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wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:09 PM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
YES, I KNOW!! i fell in love with the white creamy one i told you about when i went to ycon last year XD; went with a few friends and they introduced me to that and i was like... /OMG FOODGASM TAT; <333

hahah~ YAH!! if only you had the power to make dreams come true though TAT; /infinity money, pls!

OHHH i see~ yah~ no wonder i'm not familiar with it XD; i think i may want to give mac another try.. lol i just didn't have any good experiences with it (they always crash on me TAT i have this black voodoo casted on me or something that causes any mac i touch to die lol). those kind of matching games are addictive~ i downloaded this matching one, where you shoot this square to match other squares or whatever to clear off the stage XD; it's for the cellphone though D; and i forgot where i got it TAT; wish i can share with you~

hahah~ yes, that happened to me, too, while in uni XD; i think the worst thing for me to study is pretty much... have a study buddy. i can't do that. i'll always end up talking XDDD;;;;

&quot;why slash how you did it in your art&quot;? :O you mean why you do slash in your art? XD awesomemenpr0n = hawt :drool: so it's not too bad now~ just a few more to go! YOU CAN DO IT!!

i suck HORRIBLY at minesweeper! omg XD;; i just learned a few tactics on how to play it, but i always die XD;; i think you can find some flash tetris ones that you can download? XD; somehow? XD; i d/l some .swf files for tetris before, but unfortunately, they're mostly really... sucky TAT;; i haven't heard of Stac before, actually :O

OOOH, i see~ XD i live in indonesia XD jakarta, actually. so our timezone isn't TOO off XD
man that would be such an awesome superpower, I would love love love to have that XD

nuuuu, no coming near mah mac, it's so pretty, it doesn't deserve to die! Plus I've only had it for a bit over a week, it's all neeeeew
ooo, I've played a game similar to that before, they're so fun!

I think the worst thing for me when studying is... anything that is not study related, I get sidetracked so easily, it's ridiculous!

lol not actual slash... I just write slash to indicate /... meaning why/how XD
I don't think the school would be too pleased with hot guy on guy or girl on girl action in my art, I have nekked ladies though XD
haha, I'm soooooo close to being done with highschool forever :D :D :D

yeah I suck at minesweeper too, I rarely play it, but it's fun sometimes XD

wheee similar timezones, I love similar timezones XD

*stretches limbs*
I'm freeeeee!!! XD