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salvete is offline
Old 01-25-2016, 02:45 AM

I have a story about today! I wrote most it up here: so I will also paste it here in quotes.

there was a 72 year old man today who approached me and proceeded to tell me about his travels and living with native americans in North Dakota and visiting the Mennonites and Amish and how his father was in world war II and how he knew Spanish, Portuguese, Cantonese, German, French, Italian ... amazing!

Honestly -- I'm sorry to say this -- but at first I was a little suspicious. It's not everyday that a complete stranger suddenly walks up to you to have a long conversation, he started asking me questions like where I lived, and he didn't look his age (I actually thought he was in his late 30s -- not very wrinkly, no white or grey hair in sight -- until he told me he was 72 years old).

But when I told him I wouldn't be comfortable sharing that information (like where I live and things like that), he started just sharing a lot of information and stories about himself. He turned out to be a very nice and interesting fellow. And when I told him that I also learned Spanish, he began telling me some stories in Spanish too! That was cool. And he told me that his father was half black and half native American, while his mother was from...I forget the name, but I think a town somewhere between France and Spain! So pretty uniquely multiracial.

He was also telling me how when he started school, he didn't know any English -- because he spoke French and Italian at home (his parents were both multilingual) -- and so they put him in a special needs class. Of course, his parents had to go to the school to explain that he was not special needs -- he just did not know English yet. He ended up majoring in French in college, and he has a son.

Oh! And he was just coming from a vegan Chinese restaurant *nods* he was saying some things in Cantonese, weaved into his English, while he was explaining some concepts of chi as practiced in Hinduism and Buddhism