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Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 04:30 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
it's really not in the rules...

The whole thing about SP farming is... the higher your level is in relation the the highest level skill you have, the more SP and the less EXP you get.

So, let's say... for example... your highest level skill is Fire, and it's at a skill level of 5... but your character is at level 11. The amount of SP points received per kill would be far greater than if you had a Fire skill of 11. However, this also means you gain less EXP... so it's harder to get to higher levels to gain even more SP.... so really, it's all about patience and dedication to the task.

The highest difference between level and skill level you can have is 9... or at least, that's the greatest difference you can have that is pointful... and I think that if your level is 9 above your skill level, you gain only 10% exp, but earn somewhere along the lines of 2000% of your normal SP gains :lol:

close ? but actually. If you use NO SP except to buy he element skill. than the exp you gain is drastically DEcreased. this is a good thing because. your SP gain will be super HIGH. so then you'll have stronger skillz and be able to kick ass later on. Bandits are the best things to fight when sp farming :3 but dont worry about that yet. i know special camping spot where i sued to do that. just get to a higher level and i'll help you guys ou with all that. i got a call from my dad today, and he said he'd be sendint the computer soon. so i should be able to get on soon

Riddle is offline
Old 04-03-2007, 08:52 PM

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
Originally Posted by Riddle
it's really not in the rules...

The whole thing about SP farming is... the higher your level is in relation the the highest level skill you have, the more SP and the less EXP you get.

So, let's say... for example... your highest level skill is Fire, and it's at a skill level of 5... but your character is at level 11. The amount of SP points received per kill would be far greater than if you had a Fire skill of 11. However, this also means you gain less EXP... so it's harder to get to higher levels to gain even more SP.... so really, it's all about patience and dedication to the task.

The highest difference between level and skill level you can have is 9... or at least, that's the greatest difference you can have that is pointful... and I think that if your level is 9 above your skill level, you gain only 10% exp, but earn somewhere along the lines of 2000% of your normal SP gains :lol:

close ? but actually. If you use NO SP except to buy he element skill. than the exp you gain is drastically DEcreased. this is a good thing because. your SP gain will be super HIGH. so then you'll have stronger skillz and be able to kick ass later on. Bandits are the best things to fight when sp farming :3 but dont worry about that yet. i know special camping spot where i sued to do that. just get to a higher level and i'll help you guys ou with all that. i got a call from my dad today, and he said he'd be sendint the computer soon. so i should be able to get on soon
yah, I'm at 12 and climbin' with my lvl 5 skillz... it should all be good. 8)

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 12:12 AM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
Originally Posted by Riddle
it's really not in the rules...

The whole thing about SP farming is... the higher your level is in relation the the highest level skill you have, the more SP and the less EXP you get.

So, let's say... for example... your highest level skill is Fire, and it's at a skill level of 5... but your character is at level 11. The amount of SP points received per kill would be far greater than if you had a Fire skill of 11. However, this also means you gain less EXP... so it's harder to get to higher levels to gain even more SP.... so really, it's all about patience and dedication to the task.

The highest difference between level and skill level you can have is 9... or at least, that's the greatest difference you can have that is pointful... and I think that if your level is 9 above your skill level, you gain only 10% exp, but earn somewhere along the lines of 2000% of your normal SP gains :lol:

close ? but actually. If you use NO SP except to buy he element skill. than the exp you gain is drastically DEcreased. this is a good thing because. your SP gain will be super HIGH. so then you'll have stronger skillz and be able to kick ass later on. Bandits are the best things to fight when sp farming :3 but dont worry about that yet. i know special camping spot where i sued to do that. just get to a higher level and i'll help you guys ou with all that. i got a call from my dad today, and he said he'd be sendint the computer soon. so i should be able to get on soon
yah, I'm at 12 and climbin' with my lvl 5 skillz... it should all be good. 8)
eek, you up'd skillz to that lvl? ;_; hmm are you planning on sp farming?

Riddle is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 06:18 AM

I have to SP farm... I'm putting all my skillsets, including Sword/Fire/Lightning/Force up to 75 mastery each... a true hybrid character. :twisted:

That said, I need over 200k SP to do it... so I'll be farming a bit, yes... I think I'll just maintain a 9 gap between skills and level for a while :P I'm at lvl 13 now with my 5 point skills... almost there :P

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
I have to SP farm... I'm putting all my skillsets, including Sword/Fire/Lightning/Force up to 75 mastery each... a true hybrid character. :twisted:

That said, I need over 200k SP to do it... so I'll be farming a bit, yes... I think I'll just maintain a 9 gap between skills and level for a while :P I'm at lvl 13 now with my 5 point skills... almost there :P
lol xD i was confused before ? you should probabley switch your character to troy if you havent. and only use a couple skill points only to get the element weapon power. preferabley Ice because it has the freeze ability. wich can be a life savrer when your fighting Giant White Tigers en stuff ;) and then get to high levels, once your fighting Bandit Archers, then i can take you to the Bandit Village and start sp farming :3 i think we should talk over msn? i can explain it a lil etter, my msn is [email protected] and my aim is mfyd.

Riddle is offline
Old 04-04-2007, 10:18 PM

Nah, I pretty much got this down... I got the lvl 5's for all my skill trees, considering there's not really any reason not to do so. I'm going to get them later anyway, and it doesn't raise my highest skill mastery level above five, so I still have my gap maintained as well as a more effective skillset to choose from.

Also, I'd rather no' start over again, as I've already done so like three different times... now that I've found a method that works for me, I think I'll be stayin' put, ya know?

...and on a final note, I wouldn't fight any giant that I know I've not enough potions to beat :P perhaps I will take five points from the Force aspect of my build, and put those into the Ice ability... but that's as far as I'll go with that.

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-05-2007, 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Nah, I pretty much got this down... I got the lvl 5's for all my skill trees, considering there's not really any reason not to do so. I'm going to get them later anyway, and it doesn't raise my highest skill mastery level above five, so I still have my gap maintained as well as a more effective skillset to choose from.

Also, I'd rather no' start over again, as I've already done so like three different times... now that I've found a method that works for me, I think I'll be stayin' put, ya know?

...and on a final note, I wouldn't fight any giant that I know I've not enough potions to beat :P perhaps I will take five points from the Force aspect of my build, and put those into the Ice ability... but that's as far as I'll go with that.

oh i see... hmm... sounds like ou got it down? i cant exactly mark it down. but ask people around where the bandit camp is. and go up there and start killing those Bandit Archers like cray xD and dont stop. when you get to a too high of a level to stop getting alot of sp from them... then ask somone to help you. so go kill urself, and the guy keeps rezzing you till you lose enough exp to where you can get a bunch more sp from them. and dont stop xD feel free to make a character on troy. because then i'de be able to power level you and get your level back up :)

Riddle is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 02:26 AM

Haha, yeah, the de'lvling... I could get a guild to let me in while they do it... because guilds love SP farmers, simply because every SP I get, gives them one guild point... :twisted: I can use them... muahahaha, and they'd surely provide a rez'er for the purpose...

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 03:39 AM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Haha, yeah, the de'lvling... I could get a guild to let me in while they do it... because guilds love SP farmers, simply because every SP I get, gives them one guild point... :twisted: I can use them... muahahaha, and they'd surely provide a rez'er for the purpose...
exactly :3 although i've never been in a guild for a long period of time xD just find a good one. and one that doesn mooch off of you :3 make sure there are alot of active members en stuff. and dont take your first offer :3 think it over and see if you can find a better one xD

(interesting fact)

I talked to a Ground Mod Developer on Silkroad once, i was curious and i asked him how they payed for Silkroad. and he said that people from WoW and Everyquest and games like those pay for it, to see what people like and want in an MMORPG. so rly your a guinea pig xD

\ (•◡•) /
ScarletStratholme is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by Alegretto
What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.
Gah I play on Sparta too! XD

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Originally Posted by Alegretto
What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.
Gah I play on Sparta too! XD
nuuuuuu play on troy D:
theres many good reasons.
1. theres no difference between any of the servers except the names.
2. Sparta will be deffinately more full because of couerse, Sparta is form the movie 300 and Sparta is a new Server.
3. my high level character is on Troy ;_; and troy will be much easier to get into without server lag, but still tons of people to play with ;D its the perfect server ;~;

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Originally Posted by Alegretto
What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.
Gah I play on Sparta too! XD
btw, very nice avi :D gratz on getting admins pick ^_^

Riddle is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Originally Posted by Alegretto
What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.
Gah I play on Sparta too! XD
btw, very nice avi :D gratz on getting admins pick ^_^
Haha, "number of people to play with" is quite subjective... as I've said before, most people who play don't even talk... it's crazy... the only interaction is when you get a random party invite... and even then, sending a party message has no effect :roll:

This is MADNESS! :twisted:

It'd be great if all o' us spartans could start killin' stuph tagether, for a more interesting experience. :P

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
Originally Posted by ScarletStratholme
Originally Posted by Alegretto
What server do you play on? :o I'm to be found on Sparta.
Gah I play on Sparta too! XD
btw, very nice avi :D gratz on getting admins pick ^_^
Haha, "number of people to play with" is quite subjective... as I've said before, most people who play don't even talk... it's crazy... the only interaction is when you get a random party invite... and even then, sending a party message has no effect :roll:

This is MADNESS! :twisted:

It'd be great if all o' us spartans could start killin' stuph tagether, for a more interesting experience. :P
never join a party when your low level. the chances are likely people will just sit down and mooch the exp off of you. once you hit higher levels and join guilds. it'll be crucial for you to be party;ig :) so dont worry xD the fun hasnt even begun :3

Riddle is offline
Old 04-06-2007, 08:38 PM

I know... that's why I never get to twenty... it's like... I get a build that I'm proud of, but have nobody to share the awesomeness with XD

It's like "Hey! I finally have my nine gap, and am the most awesome SP farmer ever!"

and then... *cricketchirp* :lol:

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
I know... that's why I never get to twenty... it's like... I get a build that I'm proud of, but have nobody to share the awesomeness with XD

It's like "Hey! I finally have my nine gap, and am the most awesome SP farmer ever!"

and then... *cricketchirp* :lol:
lol i dont think its possible to get that title xD i know one guy ho had nearly 2mil SP. im sure there are people with more though

Riddle is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
Originally Posted by Riddle
I know... that's why I never get to twenty... it's like... I get a build that I'm proud of, but have nobody to share the awesomeness with XD

It's like "Hey! I finally have my nine gap, and am the most awesome SP farmer ever!"

and then... *cricketchirp* :lol:
lol i dont think its possible to get that title xD i know one guy ho had nearly 2mil SP. im sure there are people with more though
yah, but that's totally insane... one really doesn't need that much SP for anything... I mean, c'mon... my four trees are gonna take near 200k... nothing even near half what that guy has.

Someone just has way too much time on their hands. :roll:

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-07-2007, 11:48 PM

well not really, its always good to have extra. and its obvious this guy wants all the skills in the game so he can focus on his experience xD btw. i got on gaia last night. my new character is lvl 11

Riddle is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 05:55 AM

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
well not really, its always good to have extra. and its obvious this guy wants all the skills in the game so he can focus on his experience xD btw. i got on gaia last night. my new character is lvl 11
...wait... what? Gaia has levels now?

haha, and yeah, you can't have all the skills in the game simply because of the mastery restriction... which is 300... but I suppose evenly distributing, he could be equally skilled in all trees... just to a smaller extent. :lol:

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
well not really, its always good to have extra. and its obvious this guy wants all the skills in the game so he can focus on his experience xD btw. i got on gaia last night. my new character is lvl 11
...wait... what? Gaia has levels now?

haha, and yeah, you can't have all the skills in the game simply because of the mastery restriction... which is 300... but I suppose evenly distributing, he could be equally skilled in all trees... just to a smaller extent. :lol:

omfg xD i have something on the mind XD im sorry. i ment Silkroad x.o i do that all the time D:< damnit Gaia get out of my brain!!! D;

Riddle is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 06:31 PM

Did you come to sparta to play with us? :twisted:

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-08-2007, 07:34 PM

me? x.o i cant tear myself away from troy D: i have a TON of high level SOS armor, AND i have a lvl 24 +3 4 deegrees BLUE! BOW! its worth like 2mil gold D:

Riddle is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 05:49 AM

Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
me? x.o i cant tear myself away from troy D: i have a TON of high level SOS armor, AND i have a lvl 24 +3 4 deegrees BLUE! BOW! its worth like 2mil gold D:
hehe, fun :P
SOS doesn't interest me so much, really... I mean... I'd prolly sell whate'er I get... unless it were a sword... then I'd use it :P

... but srysly, people charge a crapload for it... so unethical :P

LunaMiel is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 04:54 PM

  • I used to play SilkRoad cause a friend told me about it, but my graphics card couldn't handle it. I also kinda couldnt stand all teh engrish. XD

    Its a very pretty game though.

Simply the Best~
Kooky is offline
Old 04-09-2007, 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Riddle
Originally Posted by Kakolookiyam
me? x.o i cant tear myself away from troy D: i have a TON of high level SOS armor, AND i have a lvl 24 +3 4 deegrees BLUE! BOW! its worth like 2mil gold D:
hehe, fun :P
SOS doesn't interest me so much, really... I mean... I'd prolly sell whate'er I get... unless it were a sword... then I'd use it :P

... but srysly, people charge a crapload for it... so unethical :P

lol the other day i was playing it. and some 20 year old lady from the Pihilipenes was asking me to be her boyfriend and asking for my level 24 SOS bow lmfao xD

also. when you enter the bandit camp with like a lvl 16 SOS bow. you'll be kicking so much ass xD and kill stealing alot cuz ur gonna kills tuff so fast xD lmao my magic is at like 74, and my Stamina is at 34 xD
just for my stats >.>;; not my actually magic and health lol xD


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