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Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 09-27-2015, 10:34 PM

Tanya payed close attention to what Arashi was saying as she served the stew in every bowl, careful not to focus too much on the bowls so that she wouldn't sent them flying. If that were to happen she was sure the captain would make her walk the plank. Tanya shuddered at the thought. Finishing up, she smiled and nodded. "Thank-you Arashi, I really do appreciate the help." she said and gently pet the cat a few times before turning to look at Rivar with her black eyes. "Some lemon water please? If you don't mind?" she asked and smiled sheepishly. "I will help you with the glasses." she said and looked at Arashi. "Excuse me Arashi." Tanya said and walked back to get the glasses required.

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Old 09-28-2015, 02:32 PM

Arashi purred when he was pet, and blinked when she excused herself. The moment she left the room he got up and stretched a moment before heading to see Skye.

Rivar nodded and followed Tanya into the kitchen. "You want to get the glasses out as I get the lemons prepped?" He asked, grabbing 8 lemons, intending to squeeze the juice of half of the lemons into the glasses and decorating them with slices from the last half. He looked at Tanya, thinking, "she's lucky she's pretty. I'm pretty sure that's what saved her from Skye being his worst. That and arashi seeing her beforehand..."

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 09-28-2015, 11:12 PM

Tanya nodded, "That sounds like a plan Rivar." she said and opened up a cupboard where she pulled out a few glasses and left to set them down on the table in their proper places. Looking at the table, she quickly counted how many more glasses she would need and left back to the kitchen to grab them. Tanya had to make sure to be careful since she didn't want to break a glass, she was sure the captain wouldn't be too pleased to know that she had been careless and broke a glass. As she took the glasses and st them down in their spots, Tanya decided she would work on fixing up the men's clothes today after she ate and maybe if she had time she would make herself some clothes as well.

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Old 09-30-2015, 12:29 AM

Rivar smiled and cut the lemons in half before squeezing one half over each glass that Tanya set out. When he was done he cut the left over lemon half into slices and put them on the rims of each glass as a garnish. He then filled the glasses with water and pushed them towards Tanya when he was done. "here. go ahead and send them out, i'm pretty sure Arashi has told the captain that lunch is ready by now, so the guys should be filing in by the time you're done putting the glasses down so you can be out of there before they're in there." He smiled softly, and realized why Arashi had questioned him earlier. He really was talking more than usual.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 09-30-2015, 12:59 AM

Tanya picked up the glasses and carefully set them down in their spots, laughing softly at what Rivar said. "Yes sir!" she answered and looked at him. "I hope you enjoy the meal Rivar. When everyone is done, let me know so that I can help you with the dishes." she said softly and continued putting the glasses where they belonged. When she was done, she quickly left into the kitchen and grabbed herself a bowl of the stew to eat herself. She was going to remain hidden in the kitchen, although she could always just go eat in her room too.

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Old 10-02-2015, 02:11 AM

Rivar smiled and nodded, fully planning on not letting her help with the dishes. while she was busy putting the glasses on the dining table he made her a glass of lemonade. When she returned he smiled again and handed it to her as he passed by her on his way into the dining hall.

Skye picked up his food after everyone else had already settled down to eat. He looked at his men in slight disgust except for when his eyes met Rivar's. He gave Rivar a curt nod and went into the kitchen, silently, and sat on a chair he made out of water. He looked at Tanya and sid softly, "I get this vibe from you that you are nervous to mess up." He wanted to continue, feeling fairly certain that he was correct with interpreting the vibe he was getting, but knew that it would most likely going to be better if she talked it out.

((i'm sorry if this post isn't as good as my usual. I've been working for 13 hours now and i have 11 left to go.))

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-02-2015, 05:50 AM

Tanya thanked Rivar for the lemonade and took a small sip before setting the glass down on the floor. Looking at her stew, she gently blew on it before taking a bite. It had turned out very good, her mother would be proud. For a moment, Tanya thought about her father. She didn't know his name, what he looked like, what he did....nothing. All she knew was that she had a father who was probably already dead. She wished to meet him but even if she did, she wouldn't know what to do or say to him. Why did he leave? she thought to herself. Tanya snapped out of her thoughts after hearing the captain speak. Looking at him, she raised an eyebrow. "Nervous to mess up?" she repeated and chuckled nervously. "What gives you that idea captain?" she asked curiously.

((It's perfectly fine, I understand. I've been mega busy with school so I don't get much free time.))

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Old 10-04-2015, 05:56 AM

((My heart just broke. I had what i wanted written and the website didn't like my inactivity between writing half of it... it got lost.))

Skye smiled softly, "Well, i'm getting these vibes from you and usually i'm pretty good at understanding various vibes." He shrugged and continued, "That and arashi mentioned that you're being super careful with the dishes and food. So, i kinda used that information to decipher the vibes you're giving off." He made a face and tilted his head slightly. "I'm saying Vibes a lot... I'm Sorry, I'm not trying to be weird..." He sort of trailed off, hoping she didn't really notice how awkward he was being. He wasn't used to being able to try to relax and be friendly. He had come into the kitchen to try and befriend Tanya, But so far he felt he was just being awkward.

From the dining room, The sounds of an argument was starting to wisp their way to the kitchen. Skye didn't pay them any attention because he knew his men wouldn't physically fight because they respected Skye and his rules, But arguing was fair game.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-04-2015, 06:45 AM

((Oh no! I hate when that happens! ; ^ ;))

Tanya stared at him as he spoke while she enjoyed her meal and drink. It was a very welcomed distraction from focusing on the dishes and food. Focusing on the captain's face wasn't going to do anything, she didn't think so anyway. "Ah y-yes...well I wouldn't want to break anything or hurt anyone. I will always be nervous until I can get this ability under control." Tanya explained and laughed happily as she shook her head. "Oh captain, don't be sorry. I enjoy listening to you, what you are saying is quite interesting really." she assured and smiled after drinking more of her drink. "So you can understand all the vibes of everyone on this ship?" Tanya asked and took a few bites of her food.

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Old 10-09-2015, 04:39 AM

Skye smiled softly and said, "Don't worry about breaking dishes. You're human. It's natural. People make mistakes and you wouldn't get into trouble for breaking a stack of plates or whatever. If you felt better about it, we can start using more durable dishes until you're more comfortable. We do have those, By the way. They're silicone or something. I'm not quite sure what they're made of actually. Just not glass or clay." He smiled again, remembering that she said she enjoyed listening to him and what he was saying was interesting. "And about the vibes, Yeah, pretty much. I mean sometimes it gets confusing when there are more than three people in the same room or general area as me, but that doesn't happen except for meal times and ship parties." He took a couple bites of his stew, and then continued. "It helps that Arashi can tell me the cause of certain vibes, so i can interpret them... They're sort of..." He took another bite while he looked for the words he wanted. " Sort of like auras. Except instead of a color, they're an emotion or a mix of emotions. It's like extremely confused empathy." He took another bite of the stew and said, "this is really good," Before continuing to eat.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-09-2015, 05:42 AM

Tanya ate in silence but her eyes widened slightly at his words. Was he always this nice to everyone? She believed so, he seemed like the kind of person that was nice to everyone. Tanya continued to listen to what he said about the vibes. It was extremely interesting, to learn about how he was able to discern each kind of vibe. "That is really interesting Captain. Although I must say that being able to decipher so many vibes must give you a headache correct?" she asked curiously and blushed softly, "Thank-you Captain." she answered and took a few more bites of the her stew.

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Old 10-09-2015, 07:09 AM

Skye Smiled, " Actually a stomach ache. I feel the vibes mostly in my stomach. It's only bad when i'm around a lot of negative feelings, like if my crew is stressed or there's tension... Which happens a lot when you're on a ship. It's actually why i rarely eat with the crew." He shrugged. " I actually only can tolerate all of them at once when everyone's mood is about the same and positive, like if they're happy or enjoying themselves, Such as ship parties, which is why i have them. " He looked down at his bowl and noticed he had almost finished. " Are there any leftovers? Your stew really is really good." He asked about the left overs for that reason, mainly. He really did enjoy the food, and would probably end up over eating if he wasn't careful, But at that moment he didn't care.

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 10-10-2015, 05:04 AM

"Oh, a stomach ache?" Tanya started and listened to Skye explain why it would happen. It really did sound uncomfortable, but it seemed to her that he already knew how to deal with it perfectly. Ship parties sounded like fun even though she'd never seen one or heard of them. Upon hearing him mention leftovers, Tanya chuckled and nodded. "Ah yes, Let me get you some more captain. I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the stew." Tanya answered as she stood from where she sat on the floor and took his bowl, then left to the large pot of leftover stew and filled up his bowl again then walked to him and handed it over. "Here you are captain." she said softly.

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Old 11-01-2015, 11:30 AM

((you know, I've had this tab open since you replied but this is the first time i've really had a chance to...))

"Thank you" He said as he took the bowl from her. "You really are a great cook. I'm glad we kept you. And yeah. It's easy to tell when you're feeling someone else's emotions. Your own are felt in your chest, but someone else's is kind of between your pancreas and your stomach. And often times it feels like a knot." again, he was eating as he spoke, taking bites between sentences. He looked at Tanya. "The main difference between just feeling someone else's emotions and picking up their vibes is the ability to understand why they're feeling that way almost exactly, even if they don't really know themselves."

Evergreen Goddess
Lady's My Bestest Friend! ~
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Old 11-01-2015, 05:48 PM

((It's okay Rena, I've been really busy with school))

Tanya couldn't help but smile and blush softly at his kind words. "Thank-you Captain, it means a lot to hear you say that." she said softly and instinctively touched her stomach. It was very interesting and somewhat confusing what he was saying. "It must be rather difficult to understand another person's emotions when the person themselves doesn't understand them." she pointed out and brushed some hair away from her face. She was happy to know that he was enjoying the stew; it probably meant that everyone else was enjoying it too.

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Old 12-12-2022, 01:23 PM

Evergreen Goddess: ((i know this is a long post, apparently i was inspired))

Skye considered her words for a moment, chewing a piece of beef. He waited until he was done chewing and took a sip of water before saying "Well, yes, but also no." He started eating between sentences, careful not to talk with his mouth full, "The hardest part is figuring out if it's my emotions or if it's someone else giving off weird vibes. And then from there, once I determine it's not my own, it's kind of like trying to figure out what the most pressing emotion is, and then identifying possible causes for that emotion to be strong enough to be affecting me." He sighed softly, raising his eyebrows in a shrugging manner, " like i said, it's really like confusing empathy." He lifted his shoulders in a shrug and let them fall quickly before going back to the stew and eating it quickly. He then stood up and put his dishes in the sink, as a loud bang of a fist followed by some more shouting came from the dining room as the argument in there escalated into more of a shouting match.

Immediately after, Arashi dashed into the Galley, a bit spooked, and looked at Skye. "I think you need to go break up that fight. They're saying that something's gotten into you and Rivar is defending you and now dishes are about to be thrown" He said as a glass shattered against the Galley Door, followed by momentary silence before the sound of people fighting each other began. Arashi's fur stood on end as he jumped at the sound of the glass breaking.

Skye immediately turned around and left the room, saying as he left, "Stay here." with no further explanation, but leaving the door open as he left. Arashi went to follow, but stopped at the door and watched what was about to happen.

He pulled the water from the pitcher and glasses on the table, as well as the water that was on the floor by the galley door from the broken glass. "MARS! RIVAR" he shouted, pulling the water into belts around the two men that were on top of each other in a full on wrestling match while the rest of the crew gathered around them in a circle. Rivar already had a black eye while the other one had a nose that was gushing blood. Skye, having startled all of the men with his abrupt shouting and entrance, took advantage of the pause and tightened the water belts around their stomachs as the water snaked around the two men, pulling them apart and squeezing them until they could barely breathe. " YOU KNOW THE RULES," He was slowly rotating the men, suspended in the air, so that they were upside down, the blood running to their heads. He had moved some water up in to Mars' nose and altered the density so that his broken nose reset itself and the bleeding stopped so the man didn't bleed out from the pressure going to his head. "NO FIGHTING EACH OTHER," He shouted, getting angrier and angrier. After a moment, the two were gasping for air, as the water was now around their chests, squeezing to the point they couldn't breathe. Rivar squeaked out, "Skye... Can't... Breathe..." Suddenly, the water around their chests loosened enough so they could breathe again, as Skye took some deep breaths. "Better?" He asked sharply, his eyebrows flicking up in an aggressive manner, not wanting an answer. The look on both men's faces showed him he wasn't squeezing too tightly anymore, but that they were still uncomfortable.

" Now, What started this nonsense?" He asked quietly, his eyes showing his anger. When no one spoke, Skye turned to Mars, " Well, Mars? What's the issue here?" If mars hadn't already been red in the face from being upside down, he would have been anyway because of the embarrassment that he now faced because he had to explain what had been said about Skye.

"Well, Sir," Mars started slowly, his voice gravely, "You ain't never needed anyone to cook fer us before. We was doin just fine 'fore she came aboard. Sum-a-da men 'n i have been talking and we fink somefin's up with you. You procured dis woman out of nowhere, she has nuttin but the clothes on 'er back, and as far as any of us 'ave ever seen, you'se never met 'fore yesterday. And yet she has a room to herself, with the good bedsheets and blankets, and you've given her some of our nicer fabric. Fer what?! To make clothes fer herself?" Mars' anger was returning to him, emboldening him, addind a touch of sass to his words and facial expressions "You say she's here to cook and mend our clothes, but Rivar bin doing a fine 'nough job with the clothes himself, and we all take turns cookin. And while the stew today was great, It's not much better'n what you would make! ME finks you're getting soft 'cause you found yerself a pretty little lady. Now you're wastin' supplies n' food on her, and i said somethin about it to Rivar and he got all uppity." With that, Rivar Glared, knowing better than Mars than to speak out of turn or to be as disrespectful as he had been.

Skye Shook his head and also glared at Mars. he sighed to control his anger as he rotated Mars onto his back and lifted him to the ceiling, the water quickly receding from Mars' chest, wrapping around his neck, but not squeezing, engulfing the back of his head, and covering his mouth so Mars couldn't speak. It stayed around his waist, and wrapped around his arms, pinning them to his side. This all happened very quickly, and just as quickly, as soon as Mars' nose touched the ceiling, he dropped to the floor like a ragdoll being discarded. He left him on the floor, the water receding from the back of his head and wrapping around Mar's ankles, binding them together.

"If you ever," He said seethingly," EVER, talk to me that way again, I'll pull you into the sea." He watched as the blood drained from Mars' face as he passed out from the sudden drop and being inverted. He turned to Rivar to hear his side, "Well?"

Rivar blinked, his head starting to feel a bit fuzzy. He had a little time to calm down enough to remember his manners. He spoke softly, "He left out how he called you weak and a captain that's too young to know anything more than just to follow where his loins lead him, though he used different language. He also said that you were treating her better than everyone else. At first, i calmly reminded him that you treat everyone the same, unless they mistreat you first. That's when he said that you were weak. You know I hate when any of the men try to undermine you behind your back- that's how mutiny starts. Other things were said, but it escalated, then I Threw my glass at him, he dodged, it shattered against the door. He lunged over the table at me, decking me in the eye, and at that point my emotions had overcome me, and that's how the fight started. I take full responsibility as first mate in that i didn't deescalate the situation."
River took a deep breath as he felt himself tilt to his back, rising up to the ceiling as Mars had done. He took another deep breath and let it out, relaxing his body as his nose touched the ceiling and he dropped to the floor, head and neck protected from injury, but the drop still knocked the wind out of him and sent stars to his eyes.

"You know the rules, Rivar. One hour in the freezer. He will also be spending an hour in there."

Speaking sternly, Skye turned to the rest of the crew, "Let this be a lesson to you all. No fighting amongst yourselves. You all know the rules. If anyone else feels the same way as Mars does about Tanya, Know that i don't have to explain my Choices, but you do have to respect them." He paused and helped Rivar sit up, releasing him from the water before continuing with the same harsh tone, "That being said, I know respect isn't given, it's earned mutually. So, because i respect you all as my crew, I will explain. I am so tired of being the only one on this ship apart from Rivar who can cook anything decent." His eyes darted to each of the crew members as he fabricated his lie,"I invited Tanya on a trial basis, as i had smelled her cooking from a stall down at the market. She told me she's looking for a way to get out of that town to see the world and asked if I needed a cook on our ship. She also said she could sew, and that she is more than willing to do what needs to be done on this ship.

"I don't care that she's a woman. That had nothing to do with my choice to bring her on board. She's here to better our lives. We're all tired of clothes with holes in them and we're tired of crappy food. We'll see what else she has to offer. And of course, if she ends up not being useful, you all know what will happen. If she proves her self enough, she will at least make it to our next port. If not, or if she breaks the rules, She will be given the same treatment as all of you. Now, I know not all of you were selected by me, and most of you are here because of your loyalty to Captain Sam. You respected him, and you trusted his judgement when it came to the next captain upon his death. Continue to Trust his judgement. It hasn't failed us yet."

River sighed and released the water from Mars, who had woken up shortly after passing out, though he still did not feel well. Skye turned to him "Standard punishment. One hour." He held out a hand to help Mars up, Who took it begrudgingly. Skye then patted both Mars and Rivar on the shoulder, and left the Dining room, the water that had dropped from Mars scooped up all of the glass on the floor and followed Skye out the door, while changing density to grind up the glass into fine sand before dropping off the side of the boat and returning to the sea.

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