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Bellinda is offline
Old 03-28-2014, 02:20 AM

Violet runs her hand thru her hair while she looks over at Jules. "I know it won't be easily..this angel is very smart and quick. I mean you should had seen what he did to the others." She sighs, shaking her head, heading to the elevator and pushes the down button. She crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the wall. "I think you need at lease try to bind him with one of your spells. They seem to have enough power to hold him but don't get to close. I'm not sure how well he will resist the spell." Violet looks at Jules while she spoke about part of the plan. Of course the plan was kind a put together since she never would guess she would had Jules tagging along. There was no way she could trust anyone else to help since there was a group hunting them.

Jiro smirks lightly, he was glad Christopher agrees with him about separating. "I'm glad someone agrees with me. So who will go after the angel and who will go after the traitors? I want to be in the group that goes after that bitch." His eyes flares with rage. He was going to make Violet pay for that hit she did to him. He wanted to slowly torture her until she begs him to kill her.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 04-03-2014, 04:46 PM

"Oh, what did he do? Will you tell me?" Not only did Jules want to know, but she figured it would be quite helpful in battle if she knew a bit more about him "The more I know, the more I can you think catching him will get you back on master's good side?" she did not like calling him master, she only did that because she didn't know his name, nor cared to remember it.

"Before we get ahead of ourselves boys, let's start off with trying to figure a plan to get rid of Jules. Then we'll take down the others along the way" Xarina said as she walked along the room trying to think about a way to get rid of her. It would be hard considering magic would always win against vampires. "She can't take the angel on by herself, so if he kill Jules, then she'll die, and we can take the vampire down ourselves" Xarina suggested.

Alexander had grown tired of staying in doors after trying to contact the other angels of his kind and realized now that the angels weren't going to be of much help to him. He'll have to go out in the open to find out why as well as protect himself.

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Bellinda is offline
Old 04-15-2014, 02:18 AM

Violet brushes some of her hair out of her face thinking before she spoke. "Well he could easily kill you with a touch. His power is like the sun...the others didn't have the chance." She heard the elevator door open before she steps inside. The female vampire stares at the ground, shaking her head. "No, I think master is pretty much done with me. Seeing there is a new slut that he has his eyes on. And I think you know who I am talking about," Violet says, looking up at Jules.

Jiro looks over at Xarina, " how we going to do it? You know Jules's powers better than anyone here. After all you are have master's eye." he looks around while he walks over seeing a few young boys playing on the skate park. He smirks lightly as he could use a good snack right now before they go hunting.

Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 07-15-2014, 07:28 PM

I am sorry, I mean to tell you before now, but I don't know what to do with this roleplay anymore. If you wish to start another with me, we can, I am going to make more time to be on menewsha so I won't leave the site just yet. Forgive me. PING or message me if you need me.


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