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CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post

hahah XD you notice the 3rd post of the first page? XDDD text wall contest!! sort of hahaha! no worries~ we always manage to do it. i believe in us! *3* <3

aww~ what's the occassion that you're there? D; halloween = family holiday? XD

*rapes sho's mule*

yeah, I read it XDD I'll remember to use the "secret word" if we ever start a big enough wall XDD

Andd not really.. actually we come here pretty much every chance we get, unfortunately Dx;; it's actually really.. boring over here XD;; but my dad came here all the time when he was a kid too so I guess he wants to continue the "tradition"? P:
but yeah. my grandma's been sick for a while now so I can understand why he wants us coming so often since you never know when you might see her for the last time so yeah.. plus this is the last year we'll be coming all the time too so it won't be like this forever XD;;

Does anyone know where to get that ghost skin? >__>;;

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 10:49 AM

@ glamz:
hehe, take your time XD; i think i'm just going to change the font color. the red's kind of hurting my eyes against the black BG ;_; the default seems to be just white though.

@ creps:
hahah XDDD :ninja: you remind me XD; i need to send slowtrain her monies haha. 1g ;D;;;;;;;;; omg i'm so cheap. D; NO, WAI. JAYKAY YO.

haha, aww, i see. is your dad close to your gramma? that's actually pretty sweet XD; i wish my gramma lived closer, actually (the only remaining one now). she lives so far away (in that country side place i told you about) x__x; still in the same country and the islands aren't really far or anything, but... the traveling TAT;;] but yah, what kind of sickness does your gramma have?

the ghost thingie XD in the avatar section, love <3

The Lover of Red
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Old 10-28-2008, 10:52 AM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post

@ sakura:
aww, you can't fix your phone to be in vibration mode instead? D; what time is it anyway?

oooh, i remember when i used to live in L.A., these hispanic kids that used to live next to me loved to suck on those suckers. it's like candy/lollipop that's kind of powdered with this spicy powder thingie? :O i never could get into that XD; i like sweet and spicy, but candy and spicy? if it's not menthol/mint of some kind, i don't know XD;;

haha, what will you be dressing up as though? ;D why not as a pirate? ;] <3 sexy pirate, yes~

It is alright though. I keep checking on the time and that is helping out on it. XD Here the time is 3:48am.

Yes that would be the candy that I do not really like. I am a rare Mexican that does not really like spicy foods. My mom thinks that I am weird though because of it. There are other candy that comes in a powder and it is spicy, I think it was called Lucas.

I will be dressing up random though. XD I will have gothic fairy wings on me, plus a lolita shirt, lolita hat, basically the colors of red and black. I do not really see myself dressing as a pirate though. I am more into the vampire thing. XD

@ Glammy:

*waves* Ah, I see you now. XD

TV is always a distraction. I hardly watch it that much though.

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 10:56 AM

I don't mind the red. Just as long as it's size 2 XD I'm half blind though.
And yah. the defualt is white~~~

'nyway >>>>

Uuh. Last month I think? My Grad ceremony was in like September anyway xD
Haaaa, I know. They’re not that bad normally, it’s just occasionally my mother gets a little grumpy about it.

Did I? D; I probably meant I don’t like it most of the time. But Shosho style makes Glam happy in the ladypants, so it’s all good~ Anything you do for me would be EPIC in my book <3
Hahaha ~ My Halloween thread ones are just the product of no sleep + toooo muuuuch ice cream.
Except Verren. Verren is my baby~ :hugs:

OHYES. I clean, tidy and other wise made things sparkel when I’m meant to be doing other stuff. Either that, or I find all the books I’ve been meaning to read for the last year and get through them instead of whatever I should be doing. I think I read something like 5 pretty heavy novels during the week on my exams earlier this year >__>;

Haaaaaaa~~ Mine just get’s miffed with me when I don’t do what he wants. Yours sounds kind of cute~ <3
Mocat tends to sleep on my face if I don’t get up on time to feed him. Either that or sit on the bed next to me yowling. Or then there’s the days when I take up more of the bed then he would like and he creeps under the blankets and nomnoms my armflesh~

I’m either doing a fine arts/visuals arts&Teaching or a Criminology. It depends on my final exam result. If I do art, I want to do a major in new media or painting, depending on what University I go to (one has a really diverse painting/sketching course that I would love to do).

I know~! That’s how things normally are, but this brands stuff are usually cheaper. No idea why. At all. But the gummie bears are tasty and healthy and goooood.

HAHAHA. Sorbett. Sherbet.
Easily confused xD
I pretty well hate sherbet really. I like the sweet ones a little bit, but I’m not a huge sour fan.
At all. :woe:

C: If I can~
I should be getting a few more soon~~~ A couple of the dresses and boots I think.

The sad thing is, the show that I'm watching is pretty crap.
But I kind of like one of the characters, so it's worth it~

CrepsleyKabob is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 10:58 AM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post

@ creps:
hahah XDDD :ninja: you remind me XD; i need to send slowtrain her monies haha. 1g ;D;;;;;;;;; omg i'm so cheap. D; NO, WAI. JAYKAY YO.

haha, aww, i see. is your dad close to your gramma? that's actually pretty sweet XD; i wish my gramma lived closer, actually (the only remaining one now). she lives so far away (in that country side place i told you about) x__x; still in the same country and the islands aren't really far or anything, but... the traveling TAT;;] but yah, what kind of sickness does your gramma have?

the ghost thingie XD in the avatar section, love <3
Lol, 1g?! XDD Why 1g? u cheapo D< *steals 1g from sho*

yeah, really close actually XD;; so he visits even more often than we do (as a family).
ohh I see x___x;; do you keep in touch with her at all or is it pretty much almost impossible to?
I'm not too sure, exactly xD;; she's just old, I guess. she doesn't have cancer or anything of the sort though.

OHHH, I thought it was an item XD; Thank you xD<3

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:01 AM

@ Glammy:

Hehe, I guess when there is nothing to do, watch crappy program on TV. XD

Or just watch some reruns.:D

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:04 AM

I spend to much time watching crappy shows on tv xD

reruns=love. My parents don't get how I can watch the same television series more the once. Particularly pretty B grade/crap shows...with rather dashing leading characters @o@~

The Lover of Red
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Old 10-28-2008, 11:07 AM

@ Glammy:

Yea, my mom is like that too. She does not get why I watch them. Never know if you miss a nice quote to use later on. XD

Hehe, had to be the dashing leading characters that catches your eyes.

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:14 AM

Oh yeah. Quotes and tag lines are always a good thing to watch reruns for.

And hey~ I'm a teenager. I'm allowed to gush over pretty characters ~~

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:18 AM

@ Glammy:

I might look like one, but my age says that I am not.DX

Fine, you can drool all over the pretty characters. XD

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:20 AM


@ glammy:
the default font size is TINY though XDDD;; so have to make it to be size 2. i was kind of /shock+blind at the revelation, too... /drama D;

OH, i see~ XD; quite different yah than the U.S. ones. for some reason, i assumed it was similar XD; graduate in summer type kind haha. it's okay XD; my parents still get grumpy that i don't really know what i want to do with my life D; /directionless XD; i just wanna be happy T3T;

U LYAR~ /omai :oops: you're too kind! XD; when is it ending anyway? :O i'll have to see yah~ TAT; no promises! >3< <333

hahaha, i wish i had me some ice cream right now. some rocky road or anything with marshmallows sound SO good right now... :drool: was verren created JUST now? *A*; i mean just when the event started/fairly recently? or has he always been a character of yours? :O

OMG, YOU'RE LIKE ME! except the cleaning part XD; when i'm supposed to clean, i draw/online. when i'm supposed to draw, i read TAT;;;. when i'm supposed to read, i go play with dominic (or bother him while he sleeps) TAT; do you enjoy reading the novels that were assigned to you? :O as much as i hated doing the novels as assignment during my high school/university years, i actually kind of enjoyed most of the books that were recommended XD; i just wish i didn't have to do reports/assignments on them >__>;; but yah XD;

haha dominic does that, too though XD;; btw... does your cat do the whole... drag the ass across the carpet/mattress/texture materials thing? dominic always does that whenever i bring him up to my room. it's like /RELIEF FROM THE CONE. so he'd go scratch his ears/lick his bollz or whatever. and then as soon as he's a bit settled, he'd sit straight up... then start pulling with his front legs and draaaaag across with the ass firmly put on the mattress/carpet TAT;; so nasty >_<;

haha, your mo is so cute! XD;; dominic generally doesn't really like to be touched. he'd kind of flinch if you touch him. or if he 'lets you' pet him... if your hand stays kind of 'long' on his head/bum/tail/body, it's like /attack D; as soon as you let go, he'd lick the spots you touched XD;;; guh.

oooh, why not double major or something? XD i think they might be actually pretty cool to have. criminology~ oooh~ detective glamz~ <333

ARE gummie bears healthy? XD; i'm just assuming... candies = yummy tasting = bad TAT;

yay! i'm trying to spread that preview thingie to a few friends, too X3 <333

@ sakura:
/omg! you're up so early/late!! >A<;; do you have work tomorrow/later? TAT; i hope not!

i love spicy~ just not spicy candy like that XD; i think the powder actually tastes kind of nasty. whenever someone gave those things to me, i'd usually wash off the spicy powder first XD;;;

well, you can be a vampire, too~ XD sexy one ;D by the way~ how long is your hair now?? i remembered seeing your picture awhile ago that it was kind of almost reaching your shoulder ya? XD are you planning on using wigs for the outfit? :O

@ creps:

hmm, it's almost impossible. she doesn't have a cellphone XD; my dad usually contacts his sisters there and get in touch with them. as much as my dad loves his parents, he's not really close to them. more of like... since he's the oldest child (and the family's REALLY traditional on the customs and stuff), he kind of has to have devotion for his parents and siblings type of thing. i actually find it kind of sad that in the culture that he grew up with, he wasn't really allowed to be close to his younger siblings. like the oldest brother is thought of as "the next king" kind of? so it wasn't appropriate for the younger siblings to really talk with him in that friends way, like i would with my siblings.

sorry lol /mini rant XD;;

but anyway, it's good that your gramma's actually 'healthy' in that regard and is not 'diseased' or anything. how old is she, if you don't mind me asking? :O

it's okay haha XD; i thought so, too!

Last edited by MYV rocks; 10-28-2008 at 11:23 AM..

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:31 AM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post

@ sakura:
/omg! you're up so early/late!! >A<;; do you have work tomorrow/later? TAT; i hope not!

i love spicy~ just not spicy candy like that XD; i think the powder actually tastes kind of nasty. whenever someone gave those things to me, i'd usually wash off the spicy powder first XD;;;

well, you can be a vampire, too~ XD sexy one ;D by the way~ how long is your hair now?? i remembered seeing your picture awhile ago that it was kind of almost reaching your shoulder ya? XD are you planning on using wigs for the outfit? :O
I am up late... >< But, at least I do not have to work today. Thank goodness for days off. I should be getting some rest once my friend wakes up. XD Staying at a guy friend's place.

I am not really too fond of spicy stuff but if I really need it to clear up my sines then I will have some spicy food. It does help on my breathing a bit better, but do not really enjoy it though. ;-;

Yes, I wanted to be a vampire, but the costume too expensive, so I improvised another one. XD My hair now is about to my bra line. Hair goes so slowly when you are older. When you are young, hair goes quicker. Yea, my hair was short, thanks to my sister and the scissors. ;-; I do have two wigs that I have to choose from though. One is a long hair and another one is a shorter hair. The long hair was a good deal and for 5 bucks too. It is long and black. The other one is short and has red and black in it. I luff Halloween because of the sweet deals you can get for cosplay items.

ace is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:32 AM

hay hay, have my post virginity bb ♥

rude and not ginger
slowtrain is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:39 AM

Originally Posted by MYV rocks View Post
IF YOU CAN MAKE THAT HAPPEN, you'll be my most favorite santa!! XD thank you for your thoughts though

oh, no~ is it a midterm? or final type? D; XD what do you use your dashboard thingie for? i don't think i'm too familiar with that term @3@; at least you got stuff done, which is always good! unlike me hahah... /procrastinate some more. what exam will you have anyway? :O

and what kind of games do you have there? XD which ones are your favorite? :O

try to remember NOT to get into it XD; the event will last until next week, so no worries :] <3

yah, we don't celebrate it here either. where do you live? i used to live in the U.S. for about 10 years XD;; so that's why i'm kind of accustomed to halloween ;___; i miss the trick-o-treaters and the little costumes~ even the parties XD;

omg~ white chocolates~~~~ shoot, there's this one brand that i really like.. it was under LINDT's, but i don't remember which one exactly. but it had this creamy thingie in the inside of the white chocolate. SOOO good!!

AND YOU SAID ILULONGTIME! X3 you get a measly 100 gold from me XD;;; but yay! <333

I love lindts, they are so so so tasty, some of the best chocolate there is ^^

It's finals... year 12 finals D:
the dashboard is a mac thing... gots all sortsa fancy little applications you can download for it. I have a game where you have to match up the colours of these little balls and squares that fall in groups of three, it's kinda addicting...
oh lord I am the worst procrastinator, I managed to avoid studying whilst sitting in a quiet library, surrounded by other people studying, with my work strewn across a desk, because there were games and things to read on my laptop XD

Buuuut yeah, I haaaaave, Spanish, Maths, Modern History, English and Biology, I had Art last Saturday, but that was easy, just an interview about what I did and why slash how I did it in my art ^^

I have that game with the matching colours, and minesweeper, but it doesn't work very well, something got messed up with it and now the lines are all out of whack, but no matter... I should find some more games, they come in handy when there's no internet connection XD
I've been trying to find tetris but I can't find it... if I had it that would be my favourite... buuut, as it is, my favourite is the matchy colours one, it's called Stac

lol, my exams start next week, Thursday... so no matter what day I'm on, it's still technically procrastinating on studying XD

I live in Australia, South Australia to be specific, it would be so fun to celebrate Halloween, but alas, it is not to be, no Halloween for train ;-;

MYV rocks
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MYV rocks is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:40 AM


/NOSEBLEED ON~ HI SEXY! there's zombie skin!!!

persistantly missing
Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:49 AM

Where as I look like a 25 year old most of the time~ Effective bars, not for discounts :/

yay :attaches to her purrdy characters: mmmmm. bgrade acting with a nice faaaaceee~ <3


I normally like the pt1 size, but not one a black background. My eyes’ies hurts us


We finish in mid spring and sit exams early summer. So it’s generally the same, just sounds different because of the whole hemisphere thing.
I think.

I know what I want to do, I just have NO IDEA how to do it. I’m a complete n00bcake when it comes to organizing my life. Particularly in working out universities and how to get there.

You’re welcome~ <3 Uuh. Around December 21st, depending on the entries and whatnot. I might move it back if my life is screwy at that time as it’s looking to be :gonk:

My dad thought I as having a crap time so he bought me ice-cream :> He’s nice, but then yells at me for leaving coffee cups around xD Gaaaaaaaaah. Rocky Road. Marshmelloooows.
IWANTWANTWANTWANT. Gosh I wish we did Halloween here. :<
I’ve been playing around with Verren for a while now (as in, a week or so). He’s changed a butt load since it was originally created during an exam for a creative writing task. He’s kind of just evolved like some kind of freakish mutant…thing that’s becoming one of my ‘proper’ OCs’.

:hifive: TWINZIES~!! Generally just clean when I don’t have anything to read.
And I draw when I don’t have anything to clean or read. I’ve done so many drawing things this past month while I’m meant to be studying :’O
But uuh. Not really. We’ve had to read a lot of Jane Austin and Shakespeare that I just don’t enjoy. My Grade 8 book was good (Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden), but I’d read that already. That book’s made me so paranoid D: and my grade 7 book assignment that I got to choose the book my self. I did The Vampire Armand by Anne Rice. My teacher was so confused by my oral presentation xD
Mostly I just look up stuff on amazon and either buy it there or go hunting through our mini library here (I own a lot of books @__@)

Aaaah. Mine doesn’t do that, but I know why they do that :/ it’s got to do with a gland in zee anus that gets blocked up for something. Vets can fix it, but it’s kind of gross how it’s done (hand up cat/dog’s butt, massage said anal glad, said anal gland released blocked up hormone in the form of a stinky discharge). Or worms. It could also be worms D’X
…I listen to to much science show in the radio :gonk:

Mo is moody. Some times he’s all “LOVE ME OR DIE” and other days he’s all “LOVE ME AND DIE”. And if I even dare to try and get the burrs and stuff he gets stuck in his fuzz, I get completely OWND. I have so many scares on my hands from him :U

I’ll probably double major now I think of it :> Particularly if I get into the university I really want to go to. That have AMAZING facilities for pretty much everything.
XD I know. It can be all CSI: Glamz or something. But uh… criminology is actually more analysis. Like what they do on Criminal Minds (if you watch that), but without the huge amounts of field time.

I dunno. These ones are all “WITH 95% LESS SUGAAAAA” and stuff. I like to present they’re healthy xD

I posted it in the ‘preview items’ thread, so it might be up there some time ~<3 I kind to see what a couple of items look like my self (some of the shoes in particular).

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:50 AM

shosho, who is ace?

I have never seen him before.

@ Glammy:

I can pull off to being a 17 year old. XD

I am though 24 years though.

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:50 AM

*dances through thread*
woooo, muuullleeessss

(forgive her, she doesn't get out much)

The Lover of Red
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Sakura_Madison is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:53 AM

Hey wasabii *slowtrain's mulie*!

I guess people are being out their mules out. XD

I have mine out for awhile now. XD

He is around though.

kemii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:54 AM

This textwall thing sounds fun xD Il have a go~

I have three main favourite types of candy: rock candy, chewing gum and gummy snakes. I'm not really sure whether chewing gum counts as a real type of candy, but I really love chewing gum so yeah. I especially love mint chewing gum: in fact I'm chewing some right now! 8DD; My second favourite flavour is peppermint. Peppermint kinda reminds me of toothpaste though. And while I'm talking about chewing gum, iluverylongtime...I guess it kinda fits in, because I love gum that lasts for a very long time? 8D
Onto gummy snakes: I dont really like gummy lollies that much, but an exception is made for snakes :D Mainly I like the sour type, but I like normal worms, just not as much. My favourite colour of gummy worm is orange. My favourite brand of gummy worms are either Allens for normal or The Natural (Aussie only) for sour~ I dont get to eat gummy worms much, though :< Healthy eating and an attempt to cap my weight I guess.
Oooh, and now rock candy! Rock candy has to be my god of the universe. It lasts a long time, its sweet, it has purteh pictures on it, it has many flavours, it lasts a long time...its omg so so so so SOOOO nice 8D My favourite flavour is either watermelon or strawberry. The only type of rock candy I dont like is musk- eww. And you know those big hunks of rock candy that are from the ends of the candy when they roll it? I always wanted to eat one of those but I was never allowed to get one :gonk:

Wow. O_O

wasabii is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:54 AM

lol, I need to start using mah mule more often, this is officially her third post XD

ace is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:55 AM

ya b-but the skin... has only one girly mouth? I'm sad and disappointed )))))): (unless I didn't look hard enough. mene is too slow for me AND THIS tiny bold white font and black background /omg)

you aren't looking too bad yourself, love /eeeeeeeeeeeee /eats all your candies and brain

Friends of the mules.
Syaoran_Li is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 11:56 AM

@ wasabii:

Wow! Only 3 posts!

Me, I have 488 posts, including this one.

MYV rocks
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Old 10-28-2008, 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Sakura_Madison View Post
I am up late... >< But, at least I do not have to work today. Thank goodness for days off. I should be getting some rest once my friend wakes up. XD Staying at a guy friend's place.

I am not really too fond of spicy stuff but if I really need it to clear up my sines then I will have some spicy food. It does help on my breathing a bit better, but do not really enjoy it though. ;-;

Yes, I wanted to be a vampire, but the costume too expensive, so I improvised another one. XD My hair now is about to my bra line. Hair goes so slowly when you are older. When you are young, hair goes quicker. Yea, my hair was short, thanks to my sister and the scissors. ;-; I do have two wigs that I have to choose from though. One is a long hair and another one is a shorter hair. The long hair was a good deal and for 5 bucks too. It is long and black. The other one is short and has red and black in it. I luff Halloween because of the sweet deals you can get for cosplay items.
oh, that's good that you don't have work! XD is this guy the one that you like? ;D <3

yah, it does clear up your sinuses! XD; but be careful haha. too many of the spicies can get you stuffed up again D; do you use those herbal ointment thingie, too? like vicks, for example? those things can help, too :3

improvising is usually the best <333 oooh, i had no idea on that hair fact XD thanks! no wonder my hair doesn't seem to grow as fast anymore D; may be you can get both wigs? XD; i want to see pictures once you do dress up!! <333 what are you planning to use for the blood? ;D
Originally Posted by slowtrain View Post

I love lindts, they are so so so tasty, some of the best chocolate there is ^^

It's finals... year 12 finals D:
the dashboard is a mac thing... gots all sortsa fancy little applications you can download for it. I have a game where you have to match up the colours of these little balls and squares that fall in groups of three, it's kinda addicting...
oh lord I am the worst procrastinator, I managed to avoid studying whilst sitting in a quiet library, surrounded by other people studying, with my work strewn across a desk, because there were games and things to read on my laptop XD

Buuuut yeah, I haaaaave, Spanish, Maths, Modern History, English and Biology, I had Art last Saturday, but that was easy, just an interview about what I did and why slash how I did it in my art ^^

I have that game with the matching colours, and minesweeper, but it doesn't work very well, something got messed up with it and now the lines are all out of whack, but no matter... I should find some more games, they come in handy when there's no internet connection XD
I've been trying to find tetris but I can't find it... if I had it that would be my favourite... buuut, as it is, my favourite is the matchy colours one, it's called Stac

lol, my exams start next week, Thursday... so no matter what day I'm on, it's still technically procrastinating on studying XD

I live in Australia, South Australia to be specific, it would be so fun to celebrate Halloween, but alas, it is not to be, no Halloween for train ;-;
YES, I KNOW!! i fell in love with the white creamy one i told you about when i went to ycon last year XD; went with a few friends and they introduced me to that and i was like... /OMG FOODGASM TAT; <333

hahah~ YAH!! if only you had the power to make dreams come true though TAT; /infinity money, pls!

OHHH i see~ yah~ no wonder i'm not familiar with it XD; i think i may want to give mac another try.. lol i just didn't have any good experiences with it (they always crash on me TAT i have this black voodoo casted on me or something that causes any mac i touch to die lol). those kind of matching games are addictive~ i downloaded this matching one, where you shoot this square to match other squares or whatever to clear off the stage XD; it's for the cellphone though D; and i forgot where i got it TAT; wish i can share with you~

hahah~ yes, that happened to me, too, while in uni XD; i think the worst thing for me to study is pretty much... have a study buddy. i can't do that. i'll always end up talking XDDD;;;;

&quot;why slash how you did it in your art&quot;? :O you mean why you do slash in your art? XD awesomemenpr0n = hawt :drool: so it's not too bad now~ just a few more to go! YOU CAN DO IT!!

i suck HORRIBLY at minesweeper! omg XD;; i just learned a few tactics on how to play it, but i always die XD;; i think you can find some flash tetris ones that you can download? XD; somehow? XD; i d/l some .swf files for tetris before, but unfortunately, they're mostly really... sucky TAT;; i haven't heard of Stac before, actually :O

OOOH, i see~ XD i live in indonesia XD jakarta, actually. so our timezone isn't TOO off XD



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Glammy is offline
Old 10-28-2008, 12:00 PM

awww. I don't think I'm ever going to look 17 again :/ I've been asked if I'm 20+ since I was 15 :"o
yay for having mature features + attitude (most of the time)

I should bring vitriol out~
He needs some air~ >:D


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