Menewsha Avatar Community

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-   Valentine's Day 2014 (
-   -   Impress the Judges, or OFF WITH YOUR HEADS! An avatar contest (

DariaMorgendorfer 02-05-2014 04:46 AM

Impress the Judges, or OFF WITH YOUR HEADS! An avatar contest
Thank you, Zigbigadorlube, for the banner!

DariaMorgendorfer 02-12-2014 03:30 AM

Your Hosts:
Hey folks! You may have seen me on such shows as "Beavis and Butthead" and MTV's "Daria". Now, I make my happy little home here on Menewsha, bring sarcasm and humor to all it's good little girls and boys. I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with!

Helpful hints from Daria:
Be creative! Originality goes a long way with me. I have a huge sense of humor, so if your avatar makes me giggle, you probably have a winner. Please no icky avatars (i.e. pain, torture, bloody, etc.) This should be fun so, above all else, have fun!
Yo, Linny here, your friendly neighborhood color coordinator. I've been around Mene for a while now and have come far in terms of colors and layers and I have learned from the best Mene has to offer. Now it's time to put my eye to good use! Show me colors and show me creativity! Do it and reap the rewards!

Helpful hints from Linnea: Please, please, PLEASE remember to follow the directions! That being said, I really like to see clever ways of using items and neat ways of layering. Doing what everyone else is doing is boring. Be bold!
Hey folks, Seri know, the chick that's been living in your closet making gurgling noises off and on for the past few weeks...Anywho, general creepiness aside, I'll be judging the group avatar contest this time around. (I love me some clever cosplay!) My credentials include a fair bit of Project Mene (both as a contestant and as a judge), so I might even know what to look for. ^.~

Helpful hints from Seri: There are no hints! Just kidding. If you're looking to wow me, you'll need a whole heaping of creativity, a sense of humor, and a knack for bringing cosplay to life. Show me some new and interesting ways to make something work, and be sure to keep those destinations in character (that or make them suitably hilarious). Oh, and unlike some of my compatriots, I like things a bit...darker....

Read the rules and follow 'em. That's all I ask! XD Make sure you read them all too, because there may be something in the rules that's necessary for your entry...
  • First and foremost, make sure you follow the Site Rules.
  • Be respectful! Constructive criticism is fine, but please don't be rude to other entrants.
  • You can only enter once in each of the categories, and you may not enter on a mule account. If you do try to enter on a mule, we'll know, so just don't bother. XD
  • Please be sure to use the entry form when you post your entry. Failure to post the form will result in your avatar not being entered into the contest.
  • You may use your own inventory and the DAC to make your outfits.
  • Please be sure to save your entry to an outside image host like Photobucket or imageshack. What we see is what we'll judge, so be sure that the avatar you enter is saved and won't change.
  • If you want to change your entry, you may edit your submission up until it is posted on the front page. Once it is posted on the front page, you'll have to PM Linnea, Seridano or Daria if you want to change anything.
  • Entries must be submitted by the end of the event. Click here to find out what time it is in Central Time Zone right now! Winners will be announced in the Community Discussion forum shortly after the event ends.
We'll choose first, second, and third place winners in each of the categories. Other prizes might be added as the event goes on, depending on the amount of entries received.

Prizes are as follows:
First place: 5,000g
Second place: 3,000g
Third place: 1,000g

Linnea 02-12-2014 03:59 AM

Let There Be Light... and Dark! : A Colors Contest

I'm sure you all saw that Aimee and Li Mei are having there own separate birthday parties for Viktoria, yes?
Sooo I decided that I was going to make you all choose what party you want to go to and you have to dress accordingly!
That means that you have to choose ONE color palette! Dark or Light!
I hope that you all can use your common sense here, but just in case you lack that rather important trait, I'll clarify a bit. [;)]

For the LIGHT palette:
*white and light grays
*silver and gold
*pastels (mint/floral, lavender, pirate, light blues, beach, yellows, duck egg, atlantis, tan/khaki, light pinks, etc)
*pale/light shades (think watered down)
*think Easter colors, yo.

For the DARK palette:
*black and darker grays
*dark shades (green, red, blue, purple, teal, brown, orange/foxxy, magenta or fuchsia or any other dark pinks, etc)
*saturated/gem colors (think deep and vibrant)
*think Halloween colors, aww yea.

Other Requirements:
*The hair and the eyes should meet the color requirements too.
*Any skin color is acceptable, unless it's an equippable skin and then that too has to match.
*All background items must also meet the requirement.
*If I have to, I will not accept your entry but you can always redo/edit as many times as you need! [yes]

->I reserve the right as the judge to impose and edit the color rules as I see fit in what will work best with this contest.

->Remember, this contest is supposed to be a bit challenging and that, after all, is the fun of it!

Good luck and feel free to ask questions should they arise [boogie]

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light?
Image of My Entry:


[size=4][color=Red][b] Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form[/size][/color][/b]
[B]Dark or Light?[/B]
[b]Image of My Entry:[/b]







Rochiel Silverfire Boo



Vickyll3 Aamelia

R a n d e h

DariaMorgendorfer 02-12-2014 04:02 AM

The Craziest Tea Party Guest EVER!

So folks, here is the deal! Menewsha is having an avatar tea party, and you are coming, as the guest! To make this fun, we need you to be silly, zany, funny and CREATIVE!

For example I am dressed up as the crazy Aborigine FREDRINA.
Fredrina likes long walks on the beach with her severed head, her favorite outfit is last nights dinner, and of course she takes her tea with two lumps from her club.


The Craziest Tea Party Guest EVER!
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guests's Name:
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest:
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?:


[size=4][color=seagreen][b]The Craziest Tea Party Guest EVER! Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of My Entry:[/B]
[B]My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name:[/B]
[B]Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest:[/B]
[b]Most importantly, how do they take their tea?:[/b]

Username: Pistachio_Moustache
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: PiM!
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: PiM! is a musical being who loves to drink tea and celebrate unbirthdays. Always toting a teddy, a teacup and a hat, she's ready for tea. There is constant music playing for there is a keyboard that happens to follow her steps. Some say it's magic, others say it's MAD.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With music, please~

Username:Seiki Nova
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Rhonda
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Tea enthusiast Rhonda, 12, drinks 37 cups of tea a day. Highly caffeinated and weak-bladdered from her excessive consumption of the brewed beverage, Rhonda enjoys spending her spare time volunteering at her local tea shop to learn more about the various blends and is quick to offer frantic and excited suggestions to customers. The owners of the tea shop, Sunshine and Moonlight, don't mind that Rhonda's exuberant personality loses them business, especially since they're not paying her wages for the twelve hour shifts that she volunteers there every day. This urban hipster-hippie in-training enjoys bright colors and bowties.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Iced and in a to-go cup.

Username: XoGizmooX
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Madame Gigglesnortn Toots
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: My guest is known best as being that crazy cat lady who lives down the lane she ownes 911 cats as of now but dont put it past her to leave a trail of catnip from your yard to hers to steal your cat too yes yes shake my head shes also a cat burgular ... She is single this valentines , she used to be married but one day he suddenly vanished which is also the day she forgot to feed her kittys and um the kittybox shall forever hold its secrets im told ... Good googley moogley its offley friggid out tonight what is this crazy dame up too ?? Her temperature was high so she decided to try the saying about its soo hot you can fry an egg soo walla fryed feaver eggy but oops the eggy is froozen stiff :/ Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: She shall take her tea with a saucer of warm cat milk for the kittys and if you ever soo shall id very much like my cup of tea poured over my head for as to wash my breakfast down with :x)[yumeh1][love]
Ooopsy i put entry pic in wrong spot :/ If i need to move it ping me plz

Username: bloodstainedwings
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Cheshire cat!
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: The cheshire cat is a character in Alice in Wonderland. He is a wonderful character who challenges the vary way you think about the world around you. His great smile and way of disappearing is sure to put a smile on anyone's face.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: never the same twice in a row. ;)

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Violet Hatter
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Violet Hatter is the Mad Hatter's Daughter, she is zany, hyper, odd, some might even go so far as to say dizty, and just a little mad. She loves tricks and illusions, she's not above dropping a fake spider in someones tea, or causing someone's tea cup to vanish. Violet always carries a plastic purple flamingo staff, no one knows why. she adores tea and sweets.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: 5 teaspoons of sugar (as if she needs to be more hyper)!

Username: dragoness129
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Aileela
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Aileela is an alien. Definitely not your ordinary tea party guest. News of the tea party reached all the way to Nova5, her home planet and Aileela knew she just had to be in attendance.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With a bit of everything Earth has to offer. Oh! A rock, this will be a great touch!

Username: Rochiel Silverfire
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name:Curry
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Curry's about the friendliest dragoness you're ever gonna meet! She LOVES having tea parties with her friends, but she always has to bring her own tea...kettle.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: See that cauldron there? That's her tea kettle. She loves it HOT

Username: Mnemosyne
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Gwyn White
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: I was born in the Welsh lands of Wales. While this may seem unimportant it is indeed important to note that my father, Mr. White, saw fit to name his daughter Gwyn. Gwyn means white. Now, you may be wondering why I, Gwyn, might need to point out that my father was a creative dimwit. Well, that's just it. He's a creative dimwit! All my life everything has been white. My skin, my clothes, my hair! I try and try and try, but I cannot seem to get away from it. You see, my father finds it a gift. This eternal blanket of white. A gift. HAH. I can't even tell the difference between my clothing anymore! My one and only solace is tea. For you see, tea can be any color I please! It can even be in any color mug I can find! Now, that may be because I have broken every white mug that's entered my home, but we need not tell father that! [size=1]In fact if he asks they "slipped".

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Sweet Kraze
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest:Did you say cake!? There's cake here isn't there? I can smell the icing! I KNOW YOU HAVE CAKE!!! CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!! [eager]
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?:CAKE!

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Queen of Hearts
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: The Queen of Hearts is a wild, heart loving soul with a mild taste for gambling. Well, maybe more then a mild taste as she can not help but suggest a game of poker where ever she goes. But though she adores playing cards especially for money, she is also a good loser and hasn't won a game yet, poor dear lost her clothes in a game last night as a matter of fact. The other players were kind enough to let her keep her stockings, and borrow their rose bushes, although she didn't tell them about the roses.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Three table spoons of sugar (the actual dinner spoon), peppermint, some rose petals and a broken heart or two.

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Zahara Starafishov The Third
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: After opening a small door you find yourself seated next to a mermaid princess. Nervously you wonder if you should speak to her. Before you could manage the words she turns to you with a sly smile and giggles. "In Sea V'itaussha strange guest is you."
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Wet.

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Mrs. White Rabbit
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: There isn't much to see here. I'm the wife of that no good White Rabbit who is always running late. ALWAYS! Why, he is even LATE today for this tea party! Here I got all fancied up for him and expected him to be here ALREADY! BUT HE ISN'T! Oooh no! It was HIS idea to even come here and HE doesn't even show up! RUNNING LATE LIKE ALWAYS! *By now you can notice a large "rage vein" popping in and out of her head*
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: BOILING HOT, OF COURSE! That way I can throw it in that no good late rabbit's face when I see him next!!

Username: PrincessKasumi
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Rose Harlequin
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: She belongs here. Heck, you can keep her at the tea party just so she is confined! She let off a time stopping bomb that disturbs the space time continuum and now I have to clean up after her. Rose Harlequin in a nutshell is a high class prankster. But I'll tell you what, those bombs are real! And oh my god *facepalm* she thinks the golden chalice is a tea cup!
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Hot, real hawt. With 4 and exactly half of a sugar cube with a side of biscuits.

Username: shinigamikarasu
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Catalie Barker
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Catalie is a lover of animals. All animals. Big, small, furred, feathered, scaled, she loves them all. Of course, she couldn't bear to leave her darlings at home. Hope nobody minds if she brings one or two of them with her to the party. Or three. Or eight. And don't worry about finding fur or feathers in your cup. She's sure she bathed them sometime within the past month or so.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Cool enough to share with her pets.

Username: Chexala
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Harried Kappa Mama
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Poor kappa mama, she loves her little babies, but they're so full of energy and excitement that she hardly ever gets the chance to sit down, put her feet up, and have a cup of tea. She was hopping she'd get the chance to sit with some tea at the tea party, but so far she's spent the whole time chasing after her rugrats. [illgetu] Some things never change.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With a strong splash of sake to sooth her nerves. ;)

Username: Drop Bear
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Gorokan TuGorah
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Gorokan TuGorah is the Big Big Boss of Orcs. Like Head Honkey-Donk type. He kicks ass and then eats what he hasnt kicked, all without a second thought! Hes 7'2" tall and a pure muscle killing machine... So hes very confused by this tea party and all the strange shenanigans going on. Hell, some one stole his axe and now all hes got is some sort of pink bird thing to use! He's so far out of his element, hes concentrating real hard on remembering how he even ended up here!
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: They take some one elses tea, because thats what Orcs do... so I hope you made yours well!

Username: Neora
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Teahand
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Teahand's master left her without any reasons but she don't know what it meens and she decided to take care of master's garden. She know how to serve because she was doing that for her mster and that's why even she is guest on the party she is serving to other ppl.
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With smooth gentle move.

Username: Sadrain
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Elizabeth Louve the Broken Hearted
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: She's here only because an old friend dragged her along, feeling sorry for the poor soul and trying to get her become more social again. And no, no, your eyes are not fooling you - those are indeed spirits around her. You see, after losing her one true love she has become obsessed with trying to save him and spends more time at graveyard and church than anywhere else... No one is sure if her lost love is in her reach, but other ghosts surely flock to her.
Let's hope this crazy party does her some good!
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: She sips strong, bitter tea with elegant moves and soft sighs.

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Jackie Eagle
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: I got left on that god forsaken island, and I was just trying to find a little bit of shelter. But oooooh no. that little shack had to have some weird voodoo magic or something and lead to another world. these crazy cutesy wootsy animals keep trying to get me to drink tea. and the sky is PINK!!! I'd rather be on that island than in this crazy upside down world. And my gun powder is still wet darn it!!
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Tea!! i don't drink tea. I drink rum!! WHERE HAS MY RUM GONE?!?

Username: KatMagenta
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Felicia Flamingo
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Felicia was ignoring the tea party in the park and going about her normal routine of standing on one leg and preening until food arrives. That changed when a certain other guest caught her eye and she had to make her way over before any of the other girls got a glimpse of this total hottie with the most pink, shiny feathers she'd ever seen! He hasn't moved or spoken for over half an hour though... must be in awe of her beauty. ;)
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With shrimp

Username: fireprincess
Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: Alice Imnotcrazy Kingsley
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest: Alice hasn't been quite the same since leaving Wonderland a year ago. At first, she was seeing the characters in her dreams. Then, she started seeing them everywhere she looked. Now she's afraid to go to sleep, at the risk of returning to wonderland in her dreams. Despite her growing sleep deprecation and slap-happiness, Alice is determined to keep her sanity and prove to everyone she's not crazy. That is why Alice thought a normal tea party with well-established guests would be perfect. She can prove that she's as normal as any of the other party goers, if only that rabbit and cat would stop following her....
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: Very caffeinated with lots of sugar, oh, and creme too

Image of My Entry:
My Crazy Tea Party Guest's Name: The Mad Hatter
Tell us about you Crazy Tea Party Guest:
Hi there, I'm the Mad Hatter.
Who? No, I'm not his sister, he's my sister.
Why would you need skates when you can just use the blades?
Ice on top of toxic lava you say? Ain't that nice. If you feel too hot, take a rest on the ice and if you get too cold, take a dip in the lava :D
Oh look, that big umbrella there's going to give us great shade for this feathered snowstorm!
Nice hat I got here, don't you say?
Most importantly, how do they take their tea?: With Fish :)

Seridano 02-12-2014 04:02 AM

Reservations Please!!

Welcome to the Tea Room! We are serving tea any way you like it. We have the amazing ability to transport you anywhere your heart desires, so the question is, WHERE are you having tea, and what are you having for tea?

This is a group contest, so all entries must be at least 3 people.

Cosplays are EXPECTED here! So if for example, you want to take the Jetsons to the zoo for tea, please do! All group members would be expected to look like members of the Jetsons, having tea, in the zoo.

Reference pictures of your cosplayed characters are needed so we know who you are cosplaying!

Reservations Please!
Image of our Group's Entry:
Location where you are having tea:
Reference Pictures:


[size=4][color=seagreen][b]Reservations Please! Form[/b][/color][/size]
[B]Image of our Group's Entry:[/B]
[B]Location where you are having tea:[/B]
[B]Reference Pictures:[/B]

Image of our Group's Entry: steelmagghia: Aurora: BSW: Belle : Maria-Minamino: Ariel: PiM: Snow White: Seiki Nova: Jasmin : Cora: Tiana :
Location where you are having tea: Jasmine invited us over for tea but then went mad, locked us in her dungeon and started offing us one by one. Cinderella is already gone.
Reference Pictures:

Image of our Group's Entry: The Gentlemen Pokemon's Tea Party
Dystopia - Snorlax, Velvet - Bulbasaur, Shadami - Wartotle, Kent - Charmander,
momochan - Celebi, Neora - Gengar, blueblackrose - Ninetales, dragoness129 - Dragonair
Location where you are having tea: In the Meadow
Reference Pictures:
Character references:
Gentlemen theme reference:

Image of our Group's Entry:
Location where you are having tea: Just a couple of Cat Memes enjoying a catnip tea party at a roman/greek esque high rise estate.
Reference Pictures:
Chemistry Cat - sadrain
Nyan Cat - PrincessKasumi
Keyboard Cat - TopHatGalore (~LONGCAT~)

Image of our Group's Entry:
Location where you are having tea: Insane Asylum
Reference Pictures:Alice, Cheshire Cat 1, Cheshire cat 2, Doormouse, Rabbit, Mad Hatter
Description: After leaving Wonderland, Alice tried telling everyone of the peculiar adventures she had had, and the strange characters she met. No one would believe her of course, and brushed her stories off, assuming Alice just had a wild imagination. As Alice kept talking about how she still saw the creatures a year and a half later however, her parents dubbed her insane, and sent her to an asylum for treatment. However, even in the asylum, she still meets with her Wonderland friends for their daily cup of tea.
Participants: Queen_Andais as The Mad Hatter, Vickyll3 as Alice, fireprincess as The Cheshire Cat, R a n d e h as The White Rabbit, and Mythos as The Doormouse

Image of our Group's Entry:
Location where you are having tea: We're just chillin in the city, could be tokyo, could be new york who knows ;)
Reference Pictures:Sailor Moon,Sailor Mercury
,Sailor Mars
,Sailor Venus

RhianwenHikari Sailor Moon, Nephila Sailor Mercury, GwenaHikari Sailor Mars, EirianHikari Sailor Venus:[/b]

DariaMorgendorfer 02-12-2014 04:53 AM


IF any of you are naughty or icky and are forgetting that all of this is in the name of fun, we reserve the right to toss you into the Monkey cage!

Linnea 02-12-2014 05:13 AM


DariaMorgendorfer 02-12-2014 05:14 AM

I need RESERVATIONS please! I mean..Reserved [squee]

Seridano 02-12-2014 05:12 PM


Ivvy 02-13-2014 10:24 PM

I may have to get off my butt and enter this year. :)

sadrain 02-13-2014 10:50 PM

I like the themes again!

Wyrmskyld 02-13-2014 11:17 PM

haha, I've never entered an avatar contest this quickly, but I happen to have a great avatar for it already made!

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Username: Wyrmskyld
Dark or Light? Dark
Image of My Entry:

Now to seriously ponder the others.

star2000shadow 02-13-2014 11:24 PM

I'm so gonna be entering haha.

bloodstainedwings 02-13-2014 11:40 PM

its so hard to pick just one from light and dark. i want to do both!!!

star2000shadow 02-14-2014 12:25 AM


Originally Posted by bloodstainedwings (Post 1772479223)
its so hard to pick just one from light and dark. i want to do both!!!

i agree but i chose somethign i'd have more toruble with seeing as i don't normally do light airy colors.

Angelbug 02-14-2014 12:45 AM

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light? Light
Image of My Entry:

I have never entered the event contests so here goes!

Linnea 02-14-2014 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Angelbug (Post 1772479975)
Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light? Light
Image of My Entry:

I have never entered the event contests so here goes!

you're off to a pretty good start, but if you take a peek you have some dark colors in with your light! the cards have purple and teal, the background is brown and green, and there are some purple/dark pink in the flowers, as well as green, you chose by your feet and the green on the flower on your wrist. the avatar alone is quite perfect and even the bunny! so it's 99% background items [yes]
i know that seems like a lot "wrong", especially for your first try, but i believe in you! i do hope you fix it up a bit, maybe check out the requirements again just to make sure and please, try again! hope you do!

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entries Updated to here!
off to a great start! can't wait to see more!

star2000shadow 02-14-2014 01:05 AM

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light?Light
Image of My Entry:

Linnea 02-14-2014 01:06 AM

i know this seems kind of hard and a bit frustrating, picking certain shades of colors, especially if you don't have a lot of what you need...remember, this is supposed to be fun and you get some gold in the process [yes]

if you aren't sure of a shade or an item, don't hesitate to ask!

---------- Post added 02-13-2014 at 08:08 PM ----------


Originally Posted by star2000shadow (Post 1772480218)
Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light?Light
Image of My Entry:

yours looks good but for the green in the flowers there in the bottom corners, star2000shadow:!

oh and i forgot to ping Angelbug: in the above post!

star2000shadow 02-14-2014 01:11 AM

Man i was hoping that would be okay 'sigh' ah well i'll work on it.

Linnea 02-14-2014 01:15 AM

i know you can figure something out! [hug]

Angelbug 02-14-2014 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Linnea (Post 1772480210)
you're off to a pretty good start, but if you take a peek you have some dark colors in with your light! the cards have purple and teal, the background is brown and green, and there are some purple/dark pink in the flowers, as well as green, you chose by your feet and the green on the flower on your wrist. the avatar alone is quite perfect and even the bunny! so it's 99% background items [yes]
i know that seems like a lot "wrong", especially for your first try, but i believe in you! i do hope you fix it up a bit, maybe check out the requirements again just to make sure and please, try again! hope you do!

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entries Updated to here!
off to a great start! can't wait to see more!

oh..hmmm. Well, I'll just bow out of this contest. :) If I change those things it won't be the White Queen any more. Thanks though! XD

Linnea 02-14-2014 01:16 AM

it's just the background that is keeping me from accepting [yes] (and the flower on the arm) enter the white queen as she is and give it a whirl! or you can wait and see what others do and you might get inspired!

star2000shadow 02-14-2014 01:20 AM

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entry Form
Dark or Light?Light
Image of My Entry:

Linnea 02-14-2014 01:43 AM

Let There Be Light... and Dark! :: A Colors Contest Entries updated to here!

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