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Old 01-03-2023, 12:50 AM

Welcome to Silent Harmony, A place where you can meet new people, make new friends, and have a lot of fun with everyone!

We're a very open place for any age limit, within menewsha's TOS. If you have a topic that comes up that is against Mene's TOS, GO OFF MENE TO TALK ABOUT IT! I don't want to have to report you. and i don't wanna have to see you get banned or anything, that would be SAD!!!

Basically, what we wish to achieve is a great place to hang out, enjoy yourself, and have fun while getting away from life and all of the icky drama! We just want you to enjoy yourself and have a fun, happy time!

Last edited by Alorrena; 02-01-2023 at 07:02 PM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:50 AM

Well, First things first! Here are the...


1. Be nice!!! It's no fun if you're mean. It's not fair to the person you're meing mean to/harassing, and it's not fair to anyone else that is viewing this! Be NICE. If you don't, you'll be reported for harrassment(if that's the case) and asked to leave the thread after a warning.

2. NO DRAMA. It's not fun having to deal with stuff like that, and personally, it gives me a tummy ache. Drama = negative stress. It's not any fun...for anyone.

3. Have FUN! That's the whole point of being on menewsha, isn't it?

4. NO TROLLING OR FEEDING THE TROLLS. It's just unneccesary drama and that refers to rule number 1(one) and rule number 2(two).

5. If you have an issue with what i do, let me know. Often times, i don't realise That i'm doing anything that upsets or bothers you. And as the owner, I need to know so i can change my actions and better myself for YOUR benefit! I want you to be happy with me, after all! hee hee ^^

Hey, here's something. NO BAN LISTS! If we see that you are breaking these rules repeatedly, we'll just report you and the infractions will add up. We don't want your drama here. And Banning people brings everyone drama.

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-03-2023 at 03:53 AM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:51 AM

Now, Events!

Page reward: Every 10th page, the 4th poster gets 15 gold. a second page prize, will be granted randomly and it will be a random amount. .

Moody Monday:: Every Monday, you are FREE to tell your problems from the previous week. If you have a problem with another user, or how they are behaving, let them know, but BE KIND about it. Often times, if you're offended by something, the other person doesn't know that they have offended you if you don't tell them.

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-03-2023 at 03:55 AM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:52 AM


None yet. let me know if there's one you want me to add! ^^



By Kenome-Chan:

If you want to add a banner, let me know. ^^

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-04-2023 at 05:52 PM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:53 AM


First announcement! The winner of the FOWN Reunion Scavenger hunt! (i still have to Tally it up. Bear with me, i'm a bit tired! XD)

Participants from the event were ghostPastry, Kaderin Triste, and R u b y.

Kaderin Triste's point breakdownX

hat, snow, snowman(x2), holly, mittens, gingerbread men (they're in the same picture, so they only count once for being gingerbread men) a (green) santa hat, and a bow (bowties count. bowties are cool) menorah, snow in both pictures count one point per picture, a star of david, and the kinara which is 7!

ghostPastry's point breakdownX

for the snowman picture you get 2 for the snowmen, 1 for the bows, one for the ornament (which i love the lego idea!) for a total of 4

For the Snow, you get one point, but fantastic view!!

Also one point for nativity scene. I didn't know what a caganer was until i clicked your wiki link, but it's interesting that you have it as a bird, which makes perfect sense to me lol

The santa picture is where you start to get more points! total of 11 for this picture-
You have Santa, a wrapped gift (even if it's just a decorative mini one), a Christmas tree topper x2 (the star on the mini Christmas tree in the basket), Christmas lights, Santa's boots (i see one cause of the placement of your hand, but i imagine he has both on his feet. lol) Bells on the necklace, antlers on the reindeer on the pillow, a santa hat, and because technically it is santa, riding a bike, you get 2 points for his ride(and it made me giggle)

The elf on a shelf scooter also gave you a few points- 1 for the elf, 1 for the christmas lights, and 1 for the Warm hat he wears, that's thankfully also a helmet! Head safety is important for all, including elves!

The one you labled as Antlers is so much more that that! so 1 for antlers, 2 for holiday decor that is words, 1 for christmas lights, 2 for another tree topper *in a mini tree in the basket), and 1 for mittens (they look like mittens to me!) for a total of 7

then we have 4 for the wrapped presents- 1 for the wrapped present, 1 for the ornaments on the wrapping paper, 1 for santa hats, 1 for the star of david on the wrapping paper! The more i looked at it the more i found!

1 for the reallllllly awesome warm hat. I really want it, even though i don't wear hats lol

1 for the warm gloves- i always wondered if the fingertip thing worked.

now for what you labeled as gingerbread cookies, well i can't count them as gingerbread men, but i can count the 2 gingerbread man sprinkles! So 1 for the sprinkles, 2 for "A sweet treat for Santa with a nice cold drink" (i do believe i see cocoa powder in the picture, which is close enough lol), 1 for santa's hat, 2 for the snowman, one for santa, and one for the snowman's warm hat!

and lastly, we have the one you marked as bells. Yes, bells, but i do see it's bells with either holly, or with a ribbon/ a bow. So 4 for that picture!

R u b y's point breakdownX

there are 29 photos for me to review, and they almost all have more than one item per picture, great job and effort!

a charming soldier with strong teeth- 2 points (i love nutcrakers, i think they're adorable yet slightly creepy).

a gingerbread house, with a festive circle (a wreath)- 3points.

Reindeer need to refuel too-(carrots) 2 pts, plus 1 for antlers, 1 for holly in the towel, 2 for the snowmen on the towel and whopper carton, 1 point each for the lights on the whopper carton, for the snow on the whopper carton, a bow, and a warm hat (on the snowman) (10pts)

while your darling cat does not count as a christmas ham, i love him. I also really love the christmas cats wrapping paper Also you do have other things in this photo that DO count, so the picture still receives points- 1wrapped presents, 1antlers,1 a santa hat, 2 snowman, 1 warm hat, 1 ribbons, 1ornaments, 1 holly, 1 snow, 1bow. (total 11

2 for the hearty feast, 1 for the turkey on your plate- total of 3

1 for the turkey (looks like it was delicious!)

2 points for a sweet treat with a nice cold drink for santa, 5 for the bow, holly, snowman, and his warm hat on the towel. (total of 6)

Santa's boots, a warm hat, holly, mittens, and 2 for the snowman. (also caaaattttt ) (total of 6)

I can't count the snowmen as snow, but it is pretty. I can however count them as snowmen, so 2 points, plus warm hats, 1 point (3 points total)

Warm hat with awesome buttons-1, giant turkey that looks super soft, 1 point. I love it. (2 points)

ornament, ribbon, wrapped gift- 1 each. That's a really neat ornament btw!(3 points)

1 for ribbons

1 for bows, holly, and 2 for the wreaths on the red paper (total of 4)

Elf on a shelf- creative! And it has other things! So elf, wrapped presents, ornaments, ribbons, and bows-1 each, And then 2 for the nutcracker, 2 for the tree topper (9 total)

2 for grinch, 1 for max's antler, 1 for ornaments, 2 for a tree topper, one for santa hat, and 1 for bows (total of 8)

eggnog- 1, snowmen-2, holly 1, wrapped presents-1, bows-1 ribbons-1, snow(on the snowman thing)1, warm hat-1 (total of 9)

gloves-1 ribbon-1, holly-1, bow-1 (total of 4)

gingerbread man- 1, 2 for the wreath on the dog, 1 for the santa hats, 1 for the bow on the gingerbread man (bowties are cool, and totally count), and 1 for star of david (6 total)

santa-1, snow-1, his ride 2, ( total)

santa's ride, yes this counts. so 2 for his sleigh, 1-santa, 1 antlers, 1 snow (5 total)

tree topper-2, santa, santa hat, ribbon, bow, a wrapped present, snow, and a warm hat (total of 9)

Holly, snowman-2 warm hat, mittens (total 5)

antlers, snowman, warm hat, snow, holly (total 6)

bow, antlers, holiday decor that is words (total 4)

antlers, warm hat, wrapped present, ornaments, snow, holly, santa hat (7 total)

Antlers, snowmanx2, snow, warm hat (5 total)

santa hat, antlers, a VERY pudgy rudolf, who is adorable, snowman, warm hat, ribbon (8 total)

wreathx2, snowmanx2, snow, ribbon, bow, warm hat, (total 8)

christmas lights (i really want the bush lights for my house next year lol) and i think i see ribbon under the lights wrapping around the column (total 2)

Which means, the winner of the scavenger hunt is R u b y: with a whopping 153 points!!! Great job getting so many!!!
Second place goes to ghostPastry: with 45 points, and Third goes to Kaderin Triste: with 20 points! Great job guys!!

trades will be sent momentarily
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Username Pronunciation: Al-oh-reh-nuh
Ping me please!

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-13-2023 at 11:07 PM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:53 AM

reserved 6

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:53 AM

reserved 7

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:53 AM

reserved 8

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Old 01-03-2023, 12:54 AM

reserved 9

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-03-2023 at 04:03 AM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 04:03 AM

Last reserved, though idk what i'll need it for, but who knows!

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-03-2023 at 04:06 AM..

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Old 01-03-2023, 04:06 AM

And We're Open!

R u b y: eh? ehh??? How's all this for a flash back?!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
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Old 01-03-2023, 05:02 PM

Whoo!!! 2.0 bby!

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Old 01-03-2023, 10:25 PM

So I'm at disneyworld and I am super sore and tired. >s also super hot today. But! I finally went on expedition everest, which was cool. Now I'm about to ride splash mountain before they close it to change it into tiaras bayou adventure. Basically they're doing a retheme.

Edit now i'mn home- i stood in that line for 2 hours and 15 minutes. It was not worth the wait, though the ride was cute. Now i'm super sore and my feet are swollen- i walked just shy of 30k steps.

Last edited by Alorrena; 01-04-2023 at 04:28 AM..

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Old 01-15-2023, 12:21 AM

Kaderin Triste:
R u b y:
I think the pings i sent you in my announcement post may have borked themselves. But check it out! Thanks for participating in the scavenger hunt!

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 02:45 AM

Oh yay it worked this time! Thanks! :D I had checked thru my subscribed too and didn't see anything, weird. But saw it now! Thanks so much! I tried to get multiple things into each pic but didn't even catch as many as they'd count for This was really fun! My mom even got into it, she went and got carrots just for this (and I've been eating them so, bonus. I mean hey I'm Ru, I could pass as a reindeer right? ) Thanks for hosting a fun game and thanks for the prizes!

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Old 01-15-2023, 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
Oh yay it worked this time! Thanks! :D I had checked thru my subscribed too and didn't see anything, weird. But saw it now! Thanks so much! I tried to get multiple things into each pic but didn't even catch as many as they'd count for This was really fun! My mom even got into it, she went and got carrots just for this (and I've been eating them so, bonus. I mean hey I'm Ru, I could pass as a reindeer right? ) Thanks for hosting a fun game and thanks for the prizes!
I have a feeling that the pings were borked because it was an edited post? maybe? idk.

I'm glad you had fun, you did such a great job! It honestly took me so long to count everything you had. I also really appreciated the bonus picture of timmy. Cats make me happy and since i can't have any until my mother in law moves out, cat pictures are the next best thing. In fact my lock screen on my phone is a series of cat pictures that changes every week. It's quite nice lol

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
R u b y is offline
Old 01-15-2023, 06:13 PM

Originally Posted by Alorrena View Post
I have a feeling that the pings were borked because it was an edited post? maybe? idk.

I'm glad you had fun, you did such a great job! It honestly took me so long to count everything you had. I also really appreciated the bonus picture of timmy. Cats make me happy and since i can't have any until my mother in law moves out, cat pictures are the next best thing. In fact my lock screen on my phone is a series of cat pictures that changes every week. It's quite nice lol
That could be! Mene still be doin weird stuff like usual (and like, pre server move weird. good old days weird)

Oh I'm sorry for the extra work! D: we were having so much fun putting them together lol

You're welcome! Cats have always been my favorite so I know the feeling I have more pics and some videos of him if you want more! :D
Here's the link! My post below that one has a few videos of him playing with his christmas toys

My lockscreen is a black and white photo I took of my soul kitty that I lost in 2020

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Old 01-15-2023, 10:38 PM

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
That could be! Mene still be doin weird stuff like usual (and like, pre server move weird. good old days weird)

Oh I'm sorry for the extra work! D: we were having so much fun putting them together lol

You're welcome! Cats have always been my favorite so I know the feeling I have more pics and some videos of him if you want more! :D
Here's the link! My post below that one has a few videos of him playing with his christmas toys

My lockscreen is a black and white photo I took of my soul kitty that I lost in 2020
no kidding lol

I really enjoyed going through the pictures, so no need to be sorry! I'm glad you guys had fun!

oh yay, thank you!!

oh nice. I have pictures of my old cats pop up periodically on my facebook memories, so that's nice, and my mom has a picture of the cat i had as a child hung up on her closet doors. She was a calico and the best cat. She would even let me lay my head on her when i was little.

R u b y
Grand Duchess of Gifs & Memes™
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Old 01-15-2023, 10:44 PM

I'm totally down for another one in the future if you do this again

You're welcome! :D He's such a funny guy

Cats are the best

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Old 01-16-2023, 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by R u b y View Post
I'm totally down for another one in the future if you do this again

You're welcome! :D He's such a funny guy

Cats are the best
i was honestly thinking about doing one for SH, but I worry that SH is going to struggle for a bit and i'd like it to be more than just you and me talking here. One day it will happen, i'm sure.

Yes, cats really are the best. They make me so happy lol I actually have a friend who sends me snapchats of his cat, just because he know i appreciate her just as much as he does.


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