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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:08 PM

Art by HamletSpamlet, banner by Sizzla

Greetings, goblins and ghouls! Are you in the mood for a spot of adventure? Well, look no further! I'm here to guide you on your own spooky expedition. Make no mistake, this is not a guided tour! You, yes you, decide what happens! It's like life, but better.

How It Works
It's simple! I will post of a story (called a "story update") and tell you what's going on. After this, you and other players (you all control the same character) will write a sentence about what you'd like to do next (called a "suggestion"). I will use the dice rolling feature to decide which suggestion to take and post the next story update using that suggestion. Easy peasy! Check the next post for a more detailed look at how to play. If you haven't played before, you should definitely read it!

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 10-31-2011 at 12:18 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:09 PM

How To Play

I will post a paragraph or a few about what you're doing.
[...] You approach the dragon's cave, your heart beating so hard that you feel confident Lars Ulrich has taken up residence in your chest. Your trembling fingers reach for the hilt of your sword. As you draw closer, you are able to make out the vague form of the dragon lying in the shadows. This is it...

What will you do?
At this point, you write in what you would like your character to do based on my story update, not the suggestions other users have since posted. Please keep it brief! It doesn't have to be serious, however; you should feel free to suggest something a bit silly if you like. All that is important is that your suggestion is only about a sentence long and that it makes it clear what you want to do. These are all examples of good suggestions:
Deciding against using brute force, I whip out my boombox and challenge the dragon to a dance-off.
I unsheath my sword and charge at the dragon, ready for combat.
I call in some reinforcements - I can't take down a dragon by myself!
In all of these suggestions, it's clear what you want to do, and you've given me enough information to write more on. It's perfectly fine for your suggestions to be silly or crazy, that's what makes it fun! Early on the in the game, your suggestions could totally shape the story. Later in the game, once a plot point has been established, I will steer things towards the main point, but if you say you want your character to go get some ice cream and that suggestion is picked at random, ice cream it is!

This is an example of a bad suggestion:
I enter the dragon's cave.
I consider this an incomplete suggestion because your plan isn't clear. What do you want to do when you get there? Your suggestion should make what you want to do clear. If I catch this before it's time for the next story update, I may ping you and ask you to flesh out your suggestion a bit, but I won't hold up the next update waiting on you. Incomplete suggestions may be skipped.

Another example of undesirable behavior would be to make two suggestions in a row. You may only make one suggestion per story update. If you make more than one, I will ignore one or both of your suggestions. If you continually break this rule, I may ask that you stop playing.

Once I've received enough suggestions and have a bit of free time, I'll count the number of suggestions I received and use the dice roll feature to generate a number. If I received five suggestions, my post would look a little like this (your number is based on the order the suggestions were received in).
Okay, it's dice rolling time!

Jellysundae is 1, Captain Howdy is 2, Ferra is 3, BellyButton is 4 and CK is 5.

The 5-sided dice lands on 2
(If you have questions about how the dice-rolling feature works, check this out)
Since the dice landed on 5, that would mean that I would take CK's suggestion. Now, it can take a bit for me to write the next story update, so after I've made a dice rolling post sit tight and don't make any more suggestions! After I've written everything up, I'll make a post that quotes CK's suggestion so you don't have to go back and find it, along with the story update. Then the whole process starts over!

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 11-02-2011 at 01:47 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:09 PM

What's In It For Me?

First and foremost, fun!

As it is very easy to participate in this game, you will not receive an EI just for playing. Writing one sentence isn't worth an EI, after all! However, some prizes will be awarded, but for what, I won't say! Stick around and enjoy the game and you might just find yourself with something neat when all is said and done.

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 10-22-2011 at 09:19 PM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:10 PM


Can I play?
Absolutely! You don't need to ask, just jump in whenever you want. It doesn't matter how long the game has been running or if you've participated already.

Do I have to fill out a form to make a suggestion?
Nope! I would prefer that you make your suggestions in the first person perspective, though ("I hug the dragon," not "you hug the dragon." I write the stories in the second person perspective because they're about YOU! So when you're writing about what you want to do, you would write it in first person. Your suggestion will still be accepted if you don't type it in the first person, it's just a little pet peeve of mine.)

What world is the game set in? Can I go to France? Can I write about my Menewsha friend?
Your adventure takes place on the island of Menewsha, and it is unlikely that you will leave during the course of the story. NPCs and Menewsha creatures are all a part of the world and will be used as NPCs for the game. So if you need another character to help yours out, why not enlist Mr. Mayor? I cannot write regular users into the story (except for the protagonist, which is you!) so please do not make a suggestion like "I call my friend [Menewsha user] and ask her to come help me out." Exceptions may be made when it comes to staff members being used as NPCs. In the last game, I used both myself as Insomniac as characters. So if Lise is getting a little uppity with you in the story, why not choose to "report" her to a moderator? Can't find a bridge to cross a river? Maybe your suggestion would be to go ask Jellysundae to see if it's a glitch! (Note: suggestions in this game. Please do not contact actual staff members in regard to the story)

Can we chat in here?
Absolutely! Feel free to say hi to your fellow players while you're waiting for a new story update.

When will you post the next update?
When I feel like it! ;) I like to take a bit of time between updates to give plenty of people a chance to participate. I might make updates closer together if the thread is very active and I'm receiving a lot of suggestions. Also keep in mind that I have to sleep, eat, go to class, write for NaNoWriMo, attend to basic hygiene needs, etc. so I cannot be here constantly.

How many suggestions can I make?
You can participate as much as you want! But as I mentioned before, please only make one suggestion per story update. If you've changed your mind about your suggestion, you may edit your post, but only if I have not just posted a dice roll.

You made an error with your punctuation/spelling/grammar!
Sorry about that! I do my best to be correct, but I'm only human. It's not polite to correct someone for trivial mistakes, so you really don't need to point it out to me. However, if I've made a very large error that makes things difficult to understand (like if I've accidentally left out a crucial word - that happens to me sometimes! My brain gets ahead of my fingers), please do point that out so I can fix it. Again, this is only for when the error is large enough that it causes legitimate confusion. Comma splices might annoy you, but you can still understand what I meant!

Can I look at the story from the last event?
You sure can!

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 11-02-2011 at 10:46 PM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-22-2011, 09:10 PM

The Story So Far...

Just joining the game or want to lurk? Need to refresh on what's happened? This post will contain direct links to all of the story updates to save you the time of wading through all the other posts.

Part 1: Bored Already
Part 2: The Hole World
Part 3: At the End of Your Rope
Part 4: The Root of the Problem
Part 5: Into the Woods
Part 6: Not Out of the Woods Yet
Part 7: That Old Black Magic
Part 8: Staring into the Abyss
Part 9: Shot in the Dark
Part 10: Impish
Part 11: Forest Thumping
Part 12: Trick's Trick

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 11-12-2011 at 12:32 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 10-31-2011, 12:46 AM

Part 1: Bored Already

Looking around Menewsha, you can't help but feel a bit bored. Sure, all your fellow Menewshans are dressed up in spooky costumes, the NPCs are giving out candy, and there's all sorts of contests and fun to be had, but... you're bored! You want to do something really cool, like... slay a robot dragon... with a lightsaber... while playing the guitar... a guitar made of lasers. Okay, maybe that's not the best idea, but you definitely want to do something really awesome. You rack your brain for some ideas.
  • You recently heard about a haunted house out in the forest. You've never seen it for yourself, but the person who told you about it said some stuff about blood and ghosts. Maybe something about bloodghosts. It sounds pretty cool, but your friend could have just been tricking you.
  • You notice that just past the main square there's a dark tent. No one seems to be over there and the area is poorly lit. It looks pretty creepy... or it could just be where they're storing supplies for the contests.
  • You see a dim glow coming from Discovery Bay. A ship wrecked there about a year ago, but no one was seriously injured... None the less, that glow looks seriously ghost-like. It's all blue and... ghostly... and stuff.

Exploring any of these things could be fun... or maybe you'll decide to do something else entirely. What would you like to do?

Last edited by Cherry Who?; 10-31-2011 at 05:29 AM..

Mommy Zellony's Lizard ♥
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Old 11-02-2011, 12:43 AM

I decide to head over to the dark tent just past the main square. Even if there's nothing scary there, I can always find some goodies to use on my latest prank on Peeblo. He might have won the last battle, but I shall win the war!

And I came back at a great time. :)

PapillonCameo is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 12:50 AM

Out of curiosity after seeing that light, and in need of a fright, I stepped out of the main square and walked to Discovery Bay while quacking with anticipation.


EirianHikari is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 12:55 AM

I find my self drawing closer to the if....being called by it.

Acobjum is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:08 AM

My curiosity peaked I meander over to the dark tent.

Kraven is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:09 AM

I approach the bay. The water begins to bubble and churn.

Legum servi sumus ut liberi esse...
Fiona_Watergate is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:16 AM

And to my suprise I saw an unspoken book, when I found the book in the bank of the bubbling sea. It turned to a page with a map.
(sorry is that better?)

Last edited by Fiona_Watergate; 11-02-2011 at 01:45 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:19 AM

sdgfam08, could you be more specific with your suggestion? Where did you go that you saw the book? Remember that your suggestion is independent of the ones other people make. :)

Kraven is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:21 AM

From the water, hideous abominations appeared. Half man, half fish. I ran faster than the wind.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:23 AM

Kraven, you've already made your suggestion, please do not make another until I post a new story update.

Aerinn is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:42 AM

I decide that I want to investigate the bay. Wielding my trusty flashlight in the night, I gingerly step over the remnant splintery planks and gnarled rusty nails that littered the beach shore, only to feel the force of gravity pull me down as the sole of my foot slips on a smooth rock's surface.

(Am I doing this correctly?)

Last edited by Aerinn; 11-02-2011 at 01:57 AM..

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:46 AM

Almost. :) You need to base your suggestions off of my last story update, not the other users' suggestions. So you'd want to make your suggestion be that you want to go to the bay (assuming that's what you want to do! The protagonist hasn't gone anywhere yet, so you can still choose to go anywhere you'd like to).

Aerinn is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:50 AM

So should I add "I decide that I want to investigate the bay" or something?

Shiro Neko

Hadsvich is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:53 AM

The blue glow coming from Discovery Bay piques my interest so I head in its direction.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:55 AM

Aerinn - Yep, sounds good. That sentence alone could be your suggestion. :)

Monsieur Hatter
☞Hatter of Menewsha☜
Monsieur Hatter is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:56 AM

Eying the tent, I felt a pull there. I decided to walk to it.

Last edited by Monsieur Hatter; 11-02-2011 at 02:23 AM..

Aerinn is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 01:57 AM

Meep, I'll add it to my first post. Sorry for all the questioning. :gonk:

Dead Account Holder
GangsterGlam is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:10 AM

Though the blue glow has piqued my interest, I head off in the direction of the haunted house my friend had mentioned. Sure, wandering off in to the forest alone is dangerous, but somehow the glow seems more so. At least this way I can see if my friend was telling the truth.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 11-02-2011, 02:12 AM

Not a problem! I'd much rather answer questions than have someone not understand how the game works. :)

I'm going to be rolling the dice now! So hold your suggestions for now, everyone. New story update coming momentarily!

I'm going to have to skip sdgfam08's post as she didn't specify where she wanted the character to go. Sorry I didn't see your edit before.

Monsieur Hatter, please remember that the protagonist is genderless as they are a combination of everyone who plays. Also, please try to keep your suggestions to about one sentence in length. :)

Liztress is 1, PapillonCameo is 2, EirianHikari is 3, Acobjum is 4, Kraven is 5, Aerinn is 6, Monsieur Hatter is 7.

The 7-sided dice lands on 6

Whatever number that is is whose suggestion was picked. I'll be posting momentarily with a story update incorporating their suggestion. Sit tight and don't make any more suggestions until then!

EDIT: Woops, sorry, Gangster Glam! You posted that as I was writing this. Feel free to take part after the next story update. :)


Event Coordinator
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Old 11-02-2011, 02:14 AM

Eying the others who seem to be mostly heading for the tent and the bay, I looked towards the forest, where the haunted house was rumoured to be. Chewing my lip, I made my wary way towards the dense trees, steeling myself for what is to come.


Oops, sorry, Cherry! Didn't see your post till I posted. D:


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