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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-29-2013, 08:18 PM

Cora's Player Information:

Real life info:
(Picture to Come)
Name: Mellanie Campbell
Age: 39
Job Description: Lead Writer for Final Fantasy XX.

In Game Info:
(Picture to Come)
Name: Kitalia VonGrap
Age: 28
Bio: Was around the first time the event took place. Acts as a gardian to the group, has alterior motives, group does not know them.
Initial Class: Samurai

Character 2:

Real Life Info:
(Pic to Come)
Name: Kent Obrien
Age: 17
Job Description: Student

In Game Info:
(Pic to Come)
Name: Colin Alexander
Age: 19
Bio: Rescued by the group in the first dungeon.
Initial Class: Black Mage

Last edited by Cora; 09-30-2013 at 02:06 AM..

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 09-30-2013, 01:04 AM

Editing in progress~

Character one

Real life;
Name: Dmitrieva Volkov
Age: 19
Job description: Veterinary student.

In game;
Name: Koteni
Age: It's rude to ask a Viera her age.
Race: Viera
Starting class: Fencer

Character two

Real life;
Name: Anders van Leeuwen
Age: 31
Job description: Accountant

In game;
Name: Albin
Age: 25
Starting class: White Mage

Last edited by Sunday Roast; 10-04-2013 at 02:21 AM..


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 09-30-2013, 02:05 AM

Kitrina closed her eyes as the world around her stood still. She could hear the gentle hum of the world that was simply waiting to burst into life. It was a sound that only she knew, a sound she had heard more then once in her life and she had grown to know it well. She was used to it, but that didn't necessarily mean she liked that sound. It was a little unsettling to know the world would not move around her, that all living things, all motion except for her own was halted. Only she could move through the motionless world, the world waiting for the moment to be set into motion. She could hear the excitement in the buzzing and she knew that it too could feel the moment approaching. The moment the heroes would arrive.

The smell of seawater filled the air. That's right, they had decided to start the story, the adventure, in the sea-haven town of Eroixnis. Slowly she opened the crystal blue eyes that where not her own and smiled. Children stopped in motion ready to run the streets the moment the world started. The potion shop stood just across the plaza from where she currently stood. A pleasantly plump woman stood outside waiting to bid people passing by into her shop. Behind her, the building which she currently leaned against, was the home of hero number one. Whom was to head off onto a journey they where not expecting.

A smile played the small lips, this was her world. How many people could say they created a world. A real breathing living world. All it needed was the key to spark it to life. The very heroes that would help finish the story that was already there. Her thoughts turned to them, the heroes. She took the time to remember that she made herself stronger this time, they would not lose someone. She had vowed that this time no one would die, that was her duty as the master of the world, once things where set into motion she could no longer change them, she was merely another pawn in the game, but she could protect them with her blade. She would protect them, she had to. Her last run had to end without tears and heartache. This was her last run as the game master, after this she would hand over the title to another younger body who could handle the stress of coming and going from the game world. She had to make it good.

She listened as the hum became even stronger. Looked like the fun was about to begin.

((I hope this is an ok first post.))

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-01-2013, 04:49 AM

Anders didn't know what had been more difficult, trying to get Friday as a holiday or watching his boss sneer at him as he explained just why he wanted said day off. A man of his age wanting a three day weekend to play a game? Still, he'd been working six day weeks for several months now and was entitled to a day off so, albeit reluctantly, the sneering boss had granted him the day off. Though as Anders was leaving the room, the boss did suggest that perhaps he stop playing games and find a female to play with instead. The accountant simply shook his head and gave a simple reply.

"Games are easier to figure out than women."

Friday finally arrived and eager to get playing, Anders had stocked up on food and had set his gaming system up ready. It was as he was taking his second bite of his lightly toasted bread that there came a knock at the door and without a second thought, the middle aged man raced to answer the door and greet the delivery man holding his game. Finally. After signing for his package, he locked the door and tore the protective cardboard box to pieces to free his game from within.

Ignoring the instruction manual, Anders slipped the disk into his gaming system and got comfortable on his couch. Too comfortable, perhaps as seconds after he selected 'New game', he slumped sideways on the couch, snoring ever so lightly.

Albin awoke in his bed with a start, unaware he'd dozed off and unfamiliar with the bedroom. Though the strange bedroom seemed to be the least of his worries the moment he'd gotten out of bed and caught sight of himself in the mirror on his dressing table. White robes with red patterns? These seemed very familiar and after a moment of trying to remember, it dawned on him. These robes were those a white mage wore, were they not? But how had he come to be in possession of them? More importantly.. who had dressed him in them and why?

Figuring it best to try and figure out where he was, Albin left the bedroom and after spending several moments looking around the house he was in, stepped out the front door to see if he could see anything familiar.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-02-2013, 01:54 AM

She felt the wave of it rush over her and took it in, the rush of activity that spurned in her world. The hero had arrive and the game had begun. A smile played with her small delicate looking lips. At last she was at home, no one could ever quite comprehend the rush she felt from being in the game, the rush of it made her feel alive. Not to mention she was much younger in the game, much more capable. She reached her hand back to feel the hilt of the katana at her back. Yes, she thought to herself, she was home at last.

A child, older child perhaps, but still a child rushed past her on the way to the hero's home. The child was perhaps of the age of 10 or 11. A girl in a white floral dress, with long ginger colored hair. Usually that child would adorn a smile would play in the girls cheeks. It was a smile that lit up her entire face, but not today. Today there was distress in her eyes as she raced towards the hero's home. "Albin! Albin!" she cried even before he had left the house. She had just reached the house when he stepped outside. She grabbed his hands rather roughly and pulled him with her, "Come On, you need to hurry! They where preparing the ceremony for your arrival...but....oh just hurry!"

Kitrina hid herself behind a nearby tree but watched the scene unfold, her big reveal wasn't yet. Soon, but not quite. For now she would merely watch from a distance to make sure things didn't stray too far off course. She almost giggled as Alice, for the little girls name was Alice, pulled her older brother towards the temple where he would meet the first of the battle's as well as, if her memory served her well enough, the next of the other playing characters as well.

((I can change that last part if you had other plans for them but I figured it made sense xP))

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-04-2013, 03:00 AM

((I added in their in game pictures. Well.. I found the generic class images and used those xD Figured that those would be the starting outfits at least, they could always tweak/modify/change as they adventure. I figured that Koteni would have probably been in the wrong place at the wrong time or something, perhaps delivering something for the ceremony when she was attacked? Seemed like a good idea when I was typing xD ))

Dmitrieva knew that training to become a vet would not be an easy journey, hours were spent studying and only a few weeks ago she'd started shadowing an actual vet for a few hours a week which ate up even more of her time. Yes, she was tired, but tired enough to fall asleep almost moments after turning on the newest Final Fantasy, one of only three copies currently released? She could feel the weight of her eyelids increase as each second passed and not long after, she was curled up asleep on her couch still clutching the game controller tightly.

Only minutes after falling asleep she awoke to find herself in a small room with an unfamiliar man in a white robe standing over her. The hell was going on here? The man was showing no signs of aggression towards her, the calm expression upon his elderly face made things all the more worrying. But having seen her open her eyes, the man bowed his head and moved away to give her space to stand and regain her posture.

Never before had she had so much trouble getting to her feet and staying upright, it was as if these legs were not her own and something was not quite right about her feet. The room now seemed considerably smaller than she first thought, in fact, the tips of her ears were brushing against the ceiling.

"...!" Why were her ears touching the ceiling? Ignoring her legs for the time being, she reached up to cup where her ears usually sat and found nothing but whisps of hair. Her stomach sank as her hands slowly moved upwards and eventually came into contact with the two large, rabbit like ears sat atop her head.

"Are you alright, Koteni?" The elderly man in the white robes broke the silence that had fallen across the room. "Do you remember what happened?"

"Koteni? I'm not.." The female shook her head, hands now firmly grasping the ears atop her head. "What's happened to my ears?"

"Oh dear. You must have been hit harder than we first thought." The man reached for his staff and sighed softly. "Nothing has happened to your ears, they are the same as every other Viera I have seen in these parts."

Hit? She didn't remember getting hit.. nor did she ever remember waking up to find herself a Viera - not even after a few shots of Vodka. A look of utter confusion now claimed the females face and the elderly man just smiled warmly.

"Perhaps a walk around the temple will help your memory return? Come, allow me to show you around." The man opened the door to the sleeping quarters and held it open for the confused vet student.

Heels were not her thing, however, even with Viera feet she found it difficult to walk and keep her balance for more than a few steps. The man was patient though, even offering his hand each and every time she stumbled over.

Albin found he had little choice in what happened next and followed the little girls lead towards the temple. If the people at the temple were preparing some sort of ceremony for his arrival and something happened, it would be rude of him to not offer his help. Though what sort of help he could provide was really beyond him, unless they needed their tax sorting, of course.

Upon reaching the temple, he noticed a group of what appeared to be monks running into the temple armed and ready for battle. Albin was not a religious man (regardless of the robes he was wearing) but this sight made him feel uneasy. What was happening in the temple that required armed monks? Confused, he looked to the little girl clasping his hand.

"What's going on in there?"


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 02:01 AM

Alice continued to pull Albin towards the temple with a strength that was uncanny for someone her size. She blanched slightly as how many of their troops had now readied themselves to protect the temple. It wasn't until Albin had stopped and began to question her that she slowed her pace. She spoke with a maturity unheard of in someone her age. She looked up at Albin now as he asked the question of what was going on.

She pursed her lips slightly as if contemplating the best way to answer that question. In the end she seemed to deside that the only way to answer the question was to simply be blunt about it. "Albin, its Arnox." she paused as if waiting for a reaction to that simple statement. Kitrina watched as the scene unplayed between the girl and her brother. She knew that the boy would have no idea what the girl was talking about. Alice eventually continued the thought, "They are after the dynix, Albin, we can't let them get the dynix or the entire thing is lost."

She took his hand again and this time almost pleadingly pulled him along. The monks looked brighter as they saw the two approach but the joy was short lived. Two people stepped in front of Alice and Albin to prevent them getting to the temple. One of them, a large black man with a heavily tattooed face was carrying a large gun. The other was a small, hardly armored woman carrying a whip. They drew Albin and Alice into a fight scene.

Kitrina Watched, she needed to give the two a chance to fight this one. She would step in when they where near defeat, which they where bound to be. The two where not nearly high enough level to beat either Jarax or Illa. But she would watch, picking the perfect moment to pounce.

((Sorry for not interacting with Koteni yet, they are kind of stuck outside.))

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 06:08 PM

Albin was slowly starting to piece together just what was going on, he'd been playing Final Fantasy games since the very first and it didn't surprise him in the slightest that they were now affecting his dreams. This had to be some sort of dream, right? The alternative was that his favorite games had advanced so far that he was actually able to become one of the characters, rather than simply playing it and that was just absurd, right? Even if it wasn't absurd, surely only the rich and famous would be able to afford that sort of luxury?

The answer the little girl gave him did nothing to help his confusion at the situation, quite the opposite in face. Who or what was Arnox? The name didn't ring any bells from any previous Final Fantasy games, so this must be a new person or creature. The girls futher explanation was equally as confusing. Dynix? What would an Arnox want with whatever a Dynix was? It didn't matter, anything causing trouble for monks on holy grounds was never good.

"Right, we have to do something." The little girl seemed convinced he could help and the monks seemed pleased at their arrival too, though their path soon became barred by two rather intimidating looking characters intent on battling them. A little girl and a white mage? What good would they be in battle on their own?

"Only bullies pick on children." Albin knew they were out matched but that didn't mean he was going to stand idly by and let them hurt an innocent little girl. Stepping in front of Alice to shield her from whatever the two would throw their way, his staff appeared in hand and he stood ready to take whatever they threw at him. He was a white mage, he could heal himself if needed, right? Right. If only he didn't already know that his class was perhaps the most useless on it's own in battle.

((Yeah, it's all good. I kinda figured she'd been stuck inside if the first boss was going to be inside the temple too. I reckon she'll have a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Silly Russian Viera xD ))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-06-2013, 10:08 PM

((Alice will be a playable character later on, but your free to use her as well. I'm totally not claiming her for me))

Alice grinned slightly as she watched Albin step in front of her. Why? To protect her. Rolling her eyes slightly at this thought she waved the axe that had appeared in her hands. She was ready for battle but still. Ardox had sent two of their lead dogs after the dynix but perhaps they where after the key itself. "Albin move!? They're here for you. Jareth and Illa will settle for taking you"

Alice raced forward weilding the axe that looked much too big for her. Ready to stand between Jareth and Albin. Illa looked up at the girl, something in her eyes seemed to go blank as she appeared to look not at the girl, but rather through her. Her voice was almost mechanical as she said, "Alice Cronwell, Warrior, carrier of the power type lilith orb."

Jareth didn't have to try very hard to take out Alice. One blast of the gun attached to his arm sent her flying across the battle feild. There was a crunch and Alice lay still as can be on the ground near the outer ring of the battle feild. It was then that Jareth, in all his gigantic self rounded in on Albin, ready to take him out as well.

Kitrina knew her time to inject herself was soon, oh so soon, but she wanted to see first. See how the hero would try and fair against the large man who had just taken out his little sister. Though Kitrina also knew that Alice may well be knocked out but she wasn't dead yet. This would be interesting indeed.

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-13-2013, 09:22 PM

((Feels wrong playing a little girl in battle, I feel guilty everytime she gets hit xD ))

Well now that was a blow to his masculinity, a little girl no taller than his elbow posed more of a threat in battle than he did. Albin stood and watched in disbolief as the large male took no qualm with blasting a little girl half way across the battle field where her body landed with a sickening crunch. Was she okay? From where he was standing he really couldn't make heads nor tails of her situation.. if only he were more equipped for battle, he could have protected her like any good big brother should!

Big brother? Where had that come from? Alice was his little sister and he'd just stood by and watched these strangers hurt her? Angered by what he'd seen, the males attention turned back to the two enemies and he grasped his wooden staff so tightly his knuckles turned white.

"You are both clearly aware that I am no match for you." Albin wasn't able to mount a physical attack and knew that if what Alice had said was true, he would be taken regardless of what he did. But if was going to be taken then he damn well wanted to know why he was being taken and why his sister was willing to give her life to stop it. "I will go with you willingly if one of you explains what the hell is going on and what I have to do with it. Since getting out of bed nothing has made sense today and I am getting fed up with being the only person kept in the dark." The hint of annoyance in his voice grew and became more prominent towards the end of his outburst.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-15-2013, 11:28 PM

(( Lol, she's that typical young girl who doesn't seem like the battle type xP))

Jareth laughed, a deep, rather maniacle laugh. When he spoke his voice was smooth and deep, but there was something in it that left the listener feeling as if he was slightly psychotic. That he would use any means to acheive his end. "What makes you think you have the right to make demands, boy. Don't you know who I am, who we are? You stand no chance at beating us. Close your mouth and move along quietly and I won't have to knock you out"

Illa analysed the boy clutching his staff, "Albin Cronwell, Healer, carrier of the holy lilith orb" Jareth smiled at that, "Nothing more then a staff weilding Healer, you've no chance boy." The man raised his gun and pointed it at Albin, though he didn't yet shoot, "Will you come quietly then?"

Kitalia knew it was now or never. So it was certainly time for her to make her entrance, "Wind Slicer!" She whirled her blade, which in itself was a marvel, at least it was to her. It was a katana, thin bladed, and about as long as she was tall. The thing was made for her hand and she weilded it with a certain sense of ease. The incantation which she had yelled as well as the blade which cut through the air caused a blast of razor sharp wind to cut through the air towards Jareth.

Jareth jumped back in surprise at the attack which barely missed him. He looked up to where the silver haired samurai stood. She was a small woman, both in frame and in hight. With a short style silver hair. His amber eyes met her lavender ones and they narrowed in anger, "You!" he said with a clear recognition of her, "I thought you where chasing down demons in Alastor for Craine"

"And miss this chance to stop you from getting your hands on the Dynix, not a chance" she was now standing in front of Albin. Sheilding him from the big mans overpowering reach. Where Albin at the moment couldn't take out a Jareth, Albin with Kitalia had a chance. She spoke to Albin who was now standing behind her next, "How much do you know about fighting Albin?"

((I hope you don't mind that I gave you a last name, I can remove it if so. *shrugs*)) ((Also sorry this took so long))

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-22-2013, 04:34 AM

((Yeah, she looks harmless until she whips out an axe twice her size xD ))

Albin didn't like these two at all. Jareth was large, imposing and in all probability some sort of maniac. The female was strange too, she only seemed to speak to announce his name, class and some sort of 'orb' he was supposed to be carrying. Was his orb what these two were after? No.. this woman had mentioned Alice having an orb too and they weren't interested in her. Thinking about his sister, the male cast another brief glance towards her seemingly lifeless body, before quickly turning his attention back to the situation at hand.

Things weren't looking good for him at all, perhaps going quietly would provide answers to his questions? Albin had no time to ponder that question, however, as something unexpected happened that appeared to be turning the tide of events. A blast of razor sharp wind very narrowly missed the large male and the creator of said wind was.. a woman not even half Jareth's size.

Silently, Albin watched Jareth and the new woman exchange words and learnt the two were familiar with each other. It also appeared that she was here to help him, perhaps he wouldn't have to go with those two afterall!

"Nothing." The male broke his silence and looked to the woman in front of him. "I'm just a staff wielding healer, apparantly." Though he supposed his staff itself could be used as a weapon, right? Grasping the wooden staff with both hands, he held it as if it were a baseball bat and poised to hit an oncoming ball.

((I don't mind, kinda assumed he'd be a Cronwell when I read about his sister xD Eh, sorry about my delay too, things are getting better so I'll try not to forget again in the future.))


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 10-25-2013, 10:21 PM

She knew he had no experience with the battle system, but she had to ask didn't she? It was really part of the script. Soon they would be deviating from the script to how the players want the story, but right now she needed to get the players into the same place at the same time and that required sticking to the script. She placed her head in her hand as if trying to seem exasperated at having to teach the new player how to battle.

"First things first" she said as she held up her hand to let the other view a crystal that was embedded in her hand for the other to view. "You should have one of these embedded in your hand, take a look" she continued to explain further, "Its called a Lilith orb. Every person who has the potential to head into battle has one. Your Orb is the Holy type, meaning you are more affiliated with the attribute of holy. In this case you are a healer, often paired with Holy Lilith Orbs, see how yours is a pure shade of white?"

While she spoke, the world around them almost seemed to freeze, allowing her to continue with what she had to say. It was only a slight freeze, not one terribly noticeable unless you where looking for it. "A Lilith orb contains all your essentials for battle. If you open it like so" she placed a hand over the smokey grey gem in her hand and pulled upward, causing a magic made hologram of sorts to expand before them from her hand. "Through here you channel your mana, and allow you to cast spells and attributes. The Wind Slicer you just saw me use, that's part of my Skill set. As you fight more you gain more experience which will help you level up your Lilith orb and Gain more attributes. Does that All make sense?"

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 10-31-2013, 05:49 AM

How on Earth had he not noticed a crystal embedded in his hand? Well it wasn't as though he'd really had much time since waking to inspect them, had he? But now that it had been brought to his attention, Albin lifted his hand and sure enough, there was a pure white crystal right where she said it would be. "How does it know?" Did it see his choice of robe and decide to make him a healer or was there something more deeply ingrained that only a magical crystal could sense?

Albin observed the female open her own crystal to reveal the hologram and wanted to see what his own looked like. Placing his free hand over the white crystal, he then pulled it upwards and sure enough, his own hologram appeared and he was disappointed to see just how little it contained at the minute. There was something about his mana and a spell, naturally, Cure. "So if I want to cast Cure I select it here and then cast it on the person needing it?" He asked, though didn't look up straight away, he was perhaps a little too engrossed in the crystal hologram in the palm of his hand.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 11-03-2013, 09:58 PM

"How does it know?" when he spoke the words it caused her to look at him in deep thought. It wasn't that she didn't know the answer to give him in this situation, it was more describing it in a way that would be comprehensive to the new player. After a long moment of careful contemplation she spoke again, "People do not chose their lilith orbs, nor do they chose weither they will have a lilith orb or not. The Lilith orb choses you, not the other way around. Much research has gone on in the greatest acadamies in all the world about how and why and mostly its still a mystery. The theory most people like to latch onto though, and I myself find there is probably a small shred of truth in it, is that the lilith orb choses a person based on their quality of soul, and potential. It also evolves with them until one day its clear what kind of lilith orb they will posess."

In responce to his second question she showed him on her orb how to select the skill he wanted to use and how to set it as his main cast. After she was done showing him how to set the skill she next told him how to cast the spell. "Each time you cast a spell its going to take up a bit of your mana store so you'll want to keep an eye on your mana as you go. If you twist your hologram like this" she twisted hers by almost picking it up in her hand and moving it around, "It will always show you your current mana store. If your mana runs out it will not be restored unless you drink a mana potion or sleep."

"To Cast you spell, focus your energy into the thing you want to cast on. As long as you've selected the proper skill in your list you'll be able to cast on that person. Why don't you practice now on Alice. Cast cure on Alice!"

Sunday Roast
Now with added Yorkshire pudding...
Sunday Roast is offline
Old 11-08-2013, 06:34 AM

Albin too, found himself liking the idea of the orb choosing him based on the quality of his soul. To be chosen by a holy orb must mean his soul was good, right? All those weekends spent helping family and friends with their taxes and finance really had paid off. While baring a holy orb gave him little power in battle, it did give him a warm feeling deep inside for a brief moment, before deciding now probably wasn't the best time for this sort of thing. They were in the middle of a fight afterall.

After watching the woman demonstrate once again on her own orb, Albin did as she had done and found himself staring at the single skill available to him. Now to cast it on poor Alice, he needed to focus as best he could to bring her back.

Turning, the male faced the direction his unconcious sister lay and focused intently on her lifeless body. How was he supposed to know when it was ready to cast? How did he even know it.. ah! A shiver ran up the males spine and he took that as the indication it was ready. Raising his staff and uttering the word 'Cure', a sparkle of white light descended upon Alice's body.


Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 12-26-2013, 03:04 PM

Alice let out a deep moan but opened her eyes, still laying on the cool ground. Her head was killing her, but she smiled at the fact that Albin had come to her rescue. Still, why hadn't he run inside when he could have and who was that new woman with him. "Albin, you idiot" she said through the course of a moan. However, his cure allowed her to restand, abeit slowly and rejoin the battle.

She was still weak and it was likely that another blow would cause her to be down again. She was leaning on her axe for support. Kitrina looked around at her surroundings and cast another bought of "Wind Slicer" at Jareth. However, what happened next happened so fast that none of them really knew what was happening until it was too late.

While Kitrina was busy attacking Jereth, Illa swooped in and grabbed alice. "Come Jareth, we need to retreat, we cannot win this fight." she turned back to the others and said, "If you want her back, Albin, you'll bring the dynix to the Auroria temple on Auran"

((Sunday Roast: I totally forgot we were waiting on me. Not sure if you still want to continue with me))


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