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Eserel is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 01:17 AM

I listen to music with a good beat. No lyrics, cause that messes up my groove. Or I watch Tv or go on the computer. I sometimes look at other peoples art and that gets me out of a block if I am really deep.

Tal Blaiser
Tal Blaiser is offline
Old 10-09-2007, 01:41 AM

I only have art blocks when I'm jaded with what I am doing i.e. I make too much chibi within a month, after that, I'm drained of ideas and somehow I find doing chibi distasteful :evil: that is where I move on to another form of genre in art, like moving on from anime to realism to expressionism to abstract[Abstract & expressionism is good in releasing tension & frustration] or I switch mediums for my illustration :D I encourage you to try other things like sculpting[clay] play some musical instruments, just amuse yourself and after you had your fun, you can go back with your regular stuff with a fresh start, and if the block is still there... then do some more other things; just don't keep yourself vacant and unproductive.

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dreadful_phantom is offline
Old 10-11-2007, 06:22 AM

*cracks knuckles*well i shall try to give you some advice on this one but it depends on you (the individual artist).

I use to get art block like crazy maybe 3-5 years ago. They weren't bad maybe a few days to a month. & then when it went away Id pour out so much good artwork just waiting locked up inside me.
I don't know what caused the art block to be honest (probably hidden stressors).
All & all I can proudly say in the past year i have noticed I have not recieved 1 block.

The only thing i can think of that i do differently now is i dont stress over my artwork anymore. Nowadays i force myself to draw whether im in "the mood" or not.. so actually within time i was able to defeat my art block & draw regardless of my mood.

Now if its motivation you quest for, well i can help you art wise. Id say look at someones art or photography that inspires you.. listen to music & do anything to relax you.. meditate whatever.. then after being calm & relaxed & surrounded by so much motivation you are bound to want to draw. Now id say take it slow.. dont expect it to come out perfect. I think when artists expect to draw the same image as they have in there head & it doesnt come out that way they start to get disappointed midway thru the drawing aka stressed & the picture doesnt fully developed with out an ending piece looking like crap.

Perhaps our best artwork is inspired by our deepest emotions bc its then we are just trying to express ourselves & have fun or get something out of us.

Just draw & draw untill your hearts content & dont judge yourself,.. have fun.. I understand an artist is there worst critique trust me.. i am my own..

I hope this helps in anyway possible. if you ever need someone to talk to pm me.
i have a gaia account (krissypurr)& da account (dreadful_phantom)

ara la illusionist
ara la illusionist is offline
Old 10-11-2007, 02:31 PM

if I get stuck drawing somethign I usually put it down and start some thing else. Or I write nad then go back to it. The easiest wasy to get over a block for me is to start a commishin with a due date. It makes me works faster and care about what I'm working on

Ista is offline
Old 10-11-2007, 09:08 PM

I have several ways to get past a artist block. I'll sometimes stop what i'm doing and watch a movie. Usually a movie with some nice inspiration helps, but even a regular movie helps some.

I'll go surfing the web, mainly deviantart or my favorite artists webpages.

I'll go play a game, like WoW or Flyff, just so that i don't have to think about much except killing stuff and getting items.

Lastly, if im working on a particular project and I get a block on it, i'll go work on something else. I'll draw something else and think of other things that i can draw.

I'm mainly a character artist, but ive been trying to churn out a bunch of environment and warmachine concepts lately. It's something that im not too familar with and so I get frustrated and i'm not too sure what I want to draw. So i'll bust out a page of environments and then do a character. Makes it so that i'm not doing environments all the time and that I won't get bored.

babydvlangel is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 03:06 AM

If I have a block, I usually just don't think much about it, give a few minutes of nothing going on in your head, then come back to it and I usually have an idea so yea.

Freakishly Human
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Old 10-13-2007, 03:25 AM

I get very frustrated and I hate to stop drawing so what I do is I look at things to draw just to practice my technical skill. For writing I usually do free writes for a while until I feel more inspired. Another thing I like to do is I'll take a walk. The fresh air and the peace and quiet is definitely good for my mind.

Sometimes I will read or watch movies and look up random art images all of which also tend to motivate me and inspire me to create my own work. A few others have mentioned just working on commissions which I hadn't thought about so I think I'll try it next time I have a block.

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tehrin is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 07:42 AM

When I have an art block, I just focus my attention on other things for a few days, until I feel the inspiration to really work again. That's probably why my poor comic has been completely neglected for months. T__T I just have no time anymore. D:

\ (•◡•) /
titaneatomoe is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 01:33 PM

whenever i get a block i take out some papper sit down by the computer and listen to music, pictures always pop up in my when im listening to also helps clam me down when my son gets a little of out hand.

Robotic is offline
Old 10-13-2007, 05:46 PM

I'm having a art block right now. >_> It drives me nuts. And I've never bothered to do commissions, my art isn't that good. I'll just read through this thread and see if I can manage to get rid of my block. D:

The Sharpest Spoon
The Sharpest Spoon is offline
Old 10-14-2007, 12:49 PM

When I can't think of anything serious I want to draw or if I can't think of anything, I scribble like crazy, it doesn't really matter what it is, and if I come up with something that looks interesting or cute, I turn it into a serious one. I don't know if that'll work on writing though. ^^;

Jimpi is offline
Old 10-16-2007, 10:24 PM

Read a good book, or watch some T.V.
There's always ideas in those.
Like start with fan art for Lord of the Rings (xD) and then SO many ideas will come you'll be flooded Dx

shellthabunny is offline
Old 11-02-2007, 04:37 AM

I start a different idea, usually something will come up.

Master of Malpractice
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:52 PM

Originally Posted by Zurie
  • When I hit a block, I play any video game I feel like for a while to the point of frustration, then use that anger to channel calmness through drawing. >w<
    It really helped me get through my drawing class to play Puzzle Fighter when he gave us breaks. xDDD

I think this is probably the best advice. Don't just sit and try and force yourself to do one thing when you could continue and come back later to do twice the job you would have, forcing yourself.

mrwhiskers is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 07:44 PM

with a HAMMER

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Sirec is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 07:54 PM

You can break out of a block? O___O

mrwhiskers is offline
Old 11-09-2007, 07:58 PM

yea, duh

delial is offline
Old 11-10-2007, 06:16 AM

What I do is I stop doing whatever it is completely for a bit(usually drawing), take a break, you know, then I watch my favorite movies, listen to music, play with my niece and nephew, chat with friends...I just distance myself from the skill I've got a block on and focus on other things.

Then, after a few days, I sit down with a blank piece of paper or blank canvas, and I just doodle, scribble, whatever for a while until I feel less stuck. This usually takes about a half hour or an hour, then I listen to some music, relax, and just draw whatever comes.

I don't force myself to create when I have a block, because that makes it worse, so for me, generally taking a break and then easing myself back into my artwork slowly works wonders. I guess everyone's muse needs a break every now and then. :)

I hope this helps! I hate when I get blocked. x.x;

nayru_moon is offline
Old 11-19-2007, 11:57 PM

i'll usually ask one of my friends real life or internet to look at it... im really bad at begging a story T_T my writing is usally good after that... my friends will check it after that ill change it up until my friends/family likes it... then i usally dont touch it anymore cause i might change it again XP.. hehe ok well dont b afraid to ask 4 help! o no i lost train of thought whatb was the topic about again?lol ^_^

Steinhoff is offline
Old 11-22-2007, 10:33 PM

I just Start to sketch anything during classes. Because there I can just do anything without having to worry about something presentable.

If I'm not having classes like now (only exams for this week) I just Draw anything anywhere. And go on, no matter how that drawing sucks. Most of time I trash/delete then, but some times I get good things.

Or just own people art. How more the people asks for it, faster the Art-block will be gone xD

Trejah Fae
Trejah Fae is offline
Old 11-22-2007, 10:37 PM

WEll..I'm an artist and a writer, and usually what I do to get past a block is to seek out my favorite artists and let their work inspire me, or go on the internet to look at the work of new artists I've never seen before. Sometimes what you need is just to see something new, alot of times when you get a block its the result of bordem and a need to refresh the subject your trying to produce art of.

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WishingMoon is offline
Old 11-24-2007, 10:07 PM

I just sketch through it. I draw in a way I normaly don't then I go back and its all better.

Penny is offline
Old 11-26-2007, 06:56 PM

I'm never entirely blocked unless I'm super stressed or unhappy. Because there's always one person I love to draw over and over.


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