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sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 08:47 AM

"Whoa wait a minute Jenny I don't have a girlfriend. no don't delete Yotie,but if you two are okay. with me having a personal laptop,maybe make it a female persocom. make her as Yotie's little sister if you both like the idea." he says to Jenny as he walks over to her. then gives her a couple of kiss's on the cheek. Nick was so happy right now with his new family. but was unsure if it okay to kiss a girl if she is not his girlfriend he wonder.

Jany smiles as she sees the building it is huge. "This was my mom's place of work? how would have guess it. come on lets go inside I need to see how is second in command here." she says to Alec and Anju in a happy sweet sounding voice. she wonder how had been in charge of the place? since the owner had past away only couple of weeks a ago. Jany then starts to walk so they can go inside the building. she was a bit nervous,how would she. live up to her mothers exceptions of her clothing lines plus making new ones.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-28-2014, 09:17 AM

Jenny blushed as she felt Nick kiss her. She smiled and kissed him back on the cheek without thinking. "I would like that if you are sure that is what you would like." She said as she wrapped her arms around on of his arms smiling happily as Yotie turned and smiled at his parents.

Alec held her hand as he walked into the large building. He smiled as the front desk lady bowed to them and told them that Rose was looking for Jany. She was her second in command The beautiful persocom lead them to Rose who sat at her small desk out on the design floor. The blond haired woman jumped up as she ran to Jany and hugged her. "Jany-Chan!!! I have been waiting for you. I am Rose remember I made you some of your princess dresses." She said as she slowly showed Jany to her mothers office. Pictures of Jany and Jenny where every where as well as different dress designs. "Your mother loved you girls very much. All of her designs she left here for you Jany. I see you have your personal assistant. I'll be happy to help you as you need me."

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-28-2014, 09:35 AM

"Rose-chan this is Alec and are daughter Anju. before you get any ideas my Mother made her for me. I just met my little girl today,do we have any. clothing lines for chibi are laptop persocom's? Alec I'm sure you must have met Rose before unless I'm wrong. then Alec this Rose,Rose this is Alec." Jany says while giving Rose a hug back. she had all ways like her princess dress's Rose made. she then looks over at her family a big smile on her face. she wanted to tell Alec she has a crush on him. but wanted to be a lone with him when she dose.

Nick could not help but blush after Jenny kiss him back. "I'm sure about it. plus Yotie would be pretty busy with you. here at work so a personal laptop will be useful. for me to use at when at school plus working with kids. I plan to keep my old laptop. I think the tv screen is to big for a computer screen. only saying but Jenny will you be my girlfriend?" Nick ask her as he had the gut's to. do so right now sure he would admit. Jenny is a pretty perscomo plus he has feelings for her. he wonder how long his parents will freak out. about having a grand child?

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-28-2014, 09:43 AM

Alec shook his head as he looked to Jany. "Sorry I only know my sweet Jany." He said as he still held her hand keeping close to her Jany. He felt uncomfortable around Rose as he looked to Jany. "Why don't we head home for a while I think some one is tired." He said as their daughter moved to his arms and feel asleep as he carried her. He made sure he kept close to Jany making sure she was never alone.

Jenny blushed as she smiled. "Of course I will." She said as she softly kissed him again. She turned as she gently picked up their son who had fished the work for her already. She smiled as she looked to Nick. "Do you want to finish your persocom now or later?" She said so happy for him to ask her to be his girl friend.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 11-29-2014, 12:51 AM

"I think later would be best. besides I think we should go home are maybe start. house hunting as long Yotie gets some rest. I'll have to call my parents later on. maybe we can see them and my siblings plus the new puppy." he says to Jenny unsure how long it would take. for their son to charge up as well for how many hours. Nick kiss's his girlfriend once more on the cheek. he wonder if looking for a house now is a good idea?

Jany looks over at Anju then smiles softly. "I think we should go home for now. Rose if there is anything I need to do. please leave it on my desk I'll come back on a work day." she says but could tell Alec was feeling uncomfortable. around Rose she wonder why but did not want to ask him. going back to the temple is a good idea plus Anju can take a nap. maybe charge up if she need to do so. plus it would give them some a lone time.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 03:59 AM

Jenny smiled as she walked to the door and open it. She spoke with the the banker ad Cheif as she hugged them both still holding their son. She smiled as she gently walked in and took Nicks hand leading him home. Everyone bowed to them as they left. She couldn't help but smile as they walked. She had gained a son and hopefully her someone special. She blushed as she thought about Nick. Once they where home she carefully plugged Yotie in as she folded a blanket placing him on it while he charged. She walked to Nick once they where alone and gently kissed his cheek then went to make him some lunch.

She made him a steak dinner with some of the steak his mother had bought him. She made some veggies to go with it. Once it was done she placed it on the counter for him. As she did so she ran through the local houses listed for sale on the internet. She paused once she was done as she pulled up the houses closet to his family and friends getting his personal info from the internet. She found a modern house,Pink mansion near the address she had found for his parents, and close to his school. She walked to the TV as she plugged herself into it and displayed the two houses on the screen for Nick to looked at. She liked either and hoped maybe he would like one of them. She hoped maybe they could go visit them with his parents. Though she worried if his parents would like him having a persocom like her.

As she sat there she wondered how he would explain everything to his parents. His mother had seen her the other night and she wasn't all there. She hoped they would accept her.

Alec was happy Jany wanted to leave. He happily lead her out of the building. He was happy once they reached the temple. He gently took the little girl from Jany as he placed her on Jany's bed as he plugged her in to charge. He gently bent down as he kissed her forehead gently. He slowly got up as he looked to Jany. "Jany I know a lot has happen fast but I was hoping that you will stay with me and be my girlfriend. I would like for you to be more one day but for now let us get to know one another. " He said as he gently caressed her beautiful face. "I am happy to have you stay here with me unless you would to find a house. If your going to stay here why don't we find you some furniture and we can find Anju some things as well till she is big enough for her own room if you like.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 04:20 AM

"Alec I have,had a crush on you since I first met you. so yes I'll be your girlfriend I want to stay with here you. I'm so happy here with the both of you but maybe if we do. become something more later down the road. we can maybe think about the future then." Jany says to him before moving close. to give Alec a kiss on the lips a soft one. she wonder if their mother had know. if Alec and her self would become a couple? but she would agree they should get some furniture. for her room as well things for their daughter.

Nick grabs his plate then walks over to the table. look's at the tv seeing what his girlfriend had found. "I like the modern house more. after I eat lunch I'll give my parents a call. I just hope they will not give me a long talk. by the way how much is that house?" Nick ask Jenny as he takes bites. in between eating his lunch he wonder if they should. get some stuff for Yotie? plus if they move soon they would need stuff for there new place.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 04:45 AM

Jenny unplugged from the TV as she smiled at him. "Don't worry it's nothing I can't handle. You forget my parents were the richest people here. Or close to it there are only three other more powerful and wealthy than Jany and I now. Alec being one of them. I didn't know he and his brother were so wealthy. You honestly wouldn't know looking at Alec. Though not all rich people show it off. My parents never did I don't believe. " She said as she tried to think about her old life. She looked to Nick as she sat beside Yotie as he slept. " I have already set up a relator to meet us there at 7pm tonight if that is alright. You forget with me most rules don't apply as they do for you. Due to my money and power I can have what we want when we want it. Though I plan on only using it for this. I think a house would be better for because your students could come to the house instead of you going everywhere. It would also mean you would be closer to your family. Not to mention it is a sound investment. I will open you a bank account tomorrow in your name and transfer some funds for you. I don't want you to want for nothing. If it is alright with you any house we buy the title will be in both our names. " She said not wanting to tell him why. She didn't figure he would honestly be ok with it just being in her name. And she wasn't ok with it just being in his name. If he decided he didn't like her and the title was in his name she would be kicked out with no rights the house. However if it was in both their names they both had rights to it.

She honestly liked Nick and had since meeting him but things had moved to fast for her liking. They hadn't really got to know one another. He could deiced tomorrow he hated her. If she was going to buy a house with him she needed to ensure she would have a home no mater what happen. " Are your parents going to be ok with everything? I know things have moved really fast. I'm sure they would prefer a human girl for you instead of me." She said as she thought about herself and frowned. She was beautiful like Jany and she had bat wings not cute angel wings like her dear sister. She honestly wasn't sure if Nick could like her.

Alec smiled as he kissed Jany. He gently took her hand and lead her to his office as he let her sit in his chair and pulled up all the items he had found for her. He then pulled up some things for their daughter. He placed his hand on her back as he stood just behind her watching the computer screen a huge smile on his face happy to have her. "You know I have liked you since you first appeared here. " He admitted to her as he leaned down so she could hear him. "I also have your building already done for you here. You just have to order your books and organize it. I think you should design some clothing for the chibi persocoms. There aren't many options for the chibi ones. " He said as he tried to encourage her with her ideas.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 11-29-2014, 05:16 AM

"Jenny I agree with you. that is fine but I do hope we can get to know. each other better sorry if things are going to fast. yes it is alright with me about having both are names down on the house. should we look for somethings for Yotie? we will find out soon enough. my family is a little odd in there own way." he says to his girlfriend in a happy,kind sounding voice. Nick did not even know before Jenny was right till. they had went to her fathers company before. he finish off his meal a couple of minutes later. since he forgot to eat breakfast today.

Jany could not help but smile while blushing. "Your so handsome,nice kind guy. I don't know what to order book wise. but even if I do have some ideas for clothing line. how can I put it down on paper without knowing. how to draw are if my ideas will live up. to Mother's clothing line standers I'm scared of messing up. something she work on for so long,then make something. people won't like are buy for there persocoms." she says to Alec Jany knew her Mommy work hard. on each clothing line till she think it was perfect to show the world. Jany's voice sound really nervous when speaking right about now.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 05:36 AM

Alec laughed as he shook his head. "Jany all you need is what you think." He said as he gently plugged her into the computer. In a mater of moments what she had designed in her head appeared on the screen. "You have a advantage where humans don't. You can upload your thoughts to the screen. You mother chose you to run her business for a reason. Your clothing is amazing and I think it would sell. Why not send these to the company and get them made up. Try 100 at the large mall and see if they sell. If they do then make more and start your line." He said as he softy kissed the top of her head. "You have to take chances Jany or you'll never know. He said as he sent her email to Rose. He then grinned as he picked her up out of the chair and carried her outside. The others all giggled seeing them happy to see them together.

Alec gently put Jany down as he smiled at her. "I promised to teach you to fly. Today is your first day." He said as he smiled at her. "Flap your wings as hard as you can up and down." He said as he did so showing her that it would make her hover. He couldn't do his as fast as she could do her since his was much larger than hers.

Jenny thought about Yotie as she smiled. " We can get him his own room in the new house if you like maybe one day he could grow into it." She said as she thought about it. She smiled hearing his kind voice she took his dishes and washed them putting them away once she had dried them. She looked around the small apartment as she wondered if she needed to clean again. However she could see it didn't need cleaning. She looked at the clock on the wall as she saw the time. "Yotie isn't going to be awake to 7am in the morning. Should we get going? I am sure he will be fine." She said as she looked at the sleeping boy. "I don't think your parents would like to hear you have a persocom son right off the bat. Unless you want me to wake him and let him charge over there some as we go look at houses. " She said not sure really what to do. This was all new to her. She finally looked at Nick, "Do you really think you want to be stuck with a persocome like me? You know I'm not like a normal girl. " She said hoping he could honestly love her even though she was hardware instead of flesh and blood.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-29-2014, 06:45 AM

"I'll give it a try and wait a minute. a lot has happen so far today Alec,can we. start my lesson's tomorrow instead please?" Jany says to her boyfriend as she. did not know he would plan to teach her. how to fly so soon after all the stuff they been thought today. she wanted some a lone time are maybe watch a movie to relax. she just taken over a company plus has to. run a company she has to make sure everything works fine.

Nick starts to think about it yet holds back a memory. about someone he had not seen in years. "That would be a nice idea. to let him have his own bedroom. lets leave Yotie here as long you think it's safe. I'm cool with it and my parents want to see us tomorrow. if that is all right with you first Jenny?" Nick ask Jenny he did want his parents to meet. Yotie but not right away his mom would. try spoil her first grand child a long with his old man. as for his siblings they would be shock to be uncles en aunt.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 07:16 AM

"Oh ok if you think that is best. Did you want to go see the house still tonight?" Jenny said as she smiled. She wondered if Nick was ok he didn't look as happy as he did before. Though she knew everything was going by so fast. She wondered if he was ready to be in a relationship. She wouldn't always be home with her company and she had promised to work some at the temple. Her scheduled would be rather full most days. Though she planned on making herself a office that she could use at home so she would have more time with him. She knew Yotie would be with her and could handle anything she needed to do if Nick wanted them to go out. But she felt bad relying on him for some reason. She wanted him to find what made him happy.

Alec smiled as he stopped hovering and landed. He looked down at her as he smiled softly. "I'm sorry for not asking you first. What would you like to do Jany. Do you want me to leave you alone?" He asked not sure what he should do this was all new to him.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 11-29-2014, 07:38 AM

"Yes I would like to see the house tonight please." Nick says to Jenny as he was trying. not show he had been thinking about old memory's. he wish to get rid of but knew it still takes time. his family would notice right away if he seen the look on his face. he smiles not wanting to worry Jenny. but had a feeling he should not get their. future daughter made just yet. he has read heard about people stealing persocom laptops before.

Jany smiles as she walks over to Alec's side. "No I don't want you to leave me a lone. I was hoping maybe we can watch a movie maybe? here at home the girls at work talk about. a website you can watch movies on at home." she says to him but for the life of her. Jany could not recall the name of that site. when she work at the book store she kept her self busy. quite often only sometimes listing to her co-workers talking.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-29-2014, 09:16 AM

Jenny smiled as she could tell something was still bothering him. "Ok." She said as she looked to the sleeping persocom." She didn't feel right leaving him as she saw him wake. She smiled as she gently picked him and held him. His batter seemed to be at half way. She could tell he wasn't going to let her go anywhere without him and just smiled as she took Nicks hand. She lead the way to the house. She smiled as she saw the Man who was already waiting there for them. She greeted the man as he let them into the house. Jenny's mouth fell open as she saw the house. It was large there where two floors and then the basement that was separate from the garage. Everything was nice and open. It was a high end home with stainless steel appliances. She was amazed as she counted about ten rooms just in the house. She hadn't even made it down to the garage or to the basement yet.

The second floor would be perfect for Nick's office and his tutoring. She also could but her own office on that floor without bothering him. She noticed there was a third floor of shorts and thought maybe that would be her room and maybe put the kids there to. There was still enough room on the second floor for Nick's room. She was happy to see there was a back entrance to the third floor with it's own door so if she got home late she wouldn't have to wake Nick.

Alec smiled as he heard her. "Then a movie we should watch." He said as he gently took her hand and lead her into the house. He walked to his office as he moved the site to his large screen TV. There he took his seat on the couch as he looked to Jany. "What movie should we watch?" He asked only wanting to make her happy.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 11-30-2014, 07:15 AM

"Something funny with a mix of romance,action. mighty be nice if we can find something like that. I wonder how long Anju will be charging for?" Jany says to Alec in a kind voice that sounds happy. she wanted to watch a movie they can both enjoy besides some random choice. movie that could are would not be all that great. someday she wants to see a movie in a movie threat. even if she can't eat are drink that is okay with her.

Nick was shock by how big the house is. "This place is huge for a future family of four. maybe we can make a play room for the kids. are one of the other rooms can be used. to watch movies in maybe have snack bar in there." he says while trying to think up some ideas. how they would be able to use this house. even if they do have guest over at times. plus this house look great on the inside. but wonder how many bathrooms it has?

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-30-2014, 08:38 AM

Alec smiled as he handed the remote to her. "Here you choose then." He said knowing she would enjoy getting to pick the movie more than he would. He had never really took the time to watch movies. Not that he hadn't wanted to he had always just been to busy with the temple and work. When he wasn't working for the temple he helped his brother with work. This would be his first time just relaxing. He had to admit with Jany it was rather fun. No wonder his parents enjoyed doing this more than work. He thought as he just sat there and gently held Jany close to him.

Jenny smiled as she kept exploring the large house. she noted there was about two bathrooms on each floor but with how large it was she guessed it was needed for most humans. She rambled back down to the kitchen where she smiled at how large it was. She could defiantly have fun in this kitchen. There was enough room for ten people to be with her and none of them to bumph into one another. She could easily bake here and still have room of everything. She wondered out to the garage as she saw it was big enough for two cars. Though she wondered if maybe they should do something else with it. They honestly didn't need a car with how close this house was to Nick's family and school. They also had the bus close and trams. She turned as she saw a pair of stairs that lead down into the rest of the basement. She was amazed with all the book shelving that someone had put down stairs. It was piratically the size of the library. She wondered if it was something Nick would like. She liked the idea of all the books. She saw a side door off to the left and open it as she saw a glass room that was screened in from ceiling to floor in nothing but glass. There was a large conference table in the middle of the room with chairs all around. The beautiful guarding just on the outside of it and beautiful flowers on the inside. She took as seat in one of the chairs as she fell in love. This was the one room of the house she wanted for herself more than anything. She had never seen something so beautiful.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 11-30-2014, 08:59 AM

Nick walks around the house to get a better look at it. he found the living room was a nice size a big tv. would be a great if they watch any sports. maybe even watch tv as a family in here. he then walks till he finds the kitchen it was super nice. he look's a bit more find the master bedroom is a nice size. he then looks at some of the other rooms. trying to see how big each one is. he wonder if they really need ten bedroom's? he notice the bathrooms was at good size. but he mighty be the only one using the bathroom. he was unsure if persocom's can take bath's are not.

Jany looks at the list of movies for a good while. before finding some tilted night at the museum. "This look's like it could be a good one. want to give it a try Alec?" she ask her boyfriend sitting on the couch. but wonder if Anju would like to watch the movie with them? she blush's just thinking about their daughter. unsure if she would want a sibling of her own? some kids are use to being a only child. but not Jany she was use to being with Jenny growing up.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 11-30-2014, 09:54 AM

Alec smiled as he gently held Jany. His eyes kept shifting to her room as he worried about their daughter. He tried not to worry to much knowing that the sleeping child would be fine. They where not humans after all and where much studier. Though he couldn't help but worry for the girl. He looked to the Tv as he smiled at Jany's selection. He wondered silently if this was what it was like with humans and other persocoms. He didn't know any others but he knew there where many who formed bonds. He looked back to Jany as he smiled and started watching the movie with her. He tried to silence all the questions going around in his head as he sat there. He wanted to jump up and start ordering furniture and getting to work but he knew right now he needed to spend time with Jany. He sat back further and made himself comfortable as he enjoyed the movie with Jany.

Jenny slowly came up from the basement as she found Nick and smiled. " I love this house. You should see the library down stairs. However I would love the room off of it. It is glass and you can see the garden from it and there are even plants inside of it like a green house of shorts. There is alot of room for you here don't you think? I then the second floor could be devoted to your torturing and office for you. There is even a large master bedroom there for you. I thought the Third floor I could take with our little one. It even has it's own entrance at the back so I wouldn't have to disturb you if I came home late. " She said honestly happy from what she had found in the house.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 12-02-2014, 12:45 AM

"That was a great movie should we go check. on Anju now?" Jany ask Alec once the movie was over it had been around. a hour long so it was not a super long movie. she had even laugh a few times do to the cute monkey. but knew monkeys lived in zoo's most of times. beside in the wild if there home land was not taken away.

"This place has a library? I bet your sister would like it when they come to visit. sure you can have you want. besides you have a company to run so that room. sounds like it would be perfect to hold meetings in. I like the way you think Jenny." Nick says to her in a happy voice glad that they. would have such a nice place to live in. he wonder if she still wanted a puppy are not?

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-02-2014, 05:48 AM

Jenny smiled hearing Nick as she grinned hearing him. " I am glad you think so. Should we put in a offer on it?" She asked knowing that it wouldn't stay on the market long. The house was amazing and it would give everyone enough room to do as they wish. She walked back to where she could see the glass room. It was so beautiful it had to be her favorite part of the house believe it or not. She smiled as she thought about owning a house. It means she could have a puppy then as well.

Alec smiled as he nodded in agreement with Jany. "Yes lets go check on her. I have been worried about her honestly. I don't like leaving her alone. I know no one here would her but I still worry." He finally admitted as he slowly got up holing out his hand to Jany. " She is so small I can't help but worry. And she has the task of helping you with your business." He said as he thought about the business. "You know you should ask Jenny to be your model for the adult brand of clothing and let the two mini persocoms be for your smaller line of clothing." He said as he grinned at Jany.

sailor star rainbow
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Old 12-02-2014, 06:01 AM

Nick notice the smile on his girlfriends face it made him happy. "Yes lets put a offer down on it. so many bedrooms this house has." he says to Jenny wonder if he should. make a video game room? that way the kid's,his siblings and himself can play video games.

Jany she smiles softly then give Alec a kiss on the cheek. before putting her hand in to his opened one. "She needs some family time. plus Jenny will want some time to bake on the side." she says to her boyfriend but. worried about the idea having their kids being models. sometimes crazy people are know for killing random models.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-02-2014, 06:54 AM

Jenny smiled as she went and got the relator. She gave him the ok on the house under the condition that it was inspected. The man showed them out and locked the house up and got on the phone with his company. He then told Jenny that everything looked good and they would have a inspector out in the morning. If it came back ok they would let them know if they got the house or not. Jenny smiled as she walked with Nick back to his apartment. She quickly plugged her mini persocom back into the wall to finish charging as she saw down with him in arms. She was excited about the possibility of a house. So much had happen today she honestly wondered if Nick would end up being her someone special. Right now it felt like it but she feared she could end up in the garbage again someday.

Alec smiled as he nodded at Jany's commit. "If that is how you feel. There are other Persocoms at your company you could use instead. I believe you had a mini one at the front desk helping the lady. Maybe you should pull up the files on all your employees and pick witch persocoms you would like to use as your models as well then. " He said trying to be helpful. He walked into Jany's room as he saw the girl still sleeping. He smiled watching her." She is still sleeping it looks like." He said smiling as he walked over to where she was and knelt down before her softly picking her up and holding her in his arms. A this moment he felt like he was in a dream. He had the two most beautiful women in the planet with him. He felt over joyed and proud as he held the girl. Though he knew his emotions were not like humans but they were close and most of all they were his.

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 07:19 AM

"I'll have to think on it maybe talk with Rose. if I have to use Anju as a model. she'll have a body guard at the fashion shows. to make sure she is safe an no crazy fans try to steal her form us." Jany says to Alec as she walks over to his side. she wonder if he would like to have a son of his own? are is he just fine with their daughter as a only child? she could tell he was happy when holding there baby girl. okay even if she is not a baby she was to her at least.

"Don't forget to charge yourself now. I'm going to go take a bath,then head to bed. today had been a long day for all us." Nick says to her before walking to the closet. to grab his bath stuff this apartment only has room for a toilet. so Nick would have to leave go down the hall way. to big washroom where the tub is kept at. it got clean each day after the closed it for the night. which is normally before three am.

Lady Chello
Love's EvergreenGoddess!!!!!
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Old 12-02-2014, 09:39 AM

Alec just smiled as he heard her though his smile faded hearing Roses name. " I wish you could find someone else other than Rose. Honestly she gives me a bad feeling. I'm not sure why witch is no help to you. She stared at me like I was a human male. I felt like a piece of meat before her than a living being." He said being honest with how the women made him feel. He looked to Jany as he smiled at her. She made him feel saw and warm versus Rose who made him feel uneasy he just shook his head trying to get the idea of that woman touching him. He didn't like the idea of being near Rose. He smiled as the little girl still slept in his arms happy to have her still. "I think we should all get some sleep it has been a long day. I approve of the body guard if you use this beautiful one here." He said as turned his back against the wall as he still held the little girl close. "She is beautiful just like you." He said as he peered up to Jany and smiled.

Jenny nodded as she gently put the boy down. She waited till Nick left then changed herself into some puppy PJ's his mother had brought. She giggled seeing how many pairs there were of the puppy PJ's. She thought it was a good thing she liked puppy's. She changed and folded her other clothing putting it away. She then picked up the sleeping boy as she plugged herself in hesitating at first afraid to. Would Nick throw her away would she wake up again? She finally plugged herself in knowing she needed to trust him if he was going to trust her. If she didn't wake up again would it matter?

sailor star rainbow
sailor star rainbow is offline
Old 12-02-2014, 09:53 AM

After Nick had finish his bath he gets changed in to pair of pj's. then gathers his things put back in the basket. start to walk back to his apartment. once he gets in there he starts to put his bath stuff in the bathroom. then walks over to the closet to get his futon out for the night. he would be happy if they get the house they had look at. it would mean no more having to jam this futon in to a closet. anymore are have to worry about paying for rent each month.

Jany listens to Alec yet was shock to hear Rose had look. at him like a piece of meat before she would. have to try find someone else to be second in command. "When I go back to work I am going to look. at the company records to see how will be trust worthy. with being my new second in command I plan to get rid of her. I want you to be able to stop by with out having to worry. besides that maybe I can ask my sister. if she can see if anyone stole any money for my company. it can't hurt to check after all." she says to her boyfriend but knew. someday she would have to demote are fire some people. it only would matter on how they do their job the right way are not. Jany wanted to make her family feel safe at her company. if they chose to stop by for a visit.


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