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stilettolover is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:06 AM

Your theater doesn't offer close caption viewings? =\ That's cruddy.

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ProdigyBombay is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by crazymuch
Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
Originally Posted by Azure
  • rofl, i shoved her into 1st post here 8D
    *yay me; shot*

    ooh nice comments about 300.. i want watch it when it comes out in DVD <3
Dude, fuck that DVD shitte, seriously!

You need to see this movi in theaters. I think seeing it on a small screen will just take away from the visual beauty of it. It is a very visual movie, and needs to be seen on a big screen! Trust me!
I'm thinking I'd have to agree ... movies like this where they are supposed to be so visually stunning .. you really need to see them in the theater. I know watching the Lord of the Rings movies on the big screen was SO worth it, even though I did buy the movies, there is just something about seeing it on the giant screen ... so wonderful. And if you go during the week at an early afternoon showing, you should get a buck or two off the ticket price and the theater mostly to yourself.
Yeahh, not to mention, there's just something fun about seeing a movie in a crowded theater w/ a really good crowd going, so everyone cheers, jeers, laughs, and cries at the same time. It kinda builds on the whole experiences. XP Although the opposite could happen in theatres too, ie screaming and crying babies or someone kicking your chair. o.o;; ick...

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:08 AM

Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
Oh, I did not know.

Probably not. I have yet to hear about an closed caption movie theater.

If anything, the volume is loud enough to feel there, and the dialouge reall is not that great. Great material to make fun of though.
OH! I LOVE going to movies where I get to mock the dialogue!!! SOOO much fun!

Yeah, I really hate it when people bring babies and small children to adult movies ... I am so glad I did not have to be a parent to the kids in the front row of watching "Me, Myself, and Irene" about all the sex and sex toys talk ... oh holy mama!!

Azure is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:11 AM

  • yeah they dont have any closed captions in this state at all.. and im trying to get some laws to look over that and make it into law to enforce all theaters to have them set up for deaf viewers who like movies.. i might ask some connections of mine to help me out. :)

    thanks for all of ur thoughts about that 300, and i got some mixed reviews about it on other sites as well, rofl.

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by crazymuch
Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
Oh, I did not know.

Probably not. I have yet to hear about an closed caption movie theater.

If anything, the volume is loud enough to feel there, and the dialouge reall is not that great. Great material to make fun of though.
OH! I LOVE going to movies where I get to mock the dialogue!!! SOOO much fun!
This is Menewsha!
This is where I post!
This is where I earn gold!

Yeah, aloing those lines of dialouge. Except the wife Gogro has some awesome lines. Ah, the joy of strong female characters.

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:13 AM

Originally Posted by Azure
  • yeah they dont have any closed captions in this state at all.. and im trying to get some laws to look over that and make it into law to enforce all theaters to have them set up for deaf viewers who like movies.. i might ask some connections of mine to help me out. :)

    thanks for all of ur thoughts about that 300, and i got some mixed reviews about it on other sites as well, rofl.
well, glad anything I might have said may or may not have been helpful!! :lol:

I can't take advice so well on most movies because I tend to like movies for different reasons than others and movies most others hate, I might like because maybe I see a bit of myself in a character or something. Some movies I even like because even though the movie sucks, the music and scenery is awesome. I'm weird.

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stilettolover is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:14 AM

That really sucks, Azure. =\ I didn't realize it was a problem for people. All the theaters around here offer CC viewings. One theater even has special seating so you don't get jerks who complain about there being captions on the screen.

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
Originally Posted by crazymuch
Originally Posted by AkashaHeartilly
Oh, I did not know.

Probably not. I have yet to hear about an closed caption movie theater.

If anything, the volume is loud enough to feel there, and the dialouge reall is not that great. Great material to make fun of though.
OH! I LOVE going to movies where I get to mock the dialogue!!! SOOO much fun!
This is Menewsha!
This is where I post!
This is where I earn gold!

Yeah, aloing those lines of dialouge. Except the wife Gogro has some awesome lines. Ah, the joy of strong female characters.
Oh my Lord!! *cackles* I should TOTALLY talk like that all day tomorrow to my son and see how long it takes him to ask me what's wrong!! :lol:

ooh, hey, I'm all distracted ... apparently that shower made my rings all shiny ... look .. SHINY!!! *turns hand this way and that*

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:17 AM

I have no clue about the closed captions with my theaters. I know they are ran from a corparation somewhere up in oregon.

Which sucks, because thy got rid of the mid-night movies at one of the theaters. It would play these random mid-night movies, and it was an awesome cheap way to spend friday or saturday for under $10. But alas, corprates suxxors!

I should look into if our theaters do have closed captions or not. Hmm, I'll ask a friend fo mine who use to work there.

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eliechan is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:19 AM

wow this thread has so many pages!

i'm so amazed! does anyone know how much longer this event will last? i haven't been online much this weekend and the times that i actually have been online then i get an error message every time i come to the homepage. o.o;;

Evil Overlord
Seito is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:19 AM

I don't have closed captions here, I think. I dunno the only movies where I saw had, were the ones were they'll be saying something in a different language. (Like someone is suddenly speaking Japanese or Spanish for a part of the movie).

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:20 AM

I think I shall also look into whether or not our theaters have closed captioning or not, though I'm betting they don't. I have been to a showing there like 5 or 6 times and don't recall seeing anything about any movie being offered in CC ... which is also a major reason I wait for movies to come out on DVD ... but again, I go with like my sister to see the ones that are just gorgeous to watch, then when I buy it, I get to find out what was really said and whatnot if I didn't catch it. My hearing does pretty good in those loud theaters.

Originally Posted by eliechan
wow this thread has so many pages!

i'm so amazed! does anyone know how much longer this event will last? i haven't been online much this weekend and the times that i actually have been online then i get an error message every time i come to the homepage. o.o;;
well, it's after midnight where I am, and the 18th (sunday) was the last day of the event ... so, where I am it's now the 19th ... I can only assume the event is mostly over, but as long as the event store is still open, you should still have a chance to buy things.

I need to resist the urge to post so much ... I have to recall there aren't many of us awake and online right now ... sorry for the double post.

Never mind, I just tagged the two posts together. All better now.

Azure is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:24 AM

  • it will be awesome for ya'all to research for me so i can gather some sources and credit ya'all for them for me to provide to georgia's law maker to make this enforced for us to enjoy movies equally as hearing people does. :)

    i will call that friend of mine who did all works to make library's law enforced to have ASL (american sign language) videos and such to be up for to be rented if people are interested into learn ASL. :D shes awesome and she taught me ASL/English signings when i was two years old.. feel like shes my 2nd mother, hehe. <3

    enough rambles, will call her and see what she can do to make this come true for us. *thumbs up*

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:27 AM

All I know in ASL is the alphabet and I can only do that really slow. Oh and I kind of remember "let's make babies" and "not masterbatin g on the bus."

I had friends who worked with mentally disabled adults, and on of the things was some of them would try and do that on the bus. Yeah, was interesting.

Well, that is good of you for having actual connections. And I think it is crappy that the library there does not offer anything for ASL learning. I know our local college offers ASL classes, and they are USC/US approved second language classes.

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by Azure
it will be awesome for ya'all to research for me so i can gather some sources and credit ya'all for them for me to provide to georgia's law maker to make this enforced for us to enjoy movies equally as hearing people does. :)

i will call that friend of mine who did all works to make library's law enforced to have ASL (american sign language) videos and such to be up for to be rented if people are interested into learn ASL. :D shes awesome and she taught me ASL/English signings when i was two years old.. feel like shes my 2nd mother, hehe. <3

enough rambles, will call her and see what she can do to make this come true for us. *thumbs up*
I'm sorry, I hate to use this word, but I "assumed" that under the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) every business in every state in the US had to make "reasonable accomodations" for people with disabilities. That is why I get to take my Service Dog with me wherever I go. They should have Closed Captioning movie theaters available to you. You should seriously look into that. ((by the way, I had to change the color of your post, I just can hardly read that color you keep using, though pretty it is to look at))

I just looked into it, and movie theaters are not required to have closed captioning ... but I found a letter to a stateman from an attorney pushing for it.

.:Edit 2:.

here is an awesome story in Business Weekly written in November of 2001 about it.

Azure is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:33 AM

  • eee~ want me darken the font color? o.o;

    and yeah i need ask her to check few theater's ADA since i live near mall here and she live near other one on island.. but i love go to island everyday and prefer go to theater there instead of here. D;

    @ Akasha; that good and maybe try to learn more slowly each day and such like that..? maybe start with ABCs.. from slow to fast speed and numbers too? it will be good start to learn ASL with them first. :) (just advice; dont have to do it <3)

    yeah our schools already approved the ASL as foreign language course for credits in highschool.. but dont know about lower schools (elementary, middle, etc.) though.

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by Azure
  • eee~ want me darken the font color? o.o;

    and yeah i need ask her to check few theater's ADA since i live near mall here and she live near other one on island.. but i love go to island everyday and prefer go to theater there instead of here. D;

    @ Akasha; that good and maybe try to learn more slowly each day and such like that..? maybe start with ABCs.. from slow to fast speed and numbers too? it will be good start to learn ASL with them first. :) (just advice; dont have to do it <3)

    yeah our schools already approved the ASL as foreign language course for credits in highschool.. but dont know about lower schools (elementary, middle, etc.) though.
you may not have seen it, but I posted this link to a really good businessweek article from Nov. 2001 about how movie theaters get past the ADA ... I think right now it's a matter of awareness.

Also this is an article of different things a movie theater could do to be more accessable to people with disabilities which you could use to list possible solutions when you discuss the unfairness of it all with your powerful friends or whatever you chose to do.

I have had to fight long and hard these past 2 years to get my rights which the ADA and Housing Authority lay out clearly for myself and my Service Animals, so I can understand the fight you are about to go through.

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Man is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:37 AM

Sorry I disappeared. I'm talking to Condi on the phone. :3;;

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:39 AM

Originally Posted by Man
Sorry I disappeared. I'm talking to Condi on the phone. :3;;
I was wondering what happened! Don't say anything bad about me!! :blush: Just kidding!

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:41 AM

hmm, It's been a while since i practice. I learned the alphabet at a young age.

My mom knows ASL and use to teach it in the after school program when I was a kid. Was not that interested in learning back then, but I did pick up the alphabet.

My mom actually wanted to be an interperred but when she was in colelge, she was dennied because she did not know anyone who was actually deaf. Her job now has actually been letting her go and learn at the college so she can havean actual degree to get a job with it.

Hmm, i should go pactice, but I also need to work on my japanese.

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Man is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:41 AM

Haha, of course not. xD <3 So what's been going on? O:

The Origional
crazymuch is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:44 AM

Originally Posted by Man
Haha, of course not. xD <3 So what's been going on? O:
oh, just talking to Azure about whether or not it's worth it to go to the theater to watch 300 then we found out his real problem is that he's deaf and his local movie theaters don't offer closed captioning so I was doing a bit of research on ADA laws and what Azure can use as fuel against those theaters. Also, he'd like for us to find out if the theaters around us offer closed captioning so he can say they have it here or there when he goes to talk to Georgia legislature about it.

And then we were also talking a bit about sign language ... which, sadlty, I have forgotten far more than I ever knew ... I think I know negative amounts of sign language now ...

Azure is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:46 AM

  • sorry if i offend you in any way crazymuch.. im curious, what reason for service animals to be with you? *shot self before face your wrath Dx*

    and thanks for those links, will read them when im not sleepy and bitchy mood atm (still abit pissy with theaters </3)..

    @ Akasha; ooh ask ur mom to teach you some and put ur skills in test to improve your skills and feel proud of you :)

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AkashaHeartilly is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:48 AM

hmm, I have. I've gone through her books to try ad learn. one day I'll take it down more. But right now, not interested that much. I eed to, cause every so often I get a gentleman who comes into my job who is deaf. Would be nice if I could try and take his order with out him writing everything down. but I think that will take a lot of learning.

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Man is offline
Old 03-19-2007, 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by crazymuch
oh, just talking to Azure about whether or not it's worth it to go to the theater to watch 300 then we found out his real problem is that he's deaf and his local movie theaters don't offer closed captioning so I was doing a bit of research on ADA laws and what Azure can use as fuel against those theaters. Also, he'd like for us to find out if the theaters around us offer closed captioning so he can say they have it here or there when he goes to talk to Georgia legislature about it.

And then we were also talking a bit about sign language ... which, sadlty, I have forgotten far more than I ever knew ... I think I know negative amounts of sign language now ...
Ah, I see. o_o Pretty eventful. I'm pretty sure the theatres around do not offer closed captioning, except on foreign movies. v_v;

I was never taught any sign language. D:


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