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the one and only

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Old 07-12-2010, 06:01 AM

(adorable avi azn. i wish i had cute outfits XD)

Alexander stuck out his tongue in a panting wolf laughter. "No, I think meat is just good." He moved over to sniff the rest of the basket and turned to look up at her as she talked with a guilty voice. His ears moved back embarrassed. "Carefully?"

His answer showed that it was like he was trying to give the the 'right' answer.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 01:05 PM

((Ehehe thanks ^^ I like your too (= I think its simple but pretty!))

Miyuku giggled, "No I meant, umm..since you can't hold a fork.." Miyuku trailed off. Then she had another idea, it sounded stupid to her in her own head but she shrugged couldn't hurt asking "Would you like me to feed you?" she asked blushing. It sounded much worse out loud, Miyuku was biting the corner of her lips again a sign that she was nervous.

Miyuku was shifting her legs nervously, she was still holding the plate in her hand. "Lets walk back to the table mean while okay?" Miyuku said laughing.

the one and only

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Old 07-12-2010, 05:30 PM

"yeah, yeah, yeah. Gotta eat carefully." He sat up again his ears going up with excitement. He tilted his head when she offered and he sat there thinking about it. "I suppose that works until I figure it out." He touched her leg gently since she was moving alot and looked up at her. His eyes soft.

Than he turned and ran back to the table. It's fun to run now! When she got back into the room he was crouched with his tail wagging in the air and his front down by the floor.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-12-2010, 05:39 PM

Miyuku laughed, she touched Alexanders head. She gently petted him, she blushed laughing again he looked so in sync the way he was. If it was Miyuku in that form she knew what she would do, run around screaming and crying, as Miyuku was walking calmly to the dining area.

When she got there she saw Alexander on the ground his tail already wagging. Miyuku put her hand on her lips and smiled, her eyes shone. The sun was highlighting her lavender coloured hair, she took a chair and sat down beside him. She had never fed any one and looked shyly at Alexander, she took the fork in her hand and shrugged.

the one and only

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Old 07-14-2010, 12:44 AM

He barked and wagged his tail than stopped sitting on his hind quarters tilting his head. "I wonder why i just did that?" He gave a wolven shrug and looked at her. "Hopefully you won't have to do this for long Miyuku. If nothing else i'm going to learn how to adjust to this body so that I'm not helpless."

He gave his tail three wags and than sat still looking at her expectantly.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 07-20-2010, 06:23 PM

Miyuku giggled, "I don't think you can help it Alexander" she told him with a grin as she fed him the dried meat, careful not to stab his tongue with the fork. She shook her head and shrugged, "I don't mind this really I don't! After all this is the least I could do since you being this way is mostly my fault" Miyuku whispered kindly to Alexander.

She brought down her hand gently and pet his head, he was almost taller than her even when he was sitting down. Miyuku looked at the little tea cup that was sitting there and smiled gently down on it, carefully she picked up the tea cup and put it down on her lap.

the one and only

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Old 07-30-2010, 08:18 PM

He chewed the meat silently, trying not to dig into it like some wild animal. He placed his paw on her leg when she blamed herself, ironically it was the injured leg/arm so he needed to have it elevated anyways. He swallowed and opened his mouth, one so he wouldn't bite her and two his stomach was beginning to growl with his wolven hunger. He closed his mouth when she set the tea cup on her lap.

Instead he looked down his longer nose at the little cup and smiled, "Hi again." Looking down like that was disorienting and made his eyes cross. Which felt really weird on top of not being able to see color. Only slight reddish tints, blacks whites and grays. It was incredibly awkward having his entire world switch. He sat up and grinned getting a playful idea. "Well if its our fault than I will take this as something fun. I get to have a whole new try at life. " he cocked his head and stuck out his tongue from the side of his mouth in a laugh. "I was a bad human anyways." Before he could stop himself his tail was wagging and he spun around to look at it angrily.

"That... THING will take some getting used to though. " He glared at it, tongue in his mouth now for the most part except his glaring, panting, breathing.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-03-2010, 09:07 PM

Miyuku winced when she saw his bandaged paw, she put her hand gently over it and stroked it. "I am also very sorry for this Alexander" she told him sighing. "I feel like I'm your bad luck charm! You must think I'm horrible for putting you through things like these.." Miyuku reached out and stroked Alexanders furry face.

A small smile appeared on the petite girls distressed face, she watched him associate with the tea cup.

Chip gasped and himself behind the plate Miyuku was holding. But then shyly peered out again when he saw that the Princess wasn't scared of this beast, "H..hello" he squeaked giggling when he felt the big breaths of the beast on him. "That tickles!" Chip said in his squeaky voice, he looked at the beasts nose and blew on it.

Miyuku watched the two play around, "No Alexander you aren't a horrible human. If you were horrible you would not have become my friend neither would you have helped me take care of my garden!" Miyuku told him shaking her head. She cocked her head to the side and watched in amusement as Alexander spun in a circle to catch his tail, this peculiar site made her giggle.

"How does it feel to have a tail? Is it fun?" Miyuku asked him inquisitively her violet eyes shining as she held out another forkful of meat for Alexander to eat.

the one and only

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Old 08-09-2010, 07:59 PM

Alexander wiggled his nose when Chip blew on it. He sat up a look of guilt on his face before he gobbled down the next bite, being careful long enough to get the food off the fork without injuring Miyuku or stabbing himself with his fork. His tongue lulled out as he breathed while thinking of how to answer her. He kept thinking about how this seemed like a good thing, not a bad thing. He had been a bad human, he had a second chance now.

"The tail is really weird. I'm not used to it at all yet."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 08-09-2010, 08:25 PM

"Do you want some water Alexander?" Miyuku asked him gently as she kept a careful finger around Chip. She would have hated to see him shattered, he was a cute little cup. Shyly Miyuku put her delicate hand on Alexanders nose and giggled when she felt how warm it was, bending over slightly she kissed it and then patted his head.

"Really? I kind of like your tail! It looks fun to have, besides the fact that you want to catch it every time you see it" she said with a small giggle. She put Chip on Alexander's head when he started to wiggle in her hand, she kept one finger through the little loop in the cup at all times.

the one and only

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Old 09-07-2010, 02:24 AM

"I made some bad mistakes as a human. But i did get the chance to meet and make friends with you." He wagged his tail happily, "So I guess my life wasn't a complete failure." He nodded vigorously at the mention of water, his mouth did feel extrememly dry. He woofed embaressed when she kissed his nose, he wanted to wiggle it but it felt strange to do. Plus he couldn't return it, he'd get wolf slober all over her.

"Hello chip." He purr-growled as chip was placed on his head. He went crosseyes trying to look at his forhead, but delighted in the fact that he could sort of, okay not really look up there. "I bet I could see you if you were on my nose, its alot bigger now."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 09-08-2010, 12:11 AM

Miyuku smiled gently, "I am glad I met you too" her voice was a soft whisper as she spoke. She had forgotten what it was like too have friends until Alexander had come along, she felt genuinely happy around him and his innocent wolf smile. Miyuku picked Chip off of Alexanders head and placed him on the floor in front of him, getting up gracefully she picked up the empty plate and took it back too the kitchen.

Grabbing a bowl for Alexander she filled it up with water, that was one good thing about this place. It had running water for some odd reason. She made sure it was the right temperature before she headed back too Alexander, her foot steps light and dainty. Scooping up Chip again she placed the bowl of water, she folded her dress neatly beneath her legs and sat on the floor beside him, propped up on her knees.

Chip giggled again "Hello Mr. Beast" he said smiling. The little cup hopped closer too Alexander and snuggled in his fur, "my you are so warm Mr. Beast! Don't you boil up in this fur coat?" he asked confused as Miyuku scooped him up yet again too place him gently on Alexanders wolf nose.

the one and only

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Old 10-20-2010, 11:54 PM

Alexander watched Miyuku leave before turning his head slightly to listen to chip. "I don't really know, I haven't had it for very long. " He did however crouch back on his haunches and held his nose to the table to let chip off. "Hop off little buddy." Before crouching back down to lap at the water dish. Looking down his long nose as he did it seemed off balance, but it seemed so natural. He sat back up and licked the water off the end of his nose that had gotten wet.

"Thank you again Miyuku. " He looked at her, his eyes now seemed perfectly wolven, with the feeling of deep intelligence behind them.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 10-23-2010, 10:54 PM

Miyuku snuggled close to Alexander, her head resting on his wolf shoulders. "Your welcome Alexander" she whispered as she watched Chip hop off happily, she frowned. What was going on with her? She saw these images of people inside her mind, who were they? And...why did they all seem familiar to her in some way. She sighed burying her face in Alexanders warm fur, it gave her a comforting feeling as she took in the wolf sent and heard his wolf heart beat loudly. "Alexander? Had we ever...met before...I mean before this incident?" she asked raising an eyebrow.

the one and only

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Old 11-30-2010, 03:33 PM

( i have an art shop now! yay!! also would you like to join an elemental school? It's many pages in already but we only have 4 members now o.o and i could catch you up to date i think.)

He tilted his head into hers, snuggling back. "No, i don't think so. I've been in the village as far back as I can remember. Why?"

(sorry its short, i haven't actually come up with how he's going to break the curse and now i'm stuck on where to go. Should it be the i love you i love you too thing from beauty and the beast. Or should we do something where he is to help her get her memories back and maybe he had lost his as well and they'd been replaced with new ones? Or something like that)

the one and only

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Old 10-28-2011, 03:45 AM

He pulled away from her and stood up on all fours. "So what do you do around here throughout the day?" Alexander took a few steps around the room looking around, his tail wagging every so often.


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