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kelseydee is offline
Old 08-05-2015, 12:35 AM

I'm always amazed at my fellow Christians who deny the supernatural.
You can't believe in god, Satan, angels, demons, heaven&hell &then say u don't believed in the supernatural. Even where in the Bible the witch of endor called up the ghost of Samuel, they're try to explain it away. Ohhhhhh, well.

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-05-2015, 03:18 AM

I think the reason some Christians don't believe in ghosts is because humans don't have that "power" over life which is reserved only for "god"

Personally I don't think it's a ghost at all. Or well... it is but it's not human. After all, if there are multiple dimensions the odds of life existing on one or the other isn't that low.

KittyCat18 is offline
Old 08-08-2015, 08:40 PM

There's no evidence that says the paranormal/supernatural don't exist, and I've seen my fair share of strange things. When a scientist comes out with actual evidence that the shadow (tall, very tall) that my grandma and I saw (at the same time) walking down the hallway of our house through our perepheral vision ISN'T paranormal? Well, then I'll believe it. I was skeptical, but the fact my grandma and I saw it at the same time, she was in MID sentence and stopped and we both had this expression on our faces. Might I add that she and I were the only ones in the house at the time? And that the light was way too dim to cast such a dark shadow down that hallway? She asked if I saw it and I just about crapped myself when I asked her to explain what she saw. When two people can confirm seeing something paranormal at once (like what my grandma and I saw), that's when my skeptic self starts disappearing. And there's been countless paranormal ocurrences in this house. I've always believed, even before that shadow man/thing, that there was paranormal - but that confirmed it and erased any form of doubt. Of course, it's easier for people reading such a thing to doubt it, because honestly, I get it. If I hadn't seen it for myself, I'd be doubting it. I doubt the majority of paranormal stories out there, because so many make it up. It really IS a see it to believe it sort of thing.

Anywho, like I said, when a scientist comes out with real proof that it isn't real, then I'll forget everything I've seen. But that shadow man walking down my hallway was no illusion in my eyes. It's a huge relief when you have someone else with you to confirm what you've seen - to know you aren't coo-coo!

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 08-08-2015, 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by KittyCat18 View Post
There's no evidence that says the paranormal/supernatural don't exist, and I've seen my fair share of strange things. When a scientist comes out with actual evidence that the shadow (tall, very tall) that my grandma and I saw (at the same time) walking down the hallway of our house through our perepheral vision ISN'T paranormal? Well, then I'll believe it. I was skeptical, but the fact my grandma and I saw it at the same time, she was in MID sentence and stopped and we both had this expression on our faces. Might I add that she and I were the only ones in the house at the time? And that the light was way too dim to cast such a dark shadow down that hallway? She asked if I saw it and I just about crapped myself when I asked her to explain what she saw. When two people can confirm seeing something paranormal at once (like what my grandma and I saw), that's when my skeptic self starts disappearing. And there's been countless paranormal ocurrences in this house. I've always believed, even before that shadow man/thing, that there was paranormal - but that confirmed it and erased any form of doubt. Of course, it's easier for people reading such a thing to doubt it, because honestly, I get it. If I hadn't seen it for myself, I'd be doubting it. I doubt the majority of paranormal stories out there, because so many make it up. It really IS a see it to believe it sort of thing.

Anywho, like I said, when a scientist comes out with real proof that it isn't real, then I'll forget everything I've seen. But that shadow man walking down my hallway was no illusion in my eyes. It's a huge relief when you have someone else with you to confirm what you've seen - to know you aren't coo-coo!
Wow, it's one thing when you alone see it, you might dismiss it and think it was trick of the eye. But when you and another person see it, THEN it gets weird!
I'd probably be scared and laugh and be like "oh my god, did you see that?"

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-08-2015, 10:10 PM

@ Kitty - I've had a similar experience except it looked a bit like a very large wolf. Like the size of a dire wolf.
I don't really know if paranormal is the right word for it, but whatever it is I've had no way of explaining shadows.

KittyCat18 is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 12:19 AM

Originally Posted by Chikyu View Post
Wow, it's one thing when you alone see it, you might dismiss it and think it was trick of the eye. But when you and another person see it, THEN it gets weird!
I'd probably be scared and laugh and be like "oh my god, did you see that?"

For real! Quite honestly, I really did use to dismiss this stuff. But my grandma is about the most skeptical one in the house. She does believe in ghosts, says she's heard things and what not, but she's also quite logical. While she firmly believes in the existence of paranormal, she always looks to see if there are reasons for the things we see. But man..the chill I got from that shadow wasn't because I saw it, it was because she saw it too.

@The Wandering Poet: I have no idea either, although there's been a LOT of reported sightings of shadows (especially Shadow Man, or whatever that phenomenom is!). It's quite fascinating actually, because you have to wonder exactly what it is? Is it something from a different dimension? sjdfgsjdfgsdf I don't know. Sometimes I even question my sanity as to whether the sasquatch is real or not (as bogus as that sounds). Because who the hell knows? This world is filled with endless mystery! People like to say the impossible (like ghosts/supernatural) is impossible, but how do they know? Nothing has proven that they are real, but there's also been no proof that they AREN'T!

Celestial Potato
Chikyu is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 12:38 AM

Yeah, I'm open to the paranormal, but if it can be explained or proven, then I will accept the facts.
That is scary though, I'm gettin chills just thinking about O.O

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 04:09 AM

Noooo! My broswer backspaced my huge post! D:

@ Kitty - I find that it is very common that details from a myth that follow logic tend to be more factual than others. Like with flying saucers, I have watched a lot of witness accounts, and certain details can be used to formulate a pretty good design of what the craft looked like. Even to the extent that it's possible to build it with modern technology.

There is always proof in fiction. Just a matter of separating it from the rest of the junk

The parts I struggle to explain really are the ones that are on another visual spectrum. I mean, cats are known to chase things that aren't there. We THINK it's UV light, but all we really know is that it's on the UV spectrum somewhere.

KittyCat18 is offline
Old 08-09-2015, 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Noooo! My broswer backspaced my huge post! D:

@ Kitty - I find that it is very common that details from a myth that follow logic tend to be more factual than others. Like with flying saucers, I have watched a lot of witness accounts, and certain details can be used to formulate a pretty good design of what the craft looked like. Even to the extent that it's possible to build it with modern technology.

There is always proof in fiction. Just a matter of separating it from the rest of the junk

The parts I struggle to explain really are the ones that are on another visual spectrum. I mean, cats are known to chase things that aren't there. We THINK it's UV light, but all we really know is that it's on the UV spectrum somewhere.
Oh no!

@The Wandering Poet

Hmm, I actually have to say that I find it easier to believe UFO's than paranormal. Not because I've witnessed it (and I've actually seen it, but wouldn't expect anyone to believe it), but because anyone who'd think there aren't living life SOMEWHERE outside of this world/universe are insane. I garuntee we aren't the only planet with intellegent life forms.

But also, I can see why people would laugh at people's claims to seeing UFO's. Because it does seem rather outrageous. To be honest, you have to be there to believe it. I am a firm believer that what EVERYone in my city saw in 1997 was a UFO. There were talks all night, that thing was huge, quiet (no noise), hovering above tree level. Sounds bloody ridiculous and of course it was covered up saying it was some satelite (BS) and no one talked about it after that. Literally, the next day after it happened it was hushed. Everything the governement was calling it made absolutely no sense, saying it crashed in the Pacific Ocean (it was going in that direction). And it was going VERY slow.

Annny who, not that anyone would believe it (not that I blame them, I sound like a looney). xD But. I believe what I saw!

But yeah, animals are quite in tune with the paranormal. They're just in tune with everything. The UV spectrum thing is just..yeah, no. xD

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-10-2015, 03:27 AM

Well in regards to UFOs, first off, if I were an alien life I would not want to visit me... we are a terrible species right now. But my theory is that it is possible to make a UFO with basic technology.
In all truth though a UFO can literally be anything and be accurate. UFO is Unidentified Flying Object. So even a Frisbee counts, which 90% of photo "evidence" looks like. Also, the government did the same thing with the stealth bomber, the original UFO I believe. It's the perfect way to hide a secret weapon.

I believe it is possible. I mean, I don't believe that it was aliens, and I will believe such until the day I meet one. Like what you saw. There is no proof it was aliens, but you did see a UFO. What that UFO was is the real question. Eventually if I ever end up cracking the one last piece of technology I need for creating a functioning "flying saucer" replica I'll probably end up posting it. (Yeah nerdy I know)
The ones I don't believe one bit is the absolutely massive saucer that followed a plane. His radar said it was something like the size of a small city. There is no way that wouldn't be seen by satellite.

Well whatever it is animals sure are in tune with it, and I've noticed that they scare them a LOT.

Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 08-10-2015, 06:36 PM

Don't believe in them, not a bit. Our "souls" exist through our brains, they can't go flying around once our brains die. That being said, I love a good paranormal scary story! Sometimes I go browsing creepy pastas for stories about monsters and ghosts and the such and stay up all night freaking out. Great fun!

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-10-2015, 09:58 PM

Oh if you like those have you watched the scroll adventure? It's terrifying.

kelseydee is offline
Old 08-11-2015, 08:01 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
I think the reason some Christians don't believe in ghosts is because humans don't have that "power" over life which is reserved only for "god"

Personally I don't think it's a ghost at all. Or well... it is but it's not human. After all, if there are multiple dimensions the odds of life existing on one or the other isn't that low.
Most Christians don't believe in ghost because they don't actually read their bibles.
In kings, the which of endor called up the ghost of the profit Samuel& that ghost spoke with king Saul.
Later in the New Testament Jesus spoke with both Moses & Elijah on the mount of transfiguration.
Too many Christians will read their Bible which is plainly written, & yet believe another human when told what they read means something other than what it says.
Go figure. Shrugs...

The Wandering Poet
Captain Oblivious

The Wandering Poet is offline
Old 08-11-2015, 10:03 PM

Yeah... I mean if you're going to follow the book, read it carefully.

kelseydee is offline
Old 08-11-2015, 11:09 PM

Originally Posted by The Wandering Poet View Post
Yeah... I mean if you're going to follow the book, read it carefully.


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