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Monsieur Hatter
☞Hatter of Menewsha☜
Monsieur Hatter is offline
Old 11-03-2011, 03:01 AM

"Only those with excellent social standing and those from filthy rich families are lucky enough to spend their time, here, at the elite private school, Ouran academy. The Ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands, entertain young ladies and men, who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran academy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful. Here we shall cater to your every desire and make you feel like a princess or prince. May your day at the host club be filled with joy and excitement."

"Welcome to our masked ball~. "

This thread is based on and influence by this roleplaying hangout. All characters (cannon and original) can be seen here. You do not have to have a character to chat here. Just keep in mind that some of us are playing roles of other characters, and not ourselves.

We do have spots still open in the roleplay hangout, if you wish to join. Just follow the link and sign up. Cannon characters that are still needed can also be seen at the link. Please do enjoy us in our fun in Ouran high school's host club~.



Walking into a pink building, you began to wander aimlessly. It was dark, making it hard to see. Walking more into the poorly lit halls, you fell a pull towards a room. Walking to a door, a sign above it reading 'Third Music Room', you pause. Lightly putting your hand on the cool metal of the door handle, you feel an odd, curious emotion.

Confused and curious, you pull the door open. On the other side you are greeted with a group of men. All dressed up with masks. They smile kindly to you, all speaking at once, in perfect harmony;

Blinking, you watch as rose petals fall from the roof. Did they have a leak, of roses? Even more confused, you are then asked some questions from one of the black haired men, he had glasses on.
"Prince(ss), what type of host would you like today, for our lovely ball? We have many so we can assure you we will make you happy.", he spoke, while the others smiled beckoning you more into the room.
Walking more into the room, you took this chance to look around. As you do so, you feel your mouth wanting to drop. How big was this room?! It looked of the size of a ball room! Everything was decorated with Victorian and Halloween decorations. Making the room feel like a scene for a dark romance. Even the music lightly playing matched the mood.
Turning, you are handed a mask by one of the men. He also had black hair, but was much taller and did not speak. While the short blond next to him did;
"Please where this mask. Our theme for this ball is a masquerade.", he hummed sweetly, making you want to 'awe'.

"Watching him skip off with the tall one, you are spoken to once again. This time by a tall blond, behind him being two twins, a brown haired male and a long red haired male. Each smiling widely;
"Prince(ss), have you chosen who you would like to acompany you?".



"Now before you go and enjoy our ball, please bear these guidelines in mind;

I. Obey and follow all rules and Terms of Service of Menewsha.
II. If a host is busy and, or not online, do not worry and just move onto the next host.
III. You do not have to post in a third person fashion, you can if you want, but it is not a given here. We do highly recommended it, however.
IV. If it is needed, more guidelines may be added. If you have any questions, do not be afraid to ask.



Some events we have planed for the ball. There may be contests, games, prizes and other fun things to enjoy. So please take a look;

Page prizes:
Sixth poster on page five will get anything at the event shop under ten candies. ☜ Won by; Moon Rose
Third poster on page fifth-teen will get one-hundred gold given by the lovely Afanassii. ☜ Won by; momochan
Tenth poster on page twenty-five will get anything at the event shop under twenty candies.



"The host club is now open! "

Last edited by Monsieur Hatter; 11-07-2011 at 06:10 PM..