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X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-19-2010, 02:06 PM

Miyuku looked up at him when he said he would stay, she was nearly breathless "Would you really?!? Oh thank you so much Alexander!" she said smiling fully for the first time. She had tried to stay away from friendship because she decided that he would probably just leave after a few days...but now that he would be staying she had no trouble in trusting him. "Would you mind if we started working in the garden today?" Miyuku asked him shyly.

(Lol woah...I can see that happening in my mind as you said it! That sounds way cool! Okay so after he gets hit/bit maybe he just shrugs it off and then he disappears the next morning and she's all sad and angry because he promised she would stay and now she ceases to believe ANYONE how about that? How should the beast enter?)

the one and only

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Old 03-19-2010, 06:30 PM

Alexander blushed but had another one of his 'I'm a proud superhero' poses in his facial expression. He was about to say yes and agree when he had remembered the wolves that had stopped at the fence when he had rushed in. The proud look quickly left his fear with one of slight nervousness, and even fear. "The wolves won't.... you know, be out there if we go out to garden will they?" He turned around looking for the closest window and saw that they at least had a few hours until sunset so that would at least give them time to do some things before the sun went down and they couldn't see if there were wild animals out to eat them.

Alexander shivered involuntarily, he rather disliked the thought of being eaten alive. Turning back to the table he saw her smiling and he couldn't help himself, he smiled back, and immediately grabbed a third bowl of soup and some bread. "Right after I finish this bowl. It's really good."

(i've updated the first post. =] more of a bio for Alex and some side characters list. )

Last edited by Shadami; 03-19-2010 at 06:37 PM..

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-19-2010, 09:36 PM

Miyuku looked at him, "Do not tell me you are scared of them?!? " she giggled, she had been here alone far too long to fear the wolves. She hadn't thought about how he was a village boy where the wolves did not enter often, she looked up at him. "I am sorry, I forget sometimes that every one isn't..always as alone as I am. But if it makes you feel better, I shall take a sword with me and then I can threaten them if they come much too close for liking." Miyuku said gently to Alexander.

She laughed again as he helped himself to another bowl. "Of course! I would be insulted if you didn't have another bowl" she said with a slight smile. She sat there beside him just looking at him for awhile, her head cocked to the side. Miyuku had this feeling that she knew she had known him her whole life, but she knew that just wasn't possible. But what she didn't know was that she would soon begin to remember the tragic incidents that were the cause of her being alone.

(( Oh okay ^ ^ I read it...ghost girl @_____________@ Poor Alexander, being an outcast and killing the girl that liked him D: ))

the one and only

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Old 03-19-2010, 10:15 PM

(nope lol, she's alive XD )

He continued eating, dipping the bread in once in awhile. "No, I don't like wolves." He looked her over at the mention of bringing out a sword with them. "You can wield a sword? You have a sword?" His eyes widened, thinking that he could have been killed had she come to the door with the sword and found him in the state of mess he had been. If it had been night she probably would have killed me! Alexander thought to himself.

(i'd also like to hint at the elemental school of magic, it's died because the creator left, but a few of us brought it back to life despite not really being allowed to. =] so come on back )

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-19-2010, 10:40 PM

(( Oh xD Baha, sorry that sentence confused me a bit >__________________< ))

Miyuku nodded, "its okay we all have our fears" she told him shrugging. "Like me for instance...I dread this place and thunder" she shuddered, Miyuku hated being alone when there was a storm about. She looked at him with the eye brows raised, he was surprised that she could wield a sword. "Of course I can, I live here alone and..things are most scary at times I have taught myself to wield a sword. But do not worry I don''t use it often." she said with a slight smile.

(( Wait..was your character the one that had similarities with mine? xD ))

the one and only

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Old 03-20-2010, 09:17 PM

(uhhhhh i don't know. XD mine is the one that currently exists not on the front page....)

Alexander finished his meal and stood up pulling her chair backwards so that she could get out. "Let's go garden!" As he walked towards the door he came in through he commented on her earlier statements, "why do you live alone here? That seems odd in such a huge castle."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-20-2010, 09:22 PM

(( Oh lol xD Maybe it was someone else with a similar looking name P: ))

Miyuku smiled as he pulled her chair out for her "thank you Alexander" she stood up and looked at him as he went to the front door. "Oh not through there Alexander, through here is the garden way!" she motioned towards the kitchen, lightly taking his hand she guided him to a small wooden door leading outside. As Miyuku opened the door light rays of the setting sun hit her violet coloured hair. " see I don't know why I live here all alone I cannot remember a thing! As long as I remember..I have no family and have always been alone. Even though I think I hear things..people moving inside though there is no one" she replied a bit sadly. "That is why I am so happy that some one is finally here, I may have been a bit cold to you towards the beginning but that is only because I didn't expect you to stay...I thought you would leave too." Miyuku said with a shy smile. "I hate being here all alone" she said quietly almost to herself.

the one and only

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Old 03-24-2010, 03:17 AM

Alexander smiled brightly at Miyuku as she led him to the garden door, he was slightly embarrassed that he had gone to the wrong door. But it evaporated quickly as she opened the door and he could see outside to where there was a garden not to far away. A very giddy, child like part of him sneaking its way to the surface in his happiness to get out and garden.

All in all, he didn't take much of what she had said once the door was opened in to his mind and actually process it. "Well I'm happy to stay and help you garden." It made sense that this would be his reply, since of course he was now transfixed on the garden. He took her hand suddenly and pulled her to the garden, "Come on come on, its fun! Let's get started!" His excited feelings had gotten to close to the surface and broken out.

No sooner had he gotten to the garden, was he down on his knees, mucking up the new clothes that she had found for him as he started to look at the plants and pulling out what were weeds. "This is a weed, its a funny plant that grows underground so you can't ever get all of its root. You'll want to remember cause it will always creep back up. " He continued talking like that pulling random weeds and explaining them, pointing out the leaves and roots, and the similarities and differences between things she would actually want to keep in the garden.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 07:26 PM

Miyuku smiled softly too him, "thank you very much Alexander, that means a lot to some one lonely like me. I haven't made a new friend ever, and its a great start to have one now!" she spoke softly too him, carefully choosing her words as if to not offend her new friend.

She blushed deeply as he took her hand and pulled her outside. She giggled at his child like excitement, rather than the usual gloomy atmosphere she felt, it was a new and fresh feeling to her. Her steps were light as she went where ever he took her. She nodded, "alright lets go Alexander" she braced herself to be out in the garden.

Miyuku scooped up her dress in her hands and sat down beside him on her knees. She would have to throughly clean both their clothes later, she listened with her full attention on him and his words. She let out a little oh, "I always thought these weeds would sprout into flowers sooner or later so I never bothered to move them, but when they didn't I was confused...this would explain why" she sad with a sheepish look on her face.

The setting sun made her hair a light almost silvery white, though her hair was a natural lilac. She blocked the sun out of her eyes, she had never been into the garden during the evenings.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 08:12 PM

Alexander nodded enthusiastically. "That's why I'm teaching you!" After getting a big pile from the area around them he finally turned and looked up at her. And for the first time he noticed the color of her hair and he tilted his head, thoroughly distracted and curious. "How on Earth did you get your hair that pretty purple?" As a mental note, going back to gardening he added lilacs to his planting list, he felt they would match perfectly, and it was her castle after all.

In the woods a low growl was heard inside of a cave. A large wolf stirred to its feet shaking its head in agitation. It's legs didn't work properly like it had been wounded. Slowly it took a step foward and eventually stood straight lifting its head. The creature looked proud and powerful. It's eyes didn't have that normal deep wisdom to them that wolves eyes were rumored to have. In fact it seemed like you were looking into a galaxy. They were an unnatural dark blue, almost black that the details couldn't be seen unless you were nose to nose with it.

The creature took a step foward moving out of the shadows and into the forest itself. Behind it seemed to be a ring of shadowy wolves that followed it. Probably about eight of them in all. They stretched as if waking up from a long slumber. The leader that was twice their size at least sat down and leaned its head back letting out an echoing howl, the rest soon joined in sending an eerie echo across the forest.

The pack finished and began running through the woods, straight towards the castle.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 08:25 PM

She giggled, pulling them out looked like hard work she frowned as he pulled out weed after weed. She looked up suddenly when he talked to her, "Oh, I was born with this hair colour as far as I can remember!" Miyuku said shyly. She looked at him and giggled, he had dirt on his face from wiping his hands across his brow from time to time.

She shyly reached over and dusted his fore head, "you had a nit of dust on your head" she told him blushing. She suddenly had another idea. She looked at Alexander and led him to a higher place in the garden "Look at the sunset" she told him softly almost breathless, she had always seen the sunset from inside her house never outside. "Isn't it something Alexander" she said in a barely audible whisper, for she was afraid she would ruin this magical moment. Miyuku had forgotten she had her hands around Alexander's arm as she squeezed it lightly while absently looking at the sun.

Miyuku's head snapped up and she let go of his arm as she heard a bone chilling howl. She shuddered and looked at Alexander nervously for he didn't like wolves very much.

the one and only

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Shadami is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 11:19 PM

He blushed when she wiped the dirt off his face. I seem to only be dirty around this pretty princess in her castle, god i'm so dumb. When she took his arm he eagerly stood up and followed her, a look of awe crossing across his face as they reached the crest of the hill and he could see the sunset in its glory. "It's beautiful."

That's when they heard the howl. His eyes widened and his head snapped towards the woods. He felt a strange sensation run through his body like a cold electrifying chill. In his head he could hear panting and he shook his head to clear it and the sound was gone. "W-we should probably go inside at some point soon." The panting started up again for another couple seconds. Than it was gone again.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 11:57 PM

Miyuku smiled shyly and looked at him. "Yes it is glorious, I try to watch the sun set and sun rise as much as possible! It always makes me cheerful and a bit less lonely." she said with a nervous laugh. She loved to watch the sun rise, it made her happy in the morning!

Miyuku squeezed his arm tighter when she saw his reaction. "Yes we should go in if you want, but would you like to wait here for the sunset to finish? It really is worth it in the end Alexander! Only if you wish though" she said smiling kindly. She patted his shoulder kindly, and smiled soothingly at him.

the one and only

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Old 03-25-2010, 12:04 AM

He nodded biting his lip as he let her holding his arm seem more gentlemanly as he adjusted it slightly. His eyes kept flicking back to the forest as the sun got lower. It was beautiful, and sunsets were amazingly fast so it should be perfectly fine. "Of course, we can stay here and watch it set." He could hear a slight panting again, and than it was gone.

The wolf creatures were panting as they ran, passing over the ground and through the woods like there was nothing standing in there way. Everything was focused on their destination. The castle. Their call to the hunt had been sounded.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 12:16 AM

"Are you sure Alexander?" she whispered looking at him, wondering if he was okay or not. He seemed a bit jumpy to her, she didn't seem so sure. Some thing was bothering him, "Is something wrong Alexander? Is something bothering you?" she questioned him gently, her eyes worried and caring as she faced him.

If Miyuku had known what would be going on tonight she would have never forced Alexander to stay out there. This moment will change her life forever.

the one and only

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Old 03-25-2010, 12:57 AM

"It's nothing" he said with a smile turning to her as the sun sunk below the horizon. She would find the panting I'm hearing wierd... Alexander was convinced of that fact and held out his arm to lead her inside. "Let's go now." He walked down past the garden towards the door. He shook his head in annoyance as the panting got louder.

He turned in shock as he heard another howl. A howl that was just over the fence. The largest wolf Alexander had ever seen jumped clear over the top of the fence and landed on the other side. It moved back and forth in almost a circling motion, its eyes not once straying from Alexander's who was frozen in fear watching. He could see himself for a second, standing with his arm looped for Miyuku, than he was looking at the wolf again.

Behind the wolf the shadow wolves were not nearly solid growling viciously and descending upon the pair standing by the garden. They moved faster than the larger wolf. Moving a straight path, circling only to move in front of the leader as if they were bodyguards. Their fangs dripped with saliva and their rumbling seemed terrifically loud with the large group of them.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 07:55 PM

"Are you sure it is nothing Alexander?" Miyuku whispered worried. She felt his head for a temperature but he seemed the right temperature to her. She frowned again to herself, 'was it my cooking? Is he allergic to something that I made'she gasped slightly as she realized she had not asked him if he disliked anything! She watched Alexander shake his head.

Miyuku's head snapped up from her worries as she heard a loud growl, she watched with horror struck eyes as a huge wolf which was easily 3 times the size of any wolf she had seen, jump over the fence and into her garden. She sucked in a huge breath, "Alexander..." she whispered. She pulled the boy back slightly afraid to make any fast or rash movements.

Miyuku could feel her legs shake as a few more members of the wolf pack joined them. "Oh dear lord" she whispered, her body struck with horror. Curses she had forgotten to get the sword outside! She looked at Alexander who ceased to move from his place, she pulled him back scared. He wasn't moving, which was not a good sign in a situation like this!

the one and only

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:33 PM

Alexander could barely feel Miyuku tugging on his arm, and when he finally did the wolves were almost on him. The only thing he could think to do was turn and push Miyuku towards the door as the large wolf suddenly crouched and launched itself at him. Everything in the world seemed to disappear in that moment except for the wolf and Alexander. Even they were practically frozen, foggy nothingness around them as they moved in slow motion, Alexander twisting to get his arm in fron of his face, the wolf coming down on him.

That's when a voice started in Alexander's head. "You are the only one who can lift the curse, we have been waiting to place the remaining part of the curse on you. Now the story will start to unfold, and you can fix everything." The wolf was getting closer now, and Alexander could see the eyes, the dark eyes like he was staring into the universe itself. It was an eerie feeling of emptiness, and everything at the same time. The fog started to dissipate as the wolf reached him, it crunched into his arm, breaking skin but amazingly nothing else was touched. He would just have a scar, that looked more like claw marks than a bite, like the teeth had scraped and not pierced.

The fog was now gone and everything was moving in normal speed. Alexander was aware of everything all at once, the pain, Miyuku behind him, the giant wolf in front of him, that was no longer aggressive and was walking backwards, its eyes locked on his. He was truly spooked. The shadow wolves still looked viscious though and they circled the two in a half circle growling and biting at the air. The leader suddenly stopped and howled, the others joining in and he turned and leapt back over the edge of the wall. The shadow wolfs following and disappearing into the wall itself.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-25-2010, 09:17 PM

Miyuku gasped as he pushed her back, she was helpless as she tried to not trip over and fall. She let out a horrified scream as the wolf jumped onto him. Miyuku felt strange, it was like every thing was slower, and to make things worse she could not see past the heavy fog that settled down all of a sudden!

What was going on! "Alexander!" she screamed his name, but her words seemed slurred even to her. After what seemed like ages to her she saw the fog clearing. "Alexander!" Miyuku panicked as she screamed his name running towards him. She dropped down immediately on her knees beside him, she held him. Miyuku's eyes locked on the wolves, where they going to attack again?

She gently propped Alexander up against her and looked at his hand. She gasped, looks like she was his bad luck charm or something, even the last time they had met he seemed to be in danger and in pain. She held him carefully, she bit on the lower lip as she waited nervously for what was going to happen next.

the one and only

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Old 03-25-2010, 09:52 PM

Alexander's arm and hand were covered in blood. He blinked, wincing as she moved his arm. "Oww." was his only statement, and it was very weak. As Miyuku watched, Alexander seemed to change, slowly at first, hair seeming to grow all over him, he whined as he turned into a wolf. In between the sizes of the two types that had attacked. His eyes opened and he whimpered, trying to sit up. "Miyuku? I feel funny."

He blinked and looked at her, she wasn't as bright looking as she had been before, like all the colors had paled, but he also could see her as if it was still sunset, but without the yellow tint on everything. "My eyes are also doing funny things." He stated bluntly.

Inside the castle, things started to stir.

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-26-2010, 07:53 PM

Miyuku gasped, her face horror stricken as he winced in pain. She tried to build pressure on his hand, she ripped the shirt that Alexander himself was wearing and used it as a bandage to protect his arm and to stop the blood from draining his body. She had tears brimming in her eyes, she some how felt so connected to him she felt as if she were responsible. "Oh Alexander" she said breathlessly "I am so sorry" she shook her head to clear her blurred vision.

She looked at him as he grew stranger, long unruly hair was growing on him. Her brows knit together, 'were the wolves...were wolves?' she thought, she had read about horrific monsters such as vampires and were wolves but did not believe they were real. She was shocked as he turned into a wolf, she still held him looking at him with her delicate lips parted.

"A..Alexander..." she stuttered she did not know what to say to comfort him. Then, something hit her. There was a flash in her head and things rushed in.

the one and only

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Old 03-29-2010, 03:43 AM

(this is short because i just got back from a partying weekend where i had no internet, so i'm beat XD. sorry about not replying for so long. )

Alexander looked up at Miyuku and managed to move himself around so he was up on...three legs? The fourth one he had lifted up and tucked underneath him because it hurt so much. Wait no, his arm hurt that much. 'Ahhh! What's going on!' He wagged his...tail? frantically which made him spin around and look at it. For a few moments he stared at it than he went for it spinning in a circle but it was always out of reach. He froze realizing what he was doing and turned back around to stare at Miyuku.

His tongue was hanging out of his mouth as he panted. 'okay, something is wrong here.' and opened his mouth to whimper as a look of shock came over her face. "Miyuku?" he whined and put his head on her lap looking up at her. "What's wrong?"

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 10:07 AM

(Lol it's okay ^^ and d'awwwhz. Doesn't he sound cute, for a supposedly scary beast xD)

Miyuku was speechless she...tried to make a sound but every time the girl opened her mouth just a bunch of air came out. She tried to pull herself together, shaking her head she tried to convince hersel that she was in a nightmare! Not that Alexander didn't look....adorable when he chased his tail. It was just that, he was turned into a massive wolf with a bite or scratch and why hadn't they pounced on her? Why only Alexander?

The girl was confused she was deciding between giggling at the cute massive beast who obviously was still Alexander in every possible way or run away terrified. She couldn't help herself and she let out a soft laugh, she stroked his furry face as he put it in her lap. She looked up from her beast as she looked up at the wolves she incline her heads towards her towards them as if bowng her head.

"Nothings wrong Alexander, you are just hurt right now. And I hink the injury may have..caused you to become different" she spoke awkwardyly not knowing what to say to him any more.

the one and only

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Old 03-29-2010, 05:12 PM

"I do feel awfully funny. And did you see it, I have a tail!" He turned to look behind him and saw it wagging and he growled. "I want to catch it, but it is very hard to catch!" He looked back at her, "Okay, that's wierd, part of me says that it is completely normal for a tail to be there, but I know that it isn't true."

He turned around when she looked at where the wolves had gone to and spun standing watching the wall. "That was very odd. Did you see his eyes? My whatever hurts, can we go inside now, i really don't like wolves."

(。´∀`)/ Pets...

X---AznCo0ki3 is offline
Old 03-29-2010, 07:41 PM

Miyuku smiled, "yes I see your tail, I don't..exactly know how to phrase this Alexander..but I think you are now...a...a..wolf, and a huge one at that" Miyuku said her voice gentle and careful. She was trying to not surprise him as she said this, she giggled when he talked of catching his tail. "Of course silly, you cannot catch your tail that easily." she giggled again as he looked at it.

She nodded a bit more serious this time, "here then Alexander, lets get you up" she grunted a bit as she tried to support him. If she had though he was tall before, his height did not compare to anything compared to her petite 5'4 frame. He was a monster! Her arms barely fit half way around his waist, she held his arm around her neck for him to lean on her for support.


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