirror so when the other got out of the shower they'd see the message in the steam. Well, I couldn't just let my master plan go unnoticed. I had to find out through a message what was going on and so should he. When he rushes to the mirror to see why his head is stinging and why he has fist-fulls of his hair, he'll see my little steam message that will read "Honey, I just wanted to let you know that you have a message on the answering machine. A co-worker called about your plans on Friday. I hope she likes your new look! Wipe the steam off the mirror and you'll see what I mean ;)
Happy Anniversary!"

The pink bottle is the nair, the black bottle is his shampoo, the curtains are the shower curtains, the white rug is the bath mat, and the fog is the steam from the shower so her message will be seen

Username: ascadellia
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: What's my story? Well, if you Must know. I have a certain boyfriend. Or should I say had? Well.. I Had a boyfriend. We'd been going out together for, oh, two years? On again, off again. But we always got back together. --Anyway. Everything was going perfect. Except one day, I found out he had his eye on a certain brunette. Someone that'd had their eye on someone Else. Imagine my fury upon realizing that he was ditching me(For good) for that blondette! Well, I knew he was a fan of vampire movies. A certain series that also contained werewolves. So, upon hearing the devastating news, I quickly came back with a retaliation. Was I going to be sad? No! What I was going to do was, get some hunky (shirtless) man, go out into the woods and have a bit of a party! Celebrate my new freedom with a far superior male.

And if somehow pictures leaked out to my good for nothing ex, well then Good! Let him wallow in self pity on what he missed out on. I was going to give him a Very fun date. Instead, I ended up with a cute guy, and my ex miserable with a Plain Jane. Now I can gloat in his miserable face the next time I see him. Nothing better than sweet sweet revenge.

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!:Like you see, my ex - Christopher was a total bookworm. He always had his nose in some book, reading all the damn time and never paying any attention to me. Books are stupid! If he didn't look like such a hunk I would have never dated a nerd like him.

Anyways, the jerk decided he loves books more than me. Like HELLOOOOO! I'm the prettiest girl on campus and no one dumps me. So I decided to break into his house. He loves books so much? We'll see how he feels after I toss a couple of his favorites into the fireplace. That's just to start. I want him to suffer for a long time. So all the books I didn't burn? I torn the last page out of every single one of them.

Who's the dumb blond now Christopher? Take that!

Username: star2000shadow
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: I'd worked hard on making myself look nice, and he breaks my heart on valentines day? well okay maybe it was a bit over kill to bring the city tumbling in on his thick headed skull. i hadn't meant to go THAT far..but i was jsut soo mad. when they say 'seeing red' they so don't want the person seeing red to have one mean back hand with magic err.. now how am i going to explain this to my parents. yeah mom, dad, you now the town where my boyfriend ('cough' the cheating jerk) lived? err its no longer there. i'll be lucky if im not grounded for life for this one.

Linnea 02-06-2013 05:56 AM

Pirate's LOVE pirate! A Color Contest

Why hello again! It seems we now have pirates in our midst, but who says a pirate can't have some S-T-Y-L-E?
Heck, Menewsha even has a color named after 'em!
Now for this avatar contest you MUST have the Menewsha brand pirate color, black, gray, and white.
You can also use gold and/or silver but you must have all FOUR main colors on your avatar entry and I will ask you to fix your entry if it doesn't meet the criteria.

For this contest only the shades mentioned are accepted. No off-white, ONLY white, gray and silver are acceptable shades of white or gray. This contest isn't supposed to be easy so challenge yourself! [:D]

The Monkey Cage is still active so don't be a cranky-pants!

Again, you must have all FOUR main colors for this to be accepted.
Any of the original skin tones are ok, but if you use an equippable skin please keep it in the color scheme.
Oh, and please keep eyes and hair within the color scheme too, please!

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise [yes]

Pirate's LOVE pirate! A Color Contest Entry Form
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=hotpink][b]Pirate's LOVE pirate! A Color Contest Entry Form[/b][/color][/size]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]


Maria-Minamino Flagg




Nephila Silverfire

~Longcat~ Boo

neller Kiari



DariaMorgendorfer 02-06-2013 06:12 AM

The Pirates in LOVE Avatar Contest!
Ahoy MATIES! Even the scariest of pirates have they love something, deep down in their dark little marauding hearts. They just don't want US to know about it! SO in this contest, we are airing our pirates dirty laundry, so to speak. We want to know; what does your pirate love and why?

1. Your avatar must be of a PIRATE.
2. Your avatar must depict something your Pirate LOVES but does not want the world knowing about.
3. You MAY NOT use the pirate based CIs "Shiver me Timbers!" or "Pirate's Booty"
4. I want a description of what it is your pirate loves and why or how they hide it. Your description must be at least 3 sentences in length.

The more creative and funny you are, the better.

My Pirate is in LOVE!
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:


[size=4][color=gray][b]My Pirate is in LOVE![/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:[/B]

Username: Antagonist
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:
The sun was setting. Aboard the Lusty Barbarian, the Captain yelled at his crew. "Wind's a-coming! Get yer filthy bodies up off the deck and get ter work, ya scallawags!" He yelled menacingly, his crew hurrying about to obey his orders. Within the hour, the deck was scrubbed clean and the ship heading west towards the docks of a nearby pirate town for stock up and the night. As they reached the port, he made a quick decision. "Alright you worthless lumps! It's been two months since we've been at a port, and cuz Imma awesome captain, you guys have earned yerselves the night off; go party, get drunk, and have lots of women!" He declared. His pirates cheered and roared their approval before stampeding off the ship.
After waiting five minutes to make sure the last of the stragglers have gone, the Captain looked around, making sure no one was following him and that the two unfortunates who got the short straw were doing their rounds of patrol on the other side of the ship, before going over to his favorite spot on the deck and lit a candle.
His eyes never staying still for long in scanning the area, he continued to make sure there were no witnesses before easing the tattered book out from a hidden pocket inside his coat, and flipping to a dog-eared page.
"Amber battered her long eyelashes at Maxwell. Her luscious body curving at all the right places, making his heart race. "Amber..." He began, his voice hoarse from either disuse or lust, "Shh," The woman whispered, putting a finger to his lips and making all his nerves tingle, "Don't say a word Max. I have been longing for this day since-""
"Hey Cap'n!"
There was a loud curse, a frantic moment of rustling pages, and the sound of a book slamming before the Captain's head reappeared around the deck for the pirate to see him. "Cap'n, watcha doin'? 'S been three hours and we wanna call it a day and go join the other guys."
The Captain's face appeared thunderous as he stalked out and faced the poor man, who shrank back at the expression.
"How many times 've I told ya coalheads not to disturb me at night?! You got patrol, and yer not gettin' offa it!" He snarled.
Wondering what got his captain in such a rage the pirate shrank back some more and glanced at the enraged man fearfully. Then he saw the bulge.
"Sorry Cap'n! Didn't mean ta disturb ya while, busy!"
The man squeaked and disappeared back inside the ship.
Now it was the Captain who was slightly confused with his man's reaction. Sure he had been furious at having his reading time disturbed again, but what was-
The Captain facepalmed as he walked back to his reading spot and pulled his book out from where he had hastily crammed down into down the front of his pants and sighed.
The sacrifices he made, he grumbled, thanks to these disgustingly sappy and corny love novels that he was somehow addicted to, and went back to reading.

Username: Pa-pancake
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:
I guess it is safe to say that Pan does not hide what she loves from Mene!

Pan can however, explain the reason to why she hides it from all her shipmates! Arrrr...

Pan has been secretly training an army of killer bunnies! But wait, they aren't regular huggable bunnies... Do not be fooled by their exterior of pink nodded and fluffy tails, these are bunnies from SPARTA!!!

Yes, an army of 300 bunnies... to overthrow her captain. Who needs a captain and a crew with bunnies to help you plunder the 7 seas?

A fight between a pirate and a bunny? The winner??? Undoubtedly, the Spartan trained bunny! These bunnies take no prisoners! They will fight to the death if they had to!

So yes, Pan has to hide them...She cannot be discovered... her army must remain under wraps until the time is right...

Oh, and Pan forgot to mention that she had to dress up like a bunny to trick the smaller bunnies into thinking that she is their huger stronger leader! When Pan is just as weak as any other normal pirate... XD

Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:

How could something so humiliating to his parents, be so good it was considered bad. "I want to be pretty like you mommy!" The horror of his father face when he was caught playing in his mothers wardrobe haunts him till this day. It, in fact is what lead him to his life of villainy and Piracy. Buried deep on an undisclosed island is a box filled to the brim with women's clothing. None of his fellow pirates know his secret. He's quite the lady charmer. But he's afriad what his fellows would do if they found out he loves woman AND their clothing.

Username: Damia Flagg
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:

Oh how I love the smell of fresh flowers & fruits & vegetables. Nothing is better than playing in the dirt. I could just spend my entire life tilling soil, planting seeds, watering & fertilizing crops. Then enjoy watching my work grow & mature until it was ready to be harvested. Making wine & jelly, canning fruits & vegetables, oh that is the perfect life for me.

How did I end up on a ship where I have to hide my love? I have to sneak into the galley while the crew sleeps just to satisfy my urges for canning. To fulfill my desire of making wine I hide my supplies with the navigation maps. No one goes near that place since the Captain keelhauled the last navigator.

When I did get caught gently caressing a fresh picked lemon from the sack full of assorted citrus I was carrying along with a small tree I claimed I had just got it to keep the crew from getting scurvy. While this was partially true, it wasn't my real intention, but allowed me to keep the lovely tree & its still on board ship.

When we need supplies I always volunteer to get them just so I can see fresh vegetables. I love when we stop on an island to restock. It gives me the opportunity to run my hands though all that beautiful rich soil. The smell is almost intoxicating...

Wait a minute. Speaking of getting intoxicated maybe my wine making skills need some improvements. I have been sneaking my finished wine into the rum barrels. Yet the men haven't noticed a difference between my wine & that watered down grog.

Username: neller
Image of My Entry:

What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:
Oh yes, oh yes, let me tell you a tale,
About a pirating girl named Abigail.
Now, you see, Abigail wasn’t easy for foolin’,
And there’s hardly a thing she hasn’t stolen.
She currently lives in a nice threshold,
Where she stole a leprechaun’s gold.
Ah yes, Abigail was darling brute,
And she dearly loved her piles of loot.
Though, this girl wanted every last thing.
There was only one that kept her searching.
And this was Abigail’s greatest weakness,
T’was her unfulfilled taste for all of the sweetness.
She had piles of sugar, mounds of ice cream,
And a tower of candies with a slight lean.
Her reserve of sweets had her overjoyed,
Though she became a bit paranoid.
Abigail worked hard to plunder these treats,
But she wasn’t the only pirate who liked their sweets.
So she hid her desserts, a gathering so grand,
And stowed away to the tiniest island,
In the deepest of the oceans, clear and blue,
Leaving no candy, none for me or for you.

Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:

Dear Diary,

Arrgh, matey. Do I have a secret? Aye, but none of me ship mates know 'bout it. Ye see, I have the repetition of a great an' powerful captain. Tis true. I have lead me men inta battle many of times an' we are always victorious. Meself an' tha crew always sail off with so much booty. Aye, indeed amazin'. So, now that ye understan' me and how me name spread fear in hearts an' all, I guess ye be wonderin' what it is I hide?

I am secretly soft hearted, I am. Ye see, I adore animals. All of them. Big ins, small li'l critters' every one of em. An' there be this island I like to sail the crew to. They be thinking it is all because the rum is so good and bountiful there. Aye, I like me drink, but the real reason I go there is for my secret animal zoo. Well, it kinda is me zoo in a way. I have birds, llamas, penguins, pandas, polar bears, lizards, foxes... ye name it. An' they all be so wonderful. I have hired private caretakers for them all when I be away. But even though my heart is with the sea, it does ache to be with me animals all the time.

'Ow do I keep it a secret, ye be wondering? Why, I tell no one. Ever, matey. Plus, me secret zoo is completely hidden behind strong bamboo walls in the middle of a jungle surrounded by a vast swamp full of hungry crocodiles... My crocs, actually. What can me say? I love em all. There are very few ways to get through tha mazes of danger and in to my animal sanctuary and no one but me knows them. The caretakers live there year round, but when I come back for a bit I send them all on a vacation paid by meself. It helps them ta keep their blimey mouth shuts.

But as I said, I'll never tell anyone, matey. Tis why I am writing this in my diary. Aye, a pirate with a diary. I hide it in my booty to prevent others from discovering it. They all know the penalty for coming into my corridors.

Captain of the Meneship, Velvet

Username: Saravi Boo
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What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!: Dreaded Nobeard is the most feared air pirate to ever sail the endless skies. It isn't easy being a female pirate captain. It takes years of ruthless pillaging and destruction to build such a fearsome reputation. The sight of her steam-powered airship breaking through a cloud bank is enough to cause many a brave airman to shake in terror. Thankfully, being captain does come with certain perks, most notably her luxurious, custom built, private quarters and the pair of mahogany lined closets she insisted be included. She only needs one for clothes and the other is locked up tight. Her crew thinks she uses it to store the best treasure, if they only knew what she thought of as real treasure. How quickly would that fear turned to laughter if they knew her deepest love...for PLUSHIES!! She just can't resist their adorable super deformed squishiness. ^_^'

Username: blueblackrose
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!: First mate Tibs at your serves. As the first mate it’s my job to help maintain order on the ship which is a very serious job. It doesn’t allow me to be what I really want and love. I hide my true self behind a mask of anger so my fellow pirate’s won’t find out. I love to joke, pull pranks and make people laugh. I want to be a clown pirate, to entertain my fellow crew members and give them something to laugh at when we have been out to sea for months with no signs of landing. When we land somewhere and I have the chance I go out to practice my clown routine with my pet chicken, Henrietta, and crab, Marco. My favorite act is to set off small fireworks so they glitter around me while I juggle bombs. One of these days I’m sure that I’ll come out of the closet and really knock them dead with my performance.

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!: Thea was a badass through and through. The most feared female pirate to ever sail the seven seas! She could climb a mast and tie a mooring line faster than any man who ever lived, and she'd be DAMNED if she'd be underestimated just because she was a woman! But Thea had a secret...a secret that would destroy her reputation utterly if it was ever discovered. Thea...loved to bake. Cakes, pies, cupcakes, bread, cookies, it didn't matter! She loved them all. She loved the smell of baking bread, the hot steam as it curled around her body, the feel of flower on her was heaven. But her little piece of heaven had to be hidden in a derelict old shack on a secluded beach where no one bothered her on pain of death and dismemberment; but how long can heaven remain hidden?

Username: Dessertdesiert
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:
I work hard everyday on the decks of the boat. Nobody thought I would be able to last since it's "unlucky" to have a women on board, but i proved them wrong. However what I love is candy! I have a stockpile in a secret compartment of my desk and eat it every morning while other pirates are sleeping off their hang over. I don't know how to function without it. The other men on my ship just say that I am happy to have them around, that is not true. I am always happy when I have a candy stick in the morning or taffy in the afternoon. When we go on shore to party hardy I say I am going to collect "taxes" and go to the local ice cream parlor and get myself something sweet. They have yet to catch on to me and I doubt they ever will. I am a Pirate and I love my sweets too.

Username: Seito
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!:

Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio; a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy; he hath borne me on his back a thousand times; and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! My gorge rises at it. Here hung those lips that I have kissed I know not how oft. Where be your gibes now? Your gambols? Your songs? Your flashes of merriment, that were wont to set the table on a roar?
"What do you think, Mr. Quackles McDuck?" Captain Slashin' Louis Hawkins asked his rubber ducky friend. "Me Shakespeare be gettin' much better. Hamlet be a fine play!"

Quackles McDuck squeaked in reply.

"I be glad you agree," Hawkins said proudly. "However we must not tell t' rest o' t' crew o' our little secret. T' men will think I'm goin' soft. Or worse, that I'm turnin' into an Englishman." He spat out word Englishman like it was a filthy insult. Hawkins would go down swinging like a mad man on his sinking ship before he became a proper and law abiding Englishman.

Quackles McDuck squeaked again.

What? I be not hidin' you from t' rest o' t' crew! You be an excellent pirate." Hawkins petted Quackles McDuck on the head. Well no. Mr. Quackles McDuck was not a good pirate and Hawkins didn't have the heart to tell his best friend that. The seas were rough! His crew was the meanest and baddest in the seven seas. No! There was no place for his precious rubber ducky. Not to mention his men would surely steal poor Mr. Quackles McDuck away. The lot would get envious, jealous with rage! Hawkins would keep his best friend safe!

"Enough. We now practice t' famous Romeo and Juliet. You will be Juliet. I will play Romeo."


But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.

Username: Risque
Image of My Entry:
What my pirate LOVES/how they hide it!: [drool] Rahr, gragh grabhg raghbagrar! Mrah bha grah nahs, gar brah zar nob, "grar", gruh nrhs. Gragh mar zar mrh. Rarghbragh zah grahnob~
Translation: I.. really love eating people! I don't really try to hide it all that much, I mean when people come up to me and ask if I am alright I will just reply with a quick, "grar", and no one's really noticed as of yet. A nibble here and there and most people think that I am just playing rough. Works out for me I guess~

Linnea 02-06-2013 06:12 AM


For the first time ever we will have a Monkey Cage for all you unruly hooligans and cranky-pants who disturb the peace.
Yea, I'm talking to you there, with the face and the eyes. [stare]

Trust me, you don't want to end up here because if you do then you will not be able to enter in the contest you were cranky about until... we feel like letting you out again.

By the way, this isn't just any Monkey Cage... in true Valentiney fashion this is a LOOOOVE Monkey Cage and he's ready for some action!
Do you really wanna be locked in there with him? No? I didn't think so! [yes]

DariaMorgendorfer 02-06-2013 06:13 AM


Linnea 02-06-2013 06:22 AM


DariaMorgendorfer 02-09-2013 08:26 PM


hummy 02-15-2013 02:14 AM

*pops the champagne*

Ascadellia 02-15-2013 02:16 AM

Yaay. <3
And oh gosh. A Monkey cage??

Nephila 02-15-2013 02:21 AM

...and so what if I do want to be in a cage with that incredibly handsome chimp. Don't judge me!!! I'm telling peta that your keeping horny monkey in captivity outside a zoo.

/drama lamas XD

Too funny.

Ascadellia 02-15-2013 02:24 AM

Hey hey, the monkey gets people to love!!

beautiful_psycho 02-15-2013 02:27 AM

I was JILTED, so I got REVENGE!
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: I rushed around all day getting things together for me and my husband's..*ahem*"special" night. I was so excited I couldn't help but show up at his work to give him a "pre-event"present! I walked into his office and found him with his pants down..literally. The woman I found him with was my boss. How she got there I have no idea. So, they wanted to be together? There they are. In the coffin. Hey, I never said they were alive together.

Whispering Whispers 02-15-2013 02:52 AM

Okay so I have a question: Where is the DAC?

Nephila 02-15-2013 02:57 AM

It's only a visible option if you've donated to mene.

Ascadellia 02-15-2013 03:00 AM

Also, it's an avatar creator. owo

DariaMorgendorfer 02-15-2013 03:03 AM

OMG! I love it elizabeth_mazur! WOOT WOOT!

Whispering Whispers 02-15-2013 03:05 AM

Well I will enter if I get the chance to donate tomorrow :P

Kiyoto 02-15-2013 03:07 AM

YAY lol. Oooo Linney lol I will work on this, but I have to say both judges look awsome.

X---AznCo0ki3 02-15-2013 03:16 AM

//furiously pets mr. monkey//

He's so cute ;b;

ana-loli 02-15-2013 03:29 AM

Valentine's Day Colors Entry Form
Username: ana-loli
Image of My Entry:

Mageling 02-15-2013 03:39 AM

Quick question: Are gold and silver acceptable as accent colors? Or not at all this time around?

Kiyoto 02-15-2013 03:45 AM

Hehehe, I hope you like XD lol. Just for fun~

I was JILTED, so I got REVENGE!
Username: Kiyoto
Image of My Entry:
How I got REVENGE!: You want a story, I got a story for ya! I used to be the king of hearts, love and fluff, and all that good stuff. Cupid had nothing on me hehehe, but poor old Kiyoto could never find a break. I once found the woman of my dreams, and thought we were ment to be....till she ran away with a magician. She wants magic? I can do magic! You have a heart right? Well now you see you don't, but I got a pretty new pet for my cage~ It dosn't sing, but it sure can keep a beat! Hehehehe, now we can be together for all eternity cause hey, even bad guys need love to!~

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