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Old 01-09-2010, 06:19 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Round the Faerie Ring We'll Go. When We'll Stop? No one Knows
Link to Roleplay:You may also click the link in my Siggy
Quick Summary/Plot:The realm of Underhill is a strange and Magical place few mortals ever visit, and even fewer return from. It is a world of things kind and sinister, wonderful and terrifying. And Kay Smith is about to go there.... She has wrecked her truck into a tree, and was found by an elf and fairy, and also has met one other still fairly mysterious character who is more elf like than anything. She has been healed of her wounds and currently is in an elf house.
Creator of Roleplaly: Cedura
Genre: Fantasy
Series: (if applicable) None
Level of Literacy: Semi-Lit to Lit
Link to OOC Thread: (if applicable) None
Other: We still need other fantacy characters, and if anyone would like to pick up the roll of "bad guy" to give something for the characters to work against that would be great. Other Human characters are also welcome. No need to PM to join. Just jump right on in~! :D

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 01-09-2010, 06:32 AM

Added. :D

Forgotten Member of society
Chryssta is offline
Old 01-13-2010, 09:20 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Stone Hunting
Link to Roleplay: Stone Hunting Link
Quick Summary/Plot: Two of the Plains Elves, a race who are farmers and animal speakers, have changed in such a way that they have become half animal themselves. One has become half tiger and the other half wolf. On the day that Merisa, the tiger, grew her ears and tail, a stranger appeared in the village, telling them of a magical stone which would allow her to shift fully to one form or the other. Now she, with the elven-wolf, is on a quest to find that stone. Along the way, she finds new friends, possible enemies, and a little elven wisdom her people are lacking.
Unfortunately, she has to find the stone the hard way. Looking everywhere. All she has to go on, is a clue about the mountains by the ocean. Too bad she's never seen either of those in her sheltered life...
Creator of Roleplaly: Chryssta
Genre: Fantasy/Mythical, Creature of the Night, Furry... It's a huge mix of stuff.
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Literate please, Paragraph style posts.
Link to OOC Thread: Stone Hunting OOC Link
Other: Please don't join with the idea of a romantic encounter with one of my characters. The elves are fated for each other, and they won't notice the flirting of anyone but each other. I'm sorry, but it cuts down on the things I have to pay attention to while RPing.

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 01-14-2010, 06:10 AM

Added. :D

Miss Forgetful
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Faiyth is offline
Old 01-27-2010, 03:55 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Yu Yu Hakusho: Secrets of the Dark
Link to Roleplay:
The RP Thread
Quick Summary/Plot:
After defeating all who opposed them in the Dark Tournament, Yusuke and company returned to the Human World for some much needed R&R. To make this down time possible, Koenma temporarily placed a new detective team in charge of Yusuke's territory and protecting the Human World against demons. However, while on a mission to investigate a potential lead, the team was slaughtered with the exception of one surviving member who retained substantial injuries in the conflict. Now Koenma has to cut Team Urameshi's vacation short and ask for their help in tracking down this new threat, which they know nothing about. On top of this, there's been some talk around Demon World about some kind of tunnel. What's going on and can these threats be stopped in time?
Creator of Roleplaly: Faiyth
Genre: Fanbased.
Series: Yu Yu Hakusho
Level of Literacy: Semi-Literate to Literate
Link to OOC Thread:
OOC Thread
There is a strict limit on made-ups. So, join quickly and claim a spot today!

Kilia is offline
Old 02-06-2010, 05:04 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: The Quest for Poison [OPEN and Accepting Profiles PLEASE JOIN]
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: This is where our story begins. Poison has been the story teller for years. Now is our chance to try to find her. There will be peril, there will be love, and it will be an adventure. The only problem with trying to find her is that the door to her world always changes places and doesnt stay in one place more than an hour maybe. Once youve entered her world you must got through a swamp where there is no visibility and other perils just to get to her castle. Will you be the successor to her story telling? Or will you just be another story of adventurous peril and other different amazing things as you walk around this midevil world?
Creator of Roleplaly: Daeman35 and Ameika
Genre: i hVE NO CLUE
Series: (if applicable)
Level of Literacy: SEMI-literate
Link to OOC Thread:
Other: we need people so feel free to join

Last edited by Kilia; 02-27-2010 at 06:18 AM..

is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 02-19-2010, 12:31 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: I'll Believe You When
Link to Roleplay: Link to Roleplay
Quick Summary/Plot: A girl band has returned to normal high school to finish off their education. They returned to their hometown and their old guy friends are there waiting. The only thing is, is that the girls don't remember them. How far will these guys go to get them back?
Creator of Roleplaly: miss_SMG
Genre: Romance
Series: (if applicable)
Level of Literacy: semi-literate to literate
Link to OOC Thread: (if applicable)
Other: I am currently looking for 1 girl and 3 boys, so please, contact me if you're interested and want to reserve a spot, or check out the thread!

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 02-26-2010, 04:31 AM

I'd forgotten to post this:
  • Something Wicked, Life on Luna Blue,Dark Nights, Blood Lust, A War between elements & The Relicers have been removed as inactive.


SMG, your RP has been added.

Ameika, I'm not going searching for your Roleplay thread link, does it have one?

Kilia is offline
Old 02-27-2010, 06:27 AM

((i am sorry i thought i fixxed that problem so now i have offically fixxed it and i have anothe rp thread))

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Dragon's Bait ((Accepting profiles and open to posts))
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: Well it takes place in medevil times, people are being accused of witch craft and are being feed to dragons. There is one thing Gold Dragons can change shape to any creature, what happens when your being feed to one, after your town turns on you?
Creator of Roleplaly: Ameika
Genre: fantasy
Series: (if applicable)
Level of Literacy: SEMI-literate
Link to OOC Thread: doesn't have one
Other: need people so feel free to join

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 03-01-2010, 02:31 AM

All added.

EmilyNova is offline
Old 03-06-2010, 02:07 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Our Solemn Hour
Link to Roleplay: Our Solemn Hour
Quick Summary/Plot: A witch is giving people flawed rings of power in exchange for their soul, at a later date, people are finding out that they're flawed and want to get revenge.
Creator of Roleplaly: EmilyNova
Genre: Fantasy
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Literate
Link to OOC Thread: OOC Thread
Other: N/A

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 03-06-2010, 06:58 PM


z o k u r u m b a
z o k u r u m b a is offline
Old 03-10-2010, 02:23 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: The Waiting Pool
Link to Roleplay: Click Here!
Quick Summary/Plot: The Waiting Pool, the lone pond in the middle of Arlington’s lone forest. The rumors about this particular body of water seem to be forever linked with the city. Stories told to children have always reflected the sense of trepidation one feels when looking upon the still icy mist that sits above it’s surface. Tales always speak of the restless spirits that lie in wait beneath the choppy waves; the very same ones who are told to swallow whole any mortal foolish enough to set food on it’s muddy surface near the stroke of midnight. With doubt the children digest the stories, often dismissing the claims as they reach closer to adulthood. Little do they know the truth behind the claims, the danger that awaits them behind the lake’s fog.
Creator of Roleplaly: Ciaochu & Z o k u R u m b a
Genre: General
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Literate
Link to OOC Thread: Click Here!
Other: The profile build is very tedious but, is worth the time and effort. This role-play is serious. Don't join if you're not completely sure. If you have the tendency of joining role-plays and then quickly dropping out, this definitely isn't for you. When people unexpectedly drop out, it hinders everyone's progress and causes the RP to suffer. Thanks! :3

(。☉౪ ⊙&...
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Rusalka is offline
Old 03-10-2010, 06:24 PM


So consumed in all your Doom.......
Remaro is offline
Old 03-24-2010, 10:01 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Lessons of Totems
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: Ten kids are given small wooden totems by an old woman during a school assembly. They each start to feel ill so go to the medical center to sleep. When they wake up, they find themselves in the middle of a deep forest. They have travelled six thousand years back to the past, just after the Ice Age when forests covered almost every inch of the land and people live in tribes, respecting the law of the earth, air and sea. The only way they can return is if they go to where the 'Lights of the Great Spirits touch the earth' and ask the Great Spirits to return them to their time. It just so happens this place is at the top of the mountains, on the other side of the massive forest. Each still have their totems, they have been sent here to learn important lessons which can be taught by their totem (ex: Learn to be kinder to others - Deer of Kindness Totem). If all this wasn't enough, each person is very different to the other, will they drive each other to insanity? Or find a way home?
(Think Wolf Brother/Brother Bear era and you've got the idea of the setting)
Creator of Roleplaly: Remaro
Genre: Fantasy/Mythology
Series: None, though it has influences from Wolf Brother and Brother Bear
Level of Literacy: Semi-lit and up
Link to OOC Thread:
Other: There are six open spots left and I would really like to get them filled so we can properly start the rp! This is a long term roleplay so please don't join then drop out a few days after or something. The six spots open already have 'bases', i.e. The Resident Jerk will be a bully, the Teacher's Pet will be top of every class, but other than this, the characters are very open to your imagination!

r_e_n_o_Love is offline
Old 04-12-2010, 04:58 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Thalatta
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: Thalatta is an island filled with mythical creatures. Mater, mother, the one who helped to create Thalatta has lifted the veil that hid the island from outsiders. Now the land has been invaded by strange creatures, which the natives call Split Tails. These creatures seem to want to take over the land, and their actions suggest that they intend to use violence if need be.
Creator of Roleplaly: Reno Love
Genre: Fantasy
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Literate
Link to OOC Thread: OOC
Other: Always looking for members.

Last edited by r_e_n_o_Love; 04-14-2010 at 05:16 PM..

Into thy life, into thy heart, i...
Mayuka is offline
Old 04-26-2010, 10:04 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Thessaly -Quest from the gods
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: The time setting is Thessily, Greece, Ninth Century B.C. A dark thief continues to steal valuble items such as the Golden Fleece that Jason and the Argonauts took one century earlier, and the Nymph's Golden harp that lulled a massive beast for years. Many have died trying to kill this thief, even with the god's help.
Creator of Roleplaly: Mayuka
Genre: Fantasy
Level of Literacy: Semi-literate
Link to OOC Thread:
Other: Only 5 characters total are able to be in the quest at one time

yes, really
scholar is offline
Old 06-11-2010, 08:23 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: The Path Not Taken: A Harry Potter RP
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: Four months after the defeat of Voldemort, the Wizarding World is trying to get back on its feet. But the Death Eaters, under control of a new leader, are not as gone as everyone had hoped.
Creator of Roleplaly: anime_scholar
Genre: Action, mystery, romance (sort of), mostly "genfic" where stuff actually happens and characters react.
Series: (if applicable) Harry Potter
Level of Literacy: fully literate, please
Link to OOC Thread: (if applicable)
Other: Now accepting applications! PM them to me.

Sezumie is offline
Old 07-16-2010, 03:13 AM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Journey to Utopia [OPEN AND ACCEPTING!]
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot:It is told in Ancient Folklore that Utopia is a legendary island that appears from the water with untold riches every few decades. Somewhere which is much more advanced than now. One day, a pirate crew comes across a young girl with her friends says she's from Utopia. As the date nears, she begs the captain to take her to the location, which he agrees to since they are in need of the money.
Creator of Roleplay: Sezumie
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance[?]
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Semi-lit and above
Link to OOC Thread:
Other: Needs more people! PM me the profiles please!

Courage is the Magic that turns ...

Anglie is offline
Old 08-06-2010, 05:20 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay:
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: Across the world teens/young adults have been going to sleep like normal people but then they wake up in another world. At first it seems like a normal dream but then they realize that their mind and souls have been transported to another world, leaving their bodies behind. Once in the new world, a lot of them don't know what to do. So the venture through and learn how to survive and why they were called to the world
Creator of Roleplaly: Anglie
Genre: Adventure
Series: n/a
Level of Literacy: semi-literate to literate
Link to OOC Thread: n/a
Other: Open and accepting, need more people

HannahKerela is offline
Old 08-07-2010, 05:29 AM

I want a Roleplay
Username: HannahKerela
Link to Search Thread:
Level of Literacy: Semi-Lit to Lit (Explained in the Thread)
What you like to play: Anything, really
Other: I don't come up with plots beforehand; if you prefer a plotted rp, then I can help develop a plot, but I'm also okay with freestyling.

One who is obsessively reading f...
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RikkuFukaimori is offline
Old 08-30-2010, 11:44 PM

I have a roleplay!
Name of Roleplay: Flying into the Sunset... With You.
Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: A pirates vs military roleplay, depending on the characters it can get more involved. I have done this roleplay before on another site and it turned out very well. It involves life mostly, though when there is enough people on both sides, pirates and military, there will be conflicts. Also, the ships are all airships, the islands are floating and there is no 'main land'.
Creator of Roleplay: QuiBears_3
Genre: Pirates/Military/Romance/Action/Adventure
Series: N/A
Level of Literacy: Semi to Advanced Literate.
Link to OOC Thread: May be one in the future if needed.
Other: This is a posting of a roleplay created by a friend of mine who has abandoned chatting/forum sites.

Lexadis is offline
Old 09-06-2010, 02:48 PM

I want a Roleplay
Username: farooza
Link to Search Thread: :]
Level of Literacy: Semi-Literate, I think.
What you like to play: Anything that's on the list.
Other: needing anyone anything pretty badly, very boring right now =P

\ (•◡•) /
MewMint20 is offline
Old 11-09-2010, 01:01 AM

I want a Roleplay
Link to Search Thread:mao ^.~
Level of Literacy:Semi-lit to Lit but not fussy.
What you like to play:fantasy, sci-fi, anything interesting xD
Other:not a big fan of one-liners. I like to make friends with people i role-play with ^^

Isaac Levis
Isaac Levis is offline
Old 11-11-2010, 05:09 PM

I have a roleplay!

Link to Roleplay:
Quick Summary/Plot: The story starts in a smaller sized town in West Virgina. America was ground zero two years ago of a zombie outbreak, the government has retreated to protecting certain areas and left everyone else to fend for themselves. The state of the rest of the world is unknown to the characters. Survivors will sweat, bleed, and perhaps die together; though maybe there is more they can do than just lay down and accept the infection.
Creator of Roleplaly: Isaac Levis
Genre: Horror
Series: n/a
Level of Literacy: semi-literate to literate
Link to OOC Thread: n/a
Other: Open and accepting, need 1 or 2 more.

Last edited by Isaac Levis; 11-12-2010 at 03:51 AM..


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