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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-25-2013, 10:21 PM

She knew he had no experience with the battle system, but she had to ask didn't she? It was really part of the script. Soon they would be deviating from the script to how the players want the story, but right now she needed to get the players into the same place at the same time and that required sticking to the script. She placed her head in her hand as if trying to seem exasperated at having to teach the new player how to battle.

"First things first" she said as she held up her hand to let the other view a crystal that was embedded in her hand for the other to view. "You should have one of these embedded in your hand, take a look" she continued to explain further, "Its called a Lilith orb. Every person who has the potential to head into battle has one. Your Orb is the Holy type, meaning you are more affiliated with the attribute of holy. In this case you are a healer, often paired with Holy Lilith Orbs, see how yours is a pure shade of white?"

While she spoke, the world around them almost seemed to freeze, allowing her to continue with what she had to say. It was only a slight freeze, not one terribly noticeable unless you where looking for it. "A Lilith orb contains all your essentials for battle. If you open it like so" she placed a hand over the smokey grey gem in her hand and pulled upward, causing a magic made hologram of sorts to expand before them from her hand. "Through here you channel your mana, and allow you to cast spells and attributes. The Wind Slicer you just saw me use, that's part of my Skill set. As you fight more you gain more experience which will help you level up your Lilith orb and Gain more attributes. Does that All make sense?"